New Grey College Head hints at future fixture changes

Deon Scheepers, the former Hilton teacher and 1st XV rugby coach for one season, is now firmly in the driving seat at Grey College, having taken over as headmaster from the legendary Johan Volsteedt. In a recent blog, Scheepers highlighted the importance of achieving a healthy balance between academics, culture and sport for boys at Grey. He concluded by stating that although all sports fixtures for 2013 would go ahead as planned, fixtures against non-traditional rivals might be reconsidered in the future. There is also mention about offering Grey boys the chance to play against the top schools in the country. At this stage it’s not certain if Grey College intends replace certain fixtures with more challenging ones or if the school just wants to shed some of the load. Currently Grey boys travel extensively during the rugby season.

The confirmed Grey College fixtures for 2013 are as follows:

16-Mar-13: Duineveld vs Grey College
28-Mar-13: Grey College vs Boland Landbou (KERF)
30-Mar-13: Grey College vs Framesby (KERF)
01-Apr-13: Grey College vs Outeniqua (KERF)
27-Apr-13: Selborne vs Grey College (New Date to be confirmed) P35-W26-L5-D4
02-May-13: Grey College vs Oakdale (Wildeklawer)
04-May-13: Monnas vs Grey College (Wildeklawer)
11-May-13: Grey College vs Affies P32-W25-L4-D3
25-May-13: Grey College vs Paarl BH P36-W29-L5-D2
20-Jul-13: Pretoria BH vs Grey College
27-Jul-13: Grey College vs Grey High P49-W39-L7-D3
09-Aug-13: Grey College vs Glenwood
17-Aug-13: Paul Roos vs Grey College P46-W36-L7-D3

Yet to be finalised are the matches against neighbouring Bloemfontein schools (presumably Louis Botha, Jim Fouche & perhaps Sentraal) and possibly Hentie Cilliers from Virginia.

Sadly Grey College do not have a scheduled game against Paarl Gimnasium for 2013, with opportunities to arrange one being overlooked by both the organisers of the Kearsney Easter Rugby Festival (KERF) and the Wildeklawer Super Schools. There are several class act schools in the running for top honours this year but even so there is a distinct possibility that Grey and Gim could occupy top spots come the end of the year, which would leave supporters to ponder over what might have been.

Headmaster Scheepers’ blog:

Grey Kollege streef daarna om seuns te ontwikkel wat gebalanseerd is en daarom is dit uiters belangrik dat daar ‘n bepaalde simbiose tussen akademie, sport en kultuuraktiwiteite is. Die skool poog dat nie een van hierdie areas floreer ten koste van ‘n ander nie. Dit is daarom belangrik dat seuns hul deel in die klaskamer doen tydens skoolure maar ook geleenthede gegun word om hul sport en kultuuraktiwiteite te beoefen. Alle interskole bepalings gaan dus hierdie jaar voort, soos die gebruik tydens die afgelope paar jare was, en hierdie tradisionele bande wat oor tyd met skole gesmee is, is wat Grey Kollege so uniek maak. Dit is ook vir my belangrik dat ons seuns die geleenthede gegun word om teen die top skole is die land te kompeteer en alhoewel die moontlikheid wel bestaan dat ons betrokkenheid by sekere skole, waarmee die skool nie tradisionele bande het, in die toekoms heroorweeg sal word, is dit verseker nie die geval vir 2013 nie.


  1. avatar
    #148 Ploegskaar

    @PaarlBok: Nee, Jan en Hester (seuns Francois, Charl en Klein-Jan). Golfliefhebbers soos min.

    7 February, 2013 at 16:15
  2. avatar
    #147 PaarlBok

    @Ploegskaar: Matie? Mariliese Brink van RSG dalk familie? Sy is ook op Gim se bemarkings video.

    7 February, 2013 at 14:51
  3. avatar
    #146 PaarlBok

    @Ploegskaar: Nee, so ‘n blok verder, Olyvenstraat (oorkant die Polisie Kollege) Giniel de Villiers se pa (Smittie) het so ‘n paar huise ondertoe gebly.

    7 February, 2013 at 13:43
  4. avatar
    #145 Ploegskaar

    @PaarlBok: Lemoenklofer? Bekend met die Brinke (3 seuns deur Gim gesit) wat ‘n hele paar jaar daar gebly het bo teen die Berg?

    7 February, 2013 at 12:52
  5. avatar
    #144 BOG

    @rugbyfan: I sell caskets, if you want to get an early discount. Ill wrap it in plastic

    7 February, 2013 at 12:02
  6. avatar
    #143 rugbyfan

    @BOG: Ye show you there is a future after been at Queens ye my brother would kill me if he read this.

    7 February, 2013 at 11:47
  7. avatar
    #142 BOG

    @rugbyfan: Were they looking for a headmaster with personal experience? :mrgreen: No, those people do a great job and teaches us something about commitment

    7 February, 2013 at 06:40
  8. avatar
    #141 rugbyfan

    @BOG: Actually think the Headmaster or if you want to call him a Head Warden is a Old Queenian

    7 February, 2013 at 05:22
  9. avatar
    #140 rugbyfan

    @BOG: Ye the school is still there with it big security fence went through Queenstown a few months ago.

    7 February, 2013 at 05:20
  10. avatar
    #139 dammetjie

    Great seeing all the old characters back. It’s been a long 5 months. I came into the Grey-Gim discussion a bit late. Grey can decide who they want to play for any reason they want to. That’s the least they deserve for being general top dog for so many years. Neither have I ever thought of Grey trying to manipulate fixtures to avoid certain schools. What they have done over the years is try to determine when and where they play strong teams. They’ve played two matches against Paarl Gim in Paarl over the last 30 years, neither of which they won.

    6 February, 2013 at 19:52
  11. avatar
    #138 PaarlBok

    @Queenian: Nah only a parent, living a block from Paarl Gym. Oldest two kids x Gimmies, youngest (laat lammetjie/oorstoot3 in beseringstyd) now a Gimmie sot (Grade 8).

    6 February, 2013 at 15:17
  12. avatar
    #137 BOG

    @rugbyfan: @Queenian: Your talking of latter years when they too, became sissies. In the seventies, the young Kondossies took up position in their own 25 and if(very often) the opposition got through and went for the line, they let rip with their catties. But there are many exaggerated stories too, like with the Tempe Tigres. Is the school still on the left, just before QT, coming in from the north?

    6 February, 2013 at 12:23
  13. avatar
    #136 Queenian

    @PaarlBok: Ye good player so you a Old Gym boy then.

    6 February, 2013 at 12:02
  14. avatar
    #135 PaarlBok

    @rugbyfan: I support Handre Pollard.

    6 February, 2013 at 12:00
  15. avatar
    #134 Queenian

    They were still based at the Old Airforce base

    6 February, 2013 at 11:48
  16. avatar
    #133 Queenian

    @rugbyfan: Dont laugh JJ Sefontein standard rugby kit was a rugby jersey/shorts no underpants/socks/boots no laces and one by razor blade. Remember when i was at Queens either 3rds or 4 ths would go and play there first team the boys dreaded it. It is a well know fact in the 70,s one of the boys escaped with the help of some Queens boys after a rugby match they put a Queens jersey on him and he got in the bus and left with them thats still when they wer

    6 February, 2013 at 11:47
  17. avatar
    #132 rugbyfan

    @BOG: I am sure he supports JJ Serfontein maybe he did he,s 12 year sentence there

    6 February, 2013 at 11:42
  18. avatar
    #131 BOG

    @PaarlBok: Wie steun jy? :?:

    6 February, 2013 at 08:21
  19. avatar
    #130 PaarlBok

    @rugbyfan: Grey = Bog! :wink:

    6 February, 2013 at 07:59
  20. avatar
    #129 rugbyfan

    @BOG: Good one

    6 February, 2013 at 05:45
  21. avatar
    #128 BOG

    Bly om te sien dat die verlorene nog leef. Hy was of in Noupoort, ge-hi jack of sy vrou het hom kafee toe gestuur om brood te koop en nou eers weer teruggekeer.@PaarlBok: Is jou onderrok nat? Vanoggend het ek n bekentenis. Grey het n absolute vrees vir n paar skole oa die Kondosse van Queenstown, Kwaggasrand in Pretoria , Vrede van Vrede( Soek dit op Wiki want selfs Google kan dit nie vind nie) en dan natuurlik die grootste nagmerrie- Gim.Waar is hulle nou weer?

    5 February, 2013 at 10:24
  22. avatar
    #127 Ploegskaar

    @PaarlBok: Sien ons het die interskole krieket op ‘n drafstap gewen en net een wedstryd oor al die ouderdomsgroepe verloor. Frylinck Snr doen goeie werk daar en ek sien Jnr gaan self van krag tot krag. Vir die rekord, ons manne kolf met leer vliegpette, wat is ‘n valhelm?

    5 February, 2013 at 10:08
  23. avatar
    #126 PaarlBok

    @Andre T: Tyd sal leer, myself sou ‘n oud Gimmie of van die adjunkte verkies het.

    5 February, 2013 at 10:05
  24. avatar
    #125 Andre T

    @PaarlBok: KHS se rugby het beslis nie vorentoe beweeg in sy tyd.

    5 February, 2013 at 10:00
  25. avatar
    #124 PaarlBok

    @Andre T: Die Klerksdorper het nog net begin. Ek hoop maar hy stap saam met die Gim kultuur. Sal maar sien hoe dit gaan. Op die oomblik is hy nou net so ‘n groot Gim sot soos my laaitie.

    5 February, 2013 at 09:49
  26. avatar
    #123 PaarlBok

    @Ploegskaar: Ons het laasjaar met die krieket interskole ook soveel as moontlik spanne te maak om Boishaai te akkomodeer. Hulle het dit glad nie daarvan gehou toe van die laer Gim spanne skrumpette gebruik ipv krieket helmets en moes ons dit kanseleer die jaar.

    5 February, 2013 at 09:47
  27. avatar
    #122 PaarlBok

    @BoishaaiPa: Pretty sure you qoute this last time we argued about teams and pupils in the school. Stats ou soos jy het die manier om dit te probeer buig soos dit jou argument pas.

    5 February, 2013 at 09:45
  28. avatar
    #121 Ploegskaar

    @BoishaaiPa: Goffels and Hommels? Maybe those Hairspray Musical chants directed at BH are not unfounded then?

    5 February, 2013 at 09:32
  29. avatar
    #120 Andre T

    @PaarlBok: Hoe gaan dit met die Klerksdorper daar in julle midde? Verbaas my ook dat Grey julle so ontduik………………..weet jy hoe moet Vrede voel?…………..Grey ontduik hulle al sedert 1948

    5 February, 2013 at 09:14
  30. avatar
    #119 BoishaaiPa

    @PaarlBok: Dont know where you get that info from ..I did not claim anything of the kind!…Last time I checked Gim only produced 18 teams for Interschools and declined the long standing Goffels and Hommels games…they also cancelled their E-teams…Losing percentage looks better with less teams that can loose!

    5 February, 2013 at 09:03
  31. avatar
    #118 PaarlBok

    @BOG: BoisPa claimed we have more rugby teams then Boishaai in the past. Last time I checked we had 20 teams from 500 boys, Grey 28 from 1200 boys and Boishaai 24 from 900 boys. Again is about playing against a mixed (boys & girls) school like Gim and get beaten. Way above the Grey mentality.

    5 February, 2013 at 08:29
  32. avatar
    #117 BOG

    @Queenian: @rugbyfan: Its got to do with numbers. Gym cannot provide competition in the depth and variety of sporting codes required for an interschools as the case with Boishaai for example.

    5 February, 2013 at 06:41
  33. avatar
    #116 rugbyfan

    Just joking it is strange this has not become a permament fixture

    5 February, 2013 at 05:42
  34. avatar
    #115 rugbyfan

    @Queenian: Because they know if they play us each year they will get there butts kicked

    5 February, 2013 at 05:40
  35. avatar
    #114 Queenian

    @rugbyfan: Why do GCB only play Paarl Gym now and again always thought 2 schools of this size would make it a yearly fixture

    5 February, 2013 at 05:29
  36. avatar
    #113 BoishaaiPa

    @beet: Nope, I doubt that I had any influence on that one!…Cassie havnt made the connection yet!

    31 January, 2013 at 07:27
  37. avatar
    #112 Maroon

    @beet: nasty!

    30 January, 2013 at 22:50
  38. avatar
    #111 beet

    @BoishaaiPa: That explains how you ended up on the B-field then :mrgreen:

    30 January, 2013 at 16:37
  39. avatar
    #110 BOG

    @Ploegskaar: Positief gesien, kan Landbou seker daarop aanspraak maak dat hulle reeds vir 50 jaar onoorwonne is in die stryd, sonder om te jok. “Vir n slag teen n Paarl skool te wen”? As ek na die resultate hierbo kyk, word dit met eentonige reelmaat gedoen- oor vele jare. Miskien is dit waarna in die berig verwys word. Miskien soek hulle meer uitdagende mededinging elders. :lol:

    30 January, 2013 at 16:29
  40. avatar
    #109 Ploegskaar

    @BoishaaiPa: Jy het perdalks al ‘n paar keer van daai vleis (lees boerewors) by ‘n GH sportdag ingekry…

    30 January, 2013 at 15:34
  41. avatar
    #108 Ploegskaar

    @BOG: Dalk wou hulle GCB die geleentheid gee om ‘n slag teen ‘n Paarl skool te wen, dus die loting teen die 320 sterk Landbou, wat die spreekwoordelike walk in the park vir die magtige Grey behoort te wees. In die gees van al die Grey uitslae oor die jare, is die Grey vs Landbou kortliks hieronder:
    1962 – 2012: DNP
    2013: ?

    30 January, 2013 at 15:30
  42. avatar
    #107 Grasshopper

    @Beet, the Glenwood vs Grey head to head stats are above, you may wish to add them to your table?

    30 January, 2013 at 15:15
  43. avatar
    #106 PaarlBok

    @BoishaaiPa: Lyk my Cassie het jou nie genoeg gedril nie. :lol: Sal hom wragtag moet aanspreek. :mrgreen:

    30 January, 2013 at 15:11
  44. avatar
    #105 BoishaaiPa

    @beet: Did you know Cassie was my CO in the Army?…I served as a Platoon Commander under him in 1987!..

    30 January, 2013 at 15:08
  45. avatar
    #104 BOG

    @beet: Did he indicate how such a fixture would in anyway not contribute to the standard and prestige of the festival? :idea:

    30 January, 2013 at 14:55
  46. avatar
    #103 PaarlBok

    @BOG: Dis nog steeds jammer ons kry julle nie die jaar nie. Dit sou die game van die jaar gewees het.

    30 January, 2013 at 14:55
  47. avatar
    #102 beet

    @BoishaaiPa: I actually asked Basjan about the Grey vs Gim game a few months back via email. This was because I for one was led to believe that GCB would not be playing Gim at KERF because the match had been planned for WK. The answer came back via Cassie K. He said this was never the case and then more or less stated that the teams had met in 2010 and 2011 but it was not set objective of WK to give preference to this fixture but rather to ensure that as a package WK remained the best festival in SA.

    30 January, 2013 at 14:30
  48. avatar
    #101 BoishaaiPa

    @PaarlBok: Nee a, maar ou Basjan is mos n diknek daar by Wildeklawer…So ek dink nie jy kan vinger wys na Grey nie, want hy kon mos maklik n game teen Grey gereel het!..So saam met die OG voorsitter en Basjan op Wildeklawer se bestuur lyk dit al hoe meer of Gim nie lus was vir n game nie!

    30 January, 2013 at 13:58
  49. avatar
    #100 BOG

    @PaarlBok: Daar het jy dit! Volgens jou “oordeel”, is dit Grey wat Wildeklawer reel. En moet tog net nie vir Grey ondersteun nie- onder geen omstandighede nie. Hulle kan bekostig om nogal kieskeurig te wees. Het n Grey seun n meisie van jou afgevry een of ander tyd in jou lewe? Of is jy maar net gefrustreerd deur die resultate vd verlede? Seker maar lg, en di te verstane.

    30 January, 2013 at 13:55
  50. avatar
    #99 BOG

    @PaarlBok: Met jou laaste kommentaar, bevestig jy my vermoede dat jy in die klas met jou ma se laptop speel.@BoishaaiPa: Beslis en ja, ek sou hom ook nie graag as spanmaat wou he nie, allermins in n argument.

    30 January, 2013 at 13:46
  51. avatar
    #98 PaarlBok

    @BoishaaiPa: Die Beheerraad se OG reel nie Wilde Klawer nie. Jy sal maak dat ek Grey support as hulle teen julle speel wat heeltemal teen my grein is. Kan siwen jy is ook nie ‘n Paarliet nie, hier is genoeg gaar vleis wat jy kan eet.

    30 January, 2013 at 13:41
  52. avatar
    #97 BoishaaiPa

    @BOG: Los my asb uit in enige verwysing saam met Gim en PB…Ons sal op ons eie staan hier onder die voet van Paarlberg dankie…so BTW…Ek verstaan Gim se voorsitter van hulle beheerraad is n OG!…Ek reken hy sou sekerlik iets kon reel as Gim nou so graag teen Grey wou speel of hoe?…Lyk my Gim het ook maar nie baie moeite gedoen vir n wedstryd nie!

    30 January, 2013 at 13:07
  53. avatar
    #96 BoishaaiPa

    @Ploegskaar: Stuur dan bietjie vleis diekant toe man..ek is nie eers ver van jou af nie wat nog te se landvol!

    30 January, 2013 at 13:01
  54. avatar
    #95 Queenian

    @rugbyfan: Can you do a table with results per year since Grey has played more than two of those teams should show who the better team was that year

    30 January, 2013 at 12:33
  55. avatar
    #94 Queenian

    Hey Rugbyfan dont you work the Queens ones you look to have right i know some people have that we have played 70 times but 69 close enough

    30 January, 2013 at 12:25
  56. avatar
    #93 rugbyfan

    Grey vs Affies

    1953 3-0
    1954 9-3
    1955 19-0
    1956 6-6
    1957 22-0
    1958 14-6
    1959 14-3
    1966 25-11
    1967 22-0
    1970 16-11
    1971 14-3
    1972 25-12
    1973 10-3
    1974 14-6
    1992 24-3
    1993 26-26
    1994 13-6
    1995 37-13
    1996 3-25
    1997 19-9
    1998 23-23
    1999 17-3
    2000 17-17
    2001 12-12
    2002 46-21
    2003 33-3
    2004 32-29
    2005 20-27
    2006 13-18
    2007 47-10
    2008 31-12
    2009 30-13
    2010 23-6
    2011 16-11
    2012 29-35

    Played 35 Won 26 Lost 4 Drew 5

    30 January, 2013 at 12:04
  57. avatar
    #92 PaarlBok

    @BOG: Grey is Bog. :roll:

    30 January, 2013 at 11:49
  58. avatar
    #91 rugbyfan

    Grey vs Dale

    1930 6-3
    1935 9-0
    1936 3-9
    1948 12-0
    1954 21-6
    1959 8-14
    1965 0-0
    1967 11-9
    1992 26-18
    1993 7-26
    1994 30-6
    2004 40-12
    2006 36-3

    Played 13 Won 9 Lost 3 Drew 1

    30 January, 2013 at 11:16
  59. avatar
    #90 rugbyfan

    Grey vs Selborne

    1930 9-3
    1935 6-3
    1936 9-9
    1938 3-0
    1944 6-6
    1947 3-0
    1949 12-9
    1954 0-0
    1958 3-10
    1962 3-14
    1964 3-6
    1966 12-0
    1967 18-3
    1968 9-3
    1976 12-0
    1994 12-30
    1995 24-10
    1996 14-15
    1997 38-15
    1998 32-14
    1999 5-3
    2000 54-3
    2001 32-0
    2002 38-6
    2003 57-0
    2004 54-6
    2005 38-13
    2006 51-0
    2007 68-0
    2008 38-16
    2009 DNP
    2010 61-14
    2011 16-16
    2012 54-5

    Played 33 Won 24 Lost 5 Drew 4

    30 January, 2013 at 11:11
  60. avatar
    #89 BOG

    @PaarlBok: Persoonlike aanvalle? As ek persoonlik wou geraak het, sou ek jou dom genoem het soos wat jy my nou genoem het. Di egter baie duidelik dat jy in fantasiewereld verkeer en probeer voorgee dat GCB uitsluitlik die rede is waarom hulle nie teen gim speel nie. Jou ou storietjie klink niks anders as soveel ander nie. As Grey teen al die skole moes speel, wie hulle van n “vrees” beskuldig, dan sal hulle program in Januarie begin en in Desember eindig. Maar as dit jou beter laat voel, hoe onwys dit ookal mag wees, gaan maar voort in jou dwaling.@Ploegskaar: GCB het n swakkerige jaar met 3 verlore beleef, en nou voorsien jy al spoke/probleme agv “chroniese” verlore. Meeste spanne sou besonders tevrede gewees het met so n “swak” jaar. Dit wys net vir jou hoe hoog die standaard is. Ek is ook dankbaar dat ek kan dien as “saambindende “faktor tussen jou en jou ander skerm maatjies in die Kaap. Miskien is n gekombineerde spanpoging die oplossing- ook op die rugbyveld.

    30 January, 2013 at 11:01
  61. avatar
    #88 rugbyfan

    Grey vs Grey PE

    1930 6-0
    1953 13-3
    1959 18-6
    1961 9-3
    1963 8-8
    1968 12-3
    1969 3-3
    1970 12-3
    1971 22-0
    1972 19-9
    1973 22-15
    1974 24-16
    1975 32-12
    1976 12-13
    1977 21-18
    1978 17-19
    1979 28-6
    1980 26-7
    1981 50-7
    1982 27-9
    1983 DNP
    1984 10-18
    1985 41-12
    1986 26-6
    1987 57-0
    1988 16-9
    1989 39-17
    1990 6-6
    1991 37-7
    1992 16-20
    1993 38-3
    1994 10-18
    1995 38-0
    1996 3-13
    1997 23-13
    1998 10-3
    1999 39-6
    2000 31-6
    2001 18-15
    2002 41-3
    2003 51-16
    2004 14-17
    2005 22-16
    2006 34-21
    2007 44-26
    2008 22-17
    2009 16-0
    2010 38-8
    2011 69-21
    2012 22-3

    Played 49 Won 39 Lost 7 Drew 3

    30 January, 2013 at 10:36
  62. avatar
    #87 Ploegskaar

    @BOG: Ek stuur elke week vleis oral oor die land, insluitend die Oos Kaap, so die roofgeleenthede is legio vir jou. Wat jou kuberomhelsing van passiebal betref, is die standaarde duidelik maar laag en vat julle klaarblyklik wat julle kan kry. Ek merk julle is besonder opgewonde om nie die 2012 topskool in die Paarl en SA in 2013 te speel nie, maar na die windsluk van verlede jaar moet julle seker darem ‘n 100% verseker, want gereelde verloor raak spoedig ‘n chroniese gewoonte…

    30 January, 2013 at 10:33
  63. avatar
    #86 Ploegskaar

    @BOG: Ek stuur elke week vleis oral oor die land, insluitend die Oos Kaap, so die geleenthede is legio vir jou. W

    30 January, 2013 at 10:24
  64. avatar
    #85 PaarlBok

    @BOG: Jou persoonlike aanvalle skeel my niks my vriend, dit maak dit net nog lekkerder. 1994 het julle verloor en 10 jaar gevat om weer teen Gim te speel, laasjaar verloor , nou sitestep julle weer vir Gim. As jy te dom is om te lees, sal ek dit vir jou uitspel.

    30 January, 2013 at 10:18
  65. avatar
    #84 Playa

    @BOG: Thanks BOG, I’ll check it out.

    That considered, maybe GCB would have been a bridge too far for QC. It’s still one of those encounters I would have loved to see.

    30 January, 2013 at 10:07
  66. avatar
    #83 BOG

    @Playa: In 1997, GCB beat Pretoria Boys 24-7. They lost one match that year, against PRG, 8-12 One of those rare occasions, last match of the season. Not sure if they had a T-shirt printed for this momentous occasion as well, as with the 9-3 result. All the results are on ” Grey College historic Results Overview from 1884″

    30 January, 2013 at 09:58
  67. avatar
    #82 BOG

    @PaarlBok: 8-3 ? Wees dankbaar dat daar nie meer wedstryde was nie. En die wat GCB verloor het was daardie ongewone jare dat GCB n “minder goeie” jaar beleef het, eerder as wat gim n goeie span gehad het. Weet jou juffrou dat jy jou ma se laptop by jou het?

    30 January, 2013 at 09:45
  68. avatar
    #81 Playa

    @rugbyfan: It would have been interesting if QC played Grey Bloem in 1997. I dont know how Grey was, but QC had a brilliant side that year. It was believed to be their best side since 1984 at the time.They had a massive pack, and a quick and skillful backline controlled by Dru Nass.They doubled both Selborne and Dale (the first QC side to double Dale since 1988), and took some big scalps outisde of the EC, like Pretoria Boys.If Im not mistaken, they replaced the Grey derby with Pretoria Boys that year.What a team! Good thing Dale played Selborne at reunion that year.

    30 January, 2013 at 09:44
  69. avatar
    #80 PaarlBok

    @rugbyfan: Kan die tendens. Grey speel teen Gim en as hulle verloor dan vat dit elke slag 10 jaar voor hulle bereid is om teen ons te speel. Sal maar nou moet wag tot 2022.

    30 January, 2013 at 09:32
  70. avatar
    #79 BOG

    @Ploegskaar: Hierdie is nie n platform om te spog nie, veral nie met iets wat op die ouderdom van 5 ophou groei het nie. Wanneer stuur jy weer vleis OKaap toe? My voorraad is op en ek wag in die Kei Cuttings. @passiebal: Goed om te sien jy dra jou trui en die span groei. Alhoewel, flou, veral uit die Weskaap, is daar opposisie, maar hulle slaan mekaar so baie met hulle handsakke en hoehakskoene, dat hulle maar eintlik n “pushover” is hier- amper soos op die rugbyveld :mrgreen:

    30 January, 2013 at 09:15
  71. avatar
    #78 Ploegskaar

    @passiebal: My Ploegskaar hang bo my 2 Passieballe, jy is die kleiner een aan die linkerkant…

    30 January, 2013 at 09:08
  72. avatar
    #77 rugbyfan

    Grey vs Paarl Gym

    1952 18-3
    1954 6-3 0-0
    1962 16-3
    1963 12-3
    1964 0-11
    1988 9-9
    1994 0-10
    2004 24-23
    2005 34-13
    2010 23-12
    2011 14-10
    2012 29-45

    Played 13 Won 8 Lost 3 Drew 2

    30 January, 2013 at 08:31
  73. avatar
    #76 passiebal

    @ploegskaar – n goeie begrip het n halwe woord nodig. Lyk my jy het n hol fettish…
    Gaan sien n terapeut. :arrow:

    30 January, 2013 at 08:08
  74. avatar
    #75 rugbyfan

    @BOG: Nobody really knows but it is a great pity

    30 January, 2013 at 07:37
  75. avatar
    #74 rugbyfan

    Grey vs Paarl Boys High

    1950 10-6
    1953 13-3
    1954 6-3 8-3
    1956 13-3
    1957 3-8
    1960 14-10
    1967 9-3
    1970 14-6
    1971 18-6
    1973 24-0
    1977 29-13
    1979 13-15
    1980 13-4
    1983 0-14
    1984 32-12
    1987 31-14
    1989 23-6
    1993 0-0
    1995 18-6
    1996 9-16
    1997 20-16
    1998 20-6
    1999 34-16
    2000 10-17
    2001 38-15
    2002 23-6
    2003 27-16
    2004 38-3
    2005 38-13
    2006 20-5
    2007 48-24
    2008 34-24
    2009 50-8
    2010 32-12
    2011 15-15
    2012 18-28

    Played 37 Won 29 Lost 6 Drew 2

    30 January, 2013 at 07:34
  76. avatar
    #73 BOG

    @rugbyfan: So, being well connected on both sides of the fence, why did this all REALLY come to an end? :cry:

    30 January, 2013 at 07:30
  77. avatar
    #72 rugbyfan

    Grey vs Queens this includes 2006 and 1935 which were not included in the first stats send through.

    1922 3-3
    1927 0-0
    1928 5-3
    1930 3-3
    1931 6-6
    1932 3-0
    1934 3-6 3-3
    1935 9-25
    1936 6-3 3-6
    1937 8-23
    1938 3-3
    1942 3-14
    1943 3-27
    1944 6-8
    1945 4-19
    1946 6-6
    1947 3-6
    1948 3-9
    1949 6-17
    1950 10-14
    1951 3-3
    1952 3-14
    1953 9-6
    1954 3-5
    1955 25-0
    1956 16-16
    1957 3-5
    1958 3-0
    1959 8-3
    1960 21-6
    1961 3-6
    1962 14-5
    1963 17-0
    1964 9-12
    1965 5-3
    1966 19-5
    1967 3-3
    1968 20-18
    1969 5-9
    1970 9-6
    1971 19-5
    1972 10-12 (16-17)
    1973 9-6
    1974 16-15
    1975 35-3
    1976 16-4
    1977 33-10
    1978 25-13
    1979 12-10
    1980 26-7
    1981 46-6
    1982 16-13
    1983 23-18
    1984 9-25
    1985 3-14
    1986 30-9
    1987 36-4
    1988 25-15
    1989 43-9
    1990 40-3
    1991 20-6
    1992 6-3
    1993 27-16
    1994 15-22
    1995 50-0
    1996 24-9
    2006 46-8

    Played 69 Won 37 Lost 22 Drew 10

    30 January, 2013 at 07:05
  78. avatar
    #71 BOG

    @Ploegskaar: Nee, of anders gestel en selfs beter uitgedruk in Engels- “I am overcome” Di amper of jy nagelaat het om verskoning te vra dat julle durf waag om op die veld te verskyn! Wat my “tjom”aangaan, bestaan daar n paar moontlikhede: Hy is weer opgehou deur rowers; Hy is hier, maar onder n verskydenheid van ander karakters; hy is 3 maande gelede kafee toe gestuur deur sy vrou en dwaal nog die land vol—

    30 January, 2013 at 06:44
  79. avatar
    #70 rugbyfan

    I will post the other year by year against the other school during the day.

    30 January, 2013 at 06:07
  80. avatar
    #69 rugbyfan

    @BoishaaiPa: You are correct it does not include 2012 but other wise spot on.

    30 January, 2013 at 06:03
  81. avatar
    #68 rugbyfan

    @beet: Sorry you are correct the PRG is not correct the correct one is Played 32 Won 24 Lost 7 Drew 1 the older records have some games against Stellenbosch School and Worcester Gym which are not clearly marked.(Were it just said played in Stellenbosh but were not PRG)

    1946 6-3
    1952 9-3
    1967 22-3
    1968 12-3
    1970 9-9
    1974 24-0
    1977 20-10
    1988 16-9
    1989 28-7
    1990 17-9
    1991 3-20
    1992 20-6
    1993 8-28
    1994 29-31
    1995 21-10
    1996 18-10
    1997 8-12
    1998 23-15
    1999 29-26
    2000 42-13
    2001 15-6
    2002 19-8
    2003 18-17
    2004 18-21
    2005 16-11
    2006 11-16
    2007 40-14
    2008 47-15
    2009 3-9
    2010 41-29
    2011 36-35
    2012 33-23

    30 January, 2013 at 06:01
  82. avatar
    #67 rugbyfan

    @beet: These stats as far as i am aware are 100% and yes does not include 2012 and as i said there might be 1 year here are there were one school has the result in there record and the other not as far as i know PRG one is spot on.

    I do know that there were one or two results were GB has the result against the Cherries and not there 1st team. I do know that there is a desceprency between Grey and Queens when you look at there result by 2 games just remember that the pre 1965 results recordings are not great.

    30 January, 2013 at 05:27
  83. avatar
    #66 beet

    @HORSEFLY NO.1: @GreenBlooded: Emailed you guys

    29 January, 2013 at 22:35
  84. avatar
    #65 iRugby

    @Boishaaipa.Boishaai het Grey geklop op die Danie Craven Stadion in 1979 op Stellenbosch.So dit beteken die enigste keer wat Boishaai Grey kon klop buite die Wes-Kaap was in 1983.Weet jy dalk waar die wedstryd gespeel is in 1983.

    29 January, 2013 at 22:23
  85. avatar
    #64 HORSEFLY NO.1

    That’s true. I managed to fit all the KZN U13A names and only 4 KZN U13B names to schools.

    These are the numbers that schools got for KZN U13A:

    Glenwood-6 (+1 who made the squad and got injured so 7)
    Westville- 3
    DHS- 3
    College- 2
    MHS- 2( + 1 who also made squad and got injured so 3)
    Hilton- 1
    Kearsney- 2
    St Charles- 1

    Only two boys I can’t place which are F.Mbathat and S.Zakwe

    29 January, 2013 at 22:05
  86. avatar
    #63 Ploegskaar

    @BOG: Ek bespeur ‘n sarkastiese ondertoon in daardie opmerking. Waar is daardie kwasi-prokureur/amateur golfspeler tjom van jou, of is hy hierdie passiebal Grey holhanger wat vandag hier opgeduik het?

    29 January, 2013 at 21:47
  87. avatar
    #62 Ploegskaar

    @passiebal: Genugtig, wat vir ‘n naam is dit? Afrikaans vir ‘n groot ming bead?

    29 January, 2013 at 21:35
  88. avatar
    #61 GreenBlooded

    @HORSEFLY NO.1: Would be nice to see that. Is Beet going to post it? Understand if he is reluctant to – it is 13 year old kids we are talking about.

    @Beet – would you mind letting me see that list? I will try and compile a list of the DRSU players and what High Schools they went to……..

    29 January, 2013 at 21:32
  89. avatar
    #60 HORSEFLY NO.1

    Yes but that’s I’d like to keep it to myself :twisted:

    No I’m just reminding Beet as he had an interest in putting up an article on where the 2012 KZN U13 Boys went to school. I gave him a list of names and schools. That’s all…

    29 January, 2013 at 21:27
  90. avatar
    #59 Grasshopper

    @Horsie, know something we don’t?

    29 January, 2013 at 20:57
  91. avatar
    #58 BOG

    @Ploegskaar: Ek is oorweldig deur jou nederigheid :mrgreen:

    29 January, 2013 at 20:36
  92. avatar
    #57 Ploegskaar

    Wat ‘n wonderlike eer en voorreg dus vir die beskeie seuns van Landbou om na 51 jaar teen hierdie roemryke bastion van skolesport te kan meeding.

    29 January, 2013 at 20:33
  93. avatar
    #56 HORSEFLY NO.1

    Hoping you’ve already started out with that article and the KZN rugby players in their various schools, I expect it to be a big hit among me and the Greens!

    29 January, 2013 at 19:46
  94. avatar
    #55 passiebal

    @PaarlBok: ja whatever. Jou MD sal jou strontstories waardeur! :-P

    29 January, 2013 at 18:28
  95. avatar
    #54 Grasshopper

    Glenwood vs Grey Bloem
    2011 – lost 6-28
    2010 – lost 9-16
    2009 – lost 3-62
    2008 – lost 14-22
    2007 – lost 0-81
    2006 – won 14-10
    2005 – lost 3-58
    2002 – lost 9-31
    1986 – lost 4-74
    1940 – lost 14-18

    So played 10, lost 9 and won 1. Pretty one sided especially in 86 and 07.

    29 January, 2013 at 18:21
  96. avatar
    #53 HORSEFLY NO.1

    We will see if its still on whe the two schools have to play cricket next week.

    Hopefully all is well!

    29 January, 2013 at 16:48
  97. avatar
    #52 Grasshopper

    @Greenblooded & Greenwood, agree Pukke should be dropped, no easy games there either. Usually Outeniqua, Framesby and another. In 2012 Glenwood played 23 games incl the Argentinean tour. It would have been 24 if the Grey Bloem game was not cancelled. In my mind it should be 18 max. Grey Bloem probably have the hardest fixtures in SA but Glenwood are not far behind…..

    29 January, 2013 at 14:22
  98. avatar
    #51 beet

    @BoishaaiPa: I think these stats might have to go back to source for reverification. It appears that the PRG stat is also not 100%.

    29 January, 2013 at 14:15
  99. avatar
    #50 BoishaaiPa

    @BOG: No, we dont operate like that..maybe you are confusing me with someone from Paul Roos..they like the T-shirt thing! :mrgreen: ..I just like the stats to reflect the correct facts!

    29 January, 2013 at 14:01
  100. avatar
    #49 BoishaaiPa

    @GreenBlooded: In 2010 Boishaai played 23 matches and in 2011 they played 22. Last year the only played 17 matches and this year it will be 19 again. All against tough opposition, so yes, there is a few schools who is doing the same. Look at Grey’s opposition and tell me there is an easy game there! :mrgreen:

    29 January, 2013 at 13:51
  101. avatar
    #48 Greenwood

    Grasshopper – DHS is this on ?

    Pukke should be dropped – said that last year – also hope there will be one or 2 oveseas SBR
    Poms games at Glenwood – always enjoy these games – remember the yanks ??

    29 January, 2013 at 13:44
  102. avatar
    #47 JeppeRugbyFan

    @Roger: Personally I think they will be more consistent than last year with most of the 30 man squad having had some 1st XV experience from 2012. The 2012 team, as you may remember was quite a young side made up mainly of Grade 11s. These boys are all still around and will probably fill at least 10 of the starting 15 positions. There are a few promising U16’s from 2012 included in the squad, so overall I think a nicely balanced and competitive team. Looking forward to the season and hopefully we can share a cold one on the 20th April.

    29 January, 2013 at 13:44
  103. avatar
    #46 BOG

    @beet: @BoishaaiPa: Im sure you have the dates of your wins framed and against the wall.

    29 January, 2013 at 13:34
  104. avatar
    #45 BOG

    @PaarlBok: Ek dink nie jy is die eerste en sekerlik ook nie die laaste wie met die “bang” storietjie na vore kom nie. Gaan raadpleeg maar gerus die geskiedenis. En net terloops, is dinge weer normaal vanjaar, na 3 verlore in 2012. En dit was te wagte.O ja, en wakker word- jou koffie word koud.@CyndiAtRugby: Elsewhere, I also made mention of Spoornets inefficiency. They simply cannot rely on the service being provided. Some years ago, Grey had to ask one of the parents, then Minister of defense, Lokota, to intervene, otherwise they would have been without train. But a hold-up on the train? The Wild West in the South

    29 January, 2013 at 13:29
  105. avatar
    #44 GreenBlooded

    @Gungets Tuft: I would have thought you had better things to do than hypothesize over the Glenwood calendar – like packing a whole lot of girly stuff into boxes and setting up a network with your Eastern Cape tow-truck mates for your epic journey this weekend. :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

    29 January, 2013 at 13:24
  106. avatar
    #43 BoishaaiPa

    @beet: I think you might have left out the 2012 result for Grey vs Boishaai. I have it at Played 37 W29 L6 D2. Boishaai won in 1957 (8-3), 1979 (15-13), 1983 (14-0), 1996 (16-9), 2000 (17-10), 2012 (28-18)….@Bog…I believe 1983 and 1979 was both away wins.

    29 January, 2013 at 13:22
  107. avatar
    #42 GreenBlooded

    @Grasshopper: That is one hell of a season. Far too much IMHO. Are there any other schools who play 22 matches in a season – many against major opposition?

    29 January, 2013 at 13:18
  108. avatar
    #41 Gungets Tuft

    @Grasshopper: 18 = Westville ………

    29 January, 2013 at 13:17
  109. avatar
    #40 Grasshopper

    @All greens, Glenwood’s once again mad fixture list for 2013;

    1 Kearsney A
    2 ? Pukke
    3 ? Pukke
    4 ? Pukke
    5 Paul Roos Kearsney
    6 Selborne College Kearsney
    7 Paarl Gim Kearsney
    8 Voortrekker PMB A
    9 Michaelhouse A
    10 Boland Landbou Wildeklawer
    11 Paarl Boys Wildeklawer
    12 Hilton H
    13 DHS A
    14 College (150th) A
    15 Monument (Old Boys) H
    16 Northwood A
    17 George Campbell A
    18 tbc
    19 KZN Development H
    20 Affies H
    21 College H
    22 Grey Bloem A

    29 January, 2013 at 13:04
  110. avatar
    #39 CyndiAtRugby

    @Grasshopper: This is a rather interesting statement. There are schools with bigger boarding establishments which do not play so many rugby teams. From what I have noticed, it is the teams with more spirit across the board who have more teams (purely observation).

    @GreenBlooded: They catch the bus since the train was held up a few years ago. Many boys lost their phones, cash, boots etc. Very sad. It is now busses to all games, except the Paarl festival where they go to CT by plane.

    I have to agree with the headmaster – more focus needs to be given to balancing academics and sport. Generally when boys travel, they are missing school lessons.

    29 January, 2013 at 12:43
  111. avatar
    #38 Roger

    @JeppeRugbyFan: possibly – that’s why they bracketed it (tbc) – more than likely the Jeppe and Affies fixture will be swopped. How is Jeppe looking this year?

    29 January, 2013 at 12:20
  112. avatar
    #37 beet

    @JeppeRugbyFan: Is there any chance you could forward that Jeppe fixture list to me please. My email address is near the top on the right.

    29 January, 2013 at 12:19
  113. avatar
    #36 PaarlBok

    @BOG: Grey wil net teen seun skools verloor. Gim het daai drie jaar se jobbie laasjaar sommer goed gedoen en die rede hoekom Grey nie die jaar weer daai wil vat nie. Jammer, Gim gaan ‘n lekker span vanjaar hê.

    29 January, 2013 at 12:16
  114. avatar
    #35 JeppeRugbyFan

    @Roger: According to the Jeppe fixtures we have received, Jeppe play KES on the 20th April at KES.

    29 January, 2013 at 12:13
  115. avatar
    #34 beet

    @Gungets Tuft: They went up on the Thursday to acclimatise.

    29 January, 2013 at 12:11
  116. avatar
    #33 Roger

    @BOG: St Johns only 300 m from KES so they weren’t that far off! The difference, however, in the lunch served would have been night and day :lol:

    29 January, 2013 at 11:47
  117. avatar
    #32 Roger

    @Kes Dutchie: I think so too – hope it is just a rumour. If Glenwood and PBHS are happy for their junior teams to be beaten by 80/90 points then so be it – I would prefer KES continue with their traditional fixture list!

    29 January, 2013 at 11:35
  118. avatar
    #31 BOG

    @beet: The record verses Pretoria Boys High: Played 16 (from 1997, but missed one year) Won 16. Against Glenwood- and for Grasshoppers sake, I started at 2006- Played 6, won 5, lost 1@Roger: No wonder Grey lost the cricket- they also lost their way. According to their Face Book, they went to Joburg to play St Johns :mrgreen:

    29 January, 2013 at 11:23
  119. avatar
    #30 Kes Dutchie

    @Roger: Loving those cricket results. I also think the rugby fixture list is satisfactory. In that list you could have five in the top 20 in a year. The festivals could provide for another big clash depending on the draw. Think some other schools just put too much strain on their boys i.t.o their fixture lists. Think Grey College accross the board in rugby may be a bit too tough. Those u/14s and 15s will simply struggle too much I think.

    29 January, 2013 at 10:55
  120. avatar
    #29 Gungets Tuft

    @Ludz: Pretty sure the last time Glenwood played GCB the Glenwood 1sts travelled up seperately in a smaller bus so not the torturous 11 hour marathon. Still, 9 hours travel, altitude and then still vs CGB .. odds are stacked.

    29 January, 2013 at 10:54
  121. avatar
    #28 BOG

    @PaarlBok: Ja, Gim, het vir n slaggie gewen verlede jaar, en nou is GCB en seker al die ander skole, “skuitbang” vir julle? Julle moet seker ander skole betaal om net teen julle te speel, of hoe? En my oupa is Pous Lodewyk II

    29 January, 2013 at 10:41
  122. avatar
    #27 Ludz

    @Grasshopper: where’s the fun and tradition in that? I’ve never been a supporter of that idea

    29 January, 2013 at 10:05
  123. avatar
    #26 beet

    @rugbyfan: Will do and my bad. Fixed the Selborne record. Any chance of getting Pretoria Boys and Glenwood vs GCB? Thanks.

    29 January, 2013 at 09:54
  124. avatar
    #25 PaarlBok

    Hulle is weer soos destyds net skuitbang vir Paarl Gim. Sou ‘n grote gewees het.

    29 January, 2013 at 09:46
  125. avatar
    #24 Ploegskaar

    I definitely prefer the suggestion that GCB have annual fixtures against traditional rivals with the capacity to test all their learners through all the age groups in the various sporting codes. These fixtures should be prioritized, with games against smaller top schools scheduled on a rotational basis during festivals every year.

    29 January, 2013 at 09:41
  126. avatar
    #23 Roger

    Beet – FYI – Kes fixtures thus far – a few still missing:

    16 March – St Stithians
    28 March, 30 March, 1 April – Easter Festival (to be finalised)
    13 April – Parktown
    20 April – Affies (tbc)
    04 May – Westville
    18 May – College
    25 May – Monnas
    01 June – PBHS
    08 June – St Johns
    15 June – Jeppe (tbc)

    29 January, 2013 at 09:41
  127. avatar
    #22 BOG

    Above I referred to Sandveld- I think it is Kalahari. @Queenian: I just assumed that the number of teams might be affected by the numbers, but whatever the case might be, nothing should prevent the fixture, apart from Transnets efficiency.@beet: I see that GCB lost 5 games against Boishaai. Must be away games when they had “Suzie” catering for them.

    29 January, 2013 at 09:35
  128. avatar
    #21 rugbyfan

    @beet: Also please put them up on that stats page

    29 January, 2013 at 09:29
  129. avatar
    #20 Roger

    hear via grapevine that KES-Grey might be on next year as an annual fixture. Already play cricket annually and now want to expand to hockey and rugby. Stand to be corrected but I think the respective new headmasters are quite close? Watch this space.

    Cricket results vs Grey College from last Friday at KES:

    1st KES won by 5 wickets
    2nd Grey won by 51 runs
    U15A KES won by 1 wicket
    U14A KES won by 49 runs

    29 January, 2013 at 09:19
  130. avatar
    #19 GreenBlooded

    @Grasshopper: I think Glenwood still go by overnight train (almost the entire school). Apparently not much sleeping get’s done due to the ‘new expereince’ of trying to sleep on a moving train – motion sickness etc. Harsh to play rugger under those conditions – specially against the top school in the country. I think we should drop that fixture for logistical reasons and look at Pretoria Boys or KES as a replacement.

    29 January, 2013 at 09:10
  131. avatar
    #18 rugbyfan

    @beet: Just check the Selborne one i might have sent it to you incorrectly Selborne have won 5

    29 January, 2013 at 09:05
  132. avatar
    #17 Grasshopper

    @All Black, also icy roads in winter. Bethlehem etc are pretty cold places and yes the roads are atrocious. Probably best to just do a 1st team fixture and fly the team there…..sponsored of course…

    29 January, 2013 at 09:01
  133. avatar
    #16 All Black

    The bus trip to Bloem from KZN is a major problem. We followed the buses back a few years ago and the roads were hectic on a saturday night. With trains being too dangerous it was a major reason for the College fixture to be cancelled. Freeway all the way to JHB and Pretoria is a far safer call. Seeing the buses swaying from side to side on those narrow roads was scary.

    29 January, 2013 at 08:40
  134. avatar
    #15 beet

    I’ve added some of Grey’s impressive records against opponents.

    29 January, 2013 at 08:36
  135. avatar
    #14 Grasshopper

    @Beet, doh missed that…..good spot!

    29 January, 2013 at 08:22
  136. avatar
    #13 beet

    @Grasshopper: The Pretoria Boys High fixture is there. I think even the date is traditional. First weekend after the July school holidays.

    29 January, 2013 at 08:17
  137. avatar
    #12 Grasshopper

    @Queenian, yep the more boarders the more teams and the better those teams are, simple equation….hence Grey Bloems strength. Glenwood has about 260 boarders, far more than we used to so also why our rugby has improved from average to above average. This is the only reason Michaelhouse and Hilton can compete because all 550 of their boys are boarders…

    29 January, 2013 at 08:05
  138. avatar
    #11 Queenian

    @Grasshopper: Ye gone are the days of 400 boarders.

    29 January, 2013 at 07:52
  139. avatar
    #10 Grasshopper

    @Queenian, just an fyi Westville, Glenwood and College in KZN at a push can put out 30 teams on every Sat. That shows that Queens is doing really well with their smaller numbers to put out as many as 22 teams…

    29 January, 2013 at 07:49
  140. avatar
    #9 Grasshopper

    Where is the Pretoria Boys High fixture? As a Glenwood supporter I wouldn’t mind the Grey Bloem fixture going, the trip up to Bloem is a hectic one and the boys just get slaughtered, especially in the lower sides. Losing by 70,80, 90 and sometimes 100 points does the boys confidence no good. They are a little more competitive at home. Maybe the 1st side only at festivals. Glenwood’s true strength and size (no of teams) is more like Pretoria Boys High, Rondebosch, SACS, Grey PE, Wynberg, KES…no disrespect to those schools. Grey Bloem only really gets decent competition down the line from Paarl Boys, Paul Roos, Paarl Gim and Affies……finish and klaar….

    29 January, 2013 at 07:47
  141. avatar
    #8 Queenian

    @BOG: Queens can field 8 open team 4 under 16 5 under 15 and 5 under 14 teams that is 22 teams so i am not sure were the issue is also 12 hockey teams and 8 squash teams which i think is not much less than anybody else.

    What is amazing in 1983 the Grey vs Queens fixture there were 15 open team 6 under teams and 7 under 14 teams that was 28 rugby teams.

    It used to take a whole Train to take boys between the schools

    29 January, 2013 at 07:45
  142. avatar
    #7 BOG

    What is not mentioned here, is that Deon Scheepers is an OG himself(what else?) I cannot see, huge changes coming or a move away from tradition. Looking at their current schedule, it can hardly get more difficult. Paarl Gym, aside, they play all the other socalled “top” schools and they do it with a lot of traveling. Two schools, I think, most OGs feel strongly about, is the return of the MC and Queens fixtures. I realise that numbers at Queens would prevent them from participating right down to U14 F level, but if they can have a similar arrangement to what they have in Upington, with Duineveld and Sandveld(??) providing opposition, why can it not be done in Queenstown with Queens and Hangklip( or heaven forbid, my favourite, JJ Serfontein aka the Kondosse)

    29 January, 2013 at 07:23
  143. avatar
    #6 BoishaaiPa

    It’s difficult to see how Grey can drop any of the Interschools matches they have on the schedule. They all have long standing tradition, excepts perhaps Selborne and Glenwood, but both of those schools can give Grey matches for all teams. Perhaps they tend to have a re-look at their commitment to festivals and would rather establish more Interschools. I know from my OG friends that the school prefers competition for all it’s sporting sides and would rather compete against someone that can give them games from u/19A to u/14F and in other sporting codes as well. It is not always just about the 1st team!

    29 January, 2013 at 07:09
  144. avatar
    #5 rugbyfan

    I also think we must be carefull of dropping our tradional rivals just to play the best team who then fades away.

    Case in point the other day i was with 4 GB old boys in Cape Town and there issue was that it was like an insitution at Grey getting on the Train every second year and going to Queenstown which stopped in about 96/97 i think because they wanted to have better oppersition so thats how Selborne and Glenwood came about in actual fact the traditional Queens fixture was always the weekend they play Glenwood now. And these two schools have not exactly put up any fight against Grey and ye Selborne might say we got a draw in 2010 and Glenwood got a win in 2006 but the rest was a slaughter, Queens always gave us a go even if they had a crap team no disrespect to them.(They seem to have a we will never surrender attitude) And this came about because of this being a historical game and a long traditional rival.

    In short the spirit was in the game when long term rivals play long term rivals.

    29 January, 2013 at 05:54
  145. avatar
    #4 rugbyfan

    Not to sure who Grey could drop from that fixture list maybe somebody like Framesby for Paarl Gym.

    29 January, 2013 at 05:43
  146. avatar
    #3 rugbyfan

    That show great school great man

    29 January, 2013 at 05:40
  147. avatar
    #2 iRugby

    I had the privilege of meeting Mr.Scheepers a few days ago.When I left his office I knew that he was the best candidate to lead Grey in the post Volsteedt era and has the means to make the Scheepers era a very succesful one.What impressed me was his willingness to listen, how open he is for new ideas and how prepared he is to immediately make desicions.All the aforementioned indicates to me that he will be a great CEO of Grey.By the way I am not an Old Grey boy,so this is a very objective opinion of him.

    29 January, 2013 at 05:31
  148. avatar
    #1 rugbyfan

    Now thats a Champion School for you

    29 January, 2013 at 05:08

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