SBR combo rankings – 18 May 2013

After receiving a request from one of the two websites not to compare their rankings to others, that project along with the Thumbsuck for 2013 has been scrapped in favour of this new initiate which combines the Top 20 rankings of 5 different websites including the well respected BHP model used on this site. The results were arrived at using a weighting and are quite interest as it seems to produce a fairly accurate Top 30.

From Statistician: There is a 55% agreement between the 5 rankings – not too bad, but also not very good. Just shows the difference in opinion is very big.

1 Paarl Gim 98
2 Affies 97
3 Outeniqua 90
4 Grey College 85
5 Nelspruit 69
6 EG Jansen 68
7 Garsfontein 57
8 HJS Paarl BH 55
9 Waterkloof 53
10 Kearsney 51
11 St Andrews 48
12 HTS Middelburg 47
13 Monnas 37
14 Glenwood 35
15 Pretoria BH 34
16 Rondebosch 32
17 Westville 21
18 Noord-Kaap 17
19 Die Brandwag 14
20 Grey HS 10
21 Menlopark 6
22 M.College 5
23 Marlow 5
24 Kempton Park 4
25 Oakdale 3
26 Transvalia 3
27 Centurion 2
28 Paul Roos 2
29 Drostdy 2
30 Boland Landbou 0


  1. avatar
    #40 Predator

    Very good rating for the top 5.

    25 May, 2013 at 06:02
  2. avatar
    #39 Rugbyman

    Tx… wou net die regstelling maak dataffies nie teen garsies se 2de span gespeel het nie…

    24 May, 2013 at 13:54
  3. avatar
    #38 JPS_10

    Die tellings tussen Garsfontein en Affies kan gesien word op onder
    2013/Ander Spanne

    24 May, 2013 at 13:40
  4. avatar
    #37 Rugbyman

    @BoishaaiPa: Asks the know it all of schools ranking and rugby… BHP himself! Maybe we should change your name to “God of Rugby”….

    24 May, 2013 at 09:26
  5. avatar
    #36 Rugbyman

    @Affies: Haai Affie, net so regstellingtjie of twee….

    Affies se 4des het teen Garsies se 3des/4des mengsel gespeel en NIE hulle 2des nie… Die laer spanne het affies se b-spanne teen garsies se b-spanne gespeel:

    o/16B Affies wen 26 – 3
    o/15B Affies wen 20 – 10

    Nie seker vd ander tellings nie…

    24 May, 2013 at 09:23
  6. avatar
    #35 CharlesZA

    Any place where i can find the full results of all these teams? Maybe have a big results post with it all in.

    23 May, 2013 at 09:54
  7. avatar
    #34 Queenian

    Best raking i have seen so far

    23 May, 2013 at 09:07
  8. avatar
    #33 BoishaaiPa

    @BoishaaiPa: That is the result I was missing…

    23 May, 2013 at 08:16
  9. avatar
    #32 BoishaaiPa

    @beet: Good win against Glenwood….

    23 May, 2013 at 08:15
  10. avatar
    #31 beet

    @BoishaaiPa: RE: GARSFONTEIN

    Perceptions weigh in very heavily when a formula isn’t used. They were high even on the SBR Thumbsuck. This was because of margin of the victories they have achieved suggests they are a very good team and I think 4 of the 5 ranking systems look at it from that point of view.

    In games vs Nellies, Jansies and Klofies, they came away WITHOUT victories.

    In no specific order, here are the Garsfontein results:

    Garsfontein 106 7 Golden Lions Inv
    Garsfontein 59 7 Potch Volkskool
    Garsfontein 61 21 Klerksdorp
    Garsfontein 48 26 Glenwood
    Garsfontein 45 15 Transvalia
    Garsfontein 55 20 Ermelo
    Garsfontein 61 21 Centurion
    Garsfontein 36 36 EG Jansen
    Garsfontein 34 36 Waterkloof
    Parktown 5 109 Garsfontein
    Lichtenburg 0 80 Garsfontein
    Nelspruit 27 22 Garsfontein
    Marais Viljoen 19 50 Garsfontein

    23 May, 2013 at 08:03
  11. avatar
    #30 BoishaaiPa

    @beet: Who have Garsfontein really beaten to deserve such a high ranking?..Centurion?

    23 May, 2013 at 07:46
  12. avatar
    #29 Predator

    @JPS_10: Hierdie kan dalk die jaar wees wat Kwaggas die ding kan doen. Kwaggas het eintlik so 5 jaar terug begin om die rugby met ‘n ernstiger benadering aan te pak. Dit word ook weerspieel in die SWD spanne oor die laaste paar jaar. Lekker om te sien dat ‘n baie klein unie soos SWD die grotes kan aanvat. Die nadeel hiervan is dat ons geen kompetisie in die area het behalwe Oakdale nie. Dit veroorsaak dat ons gereeld baie ver moet ry om die seuns sterker kompetisie te kan gee. Die Suid Kaap is onder geweldige finansiele druk en die skool wend elke jaar ‘n groot poging aan om die fondse te bekom om die kinders te kan blootstelling gee. Om in die Premier liga te speel is ‘n groot prestasie maar kom teen ‘n groot prys. Haal my hoed af vir die bestuur en afrigters van hierdie puik skool.

    22 May, 2013 at 22:23
  13. avatar
    #28 Affies

    @JPS_10, ja dankie, het gaan kyk op daardie webtuiste, baie deeglik gedoen,

    22 May, 2013 at 21:05
  14. avatar
    #27 bhkgpa

    @JPS_10: dankie waardeer die moeite

    22 May, 2013 at 20:55
  15. avatar
    #26 JPS_10

    @bhkgpa: Geen rekord van wedstryd gespeel in 1985 teen die Kwaggas nie. Het wel teen Oudtshoorn gespeel en gewen 33 – 0. Het net teen PBHS en Menlopark in 1985 verloor. In totaal het Affies 20 wedstryde gespeel en 18 gewen.

    22 May, 2013 at 20:47
  16. avatar
    #25 JPS_10

    As jy wil sien wat die stand van sake is teen ander skole gaan na – Skole teen Gespeel/Alfabeties of Opsomming

    22 May, 2013 at 20:30
  17. avatar
    #24 bhkgpa

    @JPS_10: ek is seker affies het in 1985 teen Kwaggas op George gespeel en verloor, dink met 2 of 3 punte, nie doodseker nie

    22 May, 2013 at 20:27
  18. avatar
    #23 bhkgpa

    @wakker akker: ek reken dit sal maar knor om gim op hulle veld te trap. Bosch sal iets spesiaal moet doen. Glo gim sal hierdie een wen.

    22 May, 2013 at 20:24
  19. avatar
    #22 Affies

    Affies het vandag teen Garsfontein gespeel in vriendskaplike wedstryde op Harlequins en Pretoria rugby club se velde.’n Totaal van 9 wedstryde is gespeel en tellings waarvan ek weet loop as volg : AHS 8stes vs Garsies 5des, Affies wen 37-14. AHS 6des vs Garsies 4des, Affies wen 10-5. AHS 4des vs Garsies 2des, Affies wen 22-21. Die res van die wedstryde was almal laer spanne.

    22 May, 2013 at 20:23
  20. avatar
    #21 Affies

    @JPS, dankie ou maat, hoe is dit dan dat daar so min wedstryde tussen Affies en Paarl Gim gespeel is as die eerste wedstryd al in 1967 was, hoe lyk Affies se stats teen Monnas, ek kan dalk verkeerd wees, maar so vêr ek weet is dit net teen Grey College waar Affies minder wedstryde al gewen het? Teen die res van die skole in die land het ons ‘n positiewe wen persentasie, of gelyk soos met Paarl Gim nou.

    22 May, 2013 at 20:09
  21. avatar
    #20 JPS_10

    Volgens die inligting wat ek het , het Affies nog nooit teen Outenoqua verloor nie 4 gespeel 4 gewen. Eerste wedstryd gespeel in 2004
    Affies het in 2009 teen Paarl Gim verloor 16 – 22.
    13 Wedstryde gespeel tot op datum. Affies en PG wen elkeen 6 en 1 was gelykop. Eerste wedstryd gespeel in 1967

    22 May, 2013 at 20:02
  22. avatar
    #19 Affies

    Kan enige iemand vir my sê wanneer laas Affies teen Paarl Gim en Outeniqua verloor het, moes voor 2009 gewees het, tot daar het ek alle Witbulle statistieke.

    22 May, 2013 at 19:43
  23. avatar
    #18 Ploegskaar

    And before I forget, for those that think I am a ref basher, Maroon and I only disagreed on one call (tackle release) on Saturday. Well done Mr Ref.

    22 May, 2013 at 19:33
  24. avatar
    #17 Ploegskaar

    @beet: Understood and agreed, just putting it in perspective. Many regular season and Cape Schools games to come still, so hopefully they can achieve their average by season’s end :wink:

    22 May, 2013 at 19:19
  25. avatar
    #16 beet

    @Ploegskaar: According to BHP’s 4+ year analysis BL are a Top 20 team on average. Thats why I say they are below their average.

    22 May, 2013 at 19:13
  26. avatar
    #15 beet

    @Tjoppa: Affies are more or less right where I and most others expect them to be: near or at the top. So no they are not overachievers :-x

    22 May, 2013 at 19:11
  27. avatar
    #14 Ploegskaar

    @beet: I don’t think Boland has been below average or erratic as described on 365 this season. They have started every single game with a minimum of 4 and as much as 9 first choice players out, while losing game breaker Charlton Fortune even before the season to a severe knee injury. With their small numbers this obviously affects them more than other schools, so to my mind they are overachieving. I was more surprised than anyone that they got the win Saturday, but it also shows what the 4 back from the 9 out the previous week adds to the team. They will have all 15 first choice players on the field at some stage this season, which will probably lead to more consistent surprises. For the jubilant bunch that beat them this season, frame the photo, and fore those still to play them, who knows what can happen. All I know is that I am looking forward to the rest of the Boland season.

    22 May, 2013 at 18:43
  28. avatar
    #13 wakker akker

    Enige iemand wat weet hoe proewe tussen WP en Boland afgeloop het

    22 May, 2013 at 18:10
  29. avatar
    #12 wakker akker

    @Tjoppa: @Tjoppa: Julle mos altyd daar.Weet net hoe

    22 May, 2013 at 18:05
  30. avatar
    #11 Tjoppa

    @beet: AND AFFIES?

    22 May, 2013 at 17:40
  31. avatar
    #10 beet

    It’s been a rollercoaster ride Western Cape season. I don’t think many expected Paul Roos to be so low down. Even Boland Landbou below their average. Teams like SACS and Wynberg are very unpredictable.

    The Noordvaal on the other hand is very competitive near the top this year. Jansies, Nellies, Garsies and HTS all in the Top 10. I don’t think too many people would have guessed that either. Definite overachievers. But maybe a sign of the changing times.

    22 May, 2013 at 17:36
  32. avatar
    #9 BOG


    22 May, 2013 at 17:25
  33. avatar
    #8 Grasshopper

    Spot on list, this is how i would rank the teams now. Great stuff!

    22 May, 2013 at 17:04
  34. avatar
    #7 Woltrui


    22 May, 2013 at 16:58
  35. avatar
    #6 BOG

    @Woltrui: Siestog Wolboudjies, het die suster weer jou speelgord weg geneem? Miskien kan jy vir ons n opbrengs van Springbokke gee om dit wat jy se, te bevestig.

    22 May, 2013 at 16:54
  36. avatar
    #5 Woltrui

    @Tjoppa: Tjoppie, you got a point there. Statistically proven that Noordvaal is the best rugby region in the country. Ag shame. Even Noord Kaap has better stats than the Freestate.

    22 May, 2013 at 16:43
  37. avatar
    #4 Vleis

    Agreed, the best one that I’ve seen.

    22 May, 2013 at 16:28
  38. avatar
    #3 wakker akker

    DIT wil vir my voorkom of Rondebosh besig is om elke week beter rugby te speel.Saterdag teen Gym gaan vir hulle baie beteken .n Upset is baie groot moontlikheid.IETS OM VIR CRAVENWEEK KEURDERS TE BEWYS

    22 May, 2013 at 16:27
  39. avatar
    #2 Tjoppa

    Verdere ontleding wys

    1-5 6-10 11-20 21-30

    Transvaal 2 3 3 4 12
    Wes Kaap 2 0 2 4 8
    Oos Kaap 0 1 2 1 5
    Natal 0 1 2 1 5
    Vrystaat 1 0 0 0 1
    Noord Kaap 0 0 1 0 1

    Dit wys waar die regte rugby gespeel word.

    22 May, 2013 at 16:27
  40. avatar
    #1 RBugger

    Probably the most fair SBR Table I have seen thus far

    22 May, 2013 at 16:11

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