Michaelhouse 2015 1st XV on the verge of earning a place in the history book

A message from the Michaelhouse Old Boys Club earlier this week mentioned that there has only been one unbeaten Michaelhouse 1st XV before and that was in 1910 1909. In other words the only in the school’s history team with a 100% winning record during a season.

For the unbeaten Michaelhouse 2015 1st XV there is just one obstacle left standing between them and becoming the school’s first team in over 100 years to go through an entire season unbeaten. The obstacle is their greatest rivals Hilton College. Hilton will run onto on Meadows in Balgowan as the underdogs hoping to rain on Michaelhouse parade.




  1. avatar
    #60 Far Meadows

    Well done House, this was a good win against the old foe. Hilton never gave up, at one stage it looked like could get messy for Hilton with the score at 38-10 with about 20 mins to go.

    What a season for the 1st Xv as well as all the open teams :

    Results for all the open teams:

    Played – 70
    Won – 53
    Lost – 16
    Drawn – 1

    22 June, 2015 at 15:00
  2. avatar
    #59 Rugger fan

    Well done House. A season that will be spoken about for many years to come. Now take some of that along to CW with the KZN team :lol:

    22 June, 2015 at 08:51
  3. avatar
    #58 shaunmhs

    Congratulations Michaelhouse!!

    21 June, 2015 at 07:05
  4. avatar
    #57 Grasshopper

    Well done House on an unbeaten season!

    20 June, 2015 at 17:12
  5. avatar
    #56 akw


    Now fix that fixture list for 2016…:-)

    20 June, 2015 at 16:41
  6. avatar
    #55 McCulleys Workshop

    MHS 38 – Hilton 24

    20 June, 2015 at 16:37
  7. avatar
    #54 pk terrier

    Well done to HOUSE on a magnificent season . Beats everybody in the province . They are def the top team in kzn and if house and Westville play I will have to put my money on house even though ive got no interest in any of the 2 schools but I have seen both play and house is just in a class of their own . House should be the team in kzn that qualifies to play schools out of the province cause they’ve beaten everyone local . whats the use of playing all the schools outside of the province when you not even beating all the schools in your province ? its as if there is a hate between the schools in kzn and they don’t want another school to do well and when they do the excuses start . its schoolboy rugga gents maybe Hilton or college will dominate next year , who knows but that’s how it should be !

    20 June, 2015 at 12:44
  8. avatar
    #53 Stripes

    @McCulleys Workshop: Yes I am, I think today is going to be great!

    20 June, 2015 at 08:08
  9. avatar
    #52 Stripes

    @Grasshopper: Not meant to be a dig at you, if you check the beginning of this thread I agreed with the fact that it would be great to see House playing WV and some of top 10 from other provinces. I just don’t agree with concluding that they would of lost and puting the team down as they have no control over that.

    Anyway I am really looking forward to a great game today and obviously my prediction is a House win.

    20 June, 2015 at 08:05
  10. avatar
    #51 McCulleys Workshop

    @Stripes: Stripes are you a first side parent? Big day today and I’m sure there will be a massive turn out for what should be a great spectacle! The thrill of the unknown, it could be 20 points or it could be a loss, the unpredictable nature of schoolboy rugby. I watched a few of the 91 side’s games and they were red hot. I had forgotten about them for some reason. I watched them give College a bun on Goldstones. An amazing Auzzie schools fullback, Ollie Harvey, who came to his Dad’s alma mater to do a post matric. Enjoy the day.

    20 June, 2015 at 07:56
  11. avatar
    #50 Grasshopper

    @Stripes: Nice dig at me, water over a ducks back. I’m always complementary of House, I just asked a genuine question. Bloggers forget how it’s OK to question and degrade Glenwood but not the other way around. Hopefully the House boys gel with the Glenwood & others schools boys at Craven Week and do us proud!

    20 June, 2015 at 06:53
  12. avatar
    #49 Stripes

    @Vyfster: Thanks for your refreshing attitude and point of view.

    Thanks also to all the other well wishes on thread above, great to see some objective points of view and not just the normal SA behavior of pulling down anyone who succeeds!

    Go House!

    20 June, 2015 at 03:37
  13. avatar
    #48 Vyfster

    Well done to M/House and good luck tomorrow……i think it would be churlish not to congratulate them on a wonderful season……..Regarding them not playing the top teams from other provinces, it is a pity, but i do believe they would have done well and are definitive top 10 in SA and nr 1 in KZN this year.

    people seem to forget the 50 points they put past a strong Helpmekaar team….nobody else came close to doing that…. not Affies nor Grey PE or any other team did that to Helpies…….Helpmekaars wins over Waterkloof and Jeppe Boys (who were both ranked in top 20 at that time) put things in some perspective ………Jeppe beat all the other KZN schools and lost further against Helpies than against Paul Roos for example…….so in my book, if you can beat Helpies that easily AND beat Glenwood, College, Hilton and Kearsney…..then you have a very good team that can compete against any other school team in SA and have a good chance of winning…..Congrats again, I hope you retain your unbeaten record and i think you deserve a top 10 spot if you do

    19 June, 2015 at 22:53
  14. avatar
    #47 Playa

    @Grasshopper: Don’t be a sad panda Grassy :cry:

    19 June, 2015 at 13:37
  15. avatar
    #46 Tigger

    Good luck to both teams, I hope their are no injuries and that the weather play’s its part. Not that we are likely to have any rain. Michaelhouse have done well this year to clear all obstacles in front of it so far and here’s hoping that they can clear their last hurdle. I’m sure that the spectators will holding their breaths and hoping that they can pull it off. Of course, Hilton would love to be the party spoilers. Its always a pity when the game is really exciting and close that there has to be a loser. Good luck to Hilton, who would be the underdogs, perhaps you can rise to the occasion and surprise everybody!

    19 June, 2015 at 13:16
  16. avatar
    #45 Redblack White

    @Far Meadows: That’s an interesting set of results .

    I was looking in a College yearbook from 2012 (when majority of College’s 1st team were under 15) and they did not lose much that year. By contrast the u14’s had a topsy turvy year and I recall the 14a’s losing to House that year, only to reverse the result in 2013.

    So as said before, it all comes down to development over the years, coaching of course and individual application. There is always opportunity for individual explosive growth (as a player not in size only) – sometimes really good players at u/14 level remain really good through the age groups. In other cases , average to good players come into their own and become really great – difficult to tell.

    That is what makes SBR so special – watching kids develop and grow as they progress through the age groups (which is why so many are opposed to artificially engineered team building)

    House have a very good team, are well coached and have a number of stand-out players. By the looks of your stats, these blokes have been very nicely groomed through the age groups and voila! Again, I dont worry that they did not play GCB, Affies, EGJ et al – they deserve to be no.1 this year in KZN – period

    19 June, 2015 at 13:04
  17. avatar
    #44 Grasshopper

    @Roger: KZN lost to the Puma’s last week, but it was only a warm-up game. Times change boet, Glenwood had an unbeaten season in 1965 but some might argue other more recent sides were better because they beat stronger opposition, even if they lost a game or 2. It is difficult to compare era’s but this era the schools need to be tested a bit more. House don’t give a hoot as they don’t need to promote the school or fight for kids to attend, due to the elite nature of the school everyone wants to go there…

    19 June, 2015 at 12:25
  18. avatar
    #43 Grasshopper

    OK, so Bush has successfully painted me as the bad person here. I just questioned something. Anyway, as I have said on numerous occasions, well done House, best team in KZN no doubt. I hope they do win on Saturday. Wish I could be there to witness it and probably the best ‘spelling’ competition in the country. Both House and Hilton Boys must spend many break times practicing it. I have yet to see any other schools in SA do any better in terms of war cries etc. It’s a unique thing and long may it continue.

    19 June, 2015 at 12:21
  19. avatar
    #42 Playa

    Beet – any chance of live streaming this one?

    If House’s pack carry on their momentum from last week against College, they should take this by a country mile.But we know that where derbies are concerned, form counts for zilch!

    19 June, 2015 at 12:17
  20. avatar
    #41 Pedantic

    Looking at the makeup of this MHS team, it’s not by luck that they have performed as they did this season – it is genuinely a great, balanced side.

    Look at their Craven Week selections … 6 of them covering front row, lock, flank, halfback and outside back – quality in all departments.

    It would be brilliant if they could make 100 year history tomorrow – I think they will – a well deserved Number 1 in KZN.

    Good Luck House!

    19 June, 2015 at 11:58
  21. avatar
    #40 Roger

    @Grasshopper: no soapbox Hopper – just a measured response to cr#p that gets thrown around.

    a) if we go back twenty odd years not very many schools played out of province opposition besides the odd tour and the St Stithians festival (if they were lucky enough to get invited) – so I guess all those unbeaten seasons back then should be taken with a pinch of salt – by your rationale?
    b) KES 2009 and MH 2015 provide the bulk of the boys to the respective Craven Week teams – so lets see how KZN do – cos if I recall, the Lions did very well in 2009
    c) 45 injuries across the Open age group at KES this year – that’s three rugby teams – unprecedented.

    Good luck House

    19 June, 2015 at 11:52
  22. avatar
    #39 Bush

    @Grasshopper: I don’t think its only mine. You are entitled to your point, of which you have tried to prove on every other thread or topic. This is a topic about a School about to make history of their own. Be happy for them, don’t be a female reproductive organ.

    19 June, 2015 at 11:42
  23. avatar
    #38 Bush

    @Far Meadows: Thanks Far Meadows, from this coaching is the key. Which will be done to improve the lower teams coming through.

    Good old plumber Nigel posted a very emotional letter. Flip felt like I was going to war. The social media has been going mad at the moment making arrangements. Really looking forward to catching up with the teams mates of that year. Will be awesome if the side of 2015 can finish off what we didn’t manage to do for House.

    19 June, 2015 at 11:38
  24. avatar
    #37 Far Meadows

    @Bush: Hi Bush , this group’s results over the years are as follows:

    u14A – played 13, won8, lost 3 , drawn 2 ( both against Hilton)
    u14B – played 10, won 4 , lost 6

    u15A – Played 13 , won 9 , lost4
    u15B – Played 10, won 6 , lost 3, drawn 1

    u16A – Played 13 , won 5, lost 7 , drawn 1
    u16B – played 10, won 4 , lost 6

    Looking forward to a good day tomorrow , I think that a few of your mates from the 1991 team are going to be up for this one.

    19 June, 2015 at 11:02
  25. avatar
    #36 Grasshopper

    @Bush: Yes Bush, yes! I have never once said Glenwood are the greatest, so that is your perception and not mine. Again it was just a point I made, seems one can’t make points on this open blog.

    19 June, 2015 at 10:45
  26. avatar
    #35 Playa

    @Bush: :lol: :lol: :lol:

    19 June, 2015 at 10:20
  27. avatar
    #34 rugbyfan

    Good Team nothing else needs to be said.

    I would think this this team would have beaten 1 or 2 of the big boys.

    19 June, 2015 at 10:15
  28. avatar
    #33 Bush

    @Goldstones: Would be interesting to find the results of this 1st and 2nd Team when they were in u14. It would answer that question

    19 June, 2015 at 10:14
  29. avatar
    #32 Bush

    @Playa: Hi Player, Hopper is like a kid that goes to some other kids party. Gets pissed off about the party and the presents because they are or were better than his.

    19 June, 2015 at 10:11
  30. avatar
    #31 Bush

    @Playa: Well stated, in KZN its Glenwood or nothing. It’s such a pity MHS aren’t playing Westville.

    19 June, 2015 at 10:04
  31. avatar
    #30 Playa

    @Grasshopper: Hmmm…can the Boks claim to have been world champs in 2007 given who they played to win it????


    Did they choose their opposition????

    HELL NO!

    Just get over it. If House win tomorrow…they will be unbeaten. What I admire the most is that their fixture list probably (I stand to be corrected) will not have been too different from the 1910 one. This ‘did not test themselves’ argument is seriously nauseating.

    19 June, 2015 at 09:58
  32. avatar
    #29 BiasedDHSDad

    Bottom line and a ‘statistic’ based only on facts: Michaelhouse, if they beat Hilton this weekend, will be unbeaten and the first unbeaten side from Balgowan since 1910.

    It is also pretty much indisputable that Michaelhouse are KZN’s top team in 2015 and as much as some may try and manipulate the fact that Westville have not played MHS, I do not believe it would change much. Even if Westville were to beat MHS the Balgowan boys are still clearly KZN’s best in 2015.

    Just how good are MHS compared to the rest of the top teams in the country: Well, due to their fixture list that will never be known.

    Just get over it and let them enjoy their success which is well deserved.

    19 June, 2015 at 09:56
  33. avatar
    #28 Goldstones

    Well done to MHS. Good season, and sure you could have made it more difficult and I can almost bet your boys would have loved one or two bigger away fixtures and some more games, boys will always want that challenge. However the powers that be have decided and have managed the team into this about-to-be-unbeaten situation, this management should not be seen as a bad reflection on good efforts by some good players.

    What is concerning are the results last week where MHS could only put out three U14 teams who all got hammered and particularly the MHS C team by College’s E team. Is this a result of focusing on the1st XV only or is there a plan to develop these guys, I am sure this can’t be an accurate reflection on the relative strength of MHS. I hope not anyway.

    19 June, 2015 at 09:49
  34. avatar
    #27 Bush

    @Grasshopper: Yes, correct. Not this year. The silence from you over the year about Glenwood’s greatness has been a pleasure.

    19 June, 2015 at 09:48
  35. avatar
    #26 Playa

    Eish…wouldn’t one consider playing and beating teams that have been ‘tested’ outside a province being tested on its own? Ain’t life a bitch?!?! :(

    19 June, 2015 at 09:45
  36. avatar
    #25 Grasshopper

    @Bush: Huh?

    19 June, 2015 at 09:42
  37. avatar
    #24 Bush

    @Grasshopper: Any thing for you.

    19 June, 2015 at 09:41
  38. avatar
    #23 Grasshopper

    @Bush: Also, I never once said Glenwood were the greatest, in fact they are only the 5th best in KZN over the past 100 years after College, DHS, House & Hilton in that order. I actually voted Gilfillan the best schoolboy ground in SA in the vote last year and think House is probably the best institution in South Africa. The Hilton vs House derby is up there with SACS vs Bishops, Dale vs Selborne vs Queens etc. Close to 200 games between the schools is awesome!

    19 June, 2015 at 09:41
  39. avatar
    #22 Bush

    @Grasshopper: Were you at the St Charles game? MHS caught St Charles properly, that St Charles side lost to Jeppe I think by 1 point in the last second of the game. Let us not forget Glenwood the best, not just a Rugby School also Academic. Did very well in 2015.

    19 June, 2015 at 09:41
  40. avatar
    #21 Grasshopper

    @Bush: Thanks Bush

    19 June, 2015 at 09:37
  41. avatar
    #20 Bush

    @Grasshopper: Glenwood the greatest, “Michaelhouse 2015 1st XV on the verge of earning a place in the history book” its a place in their history books. This topic is not about how great your school is Hopper, its about MHS.

    19 June, 2015 at 09:34
  42. avatar
    #19 Grasshopper

    @Roger: You allowed to mention injuries as an excuse but I can’t mention if’s, but’s and maybe’s. Oh yes, my Aunty is Bruce Jenner :mrgreen:

    19 June, 2015 at 09:07
  43. avatar
    #18 Grasshopper

    @Roger: Come off your soap box Rog. It’s a genuine point, House not testing themselves…..sorry it’s a valid point. House beating St Charles by like 90 odd points is pretty pointless too….

    19 June, 2015 at 09:01
  44. avatar
    #17 Grasshopper

    @Roger: I think Glenwood should play only George Campbell, Northwood, Clifton, St Charles, Port Natal, Richard’s Bay, Kloof, Hillcrest, Ashton College and Curro in 2016, should be an unbeaten season then….although there are banana peels in there…. :mrgreen:

    19 June, 2015 at 08:59
  45. avatar
    #16 Roger

    @Grasshopper: this is a Michaelhouse thread Hopper – I only referenced the KES 2009 team because the same rubbish about not playing any decent teams was thrown at them too.

    Quite disrespectful to the schools they have played and beaten as well.

    19 June, 2015 at 08:57
  46. avatar
    #15 Grasshopper

    Glenwood vs Monnas

    1st Lost 8-21
    2nd Lost 8-17
    3rd won 21-14
    4th won 7-5
    U16A lost 14-15
    U16B lost 7-10
    U16C lost 21-24
    U15A won 21-14
    U15B won 19-11
    U15C lost 5-47
    U14A won 14-12
    U14B lost 14-22
    U14C lost 5-47
    Played: 13
    Won: 5
    Lost: 8
    Drew: 0
    Points for: 165
    Points Against: 260
    Avg Score: 13-20

    Slightly better across the board with Glenwood showing more depth in the Opens and KES in the age groups. KES’s Under16 group look strong so looking good for 2017.

    19 June, 2015 at 08:56
  47. avatar
    #14 Roger

    @Grasshopper: if my aunty had balls she would be my uncle – you can speculate until the cows come home, fact is, if House beat Hilton it’s an unbeaten season – and bloody well done to them.

    KES have had a couple of weak years (and horrendous injuries this year too) – that’s how it should be – swings and roundabouts.

    19 June, 2015 at 08:53
  48. avatar
    #13 Grasshopper

    Vs Monnas

    1st Lost 22-52
    2nd Lost 12-19
    3rd Lost 0-33
    4th Lost 22-51
    U16A won 13-12
    U16B won 7-5
    U16C won 24-0
    U15A lost 9-27
    U15B lost 0-35
    U15C drew 7-7
    U14A lost 6-34
    U14B lost 12-43
    U14C drew 15-15
    Played: 13
    Won: 3
    Lost: 8
    Drew: 2
    Points for: 149
    Points Against: 333
    Avg Score: 11-26

    19 June, 2015 at 08:47
  49. avatar
    #12 Redblack White

    @Roger: I agree with you – its not as if they traditionally played 20 fixtures and suddenly trimmed it down in the last couple of years to achieve some status.

    as you say, you play who is in front of you… and if it happens to be your traditional rivals, great respect to them to honour those fixtures.

    Question has been asked and answered – are they the top team in KZN this year – YES, YES and YES – any other argument amounts to my junks bigger than your junk.

    Go House!

    19 June, 2015 at 08:36
  50. avatar
    #11 Grasshopper

    @Roger: That’s because KES used to do the same, smash poor St Stithians, St Johns etc and then bleat on about being unbeaten etc. Now that you playing some really strong schools like Affies and Monnas again, catching close to 100 and over 50 points respectively it puts those unbeaten seasons into perspective. The Junior Boks could have just not played England and claimed an unbeaten World Cup….come on boet, you have to test yourself to some degree. Beating a very erratic Glenwood at home this year wasn’t a huge test. It’s a very young Glenwood side who met a more experienced House side. Glenwood then showed what they can do vs College, Noord Kaap and Monnas. I think playing just 1 top 10 side and beating them would have been the cherry on the top. However, let’s not write off Hilton yet, they will want to stop this and lower House’s flag on the weekend…

    19 June, 2015 at 08:36
  51. avatar
    #10 Roger

    this “not been tested outside of KZN” is absolute rubbish – you play who is in front of you. The team did not draw up the fixture list and for any tier 1 school to remain unbeaten is a massive achievement. I remember the same vitriol been thrown at the great 2009 KES team that lost it’s final game of the season to PBHS by 1 point – would have been the first unbeaten team since 1978 but sh#t happens.

    Best of luck to House – and if they turn in an unbeaten season the coaches and players thoroughly deserve the plaudits and not the other nonsense.

    19 June, 2015 at 08:28
  52. avatar
    #9 Redblack White

    @Thumper: I echo that one – I have said it before, well done to House for the way they have managed this team.

    Great team and their results have shown it – well done to them. As with all House teams, great to see a bunch of kids develop together over their years at the school.

    As long as their coaches remind them to forget about record books and hype, and only focus on playing to their strengths this weekend, I predict a 20+ margin over Hilton, and I mean absolutely no disrespect to a very good Hilton side, just my opinion based on what I have seen.

    Good luck to House – hope you guys make this an unbeaten season and enjoy your derby this weekend.

    19 June, 2015 at 08:26
  53. avatar
    #8 Thumper

    @Stripes: Congrats to House on a great season, yes they haven’t really been tested outside of Kzn. They have still beaten College, KC, Hilton and GW. Great bunch of boys, I hope they go unbeaten even if they only play 12 games. Well managed side!

    19 June, 2015 at 08:12
  54. avatar
    #7 Grasshopper

    Bishops should be an annual fixture for House, surely they have strong ties! They might have given some sterner competition

    19 June, 2015 at 08:06
  55. avatar
    #6 Stripes

    @Grasshopper: Thanks, yes it would have been great to see them play some stronger sides but wins against GW,KC, College and Hilton have made up for that. We will always wonder how great this side really was!

    19 June, 2015 at 08:01
  56. avatar
    #5 Side Line View

    Not sure if it should count as unbeaten given they also haven’t played Westville, unless I am wrong? Also a pity they choose not to play strong schools from other provinces. Be interesting to see them against Grey.

    19 June, 2015 at 08:00
  57. avatar
    #4 Bush

    @Grasshopper: Thanks

    19 June, 2015 at 07:28
  58. avatar
    #3 Grasshopper

    Well done House, I expect them to win but derbies are funny things. Just one small blip, not really tested outside KZN….

    19 June, 2015 at 06:07
  59. avatar
    #2 McCulleys Workshop

    @Stripes: Who knows, the rankings are certainly not a perfect science and on any given day the competition is fierce. Certainly a great side.

    18 June, 2015 at 23:57
  60. avatar
    #1 Stripes

    This is such a great event, a derby, House expected to win, Hilton the underdog and the first unbeaten season in 100 years to play for! I wouldn’t miss it for anything! But then I am a House parent and I am obviously biased. My prediction is a close game because it is the most important derby for both schools. But House will win in a close game because Hilton have nothing to lose and it is so important for House! I cannot wait for Saturday, either way they confirm the no 1 spot in KZN and a win hopefully silences the critics and confirms a top 10 spot for this great side of young men!

    18 June, 2015 at 21:45

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