Results – week ending 08 June 2013

Bishops 7 22 Rondebosch Premier Interschools Match – on TV
Hugenote 48 5 Schoonspruit
Paarl BH 24 13 Boland Landbou
Paarl Gim 17 17 Oakdale
SACS 7 15 Wynberg
Stellenberg 18 23 Tygerberg
Michaelhouse 37 10 St Charles
Kearsney M. College  Called off. May be played on 20/06/2013
Northwood 11 33 Glenwood
Westville 64 7 George Campbell
DHS 3 23 Hilton
Ithembehle 7 75 Grey HS
Stirling 7 50 Queens
Selborne 17 17 St Andrews
Cambridge 18 21 Dale
Kingswood 23 22 Muir
Graeme 71 3 Woodridge
St Johns 22 53 KES
Waterkloof 71 5 Eldoraigne
St Benedicts 24 45 Jeppe
Pretoria BH 35 6 St Albans
Helpmekaar Garsfontein Helpies withdrew
Monnas Florida
EG Jansen 103 17 Die Anker
Ben Vorster 47 16 Nylstroom
Centurion 25 20 Montana
HTS Middelburg 38 12 Middelburg


  1. avatar
    #201 Koos Roos

    @Ploegskaar: Weet jy wat van storieman alias Capeman geword het? Doodstil na die k@kstorie wat hy op die blog begin het. Vermoed hygee emosionele ondersteuning aan die fluitjieblaser, Snowden in Hong Kong.

    13 June, 2013 at 15:55
  2. avatar
    #200 Greenwood


    some confusion here – now I hear that games wont be played at Glenwood but at Campbell
    and maybe Porties

    best to check with the school – I know that more grass has been planted on Dixons must be as result of the Hilton game

    13 June, 2013 at 08:27
  3. avatar
    #199 Ploegskaar

    @TIERplesier: Jip, die manne speel nog, maar soos jy sê, hierdie seisoen maar so flou soos my comments. Hopelik speel hulle die 2de helfte van die seisoen beter en lig sommer die standaard van my comments ook :mrgreen: Alles van die beste vir die res van julle seisoen, sal TJ se vordering volgende jaar dophou en hoop Morne kry ‘n meevaller voor die jaar om is.

    12 June, 2013 at 09:29
  4. avatar
    #198 TIERplesier

    @Ploegskaar: @Ploegskaar: Word daar nog rugby gespeel daar by julle …? dis amper so flou soos jou comments..klink maar droog daar op die plaas..

    12 June, 2013 at 09:09
  5. avatar
    #197 Koos Roos

    @Ploegskaar: Sal dit dus reg wees om te reken, “Tier klou aan sy Tier plesier” , ou Ploeg?

    11 June, 2013 at 21:33
  6. avatar
    #196 Ploegskaar

    @TIERplesier: Ek hoop jy’s ou Tierklou se stukkie, anders is julle twee Lover’s Lane moffies op die verkeerde blog 8-O

    10 June, 2013 at 22:05
  7. avatar
    #195 TIERplesier

    @Tierklou: :wink:

    10 June, 2013 at 17:36
  8. avatar
    #194 Grasshopper

    Glenwood Old Boy Shaun Adendorff called up for Bok 7’s,

    10 June, 2013 at 17:34
  9. avatar
    #193 Rugbyliefhebber

    @Tierklou. Malan het gelukkig net harsingskudding en is uit vir 4 weke. Geen permanente skade nie. Hopelik sien ñ Unie soos die Cheethas vir Morne raak. Hy sal goed inpas in hul spelpatroon.

    10 June, 2013 at 16:59
  10. avatar
    #192 Tjoppa

    @Rooikat: Nee wat Affies staan nie terug vir goeie kompetisie nie en volgens die Tjampions ranglys waar uitslae teen die beter skole vergelyk word het Affies reeds 8 van die top 40 skole gespeel en almal gewen. Die jaar het net ‘n sekere hoeveelheid spasies op die kalender en sien steeds dat skole in die area weier om Affies te laat terugkeer tot die Beeld. Ons almal praat op hoorse maar ek weet vir ‘n feit dat in 2011 Affies sou terugkeer na die Beeld en slegs Waterkloof was ten gunste daarvan. Wat daarna gebeur het sal ek nie kan se. Makro skole soos Eldoraign het vanjaar onttrek. Dus moet Affies ‘n keuse maak stel ‘n kalender op teen skole wat hul weet sal opdaag of ‘n kalender vol miskien en/of dalk.

    10 June, 2013 at 16:55
  11. avatar
    #191 CyndiAtRugby

    @Greenwood: Not sure of the fixture list but have heard that due to the Top Gear festival the games will be played on the Friday (into the night) and probably at Port Natal and Glenwood. I hope there is still a full fixtures list as it is the last game of term and some boys haven’t played for a few weeks now.

    This festival is not a surprise on the calendar – surely something should have been done months ago.

    10 June, 2013 at 15:38
  12. avatar
    #190 Tierklou

    @Rugbyliefhebber: Ek stem, Tiaan speel baie goeie rugby en het ‘n uitstekende skopvoet op hom.
    Ek voel ons manne het die bal bietjie baie aangeslaan, maar die veld was nat, so dit is altyd moeilik. Morne Kotze is volgens my ook in klas van sy eie. Ek hoop net iemand het hom al iets aangebied dat hy vlg jaar kan voortbou – met daai klein bou maak hy menigte agterspelers skaam.
    Hoe is Malan nou? Almal was baie bekommerd na die tyd en ons kan net vertrou dat hy spoedig sal herstel.
    Ek was baie beindruk met jul nuwe fasiliteite daarbo.

    10 June, 2013 at 15:25
  13. avatar
    #189 jakes

    @ Rooikat- Affies does not play a lot of the Macro schools in Noordvaal this year. No matches against Monument, EG Jansen,Garsfontein, Nelspruit, HTS Middelburg, Centurion. The do play Pretoria boys high.They have played Waterkloo f(friendly) for the 2nd consecutive year after a few years of no play. Also they have not played Monument for the last two years. Do not know the reason for that. I guess it has got to do with the reason that Affies do not play in competitions any longer ( Beeld and Nu power) while most of the other schools mentioned do.

    10 June, 2013 at 14:52
  14. avatar
    #188 Boats

    @Rooikat: Hoor wat jy sê ,maar dalk is dit vir Affies nie so belangrik om getoets te word. Hierdie jaar se toetse was maar net Diamantveld ,Queens College, Grey PE ,Dale ,Framesby ,Paul Roos ,JEPPE ,KES ,Glenwood ,Maritzburg ,Waterkloof ,Pta Boys en natuurlik Grey Bloem.

    10 June, 2013 at 14:40
  15. avatar
    #187 Rooikat

    @Tjoppa: Verstaan ek jou reg, speel Affies ook nie teen Monnas nie? Indien wel is dit mos ‘n probleem want Monnas is een van die grootste rugbyskole in Gauteng naas Affies. Gevolglik sal Affies dan teen heelwat minder goeie skole as bv Boishaai of Paul Roos wat teen al die top Weskaap skole en ook Grey Bloem speel. Wat van skole soos Nelspruit, HTS Middelburg, Centurion, Garsfontein ens wat die beter skole in die Noorde is? As dit so is (verskoon my onkunde) is ek nogal verbaas oor die wyse waarop die liga bepalings daar bo werk.

    Gevolglik sal dit dan ook natuurlik makliker wees vir Affies wees om beter welslae te behaal as die Kaapse skole bloot omdat hulle nie so gereeld getoets word soos die Kaapse skole nie.

    10 June, 2013 at 14:17
  16. avatar
    #186 Greenwood


    unconfirmed , but the lightie thinks GW 2nds playing Campbell 1sts & GW 3rds playing Porties 1st this Saturday

    good idea – I think the GM machine needs a break

    10 June, 2013 at 12:32
  17. avatar
    #185 Tjoppa

    @jakes: Ek dink mens moet Affies nie so vinnig afskiet nie. Eerstens word wedstryde vir die laer spanne gereel teen kleiner skole se spanne om al die seuns betrokke te hou. Die nie speel van skole in NuPower of Beeld trofee het myns insiens meer gebeur agv die aktiewe werwing van spelers tydens sulke wedstryde. Skole soos Monnas word vermy agv laasgenoemde. Tweedens moet die vraag gevra word of die ander “top” skole in die reeks werklik jaar na jaar kan kompeteer met die Top 5 in die land. En moet my nie verkeerd verstaan nie, Waterkloof en nou Garsfontein staan so ook ander skole in die ou Transvaal. Maar hoe volhoubaar is dit. Verder persoonlik is die toere Bloem, Maritzburgh en Durban al reeds tradisies wat behoue moet bly. Dit is hoekom die seuns tog Affies toe gaan, die tradisies wat jou gewone skole jou nie kan bied nie.

    10 June, 2013 at 12:02
  18. avatar
    #184 jakes

    @ Woltrui- Ek dink dit gaan al hoe moeiliker raak vir Affies en ander groot seunsskole om by hul besluit te bly om net die groot skole oor die land te speel en soveel moontlike spanne in die veld te stoot. Rede hiervoor is eenvoudig, vervoerkostes en finansies, dit raak te duur vir skole en ouers. Selfs vandie top rugby skole in Noordvaal kan nie meer as 3 oop spanne in die veld stoot nie, en nie meer as ‘n B of selde ‘n C span speel nie. Daar is nie genoeg seuns wat belangstel nie en die rugby getalle word minder. Laastens meeste skole en kompetisies konsentreer deesdae net op A en miskien B spanne, en eerste en 2de span. Ek dink as Affies by hul besluit hou, gaan hul al hoe minder wedstryde kan speel in toekoms, dis maar die rigting wat skolerugby inslaan. Wel dis my opinie, nie noodwendig akkuraat nie..

    10 June, 2013 at 11:50
  19. avatar
    #183 Tjoppa

    @bhkgpa: Druk van opponente met die ander onderleggend. Jammer eens ‘n trotse skool wat in sy maai is, rugby natuurlik.

    10 June, 2013 at 11:22
  20. avatar
    #182 Tjoppa

    @sacssupporter: Gameday 23 players, Boksmart requires full front row replacement, irrespective if the are fresh or used.

    10 June, 2013 at 11:18
  21. avatar
    #181 Rugbyliefhebber

    @Tierklou. Julle was weer ons Tier Saterdag! Baie geluk. Morne Kotze en Francois Esterhuizen was baie goed. Morne her werklik beïndruk met sy vlymskerp breekslae. Vir Stellenberg het Tiaan Swanepoel goed gespeel. Jammer dat Stellies se kaptein Malan Roode die veld moes verlaat het agv ñ besering vroeg in die eerste helfte

    10 June, 2013 at 11:15
  22. avatar
    #180 Grasshopper

    @Greenwood: Last year Glenwood won 20-8 at home. Glenwood have now played 16, won 10 and lost 6, 63% win ratio which is not bad considering the strength of the opposition at the festivals. However, it’s George Campbell, College, Affies and Grey Bloem next up, could end up being a 50% season……eaish!

    10 June, 2013 at 10:53
  23. avatar
    #179 GreenBlooded

    @Gungets Tuft: Funny – the Glenwood Band were always the yardstick. That goes back to the 50’s when my old man was there. And Northlands were always the main competition. Glad to see that hasn’t changed over the years.

    10 June, 2013 at 10:49
  24. avatar
    #178 GreenBlooded


    10 June, 2013 at 10:43
  25. avatar
    #177 Gungets Tuft

    @sacssupporter: College had an instance this year against Michaelhouse where they refused to allow a College boy 1/2 a match coming back from injury. He was forced to run on for a 1/2 with the seconds and then a run on in the 1st team game. I am lead to believe it is by agreement with the opposition.

    Against Hilton, where we were almost certain that 2 players would not be able to play the whole match, they were replaced by players who had already played the 2nd team match, pulled off with 5 minutes to go so that they could change into 1st team kit.

    I am told that Grey College have a squad system where there is no requirement for the replacements to have played a match beforehand. I think that the squad system, with a number of players benching for the 1sts and not playing 2nds is not a great idea, almost against the ethos of schoolboy rugby, which is to get as many boys on the park as possible??

    10 June, 2013 at 10:14
  26. avatar
    #176 Gungets Tuft

    @Greenwood: Perhaps the Glenwood band was louder, but the Northwood band can at least play something recognisable. For me it was “death by percussion, I hate the damn bands. All that happens is the supporters rely on the band and do little of the way of shouting themselves.

    10 June, 2013 at 10:06
  27. avatar
    #175 sacssupporter

    Does anyone know the rules at schoolboy level with regard to how big the 1st team squad can be on match day? I’m not talking about the whole second team being reserves for the first team after playing a full game – I’m talking about reserves who have not played on the day being “fresh” reserves for the first team.

    10 June, 2013 at 09:59
  28. avatar
    #174 Playa

    Well done Dale! I knew you boys had it in you.If only I could get a match report as it looks as though this must have been a cracker of a finish.

    SAC-Selborne draw…WOW!So the Baboona remain unbeaten in EC.

    And what happened down in Paarl??? Gim drawing with Oakdale…or have Oakdale just been underrated?

    10 June, 2013 at 09:25
  29. avatar
    #173 tandemfitarborsurculus

    Die helfte van huidige top 20 rugbyskole sal darem seker, “Die landbouweekblad” se top 25 skole, in Suid Afrika haal ? (Ons doen maar sleg in die Fair Ladys’n) :-D

    10 June, 2013 at 09:08
  30. avatar
    #172 Greenwood

    GWD – Northwood

    NW put up a huge fight and had GW backline sussed out – Well done to Northwood

    I could be wrong here but wasn’t this a similar score when NW played at GW last year ?

    Some huge players in NW pack – couple of future “beasts” there !

    Glenwood band beat Northwood band 100 – nil

    10 June, 2013 at 09:04
  31. avatar
    #171 Rooikat

    @Woltrui Sien die probleem enigste oplossing is seker as Affies se eerstes op Woensdae die wedstryde speel as dit haalbaar is?

    10 June, 2013 at 08:52
  32. avatar
    #170 Woltrui

    @Rooikat: Rooikat Affies het in beide die Nupower en Beeld trofee gespeel en was die mees suksesvolle span in die kompetisies. Hulle het egter in 2006/7?? aan alle vorm van kompetisies ontrek. In die verband volg hul die voorbeeld van Grey Bloem en groot seunsskole soos KES en Jeppe deur interskole wedstryde te speel waar al die skool se spanne betrek word. Vermoed die rede dat hul van die kompetisies ontrek het was dat daar te veel klem op die wen motief geplaas word. Slegs A spanne (B spanne ook in Nupower) word in die Beeld trofee betrek. Groot groep seuns dus nie betrek vir groot gedeeltes van die seisoen(Affies het seker so 1200 seuns in die skool).

    10 June, 2013 at 08:26
  33. avatar
    #169 Tierklou

    Baie geluk aan die Tiere met hul oorwinning en ook aan Stellenberg vir hul gasvryheid.

    10 June, 2013 at 08:22
  34. avatar
    #168 BoishaaiPa

    @PaarlBok: Ek vra maar net belangstelling nadat ek iets uit julle personeelkamer gehoor het!..Daar was glo bietjie geskarrel agter die skerms..nie oor die span nie…oor fasiliteite.

    10 June, 2013 at 08:15
  35. avatar
    #167 bhkgpa

    @Klofie Pa: stem 100% saam ons het nie sulke boewe in rugby nodig nie. Waar kom dit vandaan? Druk van skool, druk van ouers of net geen goeie opvoeding nie?

    10 June, 2013 at 08:10
  36. avatar
    #166 Rooikat

    @Woltrui Hoekom nie, Affies is die sterkste skool in die liga, dit doen afbreek aan die waardigheid van die kompetisies?

    10 June, 2013 at 08:10
  37. avatar
    #165 PaarlBok

    @gimmie: BoishaaiPa se skerp ore in die Paarl. Geluk aan Oakdale wat ons ‘n harde tyd gegee het.

    10 June, 2013 at 07:35
  38. avatar
    #164 Klofie Pa

    Sien in die Beeld n klomp John Vorster kinders het WEER n kind gebliksem na die game!!! Dammit lyk my die tendens loop dik daar teen die berg na verlede jaar dieselfde gebeur het.
    NK se skorsing lyk my het absoluut geen uitwerking gehad op die kinders nie. Hoop hulle bere die donners vir die res van hul skoolloopbaan.
    O/16’s moet ek noem.

    10 June, 2013 at 06:45
  39. avatar
    #163 Woltrui

    @Rooikat: Rooikat Affies het die obskure beleid om nie rugby te speel wanneer eksamens geskryf word nie :evil:
    Affies speel nie in die Nu power of Beeld trofee.
    @Boats: Boats nie geweet Ivan kom van Magalieskruin. Magalieskruin, Stefanus Roos en Laerskool Wonderboom het nog altyd goeie spelers gelewer.

    9 June, 2013 at 19:47
  40. avatar
    #162 Rooikat

    Speel Affies ook in die Beeld en Nu Power kompetisies ek sien nie hul uitslae in die onderskeie kompetisies nie? Wat was hul uitslae as ek dit gemis het?

    9 June, 2013 at 16:14
  41. avatar
    #161 Rooikat

    @Predator Ja landbouskool rugby op sy beste. Ek dink die geheim le in die samehorigheid tussen die seuns, elke seun is belangrik en die hele skool ondersteun die eerstes. Ek onthou by ons was dit ‘n groter prestasie om eerste span te speel as om die provinsiale krieket-of-atletiekspan te haal.

    Ons speel teen julle op Marlow, dis ons reunie so ek hoop Oakdale het ‘n afdag sodat ons darem die reunie kan geniet!

    9 June, 2013 at 16:12
  42. avatar
    #160 BuffelsCM

    @Ploegskaar: Ja Ploeg ek verstaan die frustrasie! Die spesifieke skeidsregter is eenvoudig te stadig vir ‘n O/19A wedstryd! Daar is baie goeie skeidsregters beskikbaar maar hulle kan nie orals wees nie.

    Ek het vroeg in die week genoem dat die WP-Unie (en ander unies ook) jonger manne moet oplei. Ek weet hulle probeer hard maar dit gaan ‘n tyd neem.

    Saterdag moes ek weer hoor dat my span die game gewen het a.g.v die “ref” maar ek kan ook die teenoorgestelde kwyt raak in ander wedstryde (waar baie van die beslissings teen ons gegaan het). Terloops die straf- en vryskoptelling was 10 – 8 teen my span. Ons het 3 keer gaan druk teenoor 1 van die opponente. Hulle drie was a.g.v ‘n bal wat verkeerd gespring het vir my heelagter! So dit is moeilik om te dink dat mens die wen kon regkry a.g.v die “ref”.

    Laastens: gister het ‘n afrigter van die verloorspan (ons 15B-span se opppnente) waar ek gelukkig ‘n bietjie terug kon staan en rugby kyk, vir die “ref” op ‘n stadium “jou dom aap” geskree het! Nou ja ek hoef seker niks verder daaroor te praat nie!

    9 June, 2013 at 15:59
  43. avatar
    #159 tandemfitarborsurculus

    @Predator: Stem heeltemal met jou saam oor die “skill en passie”. Passie en die “wenkultuur” in n span moenie aan getorring word nie. Rugby is n span sport met vele fasette en dinamika. Daar word te veel klem gele op die fisiese …

    9 June, 2013 at 15:23
  44. avatar
    #158 Boats

    @Woltrui: Moet ook nie vergeet dat hierdie jaar se Wit Bulle kaptein ook afkomstig is van Magalieskruin Laerskool.

    9 June, 2013 at 14:24
  45. avatar
    #157 Ploegskaar

    @Koos Roos: Tyd loop uit, seisoen amper verby, so kom ons hoop maar vir beter opposisie vir hulle in 2014 en veral 2015. Die ouens is so lus vir jol, as daar ‘n besering is speel hulle touchies! Dis mos waaroor skolerugby gaan!

    9 June, 2013 at 13:45
  46. avatar
    #156 Ploegskaar

    @BuffelsCM: Hoe kak was daai WP Unie ref vir die eerstes nie! Dis die poepol wat die Stellenberg/Boland game ook verniel het. Wat ‘n nar!

    9 June, 2013 at 13:39
  47. avatar
    #155 Ploegskaar

    @Koos Roos: Komplimente van Master Stoops:
    O14a Gim 15 OD 10
    O15a Gim 14 OD 12
    O16a Gim 20 OD 5

    9 June, 2013 at 13:36
  48. avatar
    #154 BuffelsCM

    @Koos Roos: Alles reg Koos !

    9 June, 2013 at 11:55
  49. avatar
    #153 Koos Roos

    @gimmie: Wat het julle o16 ‘s teen daai Oakdale bulle gedoen. Sover ek weet is hulle ‘n goeie span.

    9 June, 2013 at 11:49
  50. avatar
    #152 Koos Roos

    @BuffelsCM: Sorry man. Was vir Playa bedoel dink ek. Ploeg ‘n game tussen PRG en Belville se O16’s ? Ek gaan ons outjies back vir ‘n goeie een. Ek verstaan egter wat jy se oor sterker opposisie.

    9 June, 2013 at 11:45
  51. avatar
    #151 Predator

    Nou wat dink julle druiwe manne nou van die Oakdale aanslag. Hierdie landbouskool doen iets met hulle jongmanne wat hulle vir geen premier skool laat terugstaan nie. Ek ervaar hulle rugby altyd as begeesterd en gedissiplineerd. Lekker om na te kyk. Hulle het die Kwaggas ook amper ‘n les geleer op hulle eie veld. Nou sal julle verstaan hoekom SWD net uit hierdie twee rugby ” reuse ” gekies word. Skill en passie was nog altyd ‘n dodelike kombinasie

    9 June, 2013 at 11:30
  52. avatar
    #150 Grey Brak

    Grey College Boy Piet van Zyl joining Springbok squad, 10 Grey boys now in current Springbok squad

    9 June, 2013 at 11:00
  53. avatar
    #149 BuffelsCM

    @Rooikat: Ek het die wedstrydverslag op “stoopstats” gelees en het gesien van die lang skop wat net-net kort was.
    Ja ‘n mens krap nie sommer ‘n 2.03 m slot van gehalte agter elke bos uit nie ! Groot verlies vir Gim en die WP
    Dit klink darem of die WP na hom omsien – was glo bereid om tot ‘n 3de opinie in te win oor die gebreekte arm

    9 June, 2013 at 10:33
  54. avatar
    #148 Rooikat

    @BuffelsCM Ja altyd, Gim se skopper het in tweedehlefte amper geslaag met ‘n strafskop van die halflyn af, baie goeie poging in die reen. Ek dink Gim het gister vir hom en die senter gemis, albei is puik spelers.

    9 June, 2013 at 10:08
  55. avatar
    #147 BuffelsCM

    @Rooikat: Soos gewoonlik sal die interskole “close” wees ten spyte van sommige “kenners” se menings !

    9 June, 2013 at 10:01
  56. avatar
    #146 BuffelsCM

    @Ploegskaar: Dankie Ploegskaar!
    @Rooikat: Ja ek stem saam die Bulle moes baie goed gespeel het. Soos jy tereg noem moet ‘n mens maar jou strafskoppe neem om die telbord te laat aanhou “rol”.
    Ek praat terloops gister met ‘n familielid van JD Schickerling: hy het teen Rondebosch reeds in die eerste helfte sy arm gebreek maar die wedstryd voltooi! Pen is reeds in die arm “geplaas” maar hy is 7 weke uit.

    9 June, 2013 at 09:59
  57. avatar
    #145 Rooikat

    @Ploegskaar Lyk my Boishaai is besig om momentum op te bou, goeie oorwinnings oor Oakdale en Boland en goeie vertoning teen Grey B. Interskole gaan naby wees.

    Oakdale se skrum was ook goed en die loskakel het ‘n goeie skopvoet.

    9 June, 2013 at 09:56
  58. avatar
    #144 NW_Knight

    @Grassy: U14A’s aren’t a bad side, but backline – except for Morne (9) – did nothing (considering the reputation of the players). GW won the game in the forwards and the 8 was always the go to player. If he gets injured, you’re in trouble.

    9 June, 2013 at 09:52
  59. avatar
    #143 NW_Knight

    @Gungets: He only arrived last year, so theoretically would be ineligible. But Northwood, like Glenwood, are quite happy to play anyone. Don’t think he made a difference though. You’re right about the NW forwards – a good unit and everyone knows his job.

    The one good thing is that 10 of the starting 15 yesterday are GR11 boys and due to injuries and other factors, NW has utilised almost all the 2nd team players (and sometimes 3rd team players) in the 1st team at some stage this season. This means that 20 or more GR11 boys have had the experience of playing in the 1st team. Hopefully, this bodes well for next season.

    9 June, 2013 at 09:37
  60. avatar
    #142 Ploegskaar

    @Rooikat: Puik uitslag vir die Bulle, jong span sover ek weet met ‘n goeie o16 groep wat opkom.

    9 June, 2013 at 09:35
  61. avatar
    #141 Ploegskaar

    @Ploegskaar: Correction:
    U16a S’Berg 6 T’berg 8

    9 June, 2013 at 09:32
  62. avatar
    #140 Rooikat

    @Ploegskaar Jy het gister ‘n goeie wedstryd by Gim gemis. Oakdale was uitstekend en gaan vir ons alma maters ‘n harde tyd gee inaggenome dat hulle ook net 13-7 teen Outeniqua verloor het. Hulle was 17-12 voor tot die ongeveer 63ste minuut toe druk Gim. Gim sal seker spyt wees hulle het 2 strafskoppe nie pale toe geskop nie, dit kon die verskil gemaak het.

    Selfs op die einde was Oakdale op die aanval naby Gim se doellyn. Geluk aan albei skole vir die aanskoulike spannende wedstryd!

    9 June, 2013 at 09:30
  63. avatar
    #139 Ploegskaar

    Bellville vs de Kuilen:
    U14a B’ville 13 DK 7
    U15a B’ville 19 DK 7 (Mooi BuffelCM)
    U16a B’ville 53 DK 0 (15 min. short)
    U19a B’ville 18 DK 18
    Well done to the B’ville Lions! The u16 team has now scored 182-3 in the last 3 games, stronger opposition, please! Gim, PRG, Bois, Boland, maak ‘n plan vir die ouens asb., hulle kan tot by c-span speel.

    9 June, 2013 at 09:13
  64. avatar
    #138 Ploegskaar

    Stellenberg vs Tyferberg:
    U14a SB 33 TB 7
    U15a SB 8 TB 0
    U16a SB 8 TB 10
    U19a SB 18 TB 23
    Well done to the Stellies age groups and Tiere 1st team!

    9 June, 2013 at 09:07
  65. avatar
    #137 Ploegskaar

    Boishaai vs Boland:
    U14a BH 22 BL 0
    U15a BH 29 BL 3
    U16a BH 10 BL 9
    U19a BH 24 BL 13
    Well done to BH, tough day for Boland, but see you next year at the Farm!

    9 June, 2013 at 09:04
  66. avatar
    #136 Woltrui

    @jakes: Jakes there were an article in the local paper where Montana stated that they are going to try and keep the kids who stay north of the mountain in Montana. With the quality of rugby players staying in Sinoville, Wonderboom, Montana and Annlin they could be very sucsesfull if they cankeep the kids there. It is their first year in the Macro league though. Affies first team cricket captain in 2012 came from Magalieskruin primary school-for example.

    9 June, 2013 at 08:03
  67. avatar
    #135 GCollege86


    Selborne College 1st Rugby XV drew St Andrews 1st XV (17-17)

    Selborne College 2nd Rugby XV lost St Andrews 2nd XV (10-20)

    Selborne College 3rd Rugby XV beat St Andrews 3rd XV (33-20)

    Selborne College 4th Rugby XV lost St Andrews 4th XV (12-17)

    Selborne College 5th Rugby XV lost St Andrews 5th XV (14-19)

    Selborne College 6th Rugby XV lost St Andrews 6th XV (26-30)

    Selborne College U16 A Rugby XV beat St Andrews U16 A XV (56-17)

    Selborne College U16 B Rugby XV beat St Andrews U16 B XV (70-0)

    Selborne College U16 C Rugby XV beat St Andrews U16 C XV (65-7)

    Selborne College U15 A Rugby XV beat St Andrews U15 A XV (21-3)

    Selborne College U15 B Rugby XV beat St Andrews U15 B XV (64-0)

    Selborne College U15 C Rugby XV beat St Andrews U15 C XV (58-0)

    Selborne College U14 A Rugby XV beat St Andrews U14 A XV (24-3)

    Selborne College U14 B Rugby XV lost St Andrews U14 B XV (10-31)

    Selborne College U14 C Rugby XV drew St Andrews U14 C XV (12-12)

    Selborne College U14 D Rugby XV beat St Andrews U14 D XV (31-0)

    Played: 16, Won: 9, Drew: 2 and Lost: 5

    9 June, 2013 at 07:56
  68. avatar
    #134 jakes

    @ Beet-Centurion had one of their toughest matches this year against Montana today. I think Montana is a very under rated team. The Beeld trophy playoffs in Blue Bulls region very competitive this year. Montana might finish in top 4, there game against Menlopark might be a thrilling decider.

    9 June, 2013 at 01:18
  69. avatar
    #133 jakes

    EG Jansen scored 197 points in 2 conscecutive games in the Falcons region of the Beeld trophy.Not a pretty picture in the Falcons region where there are only 2 schools who dominate together with Kempton Park.

    9 June, 2013 at 01:07
  70. avatar
    #132 beet

    @jakes: Centurion are all over that blog about the Top 20 surprises of 2013 because of results just like this one vs Montana. On their day Centurion can beat Monnas and draw with HTS Middelburg, then struggle against a team they should rightfully put away easily. Well done to Montana tho. Always good when the underdogs perform so well.

    8 June, 2013 at 21:29
  71. avatar
    #131 Grasshopper

    @Gungets Tuft: yep, I believe so, probably 18 months or more….

    8 June, 2013 at 21:21
  72. avatar
    #130 Gungets Tuft

    @Grasshopper: Didn’t he play for Glenwood last year, been around at least a year?

    8 June, 2013 at 21:18
  73. avatar
    #129 Grasshopper

    @Gungets Tuft: yep!

    8 June, 2013 at 21:02
  74. avatar
    #128 Gungets Tuft

    @Grasshopper: Who are you talking about here, Potgieter?

    8 June, 2013 at 20:52
  75. avatar
    #127 Westers

    Westville beat George Campbell 64 – 7 earlier today.

    8 June, 2013 at 20:44
  76. avatar
    #126 Grasshopper

    @McCulleys Workshop: yep, under 19 I think and yes I believe he came from northern KZN somewhere, not sure when though…..

    8 June, 2013 at 20:38
  77. avatar
    #125 McCulleys Workshop

    @Grasshopper: Is he the 2nd team prop? I think he may be new and over age hence playing limited games.

    8 June, 2013 at 20:29
  78. avatar
    #124 vicci

    @The Beast: so what about the non Afrikaans schools do you imply Grey wants to become afrikaans

    8 June, 2013 at 19:40
  79. avatar
    #123 wakker akker

    Baie geluk aan Oakdale met hulle draw met Paarl Gym.

    8 June, 2013 at 18:04
  80. avatar
    #122 Gungets Tuft

    @NW_Knight: I wrote out a long summary at the end and my battery died. I think NW shaded the second half, even thought outscored 7-3. GW scored a trademark backs try but other than that I thought they were struggling. GW did have about 5 replacements on but, as you said, they are all CW. Your blonde centre had a good game, liked the look of your wings. No obvious stars in the forwards but they did generally play well as a unit. Your big flanker caused some distress. Workrate of 18 could improve, as a class #8 he needs to get stuck in a little more. Generally the scoreline doesn’t tell the whole story, Northwood pitched up today, it was good stuff. Really sorry I missed the U16 match, it must have been huge.

    On a macro note, a disappointing turnout on the day from the Old Boys. Perhaps the test matches at the tank have something to do with it. It’s a mystery but the school does need to do something to fix the Northlands vs Beachwood thing and have the Old Boys pitch up. There must be thousands in Durban but it looked like any other day.

    8 June, 2013 at 16:55
  81. avatar
    #121 Grasshopper

    @NW_Knight: the 2 props Tredoux, Mgadi and the lock du Randt are in grade 11 so need to beef up for next year, good players but just physically immature….

    8 June, 2013 at 16:54
  82. avatar
    #120 Grasshopper

    @NW_Knight: Glenwood had 3 key injuries today, Van der Heever at lock, Coetzee at 8 and Vermaak at 15. Three of our best. The new locks are far too light, 90kg and 95kg is 10kg too light. I say it again, they need to play Potgieter at lock to beef the pack up, 122kg and 193cm is fine for a tight lock at this level…..

    8 June, 2013 at 16:49
  83. avatar
    #119 NW_Knight

    @Gungets: This is the first time Northwood have gone into a game with no injuries. Every other game has seen 2 or more players injured and not able to play. The worrying factor is that 13 of the GW players were CW players. The scrums were always going backwards, the locks weren’t able to win or even contest opposition ball. What was good, is the handling of the backs – sublime at times.

    8 June, 2013 at 15:53
  84. avatar
    #118 jakes

    Centurion 25 Montana 20 – wow Montana has surprised everyone by nearly taking this one they have a very good team this year.Centurion took this one at the end. They ddid not do themselves a favour by loosing a player due to a red card in the 2nd half..Montana another up and coming rugby school in Pretoria. They looked impressive.

    8 June, 2013 at 15:44
  85. avatar
    #117 BuffelsCM

    @Koos Roos: Koos, ek dink jy vra die verkeerde persoon: dalk Buffel maar nie BuffelsCM nie

    8 June, 2013 at 15:37
  86. avatar
    #116 Vleis

    St Alban’s struggled against Boys High today. Had a lot of injuries, including the captain and SA schools player Abongile, so went down quite heavily by 35 to 6. St Alban’s u15A won by 10 to 9.

    8 June, 2013 at 15:28
  87. avatar
    #115 Gungets Tuft

    Glenwood 1st up 26-8 at 1/2 time. Northwood not lying down but Glenwood back line running them ragged. Forward competing well, even making some ground. More cohesion from NW than I saw against College. Handling letting NW down, otherwise a much improved side since College

    8 June, 2013 at 13:27
  88. avatar
    #114 GreenBlooded

    @Pedantic: That game was always going to be close. Hope they had a decent crowd – I guess they got the 1st XV attention today. Looks like they deserved it too.

    8 June, 2013 at 12:22
  89. avatar
    #113 Pedantic

    @Gungets Tuft: U16A Kearsney 10 vs M. College 12
    Very, very tough game with Kriel making the difference – great game by the young fullback

    8 June, 2013 at 12:13
  90. avatar
    #112 GreenBlooded

    8-O 8-O 8-O What is it with that place across the Umgeni? Seems like a voodoo spell on Glenwood when they walk through the gates. Almost dreading hearing the first team result later.

    8 June, 2013 at 12:10
  91. avatar
    #111 Gungets Tuft

    Eeisch. Northwood U16A beat Glenwood 20-15. Throws the U16 rankings in the bin

    8 June, 2013 at 11:44
  92. avatar
    #110 Koos Roos

    Zingisa Ndiki, sorry.

    8 June, 2013 at 00:21
  93. avatar
    #109 Koos Roos

    @BuffelsCM: Watter spelers het Wynberg so gemis toe hulle so verloor het teen Dale? Kon net 1opspoor. No 14 Lungisa Ndiki.

    8 June, 2013 at 00:18
  94. avatar
    #108 gimmie

    What nonsense is this rumour that Gym wants to withdraw from Cape Schools Week. We are incredibly proud to be hosting this prestigious tournament. It’s going to be a spectacular festival of rugby. We are also excited to give many of our second team players a chance to perform against quality opposition. We will miss at least 10 first team players but we will still be very competitive. Everyone at Gym are looking forward to hosting a great week of rugby.

    7 June, 2013 at 23:54
  95. avatar
    #107 tandemfitarborsurculus

    @Ploegskaar: Ons familie en harte is groot. Daar is vir almal plek … :!:

    7 June, 2013 at 17:00
  96. avatar
    #106 QC86

    @GCollege86: ok that must be peet’s son,was our Swifts rugby club manager,Marcelle was a very good cyclists if i remember correctly

    7 June, 2013 at 16:34
  97. avatar
    #105 QC86

    @Playa: selborne scrumming not very good,against De Vos i thought we would get a 100 tightheads not one in fact in some scrums i thought we would lose some,those guys were tiny,one guy [lock] had legs like your mascot :mrgreen:

    7 June, 2013 at 16:29
  98. avatar
    #104 GCollege86

    @QC86: Rudi, his name is Marcelle vd Walt. His family is actually from Queenstown. Know his dad was involved with one of the clubs in Queenstown. He played for Cambridge Club as a youngster when I was still involved at the club. Played for Border no.8 and flank after I left. Cant remember the year, Think it was round 2005.

    7 June, 2013 at 16:26
  99. avatar
    #103 Tjoppa

    @oxry: Jy klink soos ‘n regte dominee. Preek Sondae en suie die res van die week in ‘n ander wyk.

    7 June, 2013 at 15:37
  100. avatar
    #102 oxry

    @Tjoppa: Ou Tjoppa, wen of verloor, volgens my moet die kinders die spel net geniet. Hulle moet net geleer word om nederig te wen en om met trots te verloor.

    Bring vir my ‘n afrigter in SA wie se laaste woorde in die kleedkamer nie soos volg sal lees nie: ‘ Boys, dis nou of nooit, onthou wat ons geoefen het, pas dit toe en ons sal wen’.

    7 June, 2013 at 15:12
  101. avatar
    #101 Tjoppa

    @Ploegskaar: Nee stem beslis saam maar ons moet nie dink die kinders onderskat die lekkerte van wen nie. Maar ja sielkundiges stry al jare wanneer kompetisie deel van ‘n kind se grootword relevant moet word. Ek dink hang seker maar van kind to kind af en waar en hoe hy grootword.

    7 June, 2013 at 14:59
  102. avatar
    #100 Ploegskaar

    @Tjoppa: Ek hou net so min van verloor as die volgende ou Tjop, maar die ouens is net eenkeer kind, voor hulle vir die wolwe gegooi word. Hang seker af waar die prioriteite lê, vir my kinders leer ek dis baie lekkerder om te wen as te verloor, maar nie ten alle koste nie…

    7 June, 2013 at 14:55
  103. avatar
    #99 Ploegskaar

    @tandemfitarborsurculus: Ja maat, het kopieskryf en taalpraktyk geswot, so is bekend met woordspeling :mrgreen: Mooi leuse, selfs ‘n klein akker raak ‘n groot boom, of so iets, nê? Met Landbouwetenskap klink dit ook eerder of julle meer Boere, soos Luan, wil trek :wink:

    7 June, 2013 at 14:47
  104. avatar
    #98 Tjoppa

    @Ploegskaar: Nee man Ploeg en dan as hulle groot rugby moet speel worry hulle ook nie oor bekers nie. Dit is jou skuld dat die WP se cupkas meeste van die tyd leeg staan.
    Hierbo leer ons weer die manne op die veld is dit oorlog maar in die kroeg koop jy hom ‘n dop.

    7 June, 2013 at 14:43
  105. avatar
    #97 Tjoppa

    @oxry: Gelukkig by skole soos Garsfontein is die helfte van die ouers ver weg. En dus ondervind :mrgreen: :mrgreen: ons dit nie so erg as julle daar onne innie Kaapie.

    7 June, 2013 at 14:40
  106. avatar
    #96 Tjoppa

    @Ploegskaar: Dink Boere by 5. Se daai 10 moet dit net in die hoeke sit.

    7 June, 2013 at 14:37
  107. avatar
    #95 Tjoppa

    @McCulleys Workshop: Do not need to see even Tata’s in the parking lot sponsored.

    7 June, 2013 at 14:36
  108. avatar
    #94 Playa

    @QC86: That’s one of the things Dale got wrong against Selborne.They didnt seem to have enough of the contact, even though they were being out-rucked everytime.Looked better playing away from your forwards but somehow got themselves sucked into the tight exchanges.
    I must say,though we matched you guys well in the scrums, which was great to see.

    7 June, 2013 at 14:21
  109. avatar
    #93 QC86

    @Playa: he is doing a good job so far,they should have beaten Selborne,they play a very clever game,far away from our big okes,very smart

    7 June, 2013 at 14:06
  110. avatar
    #92 Playa

    @QC86: Dont remember him.But thats good for Cambridge!

    7 June, 2013 at 13:58
  111. avatar
    #91 Gungets Tuft

    Final College fixtures College vs Kearsney tomorrow, U16A and B, U15A and B, U14D and E. All Hockey fixtures against KC cancelled. Some hockey matches against Hilton go ahead, U16E and G, U14D.

    7 June, 2013 at 13:46
  112. avatar
    #90 QC86

    @Playa: Marcelle Coetzee i hear,ex border player,does that make since??

    7 June, 2013 at 13:17
  113. avatar
    #89 tandemfitarborsurculus

    @Ploegskaar: Ek het “land bou” as 2 woorde gebruik. Die feit dat ons wel landbouwetenskap aanbied, onderstreep onderandere die feit dat ons een van die bes gebalanseerde skole in die Paarl en die Land is. :lol:

    7 June, 2013 at 13:06
  114. avatar
    #88 Playa

    @CHS13: Yep, you’re right.Border Schools Day doesnt give much of a reflection when it comes to mid-season games.I reckon, we’ll need a few of those ‘unlucky’ bounces to beat you guys tomorrow.

    @CHS13: @QC86: Who’s the Cambridge coach?

    7 June, 2013 at 12:51
  115. avatar
    #87 QC86

    @CHS13: @Playa: i watched Camb warm up against Selborne the other day,very professional,that new Camb coach is very good,knows what he is doing

    7 June, 2013 at 12:35
  116. avatar
    #86 CHS13

    @Playa: Haha! Dale always finds a way to beat us no matter how good we are. Last time they played at Cambridge, they only won 7-6. Can’t look too much into the Border Schools’ match. Sides were evenly matched. An interception and an ulucky bounce at kick-off in the last 10 min sealed it for Dale.

    7 June, 2013 at 12:26
  117. avatar
    #85 Playa

    @CHS13: It’s gonna be a tough one indeed. You’ve just reminded me of the loss to Grens :oops:
    If Dale have the mental edge, they should win.Especially since we have already beaten you okes at Border Rugby Day.But that’s all in the past now.

    7 June, 2013 at 12:13
  118. avatar
    #84 CHS13

    Definitely looking forward to our fixture vs Dale College.

    Results vs Common opposition this year:
    Selborne College: Dale lost 22-20, Cambridge lost 19-17
    Hoerskool Grens: Dale lost 29-17, Cambridge won 31-25

    My prediction: Cambridge by 5.

    7 June, 2013 at 12:08
  119. avatar
    #83 Playa

    @QC86: I fully agree!

    7 June, 2013 at 12:07
  120. avatar
    #82 QC86

    @Playa: some blogger said awhile back that it should be a grade 11 team, as prep for the next year which i thought was a good idea

    7 June, 2013 at 11:52
  121. avatar
    #81 Playa

    @PaarlBok: I reckon Cape Schools Week needs to be moved to the either the beginning or the end of the season, as it is the case with cricket.Craven Week is hampering the contest of the week.

    I remember in 2009, when Dale gave Wynberg a 40 point beating (Wynberg had a very good side that year, but were missing players due to Craven Week), Dale never got full value for that victory because of that.Then Outeniqua had to pull out at the depth in 2011 as they could not field a competitive team due to players having CW duty.It’s only going to get worse with the ever growing rugby commitments boys have to endure nowadays, over and above other sports and academics.

    I would much rather CSW become an end of season week, maybe even as a “Stayers Week”.Just a thought for the powers that be.

    7 June, 2013 at 11:44
  122. avatar
    #80 PaarlBok

    @Mike: Thats quite a long time. Will be nice to play them again.

    7 June, 2013 at 11:33
  123. avatar
    #79 PaarlBok

    @Queenian: 2 Injured (JD & Ryan) 5 Craven Week, 3 Academy.

    7 June, 2013 at 11:31
  124. avatar
    #78 Playa

    @QC86: Just saying I hope only Paarl Gim’s 4ths are available for Cape Schools.Gives us a chance of a victory come Monday 24 June :lol:

    7 June, 2013 at 11:31
  125. avatar
    #77 QC86

    @oxry: stem100% saam,just these other schools bloggers that are teasing me about my age and our hiding we received at the hands of the mighty Grey Bloem,and then none of them step onto the field :lol:

    7 June, 2013 at 11:23
  126. avatar
    #76 oxry

    Die Baby Blacks lyk darem groot vir hul ouderdom. Ierland lyk ook nie sleg nie. Ons het laasjaar swaar gekry teen hulle. Ek glo en vertrou dat die eindstryd tussen SA en AB gaan wees.

    7 June, 2013 at 11:20
  127. avatar
    #75 oxry

    @QC86: Hou op om julle oor Grey Bloem te worry. Sien die positiewe in die saak: ‘n skool se rugby verbeter net indien jy teen beter opponente speel. Kyk, leer en pas toe, vrugte sal daarna gepluk word.

    7 June, 2013 at 11:15
  128. avatar
    #74 oxry

    @BuffelsCM: Ek is nie baie bekommerd oor ons agterspelers nie. Ek glo en vertrou, met kwaliteit bal behoort ons hulle agter stil te speel. Die groot vraag, gaan ons aan hulle kwaliteit bal kan gee waarmee hulle kan speel?

    7 June, 2013 at 11:11
  129. avatar
    #73 QC86

    @Playa: not so sure about those 2 teams

    7 June, 2013 at 11:05
  130. avatar
    #72 Mike

    @PaarlBok: I know of two occasions where Grey PE and Paarl Gim have played. Once in 2000 when Grey won 20-10, and the other was in 2005(or 2004), and I think Grey won that too. Not too sure of the score though.

    7 June, 2013 at 10:59
  131. avatar
    #71 BuffelsCM

    @oxry: Ek deel jou kommer ! Ek praat toevallig gister met iemand wat betrokke was toe hulle die Baby Boks se “kit” uitgepak het. Hy was ook verlede jaar daarby betrokke en volgens hom was verlede jaar se spelers aansienlik groter (as jy na die groottes van die klere kyk).

    7 June, 2013 at 10:59
  132. avatar
    #70 Playa

    @Queenian: Hopefullly all of them, and their 2nds and 3rds :mrgreen:

    7 June, 2013 at 10:55
  133. avatar
    #69 QC86

    @Queenian: Selborne one of only 2 schools in the Eastern Cape to still play Grey Bloem,so who do you guys get taught by :wink:

    7 June, 2013 at 10:53
  134. avatar
    #68 BuiteBreek

    @oxry: Daardie gewildheid het gewissel van wie jy gevra het. :mrgreen:

    7 June, 2013 at 10:53
  135. avatar
    #67 Queenian

    @Playa: Maybe Selborne does not GCB as a game but a lesson in rugby basic,s

    7 June, 2013 at 10:49
  136. avatar
    #66 oxry

    Laaste opinie oor ouers en toeskouers.

    Hulle kan die betrokke skool se beeld netso groot skade aan doen as swak dissipline van spelers op die veld.

    Glo julle die Baby Boks het genoeg skietgoed om Engeland Sondag te klop. Ek is veral bekommerd oor ons skrum en lynstaan werk. Die Engelse lyk goed voor.

    7 June, 2013 at 10:48
  137. avatar
    #65 BuffelsCM

    @oxry: Jy is heeltemal korrek dat dit moeilik is om top skeidsregters te kry. Die skole moet egter ook probeer om jonger skeidsregters blootstelling te gee: begin eers in die laer spanne en beweeg dan op soos wat hulle verbeter. Hulle het nou begin by ons om die skeidsregter so ‘n tipe gradering te gee. Die rugby-organiseerder vra die afrigters na die tyd om objektief na die skeidsregter se hantering van die wedstryd te kyk. So kan jy die “ou hout uitkap” en geleidelik nuwe bloed inbring en hopelik die kwaliteit verbeter.

    7 June, 2013 at 10:48
  138. avatar
    #64 Queenian

    Looks like the ‘snobs” will get there butts kicked for a third week in a row this time by Selborne.

    7 June, 2013 at 10:47
  139. avatar
    #63 Queenian

    Dale vs Cambridge will be a close game usually this was a sure win for Dale but this year could be Cambridge,s year.

    7 June, 2013 at 10:46
  140. avatar
    #62 oxry

    @BuffelsCM: Ek stem. Ouers moet hul gewis van die reëls en op datum bly. ‘n Swak skeidsregter is soos ‘n handgranaat, net een verdere swak beslissing en die gemoedere loop hoog.

    Ek glo ouers moet ook verstaan dat dit moeilik is om 16 top skeidsregters by een skool te kry om op ‘n Saterdag te blaas. Ek glo en vertrou dat skole hul bes probeer om vir die A-spanne goeie skeidsregters te reël.

    @BuiteBreek: Ek glo jy was baie gewild daarna gewees tot jy die ouers gevra het om die terrein te verlaat. Het daar ander ouers na jou toe gekom en jou geprys vir die daadwerklike optrede wat jy geneem het????

    7 June, 2013 at 10:36
  141. avatar
    #61 Queenian

    @PaarlBok: How many Paarl Gym boys will not be at Cape Schools week.

    7 June, 2013 at 10:36
  142. avatar
    #60 Queenian

    @PaarlBok: Why would Paarl GYM not be playing and they have played Grey PE on a few occasions mainly at Cape School week.

    Both teams will be missing 6/7 players so should be an even result.

    7 June, 2013 at 10:32
  143. avatar
    #59 Queenian

    @Rooikat: I believe that point should be deducted from the ranking system if schools do this you must take the good with the bad.

    7 June, 2013 at 10:28
  144. avatar
    #58 PaarlBok

    @BoishaaiPa: Sal baie jammer wees as Gim nie deelneem nie. Gim speel nie baie teen die Oos Kaap se spanne nie en kan nie onthou of hul al voorheen teen Grey PE gespeel het nie.

    7 June, 2013 at 10:28
  145. avatar
    #57 BuffelsCM

    @Ploegskaar: @BuiteBreek: Ek stem saam met julle albei. Ouers (veral) verloor dit soms heeltemal. Ongelukkig sommige afrigters ook (ek moet erken ek was al self skuldig: het darem nooit persoonlike opmerkings gemaak nie – ek het darem al bedaar en probeer so kalm as moontlik bly).
    Dit help natuurlik as die skeidsregter in beheer van die wedstryd is en nie homself as die belangrikste persoon op die veld beskou nie. Ploeg sal weet van ‘n onlangse wedstryd by Bellville waar dit die geval was.
    Verlede Saterdag het JC Fortuin vir my span geblaas: wat ‘n plesier om ‘n bekwame man met die fluitjie daar te kon hê. Hy het beide spanne ‘n keer of wat geblaas vir “chirping” (soos dit hoort) maar het hom nooit vererg nie.
    So ongelukkig dra ‘n onbekwame blaser dikwels by tot onaangename dinge op en langs die veld. Dit bly egter ‘n ondankbare taak.

    Wanneer toeskouers nie die reëls ken nie, dra ook dikwels by tot “moeilikheid”. Ek het die ander dag genoem van ‘n toeskouer wat verbaas wou weet hoe die speler onkant kan wees – hy (die onkant vleuel) het dan nooit kontak gemaak met die opponent nie !! Ek het sy stelling herhaal en hardloop gelag toe ek dit vir die reserwe langs my herhaal. Die man het dit gehoor en verleë weggeloop.

    7 June, 2013 at 10:25
  146. avatar
    #56 Queenian

    @Rooikat: Not sure being trying to find out as Brandwag weekend is free some parents claim its because of exams but that sound a bit fishy one member of the Grey PE staff members told me they thought it was because the Craven Week boys were out and they do not have the depth to be able to replace 8 boys and still be competitive with Grey. If that’s the case looks like they do not back there own systems [EDITED]

    7 June, 2013 at 10:23
  147. avatar
    #55 Queenian

    Is the Kearsny vs MC game going to be rescheduled.

    7 June, 2013 at 10:19
  148. avatar
    #54 Rooikat

    @Queenian: What is the reason for the cancellation? Very disappointing since it would have been a top 20 clash and probably the best two teams in the EC this year.

    7 June, 2013 at 10:18
  149. avatar
    #53 Queenian

    It is shocking that Brandwag have cancelled there game against Grey PE

    7 June, 2013 at 10:08
  150. avatar
    #52 meadows

    @McCulleys Workshop: See my comment in the discussion about CW fixtures regarding 07/08 and the Koster link – I think you are confusing me with Ian or possibly young Nick who I’m sure would have a strong view on developments in Durban :-D

    7 June, 2013 at 10:06
  151. avatar
    #51 BoishaaiPa

    @PaarlBok: Ek hoor ook maar so tussen die lyne dat daar dalk probleempie of twee kan wees…

    7 June, 2013 at 09:50
  152. avatar
    #50 BuiteBreek

    Maar bygesê, moes ek ook al ouers en ondersteuners vra om ‘n terrein te verlaat. Sommige van die opmerkings wat mens hoor, is werklik nie bedoel om langs ‘n skoolveld gehoor te word nie.

    Daar is maniere en maniere hoe mense hul uitsprake kan maak.

    7 June, 2013 at 09:37
  153. avatar
    #49 Ploegskaar

    @oxry: Ek stem 100% saam. Baie van hierdie seuns ken en speel al 4-5 jaar teen mekaar waneer hulle op o/19 vlak kom en baie is vrinne op en van die veld. Wat langs die veld aangaan laat, soos jy sê, egter meestal veel te wense oor en lg. let ek veral by die ouderdomsgroep spanne op. My boodskap aan Boland en die ander skole wat ek volg is altyd dieselfde voor ‘n groot wedstryd: Daar is geen bekers of trofeë op die spel nie, dus geen druk nie, speel eerstens die game om dit te geniet (die rede waarom die laaties oorspronklik begin speel het!) en die res is ‘n bysaak. Dalk moet die ouers ook hierdie boodskap kry! Self kyk ek op die Plaas en elders altyd ‘n game op ‘n afstand, weg van die res, want ook ek is daar om myself te geniet in die eerste plek.

    7 June, 2013 at 09:14
  154. avatar
    #48 BuiteBreek

    @Ploeg @oxry: Niemand kan sê niks word met oorgawe gedoen nie. All or nothing. Ek kan my verkyk Saterdag na Saterdag aan die ondersteuners langs die veld. :mrgreen:

    7 June, 2013 at 09:13
  155. avatar
    #47 oxry

    @Ploegskaar: Weet jy wat steek my soms dwars in die krop. ‘n Groot ophef word week na week gemaak oor seuns se gedrag op die veld. ‘n Mens hoor bitter min van hoe ouers langs die veld optree en selfs sekere afrigters van spanne. Die kommentaar wat soms van die ouers afkom tydens wedstryde is skokkend ( ek glo dit dra by tot 90% van onaangename voorvalle ) en dan het van hulle nog die vrymoedigheid om die skeidsregter ook aan te vat ( 1 ste spanne ). Ek glo ‘n SKOOLHOOF het soms ‘n bitter onaangename taak tydens sportdae op Saterdae, veral waar twee grootskole mekaar die stryd aansê.

    7 June, 2013 at 08:56
  156. avatar
    #46 oxry

    @Ploegskaar: Jip, dit was nie mooi nie. Glo die liviete is mooi uitgespel vir more. :lol:

    7 June, 2013 at 08:47
  157. avatar
    #45 Ploegskaar

    @oxry: Alles van die beste vir more, sien julle later vanjaar op die anner Plaas, en gedra asseblief more, anders word iemand weer van agter die pale pawiljoen toe gejaag :mrgreen:

    7 June, 2013 at 08:39
  158. avatar
    #44 oxry

    Reën, nat veld, PBH met 15 punte, sorry Ploegskaar.

    Paarl Gim, baie close game. Bulle gaan hulle erg teësit, hul horings is glo met ‘n skerpmaker skerp gemaak vir die game.

    7 June, 2013 at 08:30
  159. avatar
    #43 Ploegskaar

    @Rooikat: Soos altyd 100% agter die manne in swart en vanjaar se groep het ongelooflik baie guts, maar op vorm is dit Bois. Daardie game in 2011 waarvan jy praat het Boland 12-19 verloor, met ‘n bal wat oor die doellyn verloor is in die doodsnikke as ek reg onthou. Laaste wen was egter in 2009 teen Bois, selfde jaar wat Boland laas vir Gim geklop het (en die PRG game afgestel is weens ‘n griep epedemie of iets).

    7 June, 2013 at 08:21
  160. avatar
    #42 PaarlBok

    @tandemfitarborsurculus: Oh nooit gedink die Galpille sing vir hulle self as hulle lostrek met “Old MacDonald have a farm?”

    @BoishaaiPa: Jy weet meer as ek?

    7 June, 2013 at 08:12
  161. avatar
    #41 Rooikat

    @Ploegskaar Nie so groot verrassing, onthou 2 jaar terug het Boland naby gekom toe het Boishaai ook ‘n goeie span gehad dink 4de op ranglys geeindig terwyl julle nie in die top 20 was nie. Gaan goeie wedstryd wees.

    7 June, 2013 at 08:08
  162. avatar
    #40 Ploegskaar

    @Tjoppa: Sal ‘n hengse verrassing wees as die Boere Saterdag die Dorpskool omdop, die weer mag wel ‘n gelykmaker wees, maar Bois het nou ‘n lekker span bymekaar.

    7 June, 2013 at 07:55
  163. avatar
    #39 McCulleys Workshop

    @meadows: whats happening at the Sharks as far as new staff are concerned?

    7 June, 2013 at 06:56
  164. avatar
    #38 McCulleys Workshop

    @Tjoppa: Seems like they need to employ someone from Wesbank for rentals, leases and outright purchases.

    7 June, 2013 at 06:53
  165. avatar
    #37 Tjoppa

    @Ploegskaar: Miskien volk skool maar landbou beslis nie. Ploegie hoe lyk die beserings vir Saterdag. Kan ons hoop op ‘n oortuigende oorwinning of moet ons die CW span ‘n kans gee?

    7 June, 2013 at 05:39
  166. avatar
    #36 Tjoppa

    @Umtata: It is simple. In order to afford their massive intake of juniors, and players like the Serfontein’s, who is demanding major increases. They have a clearance sale. They need to appoint an accountant. The budget is, how shall we put it, in sy moer in.

    7 June, 2013 at 05:36
  167. avatar
    #35 Gungets Tuft

    @WBHS Griffon: I don’t think DHS will come close, but the gap might not be as wide as you think. Counter Wright, if you can, and Hilton are above average, not extraordinary.

    6 June, 2013 at 23:13
  168. avatar
    #34 WBHS Griffon

    Don’t forsee any shocks this weekend, results should be as expected. Hilton appear to have hit a hot streak, so DHS could catch a bigger hiding than anticipated.

    6 June, 2013 at 21:37
  169. avatar
    #33 meadows

    @Umtata: Money – I heard that some senior players were asked to take cuts – problem with contracting so many juniors – combined with France being where you earn top dollar these days (and Japan).

    6 June, 2013 at 19:28
  170. avatar
    #32 BuffelsCM

    @Umtata: The lure of the Euro I guess

    6 June, 2013 at 19:04
  171. avatar
    #31 Umtata

    J.Potgieter also leaving for Japan

    6 June, 2013 at 18:52
  172. avatar
    #30 Umtata

    Does anyone know why so many bulls players are leaving for France? Steyn, Kruger, Wynand and now Chilliboy. I think Chilli left bcoz he didn’t get a Bok contract

    6 June, 2013 at 18:50
  173. avatar
    #29 GreenBlooded

    Change in scheduled matches for Saturday 8 June

    Due to the flu epidemic which Maritzburg College are experiencing, Saturday sports fixtures have been heavily affected. No games in the Open age group will take place. There are six rugby and three hockey matches as detailed below.

    Every effort will be made to reschedule the remaining games for Thursday 20 June – the day before the end of term. Details will be posted when available.

    Games vs Maritzburg College on Saturday 8 June


    U16A at 10h00 on Stott

    U16B at 09h00 on Stott

    U15A at 10h00 on Matterson

    U15B at 09h00 on Matterson

    U14C at 10h00 on AH Smith

    U14D at 09h00 on AH Smith


    U14C 09h00 on Mason Astro

    U16B 10h00 on Mason Astro

    U16A 11h15 on Mason Astro

    6 June, 2013 at 18:48
  174. avatar
    #28 Gungets Tuft

    I see Clifton have taken to calling themselves “College” in marketing and on Twitter. Don’t get confused, College is that school in PMB that has been known as College for 150 years. Clifton is …… well …. Clifton, that school in Innes Road, been there since 2002. Ambush marketing. Sies.

    6 June, 2013 at 17:59
  175. avatar
    #27 Mike

    @The Beast: which team across the nation have you decided to support this evening beast ?

    6 June, 2013 at 17:58
  176. avatar
    #26 Mike

    @The Beast: Almost like every time I come on the blog and see you having a go at another English medium school.

    6 June, 2013 at 17:55
  177. avatar
    #25 Ploegskaar

    @tandemfitarborsurculus: ‘n Skoolleuse wat soos die Latynse naam vir bek-en-klouseer klink en landbou wetenskap as ‘n vak maak jou darem nie ‘n Landbou skool nie, eintlik net gelykstaande aan ‘n Agri-Mark op die dorp :mrgreen:

    6 June, 2013 at 13:23
  178. avatar
    #24 The Beast

    @Playa: Cos everytime they play another Afrikaans kid ends up at Grey on the Monday.

    6 June, 2013 at 13:03
  179. avatar
    #23 Playa

    @Mike: Oh is that right?!?I wonder why.This would have been a reall clash of the titans

    6 June, 2013 at 12:35
  180. avatar
    #22 Mike

    @Playa: Grey not playing Brandwag this weekend. Brandwag asked to cancel this years fixture, not sure why.

    6 June, 2013 at 12:18
  181. avatar
    #21 tandemfitarborsurculus

    @BuiteBreek: Daar is net” een land bou skool ” en dit is die Boishaai skool … :-D

    6 June, 2013 at 12:05
  182. avatar
    #20 CRC

    @HORSEFLY NO.1: I think DHS are going to have their work cut out for them in the Open age group, but all the games in the younger age groups should be interesting with DHS having strong A sides.

    6 June, 2013 at 12:02
  183. avatar
    #19 Tierklou

    @CharlesZA: Ja, sommige praat daarvan as die “Clash of the Northern Suburbs”.

    6 June, 2013 at 11:39
  184. avatar
    #18 HORSEFLY NO.1

    This weekend is the DHS Founders Day. Hope they give a good account of themselves.
    Last year they played an awesome MHS team on Founders and I think only lost 22-16 so I’m hoping for the same type of bravery and commitment this weekend.
    NOTE: most of the guys in the DHS 1st side have never lost to Hilton so it COULD get interesting

    6 June, 2013 at 11:25
  185. avatar
    #17 BoishaaiPa

    @Rooikat: Dit gaan meer oor tradisie as waar jy op huidige Top 20 is..Tradisionele skole wat al baie lank presteer en wat bekend is vir hulle rugby is aanvanklik genader…sommige skole het onmiddelik ingestem en die voordeel gesien…dis die skole wat nou beloon word, ander het eers later op die wa geklim en sal eers moet wag aangesien daar baie beperkte uitsaai tye is.

    6 June, 2013 at 11:01
  186. avatar
    #16 Rooikat

    Vraag; Hoe word die “Premier” skole bepaal sover was dit die beter skole hierdie jaar (op grond van uitslae) Bishops en Bosch is mos nie hierdie jaar top skole nie? Is die Paarl wedstryde of Grey PE v Brandwag nie meer “Premier” nie? Dis tog immers skole wat die jaar beter presteer en in die top 20 is.

    6 June, 2013 at 10:52
  187. avatar
    #15 BuiteBreek

    @BHP: Miskien sukkel hulle met die Oos-Kaap aksent?

    6 June, 2013 at 10:36
  188. avatar
    #14 BoishaaiPa

    @PaarlBok: Watse rumour hoor ek oor Cape Schools?…Is julle nou so gatvol vir die souties dat julle wil ontrek?

    6 June, 2013 at 10:33
  189. avatar
    #13 QC86

    @Playa: jee sorry getting old,but as BOG would say,Grey were lucky to win that one, :mrgreen: but jokes aside,Queens ,Nico Malan are all ranked Selborne no were to be seen,so beat SAC and someone will have to take notice

    6 June, 2013 at 10:21
  190. avatar
    #12 BuiteBreek

    @PaarlBok: HAHAHAHA. Sal seker goed wees om weer keurige Afrikaans langs die veld te hoor.
    Ek glo beide games gaan taai wees. Plaasseuns invasion.

    6 June, 2013 at 10:18
  191. avatar
    #11 Playa

    @QC86: Only one loss? I know they’ve lost to Grey Bloem and Glenwood…or does GCB not count anymore since it is always the same result :mrgreen:

    6 June, 2013 at 10:08
  192. avatar
    #10 PaarlBok

    @BuiteBreek: Dalk, beide hul teenstanders is nou al gatvol vir die souties.

    6 June, 2013 at 09:58
  193. avatar
    #9 Rooikat

    @Buitebreek Ja altyd ‘n kans maar realisties dink ek nie Oakdale sal sommer wen nie want Gim is sterk die jaar en het sover hul wedstryde redelik gemaklik gewen.

    Boland sal ook ‘n opdraande stryd he maar ek onthou twee jaar terug by Boishaai het hulle teen ‘n goeie Boishaai span goed vertoon en nie te ver verloor nie. Maar ek onthou daardie wedstryd was net na interskole wat Gim gewen het so ek dink Boishaai was seker ‘n bietjie af.

    6 June, 2013 at 09:57
  194. avatar
    #8 Rooikat


    6 June, 2013 at 09:44
  195. avatar
    #7 QC86

    nice to see Selborne back on the fixture list,now they only have to beat St Andrews to get back on the top 100 list,having only lost one game this year??????

    6 June, 2013 at 09:32
  196. avatar
    #6 Playa

    The EC match-ups will be hot:
    Selborne vs St Andrews – College coming off 2 successive defeats against a hot and cold Baboona outfit in EL.Tough one to call, but one is likely to go with a Selborne win here given that College have not been great travellers of late.It will be interesting if SAC manage to close off the dangerous Gosa. Baboona by 5

    Queens should easily brush off Stirling. The “Tennis School” is no match for this QC side whih has gotten better as the season has progressed. Kudu by at least 25.

    Cambridge vs Dale is not as clear cut as history suggests.The green and black machine recently gave Selborne a run for their money, and despite losing more than they have won thus far,they have proven to be a dangerous side.Dale are coming off a beating in the hands of Grey at the Graveyard, and will want to salvage their pride. AMADODA by 6.

    Kingswood vs Muir should be a cracker in Grahamstown.KC have been lacklustre in recent weeks, and Muir have been losing narrowly.I think AMADODA from Uitenhage will want this more.It will be a high scoring affair. Muir to win by 3 or less.

    Brandwag vs Grey.Huge encounter.If it stays dry, Grey will win.Should the rain pour, it will be a forwards game, and a tough one to call as both teams have a formidable pack at their disposal.I will call this on recent form and say the Pansies will walk away victorious by 7.

    6 June, 2013 at 09:30
  197. avatar
    #5 Playa

    Anyone know what time the Rondebosch-Bishops match kicks off?

    6 June, 2013 at 09:18
  198. avatar
    #4 CharlesZA

    @Tierklou: Dit is n groot wedstryd vir ons seisoen. Het baie belowend gelyk so paar weke terug. Nog n verloor mag dalk die manne se moed breek.

    6 June, 2013 at 09:15
  199. avatar
    #3 Tierklou

    @CharlesZA: Defnitief, dit gaan ‘n goeie wedstryd wees. Sien uit daarna, altyd lekker om daar by julle te kuier.

    6 June, 2013 at 09:12
  200. avatar
    #2 CharlesZA

    Stellenberg vs Tygerberg can be added

    6 June, 2013 at 09:04
  201. avatar
    #1 BuiteBreek

    Ek wonder of twee lanbouskole kan wen in die Paarl ? :mrgreen:

    6 June, 2013 at 08:58

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