Match report: Dale beats Queens 13-12

Dale and Queen’s met at the graveyard in King on Saturday in the first of their two annual derbies. Both schools had come off good wins in previous games but Queen’s had certainly made the bigger impression by beating a good Grey High. It was however Dale who had shown the better and more consistent form this season and were therefore labelled as favourites.

A highlight of this game was that retired international referee Jonathan Kaplan officiated it.

Both teams missed shots at goal. It took all of 23 minutes to break the duck in this match. First on the scoreboard was Dale via right wing Luzuko Mase, which promising young flyhalf Courtney Winnaar converted for a 7-0 lead, which stood until the halftime whistle.

In the second half Dale continued to grow their lead via Winnaar’s boot. Two penalties put the Tickbirds 13-0 up with 24 minutes to play.

Queen’s struck back with tries. The first was scored by in form SA Schools hopeful winger Jerry Danquah, who had been a two-try hero against Grey the weekend before. The ever improving flyhalf Leroy Kuyler missed the conversion, leaving the Kudus more than a score behind at 13-5 down.

The next try came with just 5 minutes left on the clock, Queen’s scrumhalf Raegen Oranje went over with Kuyler successful from the tee for the first time in the match, reducing the gap to just 13-12.

A tense and exciting finish followed as Dale held out for their 76th victory over the great rivals from Queenstown and trail Queen’s by just four games in the overall record now.


1 Zimi Ngqongqwana 1 Siyavuya Mlwayo
2 Sango Mtotywa 2 Uhuru Vanda
3 Kuhle Mokhoabane 3 Dale Ross Venske
4 Johann Loubser 4 Bonke Matikinca
5 Lwazi Poswayo 5 Alan-Graham Rautenbach
6 Buntu Ponono 6 James Roberts
7 Siyanda Am 7 Johan van Heerden
8 Bunono Sindi 8 Dancan Mureguzi
9 Sibusiso Ngcokovane 9 Raegan Oranje
10 Courtney Winnaar 10 Leroy Kuyler
11 Luyolo Khuse 11 Jerry Danquah
12 Siyamthanda Mgubo 12 Juan du Randt
13 Yamkela Nyalambisa 13 Avela Jubase
14 Luzuko Mase 14 Sikhokele Ngozi
15 Justerino Davids 15 Myuyo Tshefuta

Preview from before game:

The Dale College and Queen’s College teams for one of the oldest and closest rivalries in South African school rugby is out. The 123 year history of games between the two schools consisted of 171 games of which Queen’s led the head-to-head 80-75 with 16 draws going into this game in Dale’s hometown of King (Williams Town).

In this year’s teams the first names that come to mind are those of the x-factor players, Courtney Winnaar and Justerino Davids of Dale and Jerry Danquah of Queen’s but there are two potentially brilliant match-ups in stall for spectators. The first is at hooker where Sango Mtotywa (Dale), who seems to live for big collisions takes on Uhuru Vanda (Queen’s) who is a skilful industrious player. The second is at outside centre where Dales hard and straight running centre Yamkela Nyalambisa faces off against Queen’s captain Avela Jubase who has wonderful feet, explosive pace and is deceptively strong as well.

Much of Dale’s fire seems to have returned with coach Griffy Griffith’s arrival back in King! The Tickbirds are playing with plenty of heart and skill. The Kudu’s from Queenstown have picked up their form and produced an outstanding win against highly rated Grey High last Saturday. This derby now has the potential to be one of the best games of the season and could go down to the wire.


  1. avatar
    #18 Boom

    Very true. It was a cracker of a game

    28 May, 2014 at 17:27
  2. avatar
    #17 Wyvern

    @DC ARMY: Jho has been on and off the whole season with injuries but he should be playing this Sat.

    28 May, 2014 at 08:17
  3. avatar
    #16 Playa

    Quite late to this ruck. Man what a game! I had already turned heading to the bar just before that (forward) pass was made, only to hear Old Dalians celebrate…looked back and saw the QC number 8 over the line, and Jonathan Kaplan signalling a forward pass…my next memory is waking up with a moerse hangover and a half eaten Shamrock Pie next to my bed.

    @Boom: Some close encounters to be had in the future with the 16A game going to Queens by 2 points. The last 4 games could have caused Professor Xavier to lose hair.

    28 May, 2014 at 07:39
  4. avatar
    #15 Umtata

    @DC ARMY: That’s odd

    22 May, 2014 at 20:52
  5. avatar
    #14 DC ARMY

    I wonder if Somila Jho will be playing, have heard little of him all year long, got a glimse of him at the reunion last week after the first team game, whilst Kingswood wew palying in Grahamstown, where is KCMAN, is he injured or what?

    22 May, 2014 at 15:49
  6. avatar
    #13 DC

    No they will be playing Kingswood

    22 May, 2014 at 13:27
  7. avatar
    #12 Umtata

    @Boom: There was a rumour on the blog sometime ago about the Kingswood fixture being abondoned this year. Do you know if that is true or not?

    21 May, 2014 at 21:41
  8. avatar
    #11 Boom

    How is this for odd. Dale 3rds won by 3. Seconds by 2 and 1sts by 1. It was a cracker of a game. Queens went over after full time but it was judged a forward pass. The defence from both teams was solid with some massive tackles

    19 May, 2014 at 17:28
  9. avatar
    #10 Anti Green

    Go Griffy and Big Daddy Turner

    16 May, 2014 at 18:55
  10. avatar
    #9 CHS08

    Dale to sneak it. Will be there before the u14a game.

    16 May, 2014 at 15:04
  11. avatar
    #8 Ludz

    @beet: :lol: now you’ve blown my cover, wanted to confuse the enemy with that EP jersey, make them think I’m with them :mrgreen:

    16 May, 2014 at 10:30
  12. avatar
    #7 beet

    @Ludz: Yesterday you said Dale all the way and that you were going to be wearing your Kings jersey to the game coz the colours are Red and Black 8-O :!:

    16 May, 2014 at 10:11
  13. avatar
    #6 Ludz

    Form book says Dale despite our win last week, listen it’s not gonna be easy at the Graveyard, seldom is, so I don’t wanna make any predictions!!!

    16 May, 2014 at 10:08
  14. avatar
    #5 Roger

    pity this game is not televised – would be great to watch too

    Dale by 5

    16 May, 2014 at 10:04
  15. avatar
    #4 beet

    I’m thinking Dale too.

    16 May, 2014 at 09:41
  16. avatar
    #3 Knight_CHS07

    My money is on Dale, go AMADODA!

    16 May, 2014 at 08:19
  17. avatar
    #2 Deon Pitzer

    Queens by 20.

    16 May, 2014 at 03:33
  18. avatar
    #1 Woltrui

    Dale to take it by 8. 8-O

    15 May, 2014 at 23:40

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