Eastern Cape school rugby predictions

Blogger Rugbyfan has shared his opinions on how the high profile Eastern Cape schools will fare in the rankings this season.

Grey PE – They have a big pack and some good looking backs so they will be able to compete with the big boys this year, a heavy schedule but don’t expect them to lose more than 3 games so I reckon a Top 5 to 10 finish this year.

Brandwag – Some monster kids there and they should be Grey’s to challenge for EC crown this year specially if there backs can finish off the moves with all the ball they will get. Expect a Top 10 to 20 finish this year.

Framesby – Well they have lost a lot of there forwards but still have there No 10 in Ernst Stapelberg who should challenge for a SA schools spot so they will be competitive this year. Expect a Top 15 to 25 finish this year.

Selborne – Have some big forwards and should be a lot better than last year but how much better we will have to wait and see maybe a year away from being back in the Top 20. Expect a Top 20 to 30 finish this year.

Queens – Well what I see is a good backline with a ordinary pack I think the loss of Aston Fortuin in a year like this will mean a lot there first 4 games Brandwag/Affies/EG Jan/MC will be a bridge just to far from them if they win any of these games I would be surprised I might be wrong but expect them to lose half there games. Expect a Top 25 to 40 finish.

Dale – Could play this year with 15 backline players so not sure what to expect could be along hard year for them, unless some stars like they had last year jump out the cupboard. Expect a Top 25 – 40 finish.

Daniel Pienaar – Have lost a lot of there stars from last year and this year should be a rebuilding year spoke to there coach and he even says will be a difficult year. Expect a Top 25 to 40 finish.

St Andrews – Well here I think lies the EC dark horse for the year could be good could be bad we will see how it goes. Expect a Top 20 to 30 finish.

Marlow – Well a big pack of forwards will make them competitive but with 6 of these forwards only in Grade 11 expect 2014 to be there year. Expect a Top 25 to 35 finish.

Kingswood – Have not seen them but could punch above there weight this year. Expect a Top 25 to 40 finish.

Nico Malan – They will be there or there about lot of new faces so I think a average year. Expect a Top 30 to 40 finish.

So there it is in a nut shell will see at the end of the season how my prediction goes.


  1. avatar
    #103 Time for the Eastern Cape rethink | SchoolBoyRugby

    […] February SBRer Rugbyfan got us underway with his predictions of how the season would turn out: http://schoolboyrugby.co.za/blog/?p=2493. All the top contenders have a few games under the belt now. St Andrews is there somewhere above […]

    15 April, 2013 at 09:48
  2. avatar
    #102 rugbyfan

    @Mike: Thabani was in Grade 11 last year ask Playa he will be able to verify that.

    1 March, 2013 at 05:15
  3. avatar
    #101 rugbyfan

    @coachie: The day i was in Humansdorp and i saw the Nico Malan boys training i personely spoke to the coach who said he had 11 of his 21 squad from last year back he also said there were some key players that had left, ye i will admit they play themselves down sometimes and then surprise you with a awesome team. I will say it is a very well run school.

    As for Grey PE they have a big pack of forwards and some good looking backs so i see them been a bit better than okay.

    But this is what makes schoolboy rugby so exciting.

    1 March, 2013 at 05:13
  4. avatar
    #100 Mike

    @Playa: Regarding the ex Dale boy at Grey High this year, Thabani Mgugudo. The story I got from one of the boys at school is that Thabani failed matric last year and is repeating at Grey this year. He is a day boy and his parents live in PE. Just thought I’d clear that up.

    28 February, 2013 at 14:43
  5. avatar
    #99 beet

    @coachie: Are you able to mention some of the Nico Malan boys to look out for this year. I just know of Nieuwoudt. A few years back prop Brendan Olivier did well at KERF and the centre that year also went on to play EP schools. In 2010 team I thought the inside centre Scheepers (younger brother of Nico of the Cheetahs) would be a star the next season but he did not play in 2011. I think he was injured and it was left to Selwyn Davids to impress all in attendance.

    27 February, 2013 at 15:28
  6. avatar
    #98 coachie

    Gentleman some predictions may be way out. Nico Malan has a super side with 12 of their 15 1st team players from last year so dont know where he comes up with lots of new faces. Daniel Pienaar will always be good with a 1000 boys who wont be? Queens who knows but with the border refs they might be unbeatable at home! Grey team might struggle a bit this year as i dont see any gamebrakers , but i see the imports are arriving from Dale fullback to the nico malan 8 now apparantly playing lock and and , actually sad if you cant show faith in your own. Selborne , Brandwag , Framesby , Marlow and St Andrews will be strong no doubt they always come out guns blazing as for the dalians such a pity everybody is stealing your talent , stick to your brand lads as you where the top team in the eastern Cape border area rankings wise. Looking forward to see the boys play , good luck to all. 8)

    27 February, 2013 at 14:23
  7. avatar
    #97 DC ARMY

    Yah i think SARU must somewhere down the line intervene and do something about this, its getting ridiculous.

    @Playa, 100% agree finance should not be a reason for Dalians leaving

    @Rockspider, thanx for that match update, last year the game was at Dale so it should be at De Vos today and this wiil give a good measure on how the team will look like. Saw the backline a bit yesterday they again will be Dale’s strong point from what i saw.

    @Queenian, i’m really intrigued by these Brandwag forwards, are they bigger than the Selborne pack from 2 years ago?

    26 February, 2013 at 13:13
  8. avatar
    #96 Playa

    @Rockspider: Triplets!!!WOW! I’ll be sure to watch them play at reunion.

    We really shouldnt be losing boys as a result of lack of finance.We as old boys and parents need to pull up our socks.

    It’s really baffling how boys can be taken to high performance centers, and be contracted at 15.A lot can change in 4 years, and what then???We cannot have boys who have barely grown pubic hairs being contracted into lifelong commitments.This really needs to be put to an end.

    26 February, 2013 at 12:37
  9. avatar
    #95 Rockspider

    Playa. Yes the nr 8 and 12 went in the same fashion as the QC Boy. Already attending Bulls High performance activities.

    The wing at DP would much rather be at Dale. Financing played a role. He had to go stay with his sister close to Uitenhage.

    At least Dale also received some new boys in that age group. Triplets from Alice looking good. At least they are backline players

    Dale plays De Vos Malan today and its Border Schools day on the 9th. Does anyone have the fixtures.

    26 February, 2013 at 12:01
  10. avatar
    #94 QC86

    @beet: so am i , sorry

    26 February, 2013 at 10:58
  11. avatar
    #93 Playa

    @rugbyfan: If I leave as planned, I should be in Grahamstown at around 11am that morning. I will stick around for a game or 2.So yeah, I will be there.

    @Rockspider: Thanks for that update.It’s cleared up a lot. It’s still pretty sad how we lose these players.Surprised we’re losing some to Dan Pienaar nogal.Have the boys who went to Southdowns gone there on some sort of Bulls “contract” like the QC boy?

    @QC86: Hehehehe…he’s talking about the Under 14s, not the 1st team.

    26 February, 2013 at 10:56
  12. avatar
    #92 beet

    @QC86: Rockspider is talking about the Dale u14A team

    9,10,13 – still there
    11,12,14,15 – gone along with no.8

    26 February, 2013 at 10:48
  13. avatar
    #91 QC86

    @Rockspider: no10 last year was a zim u19 cricket player,so can still be back :mrgreen:no only kidding playa, please explain

    26 February, 2013 at 10:41
  14. avatar
    #90 Rockspider

    @Playa . 5 Boys lost to date out of Dale Under 14 side from last year. nr 8 went to Southdowns. 12 went to Southdowns, 11 went to Daniel Pienaar, 14 went to Kingswood and 15 also to Kingswood. 4 of the players represented Border at under 13 level. The other 4 Border representatives still remainded at Dale. New look backline for 2013 . at least 9 and 10 stayed.

    First team 15 did start at Grey PE last week. Jorich didnt leave. must of had a waterpolo game last week and didnt make practice.

    26 February, 2013 at 10:31
  15. avatar
    #89 Queenian

    @rugbyfan: St Andrews will be good this year and should be able to challange for the EC top spot. I do know they play Dale at home and Queens away so we will see.

    Getting really mixed come back on Queens team for this year some say very weak and some say pretty good so not sure what to expect, will see at the Graeme day were they play Brandwag who will be a Top 20 team this year have one of the biggest packs i have ever seen at school boy rugby level so Queens could be in for a hiding?

    26 February, 2013 at 10:24
  16. avatar
    #88 QC86

    @rugbyfan: they play Selborne in EL this year,a mate of mine spoke to Allan Miles and they are quietly confident.

    26 February, 2013 at 10:21
  17. avatar
    #87 rugbyfan

    @Playa: You going to make it to the Graeme fesitival or not.

    26 February, 2013 at 10:11
  18. avatar
    #86 rugbyfan

    @QC86: Dont be surprissed if the are the EC no 1 team this year i went past there 2 weeks ago and they have by what you could see with them training speed and some big kids so could be very interesting i think a lot depends on were they play the likes of Grey PE/Selborne/Dale/Queens this year at home or away.

    26 February, 2013 at 10:10
  19. avatar
    #85 Playa

    @QC86: Oh this is going to be interesting.

    25 February, 2013 at 17:11
  20. avatar
    #84 QC86

    Heard St Andrews are going to be red hot,might not beat Grey PE but was told they would beat Selborne

    25 February, 2013 at 11:59
  21. avatar
    #83 rugbyfan

    @Hustle: Ha Ha know the people from JJ Serfontein are looking for me since i escaped from there. :lol:

    Know just do alot of travelling for work.

    23 February, 2013 at 05:06
  22. avatar
    #82 Hustle

    @ Queenian – I agree that, and you are correct, sometimes the sides that stick together, through the years can develop. I think some of the best Bok sides are those that have played together for years. What is the current group of boys from Queens comprised of, in terms of work ethic and “gelling”, etc

    @ Rugyfan – are you on the run from the law? You seem to be in every town in the EC.

    22 February, 2013 at 16:14
  23. avatar
    #81 Queenian

    @kcman: Agree with you under estimate Kingswood at your own peril.

    22 February, 2013 at 11:02
  24. avatar
    #80 rugbyfan

    @kcman: You might be right Kingswood is one side i have not seen and do beleive with Marlow could be the dark horses for this season. With the under 16A team Marlow had last they can only be good.

    22 February, 2013 at 09:01
  25. avatar
    #79 kcman

    @Playa: I think the guys are severely underestimating us this year, I am happy about this. We might not have a very big side but probably the most skillful Kingswood side since 2008 and that side only lost 1 game. I am forecasting 2 very good years for Kingswood.

    22 February, 2013 at 08:57
  26. avatar
    #78 rugbyfan

    @Playa: I recon Grey will say he arrived at there door begging for a place “wink wink” with a busary form nicley signed and sealed hidden in his back pocket.

    22 February, 2013 at 08:55
  27. avatar
    #77 rugbyfan

    @BOG: Queenian just got his grammar wrong remember they dont put much emphises on languages at JJS :mrgreen:

    22 February, 2013 at 08:52
  28. avatar
    #76 Playa

    @Queenian: With the amount of players lost, it’s anyone’s guess. We managed to keep all the Under 13A players from last year.They weren’t great, but we’ll see how they measure up at under 14 level.The U15’s may battle having lost 2 key players to Kingswood.The U16’s should do well.But I think they’ve also lost some players.The Under 15 group from last year was competitive though,and showed a bit of depth.

    @spilly: You have left Dan Pienaar out. I’d say take Grens out, and put DP at 5.Move everyone else from Queens a spot down.
    I think the dark horse in the EC will be Kingswood.They might battle this year as they have to field an Under 16 team, but watch those Snobs.

    Any news yet on how Mgugudo landed up at Grey PE?

    22 February, 2013 at 08:41
  29. avatar
    #75 BOG

    @Queenian: They dont just “transfer” you to Oz- they only do it if he applied. Its called emigrate 8)

    22 February, 2013 at 08:41
  30. avatar
    #74 star

    @ Queenian- We will do our best. However I think it will be a long shot. 10 points to Grey at least. They seem to be a top contender nationally ( by hook or by crook) :lol:

    22 February, 2013 at 08:34
  31. avatar
    #73 Queenian

    @rugbyfan: Sadly these triplets father who works for Rio Tinto was transfered to Aus so no they will not be at Queens.

    @star: Hope Westville give Grey a hiding. :lol:

    22 February, 2013 at 08:27
  32. avatar
    #72 star

    Well we will get a bit of a form line when GW play Framesby next week. Based on the relative rankings GW should win by about 10 points. Westville should be on par with GW and therefore should be around St Andrews on Spilly’s rankings.

    22 February, 2013 at 08:24
  33. avatar
    #71 rugbyfan

    @Queenian: I heard via the grape vine about a certain 3 boys triplets to be exact from Zambia that were supposedly arriving at Queens in the last month in Grade 10 apparently 6,4/6,3/6,1 in height and all over 100 kg is this true or just a rumour.

    Imagine what this would do for the Under16,s

    22 February, 2013 at 08:01
  34. avatar
    #70 rugbyfan

    @star: I suppose that would be considered home ground advantage

    22 February, 2013 at 07:57
  35. avatar
    #69 star

    @ Rudby fan- Westville traditionally are good starters who fade a bit towards the end of the season( something they must look at) and so there cannot be any excuses about the timing and preparation. I presume with the game being played in GT Grey could consider it more of a home game and be more familar with conditions.

    22 February, 2013 at 07:20
  36. avatar
    #68 rugbyfan

    @star: Ye i think it will be tough for Westville on the 21st March but you never know i think they come down to the Eastern Cape unkown and better prepared than Grey. Maybe a 50/50 game might be wrong.

    22 February, 2013 at 06:48
  37. avatar
    #67 star

    It seems Westville chose the wrong year to play Grey :mrgreen:

    22 February, 2013 at 06:38
  38. avatar
    #66 Queenian

    Playa: What is your take on Dale Under14/15/16 this coming year?

    22 February, 2013 at 06:26
  39. avatar
    #65 Queenian

    @rugbyfan: Well we will see the biggest issue will be if they can keep this squad together i do know that already from last year they have lost 2 boys the one prop is at Grey PE this year and as far i know the one loose forward is at Selborne but at least the whole age group last year in Under 13,s was good the A team only lost 3 games in 4 years the B team only 1 and the C team 3 and with that they usually get some boys arriving at Queens in Grade 8. So to say will Queens have a bumper year in 2016/17 will be up to how many boys they lose, we hope none.

    In saying that Queens Under15 this year should also do quite well this has been a age group that has got better with time at Under 12 level they only won 2 of 11 games at Under 13 level won only 2 from 13 games at Under 14 level won 9 of 15 there biggest loss was by 8 points so it does show that weak young teams can get better.

    Queens Under 16A will be very weak i suspect this year only winning 4 games at Under 15 level.

    22 February, 2013 at 06:24
  40. avatar
    #64 rugbyfan

    @Queenian: Ludz: What is your take on this years Queens Under14 team at Jnr school level they only lost 3 games from under 9 till Under 13 level so it looks like Queens are looking at a good 1st team in 2016/17

    22 February, 2013 at 05:55
  41. avatar
    #63 rugbyfan

    @spilly: I see you left Danial Pienaar out all together which is a bit harsh i would give them a go at 8 or 9

    22 February, 2013 at 05:31
  42. avatar
    #62 rugbyfan

    @kcman: I think you right there were 6 boys that left Dale for Kingswood all Under 14/15/16 two of these were not even rugby players and i saw this boy at Dale a week ago.

    22 February, 2013 at 05:30
  43. avatar
    #61 rugbyfan

    @spilly: Not bad and what i have seen and heard pre-season i would change Brandwag and Seleborne(I know you a Selborne supporter but wait and see) around and bring Kingswood in at 10.

    What could be surprises this year dont get a fright if St Andrews or Marlow land up at about No 3. Everything else i would agree.

    Queenian: I would also put Queens at 5 as a safe bet there season can go two ways they could lose all there big games and land up at 8 or 9 , or they could pull a few surprises like Brandwag/Grey PE and land up at 2 or 3.

    Playa: From what i see and hear Dale at 7 or 8 is correct, just remember people did predictions for the EC and the only one most got wrong was Dale most said about No 5 so you never know but this year i doubt it.

    22 February, 2013 at 05:27
  44. avatar
    #60 spilly

    My top 10 predictions for eastern cape schools 2013

    1. Grey
    2. Selborne
    3. Brandwag
    4. St Andrews
    5. Queens
    6. Marlow
    7. Framesby
    8. Dale
    9. Nico Malan
    10. Grens {My Dark Horse}

    Would be great to hear some comments

    21 February, 2013 at 23:37
  45. avatar
    #59 Playa

    @kcman: Huge loss!

    21 February, 2013 at 14:53
  46. avatar
    #58 kcman

    @Playa: He is a very talented player, devastating runner from the back.

    21 February, 2013 at 14:26
  47. avatar
    #57 Playa

    @kcman: I was going to be shocked if there was.

    @rugbyfan: Im trying hard to give Grey PE the benefit of the doubt here.I really hope that Mgugudo had personal reasons for moving and it wasn’t due to any influence from the school.I’ll wait for the facts to come out.

    Really heartbreaking :(

    21 February, 2013 at 14:20
  48. avatar
    #56 kcman

    @Playa: @Queenian: I am almost 100% sure there is no kid who was at Dale in the open division who has come to Kingswood.

    21 February, 2013 at 13:38
  49. avatar
    #55 Queenian

    @rugbyfan: Then that must be him sorry just thought i remember some one saying on this site a month or two ago that he had gone to Kingswood.

    21 February, 2013 at 12:37
  50. avatar
    #54 rugbyfan

    @Playa: @Queenian: When i went past Dale last week there was a white kid training with the backline forwards i saw and not sure if it was the same kid but looked like the boy who played Under16a captain last year

    21 February, 2013 at 12:34
  51. avatar
    #53 Playa

    @Queenian: That confirms that it is Thabani Mgugudo who has left for Grey.
    I was not aware that Loubser had gone to Kingswood.

    21 February, 2013 at 12:27
  52. avatar
    #52 DC ARMY

    @Queenian, yep that’s him if that was yesterday and i saw him with the Dale team on Tue, yah i have got no words for this

    As for Loubser gentlemen that is how it is spelt, it could be because i would have thought that he would be in the picture to make the first team this season

    21 February, 2013 at 12:24
  53. avatar
    #51 Queenian

    @Playa: Is Loubsher not at Kingswood

    21 February, 2013 at 12:17
  54. avatar
    #50 Queenian

    I am completly dumb founded with this type of thing now if this was not poaching at the worst degree i dont know what is.

    21 February, 2013 at 12:15
  55. avatar
    #49 Queenian

    @Playa: And that was yesterday

    21 February, 2013 at 12:13
  56. avatar
    #48 Queenian

    @DC ARMY: Phoned a Old Queenian who son is at Grey he says he,s son says there was a kid at Grey Practice wearing a Dale No 15 jersey so not sure if that helps

    21 February, 2013 at 12:12
  57. avatar
    #47 Playa

    @DC ARMY: Oh sorry, my bad. :lol:
    This is a sad chain of events.

    21 February, 2013 at 12:12
  58. avatar
    #46 DC ARMY

    @Playa, Nope Jho’s first season with the team was in 2011 as a flanker before being converted to last year so he should be in matric this year

    Yeah i meant to say have not seen Jorich Loubser and no its not Loubscher :-D

    21 February, 2013 at 12:04
  59. avatar
    #45 DC ARMY

    Well i stand corrected, it’s seems its Thabani Mgugudo the fullback who has left, absolutely dumbfounded the kid has been in splendid form for the First team cricket and saw him on Tue practicing with the rugby side, I’m speechless really

    21 February, 2013 at 11:57
  60. avatar
    #44 Playa

    @DC ARMY: Wasn’t Somila in matric last year?
    I’m not following your second line there…typical Dalian grammar.Are you saying you HAVE NOT seen Jorich Loubscher?

    21 February, 2013 at 11:52
  61. avatar
    #43 DC ARMY

    @Umtata, tha’s the first i’m hearing of it, but i have not noticed Somila Jho during the training sessions i have seen or Jorich Loubser the u16a captain from last year. But just speculating

    21 February, 2013 at 11:43
  62. avatar
    #42 Playa

    @Queenian: I dont believe this is happening again.It totally kills any efforts a school makes.

    I hope it’s a case of relocation/a voluntary move, and does not involve any poaching of any kind.

    21 February, 2013 at 11:38
  63. avatar
    #41 rugbyfan

    @spilly: Only difference is Queens have i think 8 or 9 back from 1st team i think Selborne only have 4 or 5

    21 February, 2013 at 11:06
  64. avatar
    #40 rugbyfan

    @spilly: Sorry checked you correct there, also helps when 13 of them are back i doubt whether Queens have so many back.

    21 February, 2013 at 11:05
  65. avatar
    #39 spilly

    @rugbyfan Correction according to the Selborne website, Selborne vs Queens on 21 April 2012 score 32 21 to Selborne . Selborne vs Queens on 28 July 2012 15 3 to Selborne . only game lost, vs Grey Cherries 5 May 2012 in Bloem 38 11 . Very interesting, will see how it all plays out.

    21 February, 2013 at 11:02
  66. avatar
    #38 Queenian

    I will fish around i know quite a few of the GOB members at Grey and the Father of the Rugby Director

    21 February, 2013 at 10:58
  67. avatar
    #37 Queenian

    @Playa: Whats this does to a school like Dale is bad, a year that was going to be struggle now just gets worse and the consequence can be dyer like say Dale lose 80% of there games they then stand to lose on like invites to school weeks and so on and it just spiral,s out of control. Then the talent just stops coming.

    21 February, 2013 at 10:56
  68. avatar
    #36 beet

    @Playa: @Umtata: I heard about this yesterday as well.

    21 February, 2013 at 10:53
  69. avatar
    #35 badboy

    Flip Dale and Queens must be a good breeding ground for players as everybody is stealing them.

    For SA Rugby sake this must stop

    21 February, 2013 at 10:51
  70. avatar
    #34 Playa

    @Umtata: YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!!!!!!

    21 February, 2013 at 10:48
  71. avatar
    #33 rugbyfan

    @Umtata: Well that is shocking if its true i will find out have my ear to the ground at Grey PE

    21 February, 2013 at 10:44
  72. avatar
    #32 Queenian

    @BoishaaiPa: Ye Rugbyfan is right Brandwag will go from strength to strength i think not like the {edited} on the other side, shocking to say the least how they live with themselves i am not sure.

    21 February, 2013 at 10:42
  73. avatar
    #31 Umtata

    @rugbyfan: This is a 1st XV player

    21 February, 2013 at 10:41
  74. avatar
    #30 rugbyfan

    @BoishaaiPa: Ye i was very impressed by there setup and coaching Queenian knows a bit more he lives in Uitenhage and rates what they are doing there presently he knows the coach and says the fibe is really good he did say the coaches only worry was to get the forwards and backs to play as a unit.

    So you can be proud of your old school

    21 February, 2013 at 10:36
  75. avatar
    #29 rugbyfan

    @Umtata: Would not surprise me i do know that one of the Queens Under 14 boys has aslo landed up there.

    21 February, 2013 at 10:33
  76. avatar
    #28 BoishaaiPa

    @rugbyfan: Outeniqua should be a good measure where they find themselves in the pecking order!..Those other games are all against top opposition though and I hope they do well!

    21 February, 2013 at 10:28
  77. avatar
    #27 rugbyfan

    @BoishaaiPa: I will get the fixture list but i do know they are playing Grey PE/Framesby/Danial Pienaar/Marlow/Queens and Outenhique and some games up north at a rugby week so they should be able to get themselves at least in the Top 10/20 sector there fixtures are getting better by the year i Noord Kaap is in there one of there games up North.

    21 February, 2013 at 10:24
  78. avatar
    #26 Umtata

    @DC ARMY: I just read on the Dale twitter account that Dale has lost a key player to Grey High, do you know anything about the player?

    21 February, 2013 at 10:24
  79. avatar
    #25 BoishaaiPa

    @rugbyfan: Thanks for the feedback. I dont know their fixture list, but to end up in the Top 10 you need to play at least 2 or 3 other top 10 teams..and win of course. No use winning all your games but against lower ranked opposition. If they are to improve and get better they will need to play more “top schools”.

    21 February, 2013 at 10:17
  80. avatar
    #24 Queenian

    Looks like Queens and Dale are in for a rough ride this year.

    Playa: Thats right up our street when the Kudu and Tick bird are down is when they pull off some good wins.

    21 February, 2013 at 10:14
  81. avatar
    #23 Queenian

    @rugbyfan: Ye agree with you there none of the games Queens play against those top tear teams is at the Rec so could be a hard year for them but they will scalp one of them.

    Playa: Agree Selborne will battle at the Rec and Graveyard. They most likely have the eaziest game on Graeme day Selborne.

    21 February, 2013 at 10:09
  82. avatar
    #22 rugbyfan

    @DC ARMY: Thats my work travelling helps when you enjoy rugby so much. Ye i hope Dale can pull something out the fire this year.

    21 February, 2013 at 10:00
  83. avatar
    #21 Playa

    @spilly: That is a very bold predicition indeed. I actually have a wager with QC86 on that very same prediction.I cannot see Selborne beating Dale at reunion, and I cant imagine them going past the Kudu at the Rec.That said, anything is possible.All Dale and QC have to do is play away from the Fish pack and retain possession.Easier said than done, but doable with home advantage. Those will be interesting battles.

    @Queenian: St Andrews will shock at least 2 of the Border trio I predict.I reckon one of them will be Selborne.They are due a win against the Fish :mrgreen:

    KC to take K-Day

    Grey PE’s Border experiences are unpredictable.On paper they should win all 3 from what I’ve heard.BUT…they have a tendency of choking against QC, they lost to an average Dale side in 2011 in their last outing at CB Jennings when they had a far better and bigger side.Dale should have the psychologicale edge there.And the game against Selborne is their last of the season.With the schedule they have this year, Selborne may just be a bridge too far for them.But quality sides have a tendency to beat the odds.

    21 February, 2013 at 09:53
  84. avatar
    #20 DC ARMY

    Well i’m all of a Sunday intrigued by this Brandwag team who are being talked up early on, can’t wait for March 21 to see all these reams really. But as for my school, i repeat what i said earlier and totally agreee with @Rugbyfan’s assessment, it’s going to be a long and painful season for that team and us supporters i just don’t see how they are going to compete against the big boys this season, watching them training all be it from a distance one could swear that its the u14’s out there. I just hope that there won’t be any cricket scores especially in Maritzburg against Monnas and Affies and Cape Schools. I hope i’m wrong and they surprise and make us proud but it’s highly unlikely. Does anyone know of the Cape Schools fixtures?

    @Rugbyfan you seem to be one heck of a EC Hopper every time you blog you are from one place to the other, you must love travelling or just your job requirement.

    21 February, 2013 at 09:53
  85. avatar
    #19 rugbyfan

    @star: Ye he is a special talent but he has one draw back he tries to do all the playing by himself so when he is on song they do well and when he,s off they crash.

    21 February, 2013 at 09:49
  86. avatar
    #18 rugbyfan

    @spilly: You might be right in saying that they might beat Dale/Queens both times but just consider yes they 2nd team lost one game but also drew one against Queens also Selborne Under16A were good but lost to Queens in EL so in that case i would give them one win each Dale a different story i think there second team was pretty weak so were there Under 16A but time will tell.

    21 February, 2013 at 09:40
  87. avatar
    #17 star

    I see Framesby’s flyhalf Stapelberg is playing for his school at the T20 finals in CT (starting on Friday) and then plays GW next weekend at KP. Quite a lot for the lad to cope with although he must obviously be a very talented allround sportsman.

    21 February, 2013 at 09:23
  88. avatar
    #16 spilly

    @rugbyfan; Good predictions , only I predict Selborne will finnish between 15 and 20 this year,based on the fact that , last years 2nd team ,who lost only one game , are returning with 13 players. I will also make a bold prediction that Selborne will beat Queens and Dale both times this season.This years team know each other very well , with big forwards and excellent combinations,SA schools 7s at flyhalf. Good luck to all the Eastern Cape schools

    21 February, 2013 at 09:09
  89. avatar
    #15 Queenian

    @rugbyfan: Good write up and must say i think you have it spot on and agree St Andrews could just pull a special this year.

    I see what you mean that Queens could lose half there games tough fixture list for the year.

    21 February, 2013 at 08:42
  90. avatar
    #14 rugbyfan

    @beet: Ye he is still there what i saw there looks like a team that will have 11 Grade 11 in so next year looks good.

    Very good school well run.

    21 February, 2013 at 08:34
  91. avatar
    #13 beet

    I must say Nico Malan have a centre that I’m keen to see in action this year – Nieuwoudt. I thought he had a solid Craven Week 2012.

    21 February, 2013 at 08:29
  92. avatar
    #12 rugbyfan

    Boishaai: Your old school Brandwag will do you proud this year have seen them a veiw times already big forwards good back and coaching staff very proffesional. Dont be surprised if they in the Top 10 this year.

    21 February, 2013 at 08:28
  93. avatar
    #11 rugbyfan

    @beet: That would be nice to have a blog on it i then will be able to give you an up date after the Graeme day on the 21st March which i will be at to watch all the games.

    21 February, 2013 at 08:26
  94. avatar
    #10 rugbyfan

    @Playa: Chatting to the Nico Malan coach yesterday he says that they have an average team so i think it will be 50/50 game lets see what Dale has when i went past there a week ago the Dale squad was training and as i commented unless they had given the forwards the day off they have a size problem but you never no what happens the before last got under way nobody expected them to be good either so you never know.

    Queens simalar problem the Fortuin thing will hurt them i know 1 player does not make a team but he would have given them some grunt up front which they badly need.

    21 February, 2013 at 08:24
  95. avatar
    #9 rugbyfan

    @beet: No thats cool

    21 February, 2013 at 08:19
  96. avatar
    #8 beet

    @rugbyfan: Thanks. Interesting thoughts. Hope you don’t mind me turning it into a blog. :-P

    21 February, 2013 at 08:17
  97. avatar
    #7 Playa

    @rugbyfan: Thats a very interesting take. Dale play Nico Malan at the Graeme Rugby Day.From what you’ve seen, who do you think will get the upper hand?

    21 February, 2013 at 07:46
  98. avatar
    #6 rugbyfan

    @Queenian: Well looks like i will be able to go to the Greame day with you on the 21st March there we will get a good idea of what we will have for the year.

    21 February, 2013 at 06:44
  99. avatar
    #5 rugbyfan

    @Queenian: Also it is very uncertain were the Zim boy fits in i hear he is super hot so lets see if that makes a difference sometimes these kind of kids are good touch rugby and 7,s players but do not make good 15 man game players.

    21 February, 2013 at 06:42
  100. avatar
    #4 rugbyfan

    @Queenian: My reason for saying that is in a year were they play Affies/MC/Brandwag/Grey Pe/Paarl Gym/Boland Landbou and Seleborne and Dale twice they could land up losing half there games.

    Might be wrong have seen Queens do well in years with not much of a team and ye they always give a 100% in the guts department and do believe they will win one match against Selborne and Dale but i think there year will be defined with there games against Brandwag/Affies/Grey PE/MC/Paarl Gym/Boland Landbou if they win one or two of these then maybe a Top 20 is possible but i doubt it. One thing i do know is they will upset one of them so lets see.

    21 February, 2013 at 06:39
  101. avatar
    #3 Queenian

    @rugbyfan: Agree with what you saying there i have also seen the Brandwag squad they will be super hot this year and Grey should be up there.

    Why do you recon Queens will lose half there games.

    21 February, 2013 at 06:25
  102. avatar
    #2 rugbyfan

    Sorry forget Nico Malan – They will be there or there about lot of new faces so i think a average year. Expect a Top 30 to 40 finish.

    21 February, 2013 at 05:52
  103. avatar
    #1 rugbyfan

    Was in Humansdorp yesterday and went past there to see the Nico Malan squad training to get an idea for this year so here is my thoughts on the EC teams for this year.

    Grey PE – They have a big pack and some good looking backs so they will be able to compete with the big boys this year, a heavy schedule but dont expect them to lose more than 3 games so i recon a Top 5 to 10 finish this year.

    Brandwag – Some monster kids there and they should be Grey,s to challenge for EC crown this year specially if there backs can finnish off the moves with all the ball they will get. Expect a Top 10 to 20 finish this year.

    Framesby – Well they have lost a lot of there forwards but still have there No 10 who should challenge for a SA schools spot so they will be competive this year. Expect a Top 15 to 25 finish this year.

    Selborne – Have some big forwards and should be a lot better than last year but how much better we will have to wait and see maybe a year away from being back in the Top 20. Expect a Top 20 to 30 finish this year.

    Queens – Well what i see is a good backline with a ordinary pack i think the loss of Fortuin in a year like this will mean a lot there first 4 games Brandwag/Affies/EG Jan/MC will be a bridge just to far from them if they win any of these games i would be surprised i might be wrong but expect them to lose half there games. Expect a Top 25 to 40 finish.

    Dale – Could play this year with 15 backline players so not sure what to expect could be along hard year for them, unless some stars like they had last year jump out the cupboard. Expect a Top 25 – 40 finish.

    Danial Pienaar – Have lost alot of there stars from last year and this year should be a rebuilding year spoke to there coach and he even says will be a difficult year. Expect a Top 25 to 40 finish.

    St Andrews – Well here i think lies the EC dark horse for the year could be good could be bad we will see how it goes. Expect a Top 20 to 30 finish.

    Marlow – Well a big pack of forwards will make them competitive but with 6 of these forwards only in Grade 11 expect 2014 to be there year. Expect a Top 25 to 35 finish.

    Kingswood – Have not seen them but could punch above there weight this year. Expect a Top 25 to 40 finish.

    So there it is in a nut shell will see at the end of the season how my prediction goes.

    21 February, 2013 at 05:49

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