Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all bloggers and readers

Hi Everyone

Have a splendid Christmas and New Year.

From me a really big big THANK YOU to all who have contributed to this blog in some form or another be it via valuable information shared and/or meaningful comments posted.

It’s not unusual that a good few parents of matric students (this year being the Class of 2014) who have lived and breathed SBR for the past few years, will “graduate” along with their kids and leave their intense interest in SBR behind starting in 2015. To all the parents falling into this category, I wish you and your sons all the best, particularly those who’s boys have decided to pursue rugby at a high level after school. For most of you the after school junior rugby experience will be a brand new one but for sure come this time next your would probably have gone from novices to gurus in this field. Please, please don’t forget us here. Anything you have to share about your journey could be of enormous benefit to the next batch of matric parents who expect to set off on the same relatively unknown path.

Things got a little quiet around here after the 2014 season ended but with SBR set to kick off as early as February in some parts, I believe we will hit the ground running as soon as the new year rolls around.

Enjoy the time off.

Kind regards







  1. avatar
    #18 PaarlBok

    @Cappie: its possible. They started in Nov.

    Know the hockey team will official start practise on 12 Jan. They go in March on tour to Holland/Belgium.

    7 January, 2015 at 10:04
  2. avatar
    #17 Cappie

    @PaarlBok: Also from my side, best wishes for 2015. I’ve visited Stellenbosch over the December holiday, and quickly dropped in at the Markotter stadium to see how it looks like. This was on the 17th of December and there were two teams practising rugby. Can that be PRG first teams that are busy already?

    6 January, 2015 at 13:19
  3. avatar
    #16 PaarlBok

    Happy Happy Beet & bloggers, rather late then never.

    Looking forward to a massive 2015.

    6 January, 2015 at 12:11
  4. avatar
    #15 kosie

    @GreenBlooded: And may the best of 2014 be the worst of 2015 and may all the blogger’s kids have rich parents!

    2 January, 2015 at 07:03
  5. avatar
    #14 GreenBlooded

    I’ll bag the first post of 2015. Happy New Year everyone. Make it a good one.

    1 January, 2015 at 16:45
  6. avatar
    #13 Anti Green 31 December, 2014 at 11:56
  7. avatar
    #12 Anti Green

    Happy New Year- on Fire 8-O

    31 December, 2014 at 11:48
  8. avatar
    #11 Gungets Tuft

    Tjaa. All the best everyone, be safe, enjoy the break, we’ll check you all in 2015. I’m about to drop off the ether for a week (been missing for a month or two already anyway trying to build my bank balance for the inevitable assault on my income during the school rugga season). Cheers

    Playa – KERF it is. Brace yourself, it could get naaasty …

    29 December, 2014 at 21:16
  9. avatar
    #10 Greenwood

    Best wishes to you too Beet – I Look forward to chatting to you at the Port Natal Nite series in February

    I had a pleasant surprise yesterday – after watching the Springbok Rugby Saga on Super Sport – all this years’ Premier Interschools matches highlights were shown – about 10 or 12 of them – what a pleasure -I really enjoyed the Springbok rugby Saga as well

    To all our fellow bloggers compliments of the season and I look forward to all the banter next year

    29 December, 2014 at 13:30
  10. avatar
    #9 Playa

    Compliments of the season to all! May 2015 bring many blessings, health and wealth.

    Thank you beet for this platform.I seriously wouldn’t know what to do with my day if it wasn’t for it. I look forward to meeting you at KERF next year.

    29 December, 2014 at 11:58
  11. avatar
    #8 Knight_CHS07

    Thank you Beet. I wish you and all the Bloggers a blessed new year.

    28 December, 2014 at 19:30
  12. avatar
    #7 jakes

    Thanks Beet and the same to you too.

    26 December, 2014 at 19:27
  13. avatar
    #6 Woltrui

    Happy Christmas and best for new year Beet and all Bloggers. Peacefull times!!
    My wish for 2015. May the Bulls win the u/13, u/16, Craven week, U/19, U/21, Vodacom cup, Currie Cup and Super 15 (or is it Super 16). If I have left anything out, I wish for the Bulls to win that as well. Oh, and may the Bokke win the World Cup. 8)

    26 December, 2014 at 13:14
  14. avatar
    #5 tzavosky

    Thanks, Beet, and good wishes for you and your family as well.

    Oh, and thanks for the blog. I always smile when “outsiders” ask of a new talent bursting on to the scene, “where does this kid come from?” We know, because of this blog.

    Much appreciated.

    25 December, 2014 at 20:16
  15. avatar

    Thanks Beet , and to you and all

    Appreciate the tame you take to make this blog possible.

    Here is looking forward to a positive and blessed 2015 for all.


    25 December, 2014 at 19:11
  16. avatar
    #3 Rugger fan

    Thanks Beet for being the constant as we come and go.

    Merry Christmas and looking forward to a great SBR season 2015

    24 December, 2014 at 21:54
  17. avatar
    #2 kosie

    Beet, thank you for your contribution in making it possible for all the bloggers to be able to debate, discuss, differ but most importantly, contribute to the game we all love. Your knowledge and insight makes this blog what it is.

    24 December, 2014 at 16:58
  18. avatar
    #1 BuffelsCM

    Thank You Beet ……….a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and your family as well !! The same wishes to all the contributors and bloggers too !

    Thanks for this forum and all the relevant news that are posted regularly. You are providing an excellent and relevant service to the rugby loving SBR followers

    24 December, 2014 at 12:05

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