Craven Week 2013: Team of Day 2

Compiled with the help of Ludz and Noordwes.

1 Ox Nche Free State Louis Botha
2 Joseph Dweba Lions Florida
3 Ruan Kramer Free State Grey College
4 Devon Henson Lions St. Johns
5 Ryno Herbst Lions Monnas
6 CJ Velleman EP Grey HS
7 Dylan Vlok Lions Monnas
8 Marco Holmes Valke EG Jansen
9 Hamer Esterhuizen Lions Monnas
10 Shaun Reynolds Griffons Goudveld
11 Mick Carroll Leopards Litchtenburg
12 Aliqhayiya Mgijima Free State Louis Botha
13 Sampie Hearn Valke EG Jansen
14 Gordon Plaatjies EPCD Graeme
15 Malcolm Jaer EP Die Brandwag


  1. avatar
    #50 noordwes

    @Speartackle:So slaan mens jou naam met n plank.Ek sukkel met die engels dat ek so hard moet dink dat ek my name verkeerd het.Ek het gepraat van die Du Preez boeties.Ek is net n pa met n seun wat op die Puk is die jaar.So ek hoop nie ek is deel van die ouers wat jy op n ander jyn beskryf het

    12 July, 2013 at 09:05
  2. avatar
    #49 Speartackle

    @noordwes: @noordwes: Who do the du Plessis twins play for? And you are a selector?

    11 July, 2013 at 15:01
  3. avatar
    #48 Playa

    @Queenian: Great to see that from the young man. I hope he can carry on with such form agaisnt SAC, Selborne and Queens next term.We’ve been needing him to inspire the boys this year,and he’s the man.I’m really impressed by his resurrection after a forgettable season he’s had.

    11 July, 2013 at 14:35
  4. avatar
    #47 noordwes

    When you have a reputation as big as the du Plessis twins,you would be under close scrutiny.Last year they played way better than this year.Both of them put on a lot of weight and as a result are now too slow.At the CW there are locks and flankers that play better rugby than both of them.I still think they will become very good players and springboks,but this week there are better players.

    11 July, 2013 at 11:15
  5. avatar
    #46 GreenBlooded

    @RBugger: Not sure which KZN Bloggers are anti the Doops. Certainly not me. They are great players, hard as nails and give it horns for 70 minutes. As you say – they look superb in teams that are otherwise going backwards. Without them, KZN would have taken a much bigger klap yesterday. One or both should make SA Schools for sure.

    11 July, 2013 at 09:51
  6. avatar
    #45 Queenian

    @RBugger: I think you have taken my question the wrong way I am not in anyway say Du Preez is not good that he is, my question was about the KZN pack as a whole.

    And to correct you about knowledge I am not doubting your knowledge of the game of rugby I am just putting a question out there for you to get insight about why KZN are under performing as I might have knowledge on the game of rugby but have little knowledge of the KZN setup and players.

    So my question is are they under performing or are they not as good as I was expecting them to be.

    11 July, 2013 at 09:50
  7. avatar
    #44 RBugger

    @Queenian@Predator: Again Queenian, it would appear your rugga knowledge is somewhat limited – why is the pack going backwards with all these stars?? My friend, have you heard of a tight five?? This is where it starts – and Predator, you should know this, if your tight five is weak, your flanks, your 8, your entire blady backline will struggle – back foot ball is hard to play off, it is all about momentum and going forward.

    The Doops do get a hard time by the KZN bloggers – for me personally, it could come down to a bit of jealousy. Any number 7 would struggle in a losing pack – what I like about JL, is that he stands out in a losing pack, a sign of a great player – would you not agree?

    The number 8 Schramm got injured, this boy is a massive player and a huge star in the making, him not being there adds further pressure on the Doops.

    Yes Predator, you can perhaps see talent if you have not played the game, but surely you can understand how difficult it is to play in a losing team?

    11 July, 2013 at 09:32
  8. avatar
    #43 Predator

    @RBugger: You don’t have to have played the game to make a comment or spot a talented player,..and yes I did play the game and at provincial level,..but that’s not the issue,..we are only expressing our view on the games and the players as we see it,..HE IS STILL A GOOD PLAYER.

    11 July, 2013 at 09:09
  9. avatar
    #42 Predator

    @RBugger: I made the comment in relation to all the games that I have watched so far. I share Queenian’s comment. I read the comments from the KZN boys all the time, and some of them feel the same. He is a good player I agree, but not in the Vermeulen ( WP ) league this year.

    11 July, 2013 at 09:03
  10. avatar
    #41 Queenian

    @RBugger: I think the question we should be asking ourselves is why is the KZN pack going backwards with all these stars.

    11 July, 2013 at 08:51
  11. avatar
    #40 RBugger

    @Predator@Bog: It makes me laugh when I read these/your comments – it honestly woulod make one bellieve that not many bloggers actually played the game.

    Tell you what, put Louw in a KZN jersey and let us see what he can do. The Doops are playing behind a weak pack and still look dominant. Their work rate is massive as they have to play that much harder.

    If they played in the Free State team, they would be and would look dominant.

    You guys should know this, it is much easier to look good in a team going forward.

    Vermuelin and Bothma looked average against the Pumas – this was due to the Pumas pack giving Province a hard time – likewise, they looked like stars against the Bulls as their tight five ate the Bulls pack.

    Louw is a fantastic player, but at this stage in their careers, the Doops power is not matched and the provide the dog that the SA Schools team will need

    11 July, 2013 at 08:46
  12. avatar
    #39 Predator

    @BOG: I share your view, outstanding player in the KZN squad but mediocre against the big guns, IMHO.

    11 July, 2013 at 08:35
  13. avatar
    #38 Queenian

    @Muzi: Ye agree there he looks good did not know it was his brother.

    11 July, 2013 at 08:15
  14. avatar
    #37 Muzi

    Pieter-Steph’s little boet Johan has a tremendous work rate he was the best player in the Boland side IMHO he has the potential to be a great open side flank.

    11 July, 2013 at 08:04
  15. avatar
    #36 Queenian

    @BOG: That there partisan view on Du Preez good but not that good.

    11 July, 2013 at 07:26
  16. avatar
    #35 Queenian

    Louw does a lot more hard work than either Vlok or Du Preez

    11 July, 2013 at 07:25
  17. avatar
    #34 Queenian

    KZN either are huge under achievers or it might just be they are just not as good as people make them out to be.

    11 July, 2013 at 07:16
  18. avatar
    #33 BOG

    @RBugger: Mere opinion and assumption on your part. Having watched the performance of Du Preez yesterday, I find it difficult to understand how he even came near the SA school side.

    11 July, 2013 at 04:58
  19. avatar
    #32 Predator

    @visman: Die agstemaan is beslis nie overated nie, waar is die ander los voorspelers as hy so hardloop met die bal, die bal verloor word by die afbreek punt is dit gewoonlik omdat die ondersteuning nie betyds opgedaag het nie. In my opinie het hy ‘n baie goeie aanvoeling vir die posisionele spel van ‘n agsteman . ten minste probeer hy, waar is die res van die pak forwards , veral die vaste vyf. Die backline drift so erg op die aanval dat Duhan glad nie spasie het om te hardloop nie, dit sal .n groot jammerte wees as hy die SA skole span moet mis agv die uiters swak balle wat hy kry op die kantlyn.

    11 July, 2013 at 04:24
  20. avatar
    #31 RBugger

    @Bog: Let us also just bear in mind that at this stage it is irrelevant, JL Du Preez is stronger than both players and will wear the SA Schools 7 jersey

    10 July, 2013 at 19:30
  21. avatar
    #30 RBugger

    @Bog: Ur sarcasm is weak. If you are able to be grown up and have a normal debate over player selection, you will recognise that Vlok was the outstanding no 7! Yes, we all know that Louw is a great player, no question, but Vlok was number one on the day.

    10 July, 2013 at 19:29
  22. avatar
    #29 BOG

    @beet: No, that is why I am criticizing yours.@Ludz: You would, if consistent, probably claim that the late Reuben Kruger was not a good player either. Louw was a “clone” of him as a player. Sure, the Cherries beat LB by accident. I agree that they did not have a good game, but if they can win by that margin while playing badly, what a pleasure.@RBugger: I have already watched with both eyes- how can I watch “more properly”?

    10 July, 2013 at 18:04
  23. avatar
    #28 RBugger

    @Ruggersake: Your boy sorely missed! Big time

    10 July, 2013 at 16:07
  24. avatar
    #27 RBugger

    @Bog: Vlok was far better than Louw – watch the games properly!

    10 July, 2013 at 16:06
  25. avatar
    #26 Ruggersake

    KZN play makers missing, evident in loss to Pumas

    10 July, 2013 at 16:05
  26. avatar
    #25 beet

    @BOG: Marius was my forward of the tournament at KERF. He is an exceptional player. His speed, strength and workrate – all tops. I love his hand-off.

    Jaer did exceptionally well yesterday. He read the play well and when the chances presented themselves he showed his skills without ever trying to turn his time on the ball into a glory mission.

    Do you have a team of Day 2 that you can post here?

    10 July, 2013 at 15:31
  27. avatar
    #24 Queenian

    @Ludz: I see Jho has really come alive when it counts.

    10 July, 2013 at 14:11
  28. avatar
    #23 Ludz

    @BOG: grow up sir, Louis Botha’s boys saved Greystaat’s bacon yesterday (maybe Velleman’s injury as well). Not 1 Grey boy deserved to be here based on yesterday’s showing.

    Marius Louw performed well, but best loose forward? :lol: You have to be kidding, he wasn’t even the best loose forward in the game he was playing.

    10 July, 2013 at 14:09
  29. avatar
    #22 Queenian

    @BOG: Hey I see the JJS boys played like stars yesterday well done. :mrgreen:

    10 July, 2013 at 13:44
  30. avatar
    #21 BOG

    Whoever “selected” this team must have drank himself motherless before doing so or was it a lucky draw. Jaers is a good dancer but thats about where it it ended, Marius Louw was not only the best LF yesterday, but the best on both days and that despite his yellow card (for picking up a player who was on his hands and feet and carrying him back half a metre) But then again, I heard Owen Nkumane talking to Brosnihan about the “outstanding” standards at CW

    10 July, 2013 at 12:41
  31. avatar
    #20 wakker akker

    @visman: Ons sal maar more kyk of daar nie meer vuur in hulle gatte gaan wees nie.

    10 July, 2013 at 12:27
  32. avatar
    #19 Speartackle

    @wakker akker: Daar is ook te min Ke Nako spelers in jul span.

    10 July, 2013 at 12:08
  33. avatar
    #18 visman

    @wakker akker: Wakker, die probleem is soos een van die ouens gister gemeld het. Sekere spelers is so seker van hulle posisies in die CW span, hulle aanvaar dit as vanselfsprekend. Dit lyk of daar geen trots is nie. Almal het rondgestaan op die veld, veral die voorspelers. Geen yster wat bietjie kon vasvat voor en vuur verskaf nie. Julle het iemand nodig wat can clean en intimideer. Ek sien nie so iemand daar nie. Dian Koen is totaal overrated. Klou aan die balle vas en is geen skakel tussen voor en agterspelers nie. Duhan van der Merwe is uitstekend, maar kry geen balle nie.
    Myns insiens is daar ‘n probleem met die spelers se attitude en die afrigting, wat totaal nie bestaan nie.

    10 July, 2013 at 12:06
  34. avatar
    #17 Speartackle

    @wakker akker: Vir WP ook

    10 July, 2013 at 12:06
  35. avatar
    #16 wakker akker

    Soos ek op dag een gese het .Hierdie Zim span sal die Limpopo Bulle en Boland trap.

    10 July, 2013 at 12:04
  36. avatar
    #15 wakker akker

    @RBugger: yes

    10 July, 2013 at 11:55
  37. avatar
    #14 RBugger

    @Wakker Akker: That is also a fair point. I must say, one of the props is a giant, but he does not look imposing – I do not want to be rude, but he seems over-weight and not fit.

    130kg may sound great when choosing a prop, but they need to be fit and strong – the front row were being dominated by the Lions – do you know the player in question?

    10 July, 2013 at 11:41
  38. avatar
    #13 wakker akker

    @beet: Diink gister se probleem was voor.1 2 en3 .SWD nooit op voorvoet gewees. Dit laat ander spelers in moeilike posisies. Koen het baie om te bied maar het spelers nodig om saam te speel.Soos ons rugby ghoeru gese het.Kies eers jou 1 en 3 dan die res.Wys maar hoe belangrik die posisies is en watter invloed dit op die spel kan he.Hoop Koen en Duhan kry more geleentheid om hulle ware staal te wys..

    10 July, 2013 at 11:37
  39. avatar
    #12 RBugger

    @Beet: Yes, he needs to adapt a little bit. He is very strong and does carry well, but needs to protect the ball in contact, got turned over a bit yesterday. He does have a bit in the tank and should perhaps just have a look at his running lines – but yes, potential for sure.

    Jacobs is good, another workhorse of a player.

    10 July, 2013 at 11:36
  40. avatar
    #11 BoishaaiPa

    @beet: Whats up with Griquas poor showing?…

    10 July, 2013 at 11:17
  41. avatar
    #10 beet

    Another good no.8 is the Lions boy Wiehan Jacobs.

    10 July, 2013 at 11:12
  42. avatar
    #9 beet

    @RBugger: Based on the success of Marcell Coetzee, I think Dian Koen has potential to go far in rugga. Not his best game vs the Lions. His timing was out. What’s good about him is he gets his big, strong frame up to top speed very quickly so he has this explosive ability plus he is strong in contact. The challenges for him are just like Marcell’s – avoid becoming one-dimensional. He needs to show more of a rugby brain. Can only do this by playing with variation. Right now effective but very predictable. But again he is a much better player than he showed yesterday.

    10 July, 2013 at 11:11
  43. avatar
    #8 RBugger

    @Ludz: I may be wrong here, but he seems to rely on his size – ie, just crashing into people all day long! May work against smaller boys, but at CW – it does not. His tacking also leaves a lot to be desired.

    I saw him at the Kearsney festival and he did look good, but again, it was very much crash and bash.

    I am hoping to see Bothma have a big one today, he too was quiet in the first game, but I know he can bring it – he is a very good player.

    My personal preference of an 8 is a flambouyant player who links with the backs and can run like a back – I have a certain player in mind who I rate very highly, but not sure he will take further part in CW due to an injury

    10 July, 2013 at 10:58
  44. avatar
    #7 Ludz

    @RBugger: 1 of the dissapoinments of the day for me, I rate him very highly. Had a dissapointing performance

    10 July, 2013 at 10:53
  45. avatar
    #6 RBugger

    Would have been tough for any 7 to outplay Vlok – he may be a bit slight, but his work rate is as good as I have seen in SBR this year.

    Beet – what did you make of Dian Koen? I thought he had a very average game, certainly not his best

    10 July, 2013 at 10:33
  46. avatar
    #5 Woltrui

    @beet: Thank you Beet.

    10 July, 2013 at 10:25
  47. avatar
    #4 beet

    @Woltrui: Morne Swart must have had his quietest game of the year and Potgieter was outperformed by his opponent. Just-just missing out was the EPCD flyhalf Jason Vers who was also very good.

    10 July, 2013 at 09:36
  48. avatar
    #3 Speartackle

    I notice the selectors picked the Leopards’ left wing after watching the practise session at Capricorn High yesterday………………….was thinking of driving through to Pietersburg tomorrow but worried I might get picked if seen at the toll plaza.

    10 July, 2013 at 09:27
  49. avatar
    #2 Woltrui

    Het nie die wedstryde gesien. Het egter gedink die Valke se 10, Potgieter, en 7, Swart, sou in bogenoemde groep wees? Die laaities moontlik n afdag beleef?

    10 July, 2013 at 09:21
  50. avatar
    #1 RBugger

    Vlok is an outstanding player!!!

    10 July, 2013 at 08:58

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