SA Schools named changed team to face France u18

A number of changes have been made to the SA Schools starting line-up for the second round of the under-18 international series. France got thumped properly by Wales and one suspects that French under-18’s will have to reinvent themselves just as their under-20 national team did against the Baby Boks at the Junior World Champs earlier this year, if they are to stand any change during this game. The curtain-raiser is Wales versus England which should be a cracker. The SWD Craven Week team minus a number of their stars who are on duty for SA Schools, will have a shot against the wounded Italian under-18 team in the earlier game. It should be good.

09/08/13 12h30 Italy 17 39 WP Schools City Park Stadium, Cape Town
09/08/13 14h00 France 8 47 Wales City Park Stadium, Cape Town
09/08/13 15h30 SA Schools 19 15 England City Park Stadium, Cape Town
13/08/13 14h00 Italy SWD Schools Outeniqua Park, George
13/08/13 16h00 England Wales Outeniqua Park, George
13/08/13 18h00 SA Schools France Outeniqua Park, George
17/08/13 12h30 Italy Boland Schools Boland Stadium, Wellington
17/08/13 14h00 England France Boland Stadium, Wellington
17/08/13 15h30 SA Schools Wales Boland Stadium, Wellington
1 Thomas du Toit WP HJS Paarl 05/05/95 187 120
2 Francois Steyn Bulls Affies 19/06/95 177 95
3 Conraad van Vuuren Pumas Nelspruit 04/09/95 180 107
4 Abongile Nonkwantana Bulls St Albans 10/04/95 196 108
5 RG Snyman Bulls Affies 29/01/95 205 113
6 Refiole Rampeta Free State Louis Botha 23/03/95 175 89
7 Jean-Luc du Preez KZN Kearsney 05/08/95 194 110
8 Rikus Bothma (c.) WP Paarl Gim 17/10/95 186 101
9 Remu Malan SWD Outeniqua 08/05/95 178 78
10 Dewald Human SWD Outeniqua 19/05/95 167 65
11 Duhan vd Merwe SWD Outeniqua 04/06/95 194 96
12 Warrick Gelant SWD Outeniqua 20/05/95 181 86
13 Jurie Linde Bulls Affies 13/03/95 185 86
14 Leolin Zas Boland Hermanus 20/10/95 184 82
15 EW Viljoen Free State Grey College 09/05/95 192 93
16 Thabani Mtsi Border Selborne 11/01/95 179 97
17 Joseph Dweba Lions Florida 25/10/95 174 105
18 Ruan Kramer Free State Grey College 03/08/95 185 117
19 Daniel du Preez KZN Kearsney 05/08/95 196 108
20 Jacques Vermeulen WP Paarl Gim 08/02/95 197 104
21 Justin Phillips Waterkloof Bulls 03/02/95 181 76
22 Brandon Thomson Pumas Ermelo 07/03/95 185 88
23 Malcolm Jaer EP Die Brandwag 29/06/96 174 70
Ox Nche Free State Louis Botha 27/03/95 182 105
PJ Toerien Bulls Garsfontein 17/02/96 183 95
Daniel du Plessis WP Paul Roos 17/03/95 187 93
Grant Hermanus WP Paarl Gim 11/11/95 179 76
Marco Janse van Vuuren Valke Transvalia 14/06/96 182 75
Pieter Jansen Valke EG Jansen 21/03/95 180 102


  1. avatar
    #17 BuffelsCM

    @Knersus: Thanks for that info!!
    We all know that possession at the back of the lineout is one of the best attacking platforms. If you have a “new team” with new combinations you should however stick to the basic stuff first IMO !

    That means if you have somebody like RG Snyman in the lineout, use him where he should be – in the middle of the lineout. There is no way that he’ll lose the ball at 5 if the ball is thrown properly and supporters do their job. Leave the back of the lineout until the players have settled down! It is strange that nobody told the players to change the calls especially with a wet ball and wet field.

    Vermeulen should be a definite starter against Wales

    14 August, 2013 at 20:54
  2. avatar
    #16 Knersus

    We definately lost a lot of balls in the lineouts – but this was not always due to the hooker. I don’t understand why RG Snyman was at the back of the lineouts? Lots of balls were lost in the lineouts due to them unable to hold onto the ball. The second half RG and Daniel played good rugby – when Vermeulen came on, there definately was more fire. Would like to see the boys winning Wales on Saturday – they lost by 2 points to England in injury. We will definatley have to step up our game as they have a good pack and a very nippy flyhalf!

    The supporters came out in masses last night in George – totally different from the amount of people that attended the game last Saturday in Cape Town. – I hope that the same will happen in Worcester/Wellington on Saturday and that our boys will have lots of support.

    14 August, 2013 at 20:18
  3. avatar
    #15 BuffelsCM

    @Djou: Let’s hope we get the selections right!

    @EG Ouer: I agree !

    @PaarlBok: Ek dink dis ‘n goeie roep want Wellington sal ‘n modderbad wees !

    14 August, 2013 at 12:24
  4. avatar
    #14 Djou

    @BuffelsCM: True, Wales beat France by a huge margin, but we beat England, who in turn beat Wales. So, it again shows that we can’t go on one score! But if our real team plays, we should win comfortably.

    14 August, 2013 at 11:16
  5. avatar
    #13 EG Ouer

    @BuffelsCM: You are right. Du Plessis is injured. That why the Valke hooker was drafted in. But they need to give him some game time. He really is an excellent hooker. With tall locks like they have it must be a hookers dream to go to any lineout

    14 August, 2013 at 10:24
  6. avatar
    #12 PaarlBok

    Saterdag se wedstryde is verskuif van Wellington na Worcester. Boishaai en die Donkies se stryd gaan ook nou deel wees van die dag se rugby program.

    14 August, 2013 at 10:19
  7. avatar
    #11 BuffelsCM

    I don’t understand why we struggled so much in the lineouts! With 2 tall locks there should not have been a problem, except for the odd one going astray perhaps or being poached!!

    My only conclusion is that the hookers were not up to standard. Please correct me if I’m wrong. (I know that Daniel du Plessis – Boys’ High hooker is injured and could not play)

    14 August, 2013 at 10:06
  8. avatar
    #10 EG Ouer

    @JPS_10: Dankie vir die opsomming van die wedstryd. Stem saam dat dit jammer is dat die wedstryde baie beperkte dekking geniet. Soos wat ek van jou en ook die berigte in die koerant kan aflei het ons baie gesukkel in die lynstane. Ek hoop hulle gee die haker van die Valke n kans. Hy het tot dusver vanjaar op al die weke en toernooie bewys dat hy seker die akkuraatse ingooier by die lynstane is. Maak nie saak of die wind waai, dit reen of mooiweer is nie. Hy is deel van hulle plan en hoop werklik dat hy n kans sal kry. Sal hartseer wees as dit nie gebeur nie

    14 August, 2013 at 10:03
  9. avatar
    #9 Queenian

    Remember the quotas

    14 August, 2013 at 07:35
  10. avatar
    #8 BuffelsCM

    @JPS_10: As mens die telling van Wallis en die Franse vergelyk met ons s’n, sal dit maar moeilik wees Saterdag!!

    Die nat veld gaan Wallis beslis ook meer pas.

    13 August, 2013 at 23:11
  11. avatar
    #7 JPS_10

    Die veld was nat na ‘n paar reenbuie vroeer in die dag maar nie onspeelbaar nie.

    Met ‘n drie deur Duan vd Merwe vanaf die afskop was die tafel gedek? Niemand het egter gedink dat daarna sou die SA span omtrent geen van hulle eie lynstane wen nie. Met die reserwe haker op net na halftyd het dit niks beter gegaan nie.

    Die Franse was beter as ons in die skrums veral as die agsteman en 2 flanke van SA meer belanggestel het in wat die Franse gaan doen instede van om te bly skrum. Die Franse het ons met tye tien, vyftien tree en meer gerolmaal vanaf lynstane.

    Hoe is dit dan moontlik dat ons gewen het? Die SA span se verdediging was solied en die Franse is agter die voordeellyn terug getackle.

    RG Snyman het buiten die lynstane wat ‘n disaster was meer as sy deel gedoen om teenstanders aan te vat met tackles en dryfspel. Dewald Human tenspyte van sy grote het ‘n goeie wedstryd gehad en so ook Duan vd Merwe met sy 2 driee. Lelion Zas het ‘n paar goeie individuele lopies ingekry. DuPreez op no7 is maar net nie Jacques Vermeulen nie. Speel met rukke en stote. EW Viljoen het nie tuis gelyk nie. Met die agterlyn wat nie op die voorvoet kon kom nie was hy nooit gevaarlik as hy by die lyn aangesluit het nie. Hy was bloot ‘n ekstensie in die agterlyn in plaas van ‘n lynbreker.
    Dit is duidelik dat die SA skole span sukkel om as ‘n span saam te speel en dat die tyd saam net nie genoeg is om hulle as ‘n gedugte eenheid te laat funksioneer nie.
    Ogelukkig vir die SA agterlyn lyk dit of dit Saterdag teen Wallis nog natter gaan wees as vandag op George.

    13 August, 2013 at 22:57
  12. avatar
    #6 BuffelsCM

    @gimmie: Dankie vir die “updates” – kan nie glo dat dit nie beter dekking in die media kry nie!

    13 August, 2013 at 21:52
  13. avatar
    #5 gimmie

    SA 17-13 gewen….

    13 August, 2013 at 19:31
  14. avatar
    #4 gimmie

    SA17-6 na 60min

    13 August, 2013 at 19:21
  15. avatar
    #3 gimmie

    SA 7-6 against France at half time…

    13 August, 2013 at 18:49
  16. avatar
    #2 Queenian

    @EG Ouer: With the quota system they will all get to start a game.

    13 August, 2013 at 12:40
  17. avatar
    #1 EG Ouer

    @Beet: Just a quick one. Will all the boys in the squad get a chance to either start a game or at least play some part in a game?

    13 August, 2013 at 11:48

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