Grey College vs Paarl Gymnasium 2014 rugby match hangs in the balance

A final decision regarding Grey Bloem playing Paarl Gim at Wildeklawer Skouspel 2014 will be made any day now.

This is a game that every Grey and Gimmies student, parent and old boy wants to see happen but as always these kind of outcomes are not majority vote decisions and so it will be up to a few school officials in positions of authority to have final say on the matter.

For Gimmies, a “yes” would mean they play Affies and Grey at Wildeklawer, arguably traditionally the hardest possible route for any school to follow at Wildeklawer.

For Grey College, a game against Gim would set them up for a grand slam season: Affies, Boishaai, Monnas, the Maroon Machine and Gimmies all in one year.


  1. avatar
    #19 BOG

    @Tjoppa: Wat reg is, is reg. Ek het weer gelees wat jy gese het en miskien dit verkeerd vertolk en miskien “minder beleefd” daarop gereageer. Indien dit so is, vra ek nederig en sonder voorbehoud, verskoning. Indien ek dit reg vertolk het, volstaan ek by dit wat ek vir jou gese het en kan nog byvoeg :lol:

    3 February, 2014 at 10:26
  2. avatar
    #18 BOG

    @GimOB: Its not about what “we and they” want- its about what took place and your fellow supporter who continuously, on this platform , hints or suggests that GCB intentionally avoids Gim. That is the PRIMARY argument here. So, direct your question to him. Regarding the invitation or no invitation, we have agreed to disagree on that with each believing his own source.

    2 February, 2014 at 09:51
  3. avatar
    #17 GimOB

    I do not understand the fuss. We play GC every year at the u15 and u16 tournaments. Do you want us to play them twice? Clarify please.

    2 February, 2014 at 08:06
  4. avatar
    #16 BOG

    @gimmie: Rather than veiled advice, perhaps you should consider to be more direct with Boks- clearly, he is hard at hearing and it would appear that he has a skin like a crocodile. And mocking people with a speech impediment, to put it mildly, is also “not advisable”. Regarding the other matter, we will just each have to believe our own source in that regard.

    2 February, 2014 at 01:36
  5. avatar
    #15 gimmie

    @bog, I do not concur with bok as Grey C would never deliberately try and avoid playing Gym. That said I find it astonishing that u would want us to believe that BoshaaiPa knows more about Gym rugby than our head of the Governing Body. Our head coach also confirmed today that your story is devoid of any truth…case close from my side…

    2 February, 2014 at 00:34
  6. avatar
    #14 BOG

    @gimmie: I have not misread a thing. I have no reason to disbelieve BHP in this regard and until he tells me otherwise, I stand on my comments and question. If you wish to be “constructive”, you should advise your delusional fellow supporter, Boks, to restrain himself- not only with his misplaced suggestions of GCB supposedly being afraid, but also his mockery and name calling of someone with a speech impediment. Its really not in good taste, especially when its directed at someone who is highly respected and has achieved much in rugby.

    1 February, 2014 at 19:41
  7. avatar
    #13 BOG

    @gimmie: I have not misread a thing. I have no reason to disbelieve BHP in this regard and until he tells me otherwise, I stand on my comments and question. If you wish to be “constructive”, you should advise your delusional fellow supporter, Boks, to restrain himself- not only with his misplaced suggestions of GCB supposedly being afraid, but also his mockery and name calling of someone with a speech impediment. Its really not in good taste, especially when its directed at someone who has achieved much in rugby.

    1 February, 2014 at 19:37
  8. avatar
    #12 PaarlBok

    Dankie Gimmie. Ons weet Grey vermy ons. Kom al daar van Hakkel Helgaard se dae.

    1 February, 2014 at 18:53
  9. avatar
    #11 gimmie

    You must have misread my comments, the chairman of the Gym Governing Body confirmed it to me. I doubt very much that BoishaaiPa would be better informed…

    1 February, 2014 at 18:07
  10. avatar
    #10 BOG

    @gimmie: Im really not concerned about your opinion about me, but the information about the invitation to which I referred, comes from BHP. Im sure that he will give you the precise details. I trust that you will deem my comments as sufficiently “constructive” to raise the matter with him.He has proven himself here as a commentator with integrity and I have no reason to believe that he would suck something like that out of his thumb. Have a good day.

    1 February, 2014 at 17:29
  11. avatar
    #9 gimmie

    Of course the game will take place even if that means we have to play Affies and Grey in 2 days. We would love to play Grey C every year as it is important to play against the best and Grey C is SA’s leading rugby school. I do not normally respond to comments posted by Bog as they are often not constructive. I have however confirmed with the head of our Governing body that it is not true that we have refused to play matches against Grey. To the contrary, everyone at Gym want an annual fixture. I know Beet has been instrumental in making this clash possible and from our side we want it to happen and I am sure Grey will want to play as well.

    1 February, 2014 at 17:09
  12. avatar
    #8 BOG

    @Tjoppa: Was jy saam met jou maatjie in Johannesburg vir n langnaweek? Sover my kennis strek, bestaan die NP nie meer nie, maar miskien wel, net in Tshwane? Ons sien die swart rook, van brandende motorbande in Bronhorstspruit en Pta. Wes, van ver. Ek vermei maar altyd voorspelling vorentoe- dit weet jy,dus kan ek maar net verwys na dit wat REEDS vermag is.Daai manne praat maar binne die witlyne, maar ek hoor dinge lyk weer normaal in die Rosestad. Die “duisternis” waarna jy verwys, is vir meeste, n sonsontploffing.

    1 February, 2014 at 16:41
  13. avatar
    #7 Tjoppa

    @BOG: Jy praat waar Bog maar as ek jou na die huidige kan trek. Die NP het die land ook die langste in die geskiedenis regeer maar dit beteken nie hulle regeer tans of sal ooit weer regeer nie. 2jaar is julle al in die duisternis ne. :mrgreen: :evil: :mrgreen:

    1 February, 2014 at 15:01
  14. avatar
    #6 phat55

    hope this match up takes place!!

    1 February, 2014 at 13:59
  15. avatar
    #5 Playa

    For the sake of schoolboy rugby, the powers that be must do the right thing and let this game happen!

    1 February, 2014 at 13:41
  16. avatar
    #4 Grey Brak

    Bring it on! Kan nie wag vir die rugbyseisoen om te begin nie.

    1 February, 2014 at 13:23
  17. avatar
    #3 BOG

    “hands in the balance, or hands in the scrum”? I heard that an invitation was extended to Gym by GCB, to play their under age teams, I suppose the U 14, U15 and U16s. This would not only have been wonderful in itself, but may have encouraged those who must make the decision about the first teams as well. But for some inexplicable reason, the invitation was declined.Was it fear, netball commitments or what?Im still waiting for Boks to provide an answer.@Woltrui: Daardie twee ronde groen goed lyk seker soos jou knaters na n langnaweek in Johannesburg- met tande? Wat is die telling nou weer tussen GCB en julle spannetjie? Is dit 34-4 of 34-5? Dit is nou iets om oor te lag :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

    1 February, 2014 at 13:18
  18. avatar
    #2 Woltrui

    @PaarlBok: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

    1 February, 2014 at 13:01
  19. avatar
    #1 PaarlBok

    nog 5 jaar om te gaan

    1 February, 2014 at 12:12

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