Framesby, Glenwood to play Super Rugby curtain raiser

Port Elizabeth based Framesby will travel to Durban to play Glenwood in a Super Rugby curtain raiser to the Sharks versus Stormers encounter on 02 March 2013. The two schools enjoy a good relationship and were meant to meet on the last day of the NWU-Puk festival  in Potchefstroom on 25 March. However since both teams were also going to be in action at the Kearsney Easter Rugby Festival just three days later, the insufficient time gap resulted in a decision to scrap the Potch game. So effectively this match at Kings Park amounts to a rescheduled meeting, rather than an addition to the fixture list. It will a wonderful experience for the players on both teams and for the likes of Framesby flyhalf Ernst Stapelberg and Glenwood’s grade-11 backline star Morné Joubert, it might be a small taste of bigger things to come in their respective rugby careers, which look very promising indeed.


  1. avatar
    #88 BOG

    @badboy: Bad behaviour at the Kondosse, gave you instant entry at Queens. The worse the behaviour, the more credits and recognition they got at Queens. Agh, just as well that the Tempe Tigres, were exclusively for girls. Come to think of it, it now explains why so many Old Queenians ended up doing military service at Tempe.

    19 February, 2013 at 11:05
  2. avatar
    #87 Queenian

    @badboy: Ha Ha

    19 February, 2013 at 10:50
  3. avatar
    #86 badboy

    @rugbyfan: Queenian was likely expelled from there and landed up at Queens. :mrgreen:

    19 February, 2013 at 10:29
  4. avatar
    #85 rugbyfan

    @Queenian: Good one i never got in i was behind you on the waiting list apperantly Old Boys Kids had first choice. :lol:

    19 February, 2013 at 07:05
  5. avatar
    #84 Queenian

    @BOG: I applied but they turned me down saying they gave you the last place. :mrgreen:

    19 February, 2013 at 06:51
  6. avatar
    #83 BOG

    @Queenian: You obviously not go to JJ Serfontein to add some finishing touches prior to your discharge? :mrgreen:

    18 February, 2013 at 16:08
  7. avatar
    #82 Queenian

    @QC86: Dont worry have never met a Queenian that could spell

    18 February, 2013 at 15:05
  8. avatar
    #81 BOG

    @rugbyfan: It would be easier and a lot shorter to list the areas which are NOT high risk.

    18 February, 2013 at 12:42
  9. avatar
    #80 QC86

    sorry ,just read my post,should be SPENDING NOT SENDING,IQ not very high plus lots of concussion makes for bad grammar

    18 February, 2013 at 11:42
  10. avatar
    #79 rugbyfan

    @Playa: That Taxi rank is a high risk area mate

    18 February, 2013 at 11:24
  11. avatar
    #78 Playa

    @QC86: Hahahaha! I can imagine. Sanity is needed when you have to deal with that KWT taxi rank everyday.

    18 February, 2013 at 10:53
  12. avatar
    #77 QC86

    @Playa: no ,we live on a farm,kei road way,about 25km from town,paradise,lots of game,bushbuck,impala,warthog,blesbuck,saw some kudu the other day for the first time,after sending a work day in the taxi rank i need some peace and quiet

    18 February, 2013 at 09:18
  13. avatar
    #76 Playa

    @QC86: Do you live in King?Or do you commute between EL and KTW everyday?

    18 February, 2013 at 08:47
  14. avatar
    #75 QC86

    @rugbyfan: used to be ,bought our own shop from him about 10 years ago@BOG: sorry :oops:

    18 February, 2013 at 08:14
  15. avatar
    #74 rugbyfan

    @QC86: Ye i think i remember you played 8th man for Queens. So Mabavula you must be conneted to Hayden then.

    18 February, 2013 at 05:59
  16. avatar
    #73 Ludz

    @BOG: hahahahahahahahaha

    16 February, 2013 at 15:22
  17. avatar
    #72 BOG

    @QC86: Whatsapp is cheaper :mrgreen:

    16 February, 2013 at 13:21
  18. avatar
    #71 QC86

    @GCollege86: Andrea will kom kuier,ek en Grant gaan rugby kyk

    16 February, 2013 at 11:42
  19. avatar
    #70 GCollege86

    @QC86: Sal jou laat weet oor die rugby vanmiddag. Is nogal lus vir dit. Tian en DavidB wil gaan “spearfish” vanmiddag. Krieket is teen Grey Bloem vandag so ek dink dit kan n vroeë middag vir Selborne wees. Dink in elk geval die see gaan nie reg wees nie. ooste wind het begin waai.

    16 February, 2013 at 11:00
  20. avatar
    #69 QC86

    @GCollege86: jy sal moet vir beet vra,ek is te dom. :oops:

    16 February, 2013 at 10:32
  21. avatar
    #68 GCollege86

    @QC86: More Rudi. Die coach het my die twee name deurgestuur. Hoe kry ek die Grey trui langs my username af?

    16 February, 2013 at 10:08
  22. avatar
    #67 QC86

    @BoishaaiPa: took photo this morning,house is looking neat and loved,so let me know if you want to see,

    16 February, 2013 at 09:03
  23. avatar
    #66 GCollege86

    @BoishaaiPa: Got a call from a Johnny van Niekerk two weeks ago. Forgot to asked him what he does at Boishaai. Need to phone him on Monnday to set up a meeting for the 25th when I will be in Cape Town for business. Can you give me some info on him and his roll at Boishaai?

    16 February, 2013 at 06:56
  24. avatar
    #65 QC86

    @BoishaaiPa: would you like me to drive passed and take a photo for you,for old time sake,will do no problem,i love going pass my old homes when i am in those old home towns,brings back some good memories,just send cell no and i will text it

    15 February, 2013 at 18:04
  25. avatar
    #64 Playa

    @DC ARMY: Have faith mate. Dale had been written off before.QC86 is right.

    15 February, 2013 at 16:52
  26. avatar
    #63 QC86

    @DC ARMY: you know the old saying about looks and about the size of the dog,so lets wait and see,we might be surprised

    15 February, 2013 at 16:27
  27. avatar
    #62 DC ARMY

    @QC86: sadly must agree with you there, also drove past the Graveyard, even the most optimistic and die hard Dale fan can not igonre the truth when it’s front of you. It’s going to be a long and painful season for Dale and their supporters i’m afraid. For a proud rugby school like them, there will be a couple of cricket scores in there especially in Maritzburg against Monnas and Affies and Cape Schools. Over the years Dale has not been known to have big robust players, but damn what i saw yestersay, but only time wiil tell.

    15 February, 2013 at 16:14
  28. avatar
    #61 Playa

    @Ploegskaar: Nothing wrong with a little hope.I will be there either way.

    @BoishaaiPa: LOL! I dont think so. You know in the ’90s, it was the EC schools that dominated Cape Schools.The 2000s have belonged to the WC so far. But watch this space.Things will change. :mrgreen:

    And by the way…my Standard 7 accounting teacher lived at 13 Alamein Crescent (in the 90s).Small world

    15 February, 2013 at 14:52
  29. avatar
    #60 Ploegskaar

    @BOG: I think the swimming pool is marginally bigger as well :oops:

    15 February, 2013 at 14:51
  30. avatar
    #59 Ploegskaar

    @BoishaaiPa: That’s just nasty man :mrgreen:

    15 February, 2013 at 14:49
  31. avatar
    #58 BoishaaiPa

    @BOG: At least its not bone dry and looking like a karoo dirtroad!…

    15 February, 2013 at 14:48
  32. avatar
    #57 BOG

    @Ploegskaar: Difficult to distinguish between the swimming pool and the rugby pitch. The pitch is marginally darker and a litter wetter of the two. :mrgreen:

    15 February, 2013 at 14:38
  33. avatar
    #56 BoishaaiPa

    @QC86: Lived at 13 Alamein Cresent from 72 to 76….Up the hill from Dale.

    15 February, 2013 at 14:28
  34. avatar
    #55 BoishaaiPa

    @Ploegskaar: Mudpuddle?..It drains better than the field in Northern Paarl!…@Playa..the only reason they invite Landbou and SACS to play in Cape Schools is that the EC schools can have at least some easy games on the tour!..

    15 February, 2013 at 14:25
  35. avatar
    #54 Ploegskaar

    @Playa: Don’t think the weather will be that great, but at least it’s at Paarl Gym and not that mud puddle at Brug. No fixture list out yet, but the WC school reps will be Gym, Landbou, Wynberg, Rondebosch and SACS and the EC reps will be Dale, Queens, Selborne, Grey PE and Muir.

    15 February, 2013 at 12:43
  36. avatar
    #53 Playa

    @Ploegskaar: Yeah, I live and work in CT, based in Rondebosch. I will make it a point that I catch at least 2 of the rugby days at Cape Schools.Hopefully the weather will allow good rugby.
    Is the programme out yet?

    15 February, 2013 at 12:33
  37. avatar
    #52 Ploegskaar

    @Playa: I gather you currently study/live here in CT, so assume you will come watch Dale play at the Cape Schools week 22 – 26 June in Paarl?

    15 February, 2013 at 12:26
  38. avatar
    #51 Playa

    @QC86: Hahahahahaha

    15 February, 2013 at 12:15
  39. avatar
    #50 QC86

    @Playa: I’m not so bad at stroking the odd breast myself.

    15 February, 2013 at 11:55
  40. avatar
    #49 Ploegskaar

    @badboy: (and rugbyfan) This forum is probably not the place and does not have the space to discuss the complicated issue of imports vs local, but hopefully I will have the opportunity to exchange views with both of you in person on this (and rugby) over a beer one day.

    15 February, 2013 at 11:00
  41. avatar
    #48 Playa

    @QC86: Careful…I pack a mean breast stroke :mrgreen:

    15 February, 2013 at 10:38
  42. avatar
    #47 QC86

    @rugbyfan: that would be lekka,Mabovula and my name is rudi venter,driven past the dale fields,jee not much there,unless the heavies are at waterpolo :mrgreen: xhosa’s polo i don’t think so :mrgreen: i know playa can’t swim

    15 February, 2013 at 10:15
  43. avatar
    #46 Ploegskaar

    @rugbyfan: I think they will put a pretty decent side on the park this year. The pack will be competitive as always and they have two skilled ball players & kickers in Tian Nel (10) and Heinrich Buhr (15) returning as well (they scored 304 points between them during the 2012 season). Untimely injuries and a lack of depth due to their comparatively small player pool may be their undoing yet again though. Other players, apart from the mentioned two to keep an eye out for is Matthys Basson and Conrad Burger.

    15 February, 2013 at 10:04
  44. avatar
    #45 rugbyfan

    @Ploegskaar: What Boland Landbou going to be like this year?

    15 February, 2013 at 09:42
  45. avatar
    #44 rugbyfan

    @QC86: And what is your business name will be coming through King next Tuesday would like to come check you out there boet

    15 February, 2013 at 09:37
  46. avatar
    #43 rugbyfan

    @QC86: Whats your surname if i may ask

    15 February, 2013 at 09:35
  47. avatar
    #42 rugbyfan

    @QC86: Ye that as well

    15 February, 2013 at 09:34
  48. avatar
    #41 rugbyfan

    @badboy: Ye a difficult one Producers on one side trying to save there butts and Importers on the other trying to save there,s.

    I think there has to be a balance as people have the right to cheap food and SA producers have the right to be on a level playing fields. Have being to Brazil twice over the last few years for the econimic development forum and the Poultry producers get subsidized on maize and then dump production they cannot sell, so there are alot of complicated factors.

    Then again will never do any work for that forum again as all they are looking for is back hands did not even get paid all my bucks.

    15 February, 2013 at 09:33
  49. avatar
    #40 QC86

    @rugbyfan: not greed, arrogance

    15 February, 2013 at 09:32
  50. avatar
    #39 QC86

    @BoishaaiPa: :mrgreen:

    15 February, 2013 at 09:31
  51. avatar
    #38 rugbyfan

    @DC ARMY: Greed

    15 February, 2013 at 09:27
  52. avatar
    #37 DC ARMY

    @Rugbyfan, i knew it the instant that story broke, i mean how stupid does he think we are, who can not tell the difference between his lover and a burglar, i am curious to hear how he is going to explain that story during his trial. 3 shots 10 minutes of silence and then 3 more shots, a women screams. Seriously and he calls that an accidental shooting that seems more like an execution . Jub Jub now the Blade Runner why do these celebs throw away their livelihoods and freedom.

    15 February, 2013 at 09:15
  53. avatar
    #36 badboy

    Meant Brito,s Ploeg sorry for the type O

    15 February, 2013 at 09:04
  54. avatar
    #35 badboy

    @BoishaaiPa: I think we should have a section for “Whats for Sale”

    Can sure see now that Broto,s are the import kings now i know why Ploegskaar hates SAPA so much if they get there duties through on chicken they got a problem.

    15 February, 2013 at 09:04
  55. avatar
    #34 GreenBlooded

    @Ploegskaar: Ja – those places are not so cool anymore. If you stay there your chances of making it to the Kearsney Festival are pretty slim. The best B&B’s are probably in the Summerveld area where you will likely stay on a large equstrian (that’s horses) estate or Botha’s Hill. Other nearby areas are Kloof, Hillcrest, Waterfall, Assagay. Google is your friend.

    15 February, 2013 at 08:58
  56. avatar
    #33 rugbyfan

    So i see Oscar Prestoruis turned out to be a bit of a dog evrybody was first saying there thoughts were with him now it turns out it was cold blooded murder

    Shows you cannot judge a book by its cover

    15 February, 2013 at 08:47
  57. avatar
    #32 Grasshopper

    @Ploegskaar, try here;

    Close to Kearsney but can be a little pricey…

    15 February, 2013 at 08:43
  58. avatar
    #31 Rugger fan

    @Ploegskaar: I stay in Hillcrest – and have used a few for my work colleagues from Europe – so I can give some names if you like.

    15 February, 2013 at 08:36
  59. avatar
    #30 CyndiAtRugby

    @Grasshopper: @BOG:
    This is a compulsory game for all the Glenwood boys so the stands should be fairly green on the day. Now to get a certain photographer access???

    Maybe we should call in the Durban Boxing Club for a ‘corporate challenge’

    @Ploegskaar: The beachfront is a fair drive to KERF (about 40km either way) – there are some decent B&B’s closer to Hillcrest and Botha’s hill. Check out Where to Stay website.

    15 February, 2013 at 08:31
  60. avatar
    #29 BoishaaiPa

    Beet, I see here is some business deals being conducted on your site as well!..What is your cut for providing the platform?.. :mrgreen:

    15 February, 2013 at 07:21
  61. avatar
    #28 Ploegskaar

    @All Durbanites, I am thinking of bringing the family up for the KERF festival, but many a moon has passed since I last listened to Radio Lotus. As a student in the early 90’s I got absolutely smashed in a hole called the Irish Pub, and during the mid 80’s, when Mike van Huysteen was still SA bodyboarding champ, us Dutchies used to spend July holidays there in luxury boutique hotels like the Lonsdale and Balmorral. Much has apparently changed, so any suggestions?

    14 February, 2013 at 18:48
  62. avatar
    #27 Grasshopper

    @Greenblooded, Westers and Star, why don’t we all put pressure on the headmasters and respective Old Boys Chariman’s. I have hounded the Glenwood side and had a few calls too. Dieter Kriese is a reasonable bloke from what I can remember, he surely can do some arm twisting there. It’s an absolute farce. Can’t they just agree to disagree on the Marne issue and the own auditor issue and move on, it’s become juvenile now. Both schools made mistakes, some might think Glenwood’s was bigger…who cares now, Glenwood lost the game, Westville won… year fresh start…..

    14 February, 2013 at 18:10
  63. avatar
    #26 Ploegskaar

    @QC86: No problem, just phone the HQ number and ask for me, sure you know my name, and we can get the paperwork in place and some offers going. May have possibilities for end March, depending on shipments.

    14 February, 2013 at 17:19
  64. avatar
    #25 QC86

    @Ploegskaar: thanx boet need 10 ton a week,plus some polony lines

    14 February, 2013 at 17:07
  65. avatar
    #24 GreenBlooded

    @Westers: That’s a great idea but I guess the first hurdle is to get the 2 schools talking again. You are correct when you say the other teams are not overloaded – far from it. They could easily fit in another few weeks of fixtures. I think that Glenwood / College / Westville should play each other home and away each year.

    To get the ball rolling – maybe Hopper’s boxing ring idea has some merit………. :mrgreen:

    14 February, 2013 at 17:02
  66. avatar
    #23 Westers

    @Grasshopper, I agree 100%. Westville have added Pretoria BHS this year which is a great step in the right direction in terms of getting games for all teams. Westvilles one huge failing is still not playing into the 3rd term. They need to do this and then have home and away against Glenwood (and College if possible). I know some people advocate keeping traditional fixtures but there comes a time when you have to consider dropping some of these. In the case of Westville they should really look at the fixtures against Richards Bay/Empangeni and Pionier/Vryheid. They do not have the depth to offer full fixtures sad to say.

    You also comment often on too many fixtures for the first team and I agree 100%. But consideration needs to be given to the other approx 25 teams that Westville and Glenwood can put out each week. They are not overloaded.

    Just another thought – I know the first teams are playing in tournaments over the weekend 21 to 24 March. Wouldn’t it be great if the rest of the Glenwood and Westville teams could play each other that weekend. Westville play fixtures agaisnt Hilton on 16 March and not all teams will get a game. The next time the teams other than 1sts play is on 13 April against Empangeni/Richards Bay. Again not all teams will play. Some boys will therefore only get their first game on 20 April and two months later there season ends. If the powers that be at Westville cannot see that this is ridiculous they will not progress the school to becoming a consistently performing top 20 rugby playing school.

    14 February, 2013 at 16:51
  67. avatar
    #22 Ploegskaar

    @QC86: RV, I see you have done you homework. Sold out until end March at this stage, but will finalize purchases for March shipment/April arrival shortly, so maybe we can look at April delivery. You should give me a shout at some stage, I am sure there is some possibilities on other lines as well.

    14 February, 2013 at 16:31
  68. avatar
    #21 QC86

    @Ploegskaar: what price can Brito’s do on 10 ton of legQ to KING

    14 February, 2013 at 15:57
  69. avatar
    #20 All Black

    @beet: Have to admit that I prefer the school games. Not just when you have kids playing but for the whole atmosphere of the day. S15 is great to watch on TV with the replays and commentary. Drinking and driving has also stopped a lot of the pre and post match festivities at the stadium. Rather have a braai and beers around the pool and then watch the rugby. Normally 2 or 3 games in a row as well. People are also now aware of school boy player names with internet and TV coverage for school games.

    14 February, 2013 at 14:28
  70. avatar
    #19 beet

    @All Black: I think this being so early in the season + no lead up junior school games at the school makes it a viable option but I see that KZN schools do not like the disruption of stadium games. Saturday is a good opportunity to bring have a social gathering of parents, old boys and scholars, for the school to market itself, do fundraising thru sales of food and drink. In KZN these days, schools seldom consider the Sharks kick-off time like in the past, often supporters have to choose one or the other. It seems like the choice is increasingly becoming the school games, judging by their good attendances and the empty stadium

    14 February, 2013 at 14:14
  71. avatar
    #18 All Black

    O`h, just seen that the main game is at 7:10pm. That means most people will braai before the game. Could be a reasonable crowd.

    14 February, 2013 at 13:58
  72. avatar
    #17 All Black

    @DC ARMY: Dont think you will get much of a crowd I am afraid. It is a sat afternoon and all the other schools will probably have their on fixtures and crowds just do not get to games early in Durban. I would think that the Sharks is a 5pm start which would make the schools game 2:30/3:pm to allow for festivities before the main game.

    14 February, 2013 at 13:56
  73. avatar
    #16 Grasshopper

    @Star, yes but it’s shouldn’t be a case of adding a fixture it should be set in stone and twice per annum, instead of going to tournaments like Pukke. Westville is about 10k away and is probably strength for strength Glenwood’s closest rival in Durban. They should set up a boxing ring somewhere for the two Trevors to fight it out….I would pay to watch it….

    14 February, 2013 at 13:15
  74. avatar
    #15 star

    @ Grassy- I am not sure you could afford to add another fixture to your already crazy schedule :lol: . Who I feel for are the lower teams who battle to get more than a few matches during the season. Now it is going to be even worse and as Westers stated is one of the main reasons boys lose interest in the sport.

    14 February, 2013 at 13:11
  75. avatar
    #14 Grasshopper

    The whole Westville 1st team squad will be in the stands then to sus Framesby, no point in sussing Glenwood as the headmasters are still sulking after throwing their toys out the cot….no game on…

    14 February, 2013 at 12:51
  76. avatar
    #13 beet

    @star: And along with the match day 1 and matchday 2 games at KERF, there should be plenty of chances to gather intel on Framesby.

    14 February, 2013 at 12:39
  77. avatar
    #12 star

    Westville plays Framesby at KERF and so will be able to get a bit of a sighter.

    14 February, 2013 at 12:27
  78. avatar
    #11 BOG

    Going by the curtain raisers by the U19 and 21 games, then sadly, the pavilion will be empty. Its in total contrast to years ago, when rugby was a full days event, with full stands.

    14 February, 2013 at 11:47
  79. avatar
    #10 Ploegskaar

    @Queenian: Great stuff, small world.

    14 February, 2013 at 11:41
  80. avatar
    #9 Ludz

    Glenwood will be in for a good work over that afternoon if that ginger boy Stapelberg is firing, leading candidate for the SA Schools no.10 jersey. Should be a good game

    14 February, 2013 at 11:39
  81. avatar
    #8 Queenian

    @Ploegskaar: Ye i am friendly with Ralph the eldest one he left the same year as me

    14 February, 2013 at 11:28
  82. avatar
    #7 Ploegskaar

    @Queenian: Not that I know of, but will certainly keep my eyes peeled. The youngest of the Cullinan brothers works in our group of companies, so will make sure to drag Warren down to Paarl (he stays in Wellington) to watch a game or two.

    14 February, 2013 at 11:23
  83. avatar
    #6 Queenian

    @Ploegskaar: Yes it would have they issued the fixtures yet

    14 February, 2013 at 11:12
  84. avatar
    #5 Ploegskaar

    Apart from all these wonderful games to look forward to, the Cape Schools Week (22 – 26 June) will also provide some of the schools in the Western Cape and Eastern Cape the opportunity to do battle in Paarl this year (at Paarl Gym). If Landbou were to be drawn against Dale, Queens and Selbourne for their 3 games, it will definitely make for some good banter here :mrgreen:

    14 February, 2013 at 11:06
  85. avatar
    #4 Queenian

    @Grasshopper: Framesby this year will be the weaker of the 3 big Afrikaans schools in the PE area , Danial Pienaar and Brandwag will be the better ones.

    There big plus for them this year is there Flyhalf really good but tends to do to much by himself basically hogs the ball.

    14 February, 2013 at 10:47
  86. avatar
    #3 Grasshopper

    Great news, good to see they are thinking about recovery of the boys a bit. The game will be very early season so will probably be a little scrappy. Good for both sides to warm up for the season and to experience playing in a big stadium. School games at Kings Park as curtain raisers used to happen all the time, was great to see both sets of schools take up sections of the stands doing their war cries and blazer signage displays. Sometimes I wish the DHS vs Glenwood game was held there to show the sort of crowds these two great Durban schools can attract. The Paarl Boys always claim interschools is the biggest, which is probably is but i think that is more to do with lack of space at schools grounds limiting other derbies rather than lack of interest. Nothing against interschools, so please don’t attack me. I will be going to interschools this year for the first time to enjoy the experience…

    14 February, 2013 at 10:43
  87. avatar
    #2 beet

    @DC ARMY: An equally good opportunity for the Kings to do likewise at NMB Stadium

    14 February, 2013 at 10:05
  88. avatar
    #1 DC ARMY

    Hopefully it will be televised and a its good initiative to expose these kids to those type of crowds and atmosphere. It would also be great if this could happen for other schools in this super rugby season and beyond.

    14 February, 2013 at 09:47

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