BHP Top 50 – week ending 09 August 2014

Word from BHP: It has occurred to me after chatting with a few SBR followers that they see the rankings as a relative strength measure of teams, which it not really is. The ranking system is there to measure how you are doing this season relatively compared to other teams.

Thus the teams that play the stronger sides and keeps a good winning ratio will always be in the upper areas of the rankings, but because we are not playing everyone else, it cannot be a real measure of strength. It must be seen as ranking of success over the season. An Example of this is if you take Affies and Boland Landbou for instance…They will beat most of the teams ahead of them up to around No 20 comfortably…yet in comparison with the teams ahead of them, their success rate against their normal opposition is not as good. That is what we must keep in mind if we look at this ranking system. It is not always about who is the better team..rather which team has done better in its own environment relative to other teams. Hope this can clear up some issues.

1 Grey College 4.13 Grey College 4.16
2 Paul Roos 3.78 Paul Roos 3.78
3 Paarl Gim 3.61 Paarl Gim 3.58
4 Garsfontein 3.54 Garsfontein 3.58
5 Monument 3.46 Monument 3.41
6 EG Jansen 3.32 EG Jansen 3.27
7 Wynberg BHS 3.23 HJS Paarl 3.22
8 HJS Paarl 3.22 Wynberg BHS 3.18
9 Glenwood 3.18 Glenwood 3.14
10 Selborne 3.12 Maritzburg College 3.12
11 Maritzburg College 3.06 Selborne 3.07
12 Grey PE 3.05 Grey PE 3.00
13 Outeniqua 3.02 Outeniqua 2.98
14 Oakdale 2.86 Oakdale 2.92
15 Waterkloof 2.86 Waterkloof 2.86
16 HTS Louis Botha 2.72 HTS Middelburg 2.81
17 Nelspruit 2.70 Menlopark 2.69
18 HTS Middelburg 2.66 Michaelhouse 2.65
19 Michaelhouse 2.65 Kempton Park 2.64
20 Menlopark 2.64 Nelspruit 2.61
21 Westville BHS 2.61 Westville BHS 2.61
22 Kempton Park 2.59 HTS Louis Botha 2.58
23 Transvalia 2.44 Transvalia 2.40
24 Voortrekker (Bethlehem) 2.35 Tygerberg 2.38
25 Bishops 2.33 Voortrekker (Bethlehem) 2.30
26 Die Brandwag 2.33 Die Brandwag 2.28
27 KES 2.27 Bishops 2.28
28 Diamantveld 2.24 KES 2.27
29 Stellenberg 2.20 Dale College 2.18
30 Tygerberg 2.17 Jeppe 2.14
31 Jeppe 2.13 Stellenberg 2.14
32 Augsberg 2.08 Diamantveld 2.11
33 St Andrews 2.07 St Andrews 2.07
34 Dale College 2.06 Jim Fouche 1.99
35 Boland Landbou 2.06 Framesby 1.98
36 De Kuilen 2.06 Helpmekaar 1.96
37 Affies 2.00 Kearsney 1.96
38 Jim Fouche 1.99 Boland Landbou 1.95
39 Kearsney 1.96 Sentraal 1.93
40 Sentraal 1.93 Affies 1.89
41 Klerksdorp 1.88 AHS Kroonstad (Rooiskool) 1.89
42 Framesby 1.85 Augsberg 1.89
43 Helpmekaar 1.83 Klerksdorp 1.82
44 Nico Malan 1.76 Nico Malan 1.78
45 AHS Kroonstad (Rooiskool) 1.72 Hudson Park 1.65
46 Marlow 1.69 Hugenote (Well) 1.65
47 Queens College 1.63 Queens College 1.63
48 Hudson Park 1.62 Eldoraigne 1.62
49 Eldoraigne 1.62 Brackenfell 1.61
50 Grens 1.60 Durbanville 1.60


  1. avatar
    #15 Djou

    @BoishaaiPa: Ek prober nie snaaks wees met die volgende stellings nie.
    Ek is nie seker of jy die gedeelte in blou geskryf het nie, maar die verduideliking daar kom nie ooreen met die een wat jy aan Rugbyman gegee het nie.
    Kom ek gee ook die volgende voorbeeld. Span A speel teen span B. Albei is in top 10 of 20. A wen B en kry sy punte. B verloor teen C wat buite top 20 is en sy posisie verswak na buite top 20.

    A se punte moet mos nou outematies ook verswak, want B is nou buite top 20, m.a.w die punte wat hy gekry het toe B in top 20 was moet nou verminder (vir ekwiteitsredes). Maar nou kom C, wat B geklop het, en baie punte verdien het, se posisie ook in gedrang want hy moet punte kry asof B buite top 20 is en nie binne top 20 nie.

    Een manier om bovermelde te oorkom is ranking as die seisoen verby is. Dan kan jy iterasies doen en elkeen se R-faktor kry en daarvolgens hul gewig, oftewel, die punt wat elke span verdien wanneer hy teen ‘n ander span speel. bepaal.

    16 August, 2014 at 20:00
  2. avatar
    #14 BoishaaiPa

    @Predator: Jy kan self veel doen nie ou maat…die span moet dit self doen deur te wen..

    16 August, 2014 at 14:12
  3. avatar
    #13 Predator

    @BoishaaiPa: Hoe maak ek om nog ‘n skool in die Suid Kaap ( Groot skole liga ) op die rankings te kry?

    16 August, 2014 at 07:23
  4. avatar
    #12 DieBos

    Ek verstaan die formule. Dink tog ‘n span soos Gim is gelukkig om 3 te wees, na verlore teen PRG,Grey,Outeniekwa en Menlopark.
    Grey PE hoort in top 5
    Ek verstaan ook Oakdale supporter se punt, maar die feit is dat Oakdale vanjaar hulle groot games teen Gim,PRG en Affies verloor het. Wel teen Outeniekwa gewen.
    Net bly ek hoef nie ranglys op te stel,maar ek dink die een is meer relevant

    14 August, 2014 at 06:46
  5. avatar
    #11 jakes

    This weekend nr 4 Garsfontein against nr 6..EG Jansen. Going to be a massive clash. EG Jansen must not give Garsfontein’s backline too much opportunity to run the ball. Garsfontein’s backline is potent and very dangerous if they start running with the ball. EGJ forwards should keep it tight up front and give their backline opportunity to be more on the attack than to be on the defence.

    13 August, 2014 at 23:14
  6. avatar
    #10 Oakdale supporter

    @BoishaaiPa: Ja, ek weet wat die rede is!!
    Oakdale moes verder gewen het en bonuspunte gekry het. Hulle het reeds 3 of 4 wedstryde met 27/28 punte gewen wat ‘n groot invloed sou gehad het as dit 30+ was.

    13 August, 2014 at 12:35
  7. avatar
    #9 BoishaaiPa

    @Rugbyman: @Oakdale supporter: Miskien moet julle manne eers weer julle wiskunde gaan opknap..As jou gemiddelde bokant 3 is en jy wen n skool met n kategoriepunt laer as jou gemiddelde kan jou gemiddelde mos nie toeneem nie!..Dieselfde formule geld vir almal! Dis n gemiddelde wat oor AL die wedstryde beslis word..nie net een nie!

    13 August, 2014 at 12:31
  8. avatar
    #8 Oakdale supporter

    @Rugbyman: Dieselfde hier!! Oakdale verloor punte na wen teen Langenhoven Gim.

    13 August, 2014 at 12:26
  9. avatar
    #7 Rugbyman

    @BoishaaiPa: Ek sien ons het alweer punte verloor na ons wen teen centurion… Ai…. :roll:

    13 August, 2014 at 12:13
  10. avatar
    #6 Festus February


    It looks like you have plenty of time on your hands. Why don’t you do it?

    13 August, 2014 at 11:43
  11. avatar
    #5 MikeSt

    @BoishaaiPa: Maybe something for you to dwell on in your spare time is to consider splitting this into Macro, Large etc schools.

    Would be a better yardstick on your performance for the year and then only take into account the games you play against opposition in your own section.

    13 August, 2014 at 11:40
  12. avatar
    #4 BoishaaiPa

    @Proppie: Ek dink nie ek het al Tuine se uitslae nie. Dit is dalk hoekom Tuine nie nou feature nie…Ek het gaan kyk of ek dit op hulle website kan kry maar daar is niks. Indien jy dit het, email asb na

    13 August, 2014 at 08:58
  13. avatar
    #3 beet

    @Proppie: I’m sure BHP will be able to share exactly where Tuine are on the list. I imagine they must be in the Top 100. Irrespective. Fantastic effort by them in the Beeld so far.

    13 August, 2014 at 08:20
  14. avatar
    #2 Proppie

    @beet: Where is Tuine magtig Beet. What must the oukies still do to get some recognision. Surely playing in the final, and going to win it, must count for some points.

    13 August, 2014 at 08:09
  15. avatar
    #1 beet

    Wow! One can just see how close Glenwood and College are on the rankings and the 21-20 result confirms it.

    This weekend: EG Jansen 3.32 vs Garsfontein 3.54. Expect another close finish in this huge Beeldtrofee semi-final game.

    Then Selborne 3.12 vs Grey PE 3.05. The Eastern Cape title match between two schools that couldn’t be match closer on the rankings.

    13 August, 2014 at 08:02

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