Southern Coastal Tournament for Boland, EP, SWD & WP u13, u16, u18

The Southern Coastal Tournament hosted by SWD High and Primary Schools’ Associations at Langenhoven Gimnasium in Oudtshoorn from 13 – 15 June 2015.

12h10 Sat.13Jun A U13B SWD Primary School XV
13h00 Sat.13Jun A U13A EP WP
13h50 Sat.13Jun A U18 CW EP Boland
15h10 Sat.13Jun A U13A SWD WP
16h00 Sat.13Jun A U18 CW SWD WP
12h10 Sat.13Jun B U13A SWD Boland
13h00 Sat.13Jun B u16 SWD WP
14h10 Sat.13Jun B u16 EP Boland
15h20 Sat.13Jun B u18 AW EP Boland
16h25 Sat.13Jun B U13B SWD WP
12h15 Sat.13Jun C u13B Boland WP
13h00 Sat.13Jun C u16 SWD EP
14h10 Sat.13Jun C u13B Boland Primary School XV
15h00 Sat.13Jun C u18 AW SWD WP
16h10 Sat.13Jun C U13A EP Boland
09h00 Mon.15Jun A U13A SWD EP
09h50 Mon.15Jun A U18 CW SWD Boland
11h50 Mon.15Jun A U13A WP Boland
12h00 Mon.15Jun A U18 CW WP EP
09h00 Mon.15Jun B u13B SWD Boland
09h50 Mon.15Jun B u18 AW EP WP
11h00 Mon.15Jun B u13B WP Primary School XV
12h00 Mon.15Jun B u18 AW SWD Boland
09h00 Mon.15Jun C u16 SWD Boland
10h10 Mon.15Jun C u16 WP EP
11h20 Mon.15Jun C u16 SWD EP


  1. avatar
    #23 Die Ken

    @Ploegskaar: Nou sien ek wat jy bedoel….

    17 June, 2015 at 13:40
  2. avatar
    #22 Ploegskaar

    @Kattes-Strofes: Jy hoef nie vir hom jammer te voel nie en dit traak hom teen die tyd min nadat hy al soveel keer oorgesien is. Daarvoor maak die feit dat hy verlede jaar vir DJ in sy moer kon stuur en dat hy erkenning van buite die provinsie kry in elk geval meer as genoeg op. Daar was al vele voor hom en daar sal seker nog vele wees in die toekoms, maar die vraag bly of WP Jnr Rugby werklik die belange van die WP Snr Rugby dien. Ek glo beslis nie so nie.

    Wat die 2 Boishaai stutte betref glo ek albei is vaskoppe, maar dis net my opinie gegrond op wat ek oor die jare van hulle gesien het, ek is nie ‘n coach of kenner nie

    17 June, 2015 at 09:01
  3. avatar
    #21 Kattes-Strofes

    @Ploegskaar: Laaste van my kant af oor die storie. Ek is opreg bly vir Marco se onthalwe. Ken hom al van sy Bellpark Laerskool dae af. Meer as n bruikbare speler. Ek wil ook net my stelling oor die Boishaai coaches verduidelik. Wikus en Leo speel tot o/16 onderskeidelik vas-en loskop. Die 0/19 coaches het egter verlede jaar besluit om hulle te ruil. Dit was nie die seuns se keuse nie. Maar soos dit hoort, het hulle die uitdaging aanvaar.Ek moet hier byvoeg. Miskien was die coaches tog reg,want die twee doen nie te vrot nie, ondanks die aanpasings. En wat Gert Smal betref.Hy voel ook dit is reg. Ek voel ook jammer vir Marco[ en ander seuns] wat ongelukkig is om nie gekies te word nie. Moet byvoeg. Was ook al baie in daai bootjie en mens moet maar vasbyt en weer probeer.

    16 June, 2015 at 21:15
  4. avatar
    #20 Kattes-Strofes

    @Ploegskaar: Ploegie.Jammer ek wou nie in n modder gooiery betrokke raak nie, maar daai vliee storie het nie lekker kom sit nie. Ek volg al die blog vir baie jare ,maar het my weerhou van kommentaar omdat daar persoonlike belange betrokke is. Na die kies van die Craven span het ek egter gevoel ek kan nou saam gesels sonder vooroordeel. Miskien tog n fout. Al glo jy dit nie, ek glo nog aan waardes soos intregriteit . Ek voel baie sleg dat ek n seun se naam genoem het. Dit bly steeds jong seuns met ouers en ons behoort dit te respekteer. Ek vra daarvoor onvoorwaardelik om verskoning.

    16 June, 2015 at 19:30
  5. avatar
    #19 Ploegskaar

    @Kattes-Strofes: Ek steur my so min aan wat Gert dink soos wat Gert hom steur aan wat ek dink. Wat ek wel weet is dat die dae getel is dat holhangers en lakeie invloed op keuses en kontraktering gaan hê, daarvoor het die Unie nou te veel jnr spelers gelek of verkeerdes gekontrakteer.

    Wat Joubert betref was daar 4 unies wat in hom belanggestel het, 3 wat af Kaap toe gevlieg het om sy games te kom kyk, selfs hom by sy huis besoek het. Hy kon kies waar hy wou teken, so dis nie net ek wat hom rate nie. 16 carries, 6 line breaks, 4 turn overs en ‘n try assist average per game oor 2 twee jaar, ongeag opposisie, is stats wat die praatwerk doen. Dalk moes iemand dit vir jou tjom Gert gegee het, nie?

    16 June, 2015 at 19:12
  6. avatar
    #18 phat55


    Thanks for clearing that up
    that’s why I said “if im not mistaken” as i wasnt there personally, just said what i was told by some who were

    16 June, 2015 at 18:53
  7. avatar
    #17 Kattes-Strofes

    @Ploegskaar: Jammer Ploegie. Ek het bedoel Marco en nie Carlo nie. Jy weet mos. Jou loskop koning.

    16 June, 2015 at 18:48
  8. avatar
    #16 Kattes-Strofes

    @phat55: Phat, I covered Saturday’s match. WP already lost their defencive shape in the final 10 minutes of the 1st. half. Swd got their tails up and exploited some gaps in WP’S defence. All the subs came on the final 20 minutes and it was not their fault that the game was lost. In fact, they all started yesterday’s match and almost played the full match. The result speeks for itself.

    16 June, 2015 at 18:46
  9. avatar
    #15 Kattes-Strofes

    @Ploegskaar: Ploegie, Die manne wat ek in gister se game uitgesonder het, kom vanaf die afrigters Ek skryf al donkie jare vir die plaaslike pers en kan eerlikwaar se, my mense word nie sommer genoem nie. Net as afrigter daarop aandring.. Darem nie so onnosel en arrogant om eie familie te boost nie. En kyk na my span van toernooi. Dit was my keuses ,en moet mos ook iets se. En laastens. Dit is nou hoog tyd dat jy oor Carlo kom. Jy het tot vervelens toe vir Wikus op vaskop gekies om vir hom plek te maak. Kom vra vir die Boishaai coaches hoekom hulle die twee stutte geruil het verlede jaar. En sommer ook vir Gert Smal. Groetnis.

    16 June, 2015 at 18:20
  10. avatar
    #14 phat55

    if im not mistaken WP were leading 20-7 until those 2 props came on & had a shocker giving away quite a few penalties, including the one that eventually gave SWD the win

    16 June, 2015 at 18:19
  11. avatar
    #13 Ploegskaar

    Bietjie poef as jy jou eie persoonlike seun uitsonder vir lof, maar nou ja, vlieë sit nie op sommige nie. Goed om te hoor hy was gister ok, Saterdag was glo ‘n Kattestrofe en na ‘n besering en net 10min se proewe, is daar baie om te bewys

    16 June, 2015 at 16:48
  12. avatar
    #12 Kattes-Strofes

    @Kattes-Strofes: Wil net noem. Wes-Kaap rugby ondersteuners kan by my aansluit vir rugbytoer na die All Black toets op Ellispark op die 25ste Julie. Toergroep vlieg Vrydag 24 Julie om 11h50 vanaf Kaapstad, Pakket sluit in twee nagte bed en ontbyt by 4 ster hotel in Sandton, busvervoer in JHB. en n R600 toets kaartjie . Ons sing, braai en vang gees by ons parkering regoor die hoofhek. Vlieg terug Sondag 26 Julie om 08h10 Prys is R5000 per persoon wat deel.[ 2 per kamer] en R5500 vir enkel kamer. Beperkte plekke oor. Belangstellendes kan my kontak by

    16 June, 2015 at 14:07
  13. avatar
    #11 Kattes-Strofes

    @Oakdale supporter: Jammer man. Ek het die tellings gekry per selfoon vanaf die organiseerder mnr Rudolph, n Baie gawe man. Ek het dit uitgesaai soos hy dit deurgegee het en ongelukkig nie neergeskryf nie. Ek weet egter WP se Akedemie span het gister vir OP. in n riller met37-31 geklop. Die WP o/13 A span het ook vir Boland taamlik ver geklop. Indien jy mnr Rudolph ken, kan hy jou moontlik help. Ek weet nie of die wedstryde herhaal word op Radio Ruggas nie. Indien wel, ek het die tellings deurgegee met die aanvamg van die WP, OP wedstryd.

    16 June, 2015 at 11:57
  14. avatar
    #10 Oakdale supporter

    @Kattes-Strofes: Het jy vir ons gister se tellings asb?

    16 June, 2015 at 11:30
  15. avatar
    #9 Kattes-Strofes

    @Kattes-Strofes: My team of the tournament is as follows. Please note that this is just a personal opinion and and in no circumstances must be taken too seriously. It is also based on both day’s performances and some players only had one match.mI also did not see much of the Academy matches and therefore could not consider them. I am sure some of them would have put up their hands for selection.Any way, here goes. Don’t shoot me. Iam only the piano player. No. 1 C J Van Niekerk [EP], No. 2 HP Van Schoor [SWD] , No. 3 Chrisjan Du Toit [SWD] No. 4[Adre Smit [SWD.] , No. 5 Rubin De Villiers [WP] No. 6 Zane Davids [WP] , No. 7 Ernst Van Rhyn [WP] CAPT., No. 8 Renaldo Ferreira [SWD. ] No. 9 Jondre Williams [WP] , No. 10 Curwin Bosch [EP] , No.11 Logan Stoffels [SWD.] , No. 12. Cornel Smit [WP], No. 13 Manie Libbok [SWD.] No. 14 Tyreeq February [WP], No. 15 Earl Douwrie [Boland]. There are obviously a number of players that is just as deserving of the Kattes- Strofes team, but I have decided to only name my FIRST CHOISE .

    16 June, 2015 at 11:05
  16. avatar
    #8 Kattes-Strofes

    @bhkgpa: I must say that there was a huge inprovement in WP’s play yesterday. Yes, it was different opponents an d WP’s starting line-up had 7 changes. However, one could see that more detail was spent on the defencive structures, which was much improved from Saterday’s outing. Players of WP who performed very well yesterday was Zane Davids[flank], Joshua Vermeulen [ fullback], Ruben De Villiers [ lock] and Jondre Williams [ scrumhalf]. Others who also performed well was the captain and lock Ernst Van Rhyn, Tighthead Leo Kruger . No.8 Khanja Nkusane and both wings Ryan Muller and Tyreeq February. All the other players can feel satisfied with their contributions.

    16 June, 2015 at 10:27
  17. avatar
    #7 bhkgpa

    @Proud OD: I am not attacking anyone, just telling where some of the problems were :)

    15 June, 2015 at 10:32
  18. avatar
    #6 Proud OD

    @bhkgpa I hope you not attacking who I think you having a go at?

    15 June, 2015 at 09:26
  19. avatar
    #5 bhkgpa

    WP CW Side was very good in 1st half but terrible in second. Nr 9 way too slow and cost WP backline. Nr12 need to start tackling. Cost at least 1 try. Maybe Lourens must move to inside centre, but he played well at 10, but 12 might be better for team. 1st half forwards played very good. SWD also have A very good team with big mobile forwards, a great nr 8 and a quick backline. Surely they will be a big contender at CW.

    14 June, 2015 at 08:10
  20. avatar
    #4 phat55

    u18 WP AW won 24-17
    u18 WP CW lost 23-24

    13 June, 2015 at 19:27
  21. avatar
    #3 GCollege86

    @Kattes-Strofes: Any scores?

    13 June, 2015 at 17:30
  22. avatar
    #2 disa

    @Kattes-Strofes: Dankie Kattes. Gaan self ook daar wees die naweek. Sal jou kom groet. Dis altyd n great ervaring vir die spanne om so saam te speel by dieselfde venue. Veral vir die laerskole.

    12 June, 2015 at 22:41
  23. avatar
    #1 Kattes-Strofes

    I will be commentating live the matches between Boland u/18 Craven team vs. E.P. ,at 13h50, as well as the main match between S.W.D. and WP., at 16h00 on the website RUGGAS.CO.ZA. Click on Radio Ruggas for the commentary. I will also try and get the results of the other matches.

    11 June, 2015 at 23:24

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