Hilton 26 Michaelhouse 22

Hilton pulled off a surprise by beating Michaelhouse and ending their visitors unbeaten run stretching back to 17 March 2012.

Hilton (17) 26:
Tries: Mark Gunn (2)
Conversions: Cameron Wright (2)
Penalties: Cameron Wright (4)
Michaelhouse (19) 22:
Try: Josh Moon
Conversion: Rob Anderson
Penalties: Rob Anderson (4)
Drop Goal: Rob Anderson

 Match report out soon.


  1. avatar
    #12 Skopgraaf243

    Also 2012????

    18 May, 2018 at 02:47
  2. avatar
    #11 Hooit

    Must have been a close game

    18 May, 2018 at 00:25
  3. avatar
    #10 kcob

    Ha ha…so much jostling for top honors. I think we should quite trying to call it….it just goes around and around and around…it was a spectacularly close season with some really good wins and some crazy losses…I reckon Beet you start a weighted system similar to saschoolssports.co.za next year. Ideally think the awarding some portion of score to playing a team in Top10 2012 or between 11 – 15 and 16 -20 really does make the unbalanced fixture more balanced…

    Good job by the way… :mrgreen:

    25 June, 2012 at 22:21
  4. avatar
    #9 Greenhopper

    @ all black , agreed, lets see whathappens the run into that game is going to be very hard for GW

    25 June, 2012 at 14:28
  5. avatar
    #8 All Black

    Yep. Have to agree with Hopper. Everyone beat each other in KZN so no clear winner so it should go down to other opposition played etc etc. Sometimes you have to go on gut feel and if Kearsney were playing College and Glenwood in the 3rd term then I would say that it was their chance to stake a claim if they could repeat their wins against both. They lost to Hilton who both Glenwood and College beat. Really is a difficult one. There are arguments for all teams actually but getting back to gut feel it is going to be Glenwood vs College on Goldstones.

    25 June, 2012 at 11:59
  6. avatar
    #7 Greenhopper

    beet , sorry , I know you love Kearsney :mrgreen: but withe th win and considering who GW played , and College I have to agree, they Play for Number 1 spot?? :lol: :twisted:

    25 June, 2012 at 11:12
  7. avatar
    #6 Greenhopper

    @ Greenwood, I agree , a win or draw by Glenwood at Goldstones, put Glenwood Number 1 , a loss we could go to 3

    25 June, 2012 at 11:10
  8. avatar
    #5 beet

    @Greenwood: But Glenwood and College already have 2 loses and a draw apiece. MHS only have 2 loses as do Kearsney.

    25 June, 2012 at 11:03
  9. avatar
    #4 All Black

    What this result has done is throw the top spot in KZN wide open and rightfully so. The fact that Hilton can beat MHS, no matter how motivated etc they were shows what would/could happen to MHS if they played top opposition every week. Injuries, pressure etc are the test of any good team. MHS have done well by upsetting some of the bigger sides but couldnt keep it going. One of those seasons when there are no clear cut winners. In my opinion the 3 real contenders are the 3 teams playing any rugby in the 3rd term. Kearsney, Glenwood and College.

    25 June, 2012 at 11:02
  10. avatar
    #3 Greenwood

    OK – so now where do we stand as far as Kzn rankings go –
    my 5 cents – the winnner at Golstones next term should be ranked No. 1
    we have 3 Kzn teams on 2 losses with Hilton throwing the cat amongst the pigeons with their win on Saturday

    IF there is a draw at Goldstones between Glenwood & College then Glenwood get the Cup with lesser points differnce on their 2 losses. If pigs had wings they would fly – we have seen stranger thing happen

    25 June, 2012 at 10:57
  11. avatar
    #2 Greenhopper

    no suprise, i called it last week, even a bit further back, BOY does this level the playing fields

    25 June, 2012 at 09:29
  12. avatar
    #1 All Black

    I said Hilton by 10. Close.

    25 June, 2012 at 08:28

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