The brand new Lions MasterCoach Rugby Factory


Backed by the GLRU, the Rugby Factory program will have three legs:

1. U9 – U13
2. U14 – U18

The U9 TO U18 program wil consist of two hour sessions twice a week, in other words four hours a week.

The school leavers will be a 10 month program, similar to most rugby academies around the country. It will run from February to November starting 2018.

The Rugby Factory will all so be doing clinics for schools.


The LionsMasterCoach Rugby Factory ( The Factory) to become established and recognised as a consistently TOP development and performance programme. LMCRF will be characterised by maximizing the potential of identified rugby players and enhancing their personal, educational and vocational development opportunities.


With the use of a professional management team , coaching staff and external expertise :

*Develop the game of rugby in general
*Develop individuals with potential to become top class players, coaches, managers and officials

The standard will necessarily be high but our aim is to ensure that most of our students achieve professional contract status.
Thus the factory will play an integral part in the holistic development of our students


We want to empower the students to serve , to grow up to be successful citizens , leaders and parents in their communities. Offering hope and opportunities for a better future for everyone is what drives our organization.
We want to create a legacy of empowerment of young rugby players to grow into upstanding citizens and leaders on the field of play , in his personal life , his community and on the wider stage.


LionMastercoach Rugby Factory is a diverse group of people who are willing to commit resources, time and expertise to the development of the programme.
Hans Coetzee and Stefan (Botter) Lourens are respected and successful rugby coaches in the rugby fraternity. They both have long track records of coaching successes and community service and will work co-operatively to encourage their significant relationship to participate in this venture , both from a coaching and playing experience perspective.
Both are successful and formidable respected experts in the rugby environment and possesses the knowledge and skills required to guide the growth of the programme.



We want to empower the students to serve , to grow up to be successful citizens , leaders and parents in their communities. Offering hope and opportunities for a better future for everyone is what drives our organization.
We want to create a legacy of empowerment of young rugby players to grow into upstanding citizens and leaders on the field of play , in his personal life , his community and on the wider stage

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  1. avatar
    #4 BrotherBear

    Enigiemand wat nie uit wesrand kom sal nie hond-haaraf hier maak.

    10 January, 2018 at 21:32
  2. avatar
    #3 BrotherBear

    @Speartackle: ‘n “tool” met 3 dinge op die brein

    10 January, 2018 at 21:28
  3. avatar
    #2 Speartackle

    What is a School Lever?

    10 January, 2018 at 10:33
  4. avatar
    #1 Transvaal

    Baie geluk aan die manne met hierdie nuwe inisiatief. Dit is werklik ‘n indrukwekkende groep bymekaar.Ek wonder net hoe die “Factory ” byvoorbeeld verskil van ander soortgelyke instansies.

    9 January, 2018 at 15:19