2016 schoolboy rugby season: schools tipped for the top

Affies may just be the team to beat in 2016. With there are handful of seriously talented rival teams to consider and lots of competitive matches lying ahead, it’s by no means a sure bet that the Pretoria Witbulle will come out on top, nevertheless there is just too much quality at their disposal to deny them the tag of early favourites to finish at number one.

Top players are set to start in several different positions for Affies again this year, giving the team a good looking balance between forwards and backs. Tall SA Schools prop Cabous Eloff loves carrying the ball up and if he hits collisions or rucks with force that his mass times acceleration is capable of producing he will be a wrecking ball of note. Bulls Craven Week first choice Schalk Erasmus is a fairly big hooker with great all-round ability who could be laying the groundwork for a successful playing career after school. Flank Phillip Krause who stood out at Craven Week in 2015, earned a place in the SA under-18 “A” team. One of his returning backrow partners in crime will be Regardt du Plessis who along with mobile lock Henk Pretorius also earned Craven Week call-ups in 2015. Halfback combo Jack Hart and Ruan de Swardt have 1st XV experience under the belt with the latter is a highly rated flyhalf with the ability to control the game. Outside him is big Craven Week centre Louritz van der Schyff, who already as an under-17 1st XV starter looked the part with an ability to get over the advantage line. Wing Christian Strydom holds a fairly unique record of having scored a hat-trick against Grey College, which he achieved last season. He along with prop Arno van Wyk and wing Carel Koch are other returning players.

The chasing pack is likely to include last season’s undisputed undefeated number-1 team Paarl Boys’ High who welcome back key players like Reece Bezuidenhout (prop), Salman Moerat (SA Schools lock), Khanya Ncusane (SA u18 “A” no.8), Riaan Lombard (flyhalf) and Manny Ras (SA Schools centre). Top rated coach Sean Erasmus is proving to be one of Boishaai’s most valued assets, as he’s managed to get his teams to play at close to their maximum potentials during his two seasons in charge.

The standard bearer of SA schoolboy rugby is Grey College of Bloemfontein. More often than not they are the pace-setters but never ever far off it even in a year like the injury-ravaged season that 2015 turned out to be. Their decision to avoid the high profile Easter Festivals is likely to result in a quietish start to 2016 and this coupled with slipping down the rankings in 2015, will act as camouflage possibly all the way up until late April when they take on the first of many leading contenders in the form of Garsfontein from Pretoria at the prestigious Wildeklawer tournament. Grey welcomes back the likes of Gideon Beukes (Craven Week prop], Matthew Wessels (Craven Week hooker], Diaan Schoonees (Craven Week no. 8), Rewan Kruger (Craven Week scrumhalf), Mario Vieira (Academy Week flyhalf), Gerrie Koegelenberg (centre), Jaco Wessels (centre), Marnus Boshoff (Academy Week wing) and Jandre de Beer (fullback).

Defending Beeldtrofee champions Garsfontein have reason to be optimistic. They once again have a very good team. Garsies who had a tough fixture list in 2015, made a slow start but finished very strongly. Their 2016 schedule which includes the Wildeklawer debut is equally demanding overall, but very importantly it has been better planned this season and will ensure their players have adequate time to rejuvenate between tough fixtures. Look out for a host of returning players to impress. These include Embrose Papier (SA Schools scrumhalf 2014/15), Bees Ferreira (Academy Week prop), PJ Steenkamp (SA u18 “A” lock), Abner van Reenen (SA u18 “A” wing) and Austin Davids (Craven Week wing).

2015 proved to be a mixed bag for Monument’s outstanding team. Nationally they finished in a very respectable fifth place overall but closer to home they lost out on silverware, after a powerful EG Jansen team turned the tables on them during the Tuks Reeks final and Garsfontein produced an incredible last 10-min comeback to knock Monnas out of Beeld title contention. The Krugerdorp Witbulle are expected to bounce back with yet another very useful team. Their players to keep a tab on include Nathan McBeth (Academy Week prop), Ruan Vermaak (Craven Week lock), Ryno Potgieter (Academy Week Flank), Xander Kruger (Craven Week flyhalf) and MJ Pelser (Craven Week centre) amongst a number of returning 1st XV players.

Paarl Boys’s High has already been mentioned but ignoring the other two Winelands powerhouses would be criminal. Interestingly both Paarl Gymnasium and Paul Roos have new head coaches who come with plenty of experience and established connections with their respective schools. Old boy Pieter Rossouw replaces top rated school rugby coach Christoff Lötter at Paarl Gim while former 1st XV coach Stephan Jordaan is reassigned to the post vacated by SA Schools head coach Hein Kriek. The outlook for Gim in 2016 looks a little brighter than that of the Maroon Machine, however the rugby pedigree of both schools could quite easily reshape the rankings landscape. Also worth mentioning is Boland Landbou who punch above their weight in most seasons given the schools size and might be a surprise package in 2016. Wynberg are the favourites amongst the Cape Town schools.

The two SWD powerhouses Oakdale and Outeniqua are Top 10 material in most years.

Noordvaal co-ed heavyweights EG Jansen, HTS Middelburg, Nelspuit, and Waterkloof are always worth mentioning and private school Helpmekaar could just factor into the equation although their non-inclusion in the Beeld macro school competition is bound to harm their chances of a high finish rather than help it.

After a very good under-16 season in 2014, the expectations surrounding the Jeppe Boys’ will be high. Jeppe has two SA Schools players back in Hacjivah Dayimani (loose-forward) and Wandisile Simelane (versatile back) as well as Nola Naka (Academy Week hooker) and Tyrone Green ( Academy Week flyhalf).

Grey High School of Port Elizabeth has a really exciting backline in the making and if their pack which includes SA Schools loosie Kwezi Mafu can match opponents, they too could have a very profitable season.

In KZN Glenwood is expected to lead the charge with an extremely good team that includes SA u18 “A” no.8 Marco Palvie and Craven Week playmaker Jerome Bossr at either flyhalf or fullback. Also hoping to break into the top 10 for the first time in a while is Westville who will have top rated Craven Week hooker Hendrik Prinsloo in their starting team.

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  1. avatar
    #136 Rugbyman

    @BrotherBear: 100% reg!

    6 March, 2016 at 14:11
  2. avatar
    #135 BrotherBear

    @sewes: hopelik bewe die broeke van opwinding. Indien hulle bewe van vrees, is julle in die verkeerde “ballgame”. Onthou dit is baie vroee dae, al die spanne vuur nog nie naastenby op alle silinders. Spanne met ‘n paar goeie individue sal nou dalk goed doen. Struktuur, dissipline en die vermoe om jou opponent te kan lees sal weldrae dividende bring. Nogtans moes dit ‘n goeie vertoning van Garsfontein gewees het. HEELTEMAL te vroeg om Menlo af te skryf.

    6 March, 2016 at 13:50
  3. avatar
    #134 Rugbyman

    @sewes: Ag nee wat… kloof het altyd n goeie span! Julle het geen rede vir bewerasies nie!

    6 March, 2016 at 07:53
  4. avatar
    #133 sewes

    @Rugbyman:My drie seuns speel by waterkloof .Ons broek bewe vir later die jaar kan nie wag nie.

    6 March, 2016 at 07:45
  5. avatar
    #132 Rugbyman

    @sewes: Dankie… dis nog vroeë dae en ons het nog baie werk! Die seuns geniet hulle rugby en werk baie hard! Mens moenie te veel lees in so vroeë game nie… menlo sal beslis verbeter en die naweek teen EG sal baie hard wees – ‘n groot toets vir beide spanne…

    Maandag is dit terug by die kantoor en harde werk wat voorlê voor ons die tiere van die oosrand aandurf! Hulle het voorwaar ‘n bulspan!

    6 March, 2016 at 07:37
  6. avatar
    #131 sewes

    @Rugbyman:Ongelooflik.Baie geluk! Ek sluk my woorde.Daar gaan meer aan as net werwery by julle.Die spelers het n wil om te wen en die afrigting span moet regtig weet wat hulle doen. Weet regtig nie wat by Menlo se ope spanne gebeur nie.

    6 March, 2016 at 07:29
  7. avatar
    #130 Rugbyman

    @greybearded: Nope… he has moved to the USA – great opportunity for him there… we have a new condition coach since last year November

    6 March, 2016 at 05:00
  8. avatar
    #129 greybearded

    @4×4: Is dit die ex-Grey College kondisionering coach ?

    5 March, 2016 at 20:21
  9. avatar
    #128 4×4

    Ek kan met sekerheid sê dat Garsies ‘n top 10 jaar gaan hê. Hulle kondisionering baie goed vir so vroeg in die seisoen tedanke aan hulle nuwe kondisionering coach. Talent to burn!!

    5 March, 2016 at 17:47
  10. avatar
    #127 Kattes-Strofes

    Vir diegene wat belangstel. Ek en n paar pelle het toe gisteraand die wedstryd op Riebeeck Kasteel tussen die WP Instituut en die Boland Akademie span bygewoon.
    Die wedstryd was aanvanklik kompiterend, en die 2 spanne het mekaar lekker geroer. Gaandeweg het die WP manne egter beheer begin kry, en op die einde gerieflik gewen. Dit was duidelik dat hul kondisionering op hierdie stadium ,baie verder gevorder was, teenoor die Boland manne wat eers middel Feb. bymekaar gekom het.

    Die WP span het hul spelers ook gereeld gewissel (daar was 4 kwarte van 20 min. elk) wat bietjie die ritme van die spel nadelig beinvloed het.
    n Speler wat vir my n onbekende was, het vir my baie beindruk. Hy is Herman van Dyk, n heelagter vanaf Overberg . Die lenige klong laat mens baie dink aan ‘Slaptjips’ Rossouw. Hy is gliberig met bal in die hand, en het daarby ook n kanon voet.

    Die WP se vaste vyf het deurentyd die kitaar geslaan, wat die losmanne geleentheid gebied het om lekker rond te jaag. Thomas Meyer, wat meestal flank gespeel het vir Monnas en die Leeus, is op aanbeveling van Jacques Hanekom nou al vir twee wedstryde op no. 8 probeer. Wel hierdie skuif wil lyk na n meesterstuk want die jong man be-indruk met sy goeie hande,werks ywer en aanvoeling vir die spel.Zain Davids (Rondebosch), wat op no. 7 gespeel het, was ook soos gewoonlik baie sterk met sy kraglopies oor die voordeel lyn.Ek wonder ook wat die wyse manne gaan doen met Ernst van Rhyn(Paarl Gim.). Die SA Cravenweek speler van die jaar, het in die 1ste helfde flank gespeel en in die 2de helfde slot.

    Agterlangs het Matthew Dahl (Hilton) en Jondre ‘Mossel’ Williams (Boland Landbou) die oond lekker vinnig skoongemaak. Die groot en sterk Paul Roos senter ,Troy Payne, het ook n paar keer die lyn gebreek. Ryan Muller (Bellville) het soos gewoonlik dodelik afgerond.

    Heelwat spelers kon nie speel nie weens beserings. Met 10 SA Skole spelers en n verdere 4 SA ‘A’ spelers in geledere, is dit baie duidelik dat hierdie n besonderse talentvolle groep manne is.

    Gert Smal, wat ook die wedstryd bygewoon het, en Jacques Hanekom is dit eens dat die coaches hul storie sal moet ken by die kies van die uitsoek span.Die kompetisie in die meeste posisies is geweldig taai.

    2 March, 2016 at 13:47
  11. avatar
    #126 Andre T

    @Kattes-Strofes: Hoop ou Dawie gaan vanjaar n ordentlike voorry kies

    1 March, 2016 at 13:12
  12. avatar
    #125 Kattes-Strofes

    OK!! The long wait is over. Saturday the first shots will be fired in the Western Cape when the Kwaggas of Outeniqua plays against the Tigers from Tygerberg.
    Lekker man,lekker!! And next Saturday my Strepies team will be in action at Porterville,s sports festival against Die Brandwag of the Eastern Cape. Boishaai is currently holding trials, but must still make do without their boys that is busy with summer sports. The team will surely be under prepaired, but we will not use that as an excuse.

    Ek gaan ook vandag n bietjie kyk na die WP se Instituut spanne wat kragte meet teen Allan Zondach se Akademie in Riebeeck Kasteel. Daarna Stellenbosch toe vir wedstryd tussen Maties Young Guns en Victoriane. Het voeltjie hoor fluit dat Dawie Theron ook daar sal wees om talent te soek vir sy Junior Bokke.

    1 March, 2016 at 12:53
  13. avatar
    #124 Ooorkant Loftus

    Dankie ek sal gaan kyk wat is Onesport.
    Was saam met Gert jare gelede in die Weermag.

    1 March, 2016 at 11:16
  14. avatar
    #123 Speartackle

    @Andre T: Jy moet ligloop, Die Ken, Brotherbear en Bog is almal baardbekke, ek weet darem jy en Cappie is 2 mooi skoongeskeerde flukse manne

    29 February, 2016 at 13:15
  15. avatar
    #122 Andre T

    @Die Ken: Hoe kan n speler op die game konsentreer as hulle heeltyd die hare moet uit die oê hou of na die anderkant toe moet flip?………….kyk na daai du Preeztjies….hulle speel sommer honderd maal beter vandat hulle ordentlike seuntjie style het.

    Nog n ding wat my walg is die donnerse baarde wat so in die mode is….my fnok…..dit raak so warm op n veld en mens sweet al klaar so baie dan dra hulle hierdie walglike baarde. Wat de moer wil n agterspeler anyway met n baard maak?

    Was op n staduim Vrydagaand lus en gryp daai Boom Prinsloo aan daai Amla baard van hom en hol met hom Tempe toe.

    Nee man, n baard en tattoos pas nie by sport.

    My oorlede oupa het altyd gesê n baardman is n lui mens………as jy te lui is om te skeer dan is jy te lui vir enige iets

    29 February, 2016 at 13:11
  16. avatar
    #121 Die Ken

    @Andre T: Eks bly jyt dit ook opgemerk. Lyk soos n Indiese myna watse hare op steroids is

    29 February, 2016 at 12:55
  17. avatar
    #120 Andre T

    Ek hoop nou nie elke outjie in die Groter Paarl en Skiereiland gebied gaan nou vir hulle n Kobus van Wyk haarstyl kweek nie

    29 February, 2016 at 11:53
  18. avatar
    #119 hennieflank

    Ek lag lekker vir die Varsity Cup kommentaar hierbo. Klink my die Bulle rule en roer nog dinge daar in Blou Bul land. Almal is besig maar hulle gaan nerens heen nie… :lol: :lol: :lol:
    As ek darem die Maties se benadering vergelyk bly dit interessant. FOr the love of the game. Studente met rugby aspirasies, vs opgehefde skool latte wat rugby gespeel het met studie asperasies by Tuks wat voorgeskryf word deur die manne met die baarde wat hul bestaan regverdig. Dik kontrakte en niemand gaan regtig erens heen nie. ‘n Handjievol sal dit verder as o/21 vat en dan bloei die sisteem homself dood.
    Dankbaar vir lig wat gesien word hier in Shimla land op senior vlak, nou nog net die Young Guns wat moet lig sien. :?: :cry: :idea:

    29 February, 2016 at 11:46
  19. avatar
    #118 Suparuga

    @Ooorkant Loftus: Ja Gert is verlede jaar weg by Helpies. Nie seker wat die rede is na 10 jaar by Helpies nie. Klaarblyklik hoofpos van die hand gewys in Natal en by Onesport aangesluit. Onesport en Gert het kontrak met Kempies geteken. So ek neem aan hy is van die jaar af betrokke by Kempies.

    29 February, 2016 at 11:36
  20. avatar
    #117 Pinotage

    @BOG: Die span het as n eenheid n baie goeie dag gehad. T20 is mos maar gewoonlik onvoorspelbaar. Een laaste hekkie oor om te kwalifiseer om in die Nasionale Toernooi te speel.

    27 February, 2016 at 17:35
  21. avatar
    #116 BOG

    @Pinotage: Geluk met Junior, of moet ek se, “Half Jack”, se boulsyfers in die streekfinaal teen Saints. 4:9:3 is uitstekend

    27 February, 2016 at 13:16
  22. avatar
    #115 LAEVELDER

    Hoe gaan dit by die interhoer.. hou ons op hoogte asb

    26 February, 2016 at 15:08
  23. avatar
    #114 Oakdale supporter

    @Die Ken: Eerstes speel teen Argentyne, Tweedes teen Paul Roos.

    26 February, 2016 at 13:59
  24. avatar
    #113 Die Ken

    @Oakdale supporter: Dan is dit goed so. Teen die Argies?

    26 February, 2016 at 11:05
  25. avatar
    #112 Oakdale supporter

    @Die Ken: Niemand het nagmerries nie.
    Terloops, ek hoor ons 2e span speel @julle op die Paul Roos dag (12 Maart)

    26 February, 2016 at 09:54
  26. avatar
    #111 Die Ken

    @Oakdale supporter: Ek hoor jou, maar, soos jy weet, is top 50 baie verskillend van top 20…En gaan kyk bietjie na die Diamandveld uitslag teen Jim Fouche, ek dink nie hulle is vanjaar op dieselfde standaard as laasjaar nie. En as jul begin nagmerries kry oor Potch Gim, nee manne, dis n easy begin (in vergelyking met Outeniqua) daai

    26 February, 2016 at 08:48
  27. avatar
    #110 Oakdale supporter

    @Die Ken: Dis almal top 50 spanne en Diamantveld was laasjaar top 20. Ek dink daar kan baie uit afgelei word oor hoe die wedstryde hanteer word. Die einste Diamantveld het laasjaar na ‘n gelykop teen Grey, op Oakdale kom vasval teen Potch Gim.

    26 February, 2016 at 08:02
  28. avatar
    #109 Kattes-Strofes

    @Andre T: T,tjie, het daai gekafoefel van die bure nie miskien ook die tier in jou tenk losgemaak nie ? Of het te veel sopies klein T,jie lam gemaak ? :lol:

    25 February, 2016 at 17:23
  29. avatar
    #108 Die Ken

    @Oakdale supporter: Outeniqua se paastoernooiwedstryde sal ‘n goeie aanduiding wees. Ek’s bevrees nie julle sin nie…

    25 February, 2016 at 12:23
  30. avatar
    #107 CharlesZA

    @kosie: Het self n paar lekker krieket games op daai parkie gespeel. Day night nogal. Ouens in die glippe was maar skirkkerig in die aand.

    25 February, 2016 at 11:13
  31. avatar
    #106 Oakdale supporter

    @Predator: Outeniqua is altyd kompeterend. Die paas toernooie sal ‘n aanduiding wees van wie later vanjaar die sterkste aanspraakmaker op SWD kapioen sal wees. Kwagga speel Garsfontein en Waterkloof terwyl Oakdale teen Sentraal(Bloem) en heelwaarskynlik 2 van die volgende 4 sal speel. Voortreker, Potch Gim, Diamantveld en Bardwag

    25 February, 2016 at 09:48
  32. avatar
    #105 BOG

    @kosie: Daar speel jy nie links na regs nie of regs na links nie, maar opdraande of afdraande.

    25 February, 2016 at 09:43
  33. avatar
    #104 Andre T

    @kosie: Laas toe ek daar by Punt gekamp het was my karavaan gepark daar by Delphino’s rond, naby aan die straat. Maar in elk geval langs my was daar n gesin van Fochville wat nogal baie lief was vir die voggies. Eintlik gawe mense maar heng hul kon kuier. Die ergste was wanneer dit stil begin raak het dan het pappie baie lus geraak vir mammie en die 2 kon nogal loud raak. So tussen deur die stampe en stote en gehyg van hul stretcher af het een van hul 2 elke keer die wildste poep gelos met fyndraai.

    Lol….elke oggend het hul so skaam skaam gegroet

    25 February, 2016 at 09:39
  34. avatar
    #103 kosie

    @Andre T: Die karavane is eintlik maar koswaentjies. Klink my jou visie was erg belemmer toe jy laas daar was. :mrgreen:

    25 February, 2016 at 09:22
  35. avatar
    #102 Andre T

    @kosie: Het nooit geweet dis rugbyvelde……altyd gedog dis n karavaanpark

    25 February, 2016 at 09:17
  36. avatar
    #101 kosie

    @CharlesZA: Jare gelede kan ek goed onthou hoe Punt se velde (Die Van Riebeeck velde – dalk het die naam ook verander) ‘n helling gehad het en dat dit ‘n mens op n stadium uitgeput het. Ek was so 2 jaar gelede weer daar vir die Punt krieket toernooi. Met my skeel oog het die veld vir my meer gelyk voorgekom.

    25 February, 2016 at 09:11
  37. avatar
    #100 Andre T

    @Pinotage: Jare terug was ek een van die groot lawaaimakers toe Kevin Pietersen, Clyde Rathbone, Daniel Vickerman hul vaderland verruil het. Nou sal ek dit aanmoedig.

    Wie weet, dalk oor n paar jaar is jy deel van die Barmy Army terwyl Junior vir Rabada, Motswaratu en Batswadi stukkend slaan op Nuweland

    25 February, 2016 at 08:55
  38. avatar
    #99 CharlesZA

    @Predator: Het jy jou jassie verander van Kwagga na Punt? Hoe lyk Punt se rugby? Ons altyd lekker games teen hulle gehad maar sien die games so paar jaar terug gestop in ruil vir Outeniqua.

    25 February, 2016 at 06:36
  39. avatar
    #98 Rugbyman

    @Predator: Dis nie wat ek gehoor het nie… ek verstaan so via ‘n voëltjie dat die manne van George ‘n heel skaflike span in die veld stoot…?

    25 February, 2016 at 05:55
  40. avatar
    #97 Predator

    @LAEVELDER: Ek dink nie Outiniqua sal in die top 20 eindig nie. Nie meer die talent van ouds nie.

    25 February, 2016 at 04:15
  41. avatar
    #96 BOG

    @Pinotage: Tragies inderdaad. CN ? Canada? Of Carnavon? Wat is die roete deesdae vir jong krieketspelers? Klubkrieket in VK> Lancashire League en NZ in die “af” seisoen? Ek dink dat die chaos in SA krieket en rugby nie bloot toevallig is nie. Dit wys maar net weer-eens wat se wye impak “regering” het op die hele samelewing. As daar verval is, verval dit oral. Wat se hulle van n vis wat van die kop af verrot?

    25 February, 2016 at 01:48
  42. avatar
    #95 Pinotage

    @BOG: Die@Andre T:
    Ek hang eersdaags my jas op en skuif CN toe. Jnr maak klaar by GCB. Iewers anderkant die water sal hy maar sy heil moet gaan soek met die wilgerlat en rooi/wit/pienk? bal. Hier ter plaatse raak dinge belaglik Case in point die SA onder 19 krieketspan.
    Om te verloor teen Nam en Zim is niks anders as n skreiende skande nie. Amper so erg soos die Bokke wat verloor teen die Sushi vreters. Of so erg soos die gatomgooi van n President on die Konstitusionele Hof.

    24 February, 2016 at 18:54
  43. avatar
    #94 upcountry

    @BOG: Hartseer vir my is dat Jnr sy alie af geoefen het om PUK sewes te kry…. gekanselleer deur fees must fall gemors. Nou net terug van gebreekte neus by young guns en op bench vir maandag…. nou die twak. Lyk my die man is gedoem om te oefen en nooit te speel nie . :mrgreen:

    24 February, 2016 at 17:01
  44. avatar
    #93 BOG

    @upcountry: Dit verbaas my gladnie. Ek dink hulle doen dieselfde by UCT. Tyd om te resiprokeer. Maar dit sal hulle nie skeel nie. Klasse ontwrig, vernietiging en chaos is hulle kos. Hulle weet mos die lamsakkige universiteitsowerhede sal agteroor buig en dan nog boonop hulle laat slaag, cum laude- onder aansporing en inspirasie van pokgesig, Comrade Blade. After all, sy “claim to fame”, was dat hy die universiteitsbiblioteek in Zoeloeland, afgebrand het. Maar Hassan Howa het gese: “No abnormal sport in an abnormal society”. Dit geld seker steeds.

    24 February, 2016 at 16:38
  45. avatar

    Dink om 8 ste te eindig sal great wees vir die Johannesburgers,, dalk nog beter.. stem saam met die manne dat die verskil tussen die top spanne so klein is.. daar kan dalk geen onoorwonne span wees nie miskien 3,4 of 5 spanne wat 16 uit 19 kon wen en n draw of twee.Trofees bly persoonlik vir my meer spesiaal as rankings (al is rankings interresant).. om n final in te gaan en hom deur te trek kweek meer BMT vir my en dis tog wat ons wil sien later in hul lewe.. currie cup champs,super rugby champs, sevens world champs en world rugby champs (as net n goeie rekord te handhaaf deur die jaar.. en niks in die troffee kas)

    24 February, 2016 at 15:41
  46. avatar
    #91 Barry

    @LAEVELDER: Stem saam met jou.

    Dink jy dat Helpies op 8? Die manne op die blog en ander het deur die ouderdomsgroepe die groep seuns hoog aangeskryf omdat hulle feitlik al hulle wedstryde gewen het. Blykbaar het van die seuns na ander skole toe geskuif?

    Eers was bekommerd, maar nou begin ek regtig uit te sien na die nuwe seisoen.

    24 February, 2016 at 15:22
  47. avatar
    #90 upcountry

    PUK word met massa aksie en ontwrigting van wedstryd gedreig as hulle dit sou waag om maandag voort te gaan met varsity cup teen shimlas :evil:

    24 February, 2016 at 15:19
  48. avatar

    Bly ons stem darm saam oor 1 tot 4 :) .. kom ons hou maar dop.. dink nogsteeds die ou Tvl’se skole gaan n beter jaar he as 2015 teen Suide opponente. Selfs Kempton,Garsies,EG,HTS Middelburg,Nellies,Rustenburg kan op enige dag n giant slay! Baie gaan af hang weer van beskikbaarheid van seuns na Cravenweek as hul nasionale diens moet doen,paar 0/19 seuns sal net Beeld kan speel, en nie Tuks of selfs WK,prioriteitslyste,beserings,ens.ens.Diepte speel wel n groot rol maar ek dink die coaches wat dit gaan regkry om die seuns vir 15-18 games in n ry te laat fokus om sterk te eindig gaan weer laaste lag in die Beeld. Soos Nellies in 2014 en Garsies in 2015 (beide spanne moes deur die jaar 3 de span spelers gebruik het in hul squads .. selfs in finals)… en dan commitment… iemand het gese.. hard work always beats talent unless talent works hard! Anyway skolerugby is great om te volg….

    24 February, 2016 at 14:37
  49. avatar
    #88 BOG

    Eintlik is ek n drank en spek rep in Saoedie Arabie- en my bankrekening bevestig dit

    24 February, 2016 at 14:31
  50. avatar
    #87 Andre T

    @Rugbyman: Ek weet hy het vir n oudisie vir Game of Thrones gegaan maar of hy dit gekry het twyfel ek

    24 February, 2016 at 12:44
  51. avatar
    #86 Rugbyman

    @Andre T: Ek dog hys ‘n illegal arms dealer… het hy nie ‘n apearance gemaak in “Lord of war” saam met nicholas cage nie?

    24 February, 2016 at 12:34
  52. avatar
    #85 Andre T

    @Rugbyman: Bog is n Peter Stuyvesant rep daar….sy areas sluit ook Damaskus, Lebanon en Sirië in

    24 February, 2016 at 12:24
  53. avatar
    #84 Rugbyman

    @BOG: Het jy blyplek in Yemen vir my? Ek praat vlot arabies na so paar brannewyntjies…

    24 February, 2016 at 11:58
  54. avatar
    #83 Barry

    @BOG: Ek stem saam met jou oor wat huidiglik by die unversiteite aangaan. Ek verneem dat daar ‘n onderliggende strategie is, en het so pas gelees van organisasies wat mekaar die stryd aansê. Wat ek ‘n problem mee het is dat hulle nie hulle gesigte wys nie, maar studente gebruik om hulle ‘fights’ te ‘fight’. Hierdie ding kan lelik raak as wyse manne nie gou toetree en red wat te redde is nie.

    Wat die skole betref stem ek saam met jou. Weereens is dit iets wat tot ‘n groot mate buite ons beheer is. Beheerrade moet daardie situasies hanteer saam die skole en ons kan net ons steun gee, Genoeg politiek, ek braai eerder ‘n vleisie. :mrgreen:

    @Cappie: Ja, ek sien ons ontmoet julle by St Johns, maar is baie versigtig vir daardie game. Ek dink nog of ek gaan deur ry Jhb om die game te gaan kyk.

    24 February, 2016 at 11:50
  55. avatar
    #82 BOG

    @Barry: In enige Marxistiese rewolusie, is die eerste prioriteit, die universiteite. Moenie dink dat dit gaan oor Afrikaanse onderrig nie. En die volgende 20 maande sal my reg bewys. Maar moenie dink dat die skole die “purge” sal vryspring nie. Op die oomblik is dit net lae intensiteit, maar dit kom. Hulle soek beheer oor die jong mense en kinders se denke. En noudat ek Cappie se kommentaar sien, vlokit- hulle het eers probleme met n nuwe naam. :mrgreen:

    24 February, 2016 at 11:21
  56. avatar
    #81 BOG

    @Andre T: Yemen met volskaalse oorlog en al, klink nogal na n opsie op die oomblik- al speel hulle nie rugby of krieket nie. Ongelukkig braai ek saam met julle. Maar jy is mos een van die verbeeldingrykes? Wat van n voorstel vir Rugbyman?

    24 February, 2016 at 11:06
  57. avatar
    #80 Cappie

    @LAEVELDER: As ons nou moet voorspellings waag. Ek stem saam met jou nrs 1 tot 4. Hulle sal daar wees, maar ek dink nie Menlo en Helpmekaar het genoeg diepte om end uit te hou nie. Paul Roos en Paarl Gim is maar altyd daar, en sal seker weer daar wees. Ek dink ook Glenwood het die potensiaal om baie goed te doen. Nie seker oor Outeniqua nie, maar hulle is ook altyd top 10 kwaliteit.

    Ons sal sien hoe vaar Garsfontein teen Grey om te weet of hulle gereed is vir die “step-up”, maar ek hoop hulle kan dit doen. Daar is geen rede hoekom hulle nie vir Grey kan wen nie. Hulle sal net baie fiks moet wees, en moet inklim voor. Ons weet al lankal Grey hou nooit op speel nie, en hulle is woelig in die losgemale.

    EG Jansen is ook verseker top 10 kandidate.

    Vrydag is dit Pretoria interhoër, en almal hier in Pretoria praat nou net atletiek.

    24 February, 2016 at 11:01
  58. avatar
    #79 Barry

    Beet, please delete no 77. I have a problem with the network.

    @BOG: Jy stir nou lekker. :mrgreen:

    Daar is steeds verskeie Afrikaanse skole in die land, net soos daar verskeie ander skole is wat ‘n ander taal as engels gebruik tydens onderrig.

    24 February, 2016 at 10:44
  59. avatar
    #78 Andre T

    @BOG: ou Bog ek begin jou al hoe meer beny omdat jy so slim was om n paar jaar gelede na Yemen te vlug. Dinge raak nou warm hier in Afrika. My volk is onder die spervuur, my taal word bevraagteken, my kultuur is in n kritieke staduim……..kom help ons Bog……..ons smeek

    Cry my beloved country

    24 February, 2016 at 10:40
  60. avatar
    #77 Barry

    @LAEVELDER: @Rugbyman: Dit was my onderliggende punt. In hulle ouderdomsgroepe het dinge nie vir die huidige groep 11 & 12s’ gewerk nie.

    Hoewel hulle in goeie hande is wat afrigting betref, hoop ek seuns ‘skakel aan’ en speel tot hulle volle potensiaal. Ek weet Gerhard lees al hierdie inskrywings en ek wil hom en sy afrigtingspan sterkte toewens vir die jaar.

    Rugbyman, sterkte vir Garsfontein ook. Ek sien dat ons op huidige skedules julle hierdie jaar dalk gaan mis speel. Ek gaan die onder 16 pa met die ronde pens en kerkhoed mis hierdie jaar. :mrgreen:

    Ek het ‘n ander vraag: Is dit verpligtend dat alle seuns wat rugby speel mondskerms moet dra m.a.w. is dit ‘n SARU vereiste? Die rede hoekom ek vra is dat ek dit iewers gehoor het maar so baie seuns doen dit nie.

    Dan aan my seun: Pa is trots op jou dat jy byna 17kg verloor het in die afseisoen, maar ek dink steeds jy moet hierdie jaar 3rde span speel. Dit sal goed wees vir baie redes.

    24 February, 2016 at 10:13
  61. avatar
    #76 BOG

    @Rugbyman: Met Tukkies of Tuks wat nou Tuckies of Tucks gaan word, beoog julle (en ander in Pretoria) om steeds voort te gaan as n uitsluitlik Afrikaans medium instelling of ook om oor te slaan na Engels met hulp aan julle Afrikaanse en Sepedi leerders? Ek dink n naamsverandering sal dan gepas wees en skree maar gerus vir voorstelle onder die verbeeldingryke klompie op hierdie blog.

    24 February, 2016 at 10:08
  62. avatar
    #75 Rugbyman

    @LAEVELDER: Ek dink nie julle moet julle eie span onderskat nie manne… ek dink daai span gaan julle verras!

    24 February, 2016 at 09:00
  63. avatar

    @Barry: Ons sal maar moet sien hoe die seisoen gaan verloop Barry, die manne het in hul junior jare nie die wereld aan die brand gespeel nie (nie die graad 11 of 12’s nie)..hier en daar n top skool gewen en hoogstens 3de of 4de ge-eindig in Tuks.. miskien een of twee Beeld semi’s gehaal…maar kom ons wag en kyk.. dalk veras hul ons.. Ek hou van verassings.. veral aangenames

    24 February, 2016 at 08:08
  64. avatar
    #73 BoishaaiPa

    @Andre T: Duncan Saal..Het in 2014 WP Cravenweek gespeel….local mannetjie hier uit Bellville…Was in Kasselsvlei Sekonder.

    24 February, 2016 at 07:18
  65. avatar
    #72 Rugbyman

    @sewes: Jy is doodreg… menlo sal beslis n warm span hê, ek betwyfel dit glad nie!

    @kosie: I rest my case! As you can clearly see we are the official underdogs your honour…

    24 February, 2016 at 05:59
  66. avatar
    #71 sewes

    @Rugbyman:Die gr12 groep van 2016 het elke jaar verbeter .Die afrigting is ook goed as mens kyk na die jaarlikse verbetering nuwe span of nie.Julle het ook n paar stere.Maar ek dink Menlo is so vyf of wat punte voor kan verkeerd wees enige iets kan gebeur op die dag en soos ek se van no vyf tot twintig op die rankings gaan naby wees.

    23 February, 2016 at 21:17
  67. avatar
    #70 kosie

    @Rugbyman: Meneer/ agbare Rugbyman of enige ander gepaste titel, noudat Garsies Wildeklawer betree het kan julle onder geen omstandighede meer as “under dogs” geklasifiseer word nie. Spanne wat teen julle speel sal voortaan daai titel hê. Jammer ou maat dis nou amptelik so. Julle is nou ‘n groot hond!

    23 February, 2016 at 20:27
  68. avatar
    #69 Couchmavin

    As ek reg kan onthou het hulle verloor teen Waterkloof,Outeniqua,Selborne en PRG. Alle die verlore was teen top 5 spanne behalwe vir Waterkloof m.a.w nogsteeds n top span. 2 van die verloor wedstryde was met 1 punt.

    23 February, 2016 at 19:38
  69. avatar
    #68 Rugbyman

    @sewes: ag dis vir my goeie nuus dat ons oorskat word… dan sal ons as die gewiste underdogs ingaan volgende naweek teen menlo… menlo het boonop tuisveld voordeel ook… :wink:

    23 February, 2016 at 19:33
  70. avatar
    #67 Vleis

    @Couchmavin: Teen wie het hulle verloor? Dit sal interessant wees om te sien hoe hulle in 2015 doen.

    23 February, 2016 at 19:29
  71. avatar
    #66 Couchmavin

    @Vleis: @BOG: Alles net kies in die tong. Die GC O/14 span van 2015 is n baie goeie span,maar net middelmatig as hulle vergelyk word met vorige jare se GC spanne voor hulle. Hulle het 4 wedstryde verloor en een gelykop teen Boishaai.

    23 February, 2016 at 19:16
  72. avatar
    #65 BOG

    @Vleis: To be honest, I cant remember the detail.but they had a few losses. As often happens in that age group, even with the presence of talent, you have the problem with consistency.

    23 February, 2016 at 18:45
  73. avatar
    #64 Vleis

    @BOG: What were the u14s results last year? I’m sure that they were fine.

    23 February, 2016 at 15:42
  74. avatar
    #63 BOG

    @Couchmavin: Jy klink vir my na een van daardie wie vir GCB met n arendsoog dophou in die hoop om n swakheid op te tel wat jou vir 5 jaar gelukkig sal hou. Ek het nuus vir jou. Op Grey beteken dit nie noodwendig dat een swak jaar sal lei tot nog n daaropvolgende swak een nie. Daar vind REGTE ontwikkeling plaas by Grey.

    23 February, 2016 at 15:28
  75. avatar
    #62 Barry


    Ek gaan nie lieg nie, en heel moontlik aangevat word deur my mede-ondersteuners van Nelspruit Hoërskool oor my seining, maar:

    Ek is b-i-t-t-e-r bekommerd oor hulle eestespan vanjaar.

    Dalk kyk ek net verkeerd na die situasie. Die afrigters is puik, die seuns werk hard en die gesindheid is soos dit moet wees.

    23 February, 2016 at 14:43
  76. avatar
    #61 Couchmavin

    @Speartackle: Make that 5 years. Last year at u/14 was already very mediocre :mrgreen: . Ek hoop net nie jou susterskind is die van- die- bal- af -enkel- trap slot nie.

    23 February, 2016 at 14:34
  77. avatar
    #60 BrotherBear

    @Ooorkant Loftus: Verlede jaar . Nuwe tye, nuwe uitdagings. Verstaan ook hy is nou op ander vlakker betrokke by skoolseun rugby. @Murrayfield sal dalk meer insig he.

    23 February, 2016 at 13:06
  78. avatar
    #59 Ooorkant Loftus

    Wanneer het dit gebeur?
    Gelyk in die verlede of hy baie gelukkig was by Helpies.

    23 February, 2016 at 12:53
  79. avatar
    #58 BrotherBear

    @Ooorkant Loftus: ek verstaan Gert is nou hoof van rugby by Kempies. Niemand nog iets van hulle gese nie, maar paar spanne in verlede lekker vasgeval teen Kemptonpark.

    23 February, 2016 at 12:03
  80. avatar
    #57 Ooorkant Loftus

    @Brother Bear
    Wat het geword van Mnr Lindeque wat gemoeid was met die eerste span?

    23 February, 2016 at 11:52
  81. avatar
    #56 Ooorkant Loftus

    @Brother Bear
    Wat het geword van Lindeque wat gemoeid was met die eerste span?

    23 February, 2016 at 11:48
  82. avatar
    #55 Andre T

    @BOG: Jis ou Bog, ek is bekommerd oor my volk.

    Hoeveelste het ons 0/19 krieketspan toe uiteindelik geeindig na daai naelskraapse nederlaag teen Namibië?

    23 February, 2016 at 11:42
  83. avatar
    #54 BOG

    @Speartackle: Boswell and Wilkie het ongelukkig hulself reeds verbind tot die borgskap van SA. Hulle dring egter daarop aan dat die “parlement” se dak vervang moet word met skuins seile met vlaggies op. Ek merk dat Andre T nou n kommentator is op You tube. Lyk my hy is n kenner van die kampusse. Seker verander soveel keer as wat hy van vrou verander het?

    23 February, 2016 at 11:34
  84. avatar
    #53 akw

    @beet: Broad shoulders and a thin waist, I am ok with it… :lol:

    23 February, 2016 at 11:00
  85. avatar
    #52 BrotherBear

    @Vleis: Helpmekaar winter sport proewe begin eers volgende week. So tussendeur gesels en dit klink nie of ons spelers verloor het nie. Manne is lus vir rugby en kan nie wag vir seisoen om te begin. Skool het meer diepte as in verlede, maar is tog kwesbaar. Kan dalk hier en daar posisionele skuiwe verwag. Kan nie vir skool of span praat nie, maar ek dink die ranking is op die oomblik ‘n bysaak. Hulle sal fokus om as “spanne” hegte eenhede te vorm en op uitstaande rugby te fokus. Shaun Jackson (afrigter) is nog jonk maar was self ‘n kranige sportman en het ‘n koel kop. Hy weet hoe om met Jong mense te werk en dwing wyd respek af met sy nederige, maar doelgerigte, houding. Ongelukkig werk die ranking ook so dat vroee verlore jou swaar kan penaliseer en dus maar ‘n relatiewe maatstaaf van seisoen sukses is. Meer belangrik om elke week te verbeter en na excellence te strewe. Sal maar die olifante stukkie vir stukkie moet verteer.

    23 February, 2016 at 10:48
  86. avatar
    #51 kosie

    @Speartackle: Boswell Wilkie het darem ‘n ringmaster wat dinge beheer. Miskien sal dit help! :mrgreen:

    23 February, 2016 at 10:44
  87. avatar
    #50 Speartackle

    Ag hierdie ou Varsity Cup het n sirkus geword….lyk my dis die unies se 3de spanne…….9 punt driee…..Spur burgers vir afskoppe….pienk veters……vlagmanne wat plakate vashou…….2 refs…..strategiese breke……oorverdowende musiek……comb overs……..afkoelstoele…….credos……..volkslied gesing deur persone wat nie eers Siembamba kan sing…….een van die dae gaan Boswell Wilkie dit borg

    23 February, 2016 at 10:40
  88. avatar
    #49 beet

    @akw: Sorry AKW I will update your avatar today

    23 February, 2016 at 10:26
  89. avatar
    #48 akw


    Chris Buitendacht is involved there. Like at Menlo last year. Do I see a pattern……

    23 February, 2016 at 09:58
  90. avatar
    #47 kosie

    @Vleis: Pote Human!

    23 February, 2016 at 09:49
  91. avatar
    #46 Vleis

    @kosie: @Andre T: Who are the coaches at Tuks?

    23 February, 2016 at 09:26
  92. avatar
    #45 pietretief

    @Andre T: indien jy nie ‘n blou bul kontrak het nie speel jy nie vir tuks nie. Die manne is te lui om talent te gaan soek en werk net met wie hulle aangese word om te kies.

    23 February, 2016 at 09:15
  93. avatar
    #44 Speartackle

    Ja jong……ek weet nie meer wie is wie en waar is almal….die familie raak nou so groot daar is tot een in Somerset Oos

    23 February, 2016 at 09:02
  94. avatar
    #43 BOG

    @Speartackle: Exactly how many sisters do you have. Last year, he was U 16 and just short of 7 ft tall. He seems to have got younger and shorter. What is the country coming to? I have been trying to tell you the last 4-5 yrs.

    23 February, 2016 at 08:49
  95. avatar
    #42 Speartackle

    Anyway however, I had a chat to my sister’s son who’ll be in the Grey u/15 team this year…….I pleaded with him to have 4 very mediocre years there otherwise he might end up in Pretoria.

    23 February, 2016 at 08:14
  96. avatar
    #41 GreenBlooded


    Bru – the water is heating up and the frog is still chilling out.

    23 February, 2016 at 08:09
  97. avatar
    #40 Speartackle

    @GreenBlooded: Jeepers Hotblooded, what is this country coming to?

    23 February, 2016 at 08:05
  98. avatar
    #39 GreenBlooded

    @Andre T:

    Were you at the Shimlas fight last night?

    23 February, 2016 at 08:01
  99. avatar
    #38 Andre T

    Miskien moet die Tuks spelers aangestel word as sekuriteitsbeamptes op die kampus……..dalk sal hul wakker geklap word daar……en die afrigtingspan ook.

    23 February, 2016 at 07:56
  100. avatar
    #37 kosie

    @Andre T: Daar loop CW spelers op Tuks rond wat ‘n groot bydrae kan lewer tot die herlewing van Tuks se rugby, maar hulle pas nie in die spel patroon wat daar gestel is nie en dus is hulle nie nodig nie. Ek verwys na spelers wat in Beeld finale man of the match was.

    As die visserman sy net vlak gooi, gaan hy maar klein vissies vang. Dis maar hoe dit is. Waar is die dae toe almal kon opdaag om proewe te speel en die span daarop gekies is. Vandag word die span in September van die vorige jaar gekies en dan word daar vertroue in die span geplaas wedstryd na wedstryd.

    23 February, 2016 at 07:50
  101. avatar
    #36 Andre T

    @BoishaaiPa: As ek moet kyk na daai Matie vleuel….Saas of Haas…of so iets…..flippet daai outjie het hart en guts….waar kom hy vandaan?

    23 February, 2016 at 07:50
  102. avatar
    #35 BoishaaiPa

    @Andre T: Lees jou 5/5…Veral 2 spelers wat uitgestaan het in hulle middelmatigheid. Altwee groot dinge van verwag as SA Skolespelers.

    23 February, 2016 at 07:39
  103. avatar
    #34 Ooorkant Loftus

    @Andre T
    I agree. The comb over player especially. Before he arrived in Pretoria when he was still at school down in George he was simply awesome.
    He looked for work. Cross defence was awesome. Ball distribution also. Not to mentioned speed and, and, and…An excellent all round player.
    SA Schools also. Now he has no confidence. Wonder what made this happen.
    Also for a side like Tuks to play this terrible I cannot understand. They have hundreds of very good players to call on. But they stick to certain players.
    But with the current quality coaching staff what can I say!
    It is going to be a long lonely season for Tukkies.

    23 February, 2016 at 07:31
  104. avatar
    #33 Andre T

    @kosie: Heng ou Kosie, daai Tuks span is belaai met skolesterre waaroor die pappies en publiek berserk gegaan het terwyl hul op skool was.

    Waar lê die probleem?

    23 February, 2016 at 07:27
  105. avatar
    #32 kosie

    @Andre T: And you should ideally play on the wing and struggle to catch a ball whether passed or kicked at you. :mrgreen:

    23 February, 2016 at 07:11
  106. avatar
    #31 Ringo

    @Grasshopper: thats all that matters to most of us old boys but as last year proved rugby games are decided on the day and not on paper@beet: hopefully at fullback foolish teams will kick to him

    23 February, 2016 at 07:01
  107. avatar
    #30 Andre T

    The more I watch Varsity Cup the more I realise that you don’t need to be a provincial player or SA Schools player at school. To most of them Varsity Cup is the ceiling. Specially the ones with the comb overs.

    Another thing I have realised is that if you want to become useless after school………….come to Pretoria.

    23 February, 2016 at 06:54
  108. avatar
    #29 Grasshopper

    @beet: More risky than Dewald Human?

    22 February, 2016 at 20:16
  109. avatar
    #28 beet

    @Ringo: Thanks Ringo.

    I watched Green vs Westville and there is no question about his ability to open up a defence but boy I suspect that as a flyhalf he would cause a lot of head coaches to have a heart attack before the halfway mark in a season. There is a high risk player and then a few notches higher there’s Green. His sense of adventure against Westville just seem so unorthodox but almost paid off handsomely on several moves. What I found was that once he had done the good work and his incredible line speed had a lot to do with it, he didn’t link well. If he had looked to offload to his support runners, the score could have been a lot higher in favour of Jeppe that day. I think fullback will suit his counter attacking skills very well and he will do well to watch a player like Morne Joubert who is so good at playing a high tempo style while keeping the move alive after doing the initial damage.

    22 February, 2016 at 20:05
  110. avatar
    #27 Grasshopper

    @Ringo: As long as you guys beat KES :wink: :twisted: :mrgreen:

    22 February, 2016 at 19:40
  111. avatar
    #26 Ringo

    @Vleis: You are right we were way to reliant on magic from Green to go forward and there was not many options out wide last year. This year should be different 12 and 13 will have solid understanding. We might have 1000 boys and the this group has been very strong throughout the high school career. But the likes of Green, Simalane, Haychiava are rare finds at Jeppe,as you saw last year once we lost Green and Wadelly ( number 9) we lost all spark and we could not replace their ability.

    22 February, 2016 at 19:09
  112. avatar
    #25 Ringo

    @beet: I think size is not an issue upfront. I think we have a tighthead that tips the scales at 117 kg and the Loose head is not to far behind but they are soft kids and conditioning might be issue for them. Nolo is solid at Hooker. I think the locks are also quite bulky. They also have Beast who was their captain in under 15 was impressive front ranker in the junior ranks but had scary injury where he had to had plates inserted into his cheeks and has not been the same since then. Talent wise I think all the pieces are there. Injury free we will be tough for anyone on the day. Also interestingly been told Green will be playing fullback this year as he as aspirations of playing SA schools which I think he will make at that positions very talented kid he is. But we will see rugby is not played on paper but on the field with an odd shaped ball.

    22 February, 2016 at 18:59
  113. avatar
    #24 Vleis

    @Ringo: It would be nice to see Jeppe take a few top scalps this year.

    I was surprised at your lack of depth last year, as you have a big school (1,000 boys) and your u16A & B teams both beat Affies in 2014. I also think that the size and mongrel of your forwards in ’15 was not as good as the ’14 team and the team was overly reliant on Green at flyhalf.

    22 February, 2016 at 18:51
  114. avatar
    #23 beet

    @Ringo: What will the Jeppe tight-5 be like this year? Seems like plenty of attacking options from the backrow onwards but can the engine-room deliver quality ball?

    22 February, 2016 at 18:14
  115. avatar
    #22 Grasshopper

    @Ringo: Depth is an issue for most schools, except maybe Affies, Paul Roos and Grey Bloem where even their 3rd sides could compete with 1st teams from top tier schools. Would be good to see Jeppe up there.

    22 February, 2016 at 17:48
  116. avatar
    #21 Ringo

    With the wind at our backs and down the hill we should be a top 5 contender on paper anyway. But as last year proved Jeppe tends to be good and competitive at age group rugby especially a and b teams and tend fall away in opens( depth is key issue). This bunch kids we have in the team this year have been by far the most talented bunch we have had in the last 20 years. But my key concern is our depth which I stress is not too great. I also believe we will be playing to many tough games in a row during the month of March EG Jansen, Kempton park, Eldoraigne, Queens and Waterkloof all in space of 4 weeks….. is a suicide mission. An injury to any of our key players will be disastrous for the season. It should be entertaining though. Just think a better managed season like House had last year and we could also go unbeaten this year. Just hope we have a decent season that is all though. For those who doubt jeppe credentials in 2014 U16 played 14 won 12( including a very entertaining win over Affies) lost 2 Helpmekaar and Monument in closely fought contests. We can only hope. :wink:

    22 February, 2016 at 17:35
  117. avatar
    #20 Oakdale supporter

    @LAEVELDER: Ek gaan bietjie verskil met jou top 8. Paarl Gim en Paul Roos behoort daar te wees en dan dink ek Boland Landbou behoort ook goed te vaar. Ek sal nog nie my eie span daar sit nie maar is versigtig optimisties.

    22 February, 2016 at 16:58
  118. avatar
    #19 Grasshopper

    @Greenman: If the team play to potential and remain relatively injury free they have Top 10 potential.

    22 February, 2016 at 16:26
  119. avatar
    #18 Vleis

    Even though I punted Helpies on a separate thread last week, I must point out three headwinds:
    1. The g11s are great, but the g12s are just good/v good and history shows that g11 dominated sides struggle.
    2. Helpies are a small school, so injuries would ravage their season much more than a larger school.
    3. In the past, Helpies have tended to lose some of their top players before they’ve reached the open age group. I’m not sure if they’ve managed to stem (or even reverse) this tide. Can any Helpie experts comment on this point?

    22 February, 2016 at 15:45
  120. avatar
    #17 Ooorkant Loftus

    @Beet: Affies has always been slow starters and very prone early on in the season. Why I cannot exactly say but the rugby trails start late because of athletics that takes place for the first part of the first term.
    And a few first team players can be involved as in the past, how many this year I do not know, as I have not been watching enough athletics the past few seasons.
    Maybe to get “softer” rugby openers and a few of them before you start the season in all seriousness will help. That used to happen not so long ago which worked nicely to settle all the players in the respective positions and try various combinations.
    I do remember that early game vs Kloof. that you refer to. It was the only opening on the calendar that year!!
    And Kloof never play a bad game against Affies.
    They are always ready and motivated to play us and you can bet your last dollar that it will be a close affair. Go look over the years. They have beaten us with the bigger margins. Not us. We could have won more ?? Could be very close on this one.

    22 February, 2016 at 15:32
  121. avatar
    #16 Greenman

    I reckon Glenwood can only go up in rankings in 2016. Not a very good year last year ending on 32 down 25 positions. Gave Affies a fright last year ranked 2 after they have gone up 35 positions. On the day! :roll:

    22 February, 2016 at 15:15
  122. avatar

    My picks for Top 8:
    1) Affies
    2) Grey Bloem
    3) Boishaai
    4) Monnas
    6) Outiniqua
    7) Menlo
    8 Helpies
    Dink die Noorde se skole gaan n comeback maak die jaar en sal nie verbaas wees as 4 tot 6 Noord van die Vaal spanne in die top 10 eindig nie (teenoor 2015 se 3)

    22 February, 2016 at 15:15
  123. avatar
    #14 beet

    @Ooorkant Loftus: With regards to Helpies. I’m not sure if they have moved up to the Beeld macro yet but if they stay in the big schools compo, even if they win each game convincingly they are bound to drop ranking points on the BHP formula driven ranking system as a result of playing against weaker opponents. This could be the difference between a top 10 or top 20 finish as things usually get very tight the further one goes down the rankings

    22 February, 2016 at 13:49
  124. avatar
    #13 Andre T

    Lyk my Affies gaan die jaar alles platvee

    22 February, 2016 at 13:46
  125. avatar
    #12 beet

    @Ooorkant Loftus: Yeah I haven’t been brave enough to suggest where each team would finish in 2016 like I did last yearbut definitely it will take a special effort to beat Affies this year. Not to undermine Helpies but I think if any team wants to improve their chances of beating Affies try to play them very early in the season. Helpies had a good game against Affies a couple of years back and last year Paul Roos got the better of Affies in the 2nd half in an early season match. The game that I think back on is the first meeting between Affies and Klofies after several years of no games. It was fitted in at the start of the 2012 season. A huge interest game which Klofies won.

    22 February, 2016 at 13:45
  126. avatar
    #11 Ooorkant Loftus

    @Beet, It is always interesting at the start of a season to hear all the different stories and comments on who will be where the new season.
    Yes Affies can be there, that is the Top 10 this year now but so also a lot of other usual “suspects” will make it very difficult for that top position.
    Our opening match vs Helpies March 12 is going to be a huge one.
    I think like all the other sports currently at Helpies rugby is also coming a long very nicely. We will have to be 100% sharp from the opening minute of the season. The new coaches will also have it all to do for this season and hopefully get it right from the word go.
    Apart from the usual schools that occupy the Top 10 I think that Helpies and Menlo will also be there in August. Both schools had very strong U/16 groups. That’s my 5 cents worth.

    22 February, 2016 at 13:22
  127. avatar
    #10 Gungets Tuft

    @RUGBYMAD: Umbiloburger told us that last year as well. Then he played and was chosen for the CW team (I think).

    22 February, 2016 at 13:11
  128. avatar
    #9 beet

    @sewes: Yeah I agree. Menlo should probably be included and will no doubt be looking to make up for last year when the results just did not go their way. I think their inclusion in the Tuks is great benefit to the compo and hopefully Klofies and/or Helpies follow in 2017 as the Tuks is one team short.

    I heard Menlo have strengthened their line-up with the acquisition of u19 player Earl Douwrie from the Boland Craven Week team.

    22 February, 2016 at 13:02
  129. avatar
    #8 sewes

    Ek dink julle vergeet van Menlo was pta camps o/14.o/15.o/16.Dis nou die gr12 groep van 2016.Behalwe vir AHS monnas grey hjs paulroos en gim is die res baie naby aan mekaar en gaan dit n op en af seioen wees.Ek dink garssie.nelspruit.eldos en Rustenburg word oorskat mag verkeerd wees.Wonder watter bg spelers al o/19 is?

    22 February, 2016 at 12:51
  130. avatar
    #7 beet

    @RUGBYMAD: I’m hearing that Bossr still in rehab but will play this season and will be on the plane to Japan if fit.

    22 February, 2016 at 12:18
  131. avatar

    @Rugger fan: Hi none of them going to Sanix. Palvie u19 this year,Jerome not playing rugby.

    22 February, 2016 at 12:05
  132. avatar
    #5 Rugger fan

    @RUGBYMAD: Bossr & Palvie doubtful? Wonder if they will go to SANIX? A once in a lifetime opportuntity.

    22 February, 2016 at 11:46
  133. avatar

    @Grasshopper: Jerome Bossr is not playing rugby in 2016 he will be concentrating on his cricket this year, did have a shoulder operation as well.

    22 February, 2016 at 11:11
  134. avatar
    #3 Cappie

    This is the last week of athletics, then the rugby trials will start next Monday, and two weeks later it is all rugby…

    22 February, 2016 at 11:03
  135. avatar
    #2 Rugger fan

    Thanks beet – nice overview – and I’m sure some people are going to have their own favourites missing. Great to see College playing a good few of those schools in the mix – looking forward to some great SBR this season. At least my KZN season starts this Friday night – so getting close.

    22 February, 2016 at 07:06
  136. avatar
    #1 Grasshopper

    Great analysis which I agree with

    21 February, 2016 at 17:29