Glenwood beats DHS 46-14

There isn’t much to write about Glenwood’s performance that wasn’t already mentioned in the preview on Friday. They actually proved to be very predictable. Predictably good that is. The final score on Van Heerden’s field was DHS 14 Glenwood 46.

The Glenwood forwards did the hard work. DHS tried to contest the ball on the ground but generally Glenwood were too strong in the collisions for the hosts to stop the forward momentum. As a result Glenwood had little trouble securing high quality ball. In all aspects of the game be it set or general play, Glenwood dominated. Mention also has to be made of the Glenwood rolling maul which is coming on very nicely. Green Machine no.8 Jaco Coetzee scored a hat trick of tries. It wasn’t just a case of him being in the right places at the right times. He put in a huge effort and even if he hadn’t scored a single try, he would have been the fitting recipient of a player of the match award. He was fantastic with the ball in hand, as a support player and on defence, he made telling tackles, contested determinedly for the ball on the deck and even won a few turnovers. Just one blemish at the end prevented it from being a perfect day for him.

The Glenwood backs came out tops in just about every single one-on-one battle except maybe at scrumhalf, where little DHS halfback Ngidi showed a lot of tenacity in his attempts to provide school with some badly needed variation on attack. His efforts were thwarted by some mean Glenwood defenders but the initiative was worth mentioning. Elsewhere on attack it was Glenwood, Glenwood, Glenwood. From the very start flyhalf Curtis Jonas impressed with his speed, footwork and connections with those on his outside. Outside centre Nkululeko Mcuma was also quick out of the blocks providing good link up work and Spark Ngcobo known for his straight-line speed on the left wing had a few good runs that showed his lateral movement ability as he dodge defenders. AK Nela was a little quiet at first but he ended the game as possibly the strongest and most influential of the backs. He was given far too much room and often danced his way passed the first line of defence, showing strength to stay upright in contact as well. Morne Joubert was restored to his favourite position of fullback due to the injury enforced absence of Corne Vermaak. He made the most of this opportunity to remind all what a bright young talent he is.

It was not a difficult game for Glenwood to get over the advantage line in. DHS however have to be commended for their spirit. They were committed for the entire 70 minutes. They missed tackles here and there but considering the high number of tackles that they had to make on the day, the fact that kept on trying to get in the hits was reflected in the score being kept down to 46 points against them. Many of their attacking opportunities came as a result of the referee penalising Glenwood but without the forwards being able to assert themselves on the gain-line challenges, it was left to the backs to make inroads, and they too failed to penetrate with ball in hand. Most of DHS fullback Le Roux van Zyl’s kicks did not work out but in the first half he pushed an outstanding kick in behind the Glenwood defence, which allowed left wing Biyela to score from a favourable bounce.

 In the end it was 6 tries to 1 and even more of a surprise given their confidence and fluency, not a single Glenwood back scored a try. Between Coetzee (3), the pacy flank Wandi Mazibuko and replacement prop, big Joe Potgieter (2), they account for all 5-pointers in the comprehensive win.






Penalty DHS. Joubert knocks on. Scrum. Ruck. Glenwood infringe at ruck. Webster lands the penalty kick



Glenwood wins the ball back from the kickoff. DHS infringe. Gerhard slots the penalty



A poor lineout throw in by DHS. Glenwood wins the ball and sets the rolling maul. Mazibuko breaks and advances to the DHS try-line where DHS gives away a penalty. Gerhard kicks it  over.



Ngcobo sets off on a flashy diagonal run. Glenwood wins a penalty but Gerhard misses. Glenwood playing very fluent rugby.



Glenwood are easily the better team on the park but it’s Webster that misses a penalty to level matters after Glenwood are pinged for hands in the ruck



Excitement in a low scoring half as Glenwood wins a turnover after DHS attack. Coetzee finds Joubert who shifts gear to get upfield but his decisive inside pass to Mcuma just does not go to hand and the change of a first try goes a begging.



DHS misses touch from a penalty. Glenwood  carries it back swiftly, set up a ruck and go wide to Wandi Mazibuko out on the wing. He turns on the afterburners and no one can catch him. Try converted by Gerhard.



Glenwood knocks on from the kickoff. Scrum. Good work by no.8 Rees. Ngidi sends the ball wide to the left off 3rd phase. Van Zyl grubblers ahead towards the corner. The ball bounces kindly for wing Biyela to score. Webster misses the conversion.



Glenwood wins a lineout. The move it wide quickly off the deck. Good interchange between Jonas and Nela. Nela’s backhand flip finds Mcuma who passes inside to Coetzee. Try. Speed and lines of the attack outsmarted the DHS defence. Gerhard converts.



DHS chips ahead but Glenwood recovers the ball. Joubert makes a long pass to Mcuma who makes good ground. Ruck. Good ball to the left. Nice run by Vidima. Again support play by no.8 Coetzee means he’s on the inside to collect the final pass and score. Gerhard converts



DHS wins a penalty 30m out in front. Webster makes on mistake with the kick.






Coetzee with a good run once he breaks off the back of a rolling maul set up from a lineout.



Coetzee completes his hat trick when he crosses the line as part of a rolling maul that works very well for Glenwood. Gerhard converts.



Webster lands another penalty after a Glenwood player fails to release the ball once he was tackled.



Seth vd Heever carries the ball over the try-line but gets held up.



Big Jo Potgieter had just replaced Percy Mngadi at prop. His first touch results in a try from close range after the 5m scrum. Gerhard converts.



A rare attack by DHS sees Buthelezi get into a gap. A knock on however ends the progress.



Morne Joubert injects life into a  seemingly dead move. Good continuity sees the ball carried well into the DHS redzone. From a ruck in broken play it goes wide where 120kgs of Jo Potgieter makes a poor attempt at selling a dummy to his teammate on the overlap on the outside. Potgieter is no match for this much smaller opponent and storms over. The conversion is missed. 



Final score


  1. avatar
    #49 Grasshopper

    @Ploegskaar: Plowing the mound :wink:

    21 May, 2013 at 14:01
  2. avatar
    #48 GreenBlooded

    @Gungets Tuft: Had to scroll back up to to see what you were referring to. Eish!!! What’s in a name hey – as long it’s not Hooters or Teazers he should be OK.

    21 May, 2013 at 12:45
  3. avatar
    #47 Ploegskaar

    @Grasshopper: Going out/pulling out/popping out, all the same to us simple plowers of the mound. Would say its a good 30 minutes drive, maybe more if you go through Paarl. Maybe rather attend to the urgent business at hand, there is always the Drostdy game on the Farm next semester as well.

    21 May, 2013 at 12:43
  4. avatar
    #46 Gungets Tuft

    @Grasshopper: Bru, you know how to give the okes esor ammunition. Do you have a T-Shirt with a target on the front??

    @GreenBlooded: @Ploegskaar: Ahhhaahhaaaaa … but seriously worried about that second restaurant for an oke on his anniversary … :roll:

    21 May, 2013 at 12:28
  5. avatar
    #45 Grasshopper

    @Ploegskaar: Yep, been to Reuben’s, very nice. Pop-out is an English term for going out quickly. How far is the farm from Franschhoek?

    21 May, 2013 at 12:23
  6. avatar
    #44 Ploegskaar

    @Grasshopper: Pop out of what :oops:?! Between all that popping in and out, you may well get hungry though, so I can highly recommend a dinner at Reuben’s (on main street, Rueben Riffel’s restaurant) and the same goes for La Motte.

    21 May, 2013 at 11:18
  7. avatar
    #43 Westers

    @Grasshopper: Come now Hopper, it’s your anniversary – not your honeymoon.

    21 May, 2013 at 11:12
  8. avatar
    #42 GreenBlooded

    @Grasshopper: You got married during rugby season?? What were you thinking?? :mrgreen:

    21 May, 2013 at 11:09
  9. avatar
    #41 Grasshopper

    @Ploegskaar: Hmm, I’ll be in Franschhoek on an anniversary weekend but the wife may let me pop out for a couple of hrs……will see….

    21 May, 2013 at 11:06
  10. avatar
    #40 Ploegskaar

    @Grasshopper: 1st of June, no worries.

    21 May, 2013 at 09:07
  11. avatar
    #39 GreenBlooded

    @School: 100% mate.

    21 May, 2013 at 08:48
  12. avatar
    #38 School

    If traditions were stopped everytime a team. Had a losing streak I don’t think there would be and DHS vs GWD classic clash to talk about even before the 1900’s

    The bell ringing,chirping and friendly banter will never die. This bad spell is just a page in history that will make it that much more emotional when DHS beats Glenwood again.

    20 May, 2013 at 21:04
  13. avatar
    #37 HORSEFLY NO.1

    I was told that Glenwood visited DHS on Thursday night while I’m 100% sure DHS went to go ring the Glenwood bell.

    Yeah boet you missed a good game there at U14A. Very physical and I think about 3 DHS boys went out due to injury In the 2nd half such was the physicality. The GWD #12 Skhumz played well in the 1st half putting in a few hits but was well managed in the 2nd with KZN player and DHS cappie Barnes smashing him everytime!
    Methinks these two teams are VERY,VERY evenly matched and a mixture of these two would be in my opinion the no.1 team in SA.

    20 May, 2013 at 20:20
  14. avatar
    #36 GreenBlooded

    @HORSEFLY NO.1: Sorry I got to miss it all – I was reffing an arb club match in the afternoon. Was spewing the whole 80 mins – was even planning on pulling a fat in the first 5 mins and hot-footing it to the Berea :mrgreen: :mrgreen: .

    Do you know if the bell ringing took place? Hopefully they didn’t put a stop to it after the paintball gun incident and just told the boys to take it easy. One of the many fine traditions of this great rivalry which hopefully will not get ruined by a few okes who take things too far.

    20 May, 2013 at 19:58
  15. avatar
    #35 HORSEFLY NO.1

    Eish those are not pleasing results at all for School there.

    A couple of close games but that’s where it stops. DHS need to fix up their rugby teams .
    Congrats to the U14A,U15B and U15A for playing in good, close games. The U15B was very unlucky to concede a try in the last move of the match and have victory snatched from them but such is life.

    Just hope DHS U14A teams can stop the hoodoo of losing to Glenwood now…we’ve had enough :lol:

    Well done to the Glenwood team though…that 14A 8th man takes A LOT of stopping yoh !

    20 May, 2013 at 19:32
  16. avatar
    #34 Grasshopper

    @Ploegskaar: What date is that? Probably my anniversary weekend….

    20 May, 2013 at 17:01
  17. avatar
    #33 GreenBlooded

    :-D :-D :-D

    20 May, 2013 at 16:39
  18. avatar
    #32 RBugger

    @Greenblooded: Just stating a fact, Glenwood by far the most respectful of the schools, BY FAR

    20 May, 2013 at 16:12
  19. avatar
    #31 GreenBlooded

    @Grasshopper: Bwahahahahaha. You cause the k@k and I end up the bad guy :mrgreen: :mrgreen: No worries mate – I have a thick skin (comes with the territory of being a ref).

    @RBugger: Thanks mate – nice when people notice the 99% good stuff and don’t obsess over the 1% bad. Makes for a refreshing change.

    20 May, 2013 at 16:04
  20. avatar
    #30 Ploegskaar

    @Grasshopper: No problems Grassy, maybe myself and Greenblooded should just give each other a wide berth. The invite for the game against Bishops still stands though.

    20 May, 2013 at 15:58
  21. avatar
    #29 RBugger

    Jeez, getting heated here…

    Just a quick note, I have always enjoyed the Glenwood banter.

    When Kearsney played Glenwood, I was very impressed with the Glenwood boys, everytime Kearsney sang, the Glenwood stand was quiet and still, which is impressive! The same cannot be said of most schools.

    It is all just banter after all – and I enjoy it all the more especially knowing that Kearsney beat Glenwood AGAIN this year :mrgreen:

    20 May, 2013 at 15:56
  22. avatar
    #28 Grasshopper

    @Ploegskaar: Ploeg, this is out of character, it almosts seems some alien has taken over your profile. We had friendly banter earlier in the year before Glenwood played BL etc. The stats I posted were fact about what happened on the day, nothing more. DHS have a far superior win ratio over Glenwood over the past 92 years that games have been played. They used to ridicule us about it all the time so when we put in a winning streak of a few years it gives given back, all light hearted and in a friendly way. DHS know we will never catch them up on wins so their ‘poor’ neighbours across the way should gloat whilst they can. I never mean to be nasty or arrogant, never……..

    20 May, 2013 at 15:43
  23. avatar
    #27 Ploegskaar

    @GreenBlooded: Before we tire each other out further, obviously I was not only referring to this thread, but also some of the comments on the “The Durban Derby” one, after the game. You are right though, he can speak for himself, just as I can make an observation which I thought may be of use to you guys in general. It was after all Hopper that said something to the effect of “Jeez you guys have it in for GW” on another thread. Trust the context and relevance is clear, no need to reply.

    20 May, 2013 at 15:08
  24. avatar
    #26 GreenBlooded

    @Ploegskaar: You need to get your facts right – go up and read the thread again. Hopper posted a link to the results page on the Glenwood website (every school has this before you ask) and did some analysis on them. Horsey did not post anything in response to that post – in fact HF1 didn’t post anything at all on this thread afterwards. Yet you find it neccessary to get offended on his behalf? Who says HF1 didn’t enjoy it much? Can you let him speak for himself – he’s a big boy. As a DHS boy I’m sure he knows where it’s coming from and I’m sure he would dish it out if he was on the winning side. This is a Glenwood – DHS thing. Been around for decades and hopefully decades more.

    20 May, 2013 at 14:54
  25. avatar
    #25 Ploegskaar

    @GreenBlooded: Didn’t look as if HF1 was enjoying it much and I was not the only one to make the observation about the “friendly” digs, was I? This has nothing to do with the DHS/GW rivalry, just good sportsmanship in general, which whatever you might think of me, even I have shown after the most disappointing losses or exciting wins.

    20 May, 2013 at 14:44
  26. avatar
    #24 GreenBlooded

    @Ploegskaar: So Hopper posts up some stats and everyone has a hissy-fit. Is that not part of the rivalry? Is that better or worse than hanging a bunch of carrots on the crossbar the next day? Maybe if you were a DHS or a Glenwood boy you would appreciate these things for what they are.

    20 May, 2013 at 14:33
  27. avatar
    #23 Ploegskaar

    @GreenBlooded: Uhm, my post was not about rivalries, boet, we are all familiar with the traditional and good-natured antics that go with these amongst various schools all over the country. My observation was about you and your bud, and your condescending reply does little to disprove what I said.

    20 May, 2013 at 14:17
  28. avatar
    #22 rugbyfan

    I think Glenwood should play the Cherries instead of DHS maybe you will get a win every 5 years or so. :mrgreen:

    20 May, 2013 at 14:17
  29. avatar
    #21 Tjoppa

    @Ploegskaar: Pasop Boet daardie kas kan jou dalk baie meer kos as waarop jy gebargain het. Maar die klomp erger as Bog x2 Nee magtig man.

    20 May, 2013 at 13:57
  30. avatar
    #20 GreenBlooded

    @Ploegskaar: Whatever boet. I make a point of not commenting on the Boishaai / Gimmies rivalry because I don’t understand it and know nothing about it. I wonder what you would think if you saw the pre-match on-field antics? Massive fly swatters hitting boys dressed up as horseflies? A DHS play smash tackling a boy dressed in a grasshopper outfit? Carrots hung from poles? Ringing the boarding school bells in the middle of the night? You need to understand the rivalry mate – that’s all it is. Try sticking to subjects you understand.

    20 May, 2013 at 13:50
  31. avatar
    #19 Ploegskaar

    @Tjoppa: Ek sien jy is ‘n nuwe mens na jy en Bog laat gisteraand, tussen die prostaatpiepies deur, hand om die blaas die Rubicon saam oorgesteek het.

    20 May, 2013 at 13:48
  32. avatar
    #18 Tjoppa

    You guys are just like the old tannies in the old age home. Fighting just to fight. The fact is none of the leaders in KZN is even close to the WC, Gauteng and Free State leaders. Do like “most” other do on the blog enjoy the rugby and leave politics at home.

    20 May, 2013 at 13:43
  33. avatar
    #17 Ploegskaar

    @Grasshopper: Between your petulance and Greenblooded’s dummy-spit, my advise is that you two should give the baby parties a skip for a while. Why don’t you come out to the Farm in two weeks’ time when we play Biskoppe and join me and Tony for a cuppa to discuss that “over-hyped” remark? Great opportunity to clear the air, open invite.

    20 May, 2013 at 13:35
  34. avatar
    #16 Grasshopper

    @Ploegskaar: Oh my gosh, then other bloggers are not doing their schools any justice either……..maybe the blog should be closed down because most Glenwood supporters on here are just proud Old Boys stating facts, definitely no arrogance etc. I’ll try to tone down my excitement in future….

    20 May, 2013 at 13:04
  35. avatar
    #15 Ploegskaar

    @GreenBlooded: But then I did say from a CT perspective, didn’t I? The perception, as I said, is also more of a reflection on the bloggers than the school, the former being the only contact that some have with GW.

    20 May, 2013 at 12:58
  36. avatar
    #14 GreenBlooded

    @Ploegskaar: Bit far from home commenting on Glenwood related politics don’t you think? From someone close to the action, I’ll venture that the animosity towards Glenwood has more to do with the tall-poppy syndrome than what a few bloggers have to say. But then I’m sure you are all much better informed in the Western Cape. If indeed you are correct and people’s ‘animosity’ towards Glenwood is based on comments on a blog, then I think it says more about them than it does about the bloggers.

    20 May, 2013 at 12:50
  37. avatar
    #13 Ploegskaar

    @All Black: Well said, Cyndi always behaves like a lady irrespective of GW performances. For the record, few have a problem with GW as a school, but from a CT perspective (feedback from SBR followers and some bloggers here) other GW bloggers have contributed largely to the general animosity towards GW and coining of terms such as overblown, over-hyped, arrogant etc. These comments are not necessarily all accurate or fair, but should at the least sound as a tone-the-fuck-down alarm to some?

    20 May, 2013 at 12:26
  38. avatar
    #12 Grasshopper

    @All Black: Nice indirect jibe there boet :wink:

    20 May, 2013 at 12:03
  39. avatar
    #11 All Black

    @CyndiAtRugby: You have a very nice way of putting things and dont look to kick people when they are down. A week in sport is a long time and we need to always remember that there are just kids on the other end of a score. Some people seem to take pleasure in staing each and every stat to rub it in so to speak. You are a Glenwood supporter who shows genuine empathy for the opposition. Some people need to take a leaf out of your book. Have a good week.

    20 May, 2013 at 11:48
  40. avatar
    #10 GreenBlooded

    @HORSEFLY NO.1: Pay no attention to Rhino’s non-sensical ranting. Is he implying that the Glenwood vs DHS derby should fall away? Never ever gonna happen boet. DHS are in a bad place right now – that won’t last forever. But us Greenies are going to beat the drum for all we are worth while we can…….. :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

    20 May, 2013 at 11:48
  41. avatar
    #9 CyndiAtRugby

    @HORSEFLY NO.1: Regardless of the score, it was a highly enjoyable game to watch. The two War Cry Leaders were exceptionally entertaining – wow, that DHS guy certainly has some moves!!! I was also very impressed by the medical staff – they were quick, observant and seemed to take care of the injured player and the parents. Well done to Tina and the team.

    Looking at the photos, I would also like to mention No 8 Pablo (I think) and 10 for their determination in the tackles. They made for some awesome photographs.

    @Rhino: It would be most tragic to lose this fixture regardless. I love the good natured banter before the game. The friendly greetings between various rivals and seeing the opposing team applaud for good play. Yes, there was a woman who called our U16B team gigantic barbarians (her son was half the size of our boys) but this was about it.

    Good luck to DHS – I honestly believe that the next few years are going to see significant change in the school.

    20 May, 2013 at 11:33
  42. avatar
    #8 Vleis

    DHS will keep improving, so there is no risk of them becoming ‘tier 2′ rugby school, but it’s sad that it is even being debated. This is close to my heart, as my school used to put out 18/19 teams back in the day and compete with the top schools, but now it puts out about 3 teams and would lose to Hillcrest even. That said, my school was just a co-ed school – how about the news below, which should serve as a warning for all schools:

    On 13 May 2013, it was announced that Wales’ oldest schoolboy rugby fixture has been suspended after more than 130 years due to a growing gulf in class between the senior squads at Llandovery and Christ College. Hotly contested matches between the schools date back to 1879, two years before the Welsh Rugby Union came into being.

    In recent years, however, Llandovery’s increasing on-field physical dominance during rugby’s professional era has raised questions over pupil safety. The gulf in class was highlighted in 2010 when former Llandovery pupil George North scored two tries for Wales against then world champions South Africa at the Millennium Stadium. Just 12 months earlier the 110kg juggernaut faced Christ College in the famous “Brecon Day” fixture. Alun Wyn Jones and Andy Powell are other notable former Llandovery pupils.

    20 May, 2013 at 10:12
  43. avatar
    #7 Grasshopper

    Full set of results vs DHS;

    Played: 12
    Won: 12
    Points for: 476 (avg score 40)
    Points against: 72 (avg score 6)

    And a few games were blown short due to excessive margins.

    Played: 6
    Won: 6
    Goals for: 26
    Goals against: 0
    Clean sheet!

    So in all, 18 games played and 18 won, pretty emphatic. Not sure why tennis was not played, but that would have been a win too. The chess team lost which is a surprise as they have been D&D champs for a number of years, well done DHS there.

    20 May, 2013 at 10:11
  44. avatar
    #6 Greenwood


    Agree about the tradition part – So, DHS are going through an extended bad patch – but I too believe that within 3-5 years they will come right — Right now I see DHS in the same mold as George Campbell – sort of in no mans land between 1 & 2nd tier , but not for long ! – in saying that I see Clifton beat GC

    I made a point of watching the u14’A’s & u 15’A’s the DHS u14’s were good and could have won the game – U 15’a I expected more especially after the hype when they were U14’s last year

    The tradition must continue no matter how strong or weak each school may be and I know Glenwood would never think about moving away from this fixture

    20 May, 2013 at 09:36
  45. avatar
    #5 GreenBlooded

    @Westers: Amen to that. Can’t agree more.

    20 May, 2013 at 07:51
  46. avatar
    #4 Westers

    @HORSEFLY NO.1: I agree that schools should not ONLY be judged by results and you are right about the A team games agaisnt Westville. But you have to get the depth. What were the results below the A team games and how many teams did you put out. 2 at U16 level if I remember correctly.
    Right now there are only 3 tier 1 schools in KZN who can put out over 350 boys on any given Saturday. We need more including DHS and Northwood.
    IMO the only way it will be achieved is by having a good coaching structure with depth down to the bottom team. Spend money on good, committed coaches and the results will come.
    Good luck – and I mean that genuinely.

    20 May, 2013 at 07:40
  47. avatar
    #3 HORSEFLY NO.1

    You are entitled to your own opinion. And, 2 years ago? Jeez that’s ages man! You’ll be surprised at what Vermaak has done at School In the past year mate!

    Tier 1? Hmmm, if we aren’t who else is? Unless you are asking Glenwood to drop DHS and start playing another out of province school??

    Sometimes tradition is placed over a game of rugby. And that needs be.

    DHS rugby will get better, but ey, wish schools would stop being judged by their results!

    They are going in the right direction rugby wise, as the 14A,15A and 16A results vs Westville wouldve shown mate!

    20 May, 2013 at 01:20
  48. avatar
    #2 Rhino

    Honestly…………… its a farce this game cause DHS is not tier 1 anymore by and reason……. sorry horsy………….. Westville pumped you by 46 and now GW by this…. and all the rest…………. I CANNOT see how dhs can get out of this dolldrum……….. i drove past one time 2 years ago and was shocked at what was going on…… i hear there plans yes……….. good………… but i just cant see it happening………….. time will tell……. IMO. good luck but hmmmmmmmm negative is a fallen giant.

    20 May, 2013 at 01:08
  49. avatar
    #1 HORSEFLY NO.1

    Eish, Horseflies were just dominated here!
    Difference in class and skill was waaay too big for DHS who did try their best but were just not good enough at all. Even the amount of ball stolen by the DHS flankers didn’t materialise to anything .
    Mention must be given to Kyle Philaretou though, I felt he was really up to the challenge and outscrummed SA U16 prop Mngadi as well as gaining a few metres in attack.
    DHS does need to sure up its defence though or it’ll be another looooong day against Kearsney in a couple of weeks. Thankfully, although very talented, their backline don’t have the speed of Glenwood.

    19 May, 2013 at 23:03

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