Border Schools Tournament 2013

The Border Schools Tournament takes place at Buffalo Stadium in East London on Saturday 09 March 2013. The rugby day will feature all the well-known Border school’s including the regions heavyweights Selborne, Queen’s and Dale.

Blogger GCollege86 adds:

Border has a few “cluster” academies namely Umtata Academy, Maclear Academy, Stutterheim Academy, Alice Academy, King Williams Town Academy, Queenstown Academy and East London Academy. These academies are made up of second tier schools (not traditional rugby playing schools) and of boys who has talent but their schools don’t play rugby at all or they play at a level where they wont get any exposure. They started this iniative last year and had a tournament amongst themselves in September 2012. This will be their first test against traditional rugby playing schools.

Fixtures for Saturday, 09-Mar-2013

Main Field

09h15 – Breidbach High vs Silimela High
10h30 – Dale College vs Cambridge High
11h45 – Hangklip High vs Umtata Academy
13h00-  Grens High vs Queens College
14h15 – Maria Louw vs Maclear Academy
15h30 – Selborne College A vs Stirling High

B – Field
09h15 – Selborne College B vs Stutterheim High
10h15 – Raptors* vs Stutterheim Academy
11h15 – De Vos Malan vs Alice Academy
12h15 – Port Rex High vs King Williams Town Academy

13h15 – George Randell vs High East London Academy
14h15-  Queenstown Academy vs Hudson Park High

Raptors*: Players are from Beaconhurst; Merrifield; Abbotsford and Gonubie High


  1. avatar
    #167 Ludz

    @QC86: I thought they played last week, enough quality young lads in that team to take a win at Graeme, they should be okay. How did the u16 boys do?

    15 March, 2013 at 15:01
  2. avatar
    #166 QC86

    @Ludz: only the selborne u16’s went to Grens,i think they should have moved heaven and earth to go,they are seriously short of game time :oops:

    15 March, 2013 at 14:24
  3. avatar
    #165 Ludz

    @QC86: should be able to catch them in action, how did they do at the Grens Rugby Day

    15 March, 2013 at 14:07
  4. avatar
    #164 QC86

    @Ludz: they clash with the hudson game at 9.20,but will be over by the time Dale start

    15 March, 2013 at 12:37
  5. avatar
    #163 QC86

    @beet: thanx for that beet, :) don’t hear much from the bugger at the moment,spending to much time with the durban chicks,i think

    15 March, 2013 at 12:31
  6. avatar
    #162 beet

    @QC86: Forgot to mention I saw Baywatch in action last Friday night. He was on fire. Did his level best to steal the limelight away from our flashy new u19 Sharks flyhalf signing from HJS. Both got subbed at halftime tho :(

    15 March, 2013 at 12:07
  7. avatar
    #161 Ludz

    @QC86: @GCollege86: I’ll be keen to see the little men as well. Which 1st XV game do they clash with?

    15 March, 2013 at 11:44
  8. avatar
    #160 QC86

    @GCollege86: 9.20 teen Graeme u14a,en ja ek het ook so gehoor

    15 March, 2013 at 09:46
  9. avatar
    #159 GCollege86

    @QC86: Het Mark hulle al gehoor hoe laat en teen wie hulle speel op Graham? Davy sê my Mitchell is die Kaptein.

    15 March, 2013 at 09:30
  10. avatar
    #158 Playa

    @QC86: Careful….you know what they say about dynamite…it comes in small packages… :mrgreen:

    15 March, 2013 at 09:06
  11. avatar
    #157 Ludz

    @spilly: I’ll keeb the scores coming, might miss the Westville game as I think Queen’s u14a’s might be in action

    15 March, 2013 at 09:00
  12. avatar
    #156 QC86

    @spilly: will do with pleasure,but i am not good with tweets and bbm so send me your cell no and maybe you can post them,my no is 0827727480 and i will sms them to you

    15 March, 2013 at 08:25
  13. avatar
    #155 Queenian

    @Ludz: Ye that Under16 age group is a big worry they need just one or two play makers and they would be okay.

    15 March, 2013 at 05:01
  14. avatar
    #154 spilly

    @Ludz Not able to attend Greame ,would be great if scores and results could be posted throughout the day ,thanks and enjoy the rugby.

    14 March, 2013 at 22:31
  15. avatar
    #153 Ludz

    @QC86: you’ve got 1 good young rugby player there. Dylan Domoney being in matric, good chance we might see the young lad in the baboonas no.2 jersey next year :-D

    We can’t promise anything, but we’ll try our best to leave it in one piece :mrgreen:

    14 March, 2013 at 17:16
  16. avatar
    #152 QC86

    @beet: i got that feeling there is going to be a bit of back slapping taking place there,and playa is going to take the brunt of it,

    14 March, 2013 at 17:09
  17. avatar
    #151 beet

    You guys going to Graeme must just bear in mind that there has to be a school left in reasonable working order on that site when you leave at the end of the day :mrgreen:

    14 March, 2013 at 16:40
  18. avatar
    #150 QC86

    @Ludz: hey ludz play nice :mrgreen:

    14 March, 2013 at 16:28
  19. avatar
    #149 Ludz

    I see a number of us will be at Graeme next week, should be good hey

    14 March, 2013 at 15:20
  20. avatar
    #148 Ludz

    I worry about our u16 age group, not only on the rugby field, they seem to be poor in all sports. 2015 might well be our worst year in terms of sport. 1 can only hope they become better so that boys like Grant Venter do not have it easy :mrgreen:

    14 March, 2013 at 15:17
  21. avatar
    #147 Playa

    @Queenian: dale definitely has access to the capital.The stumbling block, however is getting the buy-in.
    Though I think, Dale’s focus should be more on retaining than recruiting.No point in recruiting boys who will jump ship 2 years later.

    14 March, 2013 at 12:16
  22. avatar
    #146 Gungets Tuft

    @Ploegskaar: I am an unapologetic carnivore. New Years dinner was 5 different species, not one of them domestic, unless you count the skilpaaitjies (sp). Kudu, Wildebeest, Giraffe, Warthog, Impala (just the liver, kidneys, heart and lungs in a potjie).

    Kangaroo is just fine, provided it is cooked just enough to stop it jumping off the plate, or they can serve a salad that might convince it to graze while we nail it down (I like my nyama rare, not missing) .. :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

    14 March, 2013 at 12:08
  23. avatar
    #145 Queenian

    @Playa: I think the joint venture will depend totaly on if they can raise the capital needed Queens have a good chance of doing that but not sure Dale does.

    14 March, 2013 at 12:02
  24. avatar
    #144 Playa

    @Queenian: Hahahaha! Hopefully that will not happen.
    Eish I wonder what went on in Somila’s mind.He’s a quality player, Im sure he’ll make it back into the starting XV.I just hope his heart is still in it.

    The joint venture thing is not a bad idea.Seeing as schools seem to be taking our talent, may as well look abroad for new talent.From a young age of course.

    14 March, 2013 at 12:00
  25. avatar
    #143 Queenian

    @Playa: maybe half the Dale team will be at Queens by that time :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

    I hear vivia the Grape vine there was a meeting between the new QC headmaster and the Dale Headmaster about these boys trying to jump ship were some interesting things were agreed on like maybe a joint venture to Zim to use Old Boys there to try and gain talented kids from there but from a younger age.

    I see Somili Jho seems to have got himself benched for his antics.

    14 March, 2013 at 11:41
  26. avatar
    #142 Playa

    @QC86: Making a pitstop in GTOWN on the 21st for some Graeme Day action en route to a wedding in EL.Will be in KWT from the 22nd to the 25th visiting the folks.

    @Queenian: You never know,hey.Two years is a long time – they may just grow some balls and hair in the right places and surprise us all.Just hope they dont sink into the habit of losing.
    On the flip side, Dale play Queens at the 2015 reunion…it wouldnt be a bad thing to play against a weak QC side :mrgreen:

    14 March, 2013 at 11:31
  27. avatar
    #141 Ploegskaar

    @Gungets Tuft: Interestingly enough quite a few people confuse these marsupial pests with wallabies or koala bears or something, while skippy meat is in actual fact 99% lean, has excellent properties for various processing purposes (similar to game and ostrich) and is one of the biggest exported meats from Australia to Russia. If you can eat a lovely little lamb or a big-eyed veal calf, chomping on a roo burger should not be a problem really.

    14 March, 2013 at 11:06
  28. avatar
    #140 rugbyfan

    @Gungets Tuft: With what i saw of the Queens team a few weeks ago when you see them run on against MC at Goldstones you might actually think they have sent the Under16 team very small pack but very mobile, MC will make a big mistake if they try and play it loose with these kids the Zim boy they have playing 8th man is not big but will cut through any line if given the chance also there Full back is also mean.

    14 March, 2013 at 11:06
  29. avatar
    #139 Gungets Tuft

    @Queenian: Give them hippo. That way they will have size and bite but not be targets for poaching .. {snigger}

    14 March, 2013 at 10:59
  30. avatar
    #138 Queenian

    @Gungets Tuft: I think they should feed the Queens boys some Rhino or something maybe they will get some size that way and i dont mean the Horn :mrgreen:

    14 March, 2013 at 10:50
  31. avatar
    #137 Gungets Tuft

    @QC86: I heard that some South African biltong also tested positive for kangaroo. Not necessarily a bad thing if you feed it to the Locks!!

    14 March, 2013 at 10:47
  32. avatar
    #136 Queenian

    @QC86: Send your kid to Queens i am sure he would get into there Under14A team they seem to have a decent team although i saw the one Queens prop from QC 13A from last year at Grey PE the other day.

    14 March, 2013 at 10:34
  33. avatar
    #135 Queenian

    @rugbyfan: I think they need more than a flyhalf the matches i watched they were clueless. Must say they won alot of ball but did nothing with it seemed to go backwards the whole time.

    14 March, 2013 at 10:31
  34. avatar
    #134 rugbyfan

    @Queenian: Watched them play in Under15 last year they were really weak and thats surprising as there were some big boys in the team but no stars will be long hard season for them.

    All they need is a fly half and they would be good.

    Come on Queenian buy one quickly.

    14 March, 2013 at 10:24
  35. avatar
    #133 Queenian

    @Playa: I see the Queens Under16A team this year who as Under15A last year who only won 4 of there 15 games have started there year on a weak note by losing 12-13 to Grens this age group just stays very weak even after they brought in a few boys.

    2015 looks like a real bum year for Queens 1st Team the way this age group is performing.

    14 March, 2013 at 10:17
  36. avatar
    #132 rugbyfan

    @Queenian: Ye you farmers are not trust worthy when you dish out food.

    14 March, 2013 at 10:02
  37. avatar
    #131 Queenian

    @QC86: Flip i remember the farmers handing out baboon biltong to the very willing JHB boarders at Queens.

    You know what us Tarkastad people were like.

    14 March, 2013 at 09:13
  38. avatar
    #130 QC86

    @Playa: biltong is waiting,no DNA TESTS tho,should get together in G TOWN for a cold one at the rugga,selborne u14’s are playing.

    14 March, 2013 at 09:07
  39. avatar
    #129 Queenian

    @Gungets Tuft: Thats good or he would go to QC86

    14 March, 2013 at 07:54
  40. avatar
    #128 Gungets Tuft

    @rugbyfan: A mate of mine was at the doctor for a checkup recently, the quack told him he needs to watch what he eats, so he bought tickets for the Durban July.

    14 March, 2013 at 07:32
  41. avatar
    #127 Playa

    @Queenian: Hahahaha!And to think I have some biltong to collect from his shop next week.

    QC86 – I’ll be in KWT on the 22nd. I’ll pop into Mabovula for that Biltong :mrgreen:

    14 March, 2013 at 07:11
  42. avatar
    #126 rugbyfan

    @Queenian: No wonder the Queens boys are so small they are fed bread and water. :mrgreen:

    14 March, 2013 at 06:32
  43. avatar
    #125 Queenian

    @Playa: Could be horse could be donkey meat ask QC86 what he sells

    14 March, 2013 at 05:47
  44. avatar
    #124 Playa

    @rugbyfan: Hahahaha!Good one!

    13 March, 2013 at 12:45
  45. avatar
    #123 Queenian

    @rugbyfan: Good one we must ask Booishaai what he ate when he was at Brandwag

    13 March, 2013 at 11:27
  46. avatar
    #122 rugbyfan

    @Playa: In Uitenhage they have things well planned were other schools use Horse steroids to get there kids big in Uitenhage they just eat Horse Meat :mrgreen:

    13 March, 2013 at 09:31
  47. avatar
    #121 Playa

    @Umtata: Meat must be cheap in Uitenhage

    13 March, 2013 at 08:20
  48. avatar
    #120 rugbyfan

    @Queenian: Dont write Queens of just yet against Brandwag they have slayed much bigger dragons in the past.

    13 March, 2013 at 06:36
  49. avatar
    #119 Queenian

    @Umtata: Were these kids come from i dont know at this age size is such a big factor but look at last year Dale had a small pack but came out on top in nearly all there games so lets see what happens.

    I think Queens will have to do alot more than keep these balls away from forwards.

    13 March, 2013 at 06:22
  50. avatar
    #118 Umtata

    531kg???? In school rugby?? Damn these boys are getting bigger and bigger. Queens’ should keep the ball away from those forwards and spread it to the wings every chance they get. QC will struggle at scrum time.

    12 March, 2013 at 21:00
  51. avatar
    #117 Mike

    @Queenian: Scary thing is, both those Brandwag props are in grade 11.

    12 March, 2013 at 16:03
  52. avatar
    #116 Mike

    08h00: Cambridge vs Port Alfred Cambridge by 15
    09h10: Hudson Park vs Muir Hudson Park by 10
    10h20: Dale vs Nico Malan NM by 5 (Selwyn Davids will be the difference)
    11h30: Queens vs Die Brandwag Brandwag by 5 (Massive pack Brandwag have)
    12h40: Grey HS vs Westville Grey by 7
    13h50: Kingswood vs Marlow Marlow by 15
    15h00: St Andrews vs Pearson St Andrews by 20
    16h10: Graeme vs Selborne Selborne by 25 if they leave the big bounces and handoffs out of it

    12 March, 2013 at 16:00
  53. avatar
    #115 rugbyfan

    @Queenian: Ye i know what you saying they really big but Ludz recon the Queens team is playing with alot of heart so let see.

    12 March, 2013 at 14:09
  54. avatar
    #114 Queenian

    @rugbyfan: I am saying a draw because in my heart i want Queens to win but i have seen Brandwag training at least 10 times now and ye David can beat Goliath maybe but he has only one chance other wise he will get smashed.

    There forwards are scary i am sure they have some Super15 players there tight five weigh in at 531 kgs now when i was at school that is what whole packs weighed.

    12 March, 2013 at 13:54
  55. avatar
    #113 Queenian

    @badboy: Thats very interesting i do know in the old days there were fixtures against clubs wonder if any of those clubs are still around i know Uitenhage Swifts stopped in about 1994.

    12 March, 2013 at 13:46
  56. avatar
    #112 badboy

    @rugbyfan: I know you into all the historical stuff here is something my Grand father had on his wall about the Bloem Rugby Tournament in May 1936.

    Old Grey 3 Swifts (QT) 9
    Grey 6 Queens 3
    Swift (Uit) 3 Bethlehem 6
    Muir 3 Grey 9
    Queens 0 Old Grey 3
    Swifts (QT) 6 Swifts (Uit) 6
    Muir 0 Queens 3
    Grey 3 Queens 6
    Old Grey 9 Bethlehem 3

    Looks like schoolboys played against clubs in those days and there does not seem to be any specific winner either but very interesting.

    12 March, 2013 at 13:35
  57. avatar
    #111 rugbyfan

    Interesting Queenian you say a draw for Queens vs Brandwag.

    12 March, 2013 at 13:16
  58. avatar
    #110 Queenian

    PJ Olivier vs Nathaniel Nyaluza PJ by 10

    08h00: Cambridge vs Port Alfred Cambridge by 15
    09h10: Hudson Park vs Muir Hudson Park by 10
    10h20: Dale vs Nico Malan NM by 10
    11h30: Queens vs Die Brandwag a Draw
    12h40: Grey HS vs Westville Grey by 10
    13h50: Kingswood vs Marlow Marlow to win (beat Noord Kaap already)
    15h00: St Andrews vs Pearson St Andrews by 20
    16h10: Graeme vs Selborne Selborne by 20 or more

    12 March, 2013 at 12:24
  59. avatar
    #109 Playa


    PJ Olivier vs Nathaniel Nyaluza PJ by 12

    08h00: Cambridge vs Port Alfred Cambridge by 15
    09h10: Hudson Park vs Muir Hudson Park by 5
    10h20: Dale vs Nico Malan Dale by 3 (purely emotional call – GO AMADODA)
    11h30: Queens vs Die Brandwag QC by 6
    12h40: Grey HS vs Westville Grey by 4
    13h50: Kingswood vs Marlow Draw
    15h00: St Andrews vs Pearson St Andrews by 20
    16h10: Graeme vs Selborne Selborne by 20 or more

    12 March, 2013 at 12:20
  60. avatar
    #108 Playa

    @Queenian: Ive just sent you an sms.Hope you havent changed yours.

    12 March, 2013 at 12:15
  61. avatar
    #107 Queenian

    @Playa: Do you still have my cell no i lost yours when i changed phone let me have and we can meet up on the 21st

    12 March, 2013 at 12:07
  62. avatar
    #106 rugbyfan

    Okay all you Eastern Cape men please put your prediction,s down for Graeme Day on the 21st and i will correlate them and we can see who knows whats going on in there area.

    12 March, 2013 at 12:04
  63. avatar
    #105 Playa

    @Queenian: Thanks for that. I’ll catch the Dale second half and watch the QC game.I need to be in EL by 3pm so will miss the Selborne game.It should be a walk in the park for them anyway.

    11 March, 2013 at 07:49
  64. avatar
    #104 Queenian

    @Playa: Queens are playing Brandwag straight after the Dale game Brandwag have an excellent pack so Queens will be up against it.

    Selborne play Graeme at about 3 looks like they have pulled the easiest of the 3 oppentants.

    11 March, 2013 at 07:39
  65. avatar
    #103 Playa

    From what I hear, Dale wil have their work cut-out for them against Nico Malan’next week.Especially since they are coming off that beating of Oudtshoorn.I’ll probably only catch the second half of that game, i hope I leave CT as planned.I’d really like to see that game.

    @GCollege86: @Ludz: Who are Queens and Selborne playing at the Graeme Rugby Day and at what times?

    11 March, 2013 at 07:26
  66. avatar
    #102 Umtata

    @Mike: I think so as well NicoMalan demolished Oosthorn yesterday.

    10 March, 2013 at 16:09
  67. avatar
    #101 Mike

    @Umtata: I think Dale is going to need to bring their A-game against Nico Malan in two weeks time. Should be a closely contested match.

    10 March, 2013 at 14:46
  68. avatar
    #100 GCollege86

    @spilly: To my knowledge the following boys that I can think of now is: nr13 (broken hand,back in two weeks), NR11 (stitches in lip, had a headclash with nr14 at practice,back in a week), nr4/6 (EC Athleticschamps, back next week).

    10 March, 2013 at 06:57
  69. avatar
    #99 Queenian

    I think to sum it up for Dale/Queens/Selborne is they usually win these Border schools day matches by 50 points this year not but as much so i think i hard year lies in front were these 3 teams will have to grind out wins.

    As far as i have herd Dale battled alot and the scored flatted them a bit but a win is a win, Queens had alot of errors in there game and the forwards battled a bit up front. Selborne were quite slick but errors were also a issue.

    Well early in the year so good wins but i think the 21st March is looming and Dale and Queens face good teams there with big packs so that will be tough, Selborne have by far the eastiest team to play so they should have more time to gel.

    10 March, 2013 at 05:03
  70. avatar
    #98 spilly

    @GCollege86 Looks like the three colleges had good wins any idea as to there potential this season were the teams at full strength i believe Selborne had quite a few certain starters out, would be great to hear some comment.

    9 March, 2013 at 23:08
  71. avatar
    #97 Umtata

    Dale 36 Cambridge 17, @chs how can you dominate a team and lose by 19 points?

    9 March, 2013 at 19:20
  72. avatar
    #96 CHS13

    Cambridge almost beat Dale today. Lost due to defensive errors. Cambridge dominated the Dale team the entire game. Dale hardly saw our half. The scoreline doesn’t reflect our performance. The better team didn’t win.

    9 March, 2013 at 18:56
  73. avatar
    #95 Ludz

    @Stormberg Mountains: rusty performance from the boy, stop start affair as Queen’s were penalised quite a bit. Good signs though, they’re not big, but they stood up physically, but tougher tests await. Not gonna read too much into this 1

    9 March, 2013 at 18:02
  74. avatar
    #94 Stormberg Mountains

    Grens High 0 Queens College 33
    Very mature performance i hear

    9 March, 2013 at 17:47
  75. avatar
    #93 Ludz

    @Stormberg Mountains: yeah also worry about Aubrey, he doesn’t commit to something. Zim boy has been at Queen’s for 3 months

    9 March, 2013 at 12:26
  76. avatar
    #92 Ludz

    Josh’s younger brother Christopher scores the 1st try for Hangklip

    9 March, 2013 at 12:03
  77. avatar
    #91 Stormberg Mountains

    @Ludz: Wow, this kid really lacks direction in life. Hoping and changing, sporting codes like this is not on. Simon Bolze has a huge responsibility ahead of him, this team does not look great on paper, but when you play for the whites its a different story. Anyway how long has this Zim kid been at Queens?

    9 March, 2013 at 11:58
  78. avatar
    #90 Ludz

    @Stormberg Mountains: Aubrey is playing hockey again

    9 March, 2013 at 11:31
  79. avatar
    #89 Ludz

    Dale 17-10 Cambridge

    9 March, 2013 at 11:17
  80. avatar
    #88 Stormberg Mountains

    @Ludz: How long has the Zim boy been at Queens?

    9 March, 2013 at 09:20
  81. avatar
    #87 Stormberg Mountains

    @Ludz: Since you know most these players personally, where is Aubs Ferreira? i would have thought he was playing 12 this year Brown 16 and Jonas drops one of the wingers, but he is not in the team, do you know anything about that? @rugbyfan: the man just answerd your question

    9 March, 2013 at 09:17
  82. avatar
    #86 Ludz

    @rugbyfan: the 8thman is the Zim boy
    @Stormberg Mountains: very surprised to see Jamie Roberts selected ahead of Allan-Graham Rautenbach. A very big congratulations to deputy headboy Simon Bolze on his selection as captain and Justin Hollis as vice-captain, I can’t think of any 2 men that would this team better

    9 March, 2013 at 07:45
  83. avatar
    #85 rugbyfan

    @Umtata: Maybe he is on the bench for trying to defect to Queens

    9 March, 2013 at 06:52
  84. avatar
    #84 rugbyfan

    @Stormberg Mountains: Which one of these boys is the Zim kid.

    9 March, 2013 at 06:50
  85. avatar
    #83 Umtata

    @Playa: Dale will be playing Nico Malan at 10:20am

    8 March, 2013 at 20:08
  86. avatar
    #82 Umtata

    St Andrews School(bloem) will be playing a pre-season game against Union high

    8 March, 2013 at 20:04
  87. avatar
    #81 CHS13

    Border Tri-Nations ranking this year will be: 1. Selborne 2. Queens 3. Dale

    8 March, 2013 at 17:34
  88. avatar
    #80 Stormberg Mountains

    1. Siyavuya Mlwayo
    2. Tiaan Bartman
    3. Dancan Mureguzi
    4. Sifundile Tyebileyo
    5. Lona Ntsila
    6. Justin Hollis(Vice captain)
    7. James Roberts
    8. Shaun Morape
    9. Kewan Gibb
    10. Simon Bolze(Captain)
    11. Jerry Danquah
    12. Kyle Brown
    16. Lilitha Jonas
    14. Avela Jubase
    15. Siphuxolo Zaula
    17. Uhuru Vanda
    18. Tembela Sam
    19. Alan-Graham Rautenbach
    20. Dale de Wet
    21. Leroy Kuyler
    22. Khaya Nocanda
    23. Bonke Matikinca

    Coach: Mr Murray Basset
    Assistant coach: Mr Dave Bolze

    8 March, 2013 at 17:27
  89. avatar
    #79 Playa

    @Hustle: Hahahahahaha!This has got to be the funniest thing I have read all day.

    8 March, 2013 at 16:29
  90. avatar
    #78 Playa

    @Umtata: Surprising indeed. Maybe he’s recovering from an injury or illness as someone speculated earlier this week.Do you know what time they play at the Graeme Rugby day?Need to plan my trip well so that I at least catch them.

    8 March, 2013 at 16:29
  91. avatar
    #77 Hustle

    Playa – I was under pressure, I knew the guys as Dale was “slippery”. Besides not being overly academic, I seemed to think that their were way to many overlaps being created….so I used all my woodworking skills, and calculated that Dale had way to many “planks” in there backline. They had a reserve, on the field who would have thought 3 wings! I think we also gave them a 18 point headsatrt! Ha ha

    8 March, 2013 at 15:39
  92. avatar
    #76 Umtata

    Dale College team for tomorrow(as seen on twitter)
    1. K. Mokoabane 2. S. George 3. Z. Ngqongqwana 4. L. Njokweni 5. L. Zita 6. A. Tsengiwe (c) 7. Q. Mvimbi 8. M. Nchukana 9. L. Kenene 10. S. Mgubo 11. B. Mvolontshi 12. A. Nomphandana 13. S. Maxwane 14. T. Ngosi 15. A. Mavuso
    Subs bench : 16. S. Mthotywa 17. M. Mtongana 18. S. Makhwenkwe 19. B. Ponono 20. S. Ncokovane 21. B. Skenjana 22. L. Mase 23. S. Jho

    Surprised to see Jho on the bench I was almost certain he would be captain this year

    8 March, 2013 at 15:17
  93. avatar
    #75 Playa

    @Hustle: Hahahahaha whatever!You were probably being so smashed that it felt like Dale had an extra man on the field :lol: :lol:

    8 March, 2013 at 07:27
  94. avatar
    #74 rugbyfan

    @hotstepper: QC beat Grey 84/85/95

    7 March, 2013 at 21:20
  95. avatar
    #73 Hustle

    True True – even through cricket made some good friends, and even while I am far away from QTN still think about that school and friendships… – what possie did you play?…

    7 March, 2013 at 18:50
  96. avatar
    #72 QC86

    @Hustle: reading between the lines it is obvious that you have some fond memories of the game,i find that some of the players in the lower teams had a lot more fun and comaradary than the players say in the firsts,to much pressure i think,as you get older it becomes less important in what team you played but what friendships you made and still embrace.

    7 March, 2013 at 17:36
  97. avatar
    #71 hotstepper

    QC 1994 beat Grey College in Bloemfontein. Exciting game. Last time a QC side beat Grey was 84 I think?

    7 March, 2013 at 17:16
  98. avatar
    #70 Hustle

    Some of the banter especially around the scores against G College is impressive, that really is hard to beat! And playing 3 years first QC firsts is impressive. I was never any good at the game, but was impressed when playing Dale pointed out to the ref at U14 E; they had an extra player on the field! ….I think one of the most exciting games I watched was G College Vs QC U15 1987….

    7 March, 2013 at 16:40
  99. avatar
    #69 Playa

    @Umtata: One of the reasons why the Dale-GCB derby was shortlived.Only the 1st 4 teams and the A teams didnt get a Pepsi. :lol:

    7 March, 2013 at 15:57
  100. avatar
    #68 Umtata

    Pepsi sounds hilarious. If queens do end up in the epcd I’m sure schools like aliwal north high, cradock high, union high…etc will not be happy about it.

    7 March, 2013 at 15:08
  101. avatar
    #67 BOG

    @rugbyfan: In 1969, Theuns Stoffberg either played U14 or U15. Already then, one could see that he was destined for bigger things. By the way, “the Pepsi” was introduced after my time, and the exclusive use of the Crocks. After they have built up a solid lead, at a pre- arranged re-start by the opposition, the whole team , at the call of “Pepsi”, falls on their backs and permits the opposing team to score. Quite funny, I believe, not to mention , confusing to the other team. A bit of humour, but some say, unsporting. :mrgreen:

    7 March, 2013 at 14:47
  102. avatar
    #66 QC86

    @QC86: yes we lost 30 -9 in bloemin 86,broke the winning streek,nearly had to walk back to Queenstown :oops:

    7 March, 2013 at 13:19
  103. avatar
    #65 QC86

    @Queenian: only once for me,had a broken collar bone and thus did not play in the 84 game,but there were some Queens boys that never lost to GCB,from grade 8 to 12,the boys that played in the 85 side

    7 March, 2013 at 13:15
  104. avatar
    #64 Queenian

    @QC86: Not sure what happened in 86 but i think you lost to Grey. So you might have palyed against Rugbyfan he left in 84 i think has the distinguised record of never beating Queens

    7 March, 2013 at 13:09
  105. avatar
    #63 Queenian

    @QC86: Tell him at least you kicked GCB butt twice :mrgreen:

    7 March, 2013 at 13:06
  106. avatar
    #62 Queenian

    @rugbyfan: I was actually at that game in 1969 still remember that i can still tell you the 1st team scores out my head 67 (3-6QC) 68(9-9Draw) 69(3-9 QC) 70(9-6Grey) 71 (12-3Grey) 72 (10-12 QC) 73 (22-10Grey)

    You see Rugbyfan at least at Queens they tought us to have good memories not like you Grey Boys dont remember your losses. :mrgreen:

    7 March, 2013 at 13:05
  107. avatar
    #61 QC86

    @rugbyfan: played 10 games in 84 and then 85,86

    7 March, 2013 at 13:05
  108. avatar
    #60 rugbyfan

    @QC86: What year or years did you play Queens 1st

    7 March, 2013 at 12:58
  109. avatar
    #59 rugbyfan

    @Queenian: This will make you feel better 1969 results

    1st Grey 3 Queens 9
    2nd Grey 6 Queens 6
    3rd Grey 3 Queens 12
    4th Grey 18 Queens 9
    5th Grey 9 Queens 6
    6th Grey 9 Queens 9
    16A Grey 9 Queens 12
    16B Grey 6 Queens 0
    15A Grey 18 Queens 3
    15B Grey 12 Queens 12
    15C Grey 0 Queens 9
    14A Grey 6 Queens 6
    14B Grey 18 Queens 0
    14C Grey 6 Queens 9

    7 March, 2013 at 12:56
  110. avatar
    #58 QC86

    @rugbyfan: can remember playing for the 14a’s

    7 March, 2013 at 12:48
  111. avatar
    #57 rugbyfan

    @Mike: I think you spot on there it would be great to see Queens keep there players

    7 March, 2013 at 12:47
  112. avatar
    #56 Mike

    I think Queens moving to EP is a great idea not only for QC but for EP as a whole. I am a Grey PE Old Boy and supporter and I would love to see Queens retaining their players, its good for this proud school and the whole region , and I think it will happen if this move is approved. Like I said on a previous page, the issue with Border doesn’t lie with the schools, its the Border Rugby Union.

    7 March, 2013 at 12:42
  113. avatar
    #55 rugbyfan

    @Queenian: Got your butts kicked there :mrgreen: Must admit although Queens only won 3 and drew 1 alot of the games were close and being in Bloem not bad. Have the 1969 Derby results here some were when i find them i will post them.

    7 March, 2013 at 12:38
  114. avatar
    #54 rugbyfan

    @Queenian: Here is a bit of History for you seen you were there the results of the 1982 Grey Bloem vs Queens rugby day in Bloem.

    1st Grey 16 1st Queens 13
    Cherries Grey 22 2nd Queens 17
    3rd Grey 19 3rd Queens 3
    16A Grey 7 4th Queens 8
    4th Grey 38 5th Queens 10
    16B Grey 17 6th Queens 12
    5th Grey 14 7th Queens 19
    16C Grey 28 8th Queens 4
    6th Grey 54 9th Queens 0
    7th Grey 43 10th Queens 8
    16D Grey 10 11th Queens 6
    8th Grey 27 12th Queens 23
    15A Grey 12 15A Queens 14
    15B Grey 23 15B Queens 18
    15C Grey 57 15C Queens 0
    15D Grey 44 15D Queens 10
    15E Grey 78 15E Queens 0
    14A Grey 28 14A Queens 15
    14B Grey 36 14B Queens 3
    14C Grey 89 14C Queens 8
    14D Grey 44 14D Queens 0
    14E Grey 12 14E Queens 12
    14F Grey 22 14F Queens 18

    7 March, 2013 at 12:29
  115. avatar
    #53 Playa

    @BOG: Hahahaha!The Pepsi. Grey Bloem 7ths vs Dale 7ths in 1993 did it.Leading 99-0.The Dale Flyhalf dropped the ball at the try line…hahahahaha!

    7 March, 2013 at 11:55
  116. avatar
    #52 Playa

    @Queenian: Really? Too bad that gene didnt rub off to Roxy :mrgreen:

    7 March, 2013 at 11:53
  117. avatar
    #51 rugbyfan

    @BOG: You know what those teams are like a boy plays for 7th if 6th need a replacement they make them take somebody from 8th team

    7 March, 2013 at 11:50
  118. avatar
    #50 Ludz

    @Queenian: I think I’ll be there, would be good to see the whole of EC in general

    7 March, 2013 at 11:40
  119. avatar
    #49 BOG

    @rugbyfan: Sorry, bit off the heading here, but breaking news- I heard that the 7ths , effectionately known as The Crocks, beat the 6th team, 4 tries to 1. Wonder if they did the “Pepsi” ?

    7 March, 2013 at 11:38
  120. avatar
    #48 Queenian

    @Playa: Now who was a good player for Dale was Roxy Kings uncle Scants King he played centre in 80/81 was really top notch.

    7 March, 2013 at 11:29
  121. avatar
    #47 Playa

    @Queenian: Alright I hear you, fair enough.

    7 March, 2013 at 11:21
  122. avatar
    #46 Queenian

    @rugbyfan: You see Tony Greig passed away a few months ago i think from cancer.

    7 March, 2013 at 11:18
  123. avatar
    #45 Queenian

    @Playa: Dick Muir at school played Fly half for Queens in 1982 and at best was very ordinary would go as far to say he would not have even played for the 1st team if Daryl Cullinan had played rugby in 82/83.

    7 March, 2013 at 11:17
  124. avatar
    #44 Queenian

    @rugbyfan: Ye i saw alot of those people playing some really good players there but there were also some very good players who are not on that list so i suppose you could pick quite a few team like that and all would be equally good.

    Interesting lock combo both very big people Toney Greig was 6,6 (Foot) in matric and Pryor was 6,7(Foot) in matric so that is one enormus pack.

    7 March, 2013 at 11:14
  125. avatar
    #43 Playa

    @rugbyfan: No Dick Muir 8-O

    7 March, 2013 at 11:10
  126. avatar
    #42 Queenian

    @Ludz: You going to the Graeme matches on the 21st

    7 March, 2013 at 11:09
  127. avatar
    #41 rugbyfan

    @Queenian: Of interest here is a all time Great Queens team i got a few years ago drawn up in conjuction by Dummy Taylor/Otto Langejegger/Louis Prinsloo not sure who they all are but i think they all coached Queens over the years.

    16. Rob Frisch (79/80)
    15. Steven Dell (83/84)
    12. Kevin Phillips (80/82)
    11. Rowan Brown (81/82)
    14. Gary Loest (83/84/85)
    10. Daryl Cullinan (84)
    9. Kenny Mc Ewan (69/70)
    8. Des Brazington (78/79/80/81)
    7. Tertuis Louw (79)
    6. Douglas Mc Ewan (42/43)
    5. Tony Greg (64/65)
    4. Ian Pryor (68/69)
    3. Piet Coetzee (83/84)
    2. Wayne Scott (83/84)
    1. Rob Kempson (91/92)

    It looks like they never took people after 95 into account as this All time list was in Dummy Taylor memo,s printed in 1996.

    Very interesting maybe you Queenians can tell us about some of these people.

    7 March, 2013 at 11:00
  128. avatar
    #40 Ludz

    @Queenian: No I’m based in East London

    7 March, 2013 at 10:58
  129. avatar
    #39 Queenian

    @Ludz: Were you studing in Cape Town

    7 March, 2013 at 10:42
  130. avatar
    #38 Queenian

    @Playa: Ye i think the St Andrews part is a question about money.

    7 March, 2013 at 10:41
  131. avatar
    #37 Ludz

    :mrgreen: @Queenian: Tertiary education is where I’ve been :mrgreen:, time is a scarce resource these days, but I’ll definitely be here more with the schoolboy season starting now :)

    7 March, 2013 at 10:39
  132. avatar
    #36 Playa

    @Queenian: That would be interesting indeed.Maybe send them to their father’s alma mater, St Andrews :lol:

    How’s Roxy doing?Send him my regards…and remind him he still owes me a game of tennis.He put me to shame in school, I need to get my revenge :mrgreen:

    7 March, 2013 at 10:37
  133. avatar
    #35 Queenian

    @Playa: Will be interesting to see were people like Welly and Roxy King will send there kids when they school going age.

    7 March, 2013 at 10:27
  134. avatar
    #34 Queenian

    @Ludz: Hey bud good to see you on the site again were you being.

    7 March, 2013 at 10:19
  135. avatar
    #33 Playa

    @Hustle: Hahahahaha!You’ll never see me dead in that jersey.

    @rugbyfan: Not a bad move at all.I think the domino effect will hit as soon as QC gets accepted (if they do). Maybe Dale should also consider a similar move to either EP or EPCD.Border must see their @rses for imposing such childish regulations.If they are willing for the schools to lose players because of this, they must be willing to lose the schools.

    7 March, 2013 at 10:06
  136. avatar
    #32 Ludz

    It’s definitely been talked about for a while now. I remember when I was talking to Mr Basset and Mr Duncan at St Andrew’s last year and they said there could be a move to get Queen’s in the EPCD. I think it could be beneficial for EP to definitely consider this, it will further strengthen the ties between union and school, with the Southern Kings, they need schools to be on their side in terms of player retention

    7 March, 2013 at 10:06
  137. avatar
    #31 rugbyfan

    @beet: For Queens sake i hope they get this right other wise this will drain there quality boys away from them. I personelly know a Queens old boy who live near Bethulie on the border of the Old NEC and Free State who has 3 sons aged 10/8/6 who told me the other day he will be sending his kids to GCB. And this has nothing to do with bursaries but he made his decision around the Craven Week mess last year.

    7 March, 2013 at 10:01
  138. avatar
    #30 beet

    @Queenian: Great move by Queens. Hopefully it works out. The Unions are meant to support the schools not be their worst enemies.

    7 March, 2013 at 09:53
  139. avatar
    #29 Queenian

    @GCollege86: I think the issue with the Fortuin boy has brought this to a head were the Border Union turned down Queens on there request to allow him to play for Border even though he had signed for the Bulls.

    Fortuin parents even said that they would consider bringing him back to Queens if this was changed so hence the reason i think they were trying to join up with EP country districts which is Marlow/St Andrews/Kingswood/Graeme and so forth anyway Queens is closer to these schools than they are to East London.

    Border Schools Union has always been full of biast and nepitism since Jan Pruits days were Border Craven week teams were loaded with players from schools like Grens and so on. So all that has happened is we have gone from Pruits arpartheid to these idiots incompetence.

    This would be the best thing that could happen for Queens if it did.

    7 March, 2013 at 09:13
  140. avatar
    #28 GCollege86

    @rugbyfan: These rumors were going around last year August already with the Cravenweek exclusions of Stander and kie from the Border side. I don’t blame them. One of the Border guys confirmed this to me as well, but they working on it. Dont know what that means.

    7 March, 2013 at 08:25
  141. avatar
    #27 beet

    I think the Cambridge vs Dale game is building up to be an interesting one. As an outsider to the region I would have assumed easy win for Dale but maybe not the case in 2013.

    7 March, 2013 at 07:59
  142. avatar
    #26 Queenian

    @rugbyfan: Maybe they should join Free State so than kick some of the GCB boys out there Craven Week team. :mrgreen:

    7 March, 2013 at 06:23
  143. avatar
    #25 Queenian

    @rugbyfan: Have not heard any like that but under current circumstances with the Border Rugby Union that would make sense.

    7 March, 2013 at 06:22
  144. avatar
    #24 rugbyfan

    @Queenian: Now here is something was at Grey PE on tuesday and there rugby head says that Queens has applied to EP to be included in the EP area,s for Craven Week.

    Not sure if there is any substance to this but he seemed pretty sure of himself.

    7 March, 2013 at 05:51
  145. avatar
    #23 Queenian

    I think Border schools day will not show us to much i think we will see the true picture at the Graeme day on the 21st.

    I would under normal circumstances expect Selborne/Dale/Queens to win these matches by at least 30 points.

    7 March, 2013 at 05:37
  146. avatar
    #22 Queenian

    @rugbyfan: I think your take on Queens is pretty accurate.

    7 March, 2013 at 05:35
  147. avatar
    #21 rugbyfan

    @Hustle: I saw the Queens team practing about 2 weeks ago what i could see was they will have a good backline and comptetive forwards but with what i could see was they lacked size which will make them battle against teams with big forwards ie: Grey PE/Brandwag/Affies/Paarl Gym/Boland Landbou/Selborne and so on they have 9 kids back that have more than 10 caps and 3 more that have one or two caps. There 2nd,s and Under 16A were quite good last year so they should be okay depending how they gel together as a team. But they will miss the departure of the Fortuin boy as he would have beefed up the pack considerebly.

    I think you will get a good idea how they will do this year when they play Brandwag on the 21st March as they have a pack fit for Super Rugby if Queens get a win there i think there year will look good.

    Although i would warn anybody who writes Queens off to quickly they have done well with ordinary teams before.But my bet is they will lose at least 5 games this year.

    7 March, 2013 at 05:13
  148. avatar
    #20 spilly

    My predictions dale vs camb dale by 8 queens vs grens queens by 15 selborne vs stirl selborne by 25 good luck to all the sides

    7 March, 2013 at 04:12
  149. avatar
    #19 Hustle

    Playa any truth that you are turning out for Stutt? I don’t think thier is an avatar.

    CTH has some points Cambridge was competitive, last year.

    Has anyone seen the QC side practice?

    Will be hard to watch my sharks teams against the kings…

    7 March, 2013 at 02:18
  150. avatar
    #18 Playa

    @CHS13: Hehehe..thats close.
    Further back in 1997.We were 11-10 down with no time left.Got a penalty on the halfway line.Only option was to kick for poles as Cambridge had dominated everything in that game,they even had a superior backline.Penalty hit the cross bar and went over.13-11 Dale won.Almost went bungy jumping

    6 March, 2013 at 16:36
  151. avatar
    #17 CHS13

    @Playa: We almost beat Dale when I was in Grade 8. Lost 7-6. Drop goal from halfway hit the bar in the dying moments.

    6 March, 2013 at 16:23
  152. avatar
    #16 CHS13

    Our star players this year:
    No. 5: Kweku Borsah
    No. 6: Jayson Reinecke
    No. 8: Lusanda Badiyana
    No. 15: Yavela Sigenu

    Our centre combination is last year’s u16a combo: I won’t lie, I have little faith in them

    6 March, 2013 at 16:20
  153. avatar
    #15 Playa

    @CHS13: Very interesting.Always enjoyed the games against Cambridge in my day.I hope you’re wrong in your prediction…I swore I’d go bungy jumping if Dale ever lost to Cambridge in my lifetime. :mrgreen:

    6 March, 2013 at 16:12
  154. avatar
    #14 Ludz

    Look forward to watching some schoolboy action on Saturday, keen to see how Queen’s go along with Selborne and Dale. Always interesting to see Cambridge, Stirling and Hudson at this early stage. :)

    6 March, 2013 at 16:08
  155. avatar
    #13 Ludz

    @CHS13: how are Cambridge looking this year. Remember watching Dallan Lundall or something like that, was a beast on the wing in 2011 and 2012. He’s left, who are the new stars

    6 March, 2013 at 16:03
  156. avatar
    #12 CHS13

    I’m currently in Matric at Cambridge High actually. We have 5 forwards and 3 backline players returning from last years successful 1st XV side. Those players were part of the side that drew 10-10 to Selborne College, beat St Andrews College (Grahamstown) 18-5 and beat Graeme College 25-18 (If I remember clearly)

    Potential Craven Week players in the 8th-man Lusanda Badiyana (16) and flank Jayson Reinecke(17), who was the starting hooker at the Grant Khomo Week for Border in 2011. He will be trying out for hooker at Border trials this year.

    6 March, 2013 at 16:00
  157. avatar
    #11 GCollege86

    @CHS13: I agree

    6 March, 2013 at 15:37
  158. avatar
    #10 QC86

    @CHS13: what have you heard about CHS,do they have a good side,give us abit of background,thanx

    6 March, 2013 at 15:35
  159. avatar
    #9 CHS13

    Cambridge vs Dale should’ve been the second last fixture on the Main Field. I’m backing my school to beat Dale and I’ll be there to witness it :)

    6 March, 2013 at 15:29
  160. avatar
    #8 beet

    @GCollege86: @GCollege86: Thanks

    6 March, 2013 at 15:27
  161. avatar
    #7 BOG

    @QC86: HA ? Then, also a cash box for the takings- large. Pockets too small

    6 March, 2013 at 15:26
  162. avatar
    #6 GCollege86

    @QC86: There will probably be a few 24 year old u19’s :mrgreen:

    6 March, 2013 at 15:22
  163. avatar
    #5 QC86

    home affairs better have a gazebo and a computer at the field :mrgreen:

    6 March, 2013 at 15:18
  164. avatar
    #4 GCollege86

    @beet: You will see that there are a few “Acadamy’s” playing in the Tournament. This is a new initiative that SARU and Border is testing. Border has a few “cluster” academy’s nl Umtata Academy, Maclear Academy, Stutterheim Academy, Alice Academy, KWT Academy, Queenstown Academy and East London Academy. These academy’s are made up of second tier schools (not traditional rugby playing schools) and of boy’s who has talent but their schools don’t play rugby at all or they play at a level where they wont get any ex-poser. They started this late last year and had a tournament amongst themselves in September last year. This will be their first test against traditional rugby playing schools. I believe that trials for Cravenweek will also have an different format compered to previous years gone by.

    6 March, 2013 at 15:13
  165. avatar
    #3 GCollege86

    @beet: East London (BRU) Buffalo City Stadium

    6 March, 2013 at 15:00
  166. avatar
    #2 beet

    Has the venue been confirmed? King or EL?

    6 March, 2013 at 14:43
  167. avatar
    #1 GCollege86

    Border Schools Tournament:

    Saturday 9th March

    Main Field

    09h15 Breidbach High Silimela High
    10h30 Dale College Cambridge High
    11h45 Hangklip High Umtata Academy
    13h00 Grens High Queens College
    14h15 Maria Louw Maclear Academy

    15h30 Selborne College A Stirling High

    B – Field
    09h15 Selborne College B Stutterheim High
    10h15 Raptors Stutterheim Academy
    11h15 De Vos Malan Alice Academy
    12h15 Port Rex High King Williams Town Academy

    13h15 George Randell High East London Academy
    14h15 Queenstown Academy Hudson Park High

    Raptors: Players are from Beaconhurst; Merrifield; Abbotsford and Gonubie High

    6 March, 2013 at 14:14

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