Mission on track

Clifton College – Boarding Facility

As part of an effort to become more competitive, Clifton has build and opened a boarding establishment. They can now expand their horizons from being a local community based school to to attracting boys from further away to their college. They have ±50 students in the BE at present and are growing.

Still very much in their infancy, Clifton is only 20 years old. It is a numbers game and the BE will have a positive impact on that in the short term but attracting quality players and retaining them them is all about funding.

Menlopark – Athletics Track

Menlo’s brand spanking new 8-lane athletics track looks so awesome. The athletes recorded a win for the Pretoria school in the Top 15 event at Noordheuwel and there is confidence that the u19 relay teams that contain several rugby players can beat Affies for the first time in many years.

The blue tartan track has been described as “the best marketing tool” – everyone visiting the school is very impressed and the applications by u13 athletes slash rugby players to be part of Menlo in 2025 are flooding in.



Paul Roos’ quest to find a new rector begins

Following closely on the heels of the announcement that Paarl Gim has a new headmaster, comes news that fellow Winelands’ powerhouse, Paul Roos’ likeable leader Andre van Staden will reach the compulsory retirement age of 65 later this year. Andre took over the reins from Jannie van der Westhuizen in 2017 after being the head of Pearson in Gqeberha before that. So the process to identify top candidates for this highly sort after position is underway.



  1. avatar
    #22 Ploegskaar

    @kantako (Comment #19)
    Don’t know if he coached SA Schools to be honest, but a sports guy for sure. Know he played cricket for Boland in the early 90’s and was a teacher at Hoërskool President around that time. Did good work at Jeppe as well of course. Definitely an HM that would add value at any school and personally thought he would have been a great fit for Landbou

    16 February, 2024 at 15:26
  2. avatar
    #21 Kantman

    We are blessed with great schools and magnificent school grounds.

    15 February, 2024 at 22:32
  3. avatar
    #20 4×4

    Menlo’s tartan track is imposing! I do not doubt that Menlo will win the Under 19 relay this year! They have 2 flyers running 10.4 seconds. They may cherish the win!

    15 February, 2024 at 19:43
  4. avatar
    #19 kantako

    @Ploegskaar (Comment #18)
    Rugby guy. Think he also coached SA schools in his time.

    15 February, 2024 at 17:12
  5. avatar
    #18 Ploegskaar

    @kantako (Comment #15)
    Yes, Janse van der Ryst

    15 February, 2024 at 14:31
  6. avatar
    #17 Grasshopper

    @Skywalker (Comment #11)
    It’s a dump, not sure how people say it’s upmarket. I was in that road in Oct visiting a friend, the rubbish has crept up the road from the stadium. Got a pie at Bread ahead, had to seriously watch my back. Durban is not the Durban i remember from the 90s. My wife used to live in Currie Rd in the hey day, above Barry Richard’s parents. She was shocked too. I think it’s perspective coming from the 1st world. Maybe Saffas abroad are sending kids to SA privates as they are cheaper & good value for money. Eton & Harrow here are £45k a year, that’s over a million rand before extras. My kids are in an excellent Ofsted school, very happy. When we were in SA they were about 3 years ahead in standard vs their old SA friends…a friend of mines son moved from Glenwood to Clifton late 2023, I think on a sports & academic bursary. A good rugby player lost to Glenwood, can’t compete…

    15 February, 2024 at 10:53
  7. avatar
    #16 beet

    @Ploegskaar (Comment #14)

    Agreed. Very good headmaster at Queen’s. Today someone shared some of the positives happening at QC. Very encouraging news.

    14 February, 2024 at 21:49
  8. avatar
    #15 kantako

    @Ploegskaar (Comment #14)
    Is the HM still Janse vd Hyst ?

    14 February, 2024 at 17:12
  9. avatar
    #14 Ploegskaar

    @RuggaFreak (Comment #2)
    Queens are fortunate to have an exceptional HM at the moment. Not a man known for sitting on his hands.

    14 February, 2024 at 15:32
  10. avatar
    #13 Deon

    @Smallies (Comment #9)
    Grey het fantastiese skoolgronde. Herinner op baie maniere aan Boland Landbou se mooi skoolgronde, en die manne van Garcia Pas sn is self smart.

    Jislike ou, Grey/Vrystaat ens se wintervelde is grasgroen en sag soos n donsmatras in vergelyking met Hondeklipbaai se veld. Onmoontlik om te verduidelik.

    14 February, 2024 at 13:33
  11. avatar
    #12 beet

    @Grasshopper (Comment #10)
    Strangely enough private education in KZN seems to be doing okay. Kearsney was able to get 30%, Michaelhouse also expanded a bit. Clifton first try have already got 50 boarders. Their market research obviously showed that the boarding establishment was a good investment.
    Also the road Clifton is in must surely rate amongst the highest in Durban for new construction over the past couple of years. Property developers are snatching up any land they can get their hands on in that area and a lot of the time they are looking to put up upmarket apartments. Difficult to say if that investor confidence will remain but for now it that aspect does look rosy for CC. The compo maybe not so great if they are still looking to buy more properties around the school for expansion purposes

    14 February, 2024 at 12:25
  12. avatar
    #11 Skywalker

    @Grasshopper (Comment #10)
    Surprisingly a lot still. I dont know what they do for a living though! But agree the public schools are benefitting especially with the current economic environment. The area is still good. DPHS also helping to keep things alright in that area, along with Marist Stella and DGC. Agree though, ideally they should be trying to move the school North, but not sure where and how that would ever be possible. It will hold still for now. But yes, one wonders what the Berea and Morningside will be like in 20-30 years from now.

    14 February, 2024 at 08:59
  13. avatar
    #10 Grasshopper

    Who has the money in Durban to pay for a private school BE? Also, not exactly a great area anymore. Best of luck findiing paying parents

    13 February, 2024 at 21:36
  14. avatar
    #9 Smallies

    @Deon (Comment #7)ja nee Grey se rugby velde in die winter is nie vir pissies nie…@Deon (Comment #7)
    Burgersdorp sin vroer jare aan die einde van Augustus was net grond en papier dorings ,die dorings het gedubble up as gras

    13 February, 2024 at 16:23
  15. avatar
    #8 Smallies

    @Deon (Comment #7)ja nee Grey se rugby velde in die winter is nie vir pissies nie…

    13 February, 2024 at 16:20
  16. avatar
    #7 Deon

    @Smallies (Comment #3)
    GCB se rugbyvelde in die winter lyk soos Hondeklipbaai en Grootmis s’n lyk in hoogsomer. Behalwe julle pale is nie van hout nie. Dink ek….

    13 February, 2024 at 15:42
  17. avatar
    #6 Skywalker

    @KatzRugga (Comment #5)
    Exactly. I believe that most if not all of that juniour team has stayed at Clifton so will be interesting to watch them progress now at High School. Their 1st team in the high school is certainly starting to challenge a few bigger schools and already caused a few upsets as you mentioned, and like you say in 5 years time, 10, 15 who knows how far they could go with even stronger talent. Also it only takes 1 or 2 top sporting boys from DPHS for example who would normally have gone to Kearsney, to go to Clifton and other parents may think twice and slowly the tide can turn. Will be watching this space…

    13 February, 2024 at 08:39
  18. avatar
    #5 KatzRugga

    @Skywalker (Comment #1)
    100% Correct.
    Had You asked a Kearsney Old Boy only 5 years back if Clifton would ever become a real force on the rugby field they would probably have laughed it off.
    As it stand Clifton suddenly has a lot to offer all round. The year gone past Clifton’s Primary school beat DPHS 1st and 2nd team. Wonder how many boys Clifton managed to retain?
    Two years back Clifton High School pipped Kearsney. Who dare guess where they might be in another 3-5 Years from now?

    12 February, 2024 at 21:31
  19. avatar
    #4 RuggaFreak

    @Smallies (Comment #3)
    True, they look after their facilities very well. Exciting to see what’s more to come with their vision 175 project !

    12 February, 2024 at 12:17
  20. avatar
    #3 Smallies

    @RuggaFreak (Comment #2)
    I’ve long held the veiw that the facilities at Queens are some of the best in the country ,even rivaling that of Grey Kollege

    12 February, 2024 at 11:41
  21. avatar
    #2 RuggaFreak

    Queen’s College new 8 lane tartan track also deserves a shout out, watch the space!

    12 February, 2024 at 11:36
  22. avatar
    #1 Skywalker


    The building of the Clifton College BE is a big step towards them becoming more competitive. It now means they can seek the best talent from anywhere, and house them, which is key to building sport depth and strength. They will benefit massively, because up untill now if you lived in Durban and wanted a private all boys school, the closest was Kearsney, and then St Charles, Hilton and Michaelhouse. I think many may now choose to have their boys closer to home at Clifton, espcially if their rugby is starting to grow in stature (Their Waterpolo, Hockey and Cricket are all good).
    This is particularly strategic as KZN is also seeing this massive migration of families up the North Coast to the housing estates from Sibaya all the way up to Salt Rock. Those areas only have modern newly built schools like Ashton College, so a traditional all boys high school is lacking. Northwood is also benefitting, but if you want private – Clifton will now be the closest/ Expect Kearsney to feel this in a few years time.
    12 February, 2024 at 08:38

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