Gauteng DBE says no Pretoria schools’ fixtures in Mpumalanga

Compounding the difficulties of having to operate under Covid restrictions comes the news that the Gauteng Department of Basic Education has denied the requests of two top Pretoria rugby schools, Garsfontein and Menlopark to travel to Mpumalanga to take on HTS Middelburg and Nelspruit respectively.

The eagerness of the schools to play this weekend has seen HTS and Nellies agreeing to travel to the Jacaranda City instead.

The HTS – Garsfontein match will form part of the opening round of the coveted Virsekerbeker Cup competition.

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  1. avatar
    #15 Smallies

    @KES Oldboy: agreed 100% mate

    11 May, 2021 at 11:33
  2. avatar
    #14 KES Oldboy

    That’s a pathetic rule. It’s just the GDE flexing its muscles & trying to control us. It’s stupid bureaucracy- it’s not as if they check the road worthiness of the busses or anything like that. It’s just some person with a rubber stamp & a feeling of great power. Very frustrating!

    9 May, 2021 at 19:03
  3. avatar
    #13 Wonder

    @kantako: Met soveel 0/19 spelers in die span moet EG gunstellinge wees,gooie twee goeie afrigters in die prentjie,seisoen is lank,EG sal daar wees wanneer die halfeind plaasvind.

    8 May, 2021 at 17:30
  4. avatar
    #12 All Black

    Hoop vir Affies-Grey seuns se part dat die lockdown nie volgende week sal wees nie. Darem altyd voorreg om teen Grey te speel

    8 May, 2021 at 14:10
  5. avatar
    #11 kantako

    @Wonder: ek wonder of hulle is. Dan is die ander skole seker nie baie sterk nie want die tellings van die juniors EG vs Noories het Noories alles gewen en halftyd by 1ste span is die telling 14-6. Dalk is EG nie so goed nie of dit is n goeie span van Noories wat O/16 die Virsekerbeker finaal gespeel het.

    Het enige iemand enige ander Virsekerbeker tellings ?

    8 May, 2021 at 13:29
  6. avatar
    #10 Wonder

    @kantako: EG is loshande gunstellinge.

    7 May, 2021 at 19:55
  7. avatar
    #9 kantako

    @Ooorkant Loftus: ek hoop regtig nie so nie want dan het Helpies, Monnas, Noories en Garsies nog nie eers n kans gekry om te kolf nie, ek se altyd as jy die loot wen kolf eerste jy weet nie of dit later gaan reen nie. Hahahahaha

    Manne ek grap ek grap. Virsekerbeker is vol aan die gang en dit gaan mooi wees ek dink die span om te wen is Monnasburg, hoop regtig die seuns kan n volle seisoen speel.

    Sterkte aan elke span en speler, mag julle Covid en beseringvry wees.

    7 May, 2021 at 14:34
  8. avatar
    #8 Smallies

    @Cappie: dis maar hoe dit gaan by Grey ,hulle ry ver om vir hulle seuns almal games te kan gee ,en ek dink die is Grey se weg jaar ,net net Selborne Grey High en Paul Roos wat tuis is die jaar

    7 May, 2021 at 13:17
  9. avatar
    #7 Cappie

    @Ooorkant Loftus: Volgende week is dit Affies teen Grey, wat beteken Grey speel dan hulle derde wedstyd op Affies se veld terwyl hulle nog nie ‘n game op hulle eie veld gespeel het nie. Hulle vierde wedstryd in Gauteng terwyl hulle nog nie op eie bodem in die Vrystaat gespeel het nie.

    7 May, 2021 at 12:52
  10. avatar
    #6 Cappie

    @Rugbyman: Hou bene hou! Ai tog, dit sal jammer wees as dit nou weer moet stop. As die syfers klim in die middel van Mei soos voorspel word is dit seker neusie verby. Dis so ‘n jammerte.

    7 May, 2021 at 12:47
  11. avatar
    #5 Rugbyman

    @Ooorkant Loftus: Ja… ek dink ongelukkig as ons nog 2 weke speel is ons gelukkig… 😔

    7 May, 2021 at 11:22
  12. avatar
    #4 Ooorkant Loftus

    Soos dinge nou klink moet ons almal maar net dankbaar wees om te kan speel want volgens die daaglikse Covid syfers kan ons dalk net weer binnekort geen sport he nie.

    7 May, 2021 at 10:49
  13. avatar
    #3 tzavosky

    Dit beteken HTS Middelburg gaan geen tuiswedstryde hê in die VB nie, Ben Vorster en Nelspruit net een tuiswedstryd, Rustenburg darem twee. Ek wonder of die opponente wat moes reis, maar nie mag nie, gaan help met die bykomstige vervoerkoste?

    7 May, 2021 at 10:13
  14. avatar
    #2 Smallies

    @Rugbyman: plain pettiness if you ask me….

    7 May, 2021 at 07:45
  15. avatar
    #1 Rugbyman

    The GDE has a rule in place that a school who wishes to travel outside the province for any activity needs to apply 3 months prior to that acrivity in order to obtain permission. Yes I know, it is a questionable rule… but that is the rule. As far as I know both Garsies and Menlo applied more than 3 months ago, but is almost as if the department decided to reset the applications to mid February and refused the request. This will be an issue to all schools in Gauteng that wants to travel in the next few weeks and will have massive impact… I really don’t see the point of this rule… if it is about insurance, which I have heard it is, most of the schools have their own insurance… It doesn’t really make sense…

    7 May, 2021 at 07:10