Match report: WP beats the Pumas 33-32

  • Pumas attempt a drop goal via flyhalf Joubert Muller.
  • Pumas win a tighthead at the scrum but WP strike back by winning a penalty at the ensuing ruck. The long shot penalty is struck by Tiaan Swanepoel. 3-0.
  • Pumas are offsides on their 22m. Swanepoel converts the penalty 6-0.
  • Brilliant try by the Pumas. They work a lineout and run the ball. From phase ball they go wide and captain Barend Smit joins the line at pace and runs strongly to finish. Muller converts 6-7
  • Province produce a good attack with no.8 Saul Abrahams prominent. It leads to a penalty at the ruck which Swanepoel slots 9-7.
  • Penalty against the WP scrum and the Pumas have a chance to get back in front via a Muller penalty. 9-10.
  • A Pumas player dumps WP wing Duncan Saal into touch. The TMO helps out with the awarding a yellow card to the Pumas player.
  • A massive onslaught by WP using their big forward ball-carriers to bash provides the opportunity for big Jaco Willemse to pick and dive over. Swanepoel converts. 16-10.
  • Some action as WP attack from well inside their own half. First energy is injected by Mervano Da Silva with Saal also making a good run down the right wing before he runs out of space.
  • WP run the ball from a lineout. Abrahams joins the line at full tilt in midfield. He breaks through a couple of tackles to generate the frontfoot ball. Quickball sees Province attack right and Saal is in near the corner. Points machine Swanepoel makes even kicks from the corners look easy. 23-10.
  • The Pumas have another player sent to the bin just moments before the first one returns.
  • Speed merchant Saal scores another try. This one comes off a Pumas mistake just before the break when they cough up ball while trying to let it go through the hands to the wing. Saal picks up and shifts gears to leave defenders in his wake. 30-10.
  • The Pumas go wide to the right this time and once again their fullback Barend Smit looks really good as he joins the line with perfect timing. He sets right wing Mfundo Ndlovu up for a well-executed try. 30-15.
  • Halftime 30-15
  • Centre Justin Heunis almost scores for WP but the final pass from Edwill vd Merwe is made with a foot on the touchline therefore lineout.
  • Pumas exploits a loose play situation to come up with a good run down the right flank.
  • Pumas are showing a lot of guts. They win a penalty at the scrum and Muller kicks a longish penalty to reduce the WP lead to 30-18.
  • A good run drifting run by centre Edrich Venter inspires a WP attack which leads to a penalty at the breakdown. Swanepoel can’t miss. 33-18.
  • WP earns a yellow after the Pumas launch a series of redzone attacks. Scrumhalf Stephan Enslin taps and goes from close range. He gets in for the try which Muller converts. 33-25.
  • Pumas finish game with a strong drive against a very tired WP pack. Eventually lock Diaan Bester comes up with the try. Muller converts. 33-32.


  1. avatar
    #23 BuffelsCM

    @BoishaaiPa: My point exactly !!

    15 July, 2014 at 12:57
  2. avatar
    #22 tandemfitarborsurculus

    Die Keurders het mos geweet die veld is hard en groot, die lug dun en koud. Kies spelers wat by hierdie omstandighede kan floreer of ten minste n goeie mengsel.
    Horses for courses, ek se ….
    Almal is halsoorkop met “saaaize”.

    15 July, 2014 at 12:20
  3. avatar
    #21 BoishaaiPa

    @BuffelsCM: En daar het die hammy ook net 10 minute gehou!…

    15 July, 2014 at 12:20
  4. avatar
    #20 BuffelsCM

    @BoishaaiPa: Dit is regtig jammer oor Klaas ja! Hy moes nie daai game teen Paul Roos gespeel het nie !! Hulle het gehoop om hom reg te kry maar ‘n “hamstring” laat hom nie voorskryf nie.

    @RBugger: I agree about the conditioning !

    @phat55: IMO they should do that tomorrow !

    @Maroon: Ek het nog net goeie dinge oor Michael se leierskap gehoor !

    15 July, 2014 at 10:53
  5. avatar
    #19 phat55

    I hope the entire pack of forwards has a better game,especially the tight 5 because as we know the game is won upfront, most if not all the time.

    15 July, 2014 at 10:22
  6. avatar
    #18 BoishaaiPa

    @Maroon: Best 8steman sit ongelukkig met n besering op die plaas in Villiersdorp… :mrgreen:

    15 July, 2014 at 10:17
  7. avatar
    #17 Maroon

    @BuffelsCM: 100% teg ten opsigte van Michael Meyer. Fantastiese leier ook.

    15 July, 2014 at 09:48
  8. avatar
    #16 RBugger

    @BuffelsCM: You are very right, the individual players should not be attacked, it is not really fair on such young men, if they read this blog, they would probably be quite upset – that is why I try not use names.

    I just found one or two players a bit too heavy and need a bit of conditioning – which will more than likely come after school

    15 July, 2014 at 09:42
  9. avatar
    #15 BuffelsCM

    Although I agree with many of the sentiments expressed, I think we should refrain from making derogatory remarks about players.

    @phat55: I think it is too early to judge the loosies. If you are battling with first phase possession, the loosies are mostly on the back foot. WP lost a couple of lineouts, quite a few scrums (this will have to improve and I’m sure the pack will do better on Wednesday) and the kick off receipts were really below par.

    WP should never have let the Pumas back into the game after leading 30 – 10 just before half-time. I think some credit must go to the pack of Pumas that did very well in the scrums especially.

    As Ploegie has said, I’ll rather take a close win on an off day.

    I really rate Michael Meyer the no 8 of the Academy side, highly. He had an excellent tournament and should perhaps have been in Middelburg at the moment. Vissie should get his opportunity next year.

    15 July, 2014 at 09:35
  10. avatar
    #14 maroon8

    @RBugger: Size is alles….allles….alles…..jy moet net sterk wees en mobile wees en jou rugby ken en nie ‘n vetgat wees nie!

    Van hier af maak die groot manne dit en die kleintjies val uit?

    Hier en daar is ‘n uitsondering!

    15 July, 2014 at 06:46
  11. avatar
    #13 maroon8

    Slinger…………waar is jy? Ek het jou gese ek vermoed daar is tegnies ‘n groot skrumprobleem …net na die Gim en Landbou en Bishops/Bosch Game…….meneer…en toe praat jy slimpraatjies…..

    My probleem is met die WP keurders……is julle..%54$#@ of ^&8%$ ? Hoe kan julle toelaat dat so ‘n swak (stut) deur die stelsel kom…..en is dit nie hoeka van die manne wat net 1 of 2 stelle proewe gespeel het en nie die volle stel nie?

    Het ‘n groot rugbygees nie gese hy kies 1ste sy losskakel en dan sy vaskop nie? Hoe waar was die man nie,wat sy tyd heel voor was nie!

    Met ‘n (stut) wat sukkel,is jou hele vaste5 onder druk en dis presies wat gister gebeur het……en die seun was swak……en dit het ons amper die game gekos.

    Die WP keurders moet hiervoor pa staan want hulle kies en gee die span vir die afrigters. Gert Smal kan sommer net hier begin skoonmaak want onder hulle is daar manne wat &^%$#@ van stutspel ken nie. As Richard Visagie nog daar was,sou so ‘n stut nooit kon deurglip nie. Hy het seker gemaak die stut kan heel eerste skrum en sy basiese werk doen.

    Op Positiewe noot……Geluk coach….’n wen is n wen!

    Ek glo ons gaan die sparkplugs skoonkry en Woensdag fire!

    Sharkies…..het julle gedobbel met julle bench en toe werk dit nie?

    15 July, 2014 at 06:44
  12. avatar
    #12 RBugger

    @kwartlyn: it is the sad truth in SA rugby, if you are not a giant, you will not make it.

    Just as well Mccaw is an All Black, he would have probably been considered to small in this Country :wink:

    14 July, 2014 at 23:03
  13. avatar
    #11 kwartlyn

    @RBugger: Stem saam met jou, maar daar word gese vir die seuns as jy nie groot is nie word jy nie gekies nie en dit is jammer. In SA Rugby op die oomblik is dit die siening in alle ouderdom as jy voor speel en nie groot is nie kies hulle jou nie, hulle het n kriteria waaraan die spelers moet voldoen en as die speler nie daaraan voldoen nie kies hulle hom nie. Ek wag juis om te sien wie daar van die akademiese week voor gaan gekies word, want daar was 2 groot manne van 2 provinsies gewees maar anders as vandag hulle is beweeglik en speel vir 70min met bal in hand en was nie bang of moeg gewees om kontak te maak nie. Een van die manne het juis verlede week en Dinsdag WP besig gehou.

    14 July, 2014 at 22:52
  14. avatar
    #10 RBugger

    Size is not everything in rugby, it is about moderation. Will not mention names, but there are 2 WP players who are simply too big. Not in a good way at all, they look over weight and as a result, unfit. Your size and strength is only useful if you can pump enough oxygen into your lungs for the 70 minutes these boys play for. If you can only last 10 minutes, what is the point… Province good, yes, but not unbeatable

    14 July, 2014 at 22:18
  15. avatar
    #9 phat55

    it looks like the all southern suburb loose trio could be a major problem for the WP team at craven week.i think the commentator mentioned it twice,something along the lines of “when last have you seen all 3 loosies from the SS” etc.And the way Vissie & Meyer played for the academy team makes you wonder. I hope im wrong because I’d dearly love WP to make it a clean sweep this year.

    14 July, 2014 at 21:36
  16. avatar
    #8 bhkgpa

    @kwartlyn: lyk my keurders was onder druk om suidelike voorstede se skole spelers die jaar te kies :mrgreen: die spesifieke skool wat so goed doen met spelers in die span het nog net verloor teen Gim, Paul Roos en Wynberg. :wink:

    14 July, 2014 at 19:42
  17. avatar
    #7 kwartlyn

    WP is n goeie span maar van die voorspelers is te groot en onfiks dit is hoekom hulle nie die pas kon byhou nie en dit het die WP amper gebyt, as my span teen die wp speel sal ek die spel oopmaak en hulle van hulle voete af hardloop, en hoekom is daar van die beter spelers in julle akadmie-span hulle is voor n klein bietjie kleiner maar hulle speel n barshou, dink aan die 6 en 8 van die akademie-span

    14 July, 2014 at 19:35
  18. avatar
    #6 Ploegskaar

    @Rooibaard: Jerome is ‘n spesialis vaskop en Wicus kan albei kante speel, so gee kans, hulle sal nog die beste kombinasies vind. Feit is, op ‘n afdag het ons steeds net amper verloor, steeds beter as amper gewen…

    14 July, 2014 at 18:42
  19. avatar
    #5 Ploegskaar

    Good teams win on off days, despite everything that did not function properly and can be tweaked in any event. It’s not like there was a huge fanfare and then they lost after all…Let’s see how the new front row does in the next game, how Cloete functions with Willemse and how the backs perform with Williams, Muller and Pieterse who should get a full game. A Special mention to Tiaan, well done son, you should have been there in the first place. Congrats boys, after all the moaning you have kept our winning record in tact, hope you shut a few mouths in the next game.

    14 July, 2014 at 18:31
  20. avatar
    #4 Muzi

    I expect more gain line dominance from that groot WP pack the whole game…Willemse’s knee though…he held back a bit IMHO.

    14 July, 2014 at 18:19
  21. avatar
    #3 bhkgpa

    I rest my case wrt Tiaan Swanepoel. His boot will have to win more games for WP because the team did not perform as what most people thought. Hopefully they can only perform better, although the next game will be difficult again. Forwards look unfit and as a unit did do well.

    14 July, 2014 at 17:36
  22. avatar
    #2 Rooibaard

    What a disappointment Province. Surely this is not the best we’ve got. I really hope we’ve got a better tighthead for the rest of the tournament. Number 2 and 3 a definite liability. Number 3 got nailed on both sides of the scrum. Thank heavens for Tiaan Swanepoel. Should have been in the original squad.

    14 July, 2014 at 17:22
  23. avatar
    #1 beet

    I was very impressed by Duncan Saal today. Venter also good and Swanepoel an outstanding kicker.

    Disappointments were in the WP pack who started well but faded really badly.

    14 July, 2014 at 17:18

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