Match Report: Michaelhouse beats Hilton 20-13

Amongst the things one comes to expect from a Hilton-Michaelhouse derby are a packed ground, wonderful atmosphere and arguably the best pre-game “Spell” show in the whole of South Africa. With all the above boxes ticked, the good weather also added to this occasion at Balgowan, creating an almost perfect setting that was made complete by the 1st XV players of both private schools producing an absorbing game that held everyone’s attention from the first kick-off right through to the final whistle.

Michaelhouse’s pack of forwards laid the platform for point scoring opportunities. They were disruptive to the Hilton lineout and as the game wore on they began to totally dominate the scrums as well. In broken play, numerous Michaelhouse forwards stood out for their ball-carrying abilities which saw them often breaking through the advantage line and generate some seriously good go-forward ball. There were several passages of play involving effective continuity by the host team and their variation of the attacking points and ball-runners used was also very pleasing as was their handling skills. Prop Brandon Jackson, lock Gary Porter and no.8 Matthew Potgieter were reliable and all made many metres throughout the game with carries. The outstanding player of the day was House’s Bradley Roberts .The mobile hooker was given the licence to hang off the sides of rucks, allowing him to play a very loose game and he stood out above all others on the park as a go-to player who could manipulate the defence thanks to his able to identify space and strike. The net result of the forwards’ contribution to the Michaelhouse play was control of territory and possession for the best part of the first half and the large slice of the second half as well. On defence House were also very solid.

However all the hosts had to show for their efforts at the break was a 9-3 lead, compliments of the deadly accurate boot of flyhalf Bader Pretorius. Two of these three penalties had been awarded for Hilton being offside when MHS were on attack, while the third, a 50-metre effort was for Hilton players not retreating when their own box kick had gone all wrong. In the second half Bader would add two more penalties from side entry and sealing infringements by Hilton at the ruck to finish off with a five from six kicks at goal, 15-point contribution for the game.

In the 56th minute via an excellent patient build-up involving quite a few phases, ball went through the hands to the left where Bradley Roberts was in a position to again challenge the defence and this time cross the try-line near the left corner for a well-worked team try. This was Michaelhouse’s first and only try.

Taking into account the efforts of the House forwards and then relating it back to the closeness of the final score, suggests that there were other key factors to the outcome of this game. Focusing on the negative first, it has to be said that Michaelhouse did not possess a knockout blow on the day. In past seasons when Michaelhouse has had a good team, it’s often been associated with dynamic backline play. Elaborate moves executed at pace with penetrating runners making use of different angles to break the line. This 2014 side falls into the category of “good Michaelhouse team” yet none of those backline characteristics were evident. Time and time again flyhalf Bader Pretorius looked to pass to the outside but decided it was either too risky or his line was too flat and pressurised, so he held on and challenged the Hilton D-wall on his own using strong forward-like carries to get him nearer the gainline. The ball hardly ever went wide. The wings and fullback only ever seemed to come into play for Hilton kick returns. In a sense it was criminal. Classy right wing Liam Furniss displayed outstanding highball technique and looked in-form when running kicked balls back while his fullback Robbie Lee also appeared to have some attacking flair that was underutilised.

This Michaelhouse negative was countered by a huge positive though and this was the Hilton team being all about character, character, character. Hilton was under the cosh for a large part of the game. Genuine front-foot attacking opportunities were few and far between. It’s not that they didn’t try to make things happen when they had ball, it’s just that they had so little of it in good field positions. At some point during the match it should have been reasonably expected that House’s direct attacking style and ball retention would have sucked in defenders or created mismatches or forced mistakes that resulted in clean breaks for the hosts and ultimately tries. This just never happened. Hilton stayed in the game through outstanding focussed defensive work. When their first line of defence was breached, they had secondaries in place. And when they were not organised, they reorganised themselves at a rapid rate. They pressured the House backline at every chance. Best of all was the Hilton contesting of everything and anything that went to deck via a tackle. Yes they gave away four penalties during the game from defensive lapses but in truth the 12-points was a small sacrifice given the circumstances. Their overall discipline in defence was of a high standard. Blindside flank Brad Dickerson had a very good game for the visitors but this 14 teammates all deserve pats on their backs for the commitment shown in the face of adversity.

Probably the best Hilton attacking highlight of the first half was a beautiful pacy 50-metre run up the right by wing Terry Matsa, who in the process run around a defender like he did not exist. That happened about 20-minutes into the game. Hilton still had to wait another 9-minutes after that bit of excitement for their first points, scored shortly before halftime when outside centre Tristan Blewett landed a penalty. Michaelhouse had been leading 9-0 before that.

The wonderful game that rugby is, then showed that it can be as unpredictable as the bounce of the ball itself. Hilton out of nowhere snatched the lead in the 41st minute when they scored the first try of the game. Hilton players deserving praise in the build-up included hooker Bafana Motloi, prop Andrew Svenningsen and Tristan Blewett. The visitors took play deep into the redzone and at the back of a ruck near the House line, Hilton no.8 Sebastian Desvaux de Marigny picked the ball up with one hand, dived forward, stretched out his arm and slammed it down over the goal-line. Blewett converted and incredibly Hilton was up 10-9, a lead that lasted 3-minutes before Michaelhouse went back in front at 12-10. Hilton’s final points also came from Blewett’s boot in the 57th minute, a penalty narrowing the gap to 20-13 on the scoreboard, which did not change again.

Michaelhouse won 20-13 and the scene immediately following the final whistle spoke volumes about the importance of this match to both schools. Michaelhouse had dominated in attack and on another day against a different school, there would perhaps have been a sense of disappointment that they did not make their obvious advantage in key areas count for a lot more than just one-score win. After this match though, the Michaelhouse players celebrated like they had won the most important game of their season. There was passion aplenty, underlying the meaningfulness of a win in this special rivalry with its 191-match history.

1 Gregory Jackson 1 Andrew Peverelle
2 Bradley Roberts 2 Bafana Motloi
3 Siyanda Mazibuko 3 Andrew Svenningsen
4 Gary Porter 4 Peter Frost
5 Andrew Vogel 5 Jayson Gouws
6 Jonathan Barrie 6 Etienne Marx
7 Jack Walters 7 Brad Dickerson
8 Matthew Potgieter 8 Sebastian Desvaux de Merigny
9 Thomas Walker (C) 9 Matt Dahl
10 Bader-Werner Pretorius 10 Kieran Hayne
11 Jason Schwegmann 11 Darren McGhee
12 Jacques Swarts 12 Daniel Loftus
13 David Broadley 13 Tristan Blewett
14 Liam Furniss 14 Terry Matsa
15 Robert Lee 15 Thomas Webber
16 Matt Wiseman
17 Michael Mandy
18 James Hallier
19 Zander Prinsloo
20 Mulalo Sadiki
21 Tyran Faber
22 Frank Goble

Preview written before the game:

In recent years, the trend of Hilton – Michaelhouse rugby results points to one of winning and losing streaks. In other words at the very least one of the two schools tends to win the next derby, after they get back to winning ways. Hilton is currently on a three game winning streak. However in 2014, Michaelhouse does look like the stronger team. This could mean the start as of a brand new winning streak for the school from Balgowan in the Natal Midlands and it would entail completing a double this season. The two well-known private schools meet on Meadows, the home ground of Michaelhouse this Saturday, 03 May.

Results dating back to 2000:

2014 Hilton 13 20 Michaelhouse  MHS
2013 Hilton 43 34 Michaelhouse HC
2013 Hilton 42 12 Michaelhouse HC
2012 Hilton 26 22 Michaelhouse HC
2012 Hilton 11 12 Michaelhouse MHS
2011 Hilton 29 30 Michaelhouse MHS
2011 Hilton 18 14 Michaelhouse HC
2010 Hilton Michaelhouse aba ndon
2010 Hilton 22 23 Michaelhouse MHS
2009 Hilton 20 40 Michaelhouse MHS
2009 Hilton 8 13 Michaelhouse MHS
2008 Hilton 16 31 Michaelhouse MHS
2008 Hilton 18 21 Michaelhouse MHS
2007 Hilton 17 44 Michaelhouse MHS
2007 Hilton 0 40 Michaelhouse MHS
2006 Hilton 23 19 Michaelhouse HC
2006 Hilton 19 16 Michaelhouse HC
2005 Hilton 30 6 Michaelhouse HC
2005 Hilton 12 5 Michaelhouse HC
2004 Hilton 8 20 Michaelhouse MHS
2004 Hilton 9 10 Michaelhouse MHS
2003 Hilton 29 17 Michaelhouse HC
2003 Hilton 23 15 Michaelhouse HC
2002 Hilton 30 12 Michaelhouse HC
2002 Hilton 10 12 Michaelhouse MHS
2001 Hilton 15 19 Michaelhouse MHS
2001 Hilton 7 15 Michaelhouse MHS
2000 Hilton 7 3 Michaelhouse HC
2000 Hilton 12 16 Michaelhouse MHS
504 521 12 15

Overall: Played 191 Michaelhouse 95 Hilton 86 Draws 10





  1. avatar
    #45 McCulleys Workshop

    @Grasshopper: no they are not yet in that league. Hockey, Cricket and Water polo, yes, I would say that rugby is not at that level yet. They did give St Charles u14A 30 points.

    6 May, 2014 at 17:57
  2. avatar
    #44 seabass

    @McCulleys Workshop: haha that certainly wasn’t the reason but really nice to have him back in the fold! Older brother is the 1st XV scrummie and with dad being the headmaster it was probably a family decision…Not putting too much pressure on this u14 group, they need to settle as a team before any lofty ambitions can be discussed

    6 May, 2014 at 10:50
  3. avatar
    #43 GreenBlooded

    @McCulleys Workshop: “Went to College for the first term but was too talented for them and wanted to play for a stronger team.” When you say College – do you mean Maritzburg College? As in the one in College Rd next to the Msunduzi river?

    6 May, 2014 at 08:27
  4. avatar
    #42 Ballie

    @HORSEFLY NO.1: Not a valid excuse but seemed the team did not “pitch” for that game. Like I said, with the right mindset they should be competitive.
    They have a few talented playmakers, but as you know its a team sport and weaknesses get exploited by teams with calibre players in every position.
    Sat will be the test.

    6 May, 2014 at 06:22
  5. avatar
    #41 HORSEFLY NO.1

    DHS u14A did play Clifton. DHS won 45-12.

    6 May, 2014 at 03:31
  6. avatar
    #40 Gungets Tuft

    @Grasshopper: DHS, Glenwood, College, all clearly too weak for them.

    @McCulleys Workshop: Please send out a fixture list for Clifton U14’s – it will give the weaker schools something to aspire to …

    5 May, 2014 at 21:55
  7. avatar
    #39 Grasshopper

    The real test for Clifton Under14a would be Glenwood or DHS, do they play them?

    5 May, 2014 at 21:31
  8. avatar
    #38 Ballie

    @McCulleys Workshop: Kearsney got the better of the Clifton u14 side at the Parktown festival (38 – 14), but from what I have heard the score not a real reflection of the game. With the right mindset they should be competitive.
    It will be great if enough is being done to ensure strong rugga intakes going forward (and this not just a one trick pony), with a greater spread of talent.

    Hope all the Clifton teams make the most of the occasion on Sat and play with resolve.

    5 May, 2014 at 20:59
  9. avatar
    #37 McCulleys Workshop

    @star: Gerry’s son. Went to College for the first term but was too talented for them and wanted to play for a stronger team. Clifton has a very strong u14 intake this year, great hockey, water polo and very good cricket side. Rugby is probably their best u14 side they have produced. Will see you at the Kearsney game.

    5 May, 2014 at 19:14
  10. avatar
    #36 Buffel

    @star: FOUNDERS DAY. Will make room for the Hansa. Could be a very happy or sad day for me. JWBLACK and a case of Hansa- both to be consumed after the game. MMM.. Designated driver needed

    5 May, 2014 at 15:37
  11. avatar
    #35 Grasshopper

    @star: Probably Gerry Goedeke’s lighty as he is the Clifton Head..

    5 May, 2014 at 14:35
  12. avatar
    #34 star

    @ McCulleys- I owe you a beer so name the time and venue. You are right about Westville’s potential but you are only as strong as your weakest link and soft tries continues to frustrate their efforts. Last year they had McHardy,Else and Buthelezi who created a defensive wall and in the 5 games where they set record breaking margins(DHS,College,NW,Framesby and GC) they only conceded 4 tries and 2 were on Goldstones and were the result of solid application and structure. This year we have conceded 4 in the first 10 minutes alone against Grey College and House and at this level it is very difficult to play catch up rugby.( although they came close because of the quality pack and backline flair and pace you speak of) Bader’s final try involved at least 6 or 7 missed tackles which honestly is just ridiculous. Bader by the way has great potential but is not the finished article as far as distribution and strategy is concerned. Could learn a lot from TT. I will hopefully be at that game with my case of beers at the ready.If House win I will be able to dig into said case for your beer and will join you in celebration.Might even give ou Buffel one as well. :mrgreen:
    @Spiral Bomb- not all doom and gloom yet.This is a young side and will develop nicely. House opens are brilliant this year and do not forget Hilton won 5 of the seven against Kearsney.
    @ Seabass- is Goedeke the son of Udo?

    5 May, 2014 at 14:21
  13. avatar
    #33 Buffel

    @seabass: Francois Lubbe is not one to be charitable so you can expect a fit Kearsney side come Saturday with the added bonus of Visser returning from injury for at least a15 minute run to test his shoulder. I know a few boys in your side from our prep days and they are very capable rugby players ,hence my using the potential banana skin adage. See you this weekend for a good day of SBR.

    5 May, 2014 at 11:47
  14. avatar
    #32 meadows

    @beet: Sounds as though it was another typical derby. This game means so much to both schools and over the years the unfavoured team usually gets up on the day resulting in closer scorelines than the pre-match predictions.

    The kind of big victories that Hilton achieved in the first game last year and those by House in 2007 are the exception. Far more typical of the fixture is the Craven Week laden MHS 2012 side losing at Hilton or the 2008 side, with 6 CW players to none, having to dig deep for a narrow 21-18 victory.

    5 May, 2014 at 11:25
  15. avatar
    #31 seabass

    @beet: Playing Kearsney 1st XV, at Botha’s, for the very first time is very exciting for our school. The coaches and boys cannot wait for saturday as we make another little piece of history. I hope Kearsney pick a full strength team ( i’m sure they will :lol: ) as my players need to test their skills and resolve against very good schoolboy rugga players. Looking forward a great morning of rugby, with a lot of interest in the u14 fixture. ( keep an eye on Brown, Goedeke and Lambert )

    5 May, 2014 at 09:36
  16. avatar
    #30 beet

    @Buffel: Point taken. And with College having lost the last 3 in a row, they will be extra motivated to break the streak against Kearsney

    5 May, 2014 at 08:03
  17. avatar
    #29 Buffel

    @beet: I understand where you are coming from and it would be a great for the spectators but with College the following week it would be foolish to play around with combinations. It is like reversing one’s batting order to give others a chance and you end up losing. Added to that, 1st team caps are earned and not dished out willy nilly so we as supporters would like to take a win and move on.
    Ask Glenwood if last year’s result against GC was expected and they cringe at the fact they lost. They keep on being reminded about that day and it is a stain on their record that they wish could be washed away.

    5 May, 2014 at 04:23
  18. avatar
    #28 beet

    @Buffel: I think the Clifton u14A is an indicator of that school’s future. In five or so years time some old boys around KZN are going to pitch up at their respective old school’s 1st XV games expecting to witness a hiding being dished out to Clifton and are gonna go home very upset with the outcome. Clifton is a banana peel in a few years time. Not now. They are still finding their feet. From what I’ve seen this team has 3 good carriers who operate close to the ruck and therefore are possible to give extra attention to and contain. Set pieces and things wings fielding high balls are WIP items that can be taken advantage of. I honestly think for this Saturday, Kearsney should think outside the box. Instead of having a 1st and 2nd team, mix the 1sts and 2nds players up to produce two open invitation teams to vs the Clifton 1sts and George Campbell 1sts. This will produce far better contests.

    4 May, 2014 at 20:51
  19. avatar
    #27 Amalekite

    @Hilty: House did not play to their full potential. I think that sometimes these big derbies get to the players. However, once they were down 10-9, then they started to come to life.
    Credit must go to Hilton for making the scoreline very respectable. I still believe that House will win the return game.
    Northwood are quite capable of beating Hilton in Durban North.
    Westville will battle to beat Hilton on their home ground as usual, but I believe that we can do it.
    I thought that the no. 8 and the no. 3 from Hilton had decent games. Tristan Blewett had no room to move in. The House team had done their homework on who to close down.

    4 May, 2014 at 20:40
  20. avatar
    #26 beet

    @Far Meadows: The MHS 2nd team did play very well. Many players stood out. For me the openside flank Zander Prinsloo was dynamite as were the centres Michael Tatham and Tyran Faber. With KZN trials approaching and the quest for the right outside centre still very much on, perhaps these two should be included in the mix as part of a genuine drive to ID the best player for the possie, as opposed to CW trials being turned into some kind of school marketing circus again.

    I also wanted to put 2nd XV things into perspective. At the start of the season Northwood 2nds beat Kearsney 2nds 7-5 at KC. A week later the same NW 2nds lost to a close game to College 3rds on Goldstones. Last week KC 2nds weakened by 1st XV injuries easily disposed of the HC 2nds on Gilfillan. As Star and others who used this methodology have added, it’s not an absolute measure, it is an indicator. MHS 2nds vs Glenwood and Westville 2nds are far better indicators of how strong the team is.

    4 May, 2014 at 20:27
  21. avatar
    #25 beet

    @Hilty: I think small steps for Hilton. First step now it to beat a confident Northwood School in Durban North. Northwood are worth between 10 and 20 points on their Reece-Edwards home ground.

    Westville with an 800kg + pack and good variation in their game plan will give Hilton a lot to think about, so finding more ways to get hands on attack worthy ball will be a similar challenge to what was experienced in the MHS game. Home ground will make a diff for sure tho.

    4 May, 2014 at 20:05
  22. avatar
    #24 Spiral Bomb

    What a disappointing day for a Hilton Old Boy, that drove down all the way for the match. With 7 of the 8 senior Hilton teams losing, one can see how Brad Macleod Henderson is missed. Potentially a great day marred by a lack of basic rugby skills, gees and coaching. What brought a smile to my face was the fantastic spell and the super charismatic Hilton “spell leader”. Well done to Michaelhouse for a clean cut performance.

    4 May, 2014 at 19:51
  23. avatar
    #23 beet

    @McCulleys Workshop: My take on it is definitely not a boring game.

    I’ve watched games in the past where I couldn’t wait for the final whistle to come for one or other reason (poor quality, one sided). Most recently the last 2 Sharks Super Rugby matches at Kings Park come to mind. This game was nothing like that. This was a true battle of willpower and there were so many positives to take out of it. MHS held the cards but a gutsy HC just refused to allow them the opportunity to play those cards. As a result the win was never guaranteed.

    Last year I watched Hilton decimate MHS on Gilfillan, This year the tables were meant to be turned. This is suppose to be a weak year for Hilton rugby. They fronted up big time.

    MHS did most of the basics right to pave the way for a big victory but somehow just didn’t produce any Cameron Wright or Rob Baldwin like x-factor to get themselves to a score near 40. It made for an interesting contest.

    4 May, 2014 at 19:48
  24. avatar
    #22 phat55

    aaah Bader the legend!!

    4 May, 2014 at 18:07
  25. avatar
    #21 geronimo

    May day, May day, May d

    4 May, 2014 at 17:21
  26. avatar
    #20 McCulleys Workshop

    @Buffel: @Hilty: It was a boring game with nothing exceptional to it other than Hilton keeping House to 9 points in the first half. Hard to identify any world beaters in the sides, but that’s what a war of attrition produces. I didn’t think either scrum halves were CW calibre, possibly the locks Gouws and the MHS lock. The Hilton 13 was their top player. As for Wedtville, I’d say Buffel is right, Westville by 20, strong pack and too much flair and pace in their backs.

    4 May, 2014 at 10:24
  27. avatar
    #19 Buffel

    @Hilty: This is my prediction-Westville by 20. The Westville side is full of game breakers where the Hilton side is relying on a couple of boys to make the running. Home ground advantage is a factor but there is more class in the Westville side and are clinical when they get a head of steam.
    Kearsney have Clifton this coming weekend and it could be a potential banana peel.
    They must keep focused on the task at hand and take it game by game.

    4 May, 2014 at 08:36
  28. avatar
    #18 Hilty

    Amalekite,after yesterdays game perhaps you should be a little more worried about Westville’s game up at Hilton than being so sure of yourself that House will win both games this year.I have NO DOUBT Hilton will bt Westville.

    4 May, 2014 at 08:21
  29. avatar
    #17 Far Meadows

    Lovely day in Balgowan today.

    With House taking u16a, 3rds, 2nds and 1sts.

    Highlight of the day was the cracking rugby produced by the MHS 2nds.

    The Hilton 1sts must be given credit for showing real heart and defending as if their lives depended on it. MHS seemed to make heavy weather of it and should really have done more with all their possession. The final score of 20-13 is maybe a bit flattering for Hilton . Mhs forwards had moments where they dominated totally . Brad Roberts at hooker had a cracking game for House, with Bader Pretorius’ kicking for poles v good.

    The return fixture should be a humdinger.

    3 May, 2014 at 18:41
  30. avatar
    #16 Hilty

    @Far Meadows: Its going to be interesting with those two big locks,Gouws is known for taking oppersitions lineouts apart but in all fearness Brad Roberts has got to be one of the most accurate throwers in Kzn.

    2 May, 2014 at 15:41
  31. avatar
    #15 Hilty

    @McCulleys Workshop: Cant go down this weekend, Im Pissed off.

    2 May, 2014 at 15:05
  32. avatar
    #14 beet

    @Far Meadows: Yes I saw that on the teamsheet. Tattam missing out again after he missed the Grey PE tour.

    2 May, 2014 at 14:41
  33. avatar
    #13 Far Meadows

    These games are generally too close to call , with the favourites often slipping on a ‘banana peel’.

    MHS look a decent side , they did well to hang on last week against Westville – the pack look quite good ( with two big locks , where do they find them ?) . It is a pity Egberink is injured , he looked a class act last year.

    The backline made too many handling errors last week against Westville, but there were some nice touches from Bader Pretorius at No 10. , I am sure there will be a change at center after the No12 broke his nose last week.

    Anyway , win or lose, we will have a few cold ones with our Hilton Old Boy mates after the game.

    2 May, 2014 at 14:37
  34. avatar
    #12 McCulleys Workshop

    @Hilty: We wouldn’t turn done the opportunity of a few beers – win or lose. Not sure how to find you…or anyone else!

    30 April, 2014 at 16:18
  35. avatar
    #11 Hilty

    @McCulleys Workshop: That sounds like a very good contact you have there in Stars.
    I hope to have more than just one in Balgowan this weekend,come and find me and Im sure we can make a plan for an extra one or two for you guys.

    30 April, 2014 at 16:06
  36. avatar
    #10 McCulleys Workshop

    @Hilty: Ya he is the captain. Haven’t seen them play this year so reliant on Stars assessment, which based on line form or some other thesis of his, (he also has a method of measuring gum maturity to determine age, or teeth whitening technique for the less privileged) – we are a reasonable side this year and may crack the top 100 of elite rugby schools for young men. But Star and I only have a singular beer wresting on the game – things are toight in the Ville.

    30 April, 2014 at 15:47
  37. avatar
    #9 Hilty

    i@McCulleys Workshop: I heard that Tom Walker is the captain,if so then both captains played 6(Tom) and 7(Jay) for Kzn Jnr schools Craven Week 2009.

    30 April, 2014 at 14:41
  38. avatar
    #8 GreenBlooded

    Zane Watson to handle the clash on Meadows – one of the top up-and-coming youngsters who did duty at the KERF and was also responsible for blowing the big Durban derby earlier this year – Glenwood vs Westville.

    30 April, 2014 at 12:57
  39. avatar
    #7 sharkie

    After watching Hilton play on saturday i think Mhs will win by 20 points. I must say that watching rugby at Hilton is a real treat and i agree the derby between mhs and Hilton must be the biggest in KZN.

    30 April, 2014 at 09:55
  40. avatar
    #6 Amalekite

    I have no doubt that MHS will win both games this year.

    30 April, 2014 at 08:38
  41. avatar
    #5 star

    @ McCulleys- sure. Kick a man when he is down won’t you. :lol: House look a complete side and on Meadows should have too much. I am on a losing steak with my beloved Sharkies. Westville and the final nail being Hilton losing to a Kearsney side that like a bad smell just won’t go away. Went to the family retreat and switched off all forms of communication to recover. Buffel has got me by the short and curlies and so it is up to you chaps to save my proverbial bacon on their reunion day. Here is hoping for some form of poetic justice. :mrgreen:

    30 April, 2014 at 08:04
  42. avatar
    #4 McCulleys Workshop

    @Buffel: yip, never an easy one, I’ve seen this game go either way over the years and the favorites sometimes get drilled.
    Star you up for a beer on this one?

    30 April, 2014 at 06:35
  43. avatar
    #3 Buffel

    @Tarpeys: I know that on current form,MHS should come through with the spoils but as you have highlighted ,a derby is just that. Anything can happen on the day and this Hilton side are not to be under estimated. Some interesting match-up’s.

    30 April, 2014 at 04:57
  44. avatar
    #2 Tarpeys

    Hold here, Beet. You are putting the mockers on here. Hilton are a good side this year and in such a derby there can be no favourites. I hope MS can come up with a strategy that can make a difference on the day. Come on House House House Idla!

    29 April, 2014 at 22:20
  45. avatar
    #1 Grasshopper

    Pretty close over the years, great derby! For me the best derby in KZN…

    29 April, 2014 at 22:03

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