Bits of SBR news

Selwyn Davids stars for Nico Malan

EP Craven Week 2012 wing Davids, now under-19 contributed 32 points as the Humansdorp school sent a clear signal of early season form with a 68-10 victory over Oudtshoorn. It’s so far so good for the EP region with Framesby and Nico Malan both stepping up. Regional favourites Grey High will start their season this weekend against Kingswood. The venue of that match is to be decided today with plans to have it as a curtain raiser possibly falling away.

John Mitchell helping out at Kingswood

Kingswood from Grahamstown is privileged enough to have the services of international coach John Mitchell on a consulting basis. These days Mitchell earns a lot of respect for the work he does as a pay TV analyst. The technical information he is able to pass on to both the school players and coaches must be invaluable. All providing a lending hand at Kingswood is former Bok centre De Wet Barry.

Monnas wins by 20 points

In relation to some of the other big scores recorded by the likes of rated schools Garsfontein and EG Jansen in the first round of the NuPower Super 16, the Monnas result of 36-16 came as a bit of a surprise. It could also mean that Vereeniging Gim are in for a good season.

Dale, Queen’s and Selborne early impressions

The Border Schools Day proved to be the first opportunity for many locals to suss out the form of the regions three strongest teams. Young Ludz provided this feedback on the matches he’d watched:

Queen’ s: A scrappy affair, fullback looks potent, they stepped up well physically, particularly the backline. A couple of penalties with these okes falling over the ball, so they need to work on that, good touches from the backline and they seem to be gelling well, forwards are small, but physically dominated. Good signs, but it was only Grens, much tougher tests ahead.

Dale: Size is a factor for their forwards and they don’t seem strong in contact, the backline as well lacks game breakers like years gone by, shadow of past backlines. For instance Queen’s also doesn’t have big forwards, but you can see their effective in contact.

Selborne: Big forwards, they gonna be bouncing all these lads in the region all over the place. There’s some very mobile boys which will be a concern for opponents. Backline has some big boys but they’re one dimensional, they don’t exploit space, crash bang boys. You really can’t say too much though. Stirling was physically bullied into submission by half time. Stirling players were not making tackles stick. Defensively Selborne are good and hands were really good for the first game.

Paarl Boys High is in for a tough opening game

In recent years many of the touring schools to SA have found themselves mismatched against our best schools, so it’s refreshing to hear about a visiting school that is able to hold its own against our top Western Cape teams. San Isidro from Buenos Aires in Argentina recorded a useful 17-17 draw against the Drostdy Donkeys of Boland and backed that up with a trial match conditions win against what is building up to be a very good Paul Roos 2013 outfit. Although the latter were still without a number of first choice players, the depth of Paul Roos still means that 9-0 to the Argentine team represents an achievement to be proud of. San Isidro plays HJS today. The touring school is believed to have once had Che Guevara as a centre.

Maritzburg College bring in a rugby consultant

College has beefed up it’s coaching structure for this all-important 150th year. In comes old boy Kevin Smith as a consultant. Smith has an impressive coaching CV due to his wealth of experience.  Joe Morgan and Bruce Henderson will be handling
the 2nd XV but will be very much be part of the 1st XV set up as well. Part of Smith’s scope is to work with all the school coaches.


  1. avatar
    #150 Rugger fan

    Further to this – an ex-French international says doping was rife in the early 80’s in international level.

    Ans also points a finger at players from the Southern Hemisphere as the bigger culprits..

    3 April, 2013 at 14:49
  2. avatar
    #149 Rugger fan

    @beet: Not really SBR related directly. But I saw this on the wore today – and it links to an earlier series of conversations we held.

    Doping in rugby starting to get a higher profile.
    We really need to get the message across to guys at SB level – this is NOT ON!!!!!!

    Rugby returned the highest proportion of positive dope tests in France in 2012, a high-ranking French anti-doping agency (AFLD) official has claimed.

    AFLD director of testing Francoise Lasne told a hearing into the effectiveness of the fight against banned substances in sport that rugby topped the charts ahead of football, athletics, triathlon, basketball, cycling, handball and swimming.

    “I’m interested in all the sports which returned at least 400 samples to us in 2012 in order to arrive at a reliable set of statistics,” Lasne told the inquiry late Wednesday. “Eight sports correspond to this criteria,” she said.

    “If we take into account all the banned molecules present on the World Anti-Doping Agency’s (WADA) list (of banned substances) the sport which registers the highest percentage (of positive tests) is rugby.”

    AFLD director Bruno Genevois, however, told the senate commission that while Lasne’s claim was correct, it had to be put into context.

    He explained: “One has to rely on much more extensive findings taken over a longer time.

    “We know, for example, if we look at WADA’s figures for 2011 in relation to the number of competitors, weightlifting emerges as the sport the most concerned (by positive tests).

    “Furthermore, in 2012, as in 2011, cycling and athletics were grouped together and (this group) were responsible for the most abnormal tests found by the AFLD.”

    According to official AFLD figures, cycling was by far and away the most tested sport in France in 2012.

    In all 1,812 samples were tested, resulting in 14.5 percent of the positive tests ahead of athletics (12.6 percent), rugby (10.4 percent), football (6.8 percent) and triathlon (4.5 percent).

    After cycling, athletics was the second most-controlled sport with 1,164 samples, followed by rugby (588), football (548) and handball (452).

    Genevois told the senate hearing: “What is interesting is that in 2012, as in 2011, we found a pretty high proportion of cannabis and (the steroid) glucocorticoid.”

    In her evidence, Lasne told senators that if non-performance enhancing substances like cannabis were taken out of the equation, rugby was still one of the most affected sports.

    “If one discounts cannabis, rugby remains top of the list, in front of athletics, triathlon, then cycling, swimming, football, basketball and handball,” she declared.

    The French Rugby Federation (FFR) challenged Lasne’s assertion.

    “I am surprised by the way they were presented,” Christian Bagate, who heads the FFR’s fight against doping, told AFP.

    There were 22 positive doping cases in 2012, he said, but only two of which resulted in lengthy bans.

    Of those 22 cases, Bagate said two were serious and involved a codeine derivative, nine players testing positive for cannabis, three for AUT (therapeutic use exemption), while two refused to undergo tests.

    3 April, 2013 at 14:43
  3. avatar
    #148 rugbyfan

    @Grasshopper: 2.20 is still a very good height even today last year at the Bloem meeting a kid from Pretoria won with a height of 2.22 so that Glenwood record is very good.

    14 March, 2013 at 10:07
  4. avatar
    #147 Anonymous

    @grasshopper we do still have those athletes throwing those distances hayes last year throwing 15 with the shot Donkin 45discus. ntuli surprised me this year at kzn with the discus throwing 37 and some change if only he’d come to practice. The athletes are still there but as you say its the participation we are looking for. Glenwood have a very promising crop of u14’s this year the Sydney Atkinson will be tough.

    13 March, 2013 at 21:08
  5. avatar
    #146 Grasshopper

    @horsie, it’s because athletics has been pushed aside in the last few years. These days it’s just those who are interested taking part. I look forward to the day when proper big athletics meets are back, octangulars, pentangulars etc. We used to have teams of 70 to 80 traveling the province and country competing. Rugby boys had to take part hence better field and track results. Wait until schools focus on this properly, things will change. In my day kids were throwing over 60m javelin, 40m discus, 15m shot put and plenty kids competing….

    13 March, 2013 at 20:34
  6. avatar
    #145 HORSEFLY NO.1

    Yeh the tide has turned. DHS has our very own Anonymous for that. The best jumper in kzn is a dhs boy whom jumps about 2.10 max so its tough. Usually at KZN comps he wins it with a 2.00m jump after which nobody can compete with him

    13 March, 2013 at 20:26
  7. avatar
    #144 beet

    @Gungets Tuft: 9th place! Orch is my fav MCOB right now.

    13 March, 2013 at 19:59
  8. avatar
    #143 Grasshopper

    @horsie, yes DHS are top in KZN for athletics with a few stand out jumpers and runners. Glenwood are 2nd in KZN presently. From 1989 to 1995 Glenwood were unbeaten in KZN for athletics. What surprises me is the times and distances are far down on my day. High jump the best in KZN is only 2m. In 95 Tyrone Peacock and Ryan Renaud at Glenwood both went over 2.15! Tyrone holds the Glenwood record at like 2.20!

    13 March, 2013 at 19:39
  9. avatar
    #142 Grasshopper

    @maroon, fair enough. Not sure if Glenwood had their best players then but that does not matter, there is no comments column. I do know Glenwood have done very well at the Wayne Ferreira tourno in the past and have a few SA schools players. They would be top 5 in SA for sure when at full strength…

    13 March, 2013 at 19:34
  10. avatar
    #141 CapeMan

    @beet: Forgot about Paul Roos when it comes to Tennis. Yip, them and Wynberg I would say are the best in the WC. How do you make your avatar your Alma matars rugby shirt? :mrgreen:

    13 March, 2013 at 19:05
  11. avatar
    #140 HORSEFLY NO.1

    Wont be a great season for the u16 IMO. No recruiting done at all. u14 and u15 wont be too bad though

    13 March, 2013 at 18:07
  12. avatar
    #139 Gungets Tuft

    @beet: Who is that, Ballie. Not to worry, substitute him at 1/2 time, oke that old is going to run out of steam :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

    Orch needs to step up, #8 is ok (up 9!!) but still …

    13 March, 2013 at 17:31
  13. avatar
    #138 beet

    @Gungets Tuft: :oops:

    No one Vrystater also using up all his credits in the early rounds.

    13 March, 2013 at 16:56
  14. avatar
    #137 Gungets Tuft

    @beet: Uhh .. would that be pedaling .. peddling is something we do with boerie rolls on Reunion day …

    What is the update – is the tight 5 all from the Burru now? 8)

    13 March, 2013 at 16:28
  15. avatar
    #136 Maroon

    @Grasshopper: Hopper: we last played Glenwood at the Kearsney tennis tournament in 2012. Paul Roos ended the tournament unbeaten and along the way comfortable beat Glenwood in the semis. Can give you the score, but I will save you from that :)

    13 March, 2013 at 16:20
  16. avatar
    #135 beet

    @star: That was my off week for 2013. I’m like that Tour de France hero that’s happy to ride in the peloton until they hit the big mountains and then show my class. For now I’ll let the College boys at the front do all the paddling um…I mean peddling :twisted: :-D

    13 March, 2013 at 16:06
  17. avatar
    #134 Grasshopper

    @Bog, regarding one of your earlier posts. In 2011 Glenwood only won a couple of games on the day up at Grey.

    No wins in rugby, a 1st team draw (1-1), Under14A win (6-1) and Under14C draw (0-0) at hockey. 2nd team win at soccer (6-2), Under15 win at cross country, 1st team tennis win (6-3), seniors debating win and lastly a 10-0 chess win. Scraps really, but at least it was not a complete white wash. The rugby was atrocious though, our boys just don’t travel well up to Bloem…

    13 March, 2013 at 15:58
  18. avatar
    #133 Grasshopper

    @Maroon, have they played Glenwood yet? Probably not. It’s like KES saying they went unbeaten without playing a top 10 side but still want to be ranked top 10. I’m sure Paul Roos are really good, you have to be going 8 years unbeaten, but until you have played and beaten the best in all provinces no claim of dominance can be made. Grey in rugby and Westville in swimming can..

    13 March, 2013 at 15:52
  19. avatar
    #132 star

    @ Cyndi Stick close to us and you will be fine. I also noticed that you are still well ahead of our soon to be non-playing captain on Superbru. Still a long road but well done so far.
    @ Gungets- that looks more acceptable. I suppose the whole point of staggers are to get more competitive games. The proof will be in the pudding on Saturday. I just think Kearsney are better than that.

    13 March, 2013 at 15:51
  20. avatar
    #131 CyndiAtRugby

    @GreenBlooded: I’m still trying to get clarity on that. I know that filler games were arranged in previous years and it sounded like some of the boys were talking about playing games at GW while the rest are at Kearsney.

    In November last year, I wondered how this blog would last during the off season – while you may have confused me totally, you all managed to do it. Well done :lol:

    13 March, 2013 at 14:47
  21. avatar
    #130 Maroon

    @Grasshopper: Hopper, the last tennis match that Paul Roos lost as a team was 8 years ago, against Grey College. We play all the national tournaments.
    Boishaaipa: sorry, I know this is not a tennis site, but could not resist :)

    13 March, 2013 at 14:27
  22. avatar
    #129 Gungets Tuft

    @star: The Kearsney stagger against College is an offset of 1 from 6ths (where College get another fixture, 67th vs 8th, 8th vs 9th.

    U16 D vs C, E vs D
    U15 D vs C, F vs D
    U14 A, B, C matched, F vs D

    13 March, 2013 at 14:22
  23. avatar
    #128 Playa

    @Gungets Tuft: No issues with post-matrics in the EC.Yet to experience the sort of abuse that has been seen in some parts of SA.

    13 March, 2013 at 14:16
  24. avatar
    #127 Woltrui

    @Grasshopper: Maybe GW is not one of the who’s who of tennis? :mrgreen:
    Just kidding Hopper. Good results of GW. Maybe the “who’s who” need a revamp? 8)

    13 March, 2013 at 14:15
  25. avatar
    #126 beet

    @star: Tell that to the management committees at the respective schools. They have +/- 2 months til the High School body sits to arrange 2014 fixtures.

    13 March, 2013 at 14:14
  26. avatar
    #125 star

    @ Greenblooded- Has there always been a double stagger ie Kearsney C playing GW E?I presume this will also apply to Hilton and House. Just shows there are big gaps in the process which are not being filled/helped with the Westville fallout. Maybe it would be better to play in the lower teams as you get more games. How crazy is that? I can see a lot of boys getting frustrated.

    13 March, 2013 at 13:48
  27. avatar
    #124 Gungets Tuft

    Beet – interesting that you spoke about Mvelo Khumalo being at Kingswood. He is post-matric, do the schools there accept that, or is it OK as long as he is U19. I know in KZN he would not be elligible for Craven Week?

    13 March, 2013 at 13:44
  28. avatar
    #123 BOG

    @Grasshopper: Watch the future! If I remember correctly, 3 or 4 of the U12 top 10 in SA are at Grey . They had a SA U12 team on an overseas tour, and 3 of those boys were from Grey Primary. So, wheeee!! No, serious.

    13 March, 2013 at 13:17
  29. avatar
    #122 Grasshopper

    @Woltrui, Glenwood did not play Grey Bloem in 2012 due to snow blocking up the berg, but in 2011 at Grey Bloem our tennis side won 6-3…

    13 March, 2013 at 13:09
  30. avatar
    #121 Grasshopper

    @Woltrui, in 2012 Glenwood beat Affies 5-4 in tennis at 1st team level at Affies after a long bus trip. I know that was last year but shows our strength…

    13 March, 2013 at 13:06
  31. avatar
    #120 Grasshopper

    @Woltrui, Glenwood were not there so it wasn’t the who’s who of tennis in SA, maybe a few of the top sides. Glenwood have the strongest tennis side in KZN with Kearsney and Westville closeby. Glenwood has 2 SA schools players and the rest KZN schools players. I can tell you Paul Roos might still win but it would be very close…

    13 March, 2013 at 13:03
  32. avatar
    #119 beet

    @BoishaaiPa: :mrgreen:

    I know lots of English speaking folks here in Durbs that have no clue how to spell Boishaai, the lamest attempt being Boyshigh – where is the fun in that. :mrgreen:

    13 March, 2013 at 13:01
  33. avatar
    #118 rugbyfan

    @BOG: He has the first stages of Parkenson Disease.

    13 March, 2013 at 12:53
  34. avatar
    #117 Queenian

    Die Brandwag is the one in Uitenhage which most of us commonly call Brandwag

    13 March, 2013 at 12:48
  35. avatar
    #116 Queenian

    @BOG: Queens have 178 boarders this year up from last years 159 they trying to get the number back to about 225 which is still along way off the 400+ of years gone by.

    13 March, 2013 at 12:45
  36. avatar
    #115 GreenBlooded

    KZN Match of the year will take place this weekend on Botha’s Hill – full set of fixtures can be seen here:

    Do the C & D teams get filler fixtures arranged or do they sit out this weekend? Unfortunate if they do.

    13 March, 2013 at 12:41
  37. avatar
    #114 BoishaaiPa

    @BOG: Die Brandwag…The oldest one…

    13 March, 2013 at 12:24
  38. avatar
    #113 BoishaaiPa

    Seems the academics at Gray and Afies is not that good..the still strugglle to spell as well!..

    13 March, 2013 at 12:24
  39. avatar
    #112 BoishaaiPa

    @Woltrui: You must try and come down and compete at Gymkana with us…The whole SA Junior team comes from Boishaai!…and Rawsonville in particular..

    13 March, 2013 at 12:21
  40. avatar
    #111 BOG

    @beet: Is there a “Die Brandwag” and just Brandwag? Well, the one Booishi Pa attended!@Woltrui: Im not disputing PRG s dominance in tennis, but its one of those sports, at school boy level anyway, is less consistent than with other sport. I know that GCB played them in a tournament in Graaff Reinett, and won. And by that, I am not now saying that they are better generally.

    13 March, 2013 at 12:19
  41. avatar
    #110 BoishaaiPa

    @Grasshopper: What other type of 1st team but full strength is there?

    13 March, 2013 at 12:19
  42. avatar
    #109 Woltrui

    @BOG: I see Affies is also sending a Jukskei team down to Kimberley this weekend. So watch it Boetie. We can send that team over to Bloem as well if you arent carefull. 8)

    13 March, 2013 at 12:11
  43. avatar
    #108 Woltrui

    @Grasshopper: Grasshopper there was a tennis tournament (Gerrie Berner tournament) in the beggining of March at Paul Roos where the who’s who (Affies/Grey bloem/Pta Boys High/Paarl “Boois”/St Stitians) of SA tennis schools were playing. Paul Roos didn’t just win the other schools. They beat the shibits out of their opponents. Paul Roos played Affies in the final. It was the eight time in a row that PR won the tournament. I dont think there is a school in Sa that come close to PR.

    13 March, 2013 at 12:07
  44. avatar
    #107 beet

    @BOG: Which Brandwag? The records need to be concise.

    13 March, 2013 at 12:00
  45. avatar
    #106 BoishaaiPa

    @Woltrui: Ouboet….if you take Grey Bloem as the benchmark..our record against them are far and away much better than Affies!…At least out lower teams wins about 50/50 of the games when we play at home. It;s only when we travel up to Bloem that we somehow manage to lose more…..

    13 March, 2013 at 11:58
  46. avatar
    #105 BOG

    @BoishaaiPa: Brandwag for Jukskei. Feeling better?

    13 March, 2013 at 11:55
  47. avatar
    #104 Woltrui

    @BoishaaiPa: Then you Booishaai laaities must start playing rugby. 8-O

    13 March, 2013 at 11:53
  48. avatar
    #103 Grasshopper

    @beet, would love to see a full strength Glenwood tennis team vs Paul Roos, would be a big clash.

    13 March, 2013 at 11:48
  49. avatar
    #102 BoishaaiPa

    What about tiddlywinks?…I think nobody has claimed to be the best in that yet!…Some schools offer different sports than other schools…some will be better at certain sports than other…what does it matter? …So long as there is participation in sport I will be keeps the kids out of other mischief and I am a great believer in sports helping to delevop well rounded individuals. Dont matter what sport it is!…Only thing I know is that this isnt a swimming blog, or waterpolo blog, or tennis blog…This is a rugby blog and that says it all!…if you want to be seen. and acknowledged, play rugby well….unfortunate but true!

    13 March, 2013 at 11:44
  50. avatar
    #101 BOG

    @Queenian: I was surprised to see that QC still have 420 boarders. Thats about the same number as GCB. How many are at your “out of town” campus? :mrgreen: I still recall Connaught House?? where I had lunch many moons ago- is it still there? Quite amazing, is that the GCB sides of 1981 and 1987(Hansies side), both produced 5 Springboks, but between those years, not so good. Thankfully, I was abroad then and there was no internet back then- so I only heard several years later. That softened the blow. Also, the years around 93/94, I was beyond the borders.@rugbyfan: I read somewhere that Theuns Stoffberg had some debilitating desease. Is he OK now? I remember him as an U15, and as I said recently, one could sense that he was destined for bigger things. Interesting, in selecting an “all time” best Springbok side, Paul Dobson rated him as the all time best no 7

    13 March, 2013 at 11:21
  51. avatar
    #100 star

    @ Westers- None- The 4/5 boys are all U16.

    13 March, 2013 at 10:22
  52. avatar
    #99 Westers

    @star, Do you know how many 1st and 2nd team rugby players are going on cricket tour?

    13 March, 2013 at 10:17
  53. avatar
    #98 star

    @ Pedantic- 4/5 players going on a cricket tour are not available for selection and with the loss of the 3 players from last year and one or two critical injuries Westville’s depth will be sorely tested which I believe is never a bad thing. I think the addition of the College boy to GW has certainly pushed them over the top.
    @Capeman-the question to be asked is is it a good thing or not for certain schools to dominate a sport in terms of future outcomes. I would like to think that because Westville has raised the bar that other schools will follow suit. Glenwood at the moment is raising its game in the aquatics arena and that can only increase the exposure and development of the sport. Has Grey not done the same for rugby? MC certainly did this for hockey.

    13 March, 2013 at 09:57
  54. avatar
    #97 beet

    @CapeMan: Someone from Paul Roos will eventually come and give the exact tennis stats but I think their tennis team has not lost in years.

    13 March, 2013 at 09:36
  55. avatar
    #96 Pedantic

    @star: I don’t think you should write off the NW U16’s just yet – if they can work on their structure as opposed to trying to bully the opposition they have a lot of potential – their usually talented flyhalf was under huge pressure against Kearsney and didn’t have a great game.

    Personally I think GW U16’s will be way too strong for any KZN opponents this year – will be interesting to see how they do against the stronger opposition outside of the province this season. Kearsney will get a good gauge of their progress against them this weekend.

    Lots of questions will be answered this weekend … MHS with their new highly regarded flyhalf against NW will be a good indicator of their strength along with the Westville vs Hilton clash – I believe some Westville players not available so they might struggle there?

    13 March, 2013 at 09:32
  56. avatar
    #95 CapeMan

    I think Tennis & squash are Wynberg, Bosch and Paul Roos

    13 March, 2013 at 09:21
  57. avatar
    #94 CapeMan

    In WC, sports are really competitive and its really rare to see one particular school not losing a single match in a particular sport for a couple of years like westville have done in swimming or grey college in rugby. I’ll try to give you the top school/schools in the past decade in each sport. Rugby=Paarl Gym, Paul Roos, Bishops & Paarl Boys. Hockey=Wynberg, Bosch a close 2nd. Cricket=Wynberg, Bosch, SACS & Bishops. Waterpolo= SACS, Bosch, Reddam & Bishops. Rowing= SACS. Athletics=Paul Roos, Paarl Gym, Paarl Boys & Bishops. Cross country= SACS & Paul Roos. Swimming=Bosch. Basketball=Bishops, SACS & Pinelands(not too sure). Mountain Biking=Paul Roos. Shooting=SACS & Bishops(not sure). Golf= don’t know. Surfing & Body Boarding= SACS & Bishops. I think Bosch and Paul Roos are up there as well. The english schools are the most well rounded in all sports as well as Paul Roos(who are a afrikaans & english school now). Paarl Boys have recently upped their cricket.

    13 March, 2013 at 09:18
  58. avatar
    #93 star

    @ Horsy- How are your U16s looking? They had a bit of a dip in 2012 when they lost a few players.With Kearsney beating NW the whole age group has opened up and it should be an exciting season. I think GW will still be the team to beat and so the match on Saturday will give a good indication of the raod ahead.

    13 March, 2013 at 09:02
  59. avatar
    #92 All Black

    You guys are wasting your time with this idiot.

    13 March, 2013 at 08:03
  60. avatar
  61. avatar
    #90 Grasshopper

    @gungets, totally agree! Glenwood’s improvement in rugby was due to two main aspects, better structures and an enlarged well recruited BE.

    13 March, 2013 at 07:26
  62. avatar
    #89 Gungets Tuft

    @rugbyfan: St Charles, Northwood (hopefully on the mend), DHS (ditto).

    If well done the BE makes a big difference but the BE needs to be focussed and well run, and populated with the right kids. It’s not as easy as you think, even the BE in govenment schools is subject to the “first come first served” rule so you need proactive recruitment to the BE to make it work for you. Pretty sure this is where Northwood failed, not sure about DHS. St Charles ..??

    A good rugby school is a good rugby school because of sports structures, a well run and recruited BE makes a difference on top of that – in fact is part of the sports structure of a school.

    13 March, 2013 at 07:12
  63. avatar
    #88 rugbyfan

    @BOG: You mentioned Theuns Stofberg i are saw him last year and had along chat to him he mentioned that in his whole Senior School career he only lost 1 match and that was in his final year 1972 when they lost to Queens 10-12.

    13 March, 2013 at 06:34
  64. avatar
    #87 rugbyfan

    @Queenian: No matter what anybody says boarders make a big difference with rugby depth show me school with a big boarding establishment that does not do well in rugby.

    13 March, 2013 at 06:31
  65. avatar
    #86 Queenian

    @Brum: Of interest QC for the 8 year period 78 to 85 played 131 Won 114 Lost 13 Drew 4 ( six of the losses were to GCB were the total points difference was only 4 point per game) In this same period they lost only 3 games in the border area and Grey PE twice.

    So not a bad period for them only lost on average 1,5 games a year, for the same period for example the Queens open teams 4ths to 12 team Played 496 Won 436 Lost 53 Drew 7 ( Of those 53 loses 44 were against Grey Bloem)

    Shows you what depth boarders brings to your rugby Queens boarders averaged around the 420 in those days.

    13 March, 2013 at 06:18
  66. avatar
    #85 Queenian

    @Brum: 88 Played 17 Won 12 Lost 5 89 Played 18 won 11 Lost 5 Drew 1

    13 March, 2013 at 05:59
  67. avatar
    #84 Queenian

    @Brum: I dont have all the detail 82 Played 15 Won 14 Lost 1 ( Grey Bloem 13-16) 83 Played 17 Won 13 Lost 4 84 Played 19 Won 19 85 Played 17 Won 16 Lost 1 ( Grey PE 12-18)

    13 March, 2013 at 05:57
  68. avatar
    #83 Gungets Tuft

    @star: Aye, an Aitch it is. I will see them both next weekend at SA Lifesaving Champs and will wind them up. Coached the lightie for about 4 years at SLS, good kid.

    12 March, 2013 at 21:28
  69. avatar
    #82 HORSEFLY NO.1

    Yeah they beat a good KES side 16-15. They arent bad, just think they shouldve gotten a couple of scalps against the big teams. They will forever rue not beating College in 2010 and 2012, Glenwood in 2010 and 2012 and Westville in 2011. They honestly shouldve won all these games

    12 March, 2013 at 19:39
  70. avatar
    #81 star

    @ Horsy- I think they also beat KES which was the only team to beat Westville last year and so not a bad team at all. DHS are starting to get a foundation going and so in a few years time will be right in the mix at the top table. Not sure about NW though given the way Kearsney manhandled them.

    12 March, 2013 at 19:16
  71. avatar
    #80 HORSEFLY NO.1

    Yeah they are pretty good.
    They played 15 won 10 and lost 5. They lost to :
    Menlopark 21-5
    Westville 25-3( 0-0 at halftime)
    College 12-5
    Kearsney 13-6
    Glenwood 15-12( lost due to a couple of refereeing decisions)

    8 of them have made it into the side. Good team, the open sides are made mostly of last years u16 age-group

    12 March, 2013 at 18:51
  72. avatar
    #79 Henkies

    Horsey howsit

    I saw a youtube clip of the 2012 DHS U16A side. It was awesome to watch while being stuck out here in London. They looked like a pretty impressive side. What sort of record did they have ? Did they win more than they lost? I suppose the games that were lost were by small margins.

    Also, how many of them have made it into the 1st side this year ?

    12 March, 2013 at 18:32
  73. avatar
    #78 HORSEFLY NO.1

    DHS has only lost 2 or 3 basketball games in about 7 years so also impressive if you think of how many the play. Provincially they haven’t lost in what seems like forever. About 7 years too. Athletics was lost for a few years in kzn but DHS hasn’t lost a meet in about 4 or so years

    12 March, 2013 at 18:06
  74. avatar
    #77 star

    @ Horsy- I mentioned current. Grey were beaten last year in rugby(once or twice). (although I think they went for a few years unbeaten which is hugely impressive)). In the last 4 years Westville have been soccer champions 3 times.Enough said and enough to beat Grey( one of many sports). How many years have DHS been unbeaten in basketball(provincially and nationally)? Same for athletics.
    @ Ludz-Sorry I do not know the Hirsch Shield. Is it regional?
    @ Gungets- does the fathers surname beging with a “H”. If so then I know them very well( distantly related :mrgreen: ) and will speak to them about getting ski’s on the water.Another sport for Bog to worry about :lol:

    12 March, 2013 at 17:59
  75. avatar
    #76 HORSEFLY NO.1

    Westville at soccer??? Haha. Please man.
    I think we can also claim soccer, basketball, swimming from the early 90s to 2007, Badminton, Athletics, almost on a par with GWD at Softball, X Country and great at hockey till 2010.

    12 March, 2013 at 17:25
  76. avatar
    #75 Gungets Tuft

    @Grasshopper: Durban has Blue Lagoon which is just as accessible as the Drift in PMB. For day-boys it is not different to Durban. House and Hilton also have river frontage. Kearsney is close to Shongweni and a very active canoe club in Umzinyathi.

    Just as Westville are top in swimming is a tribute to a lot of effort by kids and coaching staff, so is the paddling. House’s surge is due to the coach who left College last year and is revitalising their canoeing. The replacement coach at College is outstanding, assisted by a teacher and housemaster who goes far out of his way to help out, right down to organising meals for boys (2 of them, one my son) who got a little lost running their boats back from a long trip last week. Being good in sport is not situational, nor luck.

    I know what you meant though, so no pack drill. I just think we spend way too little time acknowledging the work and sacrifice of coaches, school staff and the boys themselves, and too much on a semi-detached view of what they achieve. In short – achievement is no accident.

    12 March, 2013 at 17:09
  77. avatar
    #74 Maroon

    @BOG: 2012 en 2011 was verlore teen PRG. PRG het weer ‘n goeie hokkiespan vanjaar.

    12 March, 2013 at 16:56
  78. avatar
    #73 BOG

    @star: Dream on! Id concede swimming, just and surfing. Grey does not offer netball/basket ball.@Grasshopper: Which chess team was it? And debating?

    12 March, 2013 at 16:48
  79. avatar
    #72 Ludz

    Queen’s has won the last 11 or 12 Hirsch Shields, we’ve also won it more than any other school, so I’d say our athletics is very good.

    12 March, 2013 at 16:43
  80. avatar
    #71 Grasshopper

    @Gungets, it does help having the Duzi at your doorstep! Like Glenwood, DHS and Northwood do well in surfing having the sea close by. Westville are decent all round in sports now, something that was not the case even going back to the 90’s. Glenwood too have had some dominant sports like Baseball, softball, athletics in the early 90’s, tennis more recently etc. I think if it came to Roger Federer/Man U like dominance then Grey Bloem would take it for rugby, over 50 years of dominance. Westville have only been great in swimming a decade max. All schools will have their claim to fame, let’s just say Glenwood did whip Grey at chess…..hahaha!

    12 March, 2013 at 16:41
  81. avatar
    #70 Gungets Tuft

    @star: Michaelhouse are very strong, Kearsney have some strong paddlers. Westville have done very well, a father of a current Gr11 has lead the charge there. Quick analysis of results has House second, then KC, closely followed by Hilton and Westville. Schools like Treverton and Weston also paddle. In the ladies it is dominated by Epworth, then Wykham. Quite a few boys and girls from the clubs, obviously because their schools don’t officially compete.

    Surfski is really limited to Glenwood at the moment with a tiny number of Clifton guys. College have kids who have done a race or two but never really got into it. That is about to change, College is going to compete in the Winter Series, expecting some good things from the top guys, The Wilson twins, Damon Stamp, Spies in U18’s. A few kids in U16, Smuts stands out, hopefully my lightie will have a show. Some solid U14’s and U15’s coming through. Westville need to put their foot down, speak to the prime mover-dad there (the dad is a very good ocean paddler and his uncle the organiser of the Winter Series) and get some ski’s together.

    12 March, 2013 at 16:18
  82. avatar
    #69 Brum

    Westville and Grey had a winter sport exchange in 1990 and 1991 , I recall from memory squash, hockey ,tennis etc being played along with rugby of course , all pretty even , even back then., Apart from rugby.

    Wont mention first team results both years Westville got a hiding but not unexpected Grey as usual very strong , Westville a lot weaker than they are now.

    I agree with Star that Grey top at rugby but in others I back Westville to come out evens or even win a lot of the others.

    12 March, 2013 at 16:14
  83. avatar
    #68 star

    @ Gungets- with regard to paddling what other schools compete. I believe Hilton can put on a bit of a show.

    12 March, 2013 at 16:01
  84. avatar
    #67 star

    @ Bog- List the 12 main sports and let Westville go head to head with Grey. I do not think it will be the annilation you think. :lol: Westville is the top soccer school in KZN,were 2012 KZN golf champions ,2nd in squash and had their best hockey year in their history. They would beat Grey in basketball with cricket and hockey being swing sports. Rugby is the only sport I can give defintively to Grey. :mrgreen:

    12 March, 2013 at 15:54
  85. avatar
    #66 Brum

    Gungets is that because they whipped Queens both years ,lol .

    Queenian , Rugbyfan have you got Queens results in 88 and 89 as well ?

    12 March, 2013 at 15:51
  86. avatar
    #65 Gungets Tuft

    @rugbyfan: The College tours to Affies, PBHS and KES (and the return tours) don’t do too badly. The schools match each other down to F teams in rugby and D in hockey. That on it’s own is over 520 kids. Add the other sports and you must have close to 600 – not bad for a tour these days.

    12 March, 2013 at 15:44
  87. avatar
    #64 Gungets Tuft

    @Brum: In 1984 they beat College 15-13 at home to Queens.

    Ask about 1988 and 1989 please .. :roll:

    12 March, 2013 at 15:38
  88. avatar
    #63 Brum

    Rugbyfan , Queenian do either of you perhaps have the Queens 1 st xv rugby results for 82,83 and 84

    12 March, 2013 at 15:13
  89. avatar
    #62 rugbyfan

    @Queenian: @BOG: In 1983 Grey took 736 kids to Queenstown and in 1982 Queens took 703 to Bloem i doubt whether these numbers will ever be seen in inter schools again.

    12 March, 2013 at 14:08
  90. avatar
    #61 Queenian

    @beet: Agree with you there also must be done on only the longer format this 20 over stuff scews everything.

    In Saying that a school like Affies has really got there crciket to the A level in the last 15 years or so.

    12 March, 2013 at 14:01
  91. avatar
    #60 Queenian

    @BOG: Good one there i agree with you let them go to Grey with all that and see what happens.

    Remember the days of Grey Bloem coming to Queenstown with 700 Boys by train even for things like chess and music(Piano Contest)

    12 March, 2013 at 13:59
  92. avatar
    #59 BOG

    @star: Several years ago, a journalist, whose name I have forgotten, from The Citizen in Johannesburg, wrote an article about domination in sport and the side he singled out, was Grey at rugby. He said that they succeeded even more than Manchester United. So, I rest my case in view of an impartial opinion. Taking all sport, I think that Grey is up with the best. Given the wide variety of sport they offer, I dont think that they are outside the Top 10 in any. I would be surprised if they were. So yes, undoubtedly, Westville achieves in swimming, but how are they accross the board, ie rugby, tennis, Karate, judo, table tennis, soccer, Water polo,hockey,squash, mountain biking, cross country, athletics,cricket, debating, debat(Afr), public speaking, gumboot dancing, fly fishing, netball—-ect, ect?Apart from the last one, GCB, does offer all of them. So, with all respect—

    12 March, 2013 at 13:54
  93. avatar
    #58 beet

    @star: I’m not much of a cricket fan but it has always occurred to me that cricket is a sport that can be measured in individual achievements. To me, the basis of measuring school performances should be more focused on how the individuals in that team are performing and then arrive at the rankings from there.

    Say for eg. if they used the avgs of the top 3 batsmen and top 3 bowlers in a team, they might be in a better position to work out who the best school ought to be, rather than trying to focus on the results of matches.

    Just an idea.

    12 March, 2013 at 13:53
  94. avatar
    #57 Gungets Tuft

    @star: College dominate paddling. You might argue that it is not a big enough sport, but look at their results in all river racing leagues. I suppose you can compare it to the DHS dominance in Basketball.

    12 March, 2013 at 13:48
  95. avatar
    #56 Queenian

    @star: I see Westville Under 13A beat Queens 8-5 the other day.

    12 March, 2013 at 13:41
  96. avatar
    #55 star

    @ rugbyfan- the first online cricket ranking was done by saschoolsports last year. This I believe is the first real attempt although the formula used can and are disputed ( much like the case in the rugby ranking situation). The reason I guess that the 1984 JNL had no order and included all the traditional schools was y because it would have been collated by a panel.( with obvious emphasis given to certain schools). What is interesting is the current shift to the non tradition schools like Menlo Park , Waterkloof and Westville? The first ranking had Westville as No 1 in the country although with all the rainouts they dropped to no4 for the year. The latest ranking(12/03/13) have them at no 9 still the top KZN team.

    12 March, 2013 at 13:38
  97. avatar
    #54 rugbyfan

    @star: When was cricket ranking started for schools of interest in the 1984 JNL of SA Cricket it said the following the top 10 schools for 83/84 in SA were Cape Province . Bishops/St Andrews/Kingswood/Grey PE/Queens/Selborne For Transvaal. KES/St Stithians and Natal . DHS/MC

    Now i see they do not give any specific order but it looks like at that stage it was still all the Old Tradtional Schools

    12 March, 2013 at 13:14
  98. avatar
    #53 rugbyfan

    @star: Agree with there on the swimming front.

    12 March, 2013 at 13:03
  99. avatar
    #52 star

    @ Bog- with all due respect there is only one school that currently dominates a sport and that is Westville and swimming. :lol: 46 galas( provincial and national) in a row.In some of these galas the school has won every event and hold every record. A lot of schools have improved their sports across the board (like Affies) which is great to see and some like MC might need to reconsolidate from their traditional strong bases in hockey and cricket but at the moment there is only ONE. :mrgreen: By the way when the cricket rankings were first introduced what school was at the top of the pile. :wink:

    12 March, 2013 at 13:00
  100. avatar
    #51 Queenian

    @Playa: Cool

    12 March, 2013 at 12:25
  101. avatar
    #50 Playa

    @Queenian: Got your message.Will see you there for the 2nd half of the Dale game and a bit of the Queens game.

    12 March, 2013 at 12:23
  102. avatar
    #49 Queenian

    @Playa: Ye you are right there i know they have won the Juinor ones a few times in the last few years. Do you still have my cell no on your phone.

    12 March, 2013 at 12:14
  103. avatar
    #48 Playa

    @Queenian: I’m not doubting that.Just saying in recent years,St Andrews has picked up their game in athletics.Not top, that belongs to Queens.They aren’t far off though.

    12 March, 2013 at 12:12
  104. avatar
    #47 Queenian

    @Playa: I think Queens has won about 60% of all the Hirsch shields and 65% of the SF Edwards shields they have also won about 90% of the Border Cross Country Champs.

    12 March, 2013 at 12:09
  105. avatar
    #46 Playa

    @Ludz: @Mike: If one used the Hirsch Shield as a yardstick, St Andrews can’t be too far off either.

    12 March, 2013 at 12:04
  106. avatar
    #45 rugbyfan

    @Mike: @BOG: Queens i think has always being a top athletics school can remember them been even good in the 70,s and if i am not wrong has only got stronger over the years i know in the one meeting last year in Bloem they won 17 Bronze 11 Silver and 13 Gold medals.

    I do know as well that they have won 57 of the 88 Hirsch Shield compertions over the years.

    12 March, 2013 at 11:59
  107. avatar
    #44 Gungets Tuft

    @BOG: Just because you got it right doesn’t rule out you being senile hey. I would guess the constant language lapses are diagnostic :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

    12 March, 2013 at 11:58
  108. avatar
    #43 Woltrui

    @BOG: Baie respek vir Grey College Bog. @The Beast: Nothing which a bit of Vaseline can’t sort out@BuiteBreek: Myne baie groter as syne! Volgens my vroutjie. 8)

    12 March, 2013 at 11:50
  109. avatar
    #42 BOG

    @Woltrui: Nee, ek weet wat Affies is en ek respekteer dit waarvoor hulle staan asook hulle tradisies. My kommentaar moet maar teen daardie agtergrond gesien word. Maar ek dink dat jy miskien perspektief verloor het met Grey se veelsydigheid, oa hokkie. Verlede jaar was n uitsondering, maar oor vele dekades, blaf Grey met die groot honde van skolehokkie. Dit geld vir meeste van hulle sport. Hulle blaf miskien nie so hard as met rugby nie, maar met meeste, is hulle in Top 5 of 10. En dan was 2007, n besonderse jaar- ek verseker jou dat wat ek gese het oor rugby, hokkie, gholf en krieket, absoluut korrek is.

    12 March, 2013 at 11:42
  110. avatar
    #41 The Beast

    @Woltrui: Looks like you “boertjies” got some (edited) from St Andrews College, Grahamstown despite your ranking. 9 wickets is an absolute shallacking!!!

    12 March, 2013 at 11:33
  111. avatar
    #40 Woltrui

    @BOG: Affies is ‘n Afrikaanse skool Bog. Ons het eers laat begin met die “Engelse” sport soorte soos krieket, hokkie en swem. Ek vermoed ons is die enigste Afrikaanse skool wat wel waterpolo in Pretoria(Klofies?) speel (Ons eerste span het die jaar die eerste keer vir Kes gewen-vir ons ‘n groot prestasie). Dink die meeste van ons outjies swem dus nog nie, hulle trap water. Ons is wel baie lief vir die “engelse” sport soorte en ons vorder goed met ons hokkie. Hokkie gewys sou ek se ons is in die top 5 in Gauteng.

    12 March, 2013 at 09:56
  112. avatar
    #39 Woltrui

    Affies krieket uitslae vir 1 ste termyn 2013:
    Dd: Oppenent: Formaat: Affies se uitslag

    10/1: Framesby: 50 beurte: Wen met 1 lopie
    11/1: DHS: 65/55 beurte: Onbeslis
    12/1: Selborne: 50 Beurte: Wen met 173 lopies
    13/1: Grey PE: 50 Beurte: Wen met 8 paaltjies
    16/1: Pretoria BH: T20: Wen met 30 Lopies
    23/1 Menlo Park: T20: Wen met 7 Paaltjies
    25/1 Klofies: T20: Verloor op D/L met 7 lopies
    29/1 Garsies Wen met 88 Lopies
    2/2 St Davids 65/55 Onbeslis
    5/2 Centurion Wen met 8 paaltjies
    9/2 KES 50 beurte Wen met 1 paaltjie
    13/2 Filton Col 50 beurte Wen met 175 lopies
    16/2 Parktown B 65/55 beurte Onbeslis
    20/2 Waterkloof T20 Wen met 58 Lopies
    21/22 2: Kearsney 2 dae Wen met 8 paaltjies
    23/2: St Andrews: 50 beurte Verloor met 9 paaltjies
    24/2 St Johns 50 beurte Wen met 161 lopies
    1/3: Paul Roos 50 beurte Verloor met 19 lopies
    2/3: Rondebosch 65/55 beurte Onbeslis
    3/3 Wynberg 50 beurte Wen met 5 paaltjies

    (Bog die Affies Grey bloem vind in die 3de termyn plaas)

    12 March, 2013 at 09:45
  113. avatar
    #38 BOG

    @Mike: I am certainly not questioning QC achievements in athletics. My brother-in-law will correct me, if I dare to do so. What I am saying, is that athletics generally, seems to be a bit disorganized which seems to be coming from ASA, where chaos seems to be the norm.

    12 March, 2013 at 09:44
  114. avatar
    #37 BOG

    @Gungets Tuft: Thanks for your confirmation that I am not lying or senile. Actually, the results are better than I expected.MC certainly the better off, but GCB certainly competitive. Last year was generally not a good year, but I believe that they are addressing the matter with a decent coach ect. Excuse me for addressing Woltrui in Dutch, but where he comes from, English is not a second language, but a foreign one. Daar het jy dit Woltrui. Ek hoop jy het die resultate gesien(en verstaan) MC , beslis die beter daaraan toe, maar GCB beslis kompiterend. Jy onderskat miskien die hokkiestandaard by Grey. Verlede jaar was swak, maar ek dink een vd min kere dat hulle teen PRG verloor het.In 2007, was hulle beslis no1 in SA. Alhoewel hulle 0-1 teen Wynberg verllor het, het hulle al die ander tradissionele hokkiespanne oortuigend geklop en Wynberg, op hulle beurt, het teen n paar spanne verloor wie Grey geklop het. Verstaan? Swem julle? Nie in n dam nie maar n swembad?

    12 March, 2013 at 09:38
  115. avatar
    #36 BuiteBreek

    Het iemand dalk ‘n liniaal? :lol:

    12 March, 2013 at 08:58
  116. avatar
    #35 Gungets Tuft

    @Woltrui: Sad to report that 2007 was indeed a win for GCB at 5-3. Results against GCB as follows:

    2000. 3-2
    2001. 1-0 and 3-2
    2002. 2-5
    2003. 2-1
    2004. 4-7
    2005. 3-1
    2006. 1-1
    2007. 3-5
    2008. 0-2
    2009. No game
    2010. 2-1 and 1-3
    2011. 2-2
    2012. 4-1

    College played 25, won 13, lost 5 with 7 games drawn.

    12 March, 2013 at 08:48
  117. avatar
    #34 Mike

    @BOG: Queens definitely are the best in the EC in athletics, followed by Grey usually. Louis Botha in recent years has definitely produced the most SA sprinters.

    12 March, 2013 at 08:30
  118. avatar
    #33 Woltrui

    @BoishaaiPa: Dankie BHPa. Ek probeer ook om die stats te kry. Sal interesante wees.

    12 March, 2013 at 07:52
  119. avatar
    #32 Woltrui

    @BOG: As julle vir Maritzburg College gewen het, baie geluk. Dit wil gedoen word. Ek twyfel egter steeds of julle die no 1 hokkie skool in SA was. Veral as julle dan teen Wynberg verloor het. Wat was julle telling teen die ander bekende hokkie skole soos KES, Bishops, Paul Roos en Rondebosch. 8-O

    12 March, 2013 at 07:46
  120. avatar
    #31 BoishaaiPa

    @BOG: Ek sal my goeie Affievriend kontak nader om te hoor of hy al die stats het. Dis dieslfde man wat al die rugbystats doen, so miskien het hy toegang tot al die info.

    12 March, 2013 at 07:44
  121. avatar
    #30 BOG

    @Woltrui: Om mee te begin, 2007 se hokkieuitslae, maar ons is geduldig :mrgreen:

    12 March, 2013 at 07:37
  122. avatar
    #29 Woltrui

    @BoishaaiPa: Speel elke jaar teen hulle. Die KES wedstryd altyd baie kompeterend. In die Noord Vaal is Pretoria Boys High en veral Waterkloof tans ook baie sterk. Affies neem aan al die groot nasionale feeste deel en toer ook jaarliks na die Kaap om teen die bekende krieket skole daar te speel.

    12 March, 2013 at 07:36
  123. avatar
    #28 BOG

    @BoishaaiPa: Wag, ons het lewe daar uit Tshwane (Vernoem, ek verneem, na n sekere Prof. Tshwanepoel) Hy het weliswaar nou nie volledig gereageer nie, maar laat ons geduldig wees. Dit is vroeg en sodra hy n paar feite gaan opsoek het, kan ons miskien meer sin verwag. Ek dink hy is miskien onkant gevang met Grey se hokkie. Verlede jaar was dit maar n bietjie af, maar ek hoor dat die probleem aangespreek word met n nuwe afrigter. 2007 het hom beslis “gefloor”. Jy weet nie waar mens krieket stats kan kry nie? Ek soek veral resultate Grey vs Affies die laaste 12-15 jaar- nie die telbord nie, maar slegs resultaat, dws wen, verloor of draw.(7s ,of 20/20 uitgesluit)

    12 March, 2013 at 07:35
  124. avatar
    #27 Woltrui

    @BOG: Watse “stel feite” is nie so akkuraat Bog? :wink:

    12 March, 2013 at 07:27
  125. avatar
    #26 BoishaaiPa

    @Woltrui: Speel Affies gereeld teen KES en Maritzburg en ander bekende krieket skole?

    12 March, 2013 at 07:24
  126. avatar
    #25 BOG

    @Ludz: Not sure about athletics. They seem to have a Top 20 in every province. In years gone by, Menlo Park was the undisputed no 1- both boys and girls. Those are the days when they had the Sasol meetings. And Grey was second on a few occasions. But things have changed. GCB is still on a high standard, but I cant say if they are in the top 5 or 10. But as with ASA, confusion seems to reign regarding a clear “ranking”.

    12 March, 2013 at 07:22
  127. avatar
    #24 BoishaaiPa

    @BOG: Ja..hy het sommer verggeet dat Affies 3 weke terug nog pak gekry het hier innie Boland teen PRG…Waterkloof het ook in 2010 en 2011 tuis en weg teen Boishaai en PRG verloor in krieket.

    12 March, 2013 at 07:22
  128. avatar
    #23 Woltrui

    @PaulRoosPa: Hi PRpa. Ek is bewus van die feit dat julle ons geklop het. Soos met die Rugby laasjaar maak dit julle, as na die jaar se uitslae gekyk word, nie ‘n beter span nie.
    Die krieket “ranking” miskien nie 100% akkuraat (Afies behoort no 1 te wees) maar gee ‘n goeie aanduiding van die suksesvolle spanne.

    12 March, 2013 at 07:20
  129. avatar
    #22 BOG

    Dit lyk vir my of Woltrui skuiling gaan soek het in Hectorspruit nadat hy daarop gewys is dat sy stel “feite” nie so akkuraat is as wat hy moontlik gedink het nie. :lol:

    12 March, 2013 at 07:10
  130. avatar
    #21 Ludz

    @Woltrui: you should try Queen’s in Athletics, we’re by far the best in the EC

    11 March, 2013 at 22:56
  131. avatar
    #20 Umtata

    This is like reading the blog(rugby365) from last year. “Dale has small forwards….etc” When last did Dale have a huge pack? I just hope the College goes about its business, playing rugby, and avoids all these side shows.

    11 March, 2013 at 17:09
  132. avatar
    #19 PaulRoosPa

    @Woltrui: Jy kan maar Paul Roos ook langs Atletiek en Gholf skryf. Wen al vir die laaste paar jaar die top 20 atletiek byeenkoms.

    11 March, 2013 at 17:07
  133. avatar
    #18 PaulRoosPa

    @Woltrui: Jammer Affies het die jaar al 2 keer teen Paul Roos verloor, daai rankings is vir die voels!

    11 March, 2013 at 17:05
  134. avatar
    #17 Westers

    @Mike, sounds a bit like Bokke vs All Blacks.

    11 March, 2013 at 16:30
  135. avatar
    #16 QC86

    @Mike: mike, please forward your post to the selborne coach,we have been trying to tell him for years,and yes selborne will be ok this year but not top 10,

    11 March, 2013 at 16:26
  136. avatar
    #15 BOG

    @Woltrui: Ek merk dat jou kennis nie so indringend is as wat ek aanvanklik gedink het nie. Di so dat die vlak van hokkie , swem en miskien krieket, nie so konstant is as die rugby, akademie en die koerant nie, maar wat 2007 betref, verseker ek jou dat Grey nie alleen vir MC in hokkie gewen het nie, maar dit met n behoorlike pak slae- iets soos 4-1, gedoen het. Dit ten spyte dat hulle , ek dink 4 SA skolespelers gehad het teenoor Grey se 2. Grey het slegs een wedstryd verloor, 0-1 teen Wynberg vd Kaap. En ek se weer, wat krieket betref, sal ek baie graag die stats wil sien vd laaste 10-12 jaar tussen GCB en Affies. Di moontlik in Affies se guns, maar ek dink, indien so, net marginaal. (En ek praat nie van krieket 7s nie)

    11 March, 2013 at 15:53
  137. avatar
    #14 Mike

    Grey High will be playing Kingswood in a full and proper match at Kingswood on Friday afternoon.

    11 March, 2013 at 15:52
  138. avatar
    #13 Mike

    @rugbyfan: I wasn’t at Border rugby day but I have to say the Selborne report doesn’t worry me at all and this is why. When Selborne have produced good sides recently (Top 5, top 10), they didn’t worry about bouncing boys here and there with their big forwards. They had another dimension to the side. Last year for example, Selborne had a big pack but literally the whole attitude of the team seemed to be about who had the biggest bounce or handoff. If they unfortunately adopt this attitude again, they are going to get a hiding by teams whose focus is more geared towards points on the board.

    11 March, 2013 at 15:51
  139. avatar
    #12 Woltrui

    @BOG: Bog my vriend, ek vemoed Maritzburg College en ‘n paar Kaapse skole soos Rondebosch en Paul Roos sal dit sterk betwyfel dat Grey Bloem in 2007 die no 1 hokkie skool was. :mrgreen: Met alle respek, op die hokkie veld kan julle nie in dieselfde klas as die genoemde skole geplaas word nie.
    Ek beskik ongelukkig nie oor die krieket statistiek tussen Affies en Grey Bloem nie. My seun het egter in die tyd krieket vir Affies se laer spanne gespeel en ek het die eerste span wedstryd uitslae gevolg. As Grey Bloem gewen het was dit die uitsondering op die reel.
    Ons kompetisie was nader aan ons voordeur, te wete Klofies, Pta Boys High en Kes. 8)

    11 March, 2013 at 14:12
  140. avatar
    #11 BOG

    @Woltrui: Nee, ek verwag darem nie dat hulle nommer een in alles kan wees nie, maar ek herinner myself aan 2007, toe hulle 1 was in rugby, golf, krieket en hokkie. Ook die beste skoolkoerant en 40 A gemiddeldes gehad vir eindeksamen. As jy kan, kry vir ons die krieketuitlae sedert AB in matriek was- ek belowe ek sal dit nie in jou gesig gooi nie. :mrgreen:

    11 March, 2013 at 13:55
  141. avatar
    #10 Woltrui

    @BOG: Nee wat Bog, die afgelope 10 jaar het Affies vir Grey Bloem gedomineer op die krieket veld. Jy sal verbaas wees om te verneem Grey Bloem nie die sterkste in alle sportsoorte is nie. Sekere skole is op sekere gebiede domineerend. Soos Grey rugby domineer vermoed ek die volgende skole is redelik dominerend op die volgende gebiede:
    Paul Roos: Tennis
    Maritzburg College: Hokkie
    Westville: Swem
    Affies: Atletiek/skaak
    Affies/Waterkloof/KES: Krieket

    11 March, 2013 at 13:26
  142. avatar
    #9 BOG

    @Woltrui: Soos jy sekerlik weet, n wiel is rond en dit draai. Nie te lank gelede nie, was die agtereenvolgende kapteins en nog n paar, uit die weste kant van Bloemfontein. Ek dink hulle staan op 17 nasionale verteenwoordigers, huidiglik. Wat was die resultate tussen die twee skole oor die afgelope paar jaar, se sedert AB, in matriek was? Ek dink nie so oorheersend as die rugby nie, waar ek dink die telling staan op 32-4. Inteendeel, sal ek nie verbaas wees as Grey ook daar voorloop nie.Hou in gedagte, GCB speel darem n bietjie langer. Ek dink hulle eerste wedstryd teen St Andrews was in 1884, di 28 jaar voordat julle tot stand gekom het.

    11 March, 2013 at 13:07
  143. avatar
    #8 Woltrui

    @BOG: Nee wat, ons beskou nie die outjies op 6 as ware kompetisie nie (op die rugby veld is dit natuurlik ‘n ander storie). :wink:

    11 March, 2013 at 12:55
  144. avatar
    #7 Woltrui

    @BOG: Mnr Bog. As ek mag windgat wees. Affies is besig om met krieket te doen wat Grey Bloem met rugby doen. Augustus 2012 het 5 Affies bulletjies toetskrieket gespeel. Te wete Jaques Rudolp, AB, “Flaffie”(SA) en Kruger Van Wyk en Neil Wagner (NZ). Weet nie of enige ander skool kan se hy het 5 spelers wat gelyktydig toets krieket speel nie :mrgreen:

    11 March, 2013 at 12:31
  145. avatar
    #6 BOG

    @Woltrui: Hulle hou daarvan om te praat van die subjektiwiteit vd rugbyranglys, maar di niks in vergeleke met die van krieket nie.Di ook nie duidelik of dit krieket 7s, oftewel, 20/20 insluit nie? Neem ook in ag dat die VS nie in ag geneem word vir die nasionale span nie- of is dit maar net voor-oordeel van Andrew Hudson en sy keurders?Behalwe vir AB en Flaffie, hoeveel ander nasionale verteenwoordigers kom uit die skaduwee van Loftus? Maar mooi, geniet die ranglys- di net tydelik. Op 6, is daar iemand wie in julle nekke blaas.

    11 March, 2013 at 12:18
  146. avatar
    #5 Woltrui

    @GreenBlooded: Vermoed Mnr T is bietjie bang sy span gaan nie die semi’s van Nu Power reeks maak. Nou hou hy hom skaars. Kom Mnr T. Wees dapper. Ons ken nie julle Krugersdorpers so nie. :-P

    11 March, 2013 at 12:09
  147. avatar
    #4 GreenBlooded

    Speaking of Monnas – what has become of our most passionate Monna’s supporter?

    11 March, 2013 at 11:58
  148. avatar
    #3 Woltrui

    Pretoria die bakermat van SA skole krieket? Op Saschoolsports web is 3 van die top 5 krieket skole van Pretoria. Ons nooi dus ons mede landsburgers uit om aandag aan die rooibal sport te gee. Ons hier in Pretoria wil nie he julle moet te ver agter raak (dan het ons geen kompetisie) 8)

    11 March, 2013 at 11:53
  149. avatar
    #2 rugbyfan

    I think the rap up of Dale/Queens/Selborne is very accurate i think Dale will have the hardest season this year. Selborne will be up there with the better teams this year again and Queens will surprise a few but lack of size will eventually be to much in some games.

    11 March, 2013 at 11:14
  150. avatar
    #1 rugbyfan

    With Davids back for Nico Malan they should be really good, i think Dale are in for a hiding come 21st March

    11 March, 2013 at 11:11

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