Slapping Schoolboy Rugby Gran Goes Viral on Women’s Weekend

Another incident has surfaced involving an elderly person slapping someone else’s child at a schoolboy rugby game in 2024.

You might still remember the incident where an Oupa slapped the Kingswood fullback on the side of the field following an altercation at the conclusion of a festival match at Graeme College earlier this year.

Not to be outdone, a Bishops’ gran took matters into her own hands when a skirmish broke out in the in-goal area after Bishops scored the winning try against SACS on the Piley Rees Field on Saturday, 10 August 2024. She rushed onto the field to join the fracas, and after being pulled aside by a SACS forward, she was filmed landing a slap and giving the big player a good piece of her mind while pointing a finger in his face during a short heated exchange.

For the record, Marlow banned the Oupa from their home matches, so it will be interesting to see how Bishops handle this matter.


  1. avatar
    #36 Bungee

    @beet (Comment #34)
    I love our country

    16 August, 2024 at 14:32
  2. avatar
    #35 Smallies

    @beet (Comment #34)
    That would be hilarious 😂

    16 August, 2024 at 03:17
  3. avatar
    #34 beet

    Word is a rendition of the Cranberries song Zombie called “Granny” might be sung somewhere in the Southern Suburbs this weekend.

    15 August, 2024 at 23:45
  4. avatar
    #33 PRondersteuner

    @Smallies (Comment #30)
    Glad nie. Plat op die aarde. Die manier hoe hy met die seuns werk asook die ander afrigters, is ‘n groot deel van sy sukses

    15 August, 2024 at 07:08
  5. avatar
    #32 Kantman

    @Deon (Comment #31)

    14 August, 2024 at 19:40
  6. avatar
    #31 Deon

    @Ystervark (Comment #17)
    I like eating ystervark, but not one as arrogant and full of shit as you. From Klein Grey in Gerbera?

    14 August, 2024 at 18:17
  7. avatar
    #30 Smallies

    @OomPB (Comment #26)
    2017 dink ek@PRondersteuner (Comment #23)
    Corne was nie eers arrogant as speler nie ….

    14 August, 2024 at 16:27
  8. avatar
    #29 Smallies

    @OomPB (Comment #26)
    2017 dink ek

    14 August, 2024 at 16:26
  9. avatar
    #28 Smallies

    @OomPB (Comment #27)
    Ja nee kyk hulle hou nie terug nie ….daai chirps is genadeloos en nie vir sensitiewe kykers nie …

    14 August, 2024 at 16:25
  10. avatar
    #27 OomPB

    @Smallies (Comment #24)
    Grey en PRG se laaities gee mekaar gas daar op die paviljoen.

    14 August, 2024 at 15:24
  11. avatar
    #26 OomPB

    @PRondersteuner (Comment #25)
    Curwin Bosch se dae.

    14 August, 2024 at 15:23
  12. avatar
    #25 PRondersteuner

    @Smallies (Comment #24)
    Lyk my dis net ‘n probleem vir die spanne wat verloor teen PRG. Ek wonder wanneer laas het die “ander Grey” teen PRG gewen.

    14 August, 2024 at 14:36
  13. avatar
    #24 Smallies

    @PRondersteuner (Comment #23)
    Het geen probleem met enige van dit nie ….waai julle vlae as julle score, lang en ou tradiesie ,,,selde as Grey wat op die veld storm na n game,wonder hoe lank voor iemand oor dit bitch……

    14 August, 2024 at 13:34
  14. avatar
    #23 PRondersteuner

    @Spice (Comment #15)
    @Ystervark (Comment #17)
    Glum? Arrogant? Wow!! I have never seen Corné Uys interfere with the ref or play since he started coaching PRG in 2022.
    The flag bearers are a tradition as long as I can remember

    14 August, 2024 at 13:25
  15. avatar
    #22 OomPB

    n Ou vrou gee n laaitie n klap, nou moet als verander. Belaglik.

    14 August, 2024 at 12:32
  16. avatar
    #21 Smallies

    @agter_die_pale_pa (Comment #20)
    Geen probleem met waar die afrigters staan nie ,solank hulle nie fiesies in die pad van spelers is nie is dit fine….

    14 August, 2024 at 11:54
  17. avatar
    #20 agter_die_pale_pa

    I agree that coaches should stay in the designated dugout-areas. However it does not bother me that much if they are behind the dead ball line, as long as they are 1) actually behind the dead ball line (ie. not leaning against the posts..) and 2) behind their team’s goal line (switching HT). Nothing worse for a team trying to defend their line and the opposite coaching contingent is going crazy from a meter behind them.
    But dugouts are there for a reason so if that is what the rules/hosting school requests, then honor it.
    Agree on medical staff, they should be close to the action for medical issues alone. It really isn’t that hard to establish quick communication-lines from the dugout via your back three.

    14 August, 2024 at 11:08
  18. avatar
    #19 Snelvuur

    @Spice (Comment #15)
    Personally, I don’t see the issue with Corné Uys coaching from the in-goal areas. That’s where coaches stand for all the lower team games, and you definitely get a better sense of the game when coaching from there. When Rassie sat on the roof flashing lights, he was lauded as visionary…also, on the flags, I’m not sure why that would lead to assault convictions? They are not touching or interfering with any players – multiple Varsity Cup teams do exactly the same thing, as do other schools (like Paarl Boys’, for example). I agree that coaches and waterboys should not shout at the ref, but I have no issues with them organising their teams as best possible. Again, no one in SA has an issue when Rassie does it…

    14 August, 2024 at 10:52
  19. avatar
    #18 Kantman

    @Spice (Comment #15)
    Not sure why you single out specific schools – I have observed this from most schools. On some fields it is not possible to have a dug-out, happy to see coaches behind the deadball line supporting their teams. I share the aversion when ‘medical’ staff shout instructions on opponents ball, especially lineouts.

    14 August, 2024 at 10:43
  20. avatar
    #17 Ystervark

    @Spice (Comment #15)
    Great assessment. Especially on the behaviour of Paul Roos coach/flag bearers. Their arrogance is astonishing.

    14 August, 2024 at 10:05
  21. avatar
    #16 Ystervark

    @Kantman (Comment #1)
    You must see how the St John’s coach behaves when his team score a try.

    14 August, 2024 at 10:03
  22. avatar
    #15 Spice


    @Kantman (Comment #1) Totally agree, coaches should stay in their dugout on the halfway line, they should have done their coaching during the week!

    Parents running onto the field is cringe and can never be justified. Just ask the Daniel Pienaar u15A parents v Grey High circa 1998 how that worked out.

    ‘Physios’ and water carriers have become a cancer at schoolboy level, screaming at the ref “Holding” etc. Why can they not sit in the dugout and only run on when someone is injured?

    I am always bewildered by the new Paarl Gim Headmaster who feels the need to stand in the in-goal area, and in the dugout at N-W/WK.

    Another example that baffles me is Corne Uys coaching in the in-goal, and then swopping sides at HT. At least Grey High put him in his ‘box’. He looked very glum sitting on halfway despite his side’s victory.

    Speaking of PRG, those okes running on to the field with their flags when they score could lead to Assault convictions in the future.

    Here’s hoping that the PRG v Grey Bloem game will be a humdinger now that some stars have returned for a second farewell. The fields are bound to be as muddy as in 2022 when PRG showed that their depth is comparable, if not stronger than that of GCB.

    14 August, 2024 at 07:26
  23. avatar
    #14 Deon

    @Buthelezi2 (Comment #9)
    @Kantman (Comment #8) I apologise if I came across as blaming the boy for the whole affair, far from the case. I understand and agree with both of you as well as with Grizzly. What the granny did was shocking, as was the whole scene, and the player removing her probably did the correct thing for the sake of her own safety. What I was referring to, was the player’s reactions after the slap. Perhaps, if he was a bit older and more experienced, he would simply have turned around and walked away rather than losing his cool to such an extent that some teammates had to physically control him from ????….who knows. Watching that granny in action was like watching Australian Olympic breakdancing x 100 and I wish I never watched it. Nothing positive about it at all.

    13 August, 2024 at 07:46
  24. avatar
    #13 Smallies

    Simple as this …the boys should play the revs should rev and the family and supporters SHOULD stay on the pavillion or behind the barriers and cheer ….seem like money cant buy class after all

    13 August, 2024 at 06:04
  25. avatar
    #12 Buthelezi2

    @Kantman (Comment #11)
    Apologies wanted to respond to Deon but must’ve made a mistake

    12 August, 2024 at 22:29
  26. avatar
    #11 Kantman

    @Buthelezi2 (Comment #10)
    OK – inform me please.
    The tannie runs onto the field where she had no place to be for any reason as it is the field of play and she is not a player?
    I thought this was Grizzly’s view as well?

    12 August, 2024 at 22:00
  27. avatar
    #10 Buthelezi2

    @Kantman (Comment #8)
    You are misinformed

    12 August, 2024 at 21:39
  28. avatar
    #9 Buthelezi2

    @Deon (Comment #2)
    What you may not have seen is before that is the granny runs onto the field, attempts to grab a sacs player and starts screaming f*ck you in his face. The sacs lock then gently took her away to try and stop the conflict to switch she responded by slapping him.

    12 August, 2024 at 21:38
  29. avatar
    #8 Kantman

    @Deon (Comment #4)
    Hy het die tannie se reaksie bedoel …

    12 August, 2024 at 21:20
  30. avatar
    #7 OomPB

    Dis nogals iets wat my altyd opval met Paarl interskole. As daar n drie gedruk word is daar bietjie chaos maar doodle stilted as die skopper aanle. As 20,000 plus dit verstaan. Ek sou reken n rottang soos in die ou dae so dit vinnig uitgesort het.

    12 August, 2024 at 20:20
  31. avatar
    #6 Farmer

    Looking at Bishops results this last season they should get her at the warmups and halftime.

    12 August, 2024 at 13:45
  32. avatar
    #5 KatzRugga


    I’ve noted how coaches & various staff attached to schoolboy rugby teams do not respect rules and the ref. In my observation the bigger issues that could lead to this is how staff and coaches constantly walk onto the pitch and ‘camp’ in the try area. They also often follow the linesman up and down the full field to influence him.
    The schools themselves need to set these boundaries starting with a look in the mirror followed by how their parents, OB’s and spectators behave.
    It is no longer enough just to punish the individuals regrettably!

    My observation and opinion only!

    12 August, 2024 at 13:34
  33. avatar
    #4 Deon

    @Grizzly (Comment #3)
    Hey broer, ek stem. Vir my is die seun se aksies en reaksies kommerwekkend en volksvreemd. Flippet man, sy is helfte sy lengte en 5% sy krag. Hy moes eerder die manne aangevat het as die stokou tannie. Nou beweeg hy vorentoe in ‘n bitter dreigende houding. Flip man, draai om, lag jou gat af, en loop.

    12 August, 2024 at 10:36
  34. avatar
    #3 Grizzly

    @Deon (Comment #2)
    Dis commin verby.Ek het baie leverage as dit by my seuns kom maar ek weet hulle sal my nie vergewe vir so iets nie.

    12 August, 2024 at 10:25
  35. avatar
    #2 Deon

    Not to commend the lady at all, far from, but the SACS boy could have handled this situation much better, especially after the slap. The tannie must come to Brakpan with me to learn how to properly PK.

    Altogether a sad scene, looks like a scene from Planet of the Apes. Lots of red faces, so unnecessary. What Kantman said.

    12 August, 2024 at 10:08
  36. avatar
    #1 Kantman

    Coaches, reserves and spectators should be banned from congratulating players after a try. Encroaching on the try line area is becoming a constant problem.

    12 August, 2024 at 08:28

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