Pretty soon all the schools would have reopened for 2013. There is quite a bit of excitement about as high schools welcome their new Gr.8 students. Amongst them many talented sportsmen including school sports bursary award recipients and Craven Week representatives. No doubt there new schools will hope they are able to continue to stand out on the sports fields from now until 2017, when they matriculate.
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this will be the guys to watch over the next few years, these bloggers have particular interest in this group or year?
@Westers: Heavy rain up in Howick at the moment, I reckon the fields up in PMB, Hilton and Balgowan will be unplayable. Will be in PMB to watch some polo – a bit later though – Dusi training starts in earnest tomorrow so a 20km paddle at 6:15
Nothing on Twitter about College games being cancelled yet but the poys are talking about it.
@ Westers- Thanks for that. Unfortunately my sons team is not listed. I do not know how that works. It seems the Ists have been moved back to Westville and so as Greenblooded says there might be a game in the Durban surrounds.
@ Greenblooded- staying in bed sounds so good. As it stands we are leaving at 6.30. Boy you have a good memory. It is one of those injuries that you are never quite sure about. A bit like my golf drive . You slag and hope for the best.
@Star, I see on the communicator that a lot of fixtures have been cancelled by Michaelhouse. I assume this is weather related.
@ Star : I think the 3 hour would be good, considering they could’ve forgot most of the things they learnt last year. This years u16 are working with very little time considered to last years, who were practising 6 times a week, plus gym on the side. I hope the boys work hard, looking forward to the season
@star: What’s the latest with your lighty’s shoulder?
@star: You need to get your lighty to play waterpolo – it won’t be affected by the heavy rain predicted tomorrow all over the midlands. I checked Balgowan and Maritzburg – won’t be much cricket I’m afraid. Light drizzle predicted for Durban – so maybe the Glenwood / Hilton matches will happen. College / Kearsney and Westville / House – stay in bed.
@ Horsy- Good luck for the gala tonight. I wish the Westville U14s well. Do not worry about the history. Just do you best and enjoy
@ Griffon- The U16s are in full swing. 3 hours yesterday. The boy could barely walk today.
@ Gungets-Impetus is everything. How is the weather looking fot tomorrow? We go to House tomorrow so 3 hours in a car and no cricket might be a bit painful. I hope the tea is up to the usual standard to compensate.
@star: Empetus ofr the posrt would be nice – the reason there is no money is because sponsors are hard to find if people don’t watch – so for that .. great. Have you watched …. I am amazed at the skills on show. The hockey guys have a saying – “if it was easy it would be soccer”
@star: Yeah, saw that, watched a few – they are all being televised. Sadly it is not the kind of money that will allow the SA team to perform well even though it is fantastic for those of our guys involved. The Olympic team needs the year beforehand to train together, travel, play against the best without worrying about finance. Right now about 1/3 of the squad have hockey jobs, in Holland, Spain etc, the others coach, do promotional work etc. Nice, but still not ideal – can you imagine if our cricketers got no contracts and had to use the IPL to fund themselves before the Twnety/20 champs or the limited overs WC.
Im also having fingers crossed that they will now play. Very unfortunate that ALL this had to happen but now that it has i just think we have to make sure fixtures are resumed.
Dont know hey.
@HORSEFLY NO.1: My first question is: Is this what the boy wants? Or is he being used as a pawn in some adult’s penis contest? I’m guessing some adult politics at play here between DHS / Glenwood and Oupa. Very sad if I’m right – a 16 year old should not have to go through this!!
@Horsie, if that is the case then that is great news, hopefully it will iron out the issues and allow the game to be played……
@ Star : I heard about the Boland boy. Saw a glimpse of him. Very big boy, heard he played for the Boland Grant Khomo team last year, so he should be in Grade 11. Will be good to see him action. I feel his arrival will help with depth to cover 8. See the u16’s have also started training.
Van Zyl apparently back at DHS.
@Grasshopper: A fair call Grassy. I know at Junior school level there were many boys (irrespective of talent) who had to sit out the rugby season last year as they were U14 (birthdays prior to 31 Dec cut off). Sad, but they had to reply on club rugby or others.
@ Westers- My understanding is that he is in matric this year although obviously not available for CW. He should be involved in the Sharks set-up though.
@ Gungets- I think it was you that mentioned there is no money in hockey. Did you see they have started an IPL style tournament for hockey in India with exotic names like the Delhi Waver riders ect. A bit of RazzMatazz with a lot of dollars. There were a few Saffers involved( maybe a few College boys) . Money might assist pay a few bills and create more impetus for the sport.
@Star, just so you are aware I have been involved in auditing for over a decade so know all about standards, procedures, compliance etc. For the tenth time, I am against kids coming in late and I did not agree with Marne or Warren coming in, same too for the KZN development No 8 and van Zyl from DHS this year. I think the Under19 argument is weak too, as other Under19’s were allowed to play. I think there were 4 or 5 on the field that day. My thoughts were with the kid as a person, he was subjected to unnecessary abuse and public scrutiny by Westville’s actions, be it to the rulebook or not. Many other schools did not worry too much about it and allowed him to play with no fuss. George Campbell had many Under19’s playing, no fuss. That is just an excuse. To avoid this happening it should be black and white, no Under19’s at all as Craven week is Under18 anyway. Under 19’s can play club or Varsity rugby. Too lambast Marne when there is an Under 19 kid who has failed a year on the other side is wrong. Anyway, Glenwood was the scapegoat here and made an example of, so hopefully if other schools start bringing in players be it Under18 or Under 19 in grade 11 that they should be held to ransom too…..
@Westers: I think Hilton pulled a fast one with the scrummie – had him repeat a year (Gr10??) which makes the agreement valid. Not sure if I have the story right though?
@Star – Agreed. A good way forward would be to make the so called Heasmasters agreement public knowledge and confirm which Headmasters had signed up to it.
A question, did the Hilton scrummie matriculate last year or was he in G 11?
If he is still at school how old is he now?
@ Grassy- I agree 100% with Gungets( and I am loving it
) In fact on another thread Queenian was talking about the fact that a Zim kid was in coming to Queens in matric and how this was against the ethos of the school in terms of loyalty and supporting structures. Any agreement must be built on objective rather than subjective principles. The principle is an U19 kid who has not done his time at the school. You must not make the exception( eg the issue of a transfer) the rule.Your arguments of kids at Hilton or Gungets at Grahamstown is therefore of no import. Yes Westville was not happy about the scrummie( from a subjective point of view) but he was not U19 and therefore was not contary to the understanding at hand. Must Westville create there own deal based on their own situation. You also then make huge assumptions about jealously and posturing ect. I think we all need to take a step back and support a proactive way forward where all the headmasters will show respect and integrity in their dealings.
@Grasshopper: Yup – there they blow.
Excuse #1 – The parents moved
Excuse #2 – The kid wanted to move because he thought he would have a better chance of represetation
Excuse #3 – Henceforth called the “ad hominem” – you’re just jealous
Excuse #4 – Everyone is doing it
Excuse #5 – Schoolboy rugby is now professional, so it’s OK
Excuse #6 – At least he wasn’t stolen locally
Excuse #7 – We did not approach him, he came to us
It’s the principle that counts. If schools want to ignore principle and introduce little shades of grey with an oke suddenly arriving in Term 4 of Gr 11, then they must suffer the consequences. I think the consequences are the internal ones – if the headmasters want to have a little d#ck-measuring contest, that is a little publicicty exercise that says much more about them than it does about the issue at hand.
Anyway, didn’t want to scrape the scab off this wound, except to say that it is a certainty that it will happen again somewhere in our KZN system, and the list of excuses and explanations will grow and grow.
@Grasshopper, You are going back over old ground but you need to go back to the facts as presented at the time. To quote Trevor Hall from the WBHS newsletter dated 14 March 2012:
“The Headmasters therefore decided to allow Under 19 players to participate in school Rugby, provided they had come through the ranks of the school (i.e. at least from Grade 10)”
The issue Westville had with Marne was that he was U19 (not U18) and had not come up through the Glenwood ranks (i.e.) from G10. Nothing to do with SA schools or bigger than most.
@Gungets, I agree with you and stated the same previously. I hope the Marne debacle never happens again. My issue is if Glenwood does something they get burnt alive but if others do the same they don’t. I mean Hilton has poached many players without any penalty or public roasting. It’s double standards! Westville played Hilton without complaint even though their best scrumhalf had been poached from them by said team. Now I don’t care if he was grade 10 or 11, it’s far worse than a player arriving from another province. That is stealing from under their noses. I don’t see why the family has to move, look are you moving to Grahamstown because your daughter of going there. Many kids at Hilton have families in Gauteng, it’s complete rubbish. What rules say kids have to be born and bred in the city to attend the school…….basically the schools didn’t like that Marne was an SA schools prop and that he was bigger than most. If he was an SA Schools wing he would have played………it was jealousy simple as.
@Amalekite: Flyhalf – was very good by all accounts
@star: I hate this, but I actually 1/2 agree with Star .. who would have thought.
There are dozens of ways of dressing up moves that are designed to get past the agreement. In Marne’s case the folks were supposed to have moved, but I am willing to bet the folks are back in Gauteng now. The second thing is – if the folks moved to Durban and he moved with them, why was he in the Boarding Establishment. He could have stayed in Chunnisbeg if that was the case. The inevitable moves this year will all be dressed up in some sort of flimsy covering making it OK in the eyes of the school “attracting” the player. In the end it comes down to the integrity of the school and how much they trust their ability to develop the pool they got in Grade 8-10, and how much they value the loyalty of the boys they have had in their care for 4 years. I reckon the short cut to success will lead to the long term failure of the same. You will create, and then continue attracting, a team of mercenaries who use the school as a stepping stone and then disappear like cockroaches once the lights are turned on.
Then, and hopefully the disclaimer will never be necessary, (i.e. College will never resort to this) I hope it never turns into the Lance Armstrong scenario where the excuse is that “everyone else is doing it – to compete you have to do the same” because that is the day I stop watching schoolboy rugby. Rugby is part of educating our boys and that is not a lesson I think needs teaching. I will be ashamed of my school if it comes to pass – write that down – my loyalty is not unconditional.
@ Grassy-Bona fide to me is where a parent is transferred by his work and the kids have to move as well. Obviously the kid cannot be penalised by not being allowed to play rugby. To go the other way round ( as in the Marne case) becomes too subjective and is open to abuse in terms of placements ect. Maybe the agreement should be more defintive as the more loop holes the weaker the agreement.
The agreement does talk about an Ombudsman to deal with authenticity results and that schools must make their teams available to the appointed authenticity representative. To be honest at the time it all went down I am not sure what was in place or what process had been agreed to. What I am sure of is that Westville will keep to what was agreed at the meeting of the 22nd. The funny thing is is that Jackson did play against Kearsney and so a case must have been made to them which was obviously found acceptable.
@Amalekite: flyhalf
In the 1983 festival, Bishops were the stand out team. Their support play and ball control was something to behold.
The match that caught the imagination was the 18-18 draw that Graeme managed against a Michaelhouse team that fielded some Craven week players. That Graeme side was made up of at least six U15 players.
@Roger: What position did Herschelle play ?
@Star, sorry define bona fide move? Surely it’s Bone Fide if it’s to enhance the kids future? He was Under19 (like the Westville prop/hooker who had failed) and was kept back as a kid due to a physical developmental issue. Funnily enough I checked the matric results and he got 3 A’s….not bad really considering all he had to go through. Now in the Bok Under 20 squad, the kid must have a good head on him. Now I must repeat, I don’t like these late moves but also don’t like double standards. Is there anything in the latest agreement about having your own age auditors?
@ Grassy- I would expect Westville to stick to the outcome of the Headmasters meeting( 22 September 2012) where a bona fide student was defined. Basically if a student is U19 he must have been at the school since grade 10. This was basically a confirmation of the understanding that was in place prior to the meeting and which Westville had acted on re Marne( which as Greenhopper states was a professional move with his family following suit ie there was no bona fide movement by the family in respect of a transfer.) There was the added complication of the Sharks involvement and we are all now debating the risks of that issue and potential conflicts of interest. Therefore if he is U19 and there is no support for a bona fide transfer then I would support any school to request he is removed from the team. It is a breach of an agreement and there must be consequences. To say otherwise would be hypocritical to say the least.
@Amalekite: St Johns in JHB hosted one year (’93 or ’94) – first time I saw Herchelle Gibbs play for Bishops – WOW. He was a fantastic player
There was also the private schools rugby festival that started in 1983. It was hosted by Kingswood in Grhamstown. Some of the schools that were invited were: St Charles, Kearsney, Hilton, Michaelhouse, Treverton, PJ Olivier, Graeme, Bishops, St Albans amongst others.
The festival moved around every 2 years and continued right up to about 2005. I remember attending it last at Kearsney. Obviously the strength of the schools was not comparable to the other festivals mentioned on this blog. It was still very enjoyable to watch. I have not heard about since then.
@Star. Haven’t heard about this kid. Will see what I can find out. I don’t have any inside contacts other than my son and his mates.
Do know that the one G11 kid who left in third term last year (apparently to go to Northwood, but NW_Knight says he didn’t) is back in school this term. He is a hooker/prop I believe.
@Grasshopper, Good question. If he is over age then Westville should not play him – in any games.
@Grasshopper: I was there last year and in 2010 – my nephew has just matriculated from Kearsney. Cannot fault the quality of schools, but still maintain the fetsival is flat compared to the JHB festivals. You need to be at KES or St Johns to believe it – maybe the Jozi crowds are just far more up for it than KZN – who knows. Thats what make Ellis Park sp special when it is full as well – All Blacks and Wobblies hate playing there. Also there are way more Old Boys of the various schools in JHB – they add to the occasion.
Quality has been diluted simply because there are too may festivals – I still maintain KES and St Johns should host one fetival – would be fantastic.
I am not a huge fan of Wildeklawer – Craven Week in disguise and very little gees.
@GreenBlooded: Saints was the original – started in 1984 I believe. KES played Glenwood at the festival in 1988 – I was in standard nine playing 2nds. KES also beat Paarl Boys High in 1988 at that festival. Saints was great in its day and is still very well supported – they now include hockey and also invite girls schools to the hockey festival. With the plethora of school boy festivals its natural that the quality would be diluted. In its day – Saints was the Kearsney festival in terms of quality – every top rugger school in the country was there at one stage or another.
@star: Hi star – sounds interesting – trust that he has the skills to go with the size. I also hope there is no controversy with the move from the Cape (for his sake) … and the games.
@Horsie, my point is schools can’t claim to be innocent or whiter than white when they too are doing recruiting past grade 10……or the story could be the family moved due to work
@Horsie, no guarantees the KZN development kid will make the 1st side and he arrived last year, not now…
Wouldn’t be OK specially since Glenwood also has a new 8th man for itself…
@Star, if that is the case and Glenwood was playing Westville, would you be ok if Glenwood asked Westville to remove the kid from the 1st team on the Friday before the game? Hypothetical but still a good question?
@ Westers/Griffon- my son says there is a new 8th man from the Paarl who was at the 1st team training. Apparently he makes the incumbents look a mite small. Do you know anthing about him and what school he is from?
@Horsie, yes I am aware of Christ College, but it was not a fair match up really. It would be like us sending Thomas Moore or St Charles to New Zealands biggest schoolboy tourno. I’m talking strong foreign opposition eg Gisborne, Auckland Grammar, Wellington College UK etc…
@Greenblooded, not Thursday as flying in then, sat have commitments but probably Monday with my ballie….maybe see ya in the tent. Can swap cell no’s closer to the time.
KERF had one in 2011. Christ College, was a disaster!
He plays either inside or outside centre, not tall but apparently very good
@Grasshopper: Which days? I’ll be there all 3 days of Kearsney and then College on the Wednesday.
@HORSEFLY NO.1: I probably have – just don’t know the names. I reffed them at the Glenwood Festival last year in one of their pool matches and the final which they lost narrowly against DPHS. I’d definately know him if I saw him. I know the players who play club rugby – Skhumbs and Skinny.
@Roger, the Kearsney festival is getting more and more spectators each year so it will get the atmosphere and gees with time. I personally think a festival in Durban, co-hosted by DHS, Westville and Glenwood would be better attended, especially considering all the Gauteng people down on hols. Just easier to get too. Kearsney is quite a drag up the hill and parking is quite expensive. I’m going up this year though, should be great. The KES and St Johns festivals are great, but need to attract more top teams to keep them going. Wildeklawer and Kearsney are by far the best in terms of quality on display. I would like to see at least one foreign team a year though…
Never said he did
just saying im surprised that Glenwood didnt get him. was under the impression that they got all the gwd prep rugby boys. He is good though…
Have you seen him play?
@Roger: I haven’t to be honest. I think the St Stithians was the original Easter Festival – Glenwood were there when I was in Matric (1988) and a few years thereafter. You are right – the quality at Kearsney has to be top with the teams involved. Can’t say the spirit is flat – nothing to compare it to. I’ve seen the Dale crowd get quite lively in the far left corner and the beer tent is always well supported!
@HORSEFLY NO.1: Awesome – congrats.
@Horsie, one player does not make a team ;-)
To all the greens
“And DHS snatches another”
KZN U13A inside centre 2012 T.Nxumalo from GWD Prep is at DHS… Glenwood really did let that one go hey.
@Gungets Tuft: You right – I was referring to the annual fixture though – did this not start in 2008?
Prior to that it was at festivals (bar the 1959 game – that must have been a tour). I remember watching Kes – College in ’85 and ’92 at the Saints festival. They must have played in ’83 at the Saints festival as well.
@Roger: College vs KES been a lot longer than that. First match in 1959 but has been pretty sporadic, played 10 in total – 1959, 1983, 1985, 1992, 1996, 2001, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012.
@GreenBlooded: definitely the best festival in terms of quality of schools attending (rugby-wise) but certainly not the best festival in terms of spirit, crowd attendance, ambience etc. I have attended twice and was quite taken aback by the poor crowds and “flat” atmosphere. Hasve you ever been to one of the JHB Easter festivals?
sad to see fixtures such as Potch Boys High and now possibly Parktown no longer happening. In my day Potch was a bladdy tough game – fields like concrete, Western tvl referees and tough, tough, tough sons of mielie farmers!
@Roger: Kearsney Festival is the best festival in the country. Glenwood are not going to give that up. I agree with Grasshopper – we should rather be playing KES than Affies.
@Westers: KES-Westville has been going for a long time now – I think since the late nineties. College-KES has been going since 2007. Hilton-KES lasted 4 years from 2008-2011 and as mentioned, not sure why KES-DHS is now off. KES do limit their fixtures to 16 games only though. They play Boys High home and away, Affies, Monnas, Jeppe, St Stithians, Parktown, St Johns, College, Westville, 3* games at the festival, St Albans plus a maximum of 1/2 more games – if not DHS this year, then waiting to see who else they playing – perhaps Waterkloof??
@Grasshopper: in my day we also had the six schools gala with Glenwood, College, DHS, Boys High and St Stithians as well as the athletics you mentioned – now there is boooger all contact with Glenwood other than the odd meeting on the cricket field (such as last year at Michaelmas). Last rugby game was in 2004 and prior to that in 1988 – weird? I reckon Glenwood should bin Kearsney festival next year and ask nicely to be invited to KES festival – get some exposure up on the reef
Beet – do some digging
@HORSEFLY NO.1: not sure – not even sure why it is off – unless it has something to do with Fennel moving to DHS. I doubt it though as he did leave on very good terms. The fixture had become a touch one-sided recently so perhaps they are taking a wee break. I hope it resumes soon as KES-DHS have been playing each other annually since the 1960’s.
@Westers, yep I would prefer Glenwood seeking fixtures with English speaking schools with a similar history and ethos, but hey maybe they are forming more relationships with Afrikaans speaking schools due to the coach and Afrikaans speaking pupils. I do hope the Westville fixture is restored as it’s now the biggest derby in Durban. Glenwood should really be playing KES and PBHS instead of Grey Bloem and Affies, more of our league down the line. Results against Affies and Grey Bloem are too one sided……
How were your new boys looking today? Potential??
@Grasshopper, KES currently play Westville and College every year. I guess the cost of the extra trip every second year may be a factor. Westville have now added Pretoria BHS to their schedule (seems at the expense of Glenwood this year – unfortunately). Hopefully this fixture is a long term arrangement and the Glenwood fixture is re-instated as these schools put out similar number of teams each week. There are currently too few KZN schools that can do this.
@Roger, not sure why but the headmasters should speak to each other because the schools would have a decent rivalry. We used to have an annual down the line rugby fixture with St Stithians which ran for about 5 years and stopped. In my day (92-96) we would compete against KES in the annual Pentangular (DHS, PBHS, College, Glenwood and KES) athletics meet. Not sure what happened to that. Maybe the headmasters didn’t see eye to eye for some reason, but with a new head maybe he would be more open to competing with a school who can put out similar number of teams. We now have an annual fixture with Monnas, not sure how that came about but I would prefer that was with KES or PBHS….
@Roger: Nobody likes us anymore. We are going to eat some worms……….
Oh thank you. Surely not a coincidence that the two schools just aren’t meeting. Wonder what happened here?
Also, when is KES vs DHS going to resume?
@HORSEFLY NO.1: nope – 1st team Tournament
Is this the U14 tournie?
@ Grasshopper / Greenblooded etc
Any idea why there seems to be aero interaction between Glenwood and KES sporting wise (bar the odd game here and there)? I see the schools particiapting in the KES Waterpolo festival have been announced and all KZN schools bar Glenwood invited. KES play rugger/cricket/hockey etc against College, Westiville and DHS (Hilton, Northwood, Michaelhouse) but never Glenwood? Wonder why? The particiapting schools if anyone is interested are:
Grey High
Paul Roos
Boys High
St Albans
St Andrews
St Johns
St Stithians
One of the GWD Prep star players at DHS… Played flank/8th man. All guys from last years U14 still there and all seems well!
Still don’t know much about this years intake, will keep all posted…
@Greenblooded: He did make the 7’s. He was out for most of the 2nd term due to a heart murmur or something ad didn’t trial for CW. He apparently recovered and was brought into the CW side. He made the 7’s, but I don’t think he could afford the trip, while his club was willing to pay for his DRSU trip.
@GreenBlooded: Definitely made the 7s side. But withdrew after the second practice – I believe he prefers the XVs game. Was replaced by Mjara from Merchiston
I heard that the Westville 16A prop/hooker from last year is back at Westville. Good to hear since I felt like there was gonna be a lack of depth at hooker this year.
@rugbyfan: Gonna opt for Kearsney myself but will be at College for the one day that doesn’t clash. Gonna be all rugbied out after 4 days of high quality schoolboy rugger.
@Gungets: even though the Easter weekend is your busy time, what with all the road carnage, can’t you get a locum to operate the truck for those few days? You gonna miss the party.
@Rugger fan: Are you sure he made the sevens team? Didn’t strike me as a 7’s player. Strange that he withdrew from provincial representation in favour of DRSU – maybe there was more to it than that.
Yep – he was also selcted for KZN U13 7’s (but withdrew) – as far as I know he played the CW – but opted fro th DRSU in favour of the national 7s
Hopper & Greenblooded – College 150 th
I second that – all the best to our most resepcted opponents
Great news for College with Truter – I thought he may have been another Grey Bloem intake. Glad College could pull a few.
@Gungets Tuft: Agree there have seen some very ordinary Queens teams do well in the past. And i see bit of Zim flavour this year so could be interesting
@Queenian: Have faith. Schoolboys are like bumblebees – which should not be able to fly because science says they do not have the aerodynamics. But nobody told the bumblebee, so it just carries on flying.
@Gungets Tuft: Thats a good idea would love to come watch not sure how Queens will do they have a young team and one star lock gone do not expect much. But you never know
@rugbyfan: Eeeisch. Have a day job so might just have to make some tough choices about what games to watch of the 150th and Wildklawer. If you okes promise to crash a lot in PMB …
Are you going to be around … perhaps we need to drag out all the old sluts who post here and have a pot or two at College ..
@Gungets Tuft: You going to College,s 150 tournament.
Sorry, the site is slow and it posted when I thought it had not.
@HORSEFLY NO.1: Horse, Truter is at M.College.
@HORSEFLY NO.1: Truter is at College.
@Grasshopper: Hear hear!!
@Grasshopper: Thank you for those words Grasshopper. Going to be a great year.
@Gungets and all the College bloggers, good luck in your 150th year! An amazing achievement for an establishment that South Africa can be very proud of. Traditions, values and respect have been upheld even through modern times and many a young gentleman has past through it’s doors. Congratulations! Glenwood and it’s old boys are very proud to be associated with such a great school. Happy Birthday and here is to another 150 years at least…
@Gungets Tuft:
Wish there was a like button, that comment seriously needed to be liked
Just dropped off the lift club at College, what a hell of an atmosphere. The school is pumping, looking great after a serious month long maintenance effort. Open invitation – visit College in 2013 and realise that all is well with the young men of today. We should all be proud of our schools where we value the history and carry on cultivating the decent, confident, well mannered young men we see at our schools.
It’s going to be a hell of a year – bring it on!
@Horsie, good luck to those boys. I myself would prefer to be wearing a bottle green blazer! ;-)
@oldschool: Same guy. Nope – he definaitely played a full club season in the third term for Collegians and was vice capt of the DRSU U13 team for the IPT. Maybe it was a ‘rolled ankle’ scenario as you say.
@Grasshopper: I think the link is that they all understand that Rugby is a fairly limited carreer choice so they are looking for the all round brilliant education and networking oppurtunities that Kearsney offer….so that if they dont make it in rugby they can find carreers elswhere……..just a thought
@GreenBlooded: The chubby GW prep 10 who also played hooked in 2011…that kid …..heard he was pulled from JNR CW side….many thought he may have been over age as he was pulled during the time of the Payi/Toms debacle…
Another group of boys very happy to start the DHS experience and high school in general
Snaaks hoe die chip op die skouer kamerade mekaar bystaan, maar tog voorspelbaar. Ai ai!
Just a picture of three kids. The two shortest and the tallest kid in the grade showing the variety in sizes and shapes..
As you said before, probably has a lot to do with Louis Arde
@ALL, why are DHS grade 8’s on the front page?
@Oldschool, yep Kaysers kid. Seems nearly all ex Sharks send their kids to Kearsney, some sort of link…Du Preez, Reece-Edwards, Kayser…….well at least John Allan is loyal and true to his colours…
@Horsie, seems Glenwood need to stop the bleeding at Glenwood Prep, far too many crossing the great divide…
@Maroon: Sien daardie “goeie maniere” glip sommer vinnig deur daardie vals Papagaaiberg fasade. Haal daardie maroen soolkoos ‘n slag van jou oë af, dis ‘n ope grap hoe julle gatkruipers en lakeie die kinders in die skolespanne inwurm, nie op meriete nie, maar eerder op grond van wie die leerders se ouers/ooms ens. is.
Glenwood Bursary winners here, can’t see the twins…
Yah the kid is big, biggest KZN player at Craven Week at 1.8m and 90kg. The ginger in the middle is a very good golfer from GWD Prep.
Hoe haal ons spelers die SA skolespan, as hulle kwansuis die WP span drop? Gaan ploeg op ‘n ander plek man.
@HORSEFLY NO.1: Saw that pic this morning. Eish!!!
Westville Twins: Heard from a reliable source that they gave Hilton the flick and opted for Glenwood. Do you know for sure that they are at Hilton? I am only going on what I was told – have not seen the boys in Green yet.
Skhumbs: Nope. He played a full season of club rugby and represented DRSU at the IPT in October. Maybe someone else?
Properly Educated Kid: Which kid do you speak of?
Mostly Prep boys I hear.take a look at todays Mercury front page. You will see 3 DHS Grade 8 boys, the one on the right is pretty huge and is actually KZN. I’m sure he’ll terrorise defences!!
@GreenBlooded: thank goodness for that now the kid will atleast get properly educated !!!!!
@Maroon: En jy dink jou skool haal die koerante of blogs die afgelope paar jaar om die regte redes? As ek kyk hoe julle spelers die afgelope paar jaar in verteenwoordigende skolespanne ingewurm is en hoe hulle power vertonings ons WP skolespanne se reputasie geskaad het, is trots, tradisie en goeie maniere kwaliteite wat ek moeilik met julle vereenselwig. Sies man.
@HORSEFLY NO.1: Not sure of how many kids played rep rugby ……but i do believe we have a good intake of rugby stock ….time will tell !!
@Grasshopper: Kaysers kid ?
@GreenBlooded: Didnt Skhums get pulled out of the u13 KZN side due to a heart condition ???never to play again ??
Seems Kearsney didn’t recruit that aggressively in rugby this time round? Am I correct? Only know of 3 KZN players compared to 8 last year…
@Oldschool, on bursary?
@GreenBlooded: Nope , i see the westville twins are signed up at hilton…..unless they cancelled their 100% bursaries ??
@HORSEFLY NO.1: Kaysers Kid going to Kearsney…..
Dankie Paarlbok. Selfde vir julle. Weet nie wanneer laas jy vir Dawie gesien het nie, maar ek weet nie graf regtig ter sprake is nie. Skitter rugbybrein.
@GreenBlooded: Very good – glad to see it is not sports related – but contributes to a well rounded education.
@Maroon: Lekker dag vir jou ook. Sien julle het Dawie Snyman uit sy graf gaan haal, sterkte vir die seisoen wat voorlê.
@GreenBlooded: Very impressive!!!
Ek gee op. Lekker dag verder vir jou.
@Maroon: Jy kan verduidelik tot jy blou raak soos ‘n Galpil, ek weet presies wat sy geval is en ek ken hom en sy ouers goed. Feit is dat hy almal by KleinGim die dag toe die skool gesluit het onder die indruk gebring het hy gaan GrootGim toe, die volgende dag pruik hy in al sy Paul Doos glorie op twitter. Watter deel verstaan jy nie?
It would seem that the hand bags are out and flying in the Western Cape, and that in January. I imagine that the high heels will be out by March. Mind you, if I was told that I have the freedom of choice in this country, I would also hit him, but in my case, I would use my wifes bag- not mine. But thats the difference between the WC and the Free State- the legacy of Cecil John Rhodes.
Ek gaan nog een maal vir jou verduidelik en dan beskou ek dit as afgehandel. Sy keuse was altyd PRG. Sy ouers bly egter in die Paarl en sy moeder wou hom nie koshuis toe stuur nie. Vandaar die feit dat hy wel by Gim ingeskryf was. Sy ouers het egter gehoor gegee aan sy keuse en hy is baie laat in die 4de kwartaal by PRG ingeskryf. Hy het dus nooit ‘n leun vertel nie, aangesien hy tot laat in die 4de kwartaal by Gim ingeskryf was. Ek vertrou die saak is nou afgehandel?
@Maroon: My mater jy wys regtig klas. Hy het Gim in die eerste plek gekies om na toe te kom. Dit gaan oor hoe jy weggaan van ‘n skool af. Dis wat tel. As jy dink dis hoe dit gedoen word, good luck aan jou.
Wow – how cool is this?? Glenwood leading the way with high-tech education!!
@PaarlBok: kom ons kyk gou. Trots, tradisie, goeie maniere teenoor ‘n skool wat gereeld die koerante haal oor die verkeerde redes. Ja, ek is seker hy was skaam! Hahahaha!
@BoishaaiPa: Komende van jou, kom ons vat dit met ‘n knippie sout.
@Maroon: Ongelukkig was dit nie wat hy by KleinGim verkondig het nie. Hy het almal onder die indruk gebring hy gaan GrootGim toe. Miskien was hy maar net skaam om te se hy gaan Paul Roos toe en vertel dit iets {edited}
@CyndiAtRugby: What is shocking is that people assume so much without having the real facts. It was always known that the younger Du Plessis will most probably follow his big brother’s footsteps to Paul Roos. The fact that he was at primary school in Paarl doesnt give the Paarl schools automatic priviliges. Individuals can choose to go where they want, that is the freedom of choice we still have in this country.
@PaarlBok: @PaarlBok:
Ek is nie seker wat jy bedoel met jou stelling dat Muller beter by Paul Roos as aard nie. Waar het jy gedink sal hy gaan as sy broer in Paul Roos was.
Paul Roos was Muller se eerste keuse, maar sy Moeder wou hom in die Paarl hou. Welkom Muller!
Really good to see Elano Smith in Queen’s colours about an hour or 2 ago, hopefully remains in Queen’s colours for the next 5 years
A comment recently suggested that 56(?) boys who played CW U13, the previous year, arrived at Grey in Gr 8. I wonder if that number will be surpassed this year? They seem to have a natural and spontaneous attraction for the school.
Good luck to all these boys – especially those ‘named’ or implied. There is a huge amount of pressure on these poor 13 year old boys.
@PaarlBok: If find that rather shocking. I’m not sure what lesson’s the kids learn when they sign with one school and then take a better offer elsewhere. One day the parent’s will be wondering why their son divorces his wife because a better looking woman came his way.
@Rugger fan: The Westville twins are going to Glenwood.
@HORSEFLY NO.1: Ja Horsey. I’m trying to find out why? Had a whole article on his immediate job spec at DHS. I guess that is no more. On the plus side maybe he can now send me the long outstanding KES fixture list
JP du Plessis se boetie Muller het wyd en syd verkondig hy bly by Gim. Dag na die skool sluit toe pos hy sy nuwe Paul Roos klere op twitter. Goeie speler maar hy sou in elk geval seker beter daar inpas. Gim het nie groot name in hul graad8 klas soos in die vorige twee jare nie maar hulle gaan hopelik die beste afrigter in Carl Snyman by die u14s kry wat weet hoe om ‘n span af te rig.
@Rugger fan:
College got Hope(lock) but i just wanted to know if they got anyone else. How did they miss out on Hope-Johnstone who chose to stay at St Charles.
do you know anything about J.Truter?
Grant Kretzmann no longer coming to DHS
@Rugger fan: Eek CURRO Hillcrest. I would have preferred to read CURRO Westville or CURRO Glenwood or CURRO Berea. Sounds a bit close for comfort.
Not sure college got any (1 of the 7s players from Merchiston is a likely College day boy)
Marx (KZN 7s) – to Hilton – following his brother
Barnes (big lock) DHS – following his brother
Little (KZN B capt and 7s capt) – the new high school – CURRO Hillcrest
@Rugger fan:
Ya its the obvious choice… where did J.Truter go?
Also, how many KZN players did College get for 2013?
Schoeman (wing for KZN and 8th man for Westville) is down for Westville
Westville twins were off to Hilton
Any comments on the 7 KZN U13A players that GWD has acquired?
@HORSEFLY NO.1: Yes but if the guy is paying fees at Voortrekker he may as well be paying fees at College. He is Afrikaans and maybe that made the difference. But he is a talented youngster and belongs on the Tier 1 stage. Maybe his parents feel that being with mates and like minded boys is more important than rugby success.
Apparently College didnt offer the boys anything.
Yeah he is versatile but i think he will play front row due to GWD having very good players at 10 and 12.
That makes it 7 KZN U13A players(that i know of) for you guys.
Guess the twins arent boarding hey?
@HORSEFLY NO.1: Skhums plays 10/12 for club so he’s quite versatile. The Captain prefers 8 but I think he is a front rower but there are options with him. He’s not quick enough off the mark for an 8 and his build has 1/2/3 written all over it. Of the 3 Pelham boys I know, Schwulst (head boy and rugby captain) is there in the pic, Louw opted to go to Voortrekker (doesn’t want to board) and the other guy I know is only in Grade 7 this year (Zeelie). All quality players. Surprised College didn’t snag the Louw boy. He is quality. Not sure about the Kayser lighty. Also still trying to find out about the swimmer Gareth Kemp. I’m sure it will be either Kearsney or Westville.
Happens alot though, boys accepting the 1st offer on the table then later giving the bursary back to take one up at another school.
Kearsney didnt get too many KZN players like last year so i dont really mind
Also, where did Kaysers kid end up going? Glenwood or Kearsney
oh thats cool. I personally would prefer Gibson House though for various reasons.
You dont need him since you got Skhumbz though, he played hooker for KZN in 2011.
What happened to the Pelham boys who were supposed to go to Glenwood?
@HORSEFLY NO.1: Correct. He was signed up with Glenwood at the beginning of 2012. Then along came Kearsney…………
The captain is going to Kearsney am i correct??
Wonder where kzn fullback J.Truter went. was very impressed with him.
i also the lock, winger and inside centre- All GWD Prep and KZN U13
@Horsie, or maybe another school like DHS ‘enticed’ them across the big divide? Maybe there will be a scenario of Glenwood coming across to collect two of theirs like DHS did last year with two kids…
@Horsie, maybe the two Glenwood prep KZN rugga players are going to be day dogs instead?
@Grasshopper: Looks like a decent crop of new Grasshoppers. Some pretty tall boys there. I notice a good few club rugby players amoungst them. Nice to see John Allen’s lighty there but he must go through the same growing pains as the rest. Looks like a good crop. With College and Westville both having good intakes we are in for a good year. Oh I almost forgot – we aren’t playign Westville………..Faaaaaark. Sort this nonsense out. Please!!
some big new Gibson house boys there. i recognize a few faces but also dont see others that should be there like 2 of the GWD Prep KZN rugby players…