The 150th Maritzburg College Reunion Day

Reunion Day is always a special event at College. Old boys, students, teachers and even parents who have been part of the occasion will testify to this amazing vibe all around them that can definitely be felt and almost tasted.

Indications are that Maritzburg College Old Boys will arrive in droves to be part of the 150th celebration Reunion Day on Saturday 25 May 2013, making it possibly the biggest Reunion Day of all times and creating a wonderful atmosphere.

There is lots planned for old boys but the  main event of the day’s activities is undoubtedly as always the 1st XV rugby match on Goldstones. The Red, White, Black’s tough opponents are Glenwood. The stage is set. The ingredients for a good hard game of rugga is there.

Both schools are looking strong coming in. Glenwood is one of the form teams in South Africa based on current form and will probably stick to their winning formula which is to combine flair with width. College’s best attacks also seems to come from spreading the ball out to the wings. As a result of the presence of game-breaks in both backlines, this game could very well come down to which team secures and controls possession better as well as who has the better organised defensive structure to cope with onslaughts. Territory often tends to take a backseat when flowing rugby of the nature anticipated is the order of the day.

Calling a winner might not be that easy. Glenwood’s record coming in suggest they will be favourites but they are also the visitors, a long way from home. From a College 1st team rugby player’s perspective it’s worth noting that the emotion and the pressure to succeed on the Reunion Day answers to itself.  It can just as easily work against the home team as has been seen before but if it there to help College on Saturday, this coupled with what is expected to be huge base of loud vocal support could add as much for 10%  to the Red, Black, White effort and this might well be enough to put them over the top.

Irrespective of the outcome, expect a great rugby match played in the true spirit of good sportsmanship.


  1. avatar
    #34 HORSEFLY NO.1

    Final score:
    College 40- Glenwood 44

    25 May, 2013 at 17:03
  2. avatar
    #33 kcob

    Hopper. I played with Layton and John Botha in 91. I was skipper for the academy side then. What blokes! Good luck today guys.

    25 May, 2013 at 14:34
  3. avatar
    #32 HORSEFLY NO.1

    Colllege U15A beat Glenwood 20-19.

    25 May, 2013 at 11:46
  4. avatar
    #31 Gungets Tuft

    After having sucked a tap off the wall, at a buzzing College.

    U14A – 3-19

    25 May, 2013 at 09:54
  5. avatar
    #30 Buffel

    It is my Father’s 69 year out of school. Year 1944, 1st XV College Captain and prefect. He is not able to get there due to ill health but will be there in spirit for 150 year celebration. Go College. Never thought I would say those words but then again it is against Glenwood where he attended Standard 6 and 7 before moving to the sleepy hollow. No scandal in those days about moving schools etc. Just accepted.

    To all boys concerned,good luck and hope injuries are minimal.

    25 May, 2013 at 09:13
  6. avatar
    #29 Grasshopper

    @GreenBlooded: my years 92 to 96, no victory and our biggest losses ever, very painful. Those were probably our worst 5 years in history. We only got about 6 Natal schools players in 5 years, David Terblanche, Leyton Pardey, Stuart Kerr, Lee Fernandes and two others. One taste of family success was my uncle playing in the great 64 & 65 sides. Enjoy today, you lucky bastard! I need to move back to KZN. Go Green! You will be torn in the under14 game…

    25 May, 2013 at 07:20
  7. avatar
    #28 GreenBlooded

    @Gungets Tuft: Hear hear – you just need to hear from the expats in Australia to know how well raised our kids are – these schools have much to do with that.

    Bipolar meds taken by drip last night, green under-rods on, car packed. College here we come. Let the games begin. Hope today goes without incident and that SBR is the winner at the end. THe best part of any College / Glenwood encounter for me is after the 1st team game when the 2 teams form a circle and belt out each other’s war-cries. Mutual respect. Great to see – I’m sure we will see it later today. GO GREEN!!! GO RED BLACK AND WHITE!!!

    25 May, 2013 at 06:34
  8. avatar
    #27 GreenBlooded

    @Grasshopper: 1984-1988 – my years. Only one Glenwood victory out of 10 matches. It was one of those RWC 1995 moments – one that you will never forget. College were leading 13-12 going into the last 5 minutes and playing very safe – no mistakes – no penalties. U15 sensation Trevor Labuschagne was playing 1st team (rememeber our age groups were U13/U14/U15/Open) – he skipped the U15 age group. Glenwood get possession and set up ruck on the cricket pitch side playing towards the swimming pool. Ball comes out, 9 passes to 10, 10 passes to Labuschagne at 12 who drops the ball straight through the middle. Pandemonium errupts, Glenwood boys go balistic. Go through the motions of the restart, Glenwood play safe, keep possession for a few phases. Final whistle goes – absolute mayhem. There are 3 moments in rugby I will never forget, Stransky’s drop goal in 1995, Tony Watsons try in 1990 and Trevor Labushagne’s drop goal in 1986.

    25 May, 2013 at 06:29
  9. avatar
    #26 Gungets Tuft

    Sitting in a hall with 1100 Old Boys, that sense of history is more than just years. It’s a living thing. Eeisch, we are fortunate men, having the sort of heritage that our great schools offer. Count your lucky stars, the like of College, Glenwood, DHS, House, Hilton, they are rare things.

    Properly amped for tomorrow. Goldstones is the place to be tomorrow.

    24 May, 2013 at 23:44
  10. avatar
    #25 Grasshopper

    Glenwood vs College, 92 years of rivalry!

    1921: Glenwood won 5-0
    1923: Glenwood won 14-3
    1926: Glenwood won 3-0
    1927: Draw 3-3 and College won 10-0
    1928: Glenwood won 11-0; Glenwood won 21-0
    1929: College won 8-5 and 22-3
    1930: College won 9-6 and 18-0
    1931: College won 24-0 and drew 8-8
    1932: College won 21-6 and 15-6
    1933: Glenwood won 4-0; Glenwood won 6-3
    1834: College won 27-0 and 24-5
    1935: Glenwood won 4-0; College won 15-3
    1936: Draw 3-3; College won 12-8
    1937: College won 11-6 and 23-0
    1938: Glenwood won 11-6; College won 20-5
    1939: Draw 0-0 and 8-8
    1940: College won 8-6 and 11-8
    1941: College won 5-3; Glenwood won 12-11
    1942: Glenwood won 7-5 and 16-9
    1943: College won 12-0 and Draw 6-6
    1944: Draw 10-10; Glenwood won 8-3
    1945: College won 15-8 and 7-3
    1946: College won 19-4; Glenwood won 8-3
    1947: College won 8-3; Draw 6-6
    1948: College won 12-3
    1949: College won 6-0 and 8-0
    1950: College won 26-3
    1951: College won 22-0 and 3-0
    1952: College won 12-0 and 22-0
    1953: Draw 6-6; College won 8-6
    1954: College won 20-8; Draw 3-3
    1955: College won 13-5
    1956: College won 14-0 and 16-0
    1957: Draw 6-6
    1958: College won 11-3
    1959: College won 10-6 and 23-8
    1960: College won 11-0 and 18-0
    1961: College won 20-0 and 32-0
    1962: College won 16-0 and 11-3
    1963: College won 30-3 and 24-5
    1964: Glenwood won 14-12; College won 33-0
    1965: Glenwood won 8-6
    1966: Glenwood won 9-3; College won 15-6
    1967: College won 11-3; Draw 8-8
    1968: College won 14-3 and 8-6
    1969: College won 31-9; Draw 9-9
    1970: Glenwood won 12-11; College won 16-3
    1971: College won 12-0 and 16-13
    1972: College won 37-3; Draw 9-9
    1973: College won 16-12 and 13-0
    1974: College won 22-10 and 9-3
    1975: Draw 6-6; Glenwood won 13-10
    1976: College won 15-6; Glenwood won 14-4
    1977: College won 6-0 and 31-6
    1978: College won 28-9 and 27-4
    1979: Glenwood won 33-6; College won 7-3
    1980: College won 21-12; Glenwood won 10-9
    1981: College won 9-7 and 19-10
    1982: College won 15-6 and 19-18
    1983: Glenwood won 15-7; College won 26-6
    1984: College won 20-4 and 13-6
    1985: College won 25-3 and 22-6
    1986: College won 29-3; Glenwood won 15-13
    1987: College won 22-17 and 48-12
    1988: College won 13-7 and 30-9
    1989: College won 19-3 and 22-3
    1990: College won 28-6 and 6-0
    1991: College won 22-16; Glenwood won 16-11
    1992: College won 42-9 and 8-0
    1993: College won 24-10
    1994: College won 35-3
    1995: College won 61-13
    1996: College won 53-5
    1997: College won 48-10
    1998: Glenwood won 31-5
    1999: College won 16-10
    2000: College won 28-16; Glenwood won 24-18
    2001: College won 37-12 and 15-6
    2002: College won 28-0 and 33-3
    2003: College won 30-8
    2004: Glenwood won 26-24; College won 21-7
    2005: College won 30-7 and 12-5
    2006: College won 24-0; Glenwood won 19-14
    2007: Glenwood won 19-12
    2008: Glenwood won 47-10 and 15-7
    2009: Glenwood won 23-11 and 31-0
    2010: College won 35-16; Glenwood won 20-13
    2011: Glenwood won 33-30 and 31-3
    2012: Draw 16-16 and a draw 27-27

    24 May, 2013 at 22:02
  11. avatar
    #24 All Black Hopefully this link will get you to the download. Not sure. This is for the College boys but can be enjoyed by others if you want.

    23 May, 2013 at 11:02
  12. avatar
    #23 Tigger

    @ Greenblooded and Grasshopper – it was courtesy of Beet!

    22 May, 2013 at 13:50
  13. avatar
    #22 Grasshopper

    @GreenBlooded: I like that one too, beet?

    22 May, 2013 at 13:37
  14. avatar
    #21 GreenBlooded

    @Tigger: Nice strip there mate! I might think about swapping my bi-partisan outfit for something like that. How did you get that?

    22 May, 2013 at 13:05
  15. avatar
    #20 Grasshopper

    @Tigger: Well said Tigger! Totally agree!

    22 May, 2013 at 10:11
  16. avatar
    #19 Tigger

    This is going to be an epic. College on their Old Boy’s day, all the hype and pressure I believe this somewhat levels the playing field. College have momentum from the KES game and will no doubt lay their lives on the line. Glenwood also have momentum from a couple of games, Boland Landbou, Paarl Boys, Hilton and DHS. Whatever the result, I hope that we see the kind of rugby that can be expected at such a momentous occasion. We at Glenwood are obviously honoured to be chosen to do battle with College on their 150th and naturally congratulate College on their proud history and accomplishments. A great KwaZulu Natal and South African school! Good luck to all the teams playing and we pray for no serious injuries. Viva the GREEN MACHINE!

    22 May, 2013 at 10:03
  17. avatar
    #18 Grasshopper

    @GreenBlooded: Nicotine ninth’s!

    22 May, 2013 at 09:49
  18. avatar
    #17 GreenBlooded

    @Grasshopper: Well they weren’t called the ‘Stuyvesant Sevenths” for nothing…. :mrgreen:

    22 May, 2013 at 09:40
  19. avatar
    #16 Grasshopper

    I remember too the 9th team locks at the first scrum trying to sort out which side they preferred scrumming on, so funny watching them swap sides at each scrum. A complete mess, but some of those surfers were pretty tough. Even funnier was them having to stop every now and again to do a smokers cough……

    22 May, 2013 at 09:29
  20. avatar
    #15 All Black

    Judging by the amount of time it takes to work out line out calls only to lose the first couple in a game, perhaps it is better to go into a match cold and throw to the guy who jumps highest and in space. If tyou dont know where the ball is going then the opposition certainly wont know either. :mrgreen:

    22 May, 2013 at 09:10
  21. avatar
    #14 Queenian

    I see a MC win here

    22 May, 2013 at 08:53
  22. avatar
    #13 GreenBlooded

    @Grasshopper: In my day the first draft of the 7th, 8th and 9th teamsheet was finalised during short break after Friday assembly. “Anyone wanting to play for the Grasshoppers (the 7th, 8th and 9th were collectively called the grasshoppers) please meet in Mr X’s classroom after assembly” was the call to arms. Lineout calls?? I think that was normally sorted out at the first lineout. The turnout for these teams were, as you allude to, very dependant on the surf conditions over the weekend in question.

    22 May, 2013 at 08:50
  23. avatar
    #12 Grasshopper

    Fixtures released today, 27 games on Saturday, now that is more like a proper down the line fixture, 1st to 9th and 6 teams per age group. I can just imagine the 9th team coach trying to recruit some surfers or big blokes not playing to make up the numbers……also trying to sort out line-out calls etc……will be a complete gemors but fun for the guys involved…

    22 May, 2013 at 08:40
  24. avatar
    #11 All Black

    Not on TV anymore. Is a Classic Clash but TV times have clashed and just too many teams to juggle with an earlier time slot.

    21 May, 2013 at 15:31
  25. avatar
    #10 Ludz

    @Gungets Tuft: I hope some of the College boys get to read this, it doesn’t get any better than this. A very big congratulations to College. May the sesquicentenial celebrations be enjoyed by all in Red, Black and White.

    21 May, 2013 at 15:29
  26. avatar
    #9 Gungets Tuft

    @Gungets Tuft: … er .. Saturday. I have transported myself to the dinner already. I almost cracked a brew thinking about it ….

    21 May, 2013 at 14:38
  27. avatar
    #8 Gungets Tuft

    And never a truer word spoken about the pressure that the day can put on the boys. Last year against Kearsney the pressure was huge and unwarranted.

    To any College players reading this, relax. Tomorrow you play for yourselves, the team and the sheer enjoyment of pulling on the Red, Black and White and running onto Goldstones. If you don’t have fun with this, then you have missed the point.

    When the Old Boys walk onto Goldstones and shout the Jimeloyo, it is in respect and admiration for College, 150 years of tradition, 150 intakes of boys that the school has sent out into the world as men of substance and honour. The result of a rugby match does not change that. Make us proud in the values of College – victory is a result of these, not a part of them.

    Some things must not change, and will not change ….


    21 May, 2013 at 14:34
  28. avatar
    #7 Gungets Tuft

    And – I have to say it – watch Goldstones at 8:30am for a Goldstones refereeing debut. Hopefully it will be as memorable for the man reffing there as it was to us College boys playing there.

    8:30am might be a little early for the main body of Old Boys, we will be sleeping off a big helping of dessert from the night before (dinner in the Alan Paton Hall on campus – the first time for many years we will Reyoon at the school).

    It is certainly going to be something special this year – well worth the trip to Maritzburru, even if you are not a College person, or a Hopper.

    And I believe it is being televised, but don’t let that stop you coming up, nothing like being at the game.

    21 May, 2013 at 14:23
  29. avatar
    #6 Greenwood

    Greenblooded – yup ! this will be an epic day at College

    I was at a College reunion day match against the Greens some years ago and seeing the College Old boys going onto Goldstones to do the warcry – I get goosies when I think of this – the Old Boys , College supporters and the boys all interacting with each other in a way I have never seen before – you have to see this to believe it – Glenwood at its noisiest would not compete against the roar coming from Goldstones

    All the best to College on their 150th – I will be there early to secure a seat on the open stands …………

    21 May, 2013 at 14:06
  30. avatar
    #5 GreenBlooded

    @star: Pretty sure Beet will be there too. Does he have a day job?

    21 May, 2013 at 12:48
  31. avatar
    #4 star

    Amalekite should be there to give input on CW. Pedantic likewise with regard to GK. We will have to push them later on today for some input.

    21 May, 2013 at 12:44
  32. avatar
    #3 TheGoose

    Is anyone going to final Craven Week trials today?

    21 May, 2013 at 10:53
  33. avatar
    #2 RBugger

    Really looking forward to this game – will be interesting to see the 8th man battle here, Goodsen against Coetzee – both Grade 11

    Anyone know if this is a televised game?

    21 May, 2013 at 10:01
  34. avatar
    #1 GreenBlooded

    Another ingredient worthy of mention is that the match will be refereed by Craig Joubert. Going to be an epic day. I think College will take a lot of confidence out of their win against KES and I don’t think for a second the result is a foregone conclusion. Just the occassion itself is bound to be very intimidating for the Green Machine. I think we will be in for a ripper.

    21 May, 2013 at 09:53

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