Craven Week 2013: Bulls name 6 teams for final trials

The Bulls have named 6 trial teams to play the Pumas on Monday 20 May 2013.

School representatives:

School Reps School Reps School Reps
Garsfontein 21 Waterkloof 10 Menlopark 6
Affies 16 Southdowns 7 Eldoraigne 5
Centurion 11 Pretoria BH 6 St Albans 4

Team sheets:

1 Xander Van Wyk Waterkloof
2 Vean Roodt Centurion
3 Johan Van Wyk Waterkloof
4 Abongile Nonkwantana St Albans
5 RG Snyman Affies
6 Derik Bezuidenhout Affies
7 Calvin Allison Affies
8 Salmon Van Huyssteen Affies
9 Ivan Van Zyl Affies
10 Jameel Warnick Garsfontein
11 Ethan Sias Garsfontein
12 Franco Naude Garsfontein
13 Jurie Linde Affies
14 Jade Solomons Garsfontein
15 Eduan Keyter Affies
1 WP Eloff Affies
2 Francois Steyn Affies
3 Christo Bezuidenhout Centurion
4 Hyron Andrews Garsfontein
5 Jason Jenkins St Albans
6 PJ Toerien Garsfontein
7 Wildon March Garsfontein
8 Arne Van Rensburg Garsfontein
9 Justin Phillips Waterkloof
10 Jeandre Pitzer Centurion
11 Jose Shaw St Albans
12 Dawie Venter Affies
13 Damian Hogg Centurion
14 Thabang Maponya Southdowns
15 George-Lee Erasmus Garsfontein
1 Roeloff Diedericks Garsfontein
2 Reinach Venter Waterkloof
3 Michael Chumbaria St Albans
4 Ashton Fortuin Southdowns
5 Divan Jonck Centurion
6 Sean Joyce Waterkloof
7 Arnold Gerber Menlopark
8 Ruan Ackerman Garsfontein
9 Kelvin Pieterse Pretoria BH
10 Tinus De Beer Waterkloof
11 Bradley Mutri Southdowns
12 Bingle Cloete Menlopark
13 Marquit September Garsfontein
14 Reuben Mokoena Curro
15 Dewald Lindeque Waterkloof
1 Jonothan Valema Wonderboom
2 Willem Ludike Menlopark
3 Sarel-Marco Smit Eldoraigne
4 Etteinne Matthys Centurion
5 Brandon Verster Garsfontein
6 Martin Shuma Eras
7 David Joyce Waterkloof
8 Stefan Bergh Garsfontein
9 Wynand Botha Eldoraigne
10 Johan Coertze Montana
11 Lyle Maart Garsfontein
12 Phillip Orffer Affies
13 Hendrik Mulder Centurion
14 Malcolm Fisher Wonderboom
15 Charl Spies Eldoraigne
1 Yolo Ngubeguhsa Pretoria BH
2 Frikkie Van Rensburg Garsfontein
3 Reinhart Rohde Centurion
4 Jean Labuschagne Montana
5 Ethan Louw Pretoria BH
6 Michael De Waal Pretoria BH
7 Werner Swanich Eldoraigne
8 Winson Theron Garsfontein
9 Lee-Mone Stander Centurion
10 Marco Donges Menlopark
11 Paul De Beer Garsfontein
12 Wilbre Gunter Waterkloof
13 Ruben Opperman Eldoraigne
14 Richard J V Rensburg Garsfontein
15 Sheawan Swart Wilgers
1 Heinrich De Jonge Garsfontein
2 Jason Polydore Waterkloof
3 DP Du Plessis Affies
4 Steven Barber Pretoria BH
5 Graig Elskie John Vorster
6 Cornell Jacobs Centurion
7 Dirk Steyn Centurion
8 Jeandre V D Walt Menlopark
9 Dale Harris Pretoria BH
10 Tiaan Schmulian Affies
11 Ruan De Beer Menlopark
12 Chelson Jacobs Garsfontein
13 Irvan Kekea Wilgers
14 Lloyd Tshabalala Tuine
15 Thys Van Wyk Affies


  1. avatar
    #38 Rugbyman

    @Woltrui @Muzi: ackis is still injured an will only play trials on tuesday…. thats the reason he isnt there, not poor selection. By the way wollie, I coached Franco Naude last year… in my 18 years of coaching I have never coached a centre like him! He is really special and works very hard off the field! The scary thing about him is that he is only in grade 11 and still 17… What a player and prospect though… I will stick my neck out… a springbok in the making…

    18 May, 2013 at 06:37
  2. avatar
    #37 Tjoppa

    @BOG: Dnekers het onder in die Kaap gebly Bog. Wil sommer vriendelik wees met jou as ek die ander gemors op die Blog moet verteer

    17 May, 2013 at 15:32
  3. avatar
    #36 BOG

    Convincingly met n hele ses punte. Miskien moet jy ook maar weer vir onpartydige Beet se kommentaar gaan lees.@Woltrui: Nee, probeer maar net by die korrekte feite kom. Di in almal se belang dat ons absoluut korrek is en nie dieselfde foute begaan as “Skewebeeld” nie. Dit het hoeka so vernietigende impak op julle denke daar bo die Vaal.

    17 May, 2013 at 15:00
  4. avatar
    #35 Tjoppa

    @Woltrui: Convincingly defeated Wollies

    17 May, 2013 at 13:14
  5. avatar
    #34 Woltrui

    @BOG: Morning Bog. And why the bite against Affies on this good morning? Still little bit sore about the loss last Saturday?

    17 May, 2013 at 13:08
  6. avatar
    #33 BOG

    We see the schools from which the trial players come but it would be interesting to see how many started high school in the WC and EC?

    17 May, 2013 at 13:00
  7. avatar
    #32 Tjoppa

    @BOG: Die GESKIEDENIS het ook gewys as niemand met iemand praat, op die Blog, sal hy enigiets so skeef lees sodat hy ook sy ou eiertjie kan le.

    More Oom hoe gaan dit vanmore met Oom. Teen wie speel oom se Alma Mater more. Stuur groete vir die tannie en dominee.

    17 May, 2013 at 12:55
  8. avatar
    #31 Tjoppa

    @Ploegskaar: My hande al rooi gevryf oor opgewondenheid vir more. Go Boland Landbou

    17 May, 2013 at 12:53
  9. avatar
    #30 BOG

    Affies, moontlik seker die oudste, UITLUITLIK Afikaanse skool. Ek weet van n dubbel medium skool, verder suid, met n veel langer GESKIEDENIS. Kan moontlik Affies se oupa wees in terme van tradisie en ervaring. Enige ding wat mens in “SKEWEBEELD ” lees, moet mens maar gaan verifieer- selfs hulle sportuitslae. Ek het al 4 verskillende menings van hulle ekonomiese verslaggewers gesien, oor dieselfde onderwerp op dieselfde dag- en klaarblyklik het hulle dit nie eers besef nie

    17 May, 2013 at 12:40
  10. avatar
    #29 Ploegskaar

    @Tjoppa: Mijn Hollands is zeer zwak, als je zegt dan is het zo!

    17 May, 2013 at 12:34
  11. avatar
    #28 Tjoppa

    @Queenian: This is how we work with PDAP up in the North. Letter in the Beeld this morning.
    Dankie vir die hoofartikel “Beeldtrofee: deelname is belangrikste” (10 Mei).
    Dit is wonderlik dat ons so ’n reeks het waar kinders hul talente en sportmanskap tot op die hoogste vlak kan ontwikkel. Dit is egter kommerwekkend dat daar skole is wat wen as die “alfa en omega” beskou.
    Daar is byvoorbeeld ’n skool in Tzaneen wat in die verlede ons talentvolle kinders probeer werf het met praatjies van “speel by ons in die groot liga, waar jy raakgesien sal word, eerder as in jou kleiner mediumskool”.
    Dieselfde skool draai nou om en pas ’n reël toe waarvolgens swart leerders in die skool buite rekening gelaat word in die proses om te bepaal of die skool “klein” genoeg is om in ’n laer liga te kan speel!
    Dit kom daarop neer dat die skool, wat kan spog met agt hoogs talentvolle “gewerfde” swart spelers in sy span, nou daarop aandring om in die mediumliga te speel, terwyl daardie einste spelers nie getel word om te bepaal of die skool nie dalk in die hoër liga moet speel nie.
    Hierdie praktyk is nie net demotiverend vir die spelers in die kleiner skole nie, maar ontneem ook die talentvolle swart speler die voorreg om in ’n liga te speel waar hy hoort.
    Laas jaar het die skool uitstekend gevaar in die Beeldtrofee. Hoekom “vergeet” die skool dan vanjaar van ’n groot aantal leerlinge in sy pogings om in die mediumliga te kan inpas, waar julle duidelik alle wedstryde maklik sal wen tot in die eindstryd?
    Die skool doen al sy spelers, asook die spelers van die kleiner skole, ’n groot onreg aan.
    Dis tog van veel groter waarde om hard te werk en goed te vaar teen sterk kompetisie as om skuiling te soek en te wen in ’n liga wat geen uitdaging bied nie.

    17 May, 2013 at 12:23
  12. avatar
    #27 Tjoppa

    @Woltrui: Nee want hy het nooit die werk van ‘n slot gedoen nie. Slegs op senter gejol. Vandaar SLENTER. As hy werlik ‘n voorspeler was sou hy mos aangestel word by die Bulls as forward coach en nie verdedigings coach nie. Hoor Fourie du Preez is volgende jaar as skrum coach aangestel. Se hulle werk aan ‘n nuwe spel patroon. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

    17 May, 2013 at 12:14
  13. avatar
    #26 Woltrui

    @Tjoppa: Tjops, you see, I warned you against that red wine. Are you saying Matfied was not a good lock? 8)

    17 May, 2013 at 11:57
  14. avatar
    #25 Tjoppa

    @Ploegskaar: Ik persoonlijk denk dat in dat stadium was het een vorm van Nederlands die gesproken werd. Afrikaans als schrijftaal werd pas in de vroege jaren 1850. Dat maakt affies de eerste uitgeroepen tot Afrikaans school in Suid Afrika

    17 May, 2013 at 11:46
  15. avatar
    #24 Tjoppa

    @Queenian: Wow there Boet. The two schools mentioned said no to the Bulls. They do have children of colour in their schools but they will not accept any player, no matter what colour, placed by the Bulls. They refused to be part of what you are against. Next time you blog may you have the guts to apologise.

    17 May, 2013 at 11:37
  16. avatar
    #23 Woltrui

    @Ploegskaar: Dankie Ploeg. Baie interesante inligting. Affies dan die eerste geproklameerde Afrikaanse skool.

    17 May, 2013 at 11:17
  17. avatar
    #22 Ploegskaar

    @Woltrui: “Die eerste Afrikaanse skool in Suid-Afrika is ook deur die Moslem-gemeenskap tot stand gebring. Die skool of madrasah was in Dorpstraat 37 in die Bo-Kaap en die Moslem-kinders het hul godsdiensonderrig hier in Kaapse Afrikaans ontvang. Die madrasah is gestig deur Tuan Guru, ’n prins van Tidore in die Ternate-eilande (Indonesië) wat deur die VOC as banneling na Robbeneiland gestuur is. Teen 1807 het 375 slawekinders hul onderrig in die Koran en Arabies hier voltooi. Een van hul leermetodes was om gedeeltes uit die heilige skrifte in hul koplesboeke in Afrikaans in Arabiese letters oor te skryf.

    Soos met gewone Arabiese skrif word die teks van regs na links gelees. Verskeie Islamitiese heilige geskrifte is aan die Kaap in Arabiese Afrikaans oorgesit en die eerste Afrikaanse vertaling van die Koran is ook in hierdie skooltjie aangepak deur Achmat van Bengale. Achmat Davids, ’n kenner op die gebied van Arabiese Afrikaanse geskrifte, is van mening dat Afrikaans reeds sedert omstreeks 1815 in die madrasah in Dorpstraat gebruik is.”

    17 May, 2013 at 11:09
  18. avatar
    #21 Woltrui

    @Queenian: Your sarcastic comment “I promise you they don’t bite and don’t bring down the ethos of the school” is a real cheap shot.
    Most kids of colour rather go to English schools because of the language barrier. The kids in Affies are Proud and patriotic South Africans.

    17 May, 2013 at 11:00
  19. avatar
    #20 Woltrui

    @Queenian: SLOW DOWN COWBOY!!! Affies is an Afrikaans school. The first Afrikaans school in the country and proud of it. Nothing to do with the colour. Yo Yo Yo. IF you got a problem with the Union don’t throw mud at two top schools my friend.

    17 May, 2013 at 10:54
  20. avatar
    #19 Queenian

    @Tjoppa: Ye you right there but not healthy for SA schools rugby what is going on here schools like Queens put everything into developing players of colours just to be poached when the fruit is just about ripe for the reward.

    And to say the least it is just window dressing by Union,s like the Bulls who have no interest in transformation.

    If the Bulls want players of colour let them get schools like Waterkloof and Affies take in 30% blacks and that way they will come through the ranks or are they to scared to allow them into there corridors of white elitistists.

    I promise you they dont bite and dont bring down the ethos of the school.

    17 May, 2013 at 10:45
  21. avatar
    #18 Tjoppa

    @Queenian: Do not forget Garsfontein and Menlo. They are the main beneficiaries.

    17 May, 2013 at 10:28
  22. avatar
    #17 Queenian

    I see all the quota players from Southdowns suddenly appeared or should i say all the players imported from the Border region.

    17 May, 2013 at 10:13
  23. avatar
    #16 Tjoppa

    @Woltrui: Acker already 18 this year so his last year for CW

    17 May, 2013 at 10:06
  24. avatar
    #15 Tjoppa

    @BoishaaiPa: Agree RG lazy and not fit. See he adopted Matfield’s style of play so let us call him a slenter. Schickerling by miles.

    17 May, 2013 at 10:04
  25. avatar
    #14 Tjoppa

    @Woltrui: In my humble opinion the selectors are too laze to coach, and maybe they are right, a winning CW team and rather look to combinations. We are loosing a lot of players. Affies loosies definitely not the best in Pretoria. Ackers, who is 18 this year @ 8, with Sean Joyce @7, and only Derik @6. Nine a matter of choice. Franco @ 12 ok but rather have little Dawie of Affies their. Playmaker of Affies backline and can play 10 also. But 50 coaches and you will get 100 different choices.

    17 May, 2013 at 10:02
  26. avatar
    #13 beet

    @Grasshopper: I think all of us need to see what Franco Naude brings to the position of centre before calling who will play SA Schools but definitely Oosthuizen and Gelant very good players.

    17 May, 2013 at 10:00
  27. avatar
    #12 Woltrui

    @Grasshopper: Agree Hopper. Glenwood only came to the party since Wildeklawer. For interest sake. If you must pack a SA schools team on what you have seen thus far in 2013. How would it look?

    17 May, 2013 at 09:55
  28. avatar
    #11 Grasshopper

    @Woltrui: Agreed, all healthy competition! I liked the EG Jansen flyhalf too, very good player and solidly built. They going to need 3 or 4 centres so those 4 could make it. Glenwood actually did pretty well against Garsies so early season with such a young side, losing 48-26. Not many sides have scored 26 against Garsies. Also Glenwood are slow starters so if the game was played now it might have been closer, but Garsies won fair and square, better side on the day.

    17 May, 2013 at 09:49
  29. avatar
    #10 Muzi

    Ja…..both of them will probably want moer each other six love……. :mrgreen: now that Justin is a mountain cape goat all I can say is go Ivan!!! :twisted:

    17 May, 2013 at 09:48
  30. avatar
    #9 Woltrui

    @Muzi: Muzi the matchup between Ivan and Justin Phillips on the 25th when Affies and Kloof play will be worth watching.

    17 May, 2013 at 09:42
  31. avatar
    #8 Woltrui

    @Grasshopper: Hopper I agree with you that Schikerling is very good. I would most properly make RG Snyman my no 4 and Schikerling 5. RG is coming back to form and on form he is just as good, if not better, in my opinion.
    I don’t know if you’ve seen the no 12 of Garsies, Naude, play? He is similarly build than Oosthuizen from Paarl Gim. Good hands, good feet and a good defender. In my opinion the spark in the Garsies backline(think he played a mayor role in the destruction of Glenwood when those teams met at Potch earlier the season :mrgreen: ). Watch this kid. His combination with Jurie Linde, the SA’s school 13 of 2012 could also play in his favour.
    Agree with you on Bothma. The no 7 position is not done and dusted. The no 7 from Jansies, Swart? is also laying stake to that position.

    17 May, 2013 at 09:39
  32. avatar
    #7 Muzi

    Eish I didn’t know Salmon was in grade 11 klein Ackers is a big boy though…Bulls scouts probably pissed off with Justin Phillips they want Ivan to make SA schools this year. :mrgreen:

    17 May, 2013 at 09:33
  33. avatar
    #6 Muzi

    Jurie Linde and Sampie Hearn and will have something to say about that. :wink:

    17 May, 2013 at 09:30
  34. avatar
    #5 Grasshopper

    @Woltrui: I think Ryan Oosthuizen and Warrick Gelant might be the SA Schools centres with Rickus Bothma and Vermeulen in the loose trio and Duhan Van Der Merwe on the wing. Schickerling the best lock in the country by far and also in the SA schools team for sure.

    I think the Bulls, WP and SWD will be the teams to beat there…..

    17 May, 2013 at 09:13
  35. avatar
    #4 Woltrui

    @BoishaaiPa: Im a Blue Bull supporter. Will always pick the Pretoria boitjie. Could be an emotional thing :mrgreen:
    I take it the selectors will follow the same pattern as they did in 2012 regarding previously disadvantaged kids. The CW groups quotas would be correct come the Craven Week.
    @Muzi: Must say I haven’t seen Ruan Ackerman play Muzi. Salmon is a underrated player. BIG hart, good ball skills and good feeling. Both Ackerman and Salmon still in grade 11. Could see one of them moving to no 7? 8-O

    17 May, 2013 at 09:11
  36. avatar
    #3 Muzi

    @Woltrui: Agree with you that tight five will rattle a few feathers in the Craven Week tournament.
    Not that impressed with Salmon Van Huyssteen he’s ok…….. IMHO Ruan Ackerman is a much better player.
    I really rate RG Snyman but JD Schickerling is having a superb season for Gimmies no doubt about it he’s the best lock in the country.

    17 May, 2013 at 08:53
  37. avatar
    #2 BoishaaiPa

    @Woltrui: Best No 5?…I think JD Schickerling from Paarl Gym will have something to say about that!…What I cant understand is the how can BB only pick 4 players of colour in a starting team? I missing something or counting wrong or do different rules apply to them?

    17 May, 2013 at 08:49
  38. avatar
    #1 Woltrui

    IMHO ( :mrgreen: never to old to learn from our esteemed bloggers) the selectors have chosen a very strong A team. Within the Craven Week selection criteria the strongest possible. The backline could be in the same class as the 2012 BB Craven Week backline(and we know what that backline did to their opposition). No 12 and 13 could be the SA school centre combination. Top notch frontrow with Francois Steyn that could come on to bring a huge X-factor to the game. Best no 5 currently in schoolboy rugby. By all accounts a good no 4. Proven loose forward combination. What more can a Blue Bull supporter ask.
    The game against the Pumas would be very tough. The Pumas will have a big tight 5 that would give any team at the CW problems.

    17 May, 2013 at 08:37

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