Westville official lands top job at Glenwood feeder school

Hennie Havemann, the Westville Boys’ High Director of Marketing and Boarding, is set to become the new Penzance Primary School Headmaster.

Trends are changing and over the years the significance of the term feeder school has gradually diminished in KZN. Even so with Glenwood High being just a few blocks away from Penzance, the feeder school association for the boys part of the co-ed primary school is still very strong.

Of late there is also a strong Westville connection to Penzance. Olympic gold medal winner Chad le Clos is Penzance’s most famous alumnus of recent times and he attended Westville Boys High.

Havemann’s replacement in the Westville Marketing Department will be current teacher Wian du Plessis.


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  1. avatar
    #2 Rugger fan

    Good luck Hennie –

    7 January, 2016 at 14:25
  2. avatar
    #1 Grasshopper

    Glenwood Prep and Glenwood are run by DHS Old Boys so nothing new here….

    5 January, 2016 at 05:52