Results – week ending 15 June 2013

St Andrews 46 23 Kingswood  K-DAY
M. College 10 50 Westville
Kearsney 34 9 Hilton  Founders Day
George Campbell 13 12 Glenwood
Northwood Clifton Cancelled by Clifton
Clifton 17 22 St Charles
Michaelhouse 45 13 DHS
Hudson Park 10 21 Dale
Nico Malan 52 10 Dirkie Uys
Union 13 10 Graeme
Selborne 57 0 Grens
Pretoria BH 70 14 St Johns
St Davids 37 39 St Albans
St Benedicts 32 12 St Stithians
Menlopark 34 17 Montana
Centurion 33 8 Eldoraigne
Kempton Park 49 27 Vereeniging Gim


  1. avatar
    #128 spilly

    Any chance of having the squads for Cape Schools Week ,all the best to the teams.

    17 June, 2013 at 11:44
  2. avatar
    #127 McCulleys Workshop

    @Rugger fan: A very up and down season, but the big one a return game against Hilton this weekend. In 98/99? They got given 40 points by Hilton and reversed it for the return game. The wonders of SBR that defies logs, league tables etc.

    17 June, 2013 at 11:09
  3. avatar
    #126 Tjoppa

    @Klofie Pa: Wat se jy van Tuks se 10? En julle ag hom nie goed genoeg vir hoer louere nie? Ai Ai

    16 June, 2013 at 21:12
  4. avatar
    #125 Klofie Pa

    @BOG: Boggie jy weet waarvan ek praat!! Spelling dalk nie heeltemaal reg ons is …. on song….!!!
    Hoop maar eendag sal sanity prevail in die totale sirkus vertoning!!!

    16 June, 2013 at 20:37
  5. avatar
    #124 BOG

    @Klofie Pa: Die ironie van daardie woord wat jy gebruik, is dat dit toe wel kosher was, maar vandag, eerder “coacher” en in skoolrugby, selfs nog meer “coacher”, veral in die WP :mrgreen:

    16 June, 2013 at 20:08
  6. avatar
    #123 Klofie Pa

    @Hanswors: Om nie eers te praat van Lampies wat 100+ gespeel
    het!! Naas het gereeld vir Tuks gejol!!Loius Moolman was n regular feature gewees saam met Okkie Oosthuizen en Reg Marchant aan die annerkant!! Dan het ek ook nog hoopvol daar rond gehang met die hoop vir gametime!! lekker tye!!!
    Toe was die keurings proses nog caocher gewees!!
    lank leef daai dae!!!

    16 June, 2013 at 19:58
  7. avatar
    #122 Hanswors

    @Klofiepa: Ja voorwaar – waar is die dae toe daar Carlton op Loftus B en C gespeel was. As jy tussen die 2 velde gestaan het dan kon jy 2 wedstryde kyk en die spelers was hier by jou gewees – Springbokke soos Uli, Burger G, Piet Kruger , Hein Rogers ens ens ……..

    16 June, 2013 at 18:30
  8. avatar
    #121 Klofie Pa

    @BOG: Boggie het gaan rondkrap op daai blad. Voorwaar n uitsonderlike prestasie en wat nog meer die eentonige reelmaat wat dit gebeur!!!
    Regtig iets om op trots te wees en miskien n bietjie windgat te kan wees!! Sal geen eksepsie neem vir julle Grey manne nie.

    16 June, 2013 at 16:49
  9. avatar
    #120 BOG

    n Mens bereik n punt in jou lewe waar jy windgat kan wees op n mooi manier, omdat jy nie daardie gesindheid het agv eie prestasies nie, maar agv van ander sn. En om doodeerlik te wees, wie kan werklik daarop aanspraak maak dat hulle 100% beskeie is? Soos iemand by geleentheid gese het- “Kyk manne, ons is nie windgat nie, maar bloot realisties! ” En dan moet jy darem in gedagte hou dat ek dikwels iets se, tong in die kies, oordryf en om sekeres doelbewus te irriteer, of in reaksie— Hierdie is tog maar vir meeste n bietjie pret en wees nou eerlik, in n groot mate beuelblasery- moet dit nie ALLES ernstig opneem nie. Maar andersins stem ek saam.

    16 June, 2013 at 16:43
  10. avatar
    #119 Koos Roos

    @BOG: Met respek ou Bog, jou profiel op die blog is alles behalwe dat jy beskeie is. Wat jy egter voorhou oor Bokrugby , feitelik korrek en geluk met julle manne! Wat jy egter aanraak is belangrik, so baie mense tipeer tradisionele skole as net rugby. Ek nooi enige iemand uit om bv interskole tussen Grey en PRG by te woon. Kore, orkeste (Grey het ‘n top boereorkes) skaak, debat, gholf en so kan ek aangaan.

    16 June, 2013 at 15:16
  11. avatar
    #118 BOG

    And just to put things into perspective. Grey is not exclusively a rugby school. The winner of Eskom Expo for young scientists 2013, is Daniel von Eschwege from GCB. Oh and I almost forgot- Dean Burmester won his first Sunshine Tour event in the past week.

    16 June, 2013 at 13:36
  12. avatar
    #117 BOG

    Verskoon n bietjie widgatgeid vanoggend, maar as julle wil sien hoe lyk n “pictorial impact” van EEN skool, uit EEN streek op die samestelling vd nasionale span, besoek gerus die FB page van Grey College. En dit is met n BB afrigter/keurder.

    16 June, 2013 at 10:59
  13. avatar
    #116 Klofie Pa

    @Koos Roos: nee wat ou Koos n groter AB ondersteuner as ek gaan jy moeilik kry!!! n flou Black nog steeds myle voor n rammetjie uitnek Bok!!
    Tjoppa jip daai studente het goed gatgeskop gister. Maar dinge lyk gesond in klubrugby hier in PTA. Die eerste twee gaan nou aan na die Predator reeks wat ek nie heeltemaal weet wie en waar dit is nie. Neem aan
    dis Joburg en omgewing. Manne van die Panne??
    Wollie hoop nie julle gelukkige manne het te veel raakgevat daar in mooie Nelspruit!!!
    Geluk aan die Bokke met die wen. Hoop HM kry n erkende 6 volgende keer!!

    16 June, 2013 at 10:52
  14. avatar
    #115 Koos Roos

    @Woltrui: Klomp verrassings op Padag gekry. Maak al daai koue nat saterdagoggende weer spesiaal! Ja, die Bokke was effens lou. Geen rede tot kommer, genoeg talent en Meyer kyk sy opsies goed uit. Sien uit na hul beste vorm. Skotte het ook met passie gespeel. Kom ons bly positief. Klofie Pa, nie geweet jy kom van die Kaap af nie. NZ se 2de grootste ondersteunerbasis mos van hier. Wat van hul flou vertoning laas week teen die Franse? BOKKE BO!

    16 June, 2013 at 09:52
  15. avatar
    #114 Woltrui

    @Klofie Pa: Hi Kloofpa. Was gisteraand by die toets in Nellies. Miskien nie die beste rugby maar wat n partytjie! :mrgreen:
    Bly maar n vooreg om n toets by te woon. Rugby bly maar deel van die Suid Afrikaanse kultuur.

    16 June, 2013 at 08:48
  16. avatar
    #113 Tjoppa

    @Klofie Pa: Ja toe wen Mighty Tuks alles

    16 June, 2013 at 08:25
  17. avatar
    #112 Rugger fan

    Well done to house for getting one back at the end of the season on DHS. A week of interesting results.

    15 June, 2013 at 23:57
  18. avatar
    #111 Djou

    @Jakes: Also watched the game. Menlo had it in the bag in 1st half and slowed down. Probability of Montana winning despite the fumble – not good, but stupid mistake. Don’t know how many games of Menlo you watched this season, but the boys certainly did not fire all out, whilst Montana came out all guns blazing. Almost like the Boks vs Scotland. Nevertheless, good to see Montana climbing the ladder. Hope they compete in the Blue Bulls A-league next year, unlike “sissies” such as Wonderboom, Centurion, Zwartkop, HTS John Vorster, Overkruin, Oos-Moot etc. who used to be tough, but nowadays are afraid to compete against tougher competition. If you want to become better, you need to compete against tougher competition and put in an effort. By choosing not to compete in the A-league on own accord, they will most certainly lose their top players to the schools in the A-league – and become even weaker. Unfortunately I see a downward spiral for these schools and it will be hard on their players – unless they change their point of view.

    15 June, 2013 at 20:23
  19. avatar
    #110 Klofie Pa

    Vir die eerste keer in 24 jr weer n carlton game gaan kyk!!
    goeie ou dae toe rugby nog gespeel is met die hoop die ringkoppe sien jou raak om vir die BB te speel!!’
    Waar die res van die land bang was om teen enige klubs in PTA te speel want dit was te hard. Waar die klubchamps elke jaar gewen was deur Quins!!
    Lekker man Lekker!!
    Ns. dank die Vader die AB’s het gejol vandag!! My goeie dosis rugby ingekry en hoef nie om na die sorryass bokke te kyk nie!!’

    15 June, 2013 at 19:15
  20. avatar
    #109 Vleis

    St Alban’s 1st team held on to beat St David’s away from home by 39 to 37. Gutsy performance by St Alban’s considering that they were missing 6 players, including their flyhalf, captain (SA schools player) and star lock (Bulls Academy team). The latter will probably miss the Academy week, which is a great pity, as I think he could have set it alight.

    St Alban’s u15 beat St David’s u15 by 50 to 0.

    15 June, 2013 at 15:56
  21. avatar
    #108 Rhino


    Our u16A hasnt done well at all this year huh… well done to yours on the win…

    15 June, 2013 at 13:45
  22. avatar
    #107 Gungets Tuft

    U16A – 25-16

    15 June, 2013 at 13:32
  23. avatar
    #106 Gungets Tuft

    College vs Ville

    6th – 33-5
    5th – 29-7
    4th – 36-26

    U15B I know College lost, not sure of the score

    15 June, 2013 at 12:34
  24. avatar
    #105 Grasshopper

    Well done to George Campbell on their shock victory, probably their first against Glenwood. Hard luck Glenwood boys you learn from these experiences. In life you have ups and downs, it’s being able to deal with both positively. Still a great side, remember your great win over Boishaai! Go Green!

    15 June, 2013 at 07:24
  25. avatar
    #104 kcob

    I stand to be corrected; but I heard about 6 or so blokes were rested in GW 1st. This could be been because of CW pressures for Mondays game, or other reasons. Not quite sure, if forced unlucky, if unforced then an elevated GC and overconfident GW.

    15 June, 2013 at 06:42
  26. avatar
    #103 jakes

    Blue Bulls 1/4 finals.Game1 Centurion 33- Eldoraigne 8.Game 2 Menlopark 34-Montana 17. Montana threw 7 points away when they were dominating the game in 2nd half.Player had a stroll to score behind the post, but after allready celebrating the try, he dropped or knocked the ball out of his hands. It could have turned the game :oops:

    14 June, 2013 at 23:46
  27. avatar
    #102 McCulleys Workshop

    @Westers: OK Westers, your more direct approach seems to have worked…

    14 June, 2013 at 22:20
  28. avatar
    #101 McCulleys Workshop

    @HORSEFLY NO.1: Anyway, I’ve finally worked it out, they should either cancel exams until next term so they don’t interfere with rugby, or cancel rugby over exams. It really isn’t fair to play some teams and not the others, particularly the 1st/2nd and A/B teams because they are then prejudiced with their exams, and in my experience there are often a LARGE number of players in those teams that need a little extra academic help, what do you think Horsey??

    14 June, 2013 at 21:56
  29. avatar
    #100 Westers

    @HORSEFLY NO.1: Matrics are finished but G8 to G11 are right in the middle. But as McCulleys points out, Westville played last week and the week before, etc. Its not Matric Trials – those are written in term 3.

    14 June, 2013 at 21:53
  30. avatar
    #99 McCulleys Workshop

    @HORSEFLY NO.1: @Westers: Horsefly, I agree, but I’m not sure why Glenwood/Westville/Northwood didn’t postpone/cancel/reduce teams last week or the week before when their exams were on. Obviously they aren’t on the same page yet!

    14 June, 2013 at 21:47
  31. avatar
    #98 Griffon

    @ WBHS Griffon : Let’s not bring Westville supporters names down here !! All scholls have their off days, Westville lost to Pioneer 2 years. Comments like those are immature and really unnecessary. Welldone to GC for that great win, a lot of those boys will remember it for quite a while. Unlucky to the GW boys, things like these are what make rugby and sports in general entertaining and exciting. Being one of the few Westville bloggers who have not had a shove at Glenwood, have to say I’v enjoyed their rugby having watched about 5/6 of their matches. Their running rugby is quite entertaining. Can’t comment on Kearsney as I last saw them play at their festival. Going to be a good weekend of rugby this week, with mainly Maritzburg or Botha’s Hill the place to be

    14 June, 2013 at 21:41
  32. avatar
    #97 HORSEFLY NO.1

    Glenwoods done, I THINK westvilles done, Northwoods done. So who exactly is most schools??

    And its not an excuse, its a very good idea

    14 June, 2013 at 21:41
  33. avatar
    #96 Griffon

    @ WBHS Griffon : Let’s not bring Westville supporters names down here !! All scholls have their off days, Westville lost to Pioneer 2 years. Comments like those are immature and really unnecessary. Welldone to GC for that great win, a lot of those boys will remember it for quite a while. Unlucky to the GW boys, things like these are what make rugby and sports in general entertaining and exciting.

    14 June, 2013 at 21:39
  34. avatar
    #95 Westers

    @HORSEFLY NO.1: Most schools are writing exams at the moment. Not a good excuse.

    14 June, 2013 at 21:27
  35. avatar
    #94 Westers

    @WBHS Griffon: Calm down boet. What comes round goes round. All is good in SBR.

    14 June, 2013 at 21:26
  36. avatar
    #93 Westers

    @Grasshopper: Two things you need correcting on. Firstly, the weak Jhb school we beat at altitude drew with Monnas who beat Glenwood the next week. Can’t be that weak. Secondly, next year should be at Westville. It was Glenwood who chose to not have a fixture this year, not Westville.

    14 June, 2013 at 21:24
  37. avatar
    #92 sharkie

    Rhino I was mainly referring to the other sub blog where the westville okes are ripping it enough said as for our craven week strength I don’t believe the top sides in kzn play each other enough so I think you will see against the bulls in the opening match exactly our strength.

    14 June, 2013 at 21:18
  38. avatar
    #91 McCulleys Workshop

    @Rhino: Yes but it does add some interesting thoughts to our Craven Week selection. Maybe there is some truth in all the WOOD bloggers suggestions that the GW seconds may be better than the first, and their attendance at trials was justified! How about that, or maybe we have an average CW team this year.

    14 June, 2013 at 21:14
  39. avatar
    #90 McCulleys Workshop

    @HORSEFLY NO.1: @HORSEFLY NO.1: Well, exams are a very good reason to cancel/postpone all school games, or reduce the number of teams playing on the day. I’m not sure why this method wasn’t adopted years ago and that its been left to DHS to pioneer this, good on you.

    14 June, 2013 at 21:10
  40. avatar
    #89 Rhino

    @ SHarkie

    There was only 1 comment that i have seen that was a proper dig so rather use singular than plural huh ? or am i wrong? My comment was aied at that jordaan dude for his pathetic go at me and westville earlier on the thread. that was it.
    And yes u right it can happen and we experienced something like this a few years ago when a good wbhs side ost to some northern natal farm school.. is it pioneer or something so for sure it does happen every so often. if the game was played again the result would 99.9% go the other way as we all thought.

    14 June, 2013 at 21:06
  41. avatar
    #88 HORSEFLY NO.1

    @McCulleys Workshop:
    I honestly don’t know, probably for rankings sake and upholding traditions.

    14 June, 2013 at 21:04
  42. avatar
    #87 sharkie

    well done george campbell you guys must be stoked. sport is so great when david can down goliath. What a result for a team that always give 110%. Glenwood supporters ignore the westville comments this can happen to any team. Hope kearsney are awake tomorrow

    14 June, 2013 at 20:58
  43. avatar
    #86 Rhino


    No dude.. Wie is Jy.. what kind of a question is that.. ? I said my opinion as i didnt agree with them earlier.
    Anyhow hows them apples now huh ? Your high and mighty GW just got beat by GC.. and the only reason im saying this like this to you is cause of your pathetic post me earlier.. eish!

    14 June, 2013 at 20:57
  44. avatar
    #85 kcob

    @All @Beet Seriously Beet, please could you insist on DOB or ID number or something to ensure we do not have bloggers who are u18. I think it will improve the immature sh*t some of these kids talk…it’s bringing your site into a horrible disrepute!

    14 June, 2013 at 20:46
  45. avatar
    #84 McCulleys Workshop

    @HORSEFLY NO.1: Jeez, that is amazing! I’m surprised they are playing at all on that basis Horsefly. Why not cancel?

    14 June, 2013 at 20:37
  46. avatar
    #83 HORSEFLY NO.1

    The fixture was always set out for 8 games. Its not because DHS can’t put out more teams its bbecause they are heavily involved in exams.
    Get your facts straight!!

    14 June, 2013 at 20:32
  47. avatar
    #82 WBHS Griffon

    @Grasshopper: You lucky if you still in the top 4, and what weak opposition like George Campbell!

    Trouble is that you think you’re an “Exhibition” / “Tournament” rugby team and only want to play the top sides in the country – why don’t you stick to try winning in KZN first!

    14 June, 2013 at 19:55
  48. avatar
    #81 WBHS Griffon

    @Grasshopper: Where you??? Where’s the Glenwood “X-Factor” now???

    14 June, 2013 at 19:52
  49. avatar
    #80 WBHS Griffon

    @Grasshopper: ..and Glenwood’s loss to George Campbell, who’s everyone has beaten comprehensively…I see your big green bubble has been burst again!

    9 KZN schools players and no.1 in KZN – I don’t think so buddy, so stop talking kuk!

    This puts you guys comprehensively at no.4 / 5 in KZN now – ha!

    14 June, 2013 at 19:47
  50. avatar
    #79 Grasshopper

    @WBHS Griffon: unbeaten against who? The top 4 sides in KZN includes Kearsney, Glenwood and College and Westville have played none of them. Westville is sounding like KES now remaining unbeaten against weak JHB opposition. Anyway, the games are back on next year and hopefully at Glenwood as they should be….

    14 June, 2013 at 19:16
  51. avatar
    #78 Grasshopper

    @WBHS Griffon: yah like Westville’s loss to Pioneer or one of those northern sides, forgot which one. Losing to Northwood because they were complacent is no disgrace, at least still tier 1 school.

    14 June, 2013 at 19:12
  52. avatar
    #77 Tarpeys

    Sad day tomorrow. I see DHS are only fielding 8 teams against Michaelhouse tomorrow with mere 2 in the opens. Unfortunately this is the season they slip and become tier 2. Sad day for KZN rugby.

    14 June, 2013 at 18:41
  53. avatar
    #76 Griffon

    @ Sharkie : As I said above I do think it would be a close game even with the Du Preez(I don’t believe MRE is that influential), as the boys would have been up for the occasion of causing an upset. I also remember Glenwood 16A losing to Westville in 2011 by about 10 points after the same team was beaten 43-0 the previous year. @ Gungets : I’m pretty fine with the log you put up, very fair in my opinion

    14 June, 2013 at 18:04
  54. avatar
    #75 Gungets Tuft

    @WBHS Griffon: I am saying you can’t claim unbeaten if you don’t play, that’s all. Rankings, unless In a league, are a Pyle of excreta. I don’t do rankings, I do logs. If you don’t play you each get a point for a draw. That’s the way it is done, the gospel according to Gungets :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

    14 June, 2013 at 17:50
  55. avatar
    #74 sharkie

    AMalekite i dont for one moment say we would beat paarl gim today but we would give them a close run. we led the game 6 nil 8 minutes to go to the first half, without the du preezs. Why do you believe westville would run kearsney close or even for that matter run glenwood close if you go back and look at the history of this age group you will see it was bever close and bear in mind the last three years this age group played without the du preez and matt reece edwards

    14 June, 2013 at 17:46
  56. avatar
    #73 Griffon

    I believe rankings at times are just a bit rash, especially with this season in KZN where a few games have been called off due weather, illness, and other reasons. I do believe the Westville/Glenwood game would’ve been a close one, as this current 1st(majority were in the 2011 16A) beat this team 2 years ago. But a lot has changed in those 2 year, about 3 new players coming to Glenwood, and some good Grade 11’s. The Kearsney game would’ve been interesting as I know most of the 1st team players this year had never beaten Kearsney and would’ve loved to have a last go. Both these games could’ve gone either way, just like the College game tomorrow

    14 June, 2013 at 17:12
  57. avatar
    #72 Amalekite

    @sharkie: Nice to be able to dream concerning Paarl Gym…..
    The reality is that they gave us a rugby lesson. You guys then had 2 days to do the video analysis of our game. You started off well but finally caved in to a superior team. The same happened to Glenwood 2 days after that.
    Give credit where it is due. Paarl are a fantastic team that deserve to be at the top of the rankings.

    14 June, 2013 at 17:10
  58. avatar
    #71 WBHS Griffon

    @GreenBlooded: So Glenwood have lost to Kearsney, were lucky to beat College, would be 50/50 against Westville and would probably lose to Hilton the way they are playing right now, yet they have the “x-factor” and should be seen as no.1, huh??

    14 June, 2013 at 17:00
  59. avatar
    #70 WBHS Griffon

    @Gungets Tuft: Huh? The science and the ranking system are the yardstick or is it your opinion that’s the yardstick?

    14 June, 2013 at 16:58
  60. avatar
    #69 Gungets Tuft

    @WBHS Griffon: Huh??

    Remaining unbeaten is the only yardstick?. So if you play only one game, against DHS, and win, you are in that unbeaten number?.

    Ok then.

    14 June, 2013 at 16:53
  61. avatar
    #68 WBHS Griffon

    @Grasshopper: On the rankings, yes you are quite right, it’s is just your opinion. Of course you guys are going to say you are either number 1 or 2, you do that every year, even when you lost to Northwood a few years ago which cut you down to size very quickly.

    I say stick to what the science says as it’s objective, right? This is a KZN rankings system and whilst KC and Westville are unbeaten in KZN, they will remain numbers 1 and 2. We certainly not going to base any rankings on your “x-factor” kuk talk, that’s for sure!

    14 June, 2013 at 16:36
  62. avatar
    #67 Jordaan

    @Rhino: Julle Westville ouens dink jy deel van hierdie elite “ou 5” vlak is net omdat jy goed gedoen het in ‘n paar ander sportsoorte.

    Jy sal nooit die geskiedenis en tradisies van Glewnood he.

    Gaan blog op ‘n swimming website!

    14 June, 2013 at 16:25
  63. avatar
    #66 Jordaan

    @Rhino: Wie is jy? Julle Westville ou’s!

    Glenwood is playing much better rugby than anyone in the province right now, they are the clear number 1 in KZN.

    Westville should stick to academics and swimming!

    14 June, 2013 at 16:20
  64. avatar
    #65 sharkie

    When you think of who is number one this year then think of the team you would least want to play if your life depended on it. i know from a kearsney point of view we would least want to play glenwood again becasuse i believe they would be the hardest team for kearsney to beat in natal. So if westville think they are are number great they havent played kearsney or glenwood so dont know the strength of those teams. when i look at the top 10 in south africa i would least want to play affies as i know kearsney would run the likes of paarl gim very close as when we did play them the game plan was wrong and we should have kept it more in the forwards…lesson learnt next time it would be different. its like tiger woods he might not be number 1 but you would pick him last to play against

    14 June, 2013 at 16:13
  65. avatar
    #64 All Black

    With all this debate about 1,2 and 3 in KZN, obviously tomorrows result is a forgone conclusion. Have a good day all.

    14 June, 2013 at 15:13
  66. avatar
    #63 Rhino

    @Grasshopper and the other kearsney chap

    Well if Westville cant be number 1 ( if we win tomorrow ) then neither can KC or GW – so basically no one can be no.1 – you cant have double standards when it comes to Westville but its ok to pick yourselves as 1 and 2. what a loada of KUK !!!
    Also even with the amount of Star players u lov to mention doesnt mean you would win as a team… hence why rugby is a team game…DOH !!!

    Basically the whole season cannot truly be judged as GW and KC havent played us and vice versa so go figure. and also if u talk of star players then you could also look at scores of how teams were beated and a lot of the games we played we beat the opp better than you did ( not all ) and some the other way around so its just silly to try say who is 1 2 and 3.

    If it makes you feel better say it to yourself out loud but dont talk kuk on this.

    14 June, 2013 at 14:33
  67. avatar
    #62 Engelsman

    @Westers: Oh yes, big loss that!

    14 June, 2013 at 13:12
  68. avatar
    #61 GreenBlooded

    Schedule of College vs Kearsney matches. Well done to the 2 schools for making sure these vital matches take place. If there is a will there is a way………..

    14 June, 2013 at 12:32
  69. avatar
    #60 beet

    @Greenwood: Ja I would be really grateful if someone could tell us which route to follow to get to George Campbell today.

    14 June, 2013 at 12:31
  70. avatar
    #59 Greenwood

    Eisch !! getting to George Campbell today could be a problem with Top Gear fest being set up down the road & also with Taxis on strike – I understand many Roads in the area already closed
    going to have to give this one a miss – maybe we can get some updates via tweets

    14 June, 2013 at 11:58
  71. avatar
    #58 Ruggersake

    To all you dedicated bloggers, if the schools could not field their respective full teams, we will all be having the same futile debate fueled by what ifs and speculation.

    Give a moments thought to all the individual boys who are a source of grat pleasure to us, the pressure they must feel to please bloggers, spectators, parents and would be guru,s!

    Good luck to all teams winners or losers without you there would be zero SBR!

    14 June, 2013 at 11:43
  72. avatar
    #57 Westers

    @Engelsman: And Donovan Pieters out as well I heard.

    14 June, 2013 at 11:37
  73. avatar
    #56 Engelsman

    @star: Reece is playing, all good to go, just Weir out.

    14 June, 2013 at 11:12
  74. avatar
    #55 Tigger

    Gentlemen, an update as to the Glenwood/George Campbell/Port Natal fixtures this afternoon as posted above :-

    2 XV v PN 1 @ 16H20 and not 15H20
    6XV v GC 4 @ 14H00 and not 15H00
    U16C v GC U16B and not PN U16B @ 14H00
    U15B v GC U15B and not PN U15A @ 16H00
    No U15C match
    U14B v PN U14A @ 16H00 and not @ 15H00
    U14C v GC U14A @ 15H00 and not @ 14H00
    U14D v GC U14B @ 15H00 and not @ 14H00
    No U14E match

    14 June, 2013 at 10:42
  75. avatar
    #54 Greenwood

    The Goose

    thanks for info – even delaying my Lighties 18th Birthday Braai which the wife had planned for late Saturday pm – so we, including my son can come and watch – the wife knows that SBR comes before Braai’s parties and funerals 8-O

    also popping in at Kloof to watch their derby Vs Hillcrest @ 1.30

    14 June, 2013 at 10:17
  76. avatar
    #53 star

    I hope Reece does play in his last game for the school. We have already lost De La Rey( a very good player and captain) and Weir ( the headboy) and showing great form. On Goldstones you need leadership and a calm hand and Reece would be required to provide that to steady the ship when the College adrenalin kicks in.

    14 June, 2013 at 09:41
  77. avatar
    #52 jakes

    @Djou_ I did not know Menlo won Centurion- so this afternoon teams should be on top form or their season is over for the Beeld- Lets see how it goes then but I can bet you Montana is going to give Menlo a hard time. Yes I agree, a Waterkloof and EG Jansen seems to be on top form now and a final between them will be a thriller. But then their is Garsfontein as well, lets see how the draw goes.

    14 June, 2013 at 09:32
  78. avatar
    #51 Playa

    @kcman: Hopefully the hockey victory is good omen for the rugby tomorrow.Good luck…may the best snob win :mrgreen:

    14 June, 2013 at 09:29
  79. avatar
    #50 Djou

    @Jakes: Montana possibly beating Menlopark? Menlopark comfortably beat Centurion – when Centurion was still in good form. Centurion started the season well but their performances tapered off due to injuries and losing some form lately. Montana lost against this under par Centurion and I fail to see how they can scare Menlopark.
    Beeld macro schools final? At current form it must be Waterkloof vs EG Jansen, if they don’t meet somewhere in the play offs.

    14 June, 2013 at 08:32
  80. avatar
    #49 Buffel

    @Grasshopper: agree- and that goes for Kearsney. My top three in this order 1. Kearsney 2. Glenwood 3. Westville followed by the rest. The top 2 are very close but due to the 1 point win early on puts KC clear. Next year will be just as interesting with College coming into the mix. DHS will be competetive and so too MHS.

    I say that College by 10. Not sure if reece is playing due to injury and the fact that CW is so close.

    Kearsney 2nd XV should win this one at a canter with College midweek being a stern test IMO.

    Good luck to all and hope injuries are down to a minimum.

    14 June, 2013 at 08:02
  81. avatar
    #48 Grasshopper

    @Westers: anybody who has watched the KZN sides knows Kearsney is 1 and Glenwood 2, both sides have some X factor players. Westville is not bad, but have 2 X factor players in Ellse and McHardy. College are a good side too, especially at home, it’s close though. I doubt Westville would have beaten a full strength Glenwood at Glenwood this year….just my opinion….

    13 June, 2013 at 21:46
  82. avatar
    #47 Westers

    @Grasshopper: Who says K and GW are 1 and 2?

    13 June, 2013 at 21:26
  83. avatar
    #46 Gungets Tuft

    @beet: Kearsney would lose 8 to CW, College would lose 10. Who was it that said, after the College vs Hilton match, that having 7 players out is “that’s rugby” or something.

    It’s not ideal of course, but the effect on each team is similar. Mighty suit College more, they have already tried the “7 short” combination in the heat of battle :roll:

    13 June, 2013 at 20:54
  84. avatar
    #45 GreenBlooded

    @GreenBlooded: My bad – I meant the KC match. Like the might green-machine would stand down to the lads from the leafy suburb. …….pfffft.

    13 June, 2013 at 20:46
  85. avatar
    #44 GreenBlooded

    @Grasshopper: Quite right. Glenwood would also be unbeaten had we dodged the WV match.

    13 June, 2013 at 20:43
  86. avatar
    #43 beet

    @star: It would make that game very interesting if the provincial players had to be excluded but I can’t see Kearsney agreeing to a fixture on that basis. This in spite of the Bondedag being just 2 days later and the boys already having played on the 15th and 17th.

    So potentially games on 15, 17, 20, 22 June with players being used on rotation on 17th and 22nd. Quite a workload.

    13 June, 2013 at 20:37
  87. avatar
    #42 Grasshopper

    @WBHS Griffon: Westville can’t be no1 if they have not played Kearsney the no1 side and Glenwood at no2….

    13 June, 2013 at 20:21
  88. avatar
    #41 WBHS Griffon

    @star: That’s probably pretty close! I reckon Westville will be fired up after seeing Hilton demolish College. Let’s hope we can still maintain our unbeaten record in KZN and hopefully end the season as no.1

    13 June, 2013 at 20:02
  89. avatar
    #40 star

    Westville by 1 point-While history is against them the current grade 12s did win 2 years ago on Goldstones and will hopefully get up for their last game
    KC by 15- Hilton is not only about Cameron but if the wind blows the KC back 3 better have themselves ready for some hang time action.
    GW by 50. Westville put 64 points on George Campbell and GW have more reps in their 2nd team. :mrgreen: Anything less will be really disappointing.
    House by 25- DHS wont be as over run in the backs as has been the case previously.
    Does anyone know if the CW and Academy reps are going to play next week in the KC/MC match?

    13 June, 2013 at 19:56
  90. avatar
    #39 Buffel

    OK, Here is my prediction for the KC / Hilton clash. KC by 25. Reason being, watched Hilton play DHS and Mr. Wright didn’t impress me. Yes he has a big boot off the base and good pass but would be far more useful at fly half where he has more space to dictate the game. Did a fantastic job last year against Kearsney and don’t be surprised to see him play there this weekend. Even so, Kearsney will be fired up for this one as it is founders day and Reece-Edwards is playing his 50th game in the one stripe. The twins and Mat have played since grade1 together and I feel that they want to leave their high school careers on a high by winning the last 2 games that they will play for the school together. Throw in Schramm and a few more talented boys and you have a seriously competitive 1st XV. We owe them one after the ‘Mafia’ took control last year and we were piped at the post.

    13 June, 2013 at 19:15
  91. avatar
    #38 GreenBlooded

    @Woltrui: Not at all. Do you mean to tell me that the men of Snor-Stad cannot watch rugby and drink beer at the same time? Must be that altitude thing again…..

    13 June, 2013 at 19:08
  92. avatar
    #37 GreenBlooded

    @Gungets Tuft: Well done – this is the best ranking system I have ever seen. :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

    13 June, 2013 at 19:07
  93. avatar
    #36 TheGoose

    @Greenwood: Hey – kickoff is at 3. Full schedule here –

    13 June, 2013 at 19:04
  94. avatar
    #35 Woltrui

    @jakes: Dankie Jakes.

    13 June, 2013 at 17:35
  95. avatar
    #34 Woltrui

    @Gungets Tuft: Dear sir. Up north we thought it is only the ladies that “multi task”. Should we start to worry about our brothers from the last outpost? 8)

    13 June, 2013 at 17:34
  96. avatar
    #33 Gungets Tuft

    @Ruggersake: House and DHS fighting it out to see who comes 3rd and 2nd last. Northwood hold last and have finished their matches.

    If Kearseny beat Hilton They move to 11 log points, tied with Glenwood who have no more points earning matches, making it a tie-breaker against College next week. If Westville win they will be on 12, making it necessary for Kearsney to beat College next week to take top spot.

    So, unless Hilton win, it is going to be a big match next week. Om my standings :

    Glenwood – 11 (all done, they can only lose a point against College, not get another)
    Westville – 10 (last match this weekend)
    Kearsney – 9 (2 to play, possible 4 points, total 13 and will win the league)
    Hilton – 8 (2 to play but the House return offers Hilton only a possible lost point)
    College – 6 (3 to play, the Glenwood return offers only 1 point though – so possible 11??)
    House – 2 (2 to play, possible 3 points, only one possible from Hilton return)
    DHS – 1 (from the Northwood bye, 1 to play )
    Northwood – 1 (from the called off match against DHS)

    That is if my log is right. No correspondence entered into :oops:

    13 June, 2013 at 16:48
  97. avatar
    #32 jakes

    @ Woltrui- Transvalia plays in the Beeld Big schools league as I can see on the schedule for Saturday, not the macro schools league. (Where I actually think they belong)They will be playing Brandwag from Benoni in the semis this coming Saturday. What the Blue bulls concern, I do not know how it is going to work after Fridays game, there are playoff games next term as well. The nr.1 and 2 usually progresses direct to overall Beeld 1/4 finals. nr 3 and 4 are in playoffs with other regions as it was last year.

    13 June, 2013 at 16:43
  98. avatar
    #31 kcman

    Super article with videos of recent K-Day clashes.

    13 June, 2013 at 16:42
  99. avatar
    #30 kcman

    @Playa: @Queenian: Guys I hope you right, I think we will have to play out our socks and SAC will need to have a shocker.

    We came back in the hockey last night from a 1 goal deficit at halftime to win it 2-1. Great game it was on Webster Astro at SAC.

    We have drawn first blood of the KDAY week. :-D

    13 June, 2013 at 16:38
  100. avatar
    #29 Ruggersake

    Viva SBR

    13 June, 2013 at 16:32
  101. avatar
    #28 Ruggersake

    Some juicy fixtures this weekend and great weather predicted.

    The fixtures to watch KC vs HC and MC vs WH, and then to dispel all emotionaly charged blogs leading up to the crowning of KZN,s best….

    KC by 20
    MC by 10

    13 June, 2013 at 16:30
  102. avatar
    #27 Gungets Tuft

    @Woltrui: College are, but we can multitask. Is playing rugby on a Saturday and writing exams during the week more difficult at altitude?

    Not sure about Westville – perhaps they have servants for that daarso in the Leafy Suburbs :twisted: :mrgreen: :evil:

    13 June, 2013 at 16:24
  103. avatar
    #26 Woltrui

    @Gungets Tuft: Mr Tufts aren’t the Charkies boitjies writing exams this time of the year? 8)

    13 June, 2013 at 15:57
  104. avatar
    #25 Woltrui

    @jakes: Centurion and Menlo to take the Bulls 1/4. I take it they will then have to play Kloof and Garsies in the Semi’s?
    Kempies to win Vereeniging Gim. Do you know what happened to Transvalia Jakes?

    13 June, 2013 at 15:53
  105. avatar
    #24 Gungets Tuft

    @RBugger: Didn’t mean to create the impression that I don’t enjoy watching whatever team College put out, I felt for the replacements as well. They are all good players, the strength of the second side this year attests to that, but it was such a late call, such big changes, that the okes would have felt they didn’t do justice to themselves. Not true of course, 80% of the performance of the team comes from the practice field where understanding is built. You see it year after year with Barbarians teams, field full of stars but don’t often beat their opposition.

    I enjoy watching College play, win or lose, it’s not about that. You want okes to be in a position to give it their best shot, they would have been 25% improved with just one full training session. Anyway, moving swiftly on ….

    Agree with the George Campbell call – they are giong to be better than people think. Give them an inch, they will make you pay. Should be a good weekend …

    13 June, 2013 at 15:52
  106. avatar
    #23 RBugger

    @Gungets Tuft: Any school who lost their star players against Hilton would be miserable, certainly not a tru reflection of the strength posed by College this year.

    But I have heard from more than one source that Wright likes to put it long and HIGH!!!

    13 June, 2013 at 15:32
  107. avatar
    #22 Gungets Tuft

    @RBugger: Eesich – I made up the tactics, looks like I might have made a bit of sense. Not underestimating the ability of Hilton to run it out, but give Wright an inch to put the ball up and chase, Hilton will take it. All this gleaned from a miserable afternoon 2 weeks ago … :(

    13 June, 2013 at 14:59
  108. avatar
    #21 Gungets Tuft

    @Greenwood: Wright is U19, not allowed at CW.

    13 June, 2013 at 14:57
  109. avatar
    #20 Greenwood

    The Goose

    will be there what time is 1st’s kick off ?

    13 June, 2013 at 14:50
  110. avatar
    #19 Greenwood


    Surprised Wright didn’t make CW – he was outstanding in the mud at GW

    Genuine Best of luck to College against W’ville If College play like they did on their 150th
    they will cream Westville

    13 June, 2013 at 14:48
  111. avatar
    #18 Grasshopper

    @Westers: Nope, I don’t think so as I believe they are going in with a new front row and centre pairing, so resting a few guys for CW….so it’s if they can gel like the others have a few times this year. A few tweaks in key positions can disrupt things. Hopefully not, but I say they should win but by less that 50… George Campbell should never be written off…

    13 June, 2013 at 14:41
  112. avatar
    #17 TheGoose

    @Greenwood: Do it. Come up to the Hill and enjoy a great day out.

    13 June, 2013 at 14:28
  113. avatar
    #16 RBugger

    @Greenwood: Must come to KC this Sat – it is their Founders Weekend, going to be great. Plus, Hilton beat KC last year, so it will be a great game!

    @Gungets Tuft: Have heard that Wright likes to put up Bombs – watch for the counter attacks by Schramm and Lines from the back

    13 June, 2013 at 14:17
  114. avatar
    #15 Gungets Tuft

    @Greenwood: Kearsney by more than 5. Wright is good, but Kearsney on song will give them 10-15 I reckon. College beat Hilton up front, I believe KC will monster them, less time behind the scrum for Hilton. Have your fullback practice under high ball bombs, the #8 and wings backing him up running from the back, forwards controlling the rucks if they get stopped, Bob’s your auntie.

    Above all, remember I am a hockey dad .. :mrgreen: :oops: :mrgreen: .. and I should never make predictions.

    13 June, 2013 at 13:48
  115. avatar
    #14 Greenwood


    you’ve messed up my plans now !!- I was going to watch College play Westville in Pmb

    Now what do I do ?? two potentially exciting games on the cards here

    I would be cautious with Hilton – That Wright fellow is really good and Hilton played well against Glenwood and GWD only came right in the last 10 minutes

    I would say Kearsney by 5 – might save some petrol and end up on the hill & shout for the one stripes !!

    13 June, 2013 at 13:17
  116. avatar
    #13 Westers

    @Grasshopper: Glenwood 1sts should win by 50 or more.

    13 June, 2013 at 13:10
  117. avatar
    #12 jakes

    Beeld- Falcons semi finals- Kempton park vs Vereeniging Gimnasium. The winner to play EG Jansen in final next term.

    13 June, 2013 at 13:07
  118. avatar
    #11 Playa

    @Queenian: Not a chance! It would be great if they pulled off a win though. :lol:

    13 June, 2013 at 12:28
  119. avatar
    #10 Playa

    dale surely to win against the Co-Eds :mrgreen:

    A clsoe one…but AMADODA by 6

    13 June, 2013 at 12:27
  120. avatar
    #9 Tigger

    Fixtures for Glenwood against George Campbell/Port Natal to be played TOMORROW Friday 14th :-

    At George Campbell:-

    1 XV v GC 1 XV 17.45
    2 XV v PN 1 XV 15.20
    3 XV v GC 2 XV 15.10
    4 XV v PN 2 XV 14.00
    5 XV v GC 3 XV 15.00
    6 XV v PN 4 XV 15.00

    U16A v PN U16A 16.00
    U16B v GC U16A 15.00
    U16C v PN U16B 14.00

    At Port Natal :-

    U15A v GC A 17.00
    U15B v PN A 16.00
    U15C v GC B 16.00

    U14B v PN A 15.00
    U14C v GC A 14.00
    U14D v GC B 15.00
    U14E v GC C 14.00

    13 June, 2013 at 12:22
  121. avatar
    #8 beet

    @Grasshopper: No Campbell 1st vs Glenwood 1st and Port Natal 1sts vs the Glenwood Chappies (2nds)

    13 June, 2013 at 12:05
  122. avatar
    #7 Grasshopper

    I think it’s the Glenwood 2nd’s vs George Campbell 1st, but I stand to be corrected….

    13 June, 2013 at 12:00
  123. avatar
    #6 jakes

    Blue Bulls region- Beeld 1/4 finals Friday afternoon- 16:00 Centurion vs Eldoraigne
    17:30 Menlopark vs Montana . Montana might cause an upset here after their narrow loss against Centurion last week. Matches played at Menlopark.

    13 June, 2013 at 11:51
  124. avatar
    #5 NW_Knight

    Kearsney by 25
    Westville by 15
    MHS by 30
    GW by 25

    13 June, 2013 at 11:38
  125. avatar
    #4 Queenian

    And Kingswoods by 3 :mrgreen:

    13 June, 2013 at 11:02
  126. avatar
    #3 sharkie

    My results for the weekend would be

    Kearsney by 25
    college by 10
    Michaelhouse by 10
    Glenwood by 20

    13 June, 2013 at 10:59
  127. avatar
    #2 Queenian

    Quite weekend

    13 June, 2013 at 10:57
  128. avatar
    #1 TheGoose

    Looking forward to Old Boys/Founders Weekend at Kearsney on Sat. Game against Hilton is going to be a good one.

    Will be the first time I’ve seen Cameron Wright play – wonder if the Doops/Schramm/MRE/Hayes-Hill will be able to shut him down.

    13 June, 2013 at 10:50

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