Westville 1st XV rugby head coach position advertised

Westville Old Boy Grant Bell’s 1st XV rugby head coach contract expires at the end of the 2015 Westville regular season. The position is being advertised. From the Sunday Tribune:





  1. avatar
    #90 Rhino_67

    The position was closed on the 07th July 2015 – does anyone have any news around this appointment. If there is going to be a new coach, surely the best approach here would be; the sooner the better. Need to start working with the boys and getting them into shape. The program should be starting now if you are to be building or asspiring for a successful 2016?

    22 July, 2015 at 10:41
  2. avatar
    #89 Griffonfly

    Just reverting to the title of this discussion with Brad Macloed Henderson resigning from the Sharks. I wonder if Westville have considered him.

    15 June, 2015 at 20:03
  3. avatar
    #88 Grasshopper

    @BiasedDHSDad: You even het to learn Afrikaans from your mates…..hahahahah!

    15 June, 2015 at 11:07
  4. avatar
    #87 Grasshopper

    @BiasedDHSDad: Well said. I think Glenwood provides the same sort of education but with the option for sporty kids to go that route if they wish. Glenwood has a large Asian community from Chatsworth etc too, so in my mind represents SA’s demographic make-up too. These kids usually represent the best academics in the school. I have a few friends with kids at DPHS sending them to Glenwood as they see it as the most down to earth and well rounded option in Durbs. Westville, DHS, Northwood and College were on their lists too, but after seeing them all and attending all the open days they decided on Glenwood. It’s not for all kids but it certainly is a well rounded option.

    15 June, 2015 at 11:05
  5. avatar
    #86 Playa

    @BiasedDHSDad: AMEN!

    15 June, 2015 at 10:40
  6. avatar
    #85 BiasedDHSDad


    Seeing as the following question was directly addressed to me, and despite my suspicions that you are just trolling, I am going answer your question …

    “@BiasedDHSDad: Well what is the confusion here, let’s call it like it is, what parent is honestly going to send their son to DHS in this day and age given the state of the school when there are so many better options out there.”

    I can categorically state if I had any more sons I would send them to DHS in a heartbeat.

    Is DHS perfect? No! But in my opinion I believe it is still the best school in the region for the education I want and can give my children. That is not to say it is any better or worse than other schools in its “category”, but for me I prefer it to Glenwood, Westville, Maritzburg College etc (emphasis on “I” of I prefer it).

    I think you may be confusing sports results with education. Ironically many of the reasons a lot of people do not want to send their kids to DHS are the reasons I am so happy with it. The so-called demographics is, to my mind, a positive. I like the fact that DHS is so far ahead of the game when it comes to transformation (and I believe a lot of schools are still to live through a lot of heartache as they try to handle the inevitable changes). My sons will leave DHS able to live comfortably in South Africa (and anywhere in the rest of the world).

    Poor sports results: My son has played two years of 1st XV rugby and enjoyed it and made great mates with his teammates and grown because of it. He has had to learn some hard lessons that come with losing, but that is maybe better for him than winning every week? He is not and never was going to be a professional rugby player, but if his academic results continue he should get a very good matric, and out in the business world he will have benefited by his education at DHS — and lets face it, do more successful people go into business / have a profession or play professional sport? And thus where should education be focussed.

    My son looks like leaving DHS this year as a well-rounded kid and I thank DHS for all they have done for him.

    My younger son has a few years to go and is a very different type of child. He loves DHS and is thriving there. Me, I am happy with DHS and if anybody wants a recommendation for a school — take a look at DHS. Look beyond the rumour and innuendo. Speak to the people who have kids there and speak to the kids. Speak to the new management team and discuss their vision.

    For those who are contemplating a school for your Gr8 in 2016, if you are 100% sure you kid will be one of the (on average) 30-35 rugby players from SA’s 2020 matric class that will make a living from rugby, then maybe DHS is not for you.

    15 June, 2015 at 10:10
  7. avatar
    #84 BiasedDHSDad

    @Gungets Tuft:
    “How many of those boys went to primary school in Durban or surrounds then, and how many are from the Eastern Cape. That’s not so say that it’s not perfectly OK to buy at Grade8, but they do remain bought.”

    To be honest I do not know … and I take your point, bought in Gr8 is bought. But I suspect not as many “bought” as you think because my understanding is there has been a reduction on scholarships since 2010 (but I may be wrong on that) … and personally I would like to see them do something to raise the standard of sport at DHS even if it is just matching some other schools efforts to attract Gr 8s (but only Gr8s). There is a change at the school and I believe we could see an upturn in the sport. Time will tell. It is still a great school and both my sons are very very happy there and have received a great education … even if they have had to learn a few lessons that come with losing at sport.

    15 June, 2015 at 09:34
  8. avatar
    #83 Grasshopper

    @akw: sometimes it’s fun to feed the troll to see their reaction…

    14 June, 2015 at 21:48
  9. avatar
    #82 Bonthuis

    @ForeverHorseFly: You’ve got a leg to stand on when you start getting results at 1st VX level…

    14 June, 2015 at 19:39
  10. avatar
    #81 the professor

    @Bush: Did you experience this type of behaviour at Goldstones yesterday or is it something that has been on the increase in recent times?

    14 June, 2015 at 19:24
  11. avatar
    #80 Playa

    @ForeverHorseFly: very nice!All the best.This looks promising indeed.

    14 June, 2015 at 18:56
  12. avatar
    #79 Vleis

    @ForeverHorseFly: Sounds very positive. I hope that it goes well for your school in future. Good luck.

    14 June, 2015 at 16:54
  13. avatar
    #78 ForeverHorseFly

    DHS might have had its problems in the past (most institutions over 100 years probably have) but things have improved and will continue to improve. The link to the DHS Foundation update from CEO Mike Fennel:


    DHS will be back among the best in KZN in terms of rugby, its only a matter of time.

    14 June, 2015 at 15:24
  14. avatar
    #77 akw

    @McCulleys Workshop: Refer to rule Nr 1.

    14 June, 2015 at 15:08
  15. avatar
    #76 McCulleys Workshop

    @akw: Rule 2 of feeding Trolls?

    14 June, 2015 at 14:28
  16. avatar
    #75 Bonthuis

    @Grasshopper: When last did they beat a top 5 school? Stop avoiding the question…

    14 June, 2015 at 13:51
  17. avatar
    #74 akw

    Rule 1 of feeding trolls:

    Do NOT feed the troll.

    14 June, 2015 at 11:58
  18. avatar
    #73 Grasshopper

    @Bonthuis: a month ago was my last drive along Essenwood Rd, it’s not as badas some might think. Also, the road doesn’t reflect the campus. DHS has improved immensely in the past 3 years. Arguing with you is like bashing ones head against the wall. Just ask how Westville did against DHS at A team level?

    14 June, 2015 at 11:40
  19. avatar
    #72 Playa

    @Bonthuis: No I’m not a tow truck driver.But I am one of those people you view as a ‘demographic problem’ who you expect to excel in athletics,basketball and cricket BUT NOT rugby.

    Eish,now why did I entertain you :roll:

    14 June, 2015 at 09:06
  20. avatar
    #71 Bonthuis

    @Playa: You a tow truck driver boet? Stop being so sensitive.

    13 June, 2015 at 17:33
  21. avatar
    #70 Playa

    @Bonthuis: Thank goodness I am not the sensitive type otherwise I would take your comments very personally.Then again, I reckon you must be one of those over-achievers who have nothing further to look forward to in life. Damn shame.If you are indeed an adult, you should be ashamed of yourself.

    13 June, 2015 at 15:24
  22. avatar
    #69 Bonthuis

    @Grasshopper: Not surprised about the athletics, should be up there in basketball, soccer and cricket too.

    13 June, 2015 at 15:19
  23. avatar
    #68 Bonthuis

    @Grasshopper: Like a broken record, we don’t care if your Dad and Grandfather went to DHS, that has no bearing on the argument. When last did you drive along Essenwood Rd or that part of the Berea – that should answer your question. You can bring in new management and Chris Seabrook’s money, but, it’s not going to solve the demographic problem in the area and how that relates to the DHS rugby program. I get there’s 200 years of history, but, let’s be straight up and call it like it is without trying to defend something every year that’s not there anymore.

    When last did DHS beat a top 5 school and why is that the case??

    13 June, 2015 at 14:54
  24. avatar
    #67 Grasshopper

    @Bonthuis: I think you’ll find quite a few parents do consider & send their boys to DHS, otherwise the school wouldn’t exist. DHS has great new leadership and making strides to improve, it’s a long process to change psyche & culture. DHS are 150 years old in 2016, they deserve more respect. It’s a fine Durban institution. In fact they are the strongest athletics team in Durban and probably the province. My dad & uncle both attended DHS and were/are great men. Ask other schools about their basketball too, very strong. Academically they are sound too…

    13 June, 2015 at 07:23
  25. avatar
    #66 Gungets Tuft

    @Bonthuis: Here’s a little tip for intelligent debate. You make an accusation then the onus is on you to prove it. It’s not up to the person you accuse to prove you wrong. When called out on your accusation it’s a grown up response to answer. It’s a juvenile response to change the argument. So your “who would send their kid to DHS” is not an answer, it’s another argument. How about you settle the first discussion by backing your statement up with facts first.

    12 June, 2015 at 23:20
  26. avatar
    #65 Bonthuis

    @BiasedDHSDad: Well what is the confusion here, let’s call it like it is, what parent is honestly going to send their son to DHS in this day and age given the state of the school when there are so many better options out there.

    12 June, 2015 at 20:00
  27. avatar
    #64 Gungets Tuft

    @Grasshopper: Do You have a tattoo, made with a broken bottle and engine grease. If not, consider something else :mrgreen:

    11 June, 2015 at 19:31
  28. avatar
    #63 Grasshopper

    @Gungets Tuft: I’m thinking of starting my own towing company up here in Jozi, it’s like the Wild West plenty of danger but plenty of opportunity too….

    11 June, 2015 at 17:44
  29. avatar
    #62 Rhino_67

    @BiasedDHSDad: The u16A player being refered to has played with my son at Club level and his age is very much in question. At Jnr provincial level he represented at u13 one year and then u12 the following I understand. At school level, he played u14 in 2012, u15 in 2013 and u16 in 2014. He was selected in 2014 for Club provincials at u15 while playing u16 for DHS? This year he’s back in the u16 side so who know what his plan we be next year. Just very concerning.

    11 June, 2015 at 16:25
  30. avatar
    #61 Pedantic

    @star: Erlich was the #8 and was in the early season warm up games before dropping to the 2nds. Excellent all-round player with the heart of a lion.

    11 June, 2015 at 15:58
  31. avatar
    #60 Gungets Tuft

    @Buffel: There’s an old saying about playing poker in a new crowd, that there’s a mug at every table. Look around, if you can’t spot the mug then it’s probably you.

    So, I vote we keep ou Bonthuis …..

    @Grasshopper: I don’t get it .. 8-O you don’t think … sheesh, all you career elitists … just because I follow ambulances you make judgements … :(

    11 June, 2015 at 15:37
  32. avatar
    #59 star

    @Buffel: Are you going up for the match? The House/College game looks like it will be a corker too. I can’t believe that Pedantic is trying to muscle in on your potential winnings. :lol: (Can’t take these Kearsney types anywhere). Hilton really needs to step up to the plate now as this is the last chance at home to show what they are capable of. Also for me to kneel before the Buffel and eat humble pie just does not seem right. :mrgreen:
    @ Pedantic- where did that no 8 who played against NW come from? I don’t remember him from the Westville encounter( even at 2ND team level.) I think if you combined his weight with that of the NW no 8 , your boy would still have the better of them :mrgreen: He had some nice touches though and his positional play was very good.

    11 June, 2015 at 15:34
  33. avatar
    #58 Gungets Tuft

    @BiasedDHSDad: We will take your word for it, but clarify something for me. How many of those boys went to primary school in Durban or surrounds then, and how many are from the Eastern Cape. That’s not so say that it’s not perfectly OK to buy at Grade8, but they do remain bought.

    11 June, 2015 at 15:30
  34. avatar
    #57 Pedantic

    @Rhino_67: Unfortunately not – as an U16 he doesn’t qualify for an U19 game as per BokSmart.
    After a quiet start to the season (by his standards) he is looking ridiculously good at the moment – very excited to watch him against the big boys next year.

    11 June, 2015 at 15:10
  35. avatar
    #56 Rhino_67

    @Pedantic: Could it be that your talented u16A No. 8 – Richardson will get a run on?

    11 June, 2015 at 15:02
  36. avatar
    #55 Pedantic

    @Buffel: Quietly confident, don’t want to give too much away but I think there will be a revelation in the KC team this weekend. Hope you’re sharing after Sterretjie’s payout :mrgreen:

    11 June, 2015 at 14:53
  37. avatar
    #54 Buffel

    Star- where are you. It’s D-day this weekend. KC need to win by 8 for the beer to come my way. No Dixon is huge. Going to be good but I think we will have to play out of our socks to win this one.

    11 June, 2015 at 14:34
  38. avatar
    #53 Grasshopper

    @Buffel: Oh the Morne Joubert show….loved it :wink:

    11 June, 2015 at 14:30
  39. avatar
    #52 Buffel

    @Pedantic: if you mean by comic relief that he is a joke then I support your stand. He seems very bitter about something. S..t , we should be a little anti green after last year’s drubbing but it is the nature of the sport and character building. I see there was no mention from him about the game last year at Bowens when Westville got caught cold.

    11 June, 2015 at 14:27
  40. avatar
    #51 McCulleys Workshop

    @Pedantic: Jordaan Shoes is a ventriloquist and used to be a Glenwood supporter

    11 June, 2015 at 13:24
  41. avatar
    #50 GreenBlooded


    Wasn’t aware of that. Thanks.

    11 June, 2015 at 13:13
  42. avatar
    #49 Pedantic

    @Buffel: C’mon – Bonthuis and Jordaan at least offer a bit of comic relief now and again even if it is unintentional :mrgreen:

    11 June, 2015 at 13:02
  43. avatar
    #48 Buffel

    @Bonthuis: @Grasshopper: @Gungets Tuft: @beet: Sorry Beet- Bonthuis needs to be jettisoned from the blog. Hell, he doesn’t add any value whats so ever. Just has a huge bug on his shoulder about anything Glenwood related. I feel that I am speaking on the behalf of a number of bloggers when I say this!!

    11 June, 2015 at 12:57
  44. avatar
    #47 Buffel

    @GreenBlooded: Mike coached Rovers at u20 level ,together with Kevin Smith ,with success.@Rhino_67: as my response to greenblooded.

    11 June, 2015 at 12:46
  45. avatar
    #46 Grasshopper

    @Gungets Tuft: What makes me laugh is he really does think you are a tow truck driver :wink:

    11 June, 2015 at 11:59
  46. avatar
    #45 Grasshopper

    @Playa: I would say the taps come on in April and go off in October, winter there is that long and kak! Did it for 2 years. If houses were double glazed and gas heated it would be fine, but the majority are not…

    11 June, 2015 at 11:57
  47. avatar
    #44 BiasedDHSDad

    “Winning 1st, U16A, U15A etc. would mean we simply buying teams at age group level per what DHS are doing.”

    :?: Not sure what you are referring to … DHS 1st team is only (as far as I am aware) complete team from Gr8; and I am pretty sure U15 and U16 have no imports. As far as I know U16 has one player who was U16 last year (was playing in an age group too high which is a bit of a twist on the age debate) and one player whose family moved to Durban but he has not played one match since the move due to an injury he arrived with.

    The DHS U15 and U16A teams are good this year, but more to good luck and good coaching than buying players I think.

    11 June, 2015 at 09:54
  48. avatar
    #43 McCulleys Workshop

    @Gungets Tuft: @Playa: Can’t keep you Toe Truck Drivers from the Guava

    11 June, 2015 at 09:43
  49. avatar
    #42 Playa

    @GreenBlooded: It’s a pleasant place to live in until the period of mid-May to end August. :(

    11 June, 2015 at 08:48
  50. avatar
    #41 Playa

    @Gungets Tuft: HAHAHA! :lol: :lol: :lol:

    11 June, 2015 at 08:42
  51. avatar
    #40 GreenBlooded


    Hahaha. This coming from the child who was pondering the makeup of the CW team 2 weeks after it was picked. :mrgreen:


    Was down there on bidniz yesterday. Whistle stop tour. I could quite easily live there. Everything seems to work! But GT is correct. Winter weather there must be like living in the UK.

    11 June, 2015 at 08:39
  52. avatar
    #39 Gungets Tuft

    @Playa: Boet, you don’t understand. Business is booming everywhere, but in Cape Town a lot of the people won’t be towed by a mere Navara, it’s just not right. They’re all looking for Amarok at least, or want to know if it’s possible for the Guvna to send a converted Cayenne, to maintain standards, gnome sane ..

    Anyway, it’s cold and wet down in Cape Town, and the weather is horrible as well :roll: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

    11 June, 2015 at 08:28
  53. avatar
    #38 Playa

    @Gungets Tuft: Bru, ever considered a business move to Cape Town.?You’d be smiling today…in my 25km trek to the office this morning, I came across no less than 3 bust ups on the M5 highway. Add the two I drove past yesterday morning. It’s Christmas in June for tow tuckers here my bru.

    11 June, 2015 at 08:16
  54. avatar
    #37 Gungets Tuft

    @Bonthuis: Here I am, trying to reconcile Westville beating Glenwood and your knowledge (or apparent lack of it) of Steve La Marque.

    Your “we” seems to imply that a Westville victory on Dixon’s raises your IQ. The way you contribute on this blog makes it look like you’re relying on that. You might want to google “correlation” and “causation”.

    And leave the tow truck drivers out of it bru, I can prove for a fact that there is an direct relationship between our IQ and the fuel price, so we’ve got you covered.

    11 June, 2015 at 08:01
  55. avatar
    #36 Bonthuis

    @GreenBlooded: Hey, we beat you this year on Dixon’s so don’t get smart – are you a tow truck driver?? You might think your little opinion means a lot on these blogs, but, it doesn’t and your a bit of a joke!

    11 June, 2015 at 07:17
  56. avatar
    #35 GreenBlooded


    Once again, you display your ignorance for all to see. Do you think that Steve La Marque is simply a name??? Do some rudimentary research before you make idiotic statements.

    10 June, 2015 at 19:42
  57. avatar
    #34 Woltrui

    Westville earned a lot of respect from the local supporters after their visit to Pretoria when they were hosted by Affies. They played with a lot of GUTS. Defending like Trojans. Using opportunities that came their way with great flare. Brave players. With 10 minutes to play they were still in the game with the score at 13 – 10.

    10 June, 2015 at 19:03
  58. avatar
    #33 Bonthuis

    @Grasshopper: Disagree that we would want to chase somebody who’s head of aquatics at Glenwood. That recommendation sounds like it’s more about the “La Marque” name than anything else.

    10 June, 2015 at 16:59
  59. avatar
    #32 Dixon’s

    @Far Meadows: for sure it can be done. but its becoming more rare. the fact that many schools have a Director of Rugby is mind boggling!!!

    10 June, 2015 at 12:47
  60. avatar
    #31 Far Meadows

    Both the ‘Director of Rugby’ and the 1stXV coach at MHS are full time teachers, so it can be done.

    10 June, 2015 at 11:59
  61. avatar
    #30 Rugger fan

    There have also been a number of awesome U15 & U16 coaches across the big schools who are teaching and rugby stalwarts – and set the scene for those successful 1st squads

    10 June, 2015 at 11:19
  62. avatar
    #29 Pedantic

    @Dixon’s: Barend Steyn is getting there .. approaching 15 years of 1st XV coaching as a teacher.
    The young Francois Lubbe also has the time and potential to become one of those greats.

    10 June, 2015 at 11:07
  63. avatar
    #28 Dixon’s

    its such a sad state of affairs that the 1st XV Coach is now a specialist “outside” position. long gone are the days where the 1st XVs of all schools where coached by actual teachers. i doubt we will ever see the likes of Skonk or Toppy again in our lifetime.

    Best of luck to whoever Westville select as the coach!

    10 June, 2015 at 10:59
  64. avatar
    #27 Rhino_67

    @GreenBlooded: I am in agreement with you on Mike Dick. Its one thing coaching Senior Primary Rugby, but dealing with the personalities and egos at High School level is another ball game.

    Im not sure about Mr Norris and his reason for not wanting the position, but if he prefers the assistant position, then he has my vote on that. He has made an impact with the 1st Team in the last few matches and I think its more around his people skills coming to the fore. The squad are a talented bunch of individuals and just needed that stability and improved communication to allow them to move forward.

    I look forward to the announcement – possibly in July? The Coaching Team in my opinion need to be looking at starting to develop a broader squad early in the third term even if its just to play touch once or twice a week so the earlier the better.

    10 June, 2015 at 10:36
  65. avatar
    #26 Rugger fan

    And McLaren may not have an A tier school 1stXV on his CV – but the work he did at Kloof – and the GK & KZN CLub U16 teams with the added Wildebeest exposure would make him well suited to bring on board.

    10 June, 2015 at 10:23
  66. avatar
    #25 GreenBlooded


    Mike Dick. Eish – big step up from Primary School to High School. I’d want to see him prove himself at U16 level first.

    Why doesn’t Norris want the job? I still say Carelse. McLaren would be a good move for both parties too.

    10 June, 2015 at 09:42
  67. avatar
    #24 Buffel

    There are various options but I think it would not be out of place if a guy like Sean Everett or Mike Dick put their names forward. Just thinking out the box. Dean Carelse would be the first choice, I am sure. He knows the boys and has a very good CV having looked after Grey PE.

    10 June, 2015 at 07:33
  68. avatar
    #23 Rhino_67

    @McCulleys Workshop: We haven’t managed to get “Star” or “Westers” involved in the thread but that could be by virtue of the fact that their boys wont be at Westville next year?
    I have a similar sentiment to you on this subject. Westville do take far to long to get a settled line-up, and in all honesty that is why we have always battled at the beggining of the season. I was very much of the opinion that we should have taken 3 from 3 at KERF, but to have 6 changes just after the first half of the DALE game and then end up with a very capable 8th Man playing woefully out of position at Centre? The result was inevitable.
    Westville has a a very talented group of u17 boys coming through and 2016 is one season where we dont want to be asking any question come next year July.
    Lets hope a lot of thought goes into this process as I am sure a lot of boys are hoping to finish their SBR careers on a high at WBHS.

    10 June, 2015 at 07:29
  69. avatar
    #22 McCulleys Workshop

    @Rhino_67: I would love to get Star and Westers opinions, but to be frank I think GB has had talented players and really hasn’t made the most of it from a coaching perspective. It seems to me that it takes the whole season to get a settled starting line up, lots of player rotation and Westville never quite achieving what I have thought they would in a season. I haven’t been a supporter of the coach at all.

    10 June, 2015 at 06:18
  70. avatar
    #21 Grasshopper

    @Bonthuis: this isn’t about Glenwood. Steve La Marque is a good call but it would have to be a very very attractive package. He is Head of Aquatics and has personal interests in many of the swimmers & polo players at GW. Not impossible though. I think there are many other candidates ahead of him…

    10 June, 2015 at 04:46
  71. avatar
    #20 Bonthuis

    @Grasshopper: Actually, happy to see strong results at C & D levels too, proves we have good depth. Winning 1st, U16A, U15A etc. would mean we simply buying teams at age group level per what DHS are doing.

    Your A & B teams have been strong this year, but, the rest very much below average for Glenwood, let’s be honest.

    9 June, 2015 at 22:30
  72. avatar
    #19 Rhino_67

    @Grasshopper: I think a total revamp of the Rugby Structures at Westville is needed. Need some fresh eyes and ideas The structure needs to be insynch, and I am not sure if much practical rugby is done Vs. administration work. Let’s get back to basics and start to bring through youngsters with great skills as a priority!!!

    9 June, 2015 at 22:15
  73. avatar
    #18 Frikkie

    @umbiloburger – are you applying again …

    I think Jeremy McLaren would be an excellent decision. But then again – he would be new to the system and can you afford that with the potential they have for 2016. Gary Gold verified this?

    @Griffon08 @greenblooded @supportclub –
    I have also heard that the post might be internal and that the advert is “protocol”. Hence no lack of faith by the Ville in Grant B, Roland N or Dean C and all considered apparently. Grant B has been good – agree, but his expertise could possibly be used as Director as their is a void there. Change is possibly needed in both roles. DHS u15A and u16A results again confirmed that there is no one in the DoR position. Word in the ville is that it will be Dean C and Roland N. Gets my vote.

    Why not just aim for the top – Pieter de Villers. He is available surely? Come on – that tash at Waxies would be a hit.

    @beet @greenblooded – agree

    @Boertjie – must be an unhappy camp. Poor season indeed for the u16 class of 2015.

    9 June, 2015 at 22:10
  74. avatar
    #17 Griffon08

    @umbiloburger – perhaps more coaching, less blogging @u16 @40%, why you so anti-institution – bitter? Hasn’t been a good half a decade has it.

    Steve le Marque … guess he would relish the opportunity. I remember his u16A Maritzburg sides – physical and opportunistic. Tore KZN sides apart in the mid 2000’s. Perhaps Mike and Steve would cause a stir in the last outpost.

    @greenblooded – apparently it is just protocol and the decision was made last year to advertise at the end of GB tenure now in June. Word on the street is that it will remain internal. Who that is unknown.

    9 June, 2015 at 21:50
  75. avatar
    #16 the professor

    Steve La Marque……..

    9 June, 2015 at 21:06
  76. avatar
    #15 Rhino_67

    @umbiloburger: I’m not understanding your last comment. Who are you referring to?

    I certainly subscribe to your vision on KZN Rugby but it’s now time that Westville are no longer “Also Rans” on the National Rankings We need to be spoken about in the same breath as Glenwood is. I think all Westville folk are tied of hearing that Glenwood are the only side that can be counted at a National level.

    “Green blood”, Dean Carelse is an astute Rugby guy who has the credentials and I for one thinks he deserves serious consideration. He had a great season as u16A coach last year and took that Team into the top 10 school ranking in 2014.

    Grant Bell has had his tenure as Westvilles 1st Team Coach, and I’m sure, as in the past, it will do a world of good to let the winds of change pass through the leafy suburbs fine boys institution. I, for one am excited about the change and the prospects that it could bring to Westville, and will be watching with much interested from the stands once again in 2016.

    9 June, 2015 at 20:50
  77. avatar
    #14 umbiloburger

    @Rhino_67: On the contrary. A stronger Westville means a stronger KZN. And that is what we need. A strong DHS, M Coll, West and of course Glenwood will result in a strong KZN team.

    Never make enemies in a community nor involve yourself in politics if you want to be the head coach. Ability is one thing….credibility another.

    9 June, 2015 at 19:05
  78. avatar
    #13 burra

    Westville has played 15 games including KERF and won 10 lost 5. Plus they sitting on a 5 game winning streak.
    The 5 games they lost were pretty decent scores against good opposition. Why not renew GB contract?

    9 June, 2015 at 18:29
  79. avatar
    #12 Boertjie

    @Grasshopper: Sure. The under 16’s did struggle this season and a change there is to be expected.

    9 June, 2015 at 16:56
  80. avatar
    #11 Boertjie

    @kosie: Nice one. Poor guys, not sure if our Sharkies are better off or not.

    9 June, 2015 at 16:54
  81. avatar
    #10 Grasshopper

    @Rhino_67: After the avg results of your age group A teams, certainly a change at the Director or Rugby level is required….not sure the 1st team coach needs to be replaced just yet…

    9 June, 2015 at 16:25
  82. avatar
    #9 Rhino_67

    @umbiloburger: I think your opinion is very much a personal one. Not sure what rationale is being used to arrive at this opinion, but I have spoken to numerous Westville parents, and all are of the opinion that change is needed. Unless there is some conspitacy theory – A.K.A “Star” that you have, being that you are clearly an avid Glenwood supporter. **Trying to sway the vote so as to benefit Glenwood in the future?** Just saying

    9 June, 2015 at 16:05
  83. avatar
    #8 Grasshopper

    Snor is still looking :mrgreen:

    9 June, 2015 at 15:33
  84. avatar
    #7 Jordaan

    Gary Gold…

    9 June, 2015 at 14:12
  85. avatar
    #6 kosie

    @beet: Frans Ludeke?? :mrgreen:

    9 June, 2015 at 13:30
  86. avatar
    #5 umbiloburger

    @GreenBlooded: I don’t think he has any chance. They should keep the combination of GB and RN. They are brilliant together.

    9 June, 2015 at 13:27
  87. avatar
    #4 beet

    @GreenBlooded: I think Dean must be the tote favourite.

    9 June, 2015 at 13:26
  88. avatar
    #3 supportclub

    Its a huge pity that Mr Norris doesn’t want the job as he is well respected by the boys.

    9 June, 2015 at 13:16
  89. avatar
    #2 GreenBlooded

    Dean Carelse get’s my vote – but if he was rated I guess they wouldn’t be advertising?

    If I was Trevor Hall, I would approach Jeremy McLaren without a doubt.

    9 June, 2015 at 12:44
  90. avatar
    #1 Grasshopper

    I bet Mike Vowles applies and gets it…

    9 June, 2015 at 12:23

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