1st KZN Top Schools Rugby Festival a success

16h30 Port Natal 17 14 Pionier
17h20 George Campbell 8 3 Clifton
18h10 Northwood 8 3 DHS
19h00 Kearsney 17 5 Westville
19h50 Glenwood 19 0 M.College

Congratulations must go to the KZNRU for putting on a successful and very entertaining festival at Kings Park. It was well attended and the boys lived up to the billing by playing attractive early season rugby. It seems pointless over-analysing the results because of the format (2 halves of 20 minutes) and the differing motives of the various coaches coming into the games.

For what it’s worth, Glenwood looked like the best team on the night. They played at a good tempo and worked the ball around well. Earlier in the year Glenwood may have been expected to be amongst the chasing pack in KZN but it does now seem like they will be the team for locals to beat. College spent a great deal of their game defending and despite the scoreline of 0-19, the biggest losing margin at the festival, they to got to see benefits in the form of many previously unavailable players getting a first taste of full contact game time for 2013. Kearsney played attractive quickball rugby at times, while their opponents Westville gave the distinct impression that they were holding back a little. DHS under the direction of new coach Christo Wilkinson were the surprise package of the evening. Expected to be on the back foot most of the time against a Northwood team into it’s seventh start of 2013, School impressed with their liveliness and commitment. DHS ended the game centimetres from the Northwood tryline and in the early stages of the match what should have been a well-manufactured DHS try was botched when the ball was not grounded over the line, despite the carrier initially having acres of room to do so. Northwood appeared to be another team not wanting to show all their cards yet it did not stop Gareth Murran from producing yet another good performance from the No.8 position.

The schools that must have gained the most from the evening were the likes of Port Natal, Pionier and Clifton who produce players that often get overlooked at regional Craven Week trials. With all the KZN selectors in attendance, it was a good opportunity for the talented players in these teams to leave their mark.

After this positive start, it will be really good if the KZNRU could find ways for school selectors to attend more local rugby matches during the season. Obviously with many selectors being school coaches themselves, don’t have the time on Saturdays, so thinking outside the box might be required to achieve this this while still keep within the restrictions of the budget.

Teams playing after 18h00:

1. Dlamini 1. Percy Mngadi 1. Tijde Visser 1. Jonty Osborn 1. Bobo Xoshombe 1. Ngoni Chidoma
2. Mazwi 2. Kieran Van Vuuren 2. Jordan Meaker 2. Alex Voster 2. Manga Mvambo 2. Trevor Nkwamba
3. Sithole 3. Kobus Tredoux 3. Mthunzi Moloi 3. Mzamo Majola 3. Kyle Phileratou 3. Kabelo Motloung
4. Weisener 4. Seth vd Heever 4. Alex Luyt 4. Jordan Martin 4. Werner Kotze 4. Tanner Edmunds
5. Van Selm 5. Matthew Harmsworth 5. Bevan Jackson 5. Wiehan Prinsloo 5. Matt Drew 5. Shane Kennedy
6. Le Roux 6. Rupert Kay 6. Zander Rossouw 6. Andre De La Rey (c) 6. Aza Thutsha 6. Jonas Mikalcius
7. Tharratt 7. Mzwandile Mazibuko 7. Jarred Hayes-Hill 7. Nic Pentz 7. Dan Kriedemann 7. Calvin Silson
8. Goodsen 8. Jaco Coetzee 8. Ayron Schramm (vc) 8. Zane Weir 8. Richard Thomas 8. Gareth Murran
9. Lane 9. Kyle Gerhard 9. Matt Reece-Edwards (c) 9. Reece McHardy 9. Ryan Killian 9. Cameron Du Plessis
10. Elder 10. Jacques Dumas 10. Jordan Gregory 10. Matt Larkins 10. Kurt Webster 10. Davydos Taujanskas
11. Ngcobo 11. Sphamandla Ngcobo 11. Alex Albertse 11. Lindo Buthelezi 11. Sandile Biyela 11. Thabo Thabete
12. Rattray 12. Akhona Nela 12. Tyler Smith 12. Juan Anderson 12. MJ Du Plessis 12. Wallace De Lange
13. Edwards 13. Nkululeko Mcuma 13. Blair Cremer 13. Brad Ellse 13. N Mabaso 13. David Weersma
14. Mkhize 14. Derwent Stopforth 14. Thuthu Ndlovu 14. Kyle Lubbe 14. Cowen Govender 14. James Wittstock
15. Holder 15. Morné Joubert 15. Chris Lines 15. Louis Snyman 15. Mabutana Peter 15. Lindo Makhanye
16. Arntzen 16. Robert Peacock 16. Rory Bell 16. James Erasmus 16. Dean Roberts 16. Scott Sullivan
17. Zuma 17. Dewald Van Tonder 17. Biaggio Pelliccia 17. Bren Kennedy 17. T Mazibuko 17. Pete Stravrinou
18. Smith 18. Kevin Du Randt 18. Stephen Tedder 18. Cody Thomas 18. P Sithole 18. Greg Slater
19. Johnson 19. Ntokozo Vidima 19. James Hall 19. Raymond Jardine 19. Pablo Rees 19. Jordan Beukes
20. Vd Linde 20. Curtis Jonas 20. Tristan Tedder 20. Yuric Thambiran 20. Kwanda Ngidi 20. Kuziva Kazembe
21. Hillermann 21. Kwanda Ntshangase 21. Joshua Attenborough 21. Tyrone Jackson 21. Le Roux van Zyl 21. Phiko Sobahle
22. Alexander 22. Cebolakhe Nkosi 22. Ryan van der Waal 22. Luke Schlemmer 22. M Thembe 22. Nathan Van Wyk
23. Whiteman 23. Kenny Van Niekerk 23. Langa Hlongwane 23. Kyan Braithwaite 23. Kyne Innes 23. Ross Marincowitz
24. Michael Teichman 24. Yorick Chetty 24. S Khumalo 24. Siya Sithole
25. Ruben Fouché 25. Keegan Paverd 25. N Ndlovu 25. Rhyce Padayachee
26. Armand Duvenhage


  1. avatar
    #34 Ploegskaar

    @Grasshopper: On that grave note, noted. Evidently even the good weather in CT this week cannot bring a smile to your face. Not to worry, will avoid commenting on your posts or about you in future.

    12 March, 2013 at 13:08
  2. avatar
    #33 Grasshopper

    @Ploegskaar, I have not commented on how the team play as I have not watched them yet. I have indicated how they ‘might’ play but that is it….

    12 March, 2013 at 12:50
  3. avatar
    #32 beet

    @Green Hopper: I think that young fullback Joubert has added a new dimension. There are not too many around with his attacking instinct and what’s great about him is that he is a visionary as well – always looking for the best option to keep an attack alive and not every running with blinkers on even when he has space ahead of him.

    12 March, 2013 at 12:19
  4. avatar
    #31 Ploegskaar

    @Green Hopper: Good Lord, no video analyst work required for opponents that play GW this year, between you and and Grassy’s regular voluntary disclosures every team should be able to read GW like a Archie Comic by now, and the season hasn’t even started! For easy reference I will send your last 2 posts as a link to the Oloff Berg :mrgreen:

    12 March, 2013 at 11:45
  5. avatar
    #30 Green Hopper

    @beet: Again , I think that Gerhard is a quality Scrum Half, and think that an injustice was done to him last year at playing him at Fly half, he did play Scrumhalf as a third replacement for the 1st team against Hilton and was capable, but my worry is that he is erratic with his goal kicking and has been since u14 level , and will probably be better in the second half of the season, my concern would be that he has a hard pressure game first up against Kearseny and with Dumas at Flyhalf up against and experience Flyhalf, we will lack in attack , and GW will revert to the forwards and loosies , this where we will be up against the Doop twins and will struggle. You will find that Kearsney will run the ball up in phases and then spread it wide, we are strong defensively in the backs so this is a good thing , but we don’t have options in attack, or will should I say struggle to attack with the pivots in terms of confidence levels and ability

    12 March, 2013 at 09:49
  6. avatar
    #29 Green Hopper

    @Westers: No Doubt Kearsney will be in the Mix , however I think that the Firepower in the Doops will be matched by GW this year , it’s a strange thing , but players that usually perform so well in grade 11 are often negated in grade 12 and don’t seem to perform as well, and there are numerous to name,
    Yes the will be with GW in 3rd or 4th Spot , I seriously think that GW and Kearseny will be too predictable in the Scrums and the way they play , Kearsney having a better and more experienced 10 , will be a major factor, while in the same weight class I do think he will be better , I think that from a GW perspective this will halt the GW backline to be attacking . and GW with huge potential at the backline will prove to be disappointing .
    You will find that Mcuma would prove a better option from a GW attacking option as Derwent Stopforth would be a far better inside centre as he is very deceptive and normally is a Full back ,
    I think that too much is read into the Teams early performance and College will , at the start of the season, be a completely different team ,
    Westville have a far better pack, the Loosies are far more mobile , heavier and speedier than those of GW , and I think that simply they have more experience ,as a team, against Kearsney
    Again it will be College and Westville this year as the top two contenders

    12 March, 2013 at 09:43
  7. avatar
    #28 beet

    @Green Hopper: I actually think Dumas has done a reasonably good job at 10. He has had quite a bit of game time and has not let his team down. Gerhard plays a value role as first choice kicker. A couple of his angled conversions proved to be the difference in the Framesby result. He is not without compo tho. The Grant Khomo scrumhalf was out injured at the start of the season. He might make a strong challenge for a starting spot when fully fit.

    12 March, 2013 at 08:02
  8. avatar
    #27 beet

    @Westers: A Glenwood vs Westville game in 2013 might be a lost cause but crucially the KZNRU High Schools committee meets in just a few months time to decide on rugby fixtures for 2014. Once those 2014 fixtures are finalised, it’s very close to the point of no return already, so hold thumbs that a few people on either side will be able to swallow a bit of pride and come to the negotiating table.

    12 March, 2013 at 07:59
  9. avatar
    #26 Westers

    @Green Hopper, I would like to think you are right, but, what about Kearsney? I also think you are doing your own team a dis-service. From the little I saw last Wednesday they look sharp. Glenwood has a good size pack and the handling of the backline was excellent in patches and good for the most part. It’s early in the season and this should bode well.
    Without having seen Michaelhouse or Hilton my money would be on Kearsney and Glenwood to top the KZN ranking this year. I think College will also improve as the season progresses. Coaching is a key factor and I am concerned that Westville are falling short in this area. The same problems that they had all of last year are still prevalent at the start of this season (weak defensive structures) and one would have expected them to work on this big-time in pre-season. Time will tell and the picture will start taking shape this weekend.
    I know I am touching on a raw nerve, but my understanding of the Glenwood – Westville situation is that it is Glenwood who refused to play rugby against Westville and in a tit-for-tat measure Westville pulled out of fixtures in all other sports. Which ever way you cut it the boys are the losers.
    A bit late now, but wouldn’t it be great if the two schools had arranged fixtures for all teams other than 1sts and 2nds (who are away) over the long weekend 21 to 24 March. Maybe not having the 1st teams there would have taken any tension out of the situation.

    12 March, 2013 at 07:49
  10. avatar
    #25 Green Hopper

    I am still a believer in that DHS will shine more this year than we anticipate, and I will explain why, I think Northwood will still be stung by the antics at the start of the year , they are at best an average side still and current make up will put them in the lower half of the Tier one schools, they will battle it out with GC , GC whom I have respect for and really appreciated the style they played last year .
    You will find PMB College come through at the start of the season, too many good players and depth with boys playing other sports.
    Hilton, will be middle of the grouping, I have serious reservation about the strategy around Cameron Wright and seriously don’t believe with all the hoo haaa over the last few years that he should be playing or even considered. I think Michael House will fade this year as the makeup of last years will remove most of the team, IMHO they will a bit like France in many aspects this year .
    DHS I think a primed for a good year , psychologically they have had a strong start to the year , barring injury they could do well and even better last year , the Coach is a somewhat of an unknown component and this could shake things up .
    Westville /Glenwood / College again the three main contenders , I think that that should Westville have played GW , this was the one year that Westville could have seriously won the game openly and honestly , and they have done themselves a disservice by withdrawing from the GW scheduled games,
    Gerhard , whilst a very good player , was playing Flyhalf the whole of last year , and I certainly think that this will impact him this year , Dumas, simply doesn’t have the experience . I am stress my concerns around 6 and the Locks , whilst we have some height here , physical presence will be an issue. And all the imports are again an unknown .
    College will be formed of mainly the 16 teams of last year , or at least a good smattering of these boys and will be very competitive this year , next year even better ,

    For me the two contending teams will be College and Westville, and these games will be the ones deciding top spot for the year

    12 March, 2013 at 05:32
  11. avatar
    #24 Brum

    I know this is mainly a rugby site but is any one aware of why Mike Bechet has been relieved of his position of cricket and hockey coach at College ?

    9 March, 2013 at 02:18
  12. avatar
    #23 HORSEFLY NO.1

    Definitely!! And so will the man with the clipboard at DPHS games!!

    8 March, 2013 at 21:09
  13. avatar
    #22 GreenBlooded

    @HORSEFLY NO.1: The man with the clipboard will need to up his game then!!

    8 March, 2013 at 20:46
  14. avatar
    #21 HORSEFLY NO.1

    Some of the best WSPS players aren’t going to WBHS anymore so no guarantees for Westville. KZN U13 players from WSPS Wilko Viljoen and Thomas Westermeyer didn’t go to WBHS. They went to GWD and Kearsney respectively.
    The better WSPS gets, the tougher it’ll be for WBHS to retain them

    8 March, 2013 at 20:44
  15. avatar
    #20 GreenBlooded

    Westvillians will be pleased to know that Westville Senior Primary won the U13 final of the Gelofte Night Series this evening, beating Amanzimtoti 15-duck. Some talented boys in that group by the looks of it – no doubt many of them have received a form from the man’s clipboard.

    Kloof HS won the U18 final.

    8 March, 2013 at 20:39
  16. avatar
    #19 NW_Knight

    @Greenblooded: Green

    8 March, 2013 at 09:06
  17. avatar
    #18 GreenBlooded

    Did Glenwood play in green or Chappie wrappers on Wednesday night?

    8 March, 2013 at 09:00
  18. avatar
    #17 beet

    @CapeMan: House are still doing trials. Lots of thunderstorms have delayed their progress. Expecting a good House scrum tho. Hilton has named a settled team. Confident vibes coming from Gilfillan but HC has tough KZN interschools games on the road to work thru.

    7 March, 2013 at 22:15
  19. avatar
    #16 CapeMan

    What about the likes of House and Hilton? How are they looking this year?

    7 March, 2013 at 21:49
  20. avatar
    #15 HORSEFLY NO.1

    DHS were missing a few players too whom are quite key including their inside centre B.Buthelezi and lock D.Mare. Leroux didn’t start the match and played last couple of minutes…

    7 March, 2013 at 16:56
  21. avatar
    #14 Amalekite

    Kearsney looking very good, even without the Doops.
    Glenwood were excellent. Morne Joubert is a class act. Jaco Coetzee had a very good game too. So far, these are the 2 sides to look out for.
    Still need to see House and Hilton. They should also be up there in my opinion.
    College and Westville still have a lot to work on.
    DHS looked the better side on the day against Nothwood. Pity that their wing decided to show off afer crossing the try line and knock the ball on when trying to dot down. I don’t think that he will make that mistake again. Webster a great asset for DHS.
    Clifton came close to causing an upset – gutsy performance.
    Pioneer and Porties – lots of errors from 2 sides that have already played a few fiull games. Entertaining nontheless.
    All in all, definitely worth the trip to KP.

    7 March, 2013 at 16:47
  22. avatar
    #13 Greenwood

    I’m surprised there are so few comments from regular bloggers on this topic – obviously there weren’t that many bloggers at KP yesterday otherwise this site would be humming – if you weren’t there a great spectacle was missed – a REAL l treat for KZB SBR fans

    I predict a 50% increase in spectators next year and – I enjoyed this more than the KERF fest
    maybe cause we can relate more to local Kzn schools

    7 March, 2013 at 16:32
  23. avatar
    #12 beet

    @BoishaaiPa: It is actually a really good concept. Hopefully next year the KZNRU gets it scheduled to include the 2 Midlands private schools and at a time when some schools don’t have the distractions of big matches a few days later, it will take it to a new level.

    7 March, 2013 at 14:03
  24. avatar
    #11 BoishaaiPa

    This sounds a lot like the tradional season opener we in WP usually have at Newlands. Then the Northern and Country sides plays a 20 min a side game against the Southern Subs schools with no conversion or penalty kicks allowed to posts. Schools comes with their supporters and Newlands comes alive with singing and shouting….Have to bring it to your attention that Boishaai won the “Gees” trophy for best supporters and singing the last 5 years running!

    7 March, 2013 at 13:14
  25. avatar
    #10 beet

    @PlayFlair: The Bulls do the job with 1 man who has 1 assistant, so it can be done. Whether it’s within budget is another matter. Pro rugby has placed enormous financial restraints on RU’s and they have to make every cent spent count. This answer may not help school players who are just looking for a fair shot.

    The comment about Garth was harsh on my side. He is a well-liked former player and loyal employee at the Sharks. I stress the word employee coz there are others above him who determine what he does. His job spec involves a number of other duties at senior rugby level. He is the school rugby convenor as one of many functions and with that title there is an assumption that his role in the school structure should be a lot larger than it really is. Garth aside this is definitely an area the Sharks need to consider as part of their efforts to improve their image apart from the obvious benefits to themselves and the schoolboys – assign more time or have a dedicated employee to oversee SBR. Otherwise accept the probability that the Bulls are going to have an edge on us in our own province.

    7 March, 2013 at 12:59
  26. avatar
    #9 All Black

    Werner De Beer from the Bulls was also at Kings Park last night. The Bulls will be sending a thank you letter to the KZNRU fro putting up this awesome opportunity to see any talent there may be. On another note, perhaps this tournament could be more beneficial and become more accurate if it was played over a weekend in the middle of the season? Fixtures could be manipulated to assist the schools. There were more people attending than for some currie cup matches.

    7 March, 2013 at 10:41
  27. avatar
    #8 GreenBlooded

    @PlayFlair: I wasn’t there. Junior club rugby has started up again so I was hard at work on the training field with my U10’s. 8)

    7 March, 2013 at 10:33
  28. avatar
    #7 PlayFlair

    @GreenBlooded: Based on last nights performances who would the form teams be? @Beet,a interesting stat to keep if what you say about Giles is correct = KZNRU Officials at schoolboy matches this year; in and outside DBN. Is it all on one person? Is that fair or clever for that matter.

    7 March, 2013 at 10:30
  29. avatar
    #6 beet

    @GreenBlooded: No PF commenting on error that has been corrected.

    7 March, 2013 at 09:50
  30. avatar
    #5 GreenBlooded

    @PlayFlair: Nope – NW beat DHS. Neither GW or MC was at full strength.

    7 March, 2013 at 09:45
  31. avatar
    #4 PlayFlair

    @Queenian: Was GW at full strength? If so then College might have taken more from this match then GW. DHS beat NW, thats a pleasant surprise.

    7 March, 2013 at 09:37
  32. avatar
    #3 Queenian

    Thought so what i have heard is MC will be very competive this year.

    7 March, 2013 at 09:15
  33. avatar
    #2 beet

    @Queenian: No. At best a 30% 1st team

    7 March, 2013 at 09:08
  34. avatar
    #1 Queenian

    Was this a full MC team

    7 March, 2013 at 09:05

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