Sean Erasmus will be the new Boishaai coach

Glenwood coach Sean Erasmus has accepted an offer to take over as the Paarl Boys High School Director of Rugby and 1st XV Head Coach.

Thursday turned out to be an emotional day for Sean who has been at Glenwood for almost13 years. He had to hand his resignation to headmaster Trevor Kershaw, who along with several other staff members have formed the team behind the team, an invaluable support base that helped transform Glenwood from an average achieving rugby school into the leading rugby school in KwaZulu-Natal and a force to be reckoned with on the national schoolboy rugby front.

The success has come with it’s fair share of controversy though and as much as Sean will be missed by Glenwood, there are many amongst his rivals who will be happy to see him leave.

As for the new job, well a  source described Sean as the perfect candidate for the post. His CV tells of a coach with experience that extends far beyond the boundaries of schoolboy rugby. As a Sharks Academy consultant and coaching assistant of the Sharks under-19 team this season, he worked with former Bok and Western Province coach Carel du Plessis’s son JL, impressing the father much along the way. It’s believed that this interaction helped seal the deal at Boishaai.

Sean would be the first person to say that anyone is replaceable. No doubt losing him will be a massive blow to Glenwood. Fortunately they are blessed to have a very good coach waiting in the wings. Rudi Dames has been  Sean’s right-hand man for several seasons now and seems like the obvious choice to succeed him. A decision is yet to be made though.


  1. avatar
    #101 Ploegskaar

    @Gungets Tuft: The lofty toffs at Bishops have many many enemies, just down the road and in the Southern surrounds, so would take comments about them with a cup of salt. The subsequent article, clarifying the status of the charter signatories, confirms this.

    27 November, 2013 at 09:31
  2. avatar
    #100 Gungets Tuft

    @Ploegskaar: Just seen a similar article on – and one of two comments on the article says:

    “Why am I not surprised that Bishops is not on this list”.

    Smoke on the poaching front?

    27 November, 2013 at 09:23
  3. avatar
    #99 Gungets Tuft

    @Ploegskaar: Are you sure the Sou’wester didn’t just blow the smoke away?

    I dunno, just tired of the recurring age and “poaching” theme which has been brought on by attempted social engineering. If all the wonga spent on making and enforcing stupid rules had been spent on marketing and building facilities we wouldn’t be in this position.

    27 November, 2013 at 09:00
  4. avatar
    #98 Ploegskaar

    @Gungets Tuft: Well at least not a WC problem then, n’er any smoke so nada fires down in the Deep South….

    26 November, 2013 at 22:50
  5. avatar
    #97 Gungets Tuft

    @Grasshopper: The non-registration of kids problem is going away rapidly due to social grants being available. Parents register the kids before they finish cutting the umbilical cord. The issue is multiple ID books, in many cases 3 years apart. This then gets explained away – the best I heard was that the grandparents registered the child again by accident and got the date wrong. True story.

    @Ploegskaar: If you think it is limited to KZN you are sadly mistaken. KZN has the lid blown off with the Tom and Payi (and others) cases, the other unions have just not raised it yet.

    You only need to look at how kids suddenly fall away the moment they leave school to know that they have been boxing outside their division for 5 years and get caught out at senior level when maturity stops being a big deal.

    26 November, 2013 at 21:33
  6. avatar
    #96 Grasshopper

    @Ploegskaar: township schools, not top tier schools. Ithembelihle, Molly Blackburn and Ndzondelelo are key targets, but then there is a big risk of overage players….ID books etc are non existent and mothers only register births when the kids are like 6 or older. It must be a tough decision for these kids and their families, a chance at free education, exposure and a better future or stay at home with family and stay a rural farmer battling to make ends meet….the agents and schools are taking advantage of the disparity….

    26 November, 2013 at 20:31
  7. avatar
    #95 Ploegskaar

    @Tarpeys: This seems to be a KZN problem and possibly a by-product of the KZN schools’ habitual ransacking of EC schools. Please quarantine and deal with it.

    26 November, 2013 at 20:06
  8. avatar
    #94 Tarpeys

    @ Beet I had the day off today and I happened to tune into SS8 and they were showing the under 13 7s craven week and there the question of coaches seeing lighties that are over age and picking them to win tournaments. There were one or two in that KZN side that are suspect in my view. Too muscular and well defined for 13 year olds. There were kids as tall but they were thin with no muscle definition as they should be at that age and not as quick. These player are obviously going to certain high schools and I see exactly what I saw in the Tom under 14 year. The win at all cost mentality is putting our kids in danger.

    26 November, 2013 at 18:40
  9. avatar
    #93 Grasshopper

    @Tandem: Totally agree….will be watching Boishaai’s with great interest in 2014. Good luck in Japan and please smash those Aussies, Poms, Kiwi’s and Frogs out there…Sean knows the tournament well helping Glenwood win it a few years back…

    26 November, 2013 at 14:28
  10. avatar
    #92 Tandem

    @Grasshopper: Grasshopper I am not saying there are not other schools with very good morals , traditions etc or that Glenwood is lacking these values . All I am saying is that these values are very special for us at Boishaai and that Sean will be now part of these value system there and that he will hopefully enjoy it . I am sure he is leaving Glenwood with mixed emotions and as a big future ambassador of Glenwood . Jake White is still spreading the good things of his old school Jeppe and so I am sure Boishaai will greatly benefit from some stuff ( non rugby ) which Sean will bring to his new school . We are indeed so blessed with lots of great schools in SA , all with their own unique character . I am very proud to be a Boishaaier but will never be so arrogant to suggest that means others do not have the same love and passion for their schools . That is something we can share as a common brotherhood , we all are immensely proud of our schools and hopefully can still appreciate the quality of others .

    26 November, 2013 at 13:35
  11. avatar
    #91 star

    @ Grassy- On the same website Westville are ranked no 1 in soccer in KZN. They won the Kloof tournament and came second in the Grey tournament beating Grey in the quarterfinals. The reason I bring up soccer is that I am led to believe more boys play it than any other sport. Same for Kearsney ect. These sports are the 4 majors and the Westville bell has been rung in 2013. Next year might be a different kettle of fish but the 2013 race has been run and well won. Why did you also conveniently not include swimming and golf in the other sports to be thrown in. Anyway this is a thread about SE and we wish him and Boishaai well for the future.

    26 November, 2013 at 07:12
  12. avatar
    #90 beet

    @McCulleys Workshop: Thank you very much MW. I appreciate the support on that point.

    25 November, 2013 at 21:29
  13. avatar
    #89 Grasshopper

    @star: it was out of interest, not saying it’s right. The rugby is iffy at best, so the other sports are also a bit of a thumb suck. What makes you think Westville is so hot at soccer? Why don’t we throw in waterpolo, tennis, squash, athletics etc…

    25 November, 2013 at 20:38
  14. avatar
    #88 Maroon

    These transitions are always dificult. I wish Boushaai and Sean all the best.

    25 November, 2013 at 20:37
  15. avatar
    #87 star

    @ Grassy- the combined rankings have been done
    If the other ” big” sport(soccer) had been included then Westville would done a Le Clos and pulled a Phelps. :mrgreen:

    25 November, 2013 at 20:33
  16. avatar
    #86 Grasshopper

    @Tandem: good on Boishaai but they certainly are not the only school with these sorts of morals, standards and beliefs. Chat to Sean when he arrives he will tell you what Glenwood is really like and not what bloggers who dislike Glenwood say. Sean is going from one great school to another…good luck to him!

    25 November, 2013 at 20:32
  17. avatar
    #85 tandemfitarborsurculus

    @Tandem: amen, tandem

    25 November, 2013 at 19:51
  18. avatar
    #84 McCulleys Workshop

    @beet: Brilliant piece Beet.

    25 November, 2013 at 19:50
  19. avatar
    #83 Tandem

    Very happy to hear about Sean Erasmus . I read all the comments some other bloggers made , who clearly does not know how we operate at Boishaai . The first team has been coached since 1982 by Richard Visagie , always with a younger assistant to learn from Richard . Recently Elmo Wolfaardt co-coached the team who was ranked the number 1 team in SA in 2012 and done very well again this year . Richard is the Deputy Head Master of the School , Head of Sport , Fund Raising and a full team teacher and is in his late 50’s . He has done his share and supported and actually suggested a change . Elmo has many other responsibilities at the school . It was a decision made by all the various opinion formers at the school that it will be a good time to bring in new blood and thinking to the school . A lot of us were disappointed with the recent number of years interschools results but frankly that is very secondary to why a new appointment was made . I am very proud to hear how professionally the matter was handled , which is a credit to the Head Master , Governing Body , Old Boys ,Parents and Sponsors . I was told that the applications were very impressive and it included very well known coaches and several high profile ex Springboks . I have never had the opportunity meeting Sean Erasmus but for him beating such a list of names can only mean that he really impressed the Selection Committee which I was told included a very strong technical group including Carel du Plessis . I really believe that Sean will be very happy at Boishaai because our school put a massive premium on the quality of high moral values , ethics , sportsmanship etc . Yes we also hate to loose but as our history showed with one teacher ( Richard ) coaching for 31 years our first team there are much more important things than quick results , that is what we love to call the Boishaai way . Many people don’t subscribe to such a view in life , but that what is making life so exiting because they have the choices to follow other schools who are more obsessive about things like that . It is when you are older ( like me ) and when you have benefitted greatly from the friendships and camaraderie the Boishaai community bless you with you can truly say , thank you that I could go to such a great school .

    25 November, 2013 at 19:25
  20. avatar
    #82 tandemfitarborsurculus

    It gives me great pleasure to read all the positive comments about sean erasmus.

    It confirms that we have chosen a coach with moral fibre, people skills and with the bigger picture as his main focus. ( the individual, as a person with a special talent)

    We wanted someone who has the ability to bring the best out of our sons. ( on and off the field )

    We are not interested in superficial and short term window dressing stuff.

    Sean, you have the support of the boys high old boys.

    We are willing to help you and are looking forward to the next 5 years. ( not winning at all costs but winning the hearts of all our players at no cost )

    25 November, 2013 at 18:09
  21. avatar
    #81 Gungets Tuft

    @beet: I know where you live …. :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

    25 November, 2013 at 15:45
  22. avatar
    #80 beet

    @Scrum Doctor: I dunno. This might be like suggesting the labour broker supplied temp is responsible for corporate decisions made at a big organisation. When you examine the company organogram a little closer you quickly realise that the only way this could happen is if the CEO or chairman of the board acted on what the temp was telling him or her.

    My point is if you want change replacing the CEO or chairman might be the answer, otherwise you could just end up with more of the same no matter who the temp is.

    25 November, 2013 at 15:34
  23. avatar
    #79 beet

    @Gungets Tuft: Very easy to get mixed up these days as both go by the name of College :mrgreen:

    25 November, 2013 at 15:21
  24. avatar
    #78 Gungets Tuft

    @Grasshopper: Rugby rankings …???!!!??? .. College ranked below Clifton?? .. Please tell me there is another Clifton in South Africa, otherwise we need to print that ranking on double-ply so that I can suitably use it.

    25 November, 2013 at 13:57
  25. avatar
    #77 Grasshopper

    FYI – final cricket rankings if you can do that sort of thing accurately;



    What would be interesting is a combined sports ranking

    25 November, 2013 at 13:13
  26. avatar
    #76 Scrum Doctor

    Nothing personal but this is very good for the non Glenwood school rugby players . For years everyone has been moaning about the Glenwood leaning craven week selections . At least know we will know if this is true or not . Everyone has their favorites but at the end of the day we have to trust the coaches and selectors to put our best teams on the field and maybe this will help in this regards . Anyway SE – good luck in the cape

    25 November, 2013 at 13:08
  27. avatar
    #75 Grasshopper

    @Gungets Tuft: With Kershaw in charge that is never going to happen. I would be surprised if he doesn’t even give his big mate Pinheiro a chance, which would be disasterous,,

    25 November, 2013 at 12:53
  28. avatar
    #74 Gungets Tuft

    @Grasshopper: Eeisch, we have seen the results of players “picking coaches” even at provincial/franchise/national level (Lions and Mitchell, England cricket and the Petersen debacle a few years ago, a S15 Franchise in Aus this last year? ) never works out well.

    Even schools right now, where influencial parents interfere. I have seen evidence of it in the last 2 years, good results seldom follow.

    25 November, 2013 at 12:47
  29. avatar
    #73 beet

    @beet: A good example of win at all cost mentality here in KZN is when everything about a student’s appearance has a school official’s alarm bells ringing. From gut feel to eyesight to years of experience tell that official the student is over-aged, yet he chooses to do nothing about it and possibly even makes an excuse to justify that player being on the field. The official then gets backed up by fellow staff who are guilty by not speaking out against it. Whatever good things you have to say about the school’s academics and cultural activities and balance etc, when it comes to rugby that school has adopted a win at all costs approach period.

    Otherwise they would have done something about it that suggests the values they teach are more important than winning rugby games.

    25 November, 2013 at 12:38
  30. avatar
    #72 Maroon

    @Grasshopper: What do school jersey sponsors and facilities have to do with a winning at all cost mentality ?

    25 November, 2013 at 12:25
  31. avatar
    #71 beet

    @BoishaaiPa: And likewise don’t confuse trying to win at all costs with providing the best opportunities. :) Agreed there is a difference.

    The truth is a lot of schools have long gone past the point of offering the best rugby opportunities. They are now chasing other goals which they are NOT always confident that best opportunities on it’s own will provide.

    When a school has a reasonably good rugby team, yet still chooses to pay a scout a commission to get them better players for that team or when the school has the chance to give an academic bursary to a student who could do with the financial assistance yet chooses to use the bucks to bring in a sportsman from a well off background yet attending a smaller perceived to be fewer opportunities sports school, those are not exactly creating the best opportunities driven decisions, those are win at all cost motivated outcomes.

    Back to the hypothetical 1000 students. Even at a powerhouse school maybe 5 students will make it as pro rugby players one day yet the system has maxed out on creating so called best opportunity for the other 85 who will actually have to prove their worth in the regular job market one day. Rugby was originally there for these boys to enjoy and benefit from in the school environment yet there is an increasing obsession with making it into a professionally run school sport. Imagine school kids signing off unqualified audit reports of small businesses or representing defendants in minor civil court matters or approving small building extensions etc. It’s crazy.

    When it comes to rugby, it seems like schools are honed in on chasing down the leading school or trying to become that leading school themselves. So it’s increasingly turning into this mad race to be no.1 and they are looking for ways to throw more and more money at this desire and making more and more rash decisions.

    What those running the schools should actually be doing is get together with the schools that share similar ethos or ambitions etc with, even if they are the biggest of rivals, and saying how can we work together to set boundaries/controls that puts rugby into perspective and makes sure it maintains it’s rightful place as part of a good balanced school education and does not start dominate a school’s personality and it’s focus.

    At the rate we are going professional players at schools is not too far off. In a few years time the first team might wear the jersey but they will run on motivated by their match fees and win bonuses rather than school spirit and love for that jersey. Even then there will probably still be those making all kinds of excuses to justify the validity of it all and saying no our school is not a “win at all costs” one!

    25 November, 2013 at 12:25
  32. avatar
    #70 Grasshopper

    @Maroon: Glenwood would too but as in the case of most schools, academics is always priority hence the existence of schools in the first place.

    25 November, 2013 at 12:03
  33. avatar
    #69 Grasshopper

    @Gungets Tuft: Not an equal vote, just a say of who they would prefer. Maybe most of them had a very successful season in Under16 with that coach, maybe they would like to be involved with them again….just saying.

    25 November, 2013 at 12:02
  34. avatar
    #68 Gungets Tuft

    @Grasshopper: Don’t see how you could possibly give the 1st team squad a choice of coach. What happens next year – vote again?

    25 November, 2013 at 11:55
  35. avatar
    #67 Maroon

    @Grasshopper: jees Hopper. Paul Roos would answer affirmative to most of your questions, but we certainly do not have a win at all cost mentality. The school provides fantastic facilities and opportunities to the scholars. You make it sound like these are bad things? Academics is however still the top priority.

    25 November, 2013 at 11:25
  36. avatar
    #66 BoishaaiPa

    @beet: Do not confuse trying to provide the best oppertunities and environment for boys to excell in with a “winning at all cost” attitude. There is a difference!

    25 November, 2013 at 10:53
  37. avatar
    #65 Grasshopper

    @beet: Agreed, another would be does a school have a jersey sponsor? Also, does a school receive revenue from televised games and gate money? Does the school have a proper gym facility and fitness/strength experts, sports massage people and physcologists? Does the school receive any cash from Super15 teams training on the grounds etc, etc… many bursaries go to rugby players vs academics or another sport…

    25 November, 2013 at 10:40
  38. avatar
    #64 beet

    @BoishaaiPa: “Win at all cost” on it’s own is an extreme term so it’s maybe the spirit of what the term entails rather than the literal wording that should be applied.

    If a school has 1000 students, 90 of those incl 2nd team players are A-team material. So that’s 9%. IOW 91% minus a few other top sportsmen in other activities might be regular academics, allowing any school to say that it is an academics first school. However it’s time and resources committed to their A-teams that should determine whether or not the term “win at all costs” is appropriate or not. So one should only consider the 90 or so A-team players in a “win at all costs” analysis.

    Perhaps someone should come up with a scorecard coz I think there are a lot of schools that are already or in danger of being classified as “win at all cost” schools.

    Scorecard examples would be:

    Does a school hire a professional coach?
    Does a school hire an agent / scout to actively recruit players after u14 level?
    Do A-team players miss regular school classes during the day to practice rugby?
    How much of the school budget goes towards rugby in one form or another?
    Does the school sacrifice other academic and cultural opportunities to fund it’s rugby programme? etc etc

    Possibly against this one has to weigh in the net positive value that having successful rugby teams adds to a school.

    25 November, 2013 at 10:19
  39. avatar
    #63 Grasshopper

    I think the big question is what the 1st team squad boys feel about Sean’s departure and who they would prefer to have coach them. Surely, they should get a say in this…

    25 November, 2013 at 09:56
  40. avatar
    #62 BoishaaiPa

    Good luck to Sean Erasmus in his new role. He might find it slightly different than what he is use to. Contrary to believe, Boishaai is not about winning at all cost, but rather about educating young men how to be winners. There is always pressure to perform, but he will find a very relaxed supporter base that appreciates the difficulties of competitive rugby. There is a huge Old Boy contigent that expects results, especially at Interschools but this is part and parcel the job and he will be welcomed into the Boishaai band of brothers, so long as he abides by the rules and ethos of what the school is about.

    25 November, 2013 at 08:47
  41. avatar
    #61 Gungets Tuft

    @BOG: Not sure when it was, only have the summary results. It’s a pretty good record, not going to bore you with the full history summary of College hockey. Hockey is a strange sport, teamwork is so key. Very seldom that one or two (or even 4) standout players transform a team. It’s very close to soccer like that, even Ronaldo or Messi are not going to help Golden Arrows win the World Club Champs.

    24 November, 2013 at 06:47
  42. avatar
    #60 BOG

    @Gungets Tuft: I guess it would have been difficult to get the score 4-1 in rugby. I did not have the stats on hand, but you basically confirmed what I (tried) said. I knew that the results were in favour of MC, but not as overwhelming as some may think. If Im not mistaken, that result of 4-7 was in 2007 when MC had 4 SA school players and GCB only 1 or 2

    24 November, 2013 at 03:39
  43. avatar
    #59 Gungets Tuft

    @Gungets Tuft: That’s hockey, just in case anyone had not picked it up

    23 November, 2013 at 22:43
  44. avatar
    #58 Gungets Tuft

    @BOG: In the Burru respect is accorded because the opponent competes, not because they might win or lose. You’d have to be daft to think GCB would ever turn up and not compete. For the record. College vs GCB, first played in 1980, played 24, won 12, drawn 7, lost 5. Biggest winning margin 4-1, biggest losing margin 4-7.

    23 November, 2013 at 21:16
  45. avatar
    #57 Tigger


    No worries mate!

    23 November, 2013 at 18:37
  46. avatar
    #56 BOG

    @Grasshopper: Caution !! Spear or even I as an old boy, does not have the mandate to speak on behalf of GCB. We express our own opinions and I know that they respect all opposition. That has been part of their success and Im sure that Campbell and MC feel the same way about waterpolo and hockey. I know that GCB has a long competitive association with MC on the hockey field and you may be surprized by the results. I know this is pushing the boundaries of humility, but GCB would even respect Vrede. And Spear will certainly share with you Vredes victory in the Fichardt Shield in 1948 against Grey. I have tried to consult official results for a while now to corroborate what he says and concluded that this encounter only happened in his mind, which is now in the winter stage of life. And I dont want want to spoil his excitement with facts. :mrgreen:

    23 November, 2013 at 17:05
  47. avatar
    #55 Tarpeys

    I’ve never rated SE as a coach. It just shows that the Sharks never really rated him either. He saw this and headed west. I really fear for him there. In KZN his results came when the other schools were in a bit of a decline and Glenwood recruited aggressively. In the last 5 years theres only been one proper government school competitor and the other decent opposition came from 2 private schools. Glenwood competed nationally to a decent extent taking advantage of the underdog tag. Win or lose, he was always going to get backing from Glenwood powers because they were still trying to establish themselves nationally. Not at Boishaai, I don’t think he’ll enjoy as much patience and the opposition are not as mediocre as some of the schools in KZN. He will go into most games as the favourite and be expected to deliver. Can he? I don’t think so, but good luck to him. He is a man of faith and he will definitely need Devine intervention. IMHO.

    23 November, 2013 at 17:02
  48. avatar
    #54 geronimo

    Rudi is a top coach and once a top player and deserves the GW post………or he will probably be taken up by another school in need!!!!!!!!!!!
    Succession planning surely was in play here. I say “K.I.S.S.”
    Always liked him parting knowledge and advise. GO RUDI GO GO GO.
    From a BLACK + WHITE rootin fan.

    23 November, 2013 at 16:04
  49. avatar
    #53 Speartackle

    @Grasshopper: That Race to Grey is just for rugby……………….the All Blacks are in a similar situation…………..all these minnow teams like SA, France, Aussies and English should also compete in a Race to Eden Park. The Proteas top and middle order should compete in a Race to face Ajmal. Anyway Hopsie, have a great day and tjorts.

    You want to have a side bet on France beating us by more than 10?

    23 November, 2013 at 14:03
  50. avatar
    #52 Grasshopper

    @Speartackle: yeah, sounds good but never knew Grey were that arrogant that didn’t respect their current KZN opposition, doesn’t seem very Grey-like. Maybe the Free State should do the same for the right to play Clifton in waterpolo…or College in hockey…

    23 November, 2013 at 13:18
  51. avatar
    #51 Speartackle

    @Grasshopper: There should be playoffs in the KXN region for the right to compete against Grey Bloem each year…………… guys can name it The Race to Grey.

    23 November, 2013 at 12:51
  52. avatar
    #50 Grasshopper

    @Speartackle: true, I think we have played Grey Bloem about 8 times, 3 of those over 50, one win and the other closer….50 is the benchmark…

    23 November, 2013 at 12:14
  53. avatar
    #49 Speartackle

    @Grasshopper: No man Hop………..HM is going the right way……………one of the goals should be to keep it under 50 against Grey Bloem.

    23 November, 2013 at 11:59
  54. avatar
    #48 Grasshopper

    @HM: Mate, arrogance like that is what irritates other bloggers and schools. Rather be quietly confident and don’t build the team up with expectations…

    23 November, 2013 at 10:50
  55. avatar
    #47 HM

    @RBugger: You are 100% correct, Glenwood is going to clean up in KZN in next season. Plenty of ammo available, remember what their 7’s, only stayers played! It’s like Rovers, most wife’s will do well coaching them and next year it’s the same with our 1st XV.

    23 November, 2013 at 10:02
  56. avatar
    #46 burra

    Well done to SE if his contract has been finalised. Dames has been SE right hand man and I feel he should be given the opportunity to take over and get the u16 to be his assistance as he knows most of the players there now. That’s just my opinion.

    23 November, 2013 at 02:58
  57. avatar
    #45 Grasshopper

    Paarl Boys’ High ‏@Paarl_Boishaai 16m

    @hsrugbyworld No contracts have been signed, no choice made. please remove and wait for correct info to be publlished

    22 November, 2013 at 21:40
  58. avatar
    #44 Grasshopper

    Interesting Boishaai Twitter handle is saying no contracts have been signed and no final decisions made…..the plot thickens!

    22 November, 2013 at 21:34
  59. avatar
    #43 Woltrui

    Dick Muir will definately bring a lot off experience to Glenwood. Wasn’t Mr Erasmus the sore looser who was screaming at the Affies teachers after the great fight, and hiding I might add, when Glenwood “hosted” Affies in 2013? Maybe he don’t want to face the barbarians from up north again. Scededeling to the Cape where the competition is not as fierce and the rugby standards not as high, I suppose. 8-O

    22 November, 2013 at 15:27
  60. avatar
    #42 Speartackle

    @Green Hopper: Tigger was the bugger that ran off with Nonnie and Elsie on 365

    22 November, 2013 at 15:03
  61. avatar
    #41 BOG

    @Speartackle: Competition for Count Pushkin

    22 November, 2013 at 14:59
  62. avatar
    #40 Green Hopper


    22 November, 2013 at 14:43
  63. avatar
    #39 beet

    @Green Hopper: Tigger is one of the old R365 bloggers that came across. He has been watching Glenwood games for umpteen number of years, so I think he’s seen a thing or two and met plenty of Glenwood staff along the way.

    22 November, 2013 at 14:31
  64. avatar
    #38 Speartackle

    Who is Rudlof?……………sounds Russian……………….blonde?

    22 November, 2013 at 14:16
  65. avatar
    #37 Green Hopper

    @Green Hopper: hence i wish him all the best far away in teh Cape just like Rudlof, time for changes that matter

    22 November, 2013 at 13:57
  66. avatar
    #36 Green Hopper

    @Tigger: u obviously new here …

    22 November, 2013 at 13:56
  67. avatar
    #35 Tigger

    We are going to miss Sean at Glenwood. For all that has been said he is one of the humblest men I have met and I thank him for his what he has achieved at Glenwood and wish him and his family the very best in their new endeavours.

    22 November, 2013 at 13:38
  68. avatar
    #34 Speartackle

    @BOG: Best place to be………….’romaining’ at home

    22 November, 2013 at 12:30
  69. avatar
    #33 Green Hopper

    P must go back to u14 with toppy , development u15 is for me a opening

    22 November, 2013 at 12:23
  70. avatar
    #32 Green Hopper

    @Grasshopper: sidson and webber 1st team , dames dudas2nd , muir and brain long term u16 , is a good succession program

    22 November, 2013 at 12:22
  71. avatar
    #31 BOG

    @Grasshopper: Let me suggest to you Speartackle and Snor as a team. What they loose out on rugby, they will gain in humour. You will take more money for the post match interview, than at the gates. And DVDs — Possibilities are endless. @Speartackle: Im going to “Romania” for Christmas.

    22 November, 2013 at 12:19
  72. avatar
    #30 Grasshopper 22 November, 2013 at 12:19
  73. avatar
    #29 Speartackle

    @Grasshopper: Yes, I think Dick Muir a good choice

    22 November, 2013 at 12:08
  74. avatar
    #28 Grasshopper

    Brian Shabangu, Dean Muir, Sibson and Webber are the in-house options other than Dames…

    22 November, 2013 at 12:03
  75. avatar
    #27 Grasshopper

    @Green Hopper: I have said this before, there is a very good ex Westville Under16 coach called Kane Mavrodaris doing amazing things up at St David’s Marist in JHB. I played with him at club level, the guy knows his stuff. He would be ideal. You may remember his brother Kurt Mavrodaris played 1st team at Westville and made KZN schools. He is hungry, loves the game and would do an amazing job, just being a Northwood Old Boy and passionate Westville supporter it might not be what he would want to do, although it’s business…..even Horse Stewart left DHS for Westville….

    22 November, 2013 at 12:01
  76. avatar
    #26 RBugger

    Not too sure it matters that much with Glenwoods 1st xv next year, year after next perhaps, but Glenwood will be strong next year regardless of who is coaching

    22 November, 2013 at 12:00
  77. avatar
    #25 Grasshopper

    @Speartackle: What about Snor? Glenwood would love Snor…

    22 November, 2013 at 11:55
  78. avatar
    #24 Speartackle

    Chester Williams is looking for coaching opportunity……………… is Quinten Davids……………..Ryno Benjamin as well and Darren Scott

    22 November, 2013 at 11:44
  79. avatar
    #23 Green Hopper

    Whilst many won’t agree with what I am about to say , but I do think SE was good, but like any house its how your foundations are put in , the 2008 and 2009 teams where a result of Toppy , SE star wasn’t as good and has been declining since then , and last year being his worst since 2008 , and I think if we are honest next year would have been worse, so god help whoever steps in

    For me Webber is the guy , he has the heart and soul of the boys, he has been at the school he is astute and was stopped form leaving GW two years ago, when offered outside work with Rugby Opportunities , He is the man , look at his track record as 2nd team coach at GW and u16 record, it is far superior , in addition the boys in next year1st team he has worked with them he knows them , he for me, would be the easiest in transition ,

    22 November, 2013 at 11:34
  80. avatar
    #22 Speartackle

    I might make myself available, I’ll need a flat in Umhlanga though. No Japanese sponsored cars…………….only German. 3 girls a week plus a double if I win on Saturdays. Blondes for local wins but a redhead if I keep the score against Grey Bloem under 50. I last coached in 1983 but had a record of 65-0-2………………..62 by TKO.

    22 November, 2013 at 11:30
  81. avatar
    #21 Green Hopper

    @Grasshopper: you are dreaming , John Alan can’t coach any more, he hasn’t every coached at any standard , he would be worse than any one that can be representative, apart from the two u16 coaches , they have the background, have coached at a level below and above and have internship at the school

    There is no Old Boy that has all the qualities , whilst this might be a romantic ambition it just isn’t practical

    22 November, 2013 at 11:23
  82. avatar
    #20 Speartackle

    @BOG: Aren’t you going to the Czech Rep for Christmas again?

    22 November, 2013 at 11:22
  83. avatar
    #19 BOG

    @Speartackle: I see that the sister on duty, has completed her rounds?

    22 November, 2013 at 11:20
  84. avatar
    #18 Green Hopper

    @beet: no i disagree, he hasn’t got it , the problem being that this transition needs to cause as little upset as possible , and Dames has shown he cant get it , he has been banded and disciplined before, doesn’t have any strategic ability, his temperament and ability was clear in 2012 , when he stood in for SE on the odd occasion
    in all honestly this will be a really bad move for GW , it might not be what consumers here want to hear but believe me

    22 November, 2013 at 11:19
  85. avatar
    #17 BOG

    @Buffel: Number 1 in the country? At what? Just asking. :?:

    22 November, 2013 at 11:18
  86. avatar
    #16 Speartackle

    Farmers sons?………………haha……………..more like dentists’, scientists’, computer johnnies’

    22 November, 2013 at 11:14
  87. avatar
    #15 Greenwood

    I left Glenwood many years ago and only re-connected with the school when my Son was enrolled – In my days Glenwood Rugby was just OK – maybe slightly above average and I would watch a game or 2 per season and they were only so so

    I was astounded when I saw how they played in 2010 and onwards and good for them and all credit must go to Sean – I often congratulated Sean after some of the games and I was very impressed with how open and friendly he was

    To Sean – well done on your move to Paarl and well done for what you have done for my Old School

    22 November, 2013 at 11:10
  88. avatar
    #14 Grasshopper

    @RBugger: You are right mate, Paarl has far more depth and quality, farmers sons. It would be a dream to have all that talent at hand. Good luck to Sean, Paarl Boys, Glenwood and the new Glenwood coach…

    22 November, 2013 at 09:37
  89. avatar
    #13 RBugger

    Wow – awesome and well Done Sean. Often way too much emphasis is placed on a coach and not on individual talent, no offence Glenwood, but I think you will find that Sean will excel at Paarl Boys where man on man, the individual and team, is better than what Glenwood can offer…

    I know i am now going to hear how Glenwood beat Paarl this year, but i am talking about year on year results and players

    22 November, 2013 at 08:57
  90. avatar
    #12 Buffel

    Good on Sean. He has done a great job at Glenwood and takes over at a school that is No 1 in the counrty. He would be silly to turn it down. Working in the Cape and doing what he loves. A great combo.

    22 November, 2013 at 08:21
  91. avatar
    #11 Grasshopper

    @beet: Paarl is certainly a beautiful place and the job is a step up from Glenwood. I hope he does not take a whole bunch of players with him…

    22 November, 2013 at 08:12
  92. avatar
    #10 Grasshopper

    @beet: Agreed, but he is not an Old Boy. I would like an Old Boy to be given a chance. Just imagine John Allan and Rudi working together, maybe JA is too busy though….or Rudi with assistance from an Old Boy…

    22 November, 2013 at 08:11
  93. avatar
    #9 beet

    I think Rudi deserves a shot. He’s coaching qualifications are being underestimated.

    I know of another school that tried very hard to sign him. Offered him a good package as well. He is certainly viewed as 1st XV coaching material in KZN.

    22 November, 2013 at 08:04
  94. avatar
    #8 beet

    @HM: It’s true from what I’ve gathered there is a bit of politics in the HJS coaching structures at the moment, so hopefully SE can unite things.

    22 November, 2013 at 08:03
  95. avatar
    #7 HM

    @Grasshopper: what’s the problem with Dames? Experience and running the Academy at Glenwood must be in his favor. Who will replace SE at Craven Week level, surely Rudie? Hope SE has a watertight contract as the politics in the Cape and especially the Paarl is not for sissies, immediate results will be expected.

    22 November, 2013 at 07:57
  96. avatar
    #6 beet

    I also want to say a big thank you to Sean for all his help over the years and wish him good luck for the new job.

    HJS is a high profile rugby school and where Top 10 is an excellent once off achievement for any school, a seasonal Top 5 finish is what Boishaai supporters expect, so definitely not an easy job. The rewards could be very good though. It will open doors. Also there is the benefit of living in the beautiful Boland.

    22 November, 2013 at 07:47
  97. avatar
    #5 Grasshopper

    @Green Hopper: maybe all the bad press and allegations drove him away. Isn’t the Under16 coach Sibson? I know a few really good coaches who would be keen on the position…

    22 November, 2013 at 06:47
  98. avatar
    #4 Green Hopper

    Grasshopper. I agree Rudi isn’t ready ,nor is Dudas ,I like the u16 coach. he coached u20 at club ? But GW will feel it this coming season , but good to see him go star is waning has been for two years now

    22 November, 2013 at 06:43
  99. avatar
    #3 CyndiAtRugby

    Congratulations and Good Luck Sean. You will be missed by so many at Glenwood.

    22 November, 2013 at 06:40
  100. avatar
    #2 Grasshopper

    Wow, good for him. I was wondering why he was down in Cape Town so much. I think change is good for all, best of luck to him. I don’t like the idea of Rudi taking over, I would prefer an Old Boy. This will probably lift a huge cloud that was hanging over Glenwood too with regards to Sharks links. Seems John Smit is doing some spring cleaning, which is great! A huge thanks to Sean for getting Glenwood to where they are, but a fresh approach is needed now. Hopefully Kershaw makes an exciting new announcement soon. Do you know when Sean will leave?

    22 November, 2013 at 05:01
  101. avatar
    #1 Bonthuis

    Good for him, from a KZN schools perspective, this now opens the doors for other schools to get a look in at KZN schools selections as there was undoubtedly a huge bias towards Glewnood with Erasmus. I’m sure schools like Michaelhouse, College, Kearsney and Westville are all hoping this will break the Glenwood stranglehold on selections!

    22 November, 2013 at 00:42

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