1. avatar
    #6 Zion

    Ek wil net eerstens dankie sê vir Boland Landbou vir ‘n wonderlike dag op die plaas en die velde wat in baie goeie toestand is
    My opinie was dat Gim se eerste span regtig ‘n goeie game gehad het met uistekende verdediging, wat ek dink op enige ander dag ‘n paar driee vir Boland sou gewees het. Die score was eintlik die heeltyd naby aan mekaar met net die paar laaste minute wat dit so bietjie groter geraak het
    Soos jy se is daar geen maklike games nie, en die kans is groot dat enige span die Saterdag kan verloor
    Daar is verseker ‘n paar great spelers in die Boland Landbou span en sien uit na julle Interskole

    15 May, 2023 at 10:13
  2. avatar
    #5 beet

    @Herakles: Hi hi. I apologise for the movements but its a work in progress.

    The cause of the changes is that the aim was to have a relative working as opposed to a static one. So re-evaluating the teams on strength this season and trying to improve the workings. I think this will happen a few more times still and people can make their own judgement calls even email me on suggestions

    However whatever is reflected as the position number the nice thing is the school’s match record is there to observe

    15 May, 2023 at 08:58
  3. avatar
    #4 Wonder

    :wink: @Herakles: Have they now played 17 games?

    14 May, 2023 at 19:37
  4. avatar
    #3 Herakles

    I realise that I am not on the International Mathematical Union’s shortlist for the 2023 Fields Medal but there are some basics maths relating to the “Rankings Formbook” dated 13 May 2023 that I fail to understand.

    On the Rankings Formbook dated 1 May 2023, Welkom Gimnasium (after a close loss of 16-17 against Glenwood) was ranked 15th. However, after winning the next two games respectively 43-8 and 44-17, they were demoted 14 places to 29th on the latest Ranking Formbook. (13 May 2023)

    Can anyone enlighten me on how this is mathematically possible?

    14 May, 2023 at 19:14
  5. avatar
    #2 warriors7

    How are Oakdale in 14th when they’ve lost more games then they’ve won?

    14 May, 2023 at 13:05
  6. avatar
    #1 Ploegskaar

    On a day that Gim came to play rugby, Boland delivered a customary game of kakby. Congrats to Pieter, Helmut and coaching staff, it was a clinical, accurate and tactically astute performance and one can only admire how Gim players execute coaches’ expectations on the field, year in and out. Playing for the jersey with pride, for teammates and their supporters adds to the special mix.

    As the form guide shows, there’s no easy games coming up for Landbou and it may be hard to stem the regression since the Marlow game. There are obviously solutions to remedy and reset the season, but the I will be surprised if they are implemented. Nonetheless we will continue to support and endure every game, I am also an Arsenal supporter after all

    14 May, 2023 at 11:36

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