Paarl Gymnasium u16 & u14 Festival 2019

The premier under-16 school rugby festival:

DAY 1:
DAY 2:
DAY 3:


DAY 1 : Sat 16-Mar-2019
B1 u16 Diamantveld u16 20 25 HTS Middelburg u16A
B2 u16 Durbanville u16A 52 00 Potch Gim u16
B3 u16 WP Invitation u16 29 10 Eldoraigne u16
B4 u16 Marlow u16A 10 62 Nelspruit u16A
B5 u16 Duineveld u16 05 62 WP XV u16
B6 u16 Bellville u16 05 36 Heidelberg VS u16
A1 u16 Brandwag u16A 24 29 Kempton Park u16A
A2 u16 Framesby u16A 24 07 Waterkloof u16A
A3 u16 Stellenberg u16A 00 22 Noordheuwel u16
A4 u16 Dale u16A 23 29 EG Jansen u16A
A5 u16 Outeniqua u16A 29 17 Garsfontein u16A
A6 u16 Boland Landbou u16A 35 05 Centurion u16
A7 u16 Oakdale u16A 64 10 Monument u16A
A8 u16 HJS Paarl BH u16A 36 18 Menlopark u16A
A9 u16 Paul Roos u16A 07 10 Affies u16A
A10 u16 Paarl Gim u16A 10 14 Grey College u16A
DAY 2 : Mon 18-Mar-2019
B1 u16 Dale u16A 36 12 Potch Gim u16
B2 u16 Monument u16A 41 06 Stellenberg u16A
B3 u16 Outeniqua u16A 31 24 Noordheuwel u16
B4 u16 Garsfontein u16A 52 21 Framesby u16A
B5 u16 Oakdale u16A 70 03 Heidelberg VS u16
B6 u16 Grey College u16A 67 12 Kempton Park u16A
A1 u16 Duineveld u16 41 05 Eldoraigne u16
A2 u16 Diamantveld u16 14 24 EG Jansen u16A
A3 u16 WP Invitation u16 22 49 Centurion u16
A4 u16 Menlopark u16A 77 05 Brandwag u16A
A5 u16 Bellville u16 00 46 Nelspruit u16A
A6 u16 Paul Roos u16A 29 15 WP XV u16
A7 u16 Paarl Gim u16A 48 05 HTS Middelburg u16A
A8 u16 Durbanville u16A 12 17 Affies u16A
A9 u16 Boland Landbou u16A 41 07 Marlow u16A
A10 u16 HJS Paarl BH u16A 81 00 Waterkloof u16A
DAY 3 : Wed 20-Mar-2019
A1 u16 Heidelberg VS u16 69 05 Duineveld u16
A2 u16 Outeniqua u16A 07 24 Grey College u16A
A3 u16 Bellville u16 26 38 Potch Gim u16
A4 u16 Paarl Gim u16A 46 12 Waterkloof u16A
B1 u16 Boland Landbou u16A 25 24 Monument u16A
B2 u16 Oakdale u16A 26 27 Affies u16A
B3 u16 HJS Paarl BH u16A 68 05 EG Jansen u16A
B4 u16 Paul Roos u16A 36 24 Menlopark u16A
C1 u16 Diamantveld u16 15 31 Nelspruit u16A
C2 u16 Framesby u16A 10 49 HTS Middelburg u16A
C3 u16 Dale u16A 22 07 WP XV u16
C4 u16 WP Invitation u16 00 60 Kempton Park u16A
D1 u16 Brandwag u16A 27 07 Centurion u16
D2 u16 Stellenberg u16A 48 00 Eldoraigne u16
D3 u16 Marlow u16A 12 52 Noordheuwel u16
D4 u16 Durbanville u16A 05 10 Garsfontein u16A


DAY1 : Sat 16-Mar-2019
B7 u14 Oakdale u14A 66 00 Invitation XV u14
B8 u14 Paarl Gim u14A 24 32 Grey College u14A
B9 u14 Bellville u14 07 14 Duineveld u14
B10 u14 Eldoraigne u14 03 31 Brandwag u14A
DAY 2 : Mon 18-Mar-2019
B7 u14 Bellville u14 13 12 Eldoraigne u14
B8 u14 Paarl Gim u14A 28 05 Brandwag u14A
B9 u14 Grey College u14A 67 06 Invitation XV u14
B10 u14 Oakdale u14A 52 00 Duineveld u14
DAY 3 : Wed 20-Mar-2019
E1 u14 Brandwag u14A 00 80 Grey College u14A
E2 u14 Duineveld u14 00 40 Invitation XV u14
E3 u14 Paarl Gim u14A 76 00 Eldoraigne u14
E4 u14 Bellville u14 00 76 Oakdale u14A

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  1. avatar
    #94 Playa

    @Umtata: Great thought. I’ve learned that there some people from KZN at the festival. I hope they were just there to enjoy the rugby.

    25 March, 2019 at 13:12
  2. avatar
    #93 Grizzly

    @boerboel: Agree.Bois playing teams like Helpies and Monnas can only improve them. 8-O :wink:

    25 March, 2019 at 12:03
  3. avatar
    #92 boerboel

    @Umtata: You can be proud of your alma mater.

    i watched the game against eg jansen who was much bigger but Dale stood up to them-lots of lovely skills as well

    playing against stronger oppossition can only improve a team

    25 March, 2019 at 11:11
  4. avatar
    #91 Umtata

    @Playa: Judging by the results I think Dale College did well, hopefully the school gets another invite for next year.

    It would also be great if all the boys(2019 u16A) are still together in 2020.

    25 March, 2019 at 10:28
  5. avatar
    #90 4×4

    @Valkie: Ons Affies scouts is oppad….ons wag nog op ‘n verskoning!!!

    24 March, 2019 at 04:10
  6. avatar
    #89 beet


    Here are the complete day 3 results:
    o.14 UITSLAE
    Toernooi XV 40-0 Duineveld
    Grey Kollege 80-0 Brandwag
    Paarl Gim 76-0 Eldoraigne
    Oakdale 76-0 Bellville

    o.16 UITSLAE
    Heidelberg Volkskool 69-5 Duineveld
    Grey Kollege 24-7 Outeniqua
    Potch Gim 38-26 Bellville
    Paarl Gim 46-12 Waterkloof
    Boland Landbou 25-24 Monument
    Affies 27-26 Oakdale
    HJS 68-5 EG Jansen
    PRG 36-24 Menlopark
    Nelspruit 31-15 Diamantveld
    HTS Middelburg 49-10 Framesby
    Dale College 22-7 WP XV
    Kempton Park 60-0 WP Uitnodiging
    Brandwag 27-7 Centurion
    Stellenberg 48-0 Eldoraigne
    Noordheuwel 52-12 Marlow
    Garsfontein 10-5 Durbanville

    22 March, 2019 at 14:53
  7. avatar
    #88 boerboel

    @Valkie: Aj iemand siem met so n gebleikte blou t shirtjie en groen crocs-beware-stellies are there 8-O 8-O 8-O :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

    22 March, 2019 at 13:11
  8. avatar
    #87 2021

    @Jack: Grey 24 – Kwaggas 7@Valkie: Niemand sal by julle kom poach nie. Mos Bek en Klou seer area. :lol:

    22 March, 2019 at 12:50
  9. avatar
    #86 Valkie

    @CharlesZA: Laat iemand hulle hande hier kom insteek om te kom poach…..

    22 March, 2019 at 11:44
  10. avatar
    #85 Jack

    Wat was die eindtelling op Dag 3 ussen Grey en Kwaggas o/16A?

    22 March, 2019 at 11:33
  11. avatar
    #84 CharlesZA

    @Vyfster: Nellies het n lekker o16 span, paar sterk spelers. Hoop vir Nellies se part hulle kan die seuns hou. Het gister so n stuk van hulle game gekyk en daar is baie potensiaal.

    Ander span wat ook lekker jol is Heidelberg Volkskool. Het Oakdale lank stil gehou voor dam wal gebreek het.

    21 March, 2019 at 15:45
  12. avatar
    #83 Playa

    @CharlesZA: So sad!

    21 March, 2019 at 13:42
  13. avatar
    #82 Vyfster

    Almal praat oor HJS, Oakdale , Gim en Grey se 016 spanne.
    As ek tellings betrag lyk dit vir my of Nelspruit ook ‘n skitterende span het, en 1 van die top 016 spanne in land het..
    Kan iemand wat daar was, dalk terugvoer oor Nellies gee?

    21 March, 2019 at 12:30
  14. avatar
    #81 Murrayfield

    @4×4: Jy was seker ni daar nie.. Gelees hulle het verloor.

    21 March, 2019 at 09:26
  15. avatar
    #80 Wondermaar

    @4×4: Reg.. so. Hoe sê hul, piet en sy vrou noem hom pieter.?

    21 March, 2019 at 09:12
  16. avatar
    #79 4×4

    @Wondermaar: All Black is reg. Deon Botes is oorhoofs aangestel as die Direkteur van Sport… die sporte en Kan daar dalk so bietjie verdeling van aandag wees

    21 March, 2019 at 08:53
  17. avatar
    #78 All Black

    @Wondermaar: Jy is verkeerd. Jaco Koch is ‘n afrigter, die man aan die stuur is Deon Botes. ‘n Krieket man aan die stuur

    21 March, 2019 at 08:39
  18. avatar
    #77 4×4

    @Murrayfield: Hoe het Monnas gevaar op Noord-Suid teen 2 van die Super skole?

    21 March, 2019 at 08:09
  19. avatar
    #76 Wondermaar

    @4×4: Ek hoor wat jy sê en verstaan ook dat jy ook weet dat dit nie regtig moontlik is nie , nee laat hulle speel, ( yster slyp yster) heel op die einde daar waar niemand sien nie, is ander dinge DIE! oorwinning wat saak maak.

    21 March, 2019 at 08:05
  20. avatar
    #75 Murrayfield

    @Wondermaar: Hulle behoort n moerse kombinasie te maak.

    21 March, 2019 at 07:42
  21. avatar
    #74 Murrayfield

    @Wondermaar: Sjoe dis jammer!

    21 March, 2019 at 07:36
  22. avatar
    #73 Murrayfield

    @4×4: Kom ons neem aan jou voorstel word aanvaar met ander ‘voorstelle”
    1. Kom ons deel dan sommer ook die Skole in twee afdelings:
    – Seunsskole
    – Gemengdeskole
    2. Dan nog verder in
    – Beursseunskole
    – Nie beursseunskole
    3. Deel dan weer die Seunsskole in volgens getalle
    4. Dan deel ons weer bg in aantal spanne wat Skole kan oplewer
    5.Ons doen dan presies dieselfde met gemengeskole.

    Kan iemand my dalk help om so n Liga te help optel?

    Ek ” WONDERMAAR” of ons dan gaan rugby speel?

    21 March, 2019 at 07:34
  23. avatar
    #72 2021

    n Gekweste Bul is n lelike ding…..

    21 March, 2019 at 07:33
  24. avatar
    #71 Wondermaar

    @Murrayfield: lankal nie meer sakkie nie , Jaco Koch

    21 March, 2019 at 07:22
  25. avatar
    #70 Murrayfield

    @Wondermaar: Go Sakkie vd Walt….. Hy is n bees!!

    21 March, 2019 at 07:20
  26. avatar
    #69 4×4

    Dalk is dit tyd om die Super Beursie Skole te skei van die tradisonele skole. Amper soos ‘n super rugby reeks van Currie beker….want almal se beursies is nie ewe dik nie

    20 March, 2019 at 22:09
  27. avatar
    #68 Wondermaar

    Daarvoor@4×4: Dit sal altyd baie gevaarlik wees om uitlatings daaroor te maak , almal sal verskillende opinies hê daaroor , daarom dink ek affies beskik huidiglik oor een van die beste Direkteure van rugby en glo die wysheid is daar om affierugby vorentoe te vat.

    20 March, 2019 at 21:07
  28. avatar
    #67 4×4

    @Wondermaar: My pa, wat ‘n yster is, het altyd gesê dat die teken van ‘n goeie span is as hulle ‘n slegte dag het maar nog steeds wen. Dit blyk dat jy dalk die outoriteit mag wees en dalk goeie insae mag lewer oor wat Affies moet doen om weer ‘n “krag” in SA rugby te wees. As jy aangestel word as Direkteur van rugby, watse strukture sou jy in plek stel? Ek lees graag jou kommentaar

    20 March, 2019 at 20:50
  29. avatar
    #66 4×4

    Well done with your win over Oakdale Affies. Beating a team a consider as one of the best is good going!!!

    20 March, 2019 at 20:46
  30. avatar
    #65 Ploegskaar

    @Murrayfield: Dis altyd great om sulke positiewe terugvoer te kry. Was jy by die Gim o16 toernooi die jaar?

    20 March, 2019 at 19:36
  31. avatar
    #64 Murrayfield

    @Ploegskaar:Ek hou van julle skool!!

    Julle seuns is no nonsense, glad nie windgat nie, nederig en maniere!


    20 March, 2019 at 19:18
  32. avatar
    #63 Wondermaar

    @boerboel: Affies weak and badly coached, geluk affies jul het die top span in land uit oorlê. WEAK AND BADLY COACHED??

    20 March, 2019 at 19:16
  33. avatar
    #62 Wondermaar

    @4×4: Ek sien nie die name meyer, van graan , koop of franse club in my post waarna jy verwys nie, so ja jy verstaan verkeerd. Met of sonder rugby ( saam die voor en nadele) ek het BAIE respek vir die instansie.

    20 March, 2019 at 18:59
  34. avatar
    #61 Stier

    Lochies is doing well in the u/16 A teams
    Boishaai 9, 12 and 13.
    Landbou 3 and 5
    PRG 1 and 2.

    @Kattes-Strofes: Ues there is real depth in the squad. Considering that four first choice players from last year is still injured or busy with SA athletics one hope they can get improve over the year. Looking at this festival I think there is going to be very few easy games especially here in the Cape. I think Rondebosch and Bishops will also be good. One has to admire Durbanville, they lost ten boys over the last year and still they performed well. Outeniqua is also looking very strong. This is going to be a awesome year.

    20 March, 2019 at 15:35
  35. avatar
    #60 Ploegskaar

    @Kattes-Strofes: Afrigters en ondersteuners is trots op beide o16 & o15 wat hulle toernooie onoorwonne afsluit en o14 & o19 wat elk een verloor het. Goeie nuus vandag gekry dat ons 11 wat Noord/Suid moes uitsit & 7,8,10 wat gister moes uitsit teen Helpmekaar almal op hul pos sal wees vir WSF by PRG. 4 slot wat Noord/Suid en WSF misloop sal ook begin volgende kwartaal inval

    20 March, 2019 at 14:46
  36. avatar
    #59 CharlesZA

    @Stier: Grey 24-7 Kwaggas
    Noordheuwel 52-7 Marlow
    Dale 22-7 WP XV (Dale het n groot vleuel, vermoed hy homself in n nuwe skool in gespeel)
    Stellenberg 48-0 Eldos
    HTS Middelburg 49 – 10 Framesby
    Nelspruit 29 – 15 Diamandveld
    Brandwag 27-7 Centurion

    20 March, 2019 at 14:41
  37. avatar
    #58 Kattes-Strofes

    @CharlesZA: Watter span se afrigter ? Durbies of Garsies ? Name en Shame !

    20 March, 2019 at 14:41
  38. avatar
    #57 CharlesZA

    @Kattes-Strofes: Is n moerse span oom Kattes. Groot wen oor Menlo en EG is self nie sleg nie. Gaan baie vat om hulle te keer die jaar.

    20 March, 2019 at 14:38
  39. avatar
    #56 Kattes-Strofes

    Jammer ! Opposisie.

    20 March, 2019 at 14:37
  40. avatar
    #55 Kattes-Strofes

    @Stier: Mens wil nou nie die wa voor die perde span nie, maar dit wil tog voorkom, inagnemend die uitslae tot dusver, of Boishaai n baie bruikbare O/16 groep het vanjaar. Die span het ook mooi stoom opgebou soos die toernooi gevorder het. 1STE dag 38 – 18 teen Menlo, 2de dag 81-0 teen Waterkloof en vandag 68-5 teen EG Jansen. Aangesien ek nie kennis dra van die krag van die oppsosie nie, moet mens seker maar versigtig wees met jou verwagtinge. Dit lyk egter belowend.

    20 March, 2019 at 14:35
  41. avatar
    #54 CharlesZA

    @Stier: Daai PRG span het baie hart, behalwe vir n paar vinnige backs kan ek net nie my vinger op dit sit hoekom hulle so goed doen. Maar welgedaan aan die afrigters daar.

    Het die Durbanville Garsies game ook gekyk, was n lekker tight een met Garsies wat hom 10-7 gewen het. Het nog nooit in my lewe gesien dat n afrigter so op die ref en spelers skree. Asof daar n ander tipe woede in die man is en dit dra oor na sy spelers toe ook.

    20 March, 2019 at 14:35
  42. avatar
    #53 Flip

    @CharlesZA: Ek skud maar net my kop. Vir n slim en alwetende mens kan jy mos niks leer of se nie.

    20 March, 2019 at 14:34
  43. avatar
    #52 CharlesZA

    @Flip: Ek ken nou die omstandighede redelik goed hier, dit is die 2de keer in n jaar wat die toerusting gesteel is, het laas jaar daar by julle ook gebeur. Die skole belowe vir SSL dat daar wagte is en dan gebeur dit nogsteeds. Baie rande se toerusting wat hulle gesteel het…

    20 March, 2019 at 14:29
  44. avatar
    #51 CharlesZA

    @Ploegskaar: Geluk met die wen oor Monnas, het die game gekyk en die manne lekker gejol. Is die vaskop en 15 alright, gelyk na 2 slegte beserings.

    20 March, 2019 at 14:28
  45. avatar
    #50 Stier

    Affies 27-26 Oakdale
    Boishaai 68-5 EG Jansen
    PRG 34-26 Menlo
    Gim 46-12 Waterkloof.

    The rest I don’t know.

    20 March, 2019 at 14:22
  46. avatar
    #49 Kattes-Strofes

    @Ploegskaar: Ja-Nee Ploegie ! Die Boland juniors vanjaar op hul koppe. Baie geluk met die uitstekende uitslae !

    20 March, 2019 at 14:15
  47. avatar
    #48 Flip

    @Ploegskaar: Landbou 350 seuns, uitsonderlike prestasies op die rugby veld, jaar in en jaar uit.

    20 March, 2019 at 14:11
  48. avatar
    #47 Ploegskaar

    U16 Boland Landbou 25 Monument HS 24
    U15 Boland Landbou 22 Framesby HS 10 (Kwagga Week)
    U14 Boland Landbou 15 Middelburg HTS 12 (Kwagga Week)

    20 March, 2019 at 14:09
  49. avatar
    #46 Flip

    @Kattes-Strofes: Ek is stomgeslaan dat daar nie n wag aangestel is om die toerusting te beman nie, is dit so n moelike konsep om te verstaan?

    20 March, 2019 at 14:03
  50. avatar
    #45 Kattes-Strofes

    @Stier: Het jy moontlike tellings van vandag se wedstryde. Ek sien die “Live streaming” kon nie plaasvind nie weens toerusting wat gesteel is. Ai ! Ons ou landjie darem !

    20 March, 2019 at 13:59
  51. avatar
    #44 Stier

    @4×4: I don’t know what Affies did the weekend but they obviously targeted the Oakdale game. Awesome win for Affies, nobody saw that coming except the boys from Affies.

    PRG also took Menlo in the final game, Menlo will have to work hard. I think the u/16’s is going to be very unpredictable this year.

    20 March, 2019 at 13:51
  52. avatar
    #43 Flip

    @4×4: Affies se laer spanne se tellings is genoeg om enige rugby fanatikus mal te maak.

    20 March, 2019 at 13:50
  53. avatar
    #42 4×4

    @Wondermaar: Verstaan ek jou stelling reg. Affies sal vir Heyneke Meyer of Johan van Graan moet nader trek sodat die Franse Klubs wat hulle afrig kapitaal in Affies Rugby moet belê om die room van SA rugby in elke posisie te Kan koop? Dit is baie maklik om ‘n top span te kan koop veral as Franse Klubs jou besigheid vennoot is.

    20 March, 2019 at 13:35
  54. avatar
    #41 Wondermaar

    Affies sal moet besluit of hulle wil meeding met die top 10 skole, indien sal hul strategie in alle aspekte van rugby ontwikkeling moet verander, goeie of slegte ding sal hul bestuur self moet besluit wat is hul toekoms visie vir die instansie (vir rugby daar lyk nie nou goed om in daardie boonste vlakke mee te ding nie.

    20 March, 2019 at 05:21
  55. avatar
    #40 Stier

    @2021: If you look in that book, there is only three names that didn’t start their first year at Boishaai. One of those three had to wait for his younger brother to go to high school before his dad would allow him to come to Boishaai. I can’t speak for Oakdale and Grey. Boishaai has awesome depth in that age group so players can easily find themselves moving up and down during the year let alone three or five years. Also remember that these early festivals are still used as trials, they only had six practices so the coaches are still playing with the team. Last night most of the backline played out of position and still the backs scored 12 tries and two of last years A team backs must still come back. They should be good this year but I have been saying that since grade eight, they do have new coaches so we will see how they go. The early signs are looking good.

    19 March, 2019 at 16:05
  56. avatar
    #39 2021

    @Stier: As ek jou termes moet gebruik kyk na hierdie interresante feite: My info verkry van program Boekies by 2017, 2018 en 2019 toernooie in Paarl.

    Oakdale 2017 – 2018: 7 Nuwe name in span 2018 – 2019: 2 Nuwe name (1 Aanwins)
    6 Uitgeval 1 Uitgeval
    Grey College
    2017 – 2018: 5 Nuwe name 2018 – 2019: 2 Nuwes
    1 Uit 2 Uit

    HJS nie o/14 by Paarl Gim toernooi 2018 – 2019: 8 Nuwe name
    7 Uit (2018 23 Spelers en 2019 net 22 spelers name in boekie)

    Paarl Gim:
    2017 – 2018: 11 Nuwe name 2018 – 2019: 7 Nuwe name
    9 Uit 10 Uit

    Interresant watter skole doen meer ontwikkeling of kry nuwe spelers by.
    Watter skole se spelers bly meer konstant.
    Baie afleidings om te maak soos dit vir n skool pas.

    19 March, 2019 at 13:15
  57. avatar
    #38 boerboel

    i have been watching-most of the u16 games

    4 teams stand out:Oakdale Grey Hjs and GIM – Menlo has potential-the rest is bubbling under-Affies was surprisingly weak and badly coached-they were lucky to beat a plucky durbanville side

    19 March, 2019 at 09:51
  58. avatar
    #37 Ploegskaar

    @Kattes-Strofes: Al drie jaar groepe het verseker groot knolle, skills sal kom met tyd, soos altyd. Moet bysê die o16 is die naaste aan ‘n tipiese Boland groep wat ek afgelope 10+ jaar gesien het, daai seuns vat nie bollie nie

    18 March, 2019 at 23:18
  59. avatar
    #36 Kattes-Strofes

    @Ploegskaar: Ploegie ! Lyk dan vir my dat die Paarl Boertjies se juniors (O/15 en 16) spanne vanjaar iets besonders is. Gewoonlik kom die manne mos eers tot hul reg in hul ope jare, of hoe?

    18 March, 2019 at 21:13
  60. avatar
    #35 Ploegskaar

    U16 Boland Landbou 39 Marlow Landbou 7
    U15 Boland Landbou 12 Durbanville HS 5 (Kwagga Week)
    U14 Boland Landbou 5 Monument HS 21 (Kwagga Week)

    18 March, 2019 at 19:39
  61. avatar
    #34 4×4

    Affies has not been impressive so far in the tournament.

    18 March, 2019 at 18:47
  62. avatar
    #33 Stier

    @2021: That Oakdale team looked good and it seems they just carried on from last year like if they never stopped. The last three games had way to much mistakes but to have these festivals with only a week or two of practice must be difficult. Let’s hope the quality will improve over the next two games.

    18 March, 2019 at 10:54
  63. avatar
    #32 Stier

    @2021: You are right, three B team players from last year moved up. Boishaai has so much money they only buy players for the B and C teams or not. The SACS boy that came back doesn’t even play rugby.:oops:

    18 March, 2019 at 10:50
  64. avatar
    #31 boerboel

    @2021: geen nuwe gesigte nie

    slotjie v drosdty al laas jaar daar-nog n paar manne uit-atletiek etc

    18 March, 2019 at 09:58
  65. avatar
    #30 Ansie

    Sterkte aan Nellies vandag.

    18 March, 2019 at 08:02
  66. avatar
    #29 2021

    @Flip: Ek sien daar die ding. HJS 0/16 weer n nuwe gesig of 2 in daardie span by gekry. Hulle defnitief bang vir die houtlepel nie. Wat is die prys van die Menlospan nou weer gewees?

    17 March, 2019 at 20:44
  67. avatar
    #28 Flip

    @Bull: As jy lojaliteit soek, koop vir jou n hond.

    17 March, 2019 at 16:16
  68. avatar
    #27 Flip

    @2021: Stamp HJS vir Menlo ordentlik.

    17 March, 2019 at 16:14
  69. avatar
    #26 Playa

    Heartbreak for Dale as they lose in the last 5 seconds to EG. We’ll bounce back boys!

    17 March, 2019 at 12:36
  70. avatar
    #25 Wondermaar

    Beet het jy nog nie die uitslae van paarl onder 16 en 14 toernooi saterdag nie?

    17 March, 2019 at 12:33
  71. avatar
    #24 Ploegskaar

    U16 Boland Landbou 36 Centurion 5
    U15 Boland Landbou 14 Outeniqua 11 (Kwagga Week)
    U14 Boland Landbou 27 Garsfontein 7 (Kwagga Week)

    16 March, 2019 at 19:11
  72. avatar
    #23 2021

    My wenners voorspelling vir dag 1: Affies, Heidelberg Volkies, Menlopark(Boishaai kan verras), Boland Landbou,Kemptonpark, EG Jansen(Dale nie vertroud ), Diamantveld, Durbanville, Waterkloof, Outeniqua, Grey College, Oakdale, Nelspruit, Noordheuwel.

    14 March, 2019 at 16:26
  73. avatar
    #22 Bull

    Durbanville koop net so veel,indien nie meer as die skole nie. Moelik om lojaliteit te koop. Moet maar oor tyd gekweek word.

    22 November, 2018 at 12:59
  74. avatar
    #21 boerboel

    @Tussen die lyne: yip-amper onmoontlik om goeie manne te behou.

    hoor nog n paar nuwe manne oppad na hjs se 016 span v volg jaar-behoort n sterk spannetjie in die veld te kan stoot 8-O 8-O

    22 November, 2018 at 12:36
  75. avatar
    #20 Tussen die lyne

    Kry Durbanville jammer. Het hul ooit spelers oor aan die einde van n seisoen. Selfde geld seker vir Stellenberg. Moet moeilik wees met Paul Roos, Paarl Gim en Paarl Boys op jou voorstoep.

    21 November, 2018 at 20:53
  76. avatar
    #19 boerboel

    :-D :-D :-D :-D die handelskool manne baie sensitief :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

    20 November, 2018 at 12:42
  77. avatar
    #18 Ploegskaar

    Onderrokke hang darem vreeslik uit in die Dorp ???

    20 November, 2018 at 12:20
  78. avatar
    #17 2021

    Dit noem jy self believe.

    20 November, 2018 at 11:56
  79. avatar
    #16 boerboel

    @dammetjie: kom nou-ons talent kom vanself

    20 November, 2018 at 11:51
  80. avatar
    #15 dammetjie

    Gim en Paul Roos die groot kopers ! Eye-opener komend van die Pick ‘n Pay van rugbyspelers.

    19 November, 2018 at 17:07
  81. avatar
    #14 CharlesZA

    @boerboel: So wie het hulle almal gekoop behalwe die 2 vleuels van Durbies?

    16 November, 2018 at 15:48
  82. avatar
    #13 boerboel

    jip Gim en Paul Roos die groot kopers

    oakdale by 40 /50 teen “stellies”

    16 November, 2018 at 10:39
  83. avatar
    #12 CharlesZA

    @2021: Sal maar sien, is mos maar die tyd van jaar wat die rumours rond loop.

    15 November, 2018 at 20:29
  84. avatar
    #11 2021

    @CharlesZA: Bly dit raak n instelling. Glo is vir beide spanne n baie goeie wedstryd as n begin vir die seisoen. Ek verneem daar is weer baie seuns wat gaan kyk of die gras by ander skole groener is.

    15 November, 2018 at 17:05
  85. avatar
    #10 CharlesZA

    @2021: Daardie groep van ons gaan 2 jaar in n ry hul seisoen teen julle begin. Nie maklik nie.

    15 November, 2018 at 14:51
  86. avatar
    #9 Oakdale supporter

    @2021: Ek het nogal gewonder of hulle ook dan speel. Het geweet van die eerste span.

    15 November, 2018 at 14:43
  87. avatar
    #8 2021

    @Oakdale supporter: net vir volledigheid begin Oakdale 0/16 op die 9 Maart 2019 met n wedstryd teen Stellenberg :lol:

    15 November, 2018 at 14:04
  88. avatar
    #7 Oakdale supporter

    Oakdale se onder 16 span het ontrent ‘n lekker skedule vir volgende jaar.

    Heidelberg Volkskool
    Paarl Gim
    Grey Bloem

    15 November, 2018 at 13:50
  89. avatar
    #6 Playa

    @BuffelsCM: @Dinkskrum: Thanks gents!
    They had a decent season winning 7/11 as u15s this year. But they weren’t really tested outside of our traditional rivals. So hard to tell how they would do at this festival. But i’m sure they will put up a fight against the ‘big boys’.

    31 August, 2018 at 11:07
  90. avatar
    #5 Dinkskrum

    @Playa: 15-20 March. Looking forward to see Dale juniors. Admittedly I havent seen them play before. How are they doing?

    30 August, 2018 at 20:12
  91. avatar
    #4 BuffelsCM

    @Playa: It will take place from 15 to 20 March

    30 August, 2018 at 20:02
  92. avatar
    #3 Playa

    Great to see my Alma Mater spreading its wings and getting involved here. Have the dates of the festival been confirmed?

    30 August, 2018 at 15:35
  93. avatar
    #2 Dinkskrum

    @AbsolutMenlo: Affies, Oakdale, Grey afhangende van wat ons kry by Wildeklawer.

    30 August, 2018 at 07:40
  94. avatar
    #1 AbsolutMenlo

    @Dinkskrum: Teen wie wil ons speel …!?
    :lol: :lol: :lol:

    Na my mening het Menlo rugby in ‘n rigting begin beweeg toe ons die top junior toernooie begin speel het.

    30 August, 2018 at 06:41