School Rugby fixtures & results – week ending 08 June 2024

School Rugby fixtures & results – week ending 08 June 2024
Sat.08Jun KZN Hilton 42-34 St Charles KZN
Sat.08Jun KZN Kearsney 19-15 Michaelhouse KZN
Sat.08Jun BOR Queen’s 20-18 St Andrew’s EP
Sat.08Jun EP Graeme 31-10 Union EP
Sat.08Jun LIO St John’s 54-00 St Benedict’s LIO
Sat.08Jun LIO St Stithians 26-11 St Alban’s BUL
Sat.08Jun LIO St David’s 41-09 Cornwall Hill LIO

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  1. avatar
    #69 Palma

    Hudson 31-12 Port Rex

    12 June, 2024 at 19:16
  2. avatar
    #68 Grasshopper

    @Vleis (Comment #67)
    The thriving metropolis of Karen’s in the Republic of Steyn City, protected from reality by walls and that they are self sufficient. I wouldn’t be surprised if Steyn City now has it’s own Woolies, Virgin Active, petrol station, steak-house, pizzeria, medical centre and full security regiment plus the standard helicopter pad, gold course, running tract, junior and high school, all within it’s walls. It’s like Douw is wanting to separate himself from the reality of the SA economy and issues. A case of ostrichitis….

    12 June, 2024 at 11:48
  3. avatar
    #67 Vleis

    @Kaya 85 (Comment #65)
    I reckon that is a good possibility after the estate fills up, as Mr Steyn is a very ambitious chap.

    11 June, 2024 at 18:43
  4. avatar
    #66 Palma

    Selborne 67-0 Stirling. Played this afternoon. Hudson vs Port Rex will be played tomorrow.

    11 June, 2024 at 17:59
  5. avatar
    #65 Kaya 85

    @Vleis (Comment #63)
    Imagine Steyn City builds a rugby academy 😳

    11 June, 2024 at 16:35
  6. avatar
    #64 RuggaFreak

    I see SAC fielded way less teams against Queens as they used to. Are pupil numbers dwindling?

    11 June, 2024 at 10:24
  7. avatar
    #63 Vleis

    @Kaya 85 (Comment #61)
    Midstream have already played St Alban’s 1st team twice. In 2018 (when St Alban’s had a decent 1st team), they beat Midstream by 15. However, in 2019 (when St Alban’s had a below par 1st team), they lost by 2 to Midstream. So, they were reasonably close in ’18 & ’19…but I have no idea whether Midstream have improved, or declined, since then.

    Heronbridge are probably still quite a way off being in the picture. St Alban’s beat them quite easily, at the Heronbridge festival, this year. They have the same problem as Kingswood (i.e. tiny numbers), but without the ability to secure many imports in gr11. That said, I’m not sure if they are growing. That area in general is growing, but it is extremely cluttered with private schools – e.g. Heronbridge, Dainfern, Steyn City, Curro, Reddam Helderfontein, Crawford Lonehill, Crawford Fourways, Beaulieu, etc, etc.

    11 June, 2024 at 02:24
  8. avatar
    #62 Ruggabeast

    @KES Oldboy (Comment #14)
    Never realized that the U14D score would be remembered in big derbies, are you a closet Snoozle by the way?

    10 June, 2024 at 20:23
  9. avatar
    #61 Kaya 85

    Other privates in the conversation should be Heronbridge College (I see they have a player in one of the Bulls CW or AW teams), and maybe Midstream and Southdowns. About 10 -15 years ago the latter supplied a number of CW players. Midstream have had a decent 1st team for a while, would be interesting to see if they could take on a St Albans or St Stithians.
    As far as Afrikaans medium privates there is also Leeuwenhof in the Bedfordview area whose primary school teams are fairly good, while the high school is much smaller (and dual medium also).
    St Davids have improved markedly in rugby, back 30 years ago they were barely competitive against the northern suburbs (Jhb) co-eds. St Benedict’s didnt even play rugby until about 26 years ago when they replaced soccer. They were coming along very nicely until just before and after Covid…they have made some educational changes the results of which have reprioritised (deprioritised?) rugby…let’s see how the parents and community responds. Their old boy network isn’t half as prominent or influential as the Old Edwardians or Jeppe Quondam groups.

    10 June, 2024 at 15:44
  10. avatar
    #60 Smallies

    @Deon (Comment #58)
    Ja nee ek weet …

    10 June, 2024 at 14:20
  11. avatar
    #59 Deon

    @Smallies (Comment #57)
    Ek trek jou been Smallies. Ek het geen idee hoe kwalifikasies daardie tyd gewerk het nie, maar ek weet jy is ‘n fan van hom, so ek kon nie help nie. Mooi dag verder, op pad…..

    10 June, 2024 at 14:16
  12. avatar
    #58 Deon

    @Smallies (Comment #57)
    Nee hy het nie gematrikuleer aan Grey nie. Hy het iets vergeleykbaar met Std 8 daar gedoen, en toe hy ongeveer 20 was ‘n kwalifikasie gelykstaande aan matriek, met universiteitstoelating standaard, gaan doen by ‘n Gimnasium.

    10 June, 2024 at 13:51
  13. avatar
    #57 Smallies

    @Deon (Comment #53)
    Hy het aan Grey gematriekuleer ,hy het na Deventer gegaan 4 jaar na hy klaar gemaak het met skool om hom voor te berei vir die toelatings eksamens by Leiden universityd….google’s your friend

    10 June, 2024 at 13:39
  14. avatar
    #56 PearlJam

    @Wyvern (Comment #28)
    It was a model C school until 1990 and then changed to private in 1991 which was still a boy’s school. Then in 1992 there were a few girls that moved over to the new combined school whilst the girls school still carried on at the time.

    10 June, 2024 at 13:38
  15. avatar
    #55 Smallies

    @Deon (Comment #53)
    Ek weet nie ….dalk moet jy hom vra ,julle is mos omtrent ewe oud

    10 June, 2024 at 13:32
  16. avatar
    #54 Deon

    @Grizzly (Comment #51)
    Jock Meiring en sy kinders was slim om hulle kinders PRG toe te stuur.

    10 June, 2024 at 13:30
  17. avatar
    #53 Deon

    @Smallies (Comment #52)
    Hoekom kon MT Steyn nie matriek klaarmaak op GCB nie? Hy moes dit gaan doen aan Deventer Gimnasium in Nederland. Ek het altyd gedink hy was ‘n Oud Grey.

    10 June, 2024 at 13:29
  18. avatar
    #52 Smallies

    @Grizzly (Comment #51)
    Het my self so iets verbeel oor die Jock Meiring trust….Greyt om te weet dat daardie opsie oop is vir hulle,ek wonder watter van die ou tradisionele seuns skole ook in die selde situasie is mbt eienaarskap van die skool

    10 June, 2024 at 13:14
  19. avatar
    #51 Grizzly

    @Smallies (Comment #50)
    Grey is semi privaat klaar.Alle bates,vas en roerend behoort aan die Jock Meiring Trust.IMO die way om te gaan.Laat die Dept nog steeds jou salarisse betaal.As hulle slim raak stig af en gee n klein verhoging deur om sal te cover.As jy die eienaar van die grond en geboue is maak jy die reels.

    10 June, 2024 at 13:05
  20. avatar
    #50 Smallies

    @Grasshopper (Comment #49)
    Time will tell

    10 June, 2024 at 12:47
  21. avatar
    #49 Grasshopper

    @Smallies (Comment #48)
    I do really hope they go the less corrupt route…..for everyone’s sake….

    10 June, 2024 at 12:45
  22. avatar
    #48 Smallies

    @Grasshopper (Comment #47)
    Enjoy the show ….we’ll keep plugging away here making it work

    10 June, 2024 at 12:42
  23. avatar
    #47 Grasshopper

    @Smallies (Comment #45)
    As will who will run the country, DA/ANC/IFP or the more likely ANC/MK/EFF…..I know what the ANC will prefer. I’ll watch the slow train smash with my popcorn from afar….

    10 June, 2024 at 12:39
  24. avatar
    #46 Deon

    @Smallies (Comment #40)
    Opvoedkundiges en taalwetenskaplikes het konsensus daaroor dat Moedertaal onderrig baie voordelig is vir almal. Vreemd dat dit ‘n kwessie was en bly???????Ek dink ek weet presies van watter Noord-Kaapse skooltjie jy praat. Eintlik kan ek aan twee dink, albei hoogs tegnologies, een se kinders weet ek doen wonderlik tersiêr. Een kind het medies studeer aan UCT en briljant gevaar. Maar ek kan ook vir jou van die Vrystaatste nooi de Jager vertel wat in die 1910’s gebore was en by beide Maties (Zoologie) en UCT (medies) die Kanseliersmedaljes gewen het. Ek ken ook ‘n Britstowner wat in die 40’s gebore is en as weeskind groot geword het en ook die UCT Kanselliersmedalje gewen het, Medies.

    10 June, 2024 at 12:31
  25. avatar
    #45 Smallies

    @Grasshopper (Comment #44)
    Time will tell

    10 June, 2024 at 12:29
  26. avatar
    #44 Grasshopper

    @Smallies (Comment #42)
    For sure, not sure how many of those will be great rugby players though…..lets see. One or two injuries then kakbroek time…

    10 June, 2024 at 12:27
  27. avatar
    #43 Smallies

    @Grasshopper (Comment #41)
    I’d love to have credit facilities to afford 300k a year schools….luckily I’m done with kids in school …

    10 June, 2024 at 12:20
  28. avatar
    #42 Smallies

    @Grasshopper (Comment #41)
    Not necessarily…..anyway I’m not doing the whole politics thing here again….suffice to say those schools will continue and provide great educational opportunities for their students…

    10 June, 2024 at 12:18
  29. avatar
    #41 Grasshopper

    @Smallies (Comment #39)
    cANCer Cronies for sure. You’ll be surprised too how much credit card debt there is too. Most mates of mine living well beyond their means….

    10 June, 2024 at 12:15
  30. avatar
    #40 Smallies

    @Deon (Comment #37)
    Daar is n klein cvo skooltjie in die Noord Kaap….die hoveelheid tegnologie wat hulle inspan in die skool is mind boggling….maar ja,ek is ook n GROOT voorstander van Moedertaal onderig en glo ELKE kind in SA moet toegang he tot dit ,veral op laerskool vlak…

    10 June, 2024 at 12:11
  31. avatar
    #39 Smallies

    @Grasshopper (Comment #30)
    You’d be surprised how much money there actually are in SA…those schools will always be full…

    10 June, 2024 at 12:06
  32. avatar
    #38 Smallies

    @Deon (Comment #37)

    10 June, 2024 at 12:04
  33. avatar
    #37 Deon

    @Smallies (Comment #36)
    Ek weet. Hulle volg net CVO opleiding. Soos Helpmekaar skryf sommige SAT ook. Ek mag nie name noem nie, vir persoonlike redes ook, maar ‘n kind wat CVO privaat afstandonderwys parallel met SAT gerigte onderwys in die VSA, was die top presteerder in haar/sy jaar in Chemiese Ingineurswese aan ‘n bekende VSA universiteit. Praat beter Afrikaans maar met erge aksent as haar/sy Suid-Afrikaanse pa en Rhodesiese half Afrikaanse ma.

    10 June, 2024 at 12:02
  34. avatar
    #36 Smallies

    @Deon (Comment #35)
    CVO skole skyf deesdae IEB eksamens

    10 June, 2024 at 11:32
  35. avatar
    #35 Deon

    @KES Oldboy (Comment #31)
    About 70 small ones in SA, Namibia, excluding Curro (not sure if it qualifies as Afrikaans Private), and kids across the globe sit for the CVO exams.

    10 June, 2024 at 11:29
  36. avatar
    #34 Smallies

    @KES Oldboy (Comment #31)
    There are others…but they are small and most follow the CVO model…

    10 June, 2024 at 11:16
  37. avatar
    #33 Smallies

    @Wyvern (Comment #28)
    1992 according to supersport schools
    They won the Administrateurs beker 3 times 1938,62,75,they also won the Beeld trofee for big schools in 2015 and 16

    10 June, 2024 at 11:09
  38. avatar
    #32 RuggaFreak

    @KES Oldboy (Comment #31)
    Apparently EP says no 1st XV games for CW players and that’s why yall didn’t have a 1st team game against DC, this sucks and I’m wondering what happens with K Day?

    10 June, 2024 at 10:53
  39. avatar
    #31 KES Oldboy

    @Wyvern (Comment #28)
    Remember in the early 90s, schools had the option to become Model C, B or Private. Helpies chose private. As far as I’m aware, it is the only Afrikaans private school in the country.

    10 June, 2024 at 10:50
  40. avatar
    #30 Grasshopper

    Hilton fees are R397,667 per annum excluding tours, kit and extras. I just cannot see how these types of schools will survive in the future, unless they have huge subsidies from OBs OR they attract kids from the UK etc who might have gone to private schools here. The SA option would be far cheaper. A school like Harrow School, similar to a Hilton, is £48k per annum which is R1.1m based on current exchange rates. I don’t pay school fees at all and my kids go to Ofsted Outstanding schools. Hilton & Michaelhouse will reach half a bar in the next 5 years. So no room for non paying parents and bursaries. These schools are going to battle to keep strong rugby teams and depth…a private school league might be the better option.

    10 June, 2024 at 10:39
  41. avatar
    #29 Wyvern

    @KES Oldboy (Comment #25)
    You’re overstating our numbers there, 220 max :)

    10 June, 2024 at 10:30
  42. avatar
    #28 Wyvern

    @Smallies (Comment #26)
    Oh really! Had no idea Helpmekaar was a gov school initially. How long ago was that and what drove the change?

    10 June, 2024 at 10:29
  43. avatar
    #27 Smallies

    @beet (Comment #21)
    On your point I believe Grey will be able to make the transition very successfully….I believe that the school allready owns the grounds and buildings ….I might be wrong though

    10 June, 2024 at 09:10
  44. avatar
    #26 Smallies

    @KES Oldboy (Comment #25)
    Well I guess the quality of opposition as well as pedigree comes in to it,Helpmekaar wasnt always a private school and as a goverment school actually won the directors cup a few years back…

    10 June, 2024 at 09:03
  45. avatar
    #25 KES Oldboy

    @Smallies (Comment #17)
    At 600, that is a very typical size private school. St John’s, Bishops & St Stithians are around 700. Michaelhouse is 600 (all boarders). Hilton & St Albans around 500. Kingswood 280. St Andrews 450. St Davids 600.

    10 June, 2024 at 07:21
  46. avatar
    #24 KES Oldboy

    @beet (Comment #21)
    You may have misunderstood my post. As this is a rugby blog, my comment relates to rugby only. As a private school parent myself, I’m well aware of the advantages of private schools. But in rugby and as I said, particularly this year, they seem to be battling……

    10 June, 2024 at 07:15
  47. avatar
    #23 KES Oldboy

    @Wyvern (Comment #22)
    Very few government schools would be able to become private. The up-front capital cost would be prohibitive – we are talking hundreds of millions. But most importantly, as you point out; only a fraction of the children at these schools would be able to afford private school fees. I’d guess that at Jeppe & KES it would be less than 30%. The current system works very well. There are very few reasons to change…..admissions is one of the biggest challenges currently.

    10 June, 2024 at 07:12
  48. avatar
    #22 Wyvern

    @beet (Comment #21)
    That’s an interesting convo. Do you think it’s doable/realistic? Using PBHS and Jeppe as the examples, my sense is that only a fraction (much less than half) of the pupils would remain when trippling the fees. Economically, it just doesn’t make sense but I’d love to hear the other views…

    10 June, 2024 at 01:10
  49. avatar
    #21 beet

    @KES Oldboy (Comment #3)
    The privates are not good like-for-like comparison to state schools for several reasons of which academics is probably the biggest one. For example at the likes of St John’s, Kearsney and Michaelhouse, the boy who comes last in class is still a borderline Varsity pass candidate. At many English-medium state schools the bottom class are probably all hovering close to failing matric on the easier NSC.

    At 1st XV level:
    Kingswood are having a good year in 2024
    In KZN in 2023 Michaelhouse replaced Hilton as the top school for the season
    In the NV Cup in 2023 Helpmekaar were the top overall school in top league as per the ProReg table
    In the Cape in 2023 Bishops lost the SS4 literally at the end of the game of the season.
    So overall 2024 may not be great but its definitely not cause for saying they are in trouble.

    We all know that the top state schools are run like semi-privates. They are well run. The interesting conversation is which of these schools could one day transition to becoming full privates if push came to shove and government pulled the funding plug or created unfavourable expectations. Buy the land, buy the building, start covering all op costs incl the balance of the teachers payroll.
    Its a conversation I think a lot of schools that plan ahead for worst case scenarios have already had behind closed doors.
    It entails finding the capital, tripling the school fees and halving the student numbers.
    It definitely would not a change most schools would be able to afford. And if achievable, for the likes of Jeppe and Pretoria BH it might be an easier than for KES who has a well-established top private just a few hundred metres away.

    9 June, 2024 at 21:00
  50. avatar
    #20 Bush

    @Crashball (Comment #18)
    Thanks for the match report, I suppose you make your own luck at trying different things. I’ve watched a few MHS games and they are a good team. If those 3/4’s don’t fire it’s a long day for the House team.
    Well done KC proper terriers. Will have to change that Greyhound for a Terrier😬😬😬😬

    9 June, 2024 at 20:22
  51. avatar
    #19 beet

    Super win for Kearsney, especially considering how badly the defeat to Michaelhouse went at Kings Park in late April. Good character shown. All the KCOBs could feel very proud of the effort shown. Also great for the head coach Neil. Not the easiest job in good times so one can only imagine how intense the pressure has been this year. Overall due to the season being a not so great one, the way its concluding should be good for the overall morale at Kearsney.

    Daniel Eager what can I say about that try. Cross-kicks have never been a favourite of mine, but his finish took it to a new level of excellence. It would really be hard to match that ball collection and control. In many ways it defines his rollercoaster of a ride 1st XV career. One that could make a brilliant highlights package.

    Michaelhouse after a tough battle at DHS last weekend, are sort of limping into the big season-ender at home to Hilton. They won’t need any extra motivation for that match but they will surely have to produce more decisive play.

    In the Hilton vs SCC match, it looked like HC were determined to hide all tactics for next weekends biggy. In the first half they kicked everything away and not great kicking either. SCC led 17-13 at the break. They showed they can jol. They attacked and counter-attacked with passion. The only let down for SCC was their inaccurate passing. If this had been better, I think they might have caused their second shock in a row. They game swung around early in the second half and Hilton didn’t look back. Secured the match and SCC some late tries.

    9 June, 2024 at 20:15
  52. avatar
    #18 Crashball

    @Bush (Comment #6)
    The way Kearsney played, they probably deserved the win. MHS forwards were better but no rhythm in the backs and Kearsney just didn’t lie down. MHS conceded a 4th intervention try this year and 3rd in big games so that didn’t help. Kearsney also scored a worldie, with the fullback catching a cross kick with one hand, feet mm from the touchline and scoring!

    The “charge down” of the conversion will be debated but ref was right there and believe the MHS 10 has moved towards the ball *shrug*

    The scenes at the end were a but of a shambles though. The scoreboard clock shows running time whereas at 1st XV level, the ref uses his watch and they play playing time. So the scoreboard clock showed time up, the ref had told the players that there was “x” mons left and Kearsney under pressure on their own line, won a penalty st scrum time and as the ref blew the whistle to award it, the whole of Kearsney school stormed the field…

    Took mins to clear the chaos and my reckoning there were still 3 or 4mins (using the ref’s indication before the scrum that led to the penalty) but with the field now surrounded by the schoolboys, he blew full time when Kearsney tapped the penalty and hacked it out.

    No sour grapes, Kearsney deserved the win but wasn’t the best advert for schoolboy rugby

    9 June, 2024 at 19:47
  53. avatar
    #17 Smallies

    @KES Oldboy (Comment #14)
    Not sure but the whole school is like 1300 kids ,so maybe about 600

    9 June, 2024 at 19:18
  54. avatar
    #16 Deon

    @KES Oldboy (Comment #8)
    True. As a 70’s and 80’s Paul Rooser I find the possibility of a Western Cape without Bishops unimaginable and sad. We actually already are without them unfortunately.

    9 June, 2024 at 19:18
  55. avatar
    #15 KES Oldboy

    @Smallies (Comment #12)
    How many boys are at Helpmekaar? My understanding is that they don’t have a lot of teams or am I wrong?

    9 June, 2024 at 18:53
  56. avatar
    #14 KES Oldboy

    @Ruggabeast (Comment #13)
    Are you telling me that Kingswood rugby is strong? It’s not & it can’t be because of numbers. So they bolster their first team with imports…..fact.

    9 June, 2024 at 18:51
  57. avatar
    #13 Ruggabeast

    @KES Oldboy (Comment #3)
    You sound more like a Snoozle than a KES Old Boy or maybe you did Post Matric at SAC? Have noticed how you like to bash Kingswood, it’s getting old now.

    9 June, 2024 at 17:33
  58. avatar
    #12 Smallies

    @Wyvern (Comment #11)
    Agree with you ,but we need to keep in mind also Helpmekaar is not a small school

    9 June, 2024 at 16:27
  59. avatar
    #11 Wyvern

    @Smallies (Comment #9)
    Yes, not a comp that privates would fair too well imo. If we’re talking privates, Helpies for me have had the consistency (over many years) which makes them 1 or 2.

    9 June, 2024 at 16:19
  60. avatar
    #10 Wyvern

    @KES Oldboy (Comment #8)
    No I hear you and hope the same for the future. One potential saving grace for privates is the growing demand for private schooling from other African markets. Privates have for quite some time been marketing in specific markets. Imagine seeing more Vincent Tshituka’s in the system…

    9 June, 2024 at 16:10
  61. avatar
    #9 Smallies

    @Wyvern (Comment #7)
    Helpmekaar also the only private that plays in the noordvaal cup

    9 June, 2024 at 16:02
  62. avatar
    #8 KES Oldboy

    @Wyvern (Comment #7)
    Quite right. Helpmekaar are strong but are a slightly different animal being Afrikaans.
    My comments were not meant in a negative way. Ultimately we want and need all our schools to do well. It will be a great shame if the private schools stop competing against their traditional rivals. e.g. St John’s vs KES or St. Andrew’s vs Grey PE or Hilton vs College or Bishops vs Paul Roos.
    Private schooling is becoming very expensive. But the numbers in the schools seem ok. Even school fees & boarding at the state schools is not cheap at approximately R150k p.a. But without these fees, all of our great traditional & historic schools would become just like all the other non-performing government schools; half the teachers would be retrenched & there’d be no money for proper organized sport or other extra-mural activities.

    9 June, 2024 at 16:00
  63. avatar
    #7 Wyvern

    @KES Oldboy (Comment #3)
    You’re missing one….Helpmekaar.
    It’s going to be interesting to see where the privates land (in rugby terms and otherwise), given the economic outlook of SA for the next 10+ years. Gov schools won’t be immune either (eg Dale situation). I hope I’m wrong :/

    9 June, 2024 at 15:42
  64. avatar
    #6 Bush

    @Coolguy (Comment #5)
    Were you at the game? Where did House go wrong. Kearsney the underdogs always going to lift their game. They like a jack russell with a done. Never stop and never give up

    9 June, 2024 at 12:41
  65. avatar
    #5 Coolguy

    @Kantman (Comment #1)
    Was a cracker game, houses third old boys day gig this year. Well done KC, first time I have witnessed a charge down before the ball was even kicked for conversion.

    9 June, 2024 at 11:11
  66. avatar
    #4 Bush

    Great result for Kearsney on their Reunion Day. The Grey Hound club must have been rocking.
    Nice to hear some comments on the game.

    9 June, 2024 at 09:46
  67. avatar
    #3 KES Oldboy


    With mainly the private schools playing this weekend, it’s worth noting their performances & seasons. Now obviously because they are generally smaller in numbers than the government schools, they shouldn’t have the depth of the bigger schools.
    1) Hilton – 1st team has had a few good wins like against Boland Landbou but have not had a good season. These matrics were a weak age group so it’s not completely surprising. But as a school they didn’t win a game vs College & were dominated by Michaelhouse and as similar schools, that should be much closer.
    2) St Charles seem to be one of the private schools on the up.
    3) I haven’t followed Kearsney but they’ve had a disappointing season. Yesterday’s victory over MHS was good for them & not a complete outlier considering that they have also beaten College.
    4) Michaelhouse are probably the strongest private school in the country. They must have a good “programme” because their opens are always strong. There’s not a private school in SA that will win more games on the day than MHS. Their 1st xv have been impressive.
    5) St Andrews like Hilton don’t have the strongest matrics. But they have shown huge improvement through the season. They are playing attractive running rugby which they’ve grown into as the season has progressed. As a club though, their whole school results haven’t been good.
    6) St John’s 1st team have exceeded expectations. They have a well drilled pack of forwards but are limited in the backs. A red flag is their weak U16 age group & a very weak U14 age group which only has 2 teams despite having 170 grade 8s. That age group needs urgent attention. SJC are the only private school in Gauteng that hasn’t backed down from the challenge of playing KES/Jeppe/PBHS. That will bear them fruit in the end…
    7) St Benedict’s. Phew – a season from hell. Weak throughout. I can only hope for a big improvement.
    8) St Stithians. Started the season well & then collapsed. 1st team can play good rugby in patches but can also just go to sleep. U15 age group are decent but as a school they are way behind where they should be.
    9) St Albans. Haven’t had a great season. I can’t really comment on them.
    10) St Davids. Smaller than Saints & SJ, they started well but have faded a bit. They need a few tougher fixtures.
    11) Bishops. Enough said already on these blogs. They unfortunately (from results pov)also play in a very tough “league” with no easy games.
    12) Kingswood. Weak – their shopping for Grade 11s has also been discussed at length on this site.
    9 June, 2024 at 08:51
  68. avatar
    #2 Kaya 85

    Very good showing St Charles…
    Kearsney impressing with some late season form…
    St John’s turning up the heat.
    St Benedict’s must get a fixture against Cornwall Hill next year…(and Midstream).
    St Stithians doing Okay…

    8 June, 2024 at 21:41
  69. avatar
    #1 Kantman

    House loss must be a bit of shocker …
    Well done Kearsney
    St Charles keep on showing guts

    8 June, 2024 at 20:03