Pundits have been saying ever since last year that Outeniqua from George is going to make a strong challenge for the unofficial title of best team in South Africa come 2013. The Kwaggas have 12 returning 1st XV players from the team that claimed a top 5 finish in 2012. Although a high number of second year 1st team players isn’t that unusual for schools these days, when one examines the quality of the players with experience at Outeniqua, it becomes a lot easier to understand why they are being rated so highly. Also worth mentioning is that even though teams with veterans generally do tend to provide an indication of a good season ahead, there are enough cases on record to suggest that this is not always the case. Some teams look good on paper and that’s where it ends. They either don’t gel as a team or they cannot compensate for the loss of their previous year matric players in key positions and consequently end up being weaker than the season before.
So with that said, Outeniqua has the making for a successful team but what are they going to be like on the field of play. Well Tygerberg, a reputable rugby school was going to provide the first clues about Outeniqua’s form this year when the schools met on Thursday, 21 March.
The result of that game yesterday was a 10-try demolition: 68-3 to Outeniqua!
If ever anyone was looking for confirmation of a schoolboy rugby team being in good shape at the start of a season, this was it!
A number of the Kwaggas’ star-studded team managed to get on the score-sheet. SA Schools players wing Duhan van der Merwe and centre Warrick Galant both scored 2 tries, as did flank Geor Malan. Highly rated scrumhalf Remu Malan and big No.8 Dian Koen got a try apiece. Versatile wing Leighton Eksteen scored two of his own and Galant contributed 18 points with the boot to finish with 28 points on the day.
Outeniqua heads to the Kearsney Easter Rugby Festival next week were they will play EG Jansen, Westville and Grey College in three must-watch games.
To read more about the Outeniqua Kwaggas 2013 team, click on the Stoopstats icon for link to an article about the team:
@BOG: hoop die Kwaggas het hul staal ook tussen die vier lyne gewys, nie net op papier.
Spog is nie n skande, vloekwoord of slegte maniere nie.
Nie as jy dit verdien en hard daarvoor gewerk het nie.
Wat wel die geval wasen is in enige van die Top 150 skole van rugby dink ek.
Seer sekerlik het die oorgrote meerderheid van Boishaai ondersteuners, spelers verlede jaar gespog om die nommer 1 te gewees het. n Prestasie om op trots te kan wees.
Persoonlik stem ek met jou ook saam oor die “BONUS” van laas jaar.
Dit was nou n ou meevallertjie. Verder sterkte vir jou skool die jaar.
Sien uit na mooi rugby en sportmangees of hoe.
Anybody who under estimates GCB is not wise agree with Blog have never seen a Grey Bloem team disrespect anyone. I beleive GCB will come out tops this year.
@BOG: But it is the students through the years that form the bricks for that institution and the outstanding ones that form the foundation of values, ethics and tradition. Credit where it is due OGB, it is a commodity I trade seldom as you know.
@Tjoppa: in terms of supporters, no can doubt my allegiances, they lie with my black and gold, Queen’s College always. I was impressed with Outeniqua lads in 2011 and 2012 and I will admit I have a bit of a soft spot for them, like any team that impresses. They’re a pleasure to watch. If they lose every game from here on going forward, my dignity will still be intact, believe me. They earned my respect with their performances
@Tjoppa: me? Creating undue pressure, well if you think that then clearly you haven’t heard or read much about this team. What am saying now is just the tip of the Iceberg if you did a thorough analysis of how much this team has been talked up. I am just merely saying having followed them since u16 that they definitely have potential
@QC86: @Ludz: Some folks here, should get themselves some “three tone” shirts- thats now in addition to QC and JJS!
@Tjoppa: Your quote about your father, reminds me of what Mark Twain said about his dad and I hope that Im not misquoting- ” At the age of 14, I could not believe how ignorant my father was, but when I reached the age of 21/22, I was surprised to see how much he had learnt in the few years”@Ploegskaar: The compliment is not due to me- I am far too impulsive- but to a great institution which instilled certain “values” and which has stuck for decades.( My personal disappointment may be less veiled if they loose)
@BOG: And for all my jokes and jibes BOG, you epitomize that GCB spirit on this blog and elsewhere. Definitely an example for all SBR supporters.
@Tjoppa: Well said.
@Ludz: Be excited as much as you need to be. But remember your hype just put undue pressure on them. Sit back, relax and enjoy every moment. But in such a way that the boy’s and their supporter’s dignity is still intact at the end of the season. No matter being no 1 or 55.
@Tjoppa: wise word indeed, but you can’t blame 1 for being excited about what this team could possibly achieve this season, 2 SA Schools players from last year already. There potential in this team is massive and I’ve been following these boys since u16. I can tell you now that in the young Geor Malan, they have a leader 2nd to none and that in itself can inspire an average team to achieve something special. They might not live up to the hype as has happened so often in the past. I’m very excited about them though
@Tjoppa:very wise words
@QC86: QC86 my dad, who I admit only got wise in his late sixties said ” Son do not talk as if you are a champion, shut the f@^k up and perform like one.” So I am waiting in anticipation to see what Outeniqua achieve. Regards
@QC86: GCB would never disregard, disrespect or see any school as “second tier”. Perhaps, that approach is part of their success. What I do know is this. Despite any shortcomings there might be in the team, the team will always deliver their best and that the team will be fully supported by everyone who is involved with the school- Boys, OGs, teachers, parents- total unity, no matter what the outcome.
@Tjoppa: my school or my sons school has never been number one ,like i said to bog Grey’s history is undisputed
@QC86: Al lot of schools do. Still doesn’t make you number one.
@BOG: that bounce seems to favour Grey alot,and your history backs it up,like i said above we are all second tier,no argument from me,only a fool argues against facts,but Kwaggas will give you a go between those lines and hopefully make your boys sweat abit ,this year.
@Ludz: And my grandma getting pregnant also possible but likeable ???????????????
@BOG: Maybe the dog but never the underdog.
How did the General put it ” You do not win the CCup in April” Gentleman oh gentleman it seems everybody forget about the schools up North. No 1 ? We will only know in August. Is it not meaningfull that the guys up North is quiet. Glad to see that they will compete with the top dogs in the central to southern sections of the good oll RSA BUT ??????? Lesson one – Never underestimate Grey Bloem. Lesson two – Never ever underestimate Grey Bloem. Lesson number three – Never ever ever underestimate Grey Bloem. Then comes Affies, Boishaai, PaarlGim, Waterkloof, Monnas, Noord Kaap, Paul Roos etc etc etc. To be considered the best one year is luck but do it for ten years and you will be welcomed by the big dogs in the inner circle.
@Ludz: @QC86: An “upset” is always possible. But, going back decades, Grey has always respected opposition, no matter who they were and knowing the ethos of the school, I dont think it has changed. That is why I said that on any given day, the outcome of a match is decided between 4 white lines and if its close, the bounce of the ball, could be the deciding factor.
@BOG: i am with ludz on this one,we are talking about all us second tier schools,Grey bloem only school in top tier,we would just like to make your guys sweat abit before the game ends once in awhile
@BOG: Doubt anyone is writing off Grey Bloem, just merely stating that an upset is possible
@BOG: @RuggaZ: not sure, but will try and find out, he’s just the complete package that Gelant
Anyone know if Galant has picked up some mass this season?
@Ooorkant Loftus: Jy kan Boishaai maar uitsluit uit daai groepie wat wil “spog” om No 1 te wees. Dit is onbelangrik vir hulle. Verlede jaar was n bonus wat net soveel aandag gekry het as toe die span in 2008 tuseen 10 en 15 ge-eindig het..maw net mooi niks!..Belangrikste is dat seuns tot hulle potensiaal moet speel en Boishaai se naam moet hoog hou. wen of verloor. Daar word nie gejaag na No 1 nie, maar gestrewe om die beste te wees wat hulle kan met wat hulle het!
@Ludz: The 34-12 score does not really back your opinion, does it? But its good when GCB is the under dog- thats normally when they perform at their best. And when they pull that dark blue jersey over their head, anything could happen. Only a fool would write them off, and history supports me quite strongly. in fact, very strongly!
@Gemaskerdesopbeen: @Ooorkant Loftus: Bulls Grant Khomo side and KZN Grant Khomo side were blown aside like they were nothing by these boys, not saying they will beat Grey, but man they will hand out some hidings this season. Side is very strong
@GCollege86: Thanks for letting me know, was not aware, well atleast we can boast that when they make it big time
@Ludz: Ludz, Douw Schoeman, Hendri Storm and 2 others (cant remember the names) . All from Grens Primary.
Ons het die spannetjie al gesien 5 jaar gelede (O/14). Was toe al n uitstekende groep seuns met bal vaardighede. So het hul saam gegroei om vanjaar seer sekerlik die span te wees om te klop.

Dit gaan lekker wees om hul dop te hou soos die seisoen vorder en almal gaan ook meer en meer oor hul begin praat. Die wedstryd op die 1ste waar hul teen Grey College te staan kom by die Kearsney festival beloof om n baie interesante wedstryd te wees.
Daar sal ons sien of Outenqua reeds die skietgoed het om vanjaar se NOMMER 1 RUGBY SKOOL SPAN te wees.
Grey gaan n deeglike toets wees maar slaag hul daar gaan dit hul as n span baie momentum gee vir die res van die seisoen.
Veder wag daar ook nog ander kandidate wat graag sal wil spog om Nommer 1 te wees.
Hier dink ek aan die 3 Wes Kaapland se skole, PRG/Bois/Gim.
Dit is wat skole rugby so lekker maak, al die opinies van onse kenners mos ne.
Julle kan tog sekerlik nie ernstig wees nie?
After what ive seen yesterday..i also back the Kwaggas! They are huge,strong,fast and have plenty of skill! Tackle them low and they offload in the tackle, tackle them on the ball,they run over you..then their backs are not 2 bad either..lol.. Overall..a machine of a team! coaches most definitely know what they are doing! As for the ‘Tiere’, its not a ‘plesier’ anymore. Man on man defence non existing.
@BOG: Ek het deurmekaar geraak met GreyPE seuns van hierdie jaar, jammer.
@GCollege86: wasn’t aware that some are from East London? Great talent coming from the EC
@BOG: I watched all 3 of those teams at the Grant Khomo I rank them in this order in terms of impressive performances. 1. SWD 2. EP 3. FS.
@BOG: hahaha, this is 1 side that will step up. 68-3 is ridiculous
@Ludz: 100% wasnt sure. I know a few of the boys, 4 of them went from East London to Kwaggas.
@GCollege86: Uitslae van O 16 by Grant Khomo 2011? Ek weet dat OP en VS onoorwonne was en dat OP vir SWD oortuigend met 34-12 geklop het.
@GCollege86: They were beaten by a strong EP side in the main game on the final day. Both St Andrew’s and Grey captain of yesterday were part of that side along with a few other we watched yesterday. SWD were the most impressive for me though at that Grant Khomo Week, Warrick Gelant easily the stand out through the week
Many things look good on paper, but in the case of the game of rugby, determining the best, will depend on what happens on a grass pitch between four lines of white powder. Often, the condition of the players between the ears, is as important as skill and physical conditioning. And what influences that? Lou holtz, football coach of Notre Dame university said: ” Ability is what you are capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it. What is attitude?It is an inward feeling expressed by behaviour. It is the “advance man” of our true selves. The roots of attitude are hidden, but the fruit is always visible. Your attitude is your best friend or your worst enemy. It draws people to you or repels people from you.It is never content until it is expressed. Attitude determines your success or failure in life. It is a choice, and your attitude is never based on circumstances” Every young person, should have that advice stuck on their bathroom mirror and read it every day. The team which masters that advice the best, will probably end up being the number one ranked team in SA. And if I was a gambling man, then —
@iRugby: My geld is op die Kwaggas hierdie jaar. As mens kyk na 2011 se Grant Khomo uitslae was SWD sekerlik die top span op die toernooi en feitlik die hele span was opgemaak uit hierdie Kwagga seuns.
Grey die underdog?
These boys look really good. Upset in the Grey Bloem game. Wish I could go to Kearsney just for that game
Hierdie Outeniqua span is briljant,baie goed afgerig en het hulle voete stewig op die grond.Die meeste spelers gaan Bulle toe so welgedaan aan die Bulle vir die goeie kontraktering hier.Hierdie span staan regtig n goeie kans om no.1 in die land te wees.Ek dink 1 April op Kearsney gaan grootliks bepaal wie no 1 gaan eindig na die Grey Kollege wedstryd.Die Kwaggas speel EG Jansen ,Grey,Boishaai,Grey PE ,Waterkloof en Gim van nou af tot 4 Mei en na dit net Oakdale en Noord- Kaap.So op 5 Mei sal ons al weet of hulle die no1 skool in SA vir 2013 sal wees.
thats where my money is
More importantly, how good was their U16A of last year? They will be very important as the season goes on