Monnas coach is off the Tjaarts good

Did you know that Hoërskool Monument (Krugersdorp) head coach Tjaart van der Walt, one of the best coaches in the country, is also right up there as one of the most successful coaches in the entire history of the prestigious Noordvaal Cup.

The Garsfontein old boy has claimed his fifth title in 2022, when Monument defeated Garsfontein 30-28, in the epic Cup Final. The win was van der Walt’s third as Monnas Witbulle head coach. Before that he had won two for the Garsfontein Bere of Pretoria.

Heading into the 2023 season Monument (10 titles) and Garsfontein (2 titles) are the favourites to make the final again, while the likes of Menlopark (maiden winners in 2019) and Helpmekaar (winners in 1938 and 1962) are tipped to offer the most resistance.

Not the complete record

# Cup Name Year Winners / Joint Winners Title No.
101 Noordvaal Cup 2022 Monument 10th title out of 10
2021 No competition (Covid-19)
2020 No competition (Covid-19)
100 Virsekerbeker 2019 Menlopark 1st title out of 01
99 Virsekerbeker 2018 Monument 9th title out of 10
98 Virsekerbeker 2017 Monument 8th title out of 10
97 Beeld 2016 Garsfontein 2nd title out of 02
96 Beeld 2015 Garsfontein 1st title out of 02
95 Beeld 2014 Nelspruit 3rd title out of 03
94 Beeld 2013 EG Jansen 1st title out of 01
93 Beeld 2012 Kempton Park 2nd title out of 02
92 Beeld 2011 Waterkloof 5th title out of 05
91 Beeld 2010 Monument 7th title out of 10
90 Beeld 2009 Monument 6th title out of 10
89 Beeld 2008 Waterkloof 4th title out of 05
88 Beeld 2007 Waterkloof 3rd title out of 05
87 Beeld 2006 Affies 18th title out of 18
86 Beeld 2005 Monument 5th title out of 10
85 Beeld 2004 Affies 17th title out of 18
84 Beeld 2003 Waterkloof 2nd title out of 05
83 Beeld 2002 Affies 16th title out of 18
82 Beeld 2001 Affies 15th title out of 18
81 Beeld 2000 Ermelo 2nd title out of 02
80 Beeld 1999 Affies 14th title out of 18
79 Beeld 1998 Affies 13th title out of 18
78 Beeld 1997 Affies 12th title out of 18
77 Beeld 1996 Affies 11th title out of 18
76 Directors 1995 Affies 10th title out of 18
76 Directors 1995* HTS Middelburg 2nd title out of 02
75 Directors 1994 Affies 9th title out of 18
74 Directors 1993 Pietersburg 4th title out of 04
73 Directors 1992 Waterkloof 1st title out of 05
72 Directors 1991 HTS Middelburg 1st title out of 02
71 Directors 1990 Randburg 1st title out of 01
70 Directors 1989 Kempton Park 1st title out of 02
69 Directors 1988 Lichtenburg 2nd title out of 02
68 Directors 1987 Hugenote (Springs) 3rd title out of 03
67 Directors 1986 HTS Sasolburg 1st title out of 01
66 Directors 1985 Affies 8th title out of 18
65 Directors 1984 Affies 7th title out of 18
65 Directors 1984* Monument 4th title out of 10
64 Directors 1983 Volkskool Potchefstroom 7th title out of 07
63 Directors 1982 Oos-Moot 1st title out of 01
62 Administrators 1981 Tom Naudé 2nd title out of 02
62 Administrators 1981* Affies 6th title out of 18
61 Administrators 1980 Monument 3rd title out of 10
61 Administrators 1980* Hugenote (Springs) 2nd title out of 03
60 Administrators 1979 Monument 2nd title out of 10
59 Administrators 1978 Affies 5th title out of 18
58 Administrators 1977 Stoffberg (Brakpan) 1st title out of 01
57 Administrators 1976 Volkskool Potchefstroom 6th title out of 07
56 Administrators 1975 Nelspruit 2nd title out of 03
56 Administrators 1975* Helpmekaar 3rd title out of 03
55 Administrators 1974 John Vorster 1st title out of 01
54 Administrators 1973 Delmas 1st title out of 01
53 Administrators 1972 Affies 4th title out of 18
53 Administrators 1972* Nelspruit 1st title out of 03
52 Administrators 1971 Tom Naudé 1st title out of 02
51 Administrators 1970 Affies 3rd title out of 18
50 Administrators 1969 Fakkel 2nd title out of 02
49 Administrators 1968 Piet Potgieter 1st title out of 01
48 Administrators 1967 Potchefstroom Gim 1st title out of 01
47 Administrators 1966 Brandwag (Benoni) 1st title out of 01
46 Administrators 1965 Ben Viljoen 1st title out of 01
45 Administrators 1964 Wolmaransstad 1st title out of 01
44 Administrators 1963 Rustenburg 6th title out of 06
44 Administrators 1963* Volkskool Heidelberg 8th title out of 08
43 Administrators 1962 Helpmekaar 2nd title out of 03
42 Administrators 1961 Rustenburg 5th title out of 06
42 Administrators 1961* Volkskool Potchefstroom 5th title out of 07
41 Administrators 1960 Klerksdorp 3rd title out of 03
40 Administrators 1959 Klerksdorp 2nd title out of 03
39 Administrators 1958 Voortrekker 1st title out of 01
39 Administrators 1958* Lichtenburg 1st title out of 02
38 Administrators 1957 Affies 2nd title out of 18
37 Administrators 1956 Vereeniging 1st title out of 01
36 Administrators 1955 Fakkel 1st title out of 02
35 Administrators 1954 Pietersburg 3rd title out of 04
34 Administrators 1953 Monument 1st title out of 10
33 Administrators 1952 Hugenote (Springs) 1st title out of 03
32 Administrators 1951 Volkskool Potchefstroom 4th title out of 07
31 Administrators 1950 Volkskool Potchefstroom 3rd title out of 07
30 Administrators 1949 Volkskool Potchefstroom 2nd title out of 07
29 Administrators 1948 No League 1st title out of 01
28 Administrators 1947 Pietersburg 2nd title out of 04
27 Administrators 1946 Pietersburg 1st title out of 04
26 Administrators 1945 Volkskool Heidelberg 7th title out of 08
25 Administrators 1944 Volkskool Heidelberg 6th title out of 08
24 Administrators 1943 Rustenburg 4th title out of 06
23 Administrators 1942 Klerksdorp 1st title out of 03
22 Administrators 1941 Standerton 1st title out of 01
21 Administrators 1940 Affies 1st title out of 18
20 Administrators 1939 Volkskool Potchefstroom 1st title out of 07
19 Administrators 1938 Helpmekaar 1st title out of 03
18 Administrators 1937 Rustenburg 3rd title out of 06
17 Administrators 1936 Rustenburg 2nd title out of 06
16 Administrators 1935 Zeerust 3rd title out of 03
15 Administrators 1934 Zeerust 2nd title out of 03
14 AG Robertson 1933 Zeerust 1st title out of 03
13 AG Robertson 1932 Volkskool Heidelberg 5th title out of 08
12 AG Robertson 1931 Volkskool Heidelberg 4th title out of 08
11 AG Robertson 1930 Rustenburg 1st title out of 06
10 AG Robertson 1929 Swartruggens 2nd title out of 02
9 AG Robertson 1928 Pretoria Boys’ High 5th title out of 05
8 AG Robertson 1927 Pretoria Boys’ High 4th title out of 05
8 AG Robertson 1927* Swartruggens 1st title out of 02
7 AG Robertson 1926 Volkskool Heidelberg 3rd title out of 08
6 AG Robertson 1925 Volkskool Heidelberg 2nd title out of 08
5 AG Robertson 1924 Pretoria Boys’ High 3rd title out of 05
4 AG Robertson 1923 Pretoria Boys’ High 2nd title out of 05
3 AG Robertson 1922 Pretoria Boys’ High 1st title out of 05
2 Inter Hoër School Beker 1921 Volkskool Heidelberg 1st title out of 08
1 Inter Hoër School Beker 1920 Ermelo 1st title out of 02


  1. avatar
    #7 AbsolutMenlo

    @OudAffie: Darem is daar nou weer bepalings teen Menlo en Garsfontein.
    Menlo tuis … kan nie wag nie!!

    19 February, 2023 at 18:24
  2. avatar
    #6 AbsolutMenlo

    Noordvaal Cup … dit is waaroor dit gaan na die friendlies en festivals!

    19 February, 2023 at 18:21
  3. avatar
    #5 beet

    @OudAffie: Thank you. This is very interesting.

    Just to understand, since the coaching years of Carel Kriek and Sakkie vd Walt overlap, I assume one of the two would have the head coach while the other was assistant?

    8 February, 2023 at 23:07
  4. avatar
    #4 OudAffie

    @ Lamineer: Ek dink nie AHS sal gou/indien ooit weer in die beker speel nie. Dink ook nie dit pla die skool meer nie. Om jou vraag te antwoord, ek dink Affies sou defnitief die beker gewen het, maar dit is alles spekulatief en sal onmoontlik nooit beantwoord kan word nie.

    8 February, 2023 at 12:25
  5. avatar
    #3 Lamineer

    @OudAffie: Gaan Affies wag tot Monnas ook 18 bekers het voor hulle weer gaan saam speel? Ek sien Affies was op 18 toe Monnas op 5 was. Nou is Monnas al op 10. Sal interessant wees om te weet of Affies enigsins nog ‘n jaar sou gewen indien hulle nie onttrek het na 2006 nie.

    8 February, 2023 at 11:22
  6. avatar
    #2 OudAffie

    Affie fact:

    Carel Kriek (1994-2004) is die mees suksesvolste afrigter in die kompetisie: 9 wenne en 1 gelykop.
    Sakkie Van Der Walt(1995-2004) sit op 8 en 1 gelykop as afrigter.

    Tjaart defnitief een van die bestes en hy hou net aan.

    8 February, 2023 at 08:52
  7. avatar
    #1 Tang

    I know this is totally irrelevant but I’ll add some colour to Pretoria Boys High victory in 1922.
    • 1922 – Boys High win the inaggural Administrators cup. They beat Bethal 24-3 in the final.
    • 1922 – Boys High u16 a team win every fixture and don’t concede a single point. The average winning margin of 26-0 could still be a school record.

    Some comments about the PBHS side of 1922:
    What they lacked in weight and brilliance they made up for in zest. It is to the speed of the forwards we are mainly indebted for our position in the Inter-High School Competition.
    We would congratulate the Transvaal Union and’ specially those organisers immediately responsible for the success of the Inter-High School Rugby Competition. It is the most comprehensive of all school sporting events. Though not so- spectacular as the athletic sports day, it includes a greater number of schools. There is a certain poetic justice that the school that has borne the burden and heat of the day, having carried on for over 17 years, for long single handed, should be the first to carry off the very handsome cup presented bv His Honour the Administrator.

    This was the final for the cup, Pretoria having- defeated Heidelberg and Lichtenburg going down to Bethal in the semi-finals.
    Bethal attacked first, but Lademan cleared to the centre. Again, Bethal pressed, but Gold sent them back, and then the boys from the Capital became aggressive. Prinsloo. in endeavoring to save, miskicked, and Zwarenstein dashed up and scored an easy try, which Schlosburg failed to convert (3—o). From the kick off Schlosburg broke nicely. Ueckerman gathered neatly, but cleared badly, and Brink, taking the ball in his stride, crossed far out.
    Despite the angle, Gold improved (8—o). Pretoria kept up the pressure and Brink added another try on the left, but this time Gold failed with the kick ((11—o). A penalty to Bethal in an easy position was taken by Mynhardt, who, however, just failed to land a goal. Prinsloo was next away on the left, but Zwarenstein came across nicely and effected a grand tackle. The Pretoria forwards were prominent in the loose, and then another mistake by Bethal let Smith in to score at the posts and, as Gold again converted, the Pretorians led at the interval by 16 points to nil.
    Bethal opened up better after the interval, and Pretoria were immediately defending their line. They, however, worked their way back, and then, turning defense into attack, Eksteen crossed in the right-hand corner, but the wing lost the ball and the 25 kick brought about temporary relief. The Pretorians were not to be denied, and, from a melee in front of the opposing goal, one of the forwards scored, for Gold to do the needful (21—o).
    Soon after a loose rush by the Bethal forwards gave Prinsloo an opportunity of showing his speed. The wing gathered well and dashed over for a try, which Mynhardt failed by inches to convert (21-—3). An excellent bit of combined

    work in which Brink and Schlosberg were prominent almost earned a score, and then, from a penalty which went wide, Pedlar followed up and added another unconverted try (24—3). Final score:—
    Pretoria: 3 goals, 3 tries, 24 points. Bethal: 1 try, 3 points.
    Pretoria: Gold, Brink, Zwarenstein, Lademan Eksteen (captain), Botha, Schlosburg, Kuit, De la Bat, Steynberg, Moller, Pedlar, Smith, Brown, Harrington.
    Bethal: Ueckerman, Prinsloo, De Vos, Joubert, Geyer, Rademeyer, Mynhardt, Van der Berg; (captain’) Van Schoor, Gilfillan, Van der Walt, Conradie, Joubert, van Wyk.
    Referee: Mr. J. Ruck.
    At the conclusion of the game the Administrator presented the cup to the winners, and congratulated both teams on their excellent exhibition.

    6 February, 2023 at 13:03

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