Bulls apply for blanket authority to talk to top WP school players

From Pieter (translated from Afrikaans to English):

The WPRU has got their knickers in a Knot. Why? Because the proactive Blue Bulls have as always followed proper SARU procedure and informed WPRU in writing that the Blue Bulls have 62 talented Western Province school players in mind.

The brains trust behind this efficiency is Xander Janse van Rensburg, one of the top rugby recruiters in the world. The results driven man with blue blood pumping through his veins has a success record that speaks for itself, having signed top Western Province school players in the past who now play alongside many of the best Pretoria school players in the Blue Bulls structures.

The impression created is that if there was only a few names mentioned in the Bulls letter to WPRU, WPRU would have been able to concentrate on making counter-offers to keep those few school players from leaving for Pretoria. Now with 62 players listed, WPRU might be in a spot of bother when it comes to deciding who to allocate contracts to.

The moral of the story is WPRU should worry less about the Blue Bulls and worry more about their own recruitment strategies!

The article in the Cape newspaper on Saturday exposes insecurity.

As proven with the 2015 intake, the Blue Bulls will continue to offer contracts to the best school players in their home region and will graciously accept a letter with 100 Pretoria school player names from WPRU and guaranteed the Bulls will never run to the local media to try and get help to fight their battle for them.


  1. avatar
    #8 Pedantic

    @Muzi: I’m not sure Xander is offering much more than other unions – they do however sell a “superior” product to more than double the number of players the other unions are signing.

    The more I look at it, the more I realise how tough the Sharks have it – no real university to speak of coupled with a limited number of annual junior contracts – no wonder they’re struggling.

    23 April, 2015 at 22:18
  2. avatar
    #7 Buffel

    The Kings have got it right- They contract a total of 23 boys and then at least the boys get a game. Province and the Bulls have an abundance and as PR says, only 23 for a match can be selected.
    RK is running a tight ship in PE and is getting the best out his signings. Watch this space- I believe they will be a force come CC time at the end of July.
    This is why we lose so many of our up and coming players-they sit on the sideline while a select few get a run. Limit the number of signings to say 25 boys per province and let the locals fight it out with the contracted boys when trials come around. That will ensure that they are very selective when it comes time to dish out contracts.
    It will then strengthen the provincial teams to the good of South African rugby – strength vs strength.

    23 April, 2015 at 17:03
  3. avatar
    #6 PRondersteuner

    If a Western Cape schools rugby player is not good enough to make it here, he will try everything to go somewhere else. Like Muzi said: No loyalty anymore. The Bulls did the same thing 2 years ago and ran into trouble financially and had to let a lot of senior players go (Jano Vermaak). The boys must always remember. THERE CAN ONLY BE 23 PLAYERS SELECTED FOR A MATCH!!!!!! Currently there are 46 boys at WPRI and another 35 at WPRA. That is 81 u/19 boys trying to get selected for WP u/19 team. Some will fall away and play club rugby or go overseas. Pieter, we don’t moan and groan about your scouts. OUR BOYS WANT TO PLAY HERE!!!!!!

    7 April, 2015 at 09:45
  4. avatar
    #5 Tang

    I bet you not one of the 62 will make it to Pretoria Boys High School!

    6 April, 2015 at 11:13
  5. avatar
    #4 Muzi

    “Xander Janse Van Rensburg, one off the top rugby recruiters in the world”….and “the worst high performance manager in the world” hence why Bulls can’t hold on to young players like Jacques Du Plessis…. :-|

    6 April, 2015 at 10:12
  6. avatar
    #3 Muzi

    Cry me a river :roll: …..Bulls probably have identified over 100 elite schoolboy players from Gauteng, WP, KZN, Free State, EC..NW……Gert Smal is just bitching and moaning because his scouts are complacent :roll: ..it’s highly unlikely all those 62 players will end up signing for the Bulls or WP anyway what about other provinces like the Sharks..Lions..Cheetahs?!?! :roll: ……Smal just can’t stomach the fact that WP scouts screwed up with the one and only Handre Pollard. :mrgreen:
    It’s the new professional era…loyalty means bugger all these days..it’s all about money..money…money..money…with a big budget Xander has…whether people like it or not.. Bulls will continue to sign the best talent in SA…

    6 April, 2015 at 10:07
  7. avatar
    #2 Woltrui

    “Xander Janse Van Rensburg, one off the top rugby recruiters in the world”. MMmmhhhh…. Nothing against the young Mr Janse Van Rensburg. In my opinion he still needs a LOT of experience before being one of the “top rugby recruiters” in the world.
    Kudu’s vir die Bulle werwers met die huidige talent by die Bulle. Ek vermoed egter baie van die talent is daar weens die sukses wat Heyneke Meyer na die Bulle gebring het. Die afgelope seisoen was dit reeds duidelik dat al die jong spelers nie meer in toue staan om na die Bulle te kom. Of Xander een van die beste werwers in wereld rugby is sal tyd leer.

    6 April, 2015 at 10:05
  8. avatar
    #1 h2o

    This seems to be the right approach from the Bulls. Maybe the schools can learn from this. It does not mean that the player will be taken but it gives a player options. WP surely have identified and approached their players between Grant Khomo and Craven week and have the necessary paperwork in place. 65 seem a bit much seeing that they normally only take in the vicinity of 30 to 40 on their jnr contracts if we go on past reports. Well done Bulls….. now can the Sharks wake up?

    6 April, 2015 at 09:10

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