Youth Club Rugby: DRSU takes on the Bulls & Pretoria Harlequins


The DRSU are playing the Blue Bulls and the DRSU invitation sides are playing Pretoria Harlequins.  Fixtures below:

Venue: Varsity College       Date: 05 October






DRSU vs Bulls



DRSU vs Bulls



DRSU vs Bulls



DRSU vs Bulls



DRSU vs Bulls






DRSU  Inv vs PTA Harlequins



DRSU  Inv vs PTA Harlequins



DRSU  Inv vs PTA Harlequins



DRSU  Inv vs PTA Harlequins



DRSU  Inv vs PTA Harlequins


  1. avatar
    #12 CyndiAtRugby

    U15 0 – 14
    U16 15-19

    The DRSU U16s were winning right up until the final minutes – they lost focus (possibly celebrating too early when they saw how little time was remaining) and the Bulls scored.

    7 October, 2013 at 13:40
  2. avatar
    #11 Rugger fan

    Missing U15 and U16 scores (DRSU first):

    U13 10 – 10
    U14 0 – 49
    U15 ??
    U16 ??
    U18 16 – 22

    The invitation sides vs Harlequins all seemed one way towards the Pretoria team (most DRSU inv teams had not even practiced togetehr before the game). But I did see the U14 put up some serious competition.

    7 October, 2013 at 11:35
  3. avatar
    #10 Buffel

    The curtain has come down on a very busy season for the DRSU boys. A full school programme of 15 a side, 7’s and club fixtures has left the boys in need of a good break and recoup before the 2014 rolls around. In the final fixture played at the Riverside complex, DRSU U18’s had another battle against the boys from up North but came out on the losing end,22-16 with the Durban boys camping in the Bulls 22 for the last 15 minutes but could not break through. Well done to all concerned on a well run club season which culminated in the u18’s playing at Ellis Park in the main curtain raiser to the Lions/WP game. Let us get a turn to play at home next season infront of the Durban faithful . It will give the detractors an insight into how competitive and skillful the Club boys are.

    7 October, 2013 at 07:37
  4. avatar
    #9 CyndiAtRugby

    @Buffel: You will have to shout the Bok scores at me every time I walk past :lol:

    4 October, 2013 at 12:12
  5. avatar
    #8 Buffel

    @CyndiAtRugby: Well said Cyndi. The standard of the IPT is right up there with the best and it gives those boys that slip through the cracks a chance to shine and noticed. Added to this, the boys that play want to be there where as at school it is forced on them in some cases. The standard of coaching is of a very high standard and the boys learn a lot that they don’t get at school. As far as the timing is concerned-16h30 is an odd time . Surely these games could have been staggered. Some on Saturday and the balance on Sunday. PVR hear we come. There is going to be a great atmoshere at Riverside with the Test and u18’s playing at the same time. The pub will be packed with Bulls and Bok supporters not to metion the DRSU faithful.

    4 October, 2013 at 09:56
  6. avatar
    #7 CyndiAtRugby

    @Oldie: Club rugby also gives the boys from all schools an equal opportunity to get to play against the likes of the Bulls and Valke. There were a few of the older boys who attended their first rugby tour ever last week and it was amazing to see how passionately they contributed to the game.

    As a participant, observer and parent, I am very impressed with the dedication, effort, energy and passion of the entire DRSU body when it comes to this annual tournament. It is hard work, the coaches, managers and medical staff put in leave to be with our boys, they put up with the shennanigans that happen when you put over 100 teenage boys between the age of 11 and 18 together for a week for no pay whatsoever … and they do it all again next year.
    I stand to be corrected but I doubt there is anything like this anywhere else in SA rugby. 5 age groups, boys from many different schools, different provinces all gathering for 5 rugby games in a week. It is hard work for the boys but most of them will tell you its worth it.

    4 October, 2013 at 08:57
  7. avatar
    #6 Amalekite

    @Westers: Kind of silly if you ask me. They should play from early Sunday morning. They could be done by 2pm so that the Pretoria boys could catch their bus back.

    3 October, 2013 at 13:17
  8. avatar
    #5 Oldie

    @Westers, @Boishaaipa: As far as I know, the times are so that it stays outside the school sports in the morning. The games already clash with water polo as well. Club rugby is forced to take place in the 3rd term, as they are not allowed to play during the high school season.

    @Scrum Doctor: Not sure when you last attended club trials, but they are way better run than CW. While I’m sure someone somewhere is unhappy, I certainly thought the last trials were fair and the right boys were picked.

    3 October, 2013 at 08:30
  9. avatar
    #4 Scrum Doctor

    @BoishaaiPa: Agreed – the boys already play too much rugby . The body needs time to rest ! Lets face it most of the top schoolboy players dont give too much attention to club rugby especially hear in KZN as the selections are a little dodgy to say the least ( with a few notable exceptions) . Play cricket or go to the beach – your body will thank you halfway through next season !

    3 October, 2013 at 08:05
  10. avatar
    #3 BoishaaiPa

    Someone should inform the Last Outpost and Tswanetoria that club and schoolboy rugby season is done and dusted in the rest of SA…its now Snr Provincial and Test rugby time!..The boys should be playing cricket and focus on exams!

    3 October, 2013 at 07:50
  11. avatar
    #2 Westers

    Why play the main game at 4:30pm? The clash with the biggest test match of the year will probably keep many potential spectators away.

    Why not schedule the U13 games at a different venue (nearby) and move all the other games forward by an hour?

    Nevertheless, further good experience for all the boys.

    3 October, 2013 at 06:40
  12. avatar
    #1 burra

    This is great for kzn especially for the invitational teams. Will be a great day of rugby.

    3 October, 2013 at 05:54

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