Maritzburg College beats Hilton 22-16 – match report

On a cold afternoon in the Midlands, Maritzburg College held out to beat hosts Hilton 22-16 in a thrilling contest. The hard-earned victory came down to the superiority of the College forwards. In spite of having less ball and playing more of the game in their own half, Hilton had enterprising backline play at their disposal, so were never out of contention and even had their chance to snatch victory at the death.

Hilton’s Daniel Hirschowitz looks like a rejuvenated player since he’s positional switch from flyhalf to fullback. He was one the standouts on the field due to his correct decision-making which gave him an edge in terms of positional play, elusiveness when carrying the ball up from deep and useful passes to support runners. He also pulled off a try-saving tackle midway through the first half. Even though his kicking out of hand is not quite there yet, using a dependable kick of a different kind, he did open the scoring in the 7th minute after a penalty was earned at a ruck infringement.

The tempo was high early on. In spite of being 3-0 down, College were dominating proceedings. After leaving the redzone empty handed a couple of times, their continuous pressure eventually produced the desired return when their underachieving backline which included the surprising choice of usual centre/wing Kudzai Munangi at flyhalf, managed a rare penetration using a ball that went through the hands. Fullback Daniel Griffiths scored the well-worked team try in the 13th minute but was unable to convert it, leaving the visitors 5-3 up.

There was a mammoth battle up front and not too much to separate the two sets of tight-forwards but certainly the impact of College backrow was telling. Leading by example Kelton Thunder’s energy level was incredible and along with Craig Glover, they lived up to their reputations of being menaces at the breakdown. Thunder was also on hand to score College’s second try in the 19th minute. It came from an attacking feature of College’s play this season – the rolling maul. Reliable lineout target flank Brad Muil took uncontested ball near the Hilton tryline and a well-organised driving formation accounted for the rest. This time Griffith’s kick was successful, extending College’s lead to 12-5.

College hooker Sam Swanepoel was very lively in the first half. Two separate bits of inspiration from him could quite easily have led to tries. However soon after his second significant carry, College from well inside the Hilton 22m area, attempted to exploit the space out wide but another poor distribution by their halfback destroyed the momentum and placed Munangi under a bit of duress. His forced offload was intercepted by Hilton right wing Cameron Badenhorst, who then sprinted the length of the field to score under the posts. The try was play part of outstanding match for Badenhorst who must have clocked up close to 200m gained through several striking runs.

With Hirschowitz’s conversion of Hilton’s only try, the gap was reduced to 12-10 and on halftime thanks to a good connection, the in-form fullback landed his second penalty kick to put Hilton into a 13-12 lead.

It took College just 6 minutes after the break to get back in front. Again the catalyst was a lineout near the Hilton try-line, but this time it was a series of pick and drives that broke Hilton and allowed big, powerful and hard to stop from close range prop TK Chikewezvero who seems to be making a habit of scoring from these positions, to smash over for College’s third and final try. Two more misses by Griffiths in the first half, meant that outside centre Matt Kriel took over the kicking duties. His tap over put the Red Black White 19-13 ahead.

Another Hilton player growing in stature is their classy flyhalf Angus Curtis. The youngster has vision and is willing to take on responsibility. When given licence to thrill, Curtis seldom disappointed. His ability to pick out space and then make purposeful passes, particularly the arms beyond the tackle one’s that put shoulder runners into holes are amongst his talents. In one play, his running rugby combination with Hirschowitz and Badenhorst took Hilton from 22 to 22 where the home team won an angled penalty in the 51st minute, which the fullback slotted with ease, to draw the scores closer at 19-16.

A few more Hilton backline attacks followed as well as a missed shot at goal. Nevertheless it was College who weathered the storm and scored the next points, when though a phase built attacked, they won an offsides penalty. Kriel added the 3-points and it was 22-16 with just 10 minutes to go.

An exciting climax to the match followed. With 7-minutes left, College came through a big test of their goal-line defensive resolve with flying colours. A few minutes later Kriel missed a penalty to make the game safe. After that it was mainly defensive mode for the visitors, as Hilton now forced to play unstructured all-out attacking rugby, showed just how capable they are as a team going forward. It was too little too late though as College in spite of a few hiccups, were relatively calm and well-organised. A held up in the maul decision ended Hilton’s final challenge just outside their opponents 22m area.

This great match of schoolboy rugby played in the right spirit contributed to the rich history the rivalry, as 50 seasons ago the beautiful Gilfillan field and pavilion had been opened in a match involving Hilton and Maritzburg College.


  1. avatar
    #18 Rugger fan

    @McCulleys Workshop: Sorry missed that one. Had it in my original post – but with the IT issues that beet was having on the site – my post took a few times and rewrites to get through. Yep – College also has the loss to KC

    10 June, 2015 at 18:05
  2. avatar
    #17 McCulleys Workshop

    @Rugger fan: What about the MC loss to KC?

    10 June, 2015 at 16:49
  3. avatar
    #16 beet

    @Rugger fan: Thanks Rugger fan. That is useful information.

    10 June, 2015 at 15:21
  4. avatar
    #15 Rugger fan

    A heads up for all spectators going to College / MHS match this week. The Princess Margaret side of the school (for the more uniformed – i.e. the Bowls Club/Park side :oops: ) will all be closed for security reasons – there is a public concert at the Cricket Oval happening – and all the gates on that side of the school will be closed to restrict access for non SBR people walking past. Additional parking will be available across the College Road entrace on the fields below (Dusi side)

    10 June, 2015 at 12:25
  5. avatar
    #14 Luvthegame

    @Gungets Tuft: So sorry…my bad. Was McCulleys Workshop! Still new at this…hope someone keeps you updated! :wink:

    10 June, 2015 at 10:51
  6. avatar
    #13 Rugger fan

    @Gungets Tuft: We’ll do our best – but failing that (and some amnesia in the Bowls Club) – we’ll always send you the SBR blog report on Monday :wink:

    10 June, 2015 at 09:17
  7. avatar
    #12 the professor

    Who will EVER forget the Westville 3-0 win over College a few years back…3 College kicks in front of goal and all faded or pulled. Nightmare Saturday! Will Westville repeat the dose on Reunion Day 2015? Reunion Day is always worth a few points but with results on Reunion Days around KZN this year, who knows what might happen?

    9 June, 2015 at 21:25
  8. avatar
    #11 Gungets Tuft

    @Luvthegame: I didn’t say it was going to be 2007 again, not sure who did. I remember 2007 clearly. At the Old Boys luncheon that day the headmaster warned us all that this could be a loss, that House were a superb team – and they were. Every school has it’s good and bad days. That day College played well, House not so much, it happens.

    I won’t even be at the game, I have pressing engagements elsewhere. It’s hard to get extended family to plan properly, but will be on the other end of my phone. If GB or Rugger can drag their carcasses out of the Bowls Club I might get an update. :mrgreen:

    9 June, 2015 at 16:44
  9. avatar
    #10 Luvthegame

    I do believe the MC/House game on Saturday is shaping up to be a pearler. Given all the results so far this season and the debate about who is No1 and who isn’t, it can go either way. College can’t afford to lose this one on Goldstones and having seen their season so far, they are due a big game. House are good but I don’t think they have really been tested this year. College got a thumping from GW but overall I believe they just had a bad day and GW played brilliant rugby that day. I have a sneaking suspicion that Goldstones mixed together with the belief that this is one they need to win for a number of reasons I reckon College by 7-10. I agree with Gungets Tuft….could well be a replay of 2007. Bu we will only know come Saturday night. May the best team win!!!

    9 June, 2015 at 16:23
  10. avatar
    #9 Rugger fan

    @star: It does beg the question regarding the KZN teams performance vs local teams – GW have losses vs KC; WV & MHS – College vs GW – WV vs College – KC losses to MHS & WV & MHS – unbeaten locally to date. So is an interesting mix and will lead to much debate (especially at the Bowls club across the road after the match).

    9 June, 2015 at 12:37
  11. avatar
    #8 star

    @Rugger fan: Come on College :lol: If Westville can turn College over on their Reunion day then it will be 3 games in a row( inclusive of GW and DHS). That together with their top performance at KERF and clean sweep of Kearsney on our OB’s day will put this season down as a highly entertaining and memorable one. There was a stage before the Kearsney fixture where things could have gone pear shaped. The boys and management have rallied well and posted 5 good victories against difficult opposition. Westville have played more games I think than any school in SA and it showed against DHS where they looked very flat. That performance will not cut it on Goldstones and hopefully the weekend bye will get the energy and intensity levels back to where they need to be. If College put one over House, it will be interesting where the debate will go in terms of qualitative issues.
    @ Beet- is it there not a midlands derby that might draw support away from Goldstones :lol: Also good luck for Superbru. I see there is less than 1 point separating 2nd and 7th. I think it is going to be a photo finish and that is where an aristocratic nose comes in handy :mrgreen:

    9 June, 2015 at 09:54
  12. avatar
    #7 Rugger fan

    @McCulleys Workshop: OK – cam back late ad the conversation is resolved. Yes – that’s my point – the MHS/College game is going to be huge to go to determining the KZN “champs” and probably opening a whole whack of debates on this blog in the coming months about the KZN top school.

    Agree with beet too – the reunion day match will be huge – and I know WV will be out for a repeat of their Goldstones performance a few years ago, and College will be looking to finish the “domestic” season on a high.

    9 June, 2015 at 09:24
  13. avatar
    #6 McCulleys Workshop

    @Gungets Tuft: Ok I get it. The House / College game will be huge, remember 2007. MHS arrived cocker hoop – with a top side and played an average College side, and got given one. As for the Westville issue, huge pity the game didn’t happen.

    8 June, 2015 at 21:57
  14. avatar
    #5 Gungets Tuft

    @beet: It will, no denying that, just pointing out that it is meaningless in the debate over the top KZN team this year. If House beat College they get the title, no matter what the result against Westville. If House lose to College then it’s tied up.

    8 June, 2015 at 21:34
  15. avatar
    #4 beet

    @Gungets Tuft: The College-Westville game will be huge – I’m sure it will attract one of the biggest crowds of the KZN season. Winning on Reunion Day will be massive.

    8 June, 2015 at 21:25
  16. avatar
    #3 Gungets Tuft

    @McCulleys Workshop: Just one clarification – the second match in a season never counts for the decision of the KZN “league”, only the first. So the Westville scalp is done, the next College match is meaningless in the scheme of things. House wins, they’re unbeaten. House loses, then Westville and House have both lost 1.

    What a pity Westville and House don’t play, it would have settled things. It’s unlikely Westville will concede that House might be unbeaten, face it, it’s not in the Westville DNA.

    8 June, 2015 at 21:11
  17. avatar
    #2 McCulleys Workshop

    @Rugger fan: what’s your point? MHS loses to College and then beats Hilton the following week, and Westville beats College in their final domestic and the spoils are shared by Westville and MHS?

    8 June, 2015 at 20:15
  18. avatar
    #1 Rugger fan

    Setting up a very good contest on Goldstones this coming weekend vs House.

    In a topsy-turvy SBR season in KZN – this is also going to be one of the matches that decides the final pecking order (or fuels the debate even further) with two of the top performing teams in KZN.

    College is certainly getting into a very tough last 5 fixtures for the season, whereas some of the other schools (GW in particular) have had some tough fixtures behind them already – but both still have GCB on the horizon.

    8 June, 2015 at 14:13

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